Assim Al-Hakeem – Lessons In Fiqh 19

Assim Al-Hakeem
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet's stance on women not entering the mosque at all is discussed, as it is considered confidential and punished by the court. The use of "has been" in the title is a confirmation of the statement, and "has been transformed" is used to describe the woman in her own body. The importance of respect for the Prophet Muhammad and the relationship between his age and his wife is emphasized, along with the need for individuals to set themselves apart from their partner's wife and not just focus on their partner's body. The upcoming " Easter" program is also mentioned, with a brief advertisement for the upcoming " Easter" program.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen sallallahu wasallam obala cada solina being a Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germain salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And welcome to lessons in film.

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We have Hadith number 105, which deals with also the obligatory and total bath, and Brother Mohammed will read it for us please narrated by Omar Salama, but the other one, I said, O Messenger of Allah. I am a woman with tightly plated hair on my head. Should I undo it for taking a bath from sexual *? Another narration has from menstruation. He saw a lot of them said no, it is enough for you to throw three handfuls of water on your head.

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Now this hadith again, talks about Rasul almost Allah, the wife of the Prophet alayhi wa sallam is inquiring about her religion, which all of us often do. She's asking the prophets, Allah Salam about her hair, as she says that she tightly, she's a woman with a tightly plated hair, she

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puts her hair, she wears her hair in a very tight manner, and with the braids, and that she does, because it's one form of women showing off their beauty. So we do not expect all women to wear their hair in a particular fashion or manner. It's okay for them to beautify themselves to wear their hair in any manner, pleases them, providing that they are not imitating the non Muslims. So if they're doing or and they're not imitating men. So she asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what should I do? The Prophet, as you have heard, we have two versions. One, she's asking about having a total bath out as a result of *. And the other one she's asking about, if she's clean from

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her menstruation and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in both ways say that you do not have to undo your hair. No, it's not a must. Or what you have to do is put three scopes of water or hand handful of water on your head so that you would ensure that the water reaches the roots of the hair. Now, if a woman has long hair, is it a must that she washes the whole hair, the whole thing, soak it in water, or only the the roots of the hair. Of course, the roots of the hair is essential. And the outside the exterior of the hair is essential but the inside, you don't have she doesn't have to undo it. She does not have to undo it to wash it. And some scholars said that in the case of

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menstruation, they have to undo their hair. Because the prophet SAW Selim said that if a woman had menstruation, and she's clean, she has to undo her hair and she has to calm it and have a total bath, but this is preferable and it is not a must. So again, it is not a must. It's preferable. It's recommendable that she does she undo undoes her hair. Yet it is not a must as clearly stated by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Hadith number 106.

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By Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her last messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I do not permit a minister eating woman or anyone in a state of sexual impurity to enter the mosque. Now the Hadith

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has a weak chain, so it's not authentic. Nevertheless, scholars say that it is forbidden for Miss waiting woman to enter the mosque, or to stay in a mosque, as it is forbidden for a person with the sexual impurity in the state of sexual impurity to enter a mosque or to stay in a mosque and this is the most authentic verdict of all, with the exception for person with in his state of sexual impurity, he may cross the masjid the mosque, if there is no other way around it. So let's assume that this is a street or a way and to in order for you to go to the other side you have to enter a mosque is okay. As mentioned in the Quran,

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there is a hadith that clearly states now this hadith is not authentic. But there's Hadith that clearly states that a woman in her monthly period may not enter the mosque. This Hadith reiterated by icml be pleased with her she said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in a decaf, decaf meaning that he is staying in the masjid, not leaving it for 10 days or more. And he used to do this often at the 10 nights of from about the last 10 nights of Ramadan. So at one time, the prophet requested sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had to give him a piece of cloth.

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So how far hammock how far were the houses of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam from the mosque, very close, very close, or

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they were attached to the mosque. So it was the Prophet had like eight or nine houses, and they all had small doors for him to enter the mosque from so the prophet SAW Selim requested that he wants to give him a piece of cloth and she had her monthly period. So she said oh prophet of Allah administrating sorry I can I can give you the cloth you want. So the prophet and this is the catch. The Prophet said Salah Salaam, your menstruation is not in your hand. Which means as long as you're not entering with your whole body in the mosque, it's okay to give something with your hand because you're not entering the masjid. Now, what do you understand from this? We understand that the

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prophets of Salaam approved her not entering because it's not allowed. But he saw them also told her that by entering her hand, that would not be considered to be entering the mosque with her body. Her body is still outside of the mosque. Hadith number 107. I believe that brother no will read it to us. Okay. smilla rahmanir rahim narrated by Arusha may Allah be pleased with her eye and last messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to take huso

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to take a visual due to sexual impurity from the same whistle and our hand alternated in scooping water from it. Even though he banned edit, and our hand used to me. Okay, this hadith tells us how the prophets of Salaam used to perform morsel of luxury bath with one of his wives. Who is our HTML a bit pleased with her. And

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the reason that the compiler of this book even hajer

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brought this hadith is because some scholars say and it's a an issue of of dispute. It says that if a woman stays alone with a vessel of water, then it's not permissible for anyone else to perform a pollution or to perform also from the same vessel of water, the same container of water. This was at the very beginning but it was obligated and the scholars now agree that this is no more as long as the water is still

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water and it has not been changed by an impurity in regards of the smell,

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color or the taste then it is still pure whether she was alone with it, or she was not in this hadith. It tells us also that the water used in washing our limbs and our bodies is fire.

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So if it falls again, in the vessel,

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we can still use this water. Is that correct?

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It is correct. Why do we mention this because we have schools of thought that say, water is divided into three types are set, or kinds

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per head, per hole, and ledges. And they define nudges as being impure water that cannot be used for removing filth or for lifting the state of hidef.

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And they define a hole as being pure water that is capable of removing the filth and lifting the state of hidef which means you can perform total bath ability bath with it, or evolution with it. And there remains one in the middle which is

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which is Mustafa for fire. Now, what is fire, they say it's something in between it is pure in the sense that we made a move Nigeria sat with, but it is not pure enough to enable us to perform of illusion or obligatory bath. And this division is incorrect. The Quran says it is

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a whore it's the same thing. The sun came to tell us that water is bad and the hood is the same thing. nudges is a different thing. So what is thought heard they say any water that has been changed by a fire not by an impurity by something that is pure. And it's taking another form then this is called part for example, this glass of tea

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is fired in the sense that we can drink it, we can consume it, but can we perform a solution with it?

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Exactly? Because it's not. It's not able to use to vision. Why? Because it's

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so very simple answer. It's changing.

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The smell smell and well no, this is not the reason. Fadi

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according to what you said, I think we should you can you can use it because you perform evolution with it. If we said there is there is no water there is daughter. Yes, the Quran came and the tsunami came in clarified it it's only ninjas. And the whole authorities were the same. So we can as long as it's not changed. So if I can perform a solution using this, is that true, Mustafa? No, why not? Because it's color changed. And it smells changed as taste. But it did not change with Natasha Zeki because the tea is pure in it can can can drink it, but it's not pure to revolution. It is pure. But what the only answer is very simple. And it's very straightforward. We are allowed to

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perform a solution using what is this water? No, this is tea. So has been completely transformed. It's pure, it has nothing to do with pure or impure. It has been transformed. So I may not use an evolution except water and this is not water. This is tea. So this is the criteria that we judge things with. And I'm afraid that we have to pause for a while. So inshallah after the break, we will continue discussing this. Please stay tuned.

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Back to the Prophet.

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Join Shaykh Ahmad in the program back to the Prophet, wherein he teaches us practical lessons from the prophets life and how this can help us to overcome our challenges in the present. We talk about the life example of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him seeking guidance for ourselves. In the early days after the revelation of the Holy Koran. The Muslims were greatly persecuted, so much so that quite a few Muslims had to leave Arabia and migrate to Africa to live among Al Kitab Christian people who follow the gospel of Christ.

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah and welcome back. Before the break, we talked about

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the types of water and this is relevant to our topic.

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But we've discussed this way back at the very beginning, when we talked about Blue muram and the chapter that deals with water purity and so on.

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Going back to our Hadith, I showed me a little bit pleased with her said that the prophets Allah Solomon die. Now, our brother read the Hadith by saying, he said, I am the messenger of Allah, we tend to always, English wise, you always when you talk about yourself, you say, john and i, or Mohammed and I, but in Arabic, it's okay to say I and Mohammed depends on the language itself. Now with the case of the Prophet that I saw Salaam, we always tend to respect him. So we always precede his name gets his name in the very beginning and then say, myself or Rasul, Salah salam, and abubaker instead of saying no book and the prophet SAW Selim,

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and this is understood, when we hear the politeness and respect of Allah bass.

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What is the relation between the prophet SAW Selim and Al Abbas? Zaki?

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Cousin? Close? Mustapha.

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That's what I thought. That's what that's what he thought it was Uncle, uncle. Even a bass is the cousin of the prophets, Allah center. bass is the uncle. I thought he said, Okay. So it's okay.

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I've asked was once asked,

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they told him who is older. You are the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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So a mass in age actually, he's older, but out of respect. He said, The Prophet is older than me, but I was born before him.

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Why is that? Older in respect, in position, and status, he's the Messenger of Allah. So he's older and greater than me, but I was born before him. He didn't say, I am bigger than him, I am older than him. And this shows you that respect the companions had to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam. So she said that Allah's Messenger and I used to take a bath from sexual impurity from the same vessel, and our hands alternated into it. Which means that if a person in the state of sexual impurity enters his hand, in a vessel of water, does this make the water nudges impure? No,

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the evidence, this Hadith, otherwise, the Prophet would have told her stop Ayesha, let's renew the water because we've entered our hands into it.

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And in another version, she said that our hands met, meaning that the water vessel is a small bucket of water. So when they're taking the water from it, they would probably touch each other. And again, this is a clear sign and evidence that touching the opposite * touching your wife does not nullify your rule. And we talked about this programs ago, that it is not one of the things that nullify your widow to touch a woman unless something is discharged, then your model is nullified because of the discharge not of the touching thing.

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In this Hadeeth we also learn that it is permissible for a spouse to look at the other spouse, our

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Of course, they were bathing, and they were not bathing in fully dressed in a three piece suit or with with dresses on. They were bathing, it's a man and his wife. So it is okay for them to look at each other. And we learn from this that the misconception in the heads of lots of the Muslims that thinking that a wife must not look at her husbands and the husband must not look at his wife, they should all turn off the lights. This is not true. If you don't enjoy

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looking at your wife,

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if she doesn't enjoy looking at her husband's body, then who will they look at? They will seek their pleasure somewhere else. If a man goes to his wife and says, Listen, honey, I love you. I'd like to see some of your flesh and I'll show you some of mine. And she said how disrespectful respectful of you, you pervert. He shouldn't do this. Well. You have to be respectful. You

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To have this and that, and the guy would go out and go and look for it somewhere else, it is his holiday, Allah has given him this wife to enjoy and to have her enjoy him. This is marriage, this is the beauty of marriage. So one must not put restrictions and put barriers between anything that is halal and permissible. And the prophets Allah Selim himself did it. So if he did it, then we should ourselves do it and consider it to be also respectful.

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Now, in this head, it also, it's a clear sign that it is certain to reduce the amount of water used for hosel. We mentioned this before believe Mostafa would tell us, what is the appropriate amount to perform Watson with?

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mud? mud? And what is the appropriate amount to perform a solution with no models for evolution? And for five months? As for us, thank you very much, then four to five mods is the appropriate amount for Watson. And we've stated Fadi, if you recall, what how do we measure a mod with by the average by the size of the average and hands of hands of a normal person, okay, this is a mud Show, The Prophet used to perform also with four to five months. And this would probably mount to leader or less. So if they both were performing also, of out of two leaders, let's say three leaders, it tells us that this is the sooner and not to waste water on performing the vessel and being obsessed of

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this, and we get this from

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them alternating their hands in the vessel. And she says to him, leave some for me and he tells her another Hadith Leave some for me.

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Also, we learn from this Hadith, how great and perfect, the prophet alayhi wa sallam was with his wife's. Now by no comparison, none whatsoever. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam was the best person with his wife's. And he clearly stated that he said that the closest of you, to me, on the day of judgment and paradise are the best to their wives. So the more you go to a wife, the more you kind and loving to your wife, the closer you are to the Prophet Allah sallallahu sallam.

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And from that we learned that Islam is not just praying, and fasting, is these are the pillars that the building is built on. So one comes and says, Listen, I'm gonna pray fast, perform pilgrimage, give money to the poor, and that is it. I don't want to have anything more is that enough, says it is enough as the minimum requirement, because it's the foundation, the foundation of Islam, that Islam is built on five pillars, but you cannot live in a house. With only pillars. You have to have walls, you have to have windows, you have to have doors, you have to have electrical appliances, you have to have this and that. And all of this constitutes the building of Islam. So if you are a

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person that prays in the mosque, and you fast autobahn, but you are rough and tough to your wife, then you're not a good Muslim. If you smack or beat your wife, you're not a good Muslim. If you swear and curse your wife, you're not a good Muslim. If you're not fair, and just with your wife, you're not a good Muslim. And all of these things. The prophets, Allah Salam gave us the best example. Not with one wife, but with two wives, with all of his wives. He was the best example to be set to us as Muslims. From this Hadith, he is joyfully playing with his wife, saying leave some water for me, though they could have both had their own bath separately, but it's a sign of love.

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The prophet SAW Selim used to love his wives a lot. And Isha used to tell us that the prophets Allah said them used to when she ate the meat. He would look to the piece that he ate the meat that she ate the meat from, and he would put his teeth exactly

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On the same place and location where she had put her teeth on, she, he would take the same bite from the same place. And if she drinks from a cup, he would drink from the exact location of the cup. Now, compare this with our lives. Compare this with our wives. If the wife of the missus is from the plate, I'm going to wash it seven times, and one was soil. This is she ate from it, were to get a quarantine at the whole place. Why? She's your wife. Yeah, but after 1020 years of, of life, she's not my wife anymore. You know, we wives the first year, after five years with cousins. After 10 years, we're like sisters, and brother, after 20 years, she's like a part of me if I kiss my hand,

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I'm sure it's the same thing, nothing moves. This is strong. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not treat his wife's in this manner. He treated them respectfully. He loved them, he came out of his way to try to bring happiness to them. Though sallallahu Sallam was the Messenger of Allah, though everybody had to respect Him and OBEY Him, though, he knew that they knew if he wanted, he would have had the whole wealth of this earth, with it within seconds of his request. Nevertheless, they were with him, because he was the Messenger of Allah azza wa jal, and they obeyed Him and loved him accordingly. And, again, this is a subject that we all have to every time remind ourselves with, the

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way we treat our wives, the way we treat our children. It's our responsibility. If we're not here for the gig, or we're not here for the fun of it. We are here, because Allah azza wa jal has given us this blessing a wife and children, and it's a responsibility that we should take good care of, otherwise Allah will

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deprive us of enjoying this responsibility. And I say this, and I reiterate this because I have been hearing a lot of abuse from men that do not fear Allah by hitting their children by hitting their wives, abusing them, insulting them, and this is definitely not a sign of a good Muslim. And those who do this will be deprived from a company the profit is awesome. And being close to him in paradise. May Allah azza wa jal grant you and I, this pleasure. I'm afraid that this is all the time we have for today's program. So until we meet next time, fear Manila was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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