Ammar Alshukry – Allahs Beautiful Names #14 Get Ready To Be Amazed By Allah’s Blessings For You – Al Lateef

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the meaning of LOP, a woman who describes herself as a woman of substance abuse and physical suffering, and the LOP, a woman who describes herself as a woman of substance abuse and a woman of physical suffering. They also touch on the concept of Jesus being a false accusations and the importance of not letting their family and friends know about high optimism in their future. The speakers stress the intricate knowledge of benefits that comes from bringing them about and how they use it to bring them about.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al Latif. It's a name that appears 7

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times in the Quran, and is one of

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the most popular pronounced on the tongues of

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people of every generation as they go through

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hardship. They call this name in weakness and

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in fear, in pain and in tears. It's

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simply a Latif.

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Now, what does a Latif mean? Ibn al

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Athir in his tafsir, he basically says that

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a latif is the one who combines 2

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things. Number 1 is a,

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and gentleness in actions.

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And he has knowledge, intricate knowledge

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of benefits and how to bring them about

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to whomever he decrees from his creation. And

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so Latif combines these two pillars. The first

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is gentle care, and that's why you'll find

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that people call upon this name when they

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are in need of gentleness and care, and

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when they're going through hardship. And number 2

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is intricate knowledge of benefits and how to

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bring them about to whomever he wishes. This

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name should inspire trust in Allah's

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and in his decree, both his Qadr and

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his Sharra. Trust in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's

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legislation, even if you don't comprehend completely why

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala would make something forbidden.

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I remember once receiving a question from a

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girl who was 14 years old, and her

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question was, why can't I have a boyfriend?

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It's not like I'm committing murder or anything.

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You know, in her mind, she didn't see

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what was wrong with maybe holding hands and

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taking cute pictures with a boy that she

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liked, the romance and excitement of having somebody

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like you. But there's such a wide range

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of consequences just beyond the limit of her

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that she didn't see. And that can be

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the case for all of us with a

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wide variety of issues. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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says in Surah Al Mulk.

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Does not the one who created know when

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he is a Latif, he is the well

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So, a Latif also means the subtle. Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says,

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Allah says,

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But let's go back to the meaning of

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gentleness and care, and intricate knowledge of benefits,

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and how to bring them about from where

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you don't expect. Intricate knowledge and intricate care.

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So we look at achazah, and we say,

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You Latif. We don't see where the good

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is. We don't have the knowledge of how

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you'll bring this about, about, but we know

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that you have more care for them than

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we do, and you have better knowledge of

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how to bring them about. You know, we

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look at Sudan and we say, Yeah, Latif,

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this country is collapsing by the day, but

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we have reliance on you and belief in

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you that you're able to bring them to

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a praiseworthy consequence. We look at the ummah

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of Muhammad

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that's weak and silenced,

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marginalized, and we say, You Latif, we don't

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see where the light is at the end

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of the tunnel because we don't have your

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knowledge, but we know that there is light

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because this is the world that you created.

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Now, when discussing this name, scholar after scholar

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after scholar points to the story of a

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single prophet as an illustration of the name

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Al Latif. And that's the story of Youssef,

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alayhis salaam, a boy who's safe in the

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company of a loving mother and father, who

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has a dream that the sun and the

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moon are prostrating to him, and his eventual

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destiny. But on the way to that destiny,

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what does he have to go through? He

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has to go through being thrown in a

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well, and that's horrible. And then he's sold

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as a slave, and that's horrible. And then

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he's brought to Egypt and sold as a

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slave, and that's horrible. And then he's a

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slave in a house where he's being seduced,

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and that's horrible. And then there's this false

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accusation against him, and then he goes to

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prison. And you're looking at the story from

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the outside in, and you're like, man, this

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just keeps getting worse. It just keeps getting

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worse. But Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, is maneuvering

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him for his eventual destiny. And there might

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have even been moments where Yusuf, alayhi salaam,

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might have been deflated,

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where he finally has a prisoner whose whose

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dream he interprets. And Yusuf says to him,

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Remember me with your Lord. And Allah, Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala, says, But he forgot. And so,

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Yusuf stays in prison for years more, years.

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He's in prison

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Every day that Yusuf is in prison is

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a is an injustice. Every day, it's a

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false accusation. Every day, he was falsely detained.

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He was deserving of mobilization and hashtags, and

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free use of campaigns. But we learned from

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this name of Allah, is that Allah, Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala, doesn't work on our time. He

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works on his time. And Allah, Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala, is delaying Yousaf to fast track him.

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Allah allowed that prisoner to remember Yusuf and

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get him out,

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Yusuf might have gotten out, but he wouldn't

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have gotten an audience with the king.

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The king has no need for anybody at

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that point in time, in that timeline,

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for anybody with the skill of dream interpretation.

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So at best, Yusuf might have been able

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to get out. Maybe he would have went

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back to his homeland. Maybe he would have

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reunited with his family. But when does the

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prisoner remember Yousef? When the king has a

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dream that he's obsessing over. And And so,

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when Yusuf comes out of prison, he's brought

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into an immediate audience with the king. The

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king gets to interview Yusuf personally and he

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sees his integrity, he sees his talents, his

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personality and he says,

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He says, today you are with us, trustworthy,

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and given authority.

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And Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, delayed Yusuf to

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fast track him. And Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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may be delaying us to fast track us.

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Allah may be delaying what we love so

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much, so that Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, can

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raise us higher, that we can be stronger,

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that we be presented with a better opportunity

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tomorrow than what's available for us today.

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Even if we're screaming ceasefire today, it may

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be that

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Allah is delaying us because Allah

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wants to bring an end, not just to

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the ceasefire, but to the entire occupation. And

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that's not something that's too great for Allah

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And so, Yusuf, when we continue in his

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story, and his parents come from the desert,

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and his brothers come, Yusuf alayhi salaam, what

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does he say at the end? My Lord

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was good to me when he brought me

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out of prison and brought you out of

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the desert. And then he says,

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My lord is latif for whatever he wishes.

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This is the interpretation of my dream that

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my my lord made true.

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My lord has made it true until he

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says, my lord is latif

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for whatever he wishes. My lord was able

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to maneuver all of this to the interpretation

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of the dream. And Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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tells us, we narrate the stories of the

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prophets to you to grant your heart resolve.

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You know, there undoubtedly,

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there are those of us who are in

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the prison of our own story, like Yusuf

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was in prison, in the well of our

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own story, like Yusuf was in the well,

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in the house of Al Aziz of our

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own story like Yusuf was in the house

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of Al Aziz. But we have high optimism

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in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala that there will

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come a day where we will look at

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our lives, look at our communities, look at

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our Ummah and say,

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My This is my dream. My Lord has

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made it true. Because my Lord is Latif.

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Because my lord is Latif for whatever he

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wishes. So we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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by his name of Latif to be gentle

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with the Ummah of Muhammad, salallahu alayhi sallam,

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and we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to

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guide us to the goodness that we see

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and to guide us to the goodness that

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is so subtle that we don't see yet.

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