Bilal Assad – Enjoining Good & Forbidding Evil – Part 2 of 2

Bilal Assad
AI: Summary ©
The importance of fulfilling guidelines and conditions of guidelines in Islam is emphasized, along with the need to educate individuals about their priorities and avoid civil chaos. The success of people working on their behavior and improving themselves in practicing what they preach is also emphasized. The company is investing in innovation and technology to improve the customer experience, including a new mobile app and customer experience center. They are also expanding internationally and focusing on customer satisfaction and service.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. My brothers and sisters last week we started part one of enjoying good and prohibiting evil. And I spoke about an introduction of what it means and how it is a condition, how it is an obligation, every Muslim, to advise and in join together and work together as a community and as individuals, always, to guide people and to command command meaning with wisdom and goodness and good intentions and compassion,

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towards good and to prohibit evil and to stand together against oppression and to advise people. We also spoke about 10 different guidelines, you don't just guide people and command them and prohibit haphazardly without thinking and using your mind. You have to have wisdom. And we mentioned 10 guidelines about how it has to be done. You have to fulfill those guidelines before you can command good and prohibit evil before you can enjoy an advice about good operator evil 10 guidelines. And OSHA also mentioned 10, etiquettes and manners that you have to fulfill conditions of guidelines and conditions of approach. All of these are in the Quran and Sunnah and we take it from our prophets,

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Allah Selim and his companions as they copied him. Now the reason why we opened up this topic is because we see atrocities and oppression happening around the world. And the last panel Diala called us Muslims, the best of nation why in the Quran, he said, You are the best of nation sent to the world because you enjoin good and you prohibit evil and you believe in Allah subhanho wa taala. And also, we advise one another to lift each other up so that we can be saved from the fire and go into paradise. And we advise one another enjoying one another as a community as a family as individuals. And I started off with the first guideline, I mentioned 10 And I started explaining the first one

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only, which was a big one. And that is before you advise anybody

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verbally, or you want to take action physically, or you want to write something on social media against the post or something that you saw someone doing right, or in a family before you do or individual to your friends to anybody, before you enjoying good, you must have full knowledge about that topic about that action. You have to have full knowledge Islamically whether this is right or wrong, how bad is that? How serious is that? Is it halal? Is it haram? Is it a difference of opinion among the scholars? We said you must have full knowledge about the aspect that you are in joining good and forbidding evil. And the reason I said that is because on social media unfortunate a lot of

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people they find a voice there so you normally in front of your face, they won't say anything because they know that they can get caught especially if people have good research you get caught straightaway. But if you're an online you've got time to go and research and look at some other

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information on Google and then come back and look like your Masha Allah very smart. But I'm not talking about you. But I'm talking in general here, of course, and Britain sisters. So what they do is they go on social media, and everybody doesn't think that just right, whatever, whatever comes to their mind thinking that they're good, doing good. But in fact, sometimes they're doing that. Sometimes they're changing good to bad and making the bad worse. Sometimes they talk about something which they think is right, because some sharks in his town told him or because their parents told them because their culture believes that they don't have to distinguish between what is Islam? What

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is culture, what is custom, what is the deen say, and they just throw any comments. Some people just belong to a particular group that they follow, even though there's difference of opinion among the schools and they say my group's the best group, it's the right one. Everybody else is wrong, no matter what anyone else says. And then they just throw comments and put people into the pits. Sometimes they say someone's the character, some of the mushrik someone's an innovator, someone's from Allah, Allah, Allah, the people of misguidance. And I throw people into all these different names and categories without being careful even if they know what they're talking about.

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So this is a huge thing and are reminded of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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or Obummer in Yetta, Kala mobile Kelly Mattila yokley, La Bella Hui Sabina Khalifa and Bukhari jahannam.

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It could be that a person speaks a word utters a word, one word, not giving much care, not giving a thought not giving care to what they're saying. And that word could be such a serious word, not caring that it makes them fall into hellfire. 70 seasons, that this person this word under their judgment could stand up in front of me and so what have I done to myself threw me into hellfire 70 seasons, so imagine throwing a rock into a fire that's so deep it takes it 70 seasons, winter, summer, spring, Autumn 70 of them

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till it reaches the bottom of hellfire. A word can destroy. A word can kill. A word can get you married, a word can get you divorced. A word can create a fight a word can create was a word, a word can create peace.

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A sentence can create good. A sentence can create bed. A word can create a disease, a word can create, healing and cure. But in law, a word can guide a word can destroy my I remember a good friend of mine, an imam who said to me, if you want to be a doctor go all the way because half a doctor kills people. And if you want to be Ireland and guide people go all the way because half of Ireland misguides people, and that is true. So brothers, sisters know where your position is. And remember these words. So knowledge. And we also said, You got to know the knowledge the circumstances of the person. Do you know everything about that person? Have you looked at the entire

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circumstances surrounding it? Sometimes you might get a post where it shows a five second clip or a 10 second clip among 20 minutes. And we don't know what will happen before what happened later, we see a fact or we don't know the clarification. So if you have delta don't say anything, person can have a reservation, but don't say anything. Because Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, you're lazy and injure a confessor convener, but in fact, who and to say, well, Coleman Bucha had it in for two speaker IMF alumni, the mean, you who have believed if a person who is known to be of corruption, or if a person comes to you another meaning of it is with news that causes corruption, then clarify it

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in case you attack or accuse someone falsely and without knowledge without knowing the whole circumstance. And then you end up regretting what you said. And this verse is recited in two ways. First of a urinal. And you can also recite it, it came down from Allah subhanaw taala. And another word for the third battle. So there are some Kuratas the styles of resuscitation for those of you know what I'm talking about. You can say this, yeah, you're not injure a confessor convener, but in fact, the third battle, or you can say, you're Latina, Mo, injure confessor convener, but in fact begun, what's the difference for the sub domains? Make sure to verify that it is factual, the event

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actually occurred? And the second one for debate, yeah, no, clarify that event. Do you know the difference? And if for example, I see a brother, a Muslim that I know,

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come out of the mosque. And then he's parked around the corner in the dark. And I'm going to my car, and I accidentally see him go into his car, and another lady of the street comes and sits with him in the car. And then they go off. Now I can sit there saying, Okay, I verified, a lady came in and sat with this person. But did I clarify? Did I know the circumstance? What if it's his sister? What if it's his wife? What if it's his daughter? Who doesn't have his app? For example? What if what if? What if? What if that lady just jumped in the car? And he has no control? What if? What if, what if Allahu Allah, the thing is, there could be 1000 reasons. I verified, but I haven't clarified. And

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that is what the AYA means to verify. And to clarify, some people say to me, Well, here's the clip here, and they give me these links. I've seen these links. 100 times, for example. I know what's happened there. But did you clarify the circles this is weird, but this is the difference between a righteous person and a person who still has not yet reached that maturity and righteousness. This is the difference between a person who makes a slur and if said the person who fixes things vision who destroys things.

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Any one of us here can be caught doing something which which we know what the reasons are, but people don't know why and how.

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Once for example, if a person comes into the masjid, and he's wearing an earring,

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and I see him for the first time, and I rush to tell him off about the earring, you can't come to the masjid with the earring and I make a scene. How do I know if this person has ever been in a mosque before? How do I know if this person even knows if an earring is halal? Or haram? What if this person has just converted to Islam or reverted and comes from a culture? Where in their culture men wear the earrings? What if? What if? What if what if, and is that the most important thing to talk about right now is coming to the masjid to pray, get to know him welcome him, have a smile on my cell and make her feel like family is what the dean is about. And then later afterwards, when you

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get to know this person later, later, and they start to know you can talk about that and others know it's not the end of the world. So let's move on now. Insha Allah died.

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So after knowledge, brothers and sisters, is this. The second one is called priorities, alright.

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What is priorities? It means that when you want to advise someone about good or bad, you know, stay away from the bad or do good. You got to look at what's more important to talk about. What's more important to raise.

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You got to use priorities. So for example, the fuddled compulsory things are more important than the suddenness. The Sunnah is more important than the knuffel, which is

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recommended voluntary stuff, the voluntary is more recommended than a MOBA MOBA has more recommended that, sorry, voluntary is more recommended than customs and cultures because in Islam, this customs, for example, if a particular dress code in a community, or a tribe is what's considered beautification, some people they're gonna You have to wear this and you have to dress like that. That's not the priority right now. Okay, so you got to focus on the priorities, what are the priorities? What's the most important thing? And if for example, that brother as I gave the example of coming to the masjid, wearing an earrings and tattoos, what's the priority there is the priority

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to Russian Tom take his earring off.

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Or a sister walks in and maybe their hijab is not covering her neck Well, loosely. Is is my priority to go up and talk about hijab? Or is if she's among the women, of course, or is my priority to get to know and make her feel welcome to this masjid and then slowly on the side, maybe give a little pieces of advice out of love and care? Yeah, honey, I want to recite an area in the Quran. And I think all of us know this area, in Surah

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sub base Mara Becca Allah,

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the verse which which says, for that care, in Novartis Decra, further care in Novartis zero forwards some people say to me, how can understand the whole Quran? Yeah, if you just take four words and try to understand them, that will change a quarter of your life, maybe listen to this further care in NIFA. Does the Quran

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Allah subhanaw taala says

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surrender good counsel. If good counsel will avail advice, good advice, if the advice will benefit?

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Yeah, that will reciting so Sebastiana, we got further care in Nevada Zikr. In

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in is what we call shortsea, which means a condition. Don't do that unless it's that.

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So there's we have two words like the similar say either and in Israel is a little bit more flexible in is conditional. When you hear the word when you read in it means it's conditional. If this, then do that. So Allah says, give good advice, render good counsel, if good counsel will avail the scholars gave two meanings to that the first ones they said, We are giving you, it's the first commentator said that Allah is saying to the promise of Salem, we are giving you a simple code of law, which is easy to practice and act upon. And the second sentence to mean a diminish meaning remind the people if reminding is useful. The second view which makes more sense to the structure

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and theme of the verse, it's like Allah is saying this, and I'll just read the commentary. Oh, Prophet, we do not want to put you to any hardship concerning the preaching of Islam

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by demanding that you should make the deaf to hear and the blind to see the way but we have appointed an easy way for you, which is this. Give admonition reminders when you feel that the people are inclined to benefit when you know they might listen, they're more inclined to benefit and more inclined to listen

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as to who is inclined to benefit by the reminder and who is not. This is this you can only know through general preaching, general preaching, instead of going personally to a person brothers sisters, if you have a situation where you can talk in public, or in general or in a gathering without pointing towards a particular person, or naming a person in particular, is the best way to start any kind of Dawa and reminding.

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That's how the prophets Allah Selim to do is to start general. And then therefore, you should continue your general preaching, but your objective should be to search out those from among the people who will benefit by it and adopt the right way. You catch them, you start getting to know them. Once you get to know person, you get to be closer, you're able to talk to them. Just look at yourself, always look at yourself and think, would I be comfortable? And listen, if that person approached me the way that I'm thinking of approaching him think like that. Before I before I advise you. My father, my father always told me this when I was a kid, because I was a bit more fiery back

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in my youthful days. Haram haram this can't do this turn that I used to

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create havoc up in a village in Lebanon. 14 years old. I was turned the whole village against me. Well, I thought I was Prophet Ibrahim. But then I realized Prophet Brahim oseland doesn't do it that way. But I thought, you know, anyway, I was a child. But we learned the hard way. My father is always telling me son, before you advise anyone, no matter how good the advice is, no matter how pleased the last Pantai that you think he'll be with you? Even if it's 100% Correct. Before you do it, think would you accept that approach if you approach them that way? And will it benefit will it bring something good or would it make it worse think

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Think before you say

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that's the meaning of Dawa, inviting to the path of Allah and wanting good for other people, brothers and sisters.

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is really something that you love out of pleasure to Allah subhanaw taala which means you got to do it in the best way. That's why Allah says woman us and or cola men men die in Allah wa Milla Saudi amakhala eliminated Muslimeen and who is there better of a color than the one who calls to Allah? and does righteous deeds themselves and says I am among those who submit this is the most precious call so call to it in the best way. cheap things, silly things stupid things we call in the stupid way. But something so precious the deen of Allah We got a call to in the most precious insensitive way.

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Like the men who urinated in the masjid and prophets, Allah Salam said Leave him Let him finish. Let him finish peeing in the masjid. Let him finish. The companions did what we would have done then they learned they want to draw their swords, how they he urinated in the moss, the prophets moss and prophets present their process instead let him finish something might happen to him Come on.

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Thinking about the guy then he said Bring him to me came close. Instead everybody move so it gets some water and just clean it and that's it. And he said to him, yeah. Oh, so and so with a smile.

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This place is not the place for that. Meaning it's normal. What you're doing is not the place so Allah He had a Salah he says I'm a Bedouin, I travel in deserts. And this is this is the only places what we're used to. And I thought that I was actually outside of the mosque. It wasn't built like today.

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I'm frozen, SLM, understood, and he said, The Abbey who were with me, I would ransom my mother and father for him in the way that he approached me. And that's how Salah Salem was even with the captives in the prisoners of war, he was like that. And that's how we went to the hearts my brother and sisters. So how do you command good and evil you got to know to get to the hearts? How would you like to be approached, otherwise it becomes an ego.

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And we'll be doing a disservice to the dean than a service.

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So, a similar was in so tada. So what are well I remember the story when the Prophet SAW Selim turned away from the blind man. And he focused his intention on the leaders, the affluent leaders, and the affluent leaders weren't listening and the prophesies. I knew they weren't. But he kept trying and trying and trying because he thought if I can make them convert Bismillah then they will be powerful to the Ummah and the blind man who was really a very normal, simple blind man jasola Rasul Allah, from Salem avoided him for a bit not because I was the villa that he didn't find them important, but he was just focused on these people know last night that says, either, so whatever he

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found and turned away, when the blind man came to him, what made you recall Allah He has again, how would you know a messenger of God, in other words, that that man will be of greater benefit than the people that you are talking to?

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Meaning those who come to you really wanting focus on them, those who don't want to avoid them, avoid them until when they reciprocate. We learned this as teachers as well, in a classroom of 30 students, let's say or 20 students, there are those who pay attention those who don't those were mucking around on intention, those who really want it seriously, a good teacher is able to know how to focus on the ones who are involved in the class, and knows how to make a way where the other ones are not taking up too much of the class time. But unfortunately, some teachers they are and even parents, some of them those students who want to muck around, they take up all of our energy. So a

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smart person intelligent person is one who is able to have the skill of knowing how to give those who really want knowledge, more attention.

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My brothers and sisters,

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let's move on now, after the priorities. Think about priorities. What is more important here?

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Is it more important to teach somebody solid or teach somebody, for example, that they must eat with their right hand?

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Which ones first, a solid, a solid.

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So it's more important to teach a person the fundamentals of Salah then to teach them that they're praying in jeans, for example. Some people do that.

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No fundamentals of Salah.

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So a person who is intelligent thinks about what is more of a priority right now.

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Not the secondary stuff. Then the secondary comes as you get closer to the person.

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Let's move to number three.

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You cannot enjoin good and prohibit evilly can advise anyone.

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If it is likely or

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it may lead to something worse, like it may Krios cause a conflict.

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You have a friend, you go to his house

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And that friend or a cousin who happens to be a Christian let's say and you see a cross hanging in their room

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and then you come with the Hadith whoever is able to change something

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wrong with their hands must change it with their hands

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so it goes and gets it down thinks Masha Allah um did a prophet Ibrahim style

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and then causes more disservice to the dean and a fight with his cousin and the people thinking you guys have no respect for other people's beliefs and faith come into someone's else take the Crosstown you break it What's wrong with you? Would that lead to better outcome or a worse outcome? Or worse outcome? I go on the internet and I see somebody acting a certain way

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a sister was converted to Islam and so happy and talking about her Deen Masha Allah and the first thing I do is sister go cover your hair. Go cover your hair, go cover your hair 200 People are bombarding her until she starts crying. And then no doesn't want to talk about religion anymore. They know who is the priority here

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and what have you let him Let good to better off for now you just don't go there. If it's if it's if it's annoying, use that much just go somewhere else. For now, inshallah shall improve. I'm not saying it's that we stick a cyber. That's the wrong place to educate right now a comment hurts, especially if it's done in public brothers and sisters. Would you like that? Would you like if you're ignorant about something or something that you're weakened, and somebody comes advise in front of everybody? Would you like that? So again, I'm not blaming you brothers, sisters, I'm just letting you think with me. Would I like that? No. I wouldn't like that. Mm hmm. scheffau himself and

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we said it last year he wouldn't like that. It said don't advise me in public, even if you're right, because if I don't listen to them, blame me I'm not gonna listen to you in public.

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One min Sahaba companion, young man who was about 1617 years old, he enters while the prophets Allah Selim is there and there are people around

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and he openly says, your soul Allah, please, please

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give me permission to commit Zina.

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give me permission to commit fornication. I want to sleep around I can't handle it anymore.

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You just said openly prophesised Mosque,

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the people there and even some family members. They want to take it up frowning to tell him off. And some of them had to slap him out. How do you talk to the Prophet Allah said I'm like that and in front of everybody with no shame. Let's also I said I've said everybody sit down, sit it Leave him to me. Move away and bring him closer. He brought him closer until only the prophets Allah Salam and the young boy, young men could could hear each other. He didn't let anybody hear it just between him and the young men.

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And he asked him what you're asking for. Would you agree that if I allow you I also allow for someone else's sister said no.

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Sorry I would I would you allow for your sister would you allow me for someone just sent it to sleep with your sister? Have Xena with your sister says no. jasola So would you like it for your mother? Would you like it for your auntie would you like it for your daughter would you like or for your wife? He said no. Feeder care Salama.

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He said Tim and same other people wouldn't like it.

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The way he approached him in the way he brought him the young man said Wallahi Zina became the most hated thing for me. Can you imagine that? Xena adultery, fornication became the most hated for me after that.

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A man entered I think his name was named Allahu Allah I forgot his name. He used to drink alcohol and he was a companion of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he entered needs to drink alcohol but he was an addict to he was an alcoholic before he reverted to Islam.

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And because of that, he's the praised the fast is good as you had everything but he couldn't leave the alcohol he couldn't leave the wine. And because he felt so guilty used to come to the province of SLM and say with me Rasul Allah with me 40 lashes so that the sin can go off me he used to go and offer and the whip was light, of course it was more of a humiliation.

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And one day a, another man stood up and he said, Man, this guy, this guy who keeps coming to the Messenger of Allah doesn't have any shame. He keeps whipping him and tell him he keeps telling my drink wine has no shame. For us also I sell them quiet in the midst of silence them and said please don't say that. Don't say that about him. Well Allah he I know that he loves Allah and His messenger. Allah in the law Allah know your head. Billa hora, sola. I know that he loves Allah and His Messenger, give him time, and the man eventually stopped.

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So brothers sisters, what I'm saying is now that fullsize send them if we love Allah, we love His messenger and we want to be like him when I do good. Then learn how the Prophet sallallaahu Selim did it so that we can do it. I say to everybody, if you want to enjoin good and forbid evil, learn the Sierra first learn about the etiquettes of the prophets. I send them how he did things.

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Okay, so now we have done so long as it does not lead to more wrong and I'll give you one Hadith which is in Bukhari, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said to you, surely Allah and his wife, he said,

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to her yeah Isha. If our people were not new to Islam, I would have returned the car but structure to the way Prophet Ibrahim had it. I would make the door to the floor. And I would make a door in the eastern door in the West open for everybody to enter an exit. And I will talk I would put back the structure to the way he built it rectangular. That's how I got to him on his cell and built it. But he said if it wasn't that your people that people the corporation all these people were still knew, because he knew that if he had done that it was going to cause

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disruption and abruption, a civil civil chaos. So he left it as it is, even though doing it back was the right way. And he left it until he died sallallahu alayhi wasallam and a great quote, but there is a great thing, even Taymiyah show called the standard and Tamia if you know who I'm talking about 12 century amazing scholar, when the Mongol scourge happened the Mongol when near the Mongol scourge when they almost wiped out half of the world and they wiped out nearly all the Muslim civilization. Long story. They converted to Islam, the Mongols ended up reverting to Islam and they followed the Islamic empire. Now they were very used to drinking alcohol and killing as soon as you

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as soon as you you tick them off, they'll probably kill you. And they will steal news. So the prophets Allah has been Tamia, he passed them by one day, and he had his students with him. And he saw them getting drunk in public. And you know, you can't get drunk in public under an Islamic rule. And alcoholism is pretty bad. And he didn't tell him off. He didn't tell him anything. Nothing. Even though there was also I said, I said, Maura, I'm in Concord and follow her urine. However, if you sees a wrong must change it with their handle with the tongue or hate in their heart if they can't do any of the other two. So when he passed, they said, Oh teacher, your Imam, you saw a monkey?

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Something false and you didn't change it?

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Isn't that what the Prophet SAW? Selim says? People who take literally right and don't know the surrounding circumstances of why the process that I'm in the etiquettes that they take literally have to every person

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it's like that little social media commercial. Once I saw this guy, he slips out everyone. Have you seen it? slips out? One kid slips out the other? Anyone who talked just slap, slap, slap, slap? I kept thinking about those are just everywhere. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap? You can't do that. No, no, no, that's not how we slam is called for. Sorry for that.

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cringy example, but that's what I'm trying to say that.

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Even Taymiyah said to them.

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No, the Mongols are new. And they are quick to draw their swords and kill. I would rather them I would rather than being intoxicated, not know what they do, then to be killing and shedding blood, let them stay like that until time. The right time comes. So what did he do he prioritized? Killing is worse than drinking alcohol. They are new, they don't know any better. If you tried to tell them it's going to get worse. They might even get up while they're drunk and start killing.

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So he left it until another time. Do you understand brothers and sisters that point number four, you have to be aware of the background circumstances norms before advising or opposing I gave the other example last week, and I'll just mention it very quickly. So, for example, here in Australia, and mostly in the West, you have to understand the mindset, the society, the way of life of the common Western person.

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In Australia, for example, was raised and born here. I know that they take offense and they don't listen if you just come up and start advising about religion or presenting religion for them.

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So you got to be very wise in the way that you do it. For them actions speak louder than words, your behavior your conduct is what really matters. I hear very, very, very often from non Muslims when they say and even to me, I've heard it so many orphans if I had $1 for each time, I'd be a millionaire says Why do you guys not smile?

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I've got a neighbor never has said hello in their life.

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Something so simple like that. I suppose I seldom said the Bushido Allah to an official be

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be people who always attract and bring good to people and bring calmness and happiness to people not not sadness. Why? Once I entered, I went to a place I won't say anything in particular. And the owner was a non Muslim, but he was a good man he is he loved he likes Islam. He knows what to say Salam aleikum and Nadal he says it because he wants us to feel happy that he's he likes us. So then another Muslim brother entered in that shop and and the brother said as salaam alaikum. So I said while ecommerce seller and the owner of the shop who is a non Muslim said while ecommerce seller studying Islam, and this brother May Allah Subhana Allah forgive him. He looks at the non Muslim

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And with a frowny face says, not you,

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hey, hey, hey, hey, the guy wasn't paying attention as hmm, because you, not you, him

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and the brother he just I felt very shy I

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don't do that doesn't matter. He's saying what I let him send peace be upon is nothing wrong. So not you him. He's my brother, not you. It doesn't matter. So this is what we're talking I think he got the hint now. So you got to understand the norms and circumstances of people and their level of knowledge and accordingly work towards it. Number five, we're good and bad are mixed.

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Places mixed place community gatherings in the masjid. You see people doing good and bad at the same time. What do you do even Taymiyah talks about this as well. He says if the good is done, if the good that is done is higher than the wrongs done and more than encourage the good and don't talk about the bad. Don't even talk about the bad. Just continue to emphasize motivate people in the good.

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If the bad is more serious than the good then talk about the serious bad. If they are equal. Don't say anything. Example.

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You come into the masjid and you see people are praying in gym Alhamdulillah the pillars of the salata met the conditions of prayer are met, people are lined up and hamdulillah but you see some wrong in there. Some people may in their eyes say I can see innovations happening. Better, better, better. Another person might say

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Ah, no hat, no hat wearing pants.

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Another person might come in say the front row. You haven't got the shoulders touching each other.

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They might say oh the Imam some mustard they have to have a little step higher they get a

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step higher. That's not That's not the Sunnah that might come in see the member of the Prophet saw as the member where the Imam because this person had only three stairs. Why is this one got 10 stairs? They might see a little Christmas, the present that's not from the Sunnah I'm gonna break that.

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You know what happened here once in anyway I'm not gonna go there. But

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brothers and sisters, let's move on. Let's move on. What I'm trying to say is this heaven Tamia says this, And all the scholars agree. When you look and you see the good outweighs the bad. Don't say anything to the public. Unless you can advise one person personally if you are close to them, leave people as they are. Don't sit there focus on long as there's more good than the bad and the good is more serious and the pillars are met. Insha Allah Allah, we don't come and say everybody out of the masjid that Masjid is full of non African and hypocrites because in my perception, that's what they know. Leave them unless there is a masjid truly that is built on kufr there are Muslims that they've

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got their own religion these days. They make their own religions and they've twisted the Quran and they build a mosque. They call it a mosque based on their own ideology. And they twist the verses and don't even believe in the verses of the Quran. Some of them don't even believe in Hadith of the Prophet Salalah Assam they say we are the for example, Quran the Quran is a mosque. In the time of the Prophet SAW Selim, they were hypocrites. The hypocrites then went after clean they were true hypocrites like they were disbelievers. And what they did they built mosques for the hypocrites and they used to meet together there and propagate. And Allah Subhan Allah sent down a verse of the

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Quran saying, only a masjid which is there are there are means our Masjid that harms the community. It's a mosque looks like a mosque, people look like they're praying in it, but it is there are it's a place of propagation of the hypocrites and process I'm ordered to destroy all of those mosques, destroy. So that's a different story. We move on now to number six, do not enjoin, good or prohibit evil on matters that have a difference of opinion among the scholars. For example, there are four schools of thought that are established, you see a Hanafi person praying in a certain way or Sheffield or humbly praying in a different way. Don't commend them prohibit evil. If you're a very

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close friend of that person, then you can talk as a discussion, discuss sometimes I sit with my colleagues, we go overseas, some shifts that we sit together and we have a friendly discussion, but I don't impose my motherboard my school upon him and he doesn't impose it upon me and we accept that there are differences not a problem. Not a problem. Once I prayed Imam and I was wearing socks, thick socks and a brother who was Hanafy and now the multiple 100 He doesn't say this but he took it varies obviously vary too much. And before I started his excuse me, said yes he goes, Did you take off your socks or did you wipe over him?

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Because in the Hanafi madhhab he follows a very strict school that you cannot wipe over.

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Materials like they have to be leather, which is a you know,

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a valid opinion of this but it is not the only opinion it's an opinion. And I said I happen to have taken off my socks that Dale hamdulillah said I took

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Not because because if you told me you wipe them I wouldn't pray behind you. I said why? Because your prayers not valid. See, you can't say that. This is difference of opinion that is valid difference of opinion among scholars. You can't sit there and say right or wrong, valid or not valid. Okay, so this is another matter. Number seven, the wrong has to be apparent and not private. You can't go and spy on people and then enjoying good and prohibit evil but I got you. Haram.

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Gotcha. One brother used to go around looking at all KFC shops, which Muslims are in there. I know from Preston mosque.

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Post told you don't follow him. Bad deviant, doesn't think about Palestinian. So no spying and prying to find out. Unless, unless, if there is fear, genuine and well founded fear of great harm

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or violation of others, or oneself, someone's going to harm themselves or harm someone else. Truly, it is okay.

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to spy.

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But in very, very strict circumstance, like you have to realize this. So it's usually somebody's close to, or somebody who is truly out there to harm someone else to go and follow them set. Okay, stop. But as in very rare circumstance, or somebody you know, has got a mental condition. And they've gone out of their house and your labor code says, Can you please see, you know, my son, my, my husband, my wife, someone's gone out and they could harm themselves and you go and follow them. And you start asking you start spying and seeing where they're going? Right? Well, we don't really call it spying, you're really looking after them. And you just go in order to save them and to help

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them. So in order to save someone or to help them is a different story. But otherwise, to spy on people to pry into their personal lives as haram no matter what they're doing.

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One person said, sometimes I get this question. They say, I know somebody whose wife or his husband,

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you know, is talking to someone? Should I tell their husband? Should I tell their wife? I always say to them don't? A lot of people might say but but but that's not fair. What if what if what if I understand that, but from experience, we've seen that it causes more harm than good. Like we don't know the full circumstances. And sometimes we'll be creating a divorce when it could have been something very minor and would have passed in sha Allah Allah. For example, I might be on the internet and see the name of somebody I know. And it could have been from their past and they haven't deregistered from there. For example, let's say, I'm just giving example myself, I don't do

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that, because I don't even know those sites, let's say a dating app, for example, or something like that, right? And I see that I shouldn't really say anything. If I do want to see anything, I'll go to the person if I know them and give them advice. Or I would tell someone who is close that would not cause them to secretly give them advice. Do you understand brothers sisters? Okay. So I think that I know some people may have a different opinion, but from experience I think that has always worked. And we say in Arabic is Salam Jarabulus al hubiera. Say ask a person with experience and expertise. And don't ask a person who only knows the theories? Well, in other words, a person with

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theory and expertise knows much better than a person only has read from textbooks. Brothers and sisters, I want to end with the last ones judging and labeling. When you're enjoying good and prohibiting evil is hard on to judge and label common things people say we judge by what we see.

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The apparent everybody uses that line. Amada Delana says Na Na Comala void. We judge by the apparent Yeah, he he meant it in a different context. It's in a good way. It means somebody tells you, I've repented somebody tells you I'm a Muslim, Allah says say he's good. But you don't judge on the apparent meaning somebody does one bad thing. And then I say based on that you are a sinful person. You are you are you're going to hellfire. You're a mushrik you're this You're that? No, the other way around in a good way. So

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you do not slander the intentions? Yes, apparent is this action. But it is not enough to judge the person till you clarify, as we said in the Quran, do not jump to conclusions based on wrong actions, even if they are true.

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Chef was a slam again even told me CISM was one photo he says people have known me that when I receive news about a person, a scholar, a seeker of knowledge or a commoner have a saying or an action of his or her that they did. While I know he is known to be a Muslim who would never judge him or her with labels of deceit, the idea to lead the shriek, attack fear. These are common words that are very negative until I have sitting with that person personally. And I have given her the argument and presented and known the whole circumstance. And if they repent I keep it a secret

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And I say he's a good man. And if they openly declared something that is known to be perfectly clear that it is totally out of the fold of Islam, I would warn against them.

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He also said, and there were many machines, many scholars of the past of our predecessors and later on, who used to say things that were later on known as innovations or wrong. And they didn't know that he was in innovation, for example, either because the Hadith they received were weak. And later on, they were known that after authenticating them, and they thought that they were authentic, or because of certain verses they miss interpreted them in the way that they genuinely thought was right, or because of an opinion, which they thought was the right way, or because of some text that did not reach them. So it used to happen. So if we're going to sit down and judging every single

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person for a little thing that even if they're scholars, we're going to be doing disservice to the dean and creating more disunity than good brothers and sisters. So verify and clarify and you got to see are you the person who should be clarifying verify?

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Many scholars have been asked about certain situation, they say, this is for the scholars, your hobby, but this is not for you. Not everybody has to say something. So you got to monitor that. Number eight, the wrong is in the present, not in the past. You don't sit there enjoying and telling somebody about something you did in the past. You keep on there are some people, they keep on abusing the person and shaming them something they did in the past. Yeah, if you stopped it, yeah. What about you? They do something wrong, and you take a person and the person says, Yeah, I still remember what you did. Yeah. Sermon we did last summer. I did the five years ago, 10 years ago, in

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winter. In this remember that place I saw you know, it's just hard on to shame people. So under present something that happens now.

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Do not go back in the past, have the wrong if someone have someone and advise them. That's just shaming and guilt tripping, exception if the past is affecting the present, or the rights of others that are not met yet, or a close friend or family you know, has not repented from a past act. Give them gentle and kind advice if it will be benefit number nine, choosing the best time a lot of us don't choose the best time a lot of us love to choose social media time sitting in my bed scrolling through social media on Tik Tok seeing all that then suddenly, oh, oh,

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deviant. Next, what's that?

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Scrolling through scrolling through I've seen a person would sit them skin for example, I've seen a person sit has seen many non hijab is probably 100 passes one.

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A Muslim girl that's non HIV

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cavea had sister haram haram next, and I keep going by what I'm saying is yes, it's true. Or a brother tattoos talking about Islam? How could you?

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Yes. In Islam to do is a haram. Yes. Men don't imitate women, women don't entertainment. Yes, hijab is a must. Yes. There's certain rules in Islam and so on and so forth. But do you think that's the right place to command good and evil right there? And then have I prioritize? Do I know the circumstances? Do I have full knowledge? Is this going to work? Is this going to benefit? What have I done? What have I done? So my brothers sisters, be very careful about that number 10. Utilizing the best occasions and events with less intrusion, and I suppose I said, Let me still always look for the best circumstance and events where nobody can feel that they are targeted. The best that

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I'll give you this very, very quick advice before the Isha. Once I was called to give a talk.

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Back in my early 20s, and it was at a mosque and there was a curtain and I can only see the men and the sisters were behind the curtain. I can't see the sisters. I don't know how many sisters there are. I don't know. So I'm talking and one question came to me. It The question was, if a woman does not wear hijab, not wear the clothing as in accordance with the Quran. So the word hijab is not in the Quran, it's called sitter, which means to cover to cover in accordance with guidelines of the Quran, and the Sunnah. If she doesn't cover properly, will she go to hellfire?

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I quoted what the Prophet sallallahu sallam said and what Allah says, Whoever disobeyed Allah will be accountable in question on the Day of Judgment. I quoted Rasul Allah says, I'm seeing in hellfire, certain types of women and men that looked in certain ways, and some of them were overwrought, which means that they weren't closed, right? They showed their IRA, but I did not target this system, or anybody I didn't even know if anybody in the audience was that person I talked in general. And then I finished was saying and Allah Subhana Allah knows the circumstances of every individual. And Allah subhanaw taala can forgive or give mercy. And if a person doesn't know

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Allah, Samantha forgives them until they know. So we don't judge people, but this is the general ruling. Now it was a sister from behind the curtains who had sent me that letter. Remember, I have never seen her tilted I don't know.

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who she is. But a friend of mine who I worked with in teaching. He says to me, you know, about six or seven years ago, you I was at this talk with you. And I know this person who was behind the curtains, and she sent you a letter about hijab and you said some things, she got so offended.

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She went home crying.

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And she said to him, said, I went there, looking at the mirror and saying, How could he judge you, woman? Who is he? He doesn't even know you to say if you're going to hellfire or not? How could he tell you? And she kept going at that, right? And then she goes, then I stopped. I thought to myself, he doesn't know me. He doesn't know who I am. Why am I blaming him for something that he answered in general, in the Quran, and I'm taking so much offense to it.

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And then she goes, I realized that I'm actually blaming myself, I'm actually angry with myself. And that on its own, made her gone research and learn more and slowly 100 Allah ends up wearing her hijab by herself on her own. Now she was in front of me, I want to talk to her that way, of course, but that's what she did. She goes, and you know what I found that it was me.

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And subhanAllah, she started improving on herself.

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What I'm trying to say of that story is remember brothers and sisters,

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that utilizing occasions speaking in public, is much better. Or in occasions or in family gatherings, or when you're together or somebody says something without making it known that it is that person or hinting. If you think that it is avoid that circumstance, when the sisters

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are up and says You might invite someone to a hotbar you might give somebody who's been asking about Islam within a little. It's gonna say cassette tape, like refer a link or something they can listen to.

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Maybe you can invite them to the masjid tour, talk, anything like that. All right, but don't get too sensitive. Like some people. They like to share Hadith or verses on social media. Have you been one of those where you get it from your friend, right? sends you a hadith or a verse of the Quran? About how to improve A, B or C and then you say, why did you send that to me? Like why me?

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Did I do something? And I put some everything now Allah was just sharing about 100 of my contact list. And God Okay, so it's not me, I thought, you know, you're judging me. So again, we also can't be that sensitive, right? But if you do know somebody is sensitive, just be careful, don't send something to them. We think they're a bit more paranoid and sensitive about themselves, take it easy on them. Finally, rather than sisters, I just want to say the etiquettes they're very quick because I'm not going to focus on them too much. The etiquettes once again, 10 manners, and then we'll finish in shall number one. Before you enjoin, good and prohibit evil brothers and sisters, you must

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be gentle and kind, do not shove it down their throats. Do not engage in fruitless argumentations with them, be gentle, and be kind. Number two, make sure that your intention is sincere. You're doing it for the sake of Allah and your intention is not for views for likes for your ego because of your low self esteem. Because you want attention because you want to feel good. Know your intentions have to be for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and you're gonna see what pleases Allah subhanaw taala truly and honestly and in the best way, good. Or Elizabeth, Rebecca Hickman, one of my more I got ill Hassan a call to the path of your LORD with Wisdom and godly advice. So your intention has

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to be pure and good, genuine, and those who have amazing Beautiful Intentions are usually the most humblest brothers and sisters. They're the ones who talk less. They're the ones that you don't see going around telling and advising everyone all the time. You actually actually very slow they're very careful.

00:48:47 --> 00:48:50

The old lemma the scholars have a common saying they say

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what could Lemma zertal insane Wileman

00:48:57 --> 00:49:21

WHAT THE FUCK Kohan Kala in Colorado, the more apart the scholars have known this, we have known that the more knowledgeable a person becomes in the den, the less they refute others, the less they oppose. And that's why the opposite is true. The more a person mouths off and refuting, refuting, refuting, it's a sign of less knowledge.

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So insha Allah Tala hope that's important. So humbleness number three is humbleness. Let's also as I've said, whoever humbles themselves for the sake of Allah Allah will raise them and humble means like this, I saw one person make a comment on one of my social media pages and said something that was negative and positive at the same time and I said the mother Samantha reward your true your statement is 100% and no one is better than another. And he wrote another statement that was my reward him he says what do I feel guilty I just thought about my own sins and I shouldn't have put that comment. And Danny mela rewarded the intended well, but this is a sign that a person reflects

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on himself. So reflect on yourself and be humble insha Allah Jota

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Allah number a number four, work on improving yourself in practicing what you preach. Now some people they say if I do a sin of a certain thing, right? Am I allowed to still advise other people even though I'm doing it or am I a hypocrite? The answer is no, you're not a hypocrite habibi. If everybody thought that way. Nobody will advise anybody anything. We will never get knowledge. Every person has sins, just because you're doing that sin. But there is a difference. What Allah says is, don't forget about yourself meaning don't feel good about your sin that you've advised someone else, advise them, Allah reward you for it, so long as you are also considering and trying to change. And

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you're asking Allah to help you. So that's how we do it. Insha Allah Todd. Number five, avoid gathering.

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Or avoid gatherings that are engaging in the wrongfulness until they reengage in something good. Again, don't sit with people who are doing bad things. But once they change, you can come and sit back with them. Insha Allah. The next one is accept advice from others just as you advise yourself, if you want to enjoy and good and prove it, you should also be ready to accept advice on what Allah knows, says Rahim, Allah hombre and add a laser or UV, may Allah have mercy on a person who gifts me, my shortcomings. And a very high value person actually experts told the high value person is a person who was able to sift through the criticism

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and not let it affect them and choose what benefits from them from there. Because remember, people's criticism, some of them, most of them are very stupid. But some of them they do carry some weight. And if you believe in you see, you know what, that's actually really good. And you build yourself from that, that criticism will be forgotten, and you would have built yourself up, get some advice and share a loudhailer. Businessmen do that all the time. Sometimes they test it out, they find they think of a company name or a business name for their endeavor for the venture. And then they go to other experts who are successful. And so I'm thinking I'm doing a business thing. What's its name,

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its name is such and such. And if that person says what kind of a name is that, what are you trying to do and doing it, then you actually smart entrepreneurs will take that and say, oh, okay, then I just benefit something. I'll go and make a better name now. So that also happens in den. Lastly, seek support and advice from those you trust in how to advise other people.

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Don't just go ahead and think I know it all.

00:52:24 --> 00:52:27

We have a saying an Arabic auditor should do Mahadasha de

00:52:29 --> 00:52:32

ne on the best time the

00:52:33 --> 00:52:56

on the stud on the one that knows it all? Nobody can tell me. I'm it. So no. Except advice from others about approach. And don't worry, I shouldn't have done it that way. Well, that's fun, Allah, I really appreciate that. How do you think where did I go wrong? How do you think I should approach an excellent May Allah reward you? Thank you for that advice. Thank the people. My dear brother and sisters, this is what I want to say in summary.

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I think a shirt is approaching in about three or four minutes.

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I had a question. I want to just say, answer it. Someone said what if it offends people, if it offends people? Should I continue to advise? And I've just listed something very quickly. There's five types of approaches that offend people, two of them are not okay, and three of them are okay. Number one,

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if what you're advising that person, if you think they're going to get offended, and what you're advising about something personal, personal to them, that is religious, let's say advising about something religious. And that religious thing is not affecting anyone else. It's only affecting them something good that if you tell them to do it better, and it will only benefit them religiously. And you know that they get offended, they might get offended, don't tell them. Don't tell them.

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And if you are going to advise them about something that is personal to them, but it's not religious, that you're not advising how to improve their salary, or how to stay away from haram. And it's personal to them meaning worldly, a better idea, say of a business a better idea of a transaction or something like that, and you know, they'll get offended, then don't tell them good or bad. Just stay away. So avoid these things because they could harm you and harm them. However, if somebody is taking you're right, it says you're right. And you tell them and you know, they're getting offended by what you're saying. No problem. This is your right, you're allowed and you

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should speak up. But within boundaries, don't go overboard and start becoming obnoxious. And number two, if they're taking the rights of others, and you want to advise someone give back the right. You shouldn't be doing saying that to that person. You should. Don't be a state of bystander, even if they get offended, say it so long as you're safe and shallow to it. And lastly, if it offends Allah subhanaw taala if something is sinful if you're going to tell somebody how to

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drink alcohol better, you're advising somebody of how to get more drugs. You're

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advising somebody of how to benefit more money out of selling something that Allah has forbidden

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that's not good advice that is offensive to Allah subhanaw taala because you are violating Allah's rules. And if you're telling someone to not do something, and by not doing it, it makes them fall into more haram than it's offensive to Allah subhanaw taala it's like saying Hey bro, you like that girl don't Yeah, I know you've got a crush on it. Here I'll teach you some words of how to get a

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you know what I'm saying? Some young people. I've heard I've heard this around the teacher hidden teenagers talking like that sometimes.

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So are the other way some girls they say it. A wear this on put this on your face will look at you more. So these things rather than sisters, this is sinful. And we have to be careful in sha Allah who died. Our oven sisters I think we'll stop there in sha Allah Allah may Allah reward you and benefit us all I hope that whatever I said right is from Allah What have I said wrong is from myself and the shaitan please forgive me wrong sisters if I had said anything here that may have

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pointed out anyone or offended anybody or anything like that. Does that and lo hate her there was still a lot and I've you know, Muhammad was salam ala moana, Florida cattle

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