Ali Ataie – The Arguments For Atheism Are Weak

Ali Ataie
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the concept of the printing of morality and the use of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept
AI: Transcript ©
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The atheist or the material reductionist

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only sees the horizontal aspect of things, never

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the vertical.

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This is called explanatory

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For example,

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when they see a flood,

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all they see is water. They don't acknowledge

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the vertical aspect.

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They only see the asbaab,

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right, the material means.

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Imam al Ghazali, he said,

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that's like seeing the pen writing, but not

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acknowledging the hand moving the pen.

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According to Rumi,

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they don't see that the objects of their

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love, their wealth, their families, etcetera, they don't

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see that these things are, quote, gold plated

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by Allah's attributes.

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They notice the gold but not the attributes.

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When Iblis

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looked at Adam alaihis salam, all he saw

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was clay.

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Right? And so he concluded,

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halakatani minna or halaktahu minthin.

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I am better than him.

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Right? Isn't it obvious? I mean, look look

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at me. I'm created from fire. This is

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created from

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clay. He's just looking at the material.

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The followers of shaitan,

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they don't see

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the test of Allah

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in this world. They don't see the mercy

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of Allah

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in this world.

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These stories of the past that are meant

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to be

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admonitions and warnings,

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they don't see the meanings in these things.

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All they see is randomly colliding atoms

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and fizzing stardust.

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And there is no moral component to their

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On atheism,

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the act of a man murdering another man

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has as much to do with morality

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than a stone rolling down a mountainside.

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It's just atoms striking atoms.

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Atoms and stardust

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do not have conscience.

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They have nothing to do with morality.

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You cannot be objectively

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immoral on atheism.

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Morality for atheists is simply a convention.

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There cannot be any moral absolutes for them

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because there is no absolute

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for them.

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You see, the principles of the disbelievers

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are not grounded in reason and revelation,

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but rather in their own Hawa,

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in their own caprice

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and desires.

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They will insist, for instance,

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that an amoeba,

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right, a single cell organism found on the

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planet Mars

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That's life,

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right? And that should be celebrated.

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Or that people who eat chicken eggs are

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committing some sort of,

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Yet many of these people fully support the

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act of an unborn human child

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being ripped limb from limb,

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from his mother's womb

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because moral inconsistency

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does not faze them.

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They are guided by their feelings,

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by their hawa,

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right? For them, there is no higher authority

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than the self, the nafs.

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If the self is gratified by murder, then

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murder becomes

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For atheists and moral, and, for atheists and

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material reductionists,

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the mind is simply reducible to the physical

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Therefore, they'll argue, if a person suffers,

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some sort of

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physical trauma to the brain like a concussion,

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then that person's memory or mind

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is affected.

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Now, that's true. But to say that the

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mind can be simply reduced,

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to some physical process,

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to firing neurons is ridiculous.

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How do you go from a a 10

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pound lump of matter in your head

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to thought and memory and consciousness,

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as Oxford professor John Lennox said, and I'm

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that is like saying that the meanings of

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the that is like saying that the meanings

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of the words in a book are the

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same as the ink and paper

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upon which they are written.

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See, the physical thing carries the meanings, but

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the meanings are not the same thing as

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the physical thing.

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In the Quran, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says

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to the prophet,

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It's an amazing statement

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that when you call them to guidance,

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they don't hear you.

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You see them looking at you, but they

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didn't see.

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They're looking at you but they didn't see.

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So, in the language of scripture,

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in the language of the Quran, you even

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find this in the the Tanakh, the Hebrew

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Bible. You find it in the New Testament.

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To hear something means to obey.

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And to see means to understand the reality

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of something.

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And we use that even today.

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Like we say, Oh, I see.

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To see with your mind's eye.

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We mushrikeen,

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those who do not see Allah

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in all

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things, they don't know who the prophet really

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Exdigits point to, point out that this verse

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should be read in conjunction with the preceding

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They have hearts with which they don't perceive.

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They have eyes by which they don't

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see. They have ears with which they don't

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They're like cattle

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or even worse than cattle.

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They are the heedless.

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You see when Abu Lahab, the uncle of

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, when he looked

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at the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam,

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he said this is my orphaned nephew.

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That's all he is.

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He's just judging the superficial.

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That's it. But when Al Abbas

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or Sayidna Hamza,

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when they looked at their nephew, when they

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looked at the prophet, sallallahu alaihi sallam,

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they would see Sayidu Waledi Adam. They would

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see the master of the children of Adam.

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They would see Rasulullah, the master of the

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children of Adam. They would see Rasulullah, the

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first pillar or support of our religion.

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So that's the first pillar or support

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of our religion.

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It is to witness

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that there's no God but Allah

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and that the

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prophet is the messenger of God.

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