Ali Ataie – Do Zionists Control the Western Media

Ali Ataie
AI: Summary ©
The Bible's use of "Am joint" is discussed, with some people losing their jobs due to the term. The cycle of imorality shown by the Bible is also discussed, with Abraham Lincoln being a Christian and Jacob Jacob as a Christian. Pranksters are also mentioned, with the understanding that praying for oneself and others is fundamental to saving oneself and their families.
AI: Transcript ©
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I mentioned some of these things about Amalek,

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over a week ago.

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And then the the very next day,

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Bibi himself,

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right The prime minister of Israel. Prime minister

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of Israel, you must remember what Amalek has

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done to you. Another dog whistle. I mean,

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the initiated know knows what he means, right?

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But now we know what he means.

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Yeah. We know it. You know what it

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means. I know what it means. I'm just

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shocked at how how few people in the

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western media have bothered to report this at

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all. Like, the BBC Amazing.

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It's just not bother me. It's just not

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interesting. Why mention it? But, of course, it

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says the dog whistle. There's no other Bible

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for Jews who are well versed in the

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the Torah. They will recognize what's being said

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then. It is a it is a core

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genocide. Yeah. And his appeal to their, you

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know, 3000 year legacy going back to Joshua

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Ben Nun. Yes. We know what the Tanakh

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says about what Joshua did. He implemented kedem

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upon the ancient Canaanites.

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Right? So this guy, you know, Netanyahu, he

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he even blamed the Holocaust and the Palestinians.

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This was years ago. Yes. I remember. I

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mean, normal,

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Norman Finkelstein, he said that this claim is,

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quote, beyond the lunacy.

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I mean, he blamed the holocaust and the

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Palestinian and he's he's out of his mind.

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But what else does the Torah say about

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This is what it says. It

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says. So that's Deuteronomy 2519.

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In Arabic, it says,

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you must blot out the very mention of

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from under the sun. So right now, as

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you said, in western public discourse,

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there is a disturbing trend. Any defense,

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any defense

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of the Palestinian people is being branded as

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supporting terrorism

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and anti Semitic. It's a 2 for 1

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Why this trend?

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Well, it seems like it seems to me

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the remembrance of Amalek, the very mention of

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Amalek must be blotted out. And for these,

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you know, Zionist extremists and Zealots, Palestine is

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and Western media is totally controlled by Zionist

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propaganda. So now just having a Palestinian flag

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is seen as supporting terrorism and hating Jews.

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I mean, people are losing their jobs across

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multiple industries

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for uttering

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even a word of support for Palestinian lives,

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for for speaking out against the carpet bombing

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of civilians.

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Meanwhile, right now in Palestine,

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Palestinian families are debating about whether they should

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all stay in one place or to split

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up Because if they split up and and

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Israel drops bombs, at least their entire family

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won't be killed. This is what Palestinians are

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doing right now. This is their discussion

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over the dinner table. This is what a

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guy's he's sitting there with his wife wife

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and children. This is what they're discussing.

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And, of course, the Zionists, you know, they

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release fake images, fake recordings.

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Look up the Hannibal directive.

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God knows what they can do with AI.

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It's all tricksterism.

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They have to manufacture consent.

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I mean, look, just you read the book

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of Genesis. I invite people.

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Read Genesis. Okay? The person of Jacob

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in the book of Genesis. This isn't the

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Torah. This is not the Quran.

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In Genesis, Jacob is a master trickster

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who no matter what he does,

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God continues to bless him. He has unconditional

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divine support for his deception.

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And Jacob

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I mean, I I I actually read the

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book of Genesis, again,

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in this version, the Jewish Study Bible.

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It's Tanakh, published by Oxford University,

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And, this is interesting because this is, you

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know, 200 or so top Jewish scholars,

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experts in the Hebrew Bible,

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translated, and the commentary as well. So you

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get fascinating insights, the Jewish understanding of the

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Bible, rather than reading the Old Testament through

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Christian eyes, which I've what I've always done

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before. Now reading the Jewish Bible through you

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guys, hey, that's an idea.

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But what you're saying about Jacob being a

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they're they're very blunt about this. And but

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let's see. This is somehow,

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accepted in parts of the the glories. What

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you're saying is is pretty accurate, but it's

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shocking story. The the lack of morality shown

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by Yeah. Seminal foundational

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of of what became Israel. Exactly. It's quite

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shocking, the amorality of it. Yeah. Yeah. And,

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of course, Jacob is Israel. And at the

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end of at the end of the book

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of yeah, exactly. That's his name. At the

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end of the book of Genesis, even Jacob's

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son, Joseph, ends up tricking the Egyptians. He

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tricks them and ends up enslaving them. You

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know, I don't I don't remember reading that

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in the Quran about Yusuf alaihi sallam. The

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Quran corrects these narratives.

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But Genesis, as you said, this is the

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primary text of Judaism. And as they say,

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if such are the clergy, then god bless

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the congregation. Right? If if one of their

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greatest patriarchs described in their most sacred book

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was also the namesake of their nation Yeah.

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Was a master trickster, what do we expect

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from Zionist Israel?

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And then we have we have these

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Sorry. Just one quick thing, which I wrote.

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The the the this is this is this

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is a study based on the historical critical

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method. So he had trained historians Yeah. Scriptural

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scholars. They're not fundamentalists.

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And yet, when they started to mention

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Abraham or Abraham, who became Abraham, name change,

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he is referred to repeatedly

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as a Jew, as an Israelite.

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if you read Genesis, you'll realize that Israel

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or Jacob,

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was a historical figure that came much, much

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later. Abraham was not a Jew. He was

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not an Israelite, but any this is anachronism.

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An anachronism Yeah. Is a sin, if you

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like, an intellectual sin in historical methodology. You

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don't import later ideas back into

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the text. That's precisely

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what they have done. In this Oxford University

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critical edition of the Jewish study Bible. Strange.

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Make it up,

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that they they they're basically owning Abraham for

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themselves. And what does the Quran say? Well,

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you can tell tell us about Abdul. What

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does the Quran say about Abraham? Yeah.

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Abraham was not a Jew or a Christian.

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You're right, it's anachronism.

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He was a Muslim in a sense that

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he submitted his will to God and a

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monotheist, and he certainly did not associate partners

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with God.

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You know, it's just it's just so amazing.

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And then you have, you know, all these

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kind of gullible and cowardly people who say,

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you know, this is not the same as

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Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

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In Hiroshima, the express purpose was to target

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civilians. But in Palestine,

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the Israeli military

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says that they don't intend to kill civilians.

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It just happens on accident. So it's okay.

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I mean, just absolute nonsense. And, I mean,

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how do you

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just absolute nonsense. And I mean, how disturbing

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is this? I mean, according to that logic,

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I mean, Israel could kill 10,000 children, 20,000

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in theory, a 1000000 children and just say,

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oh, that was not our intention,

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you know. So for these these cowardly apologists

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for Israel, my question is, you know, when

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will it be enough for you to grow

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a backbone and condemn Israel? How many more

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have to be cut to pieces? How many

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whole families have to be taken off the

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planet before you grow a backbone and condemn

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what is obviously a genocide?

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And and I'll end with this.

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The prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he said,

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Right? He said that prayer,

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supplication is the weapon of the believer.

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And there may be some weakness in this

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chain, but it's true in its meaning.

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So let's pray for the people of Gaza,

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let's pray for their souls, pray for ourselves.

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The Quran says

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and save yourselves

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and your families from the fire. I mean,

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deception is everywhere. Really, it's just the western

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media is gaslighting

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the world. I mean, the the oppressed are

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depicted as the oppressors and vice versa. It's

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almost like the world is under a spell.

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Again, very I mean, the prophet used to

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pray. There's a beautiful dua.

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So he said,

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oh, but show us the truth as truth

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and give us the ability to follow it.

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And show us falsehood as falsehood and give

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us the ability to shun it. And this

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Dua is so crucial for us today.

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Right? So just to the viewers, ask ask

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god to give you the ability

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to see through the smoke and mirrors. There's

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a hadith,

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in the sunun of Abu Dawood, the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,

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The prophet said, let him who hears of

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the imposter messiah, keep a distance from him.

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I swear by Allah that a man will

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come to him thinking he's a firm believer

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and then end up following

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the the imposter messiah because of confused ideas

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roused in him by the Dajjal.

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I mean, the the imposter messiah, the tribulation

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of the imposter messiah is is

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the worst of tribulations.

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You know and so this is very serious

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business and we have to take care of

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Abu Herrera he said

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The messenger of God used to seek refuge

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in Allah for the punishment of *, the

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punishments of the grave, and for the imposter

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So protect yourselves against the antichrist. Hold fast

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to the kitab and sunnah.

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A lot of Muslims are confused right now.

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They're in a state of It's a confusion

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and chaos. But we also have a.

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We also have a guide for the perplexed

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and it's a better guide. With all due

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respect to the Rambam, it's at Kitabu Sunnah.

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Right? We have the Quran, we have the

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Hold fast to the

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the rope,

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the lifeline

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that God extends and that's the Quran according

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to the hadith. Alaykum bisunati, the Prophet said,

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right? He said, hold fast to my sunnah.

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Establish the prayer. This is very important. Right?

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we're not praying 5 times a day, there's

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there's major issues. We need to establish the

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We need to pray, make dua for our

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So I'll just I'll just end with this

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this dua, this prayer. It's very short

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and this is our weapon, this is our

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weapon. Allahumma inni aoodubika min adhabi jahannam,

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wamin adhabiil kabr

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So and then so the prophet said, oh,

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God, I seek refuge

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in you from the punishment of *

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and from the punishment of the grave and

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from the tribulations of life and death and

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from the evil of the tribulations of the

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imposter messiah, Allahu Musa'an.

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So may God,

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may God forgive all of us. May God

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raise up our states. May, may God,

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the pain

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the misery of the Muslims around the world

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and may God educate us and give us

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May he give us this uprightness in the

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religion and courage,

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speak the truth without fear, InshaAllah. Amen.

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Thank you so much, Paul.

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