Ali Albarghouthi – Tafsir Surat Luqman – Part 2

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of learning to be strong and avoiding confusion, as well as avoiding negative behavior and the need for graduation. They also stress the importance of being aware of one's behavior and emotions, even if it is difficult to see. Additionally, they touch on the negative impact of a haircut on one's immune system and the importance of following Islam laws. They emphasize the need to be prepared for potential events and to be aware of one's behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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swing over hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam O Allah.

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Allah Allah wasabi wa sallam.

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Sri continue inshallah tonight with the Tafseer

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of surah. Look, man, if you don't have a plan inshallah be helpful. If you want to follow the follow the words that we're explaining free to have a copy. It's not a must, but it's helpful. shala whether you're listening or watching this later,

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it would help a lot. So we explained in the first part, that is from number one, two and number 11. And tonight, inshallah we'll continue and start with area number 12. And we'll see how far we go in Sharla.

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And in area 12, it begins by saying what occurred attina Look, man, I'll cover

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that in a minute. achema and we have, indeed, I there's an emphasis here. What a hot

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man and hikma even an implicit of any last one Hannah's panel without a swearing indeed, by a law. We've given the man and hikma before we explain this because now we come to the mention of Look, man.

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And we want to ask ourselves, who is Look, man and there's something to learn from it inshallah, who is looking at?

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Now he's mentioned in the Quran, only twice in this surah. Right, so there's no mention not any other place in the Quran, and in any other surah except this surah mentioned twice, that Tina, Luqman and hekla and then the other one with quite an amount of money.

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And the surah is named after him.

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you don't have a lot of people who have sores after their names.

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And most of these that you will find in the Quran typically are prophets except for Maria. And for the other sources, you have no hand you have hood, these are prophets of Allah, Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is a profitable lot. But for the others, right? The only exception would be Maria she's not a nebbia, not a prophet.

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And lokman now Is he a prophet or not? Now I'm the majority of that, to say that he's not a prophet, but only a wise man. Some say that he's a prophet, but the majority say that he's not a prophet. That is here do not do not tell us that he's a prophet. But when you read that is does not emphasize or indicate that he's a prophet of Allah. Now go to the student of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Look man is not mentioned.

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So we don't know for sure. Definitely, if he's a prophet or not.

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Owner really not much about look man beyond what Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions here in the Quran. We have narrations, but these narrations are not authentic. And you do not see how. And because it's not an authentic narration. You cannot rely on it and say, Look, man is this manual is that so there are sayings that look man was a newbie and man, African from nuvia, right from Abyssinia, newbie and man,

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and that he was a slave and this and this and that there's no evidence, but these are just his best history that gets transmitted. There's another saying that look man lived during the time of the Buddha, his Salah.

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And there's a story it's authentic all the way to a Tabby. So it's not authentic to us to have your to the profits of a lot. He was in London. So we cannot rely on it. But there's benefits in it. And that's why I mentioned it.

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And that story is that Look, man once came and entered the courts of Duluth, David and his seller, so it means that he was living at the same time.

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But again, I'm saying that this is not really authentic that we can rely on but there's a benefit in the story. He comes in and finds the who Danny salon fixing something, which is the armory and do that. And a salon was famous with a loss Renata given the ability to manufacturer to tailor that dip, which is what you put on as armory to protect you from the blows of the enemy from their attacks. So he said, I wanted to ask him this is Look, man, he says I wanted to ask him, What is this for?

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But I didn't.

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And then Deadwood afterwards, as he said, this is beneficial during times of conflict to protect you from this and that.

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So look, man, what did he say? He says to hikma well, honey,

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he says silence is wisdom. And none of us practice it. Why is he saying that? Because he said I wanted to ask but I stopped Why did he stop because he thought

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himself. Is this this pertain to me? Is this anything of concern of mine that I should ask about it? Maybe I shouldn't ask about this thing.

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So if you do not find or locate hekla in that thing that you want to ask about in your question means don't ask it.

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And so his patience, what is healed? The answer came to him without him asking.

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And sometimes if he was asked questions, say this person is a busybody nosy. Why are you asking about this? Why are you asking about that? So part of hikma is to only know or be interested in the things that benefits you. Things that are not of benefit to you. Don't worry about so much. If it is important, it will come to you. So that's what he's saying. Sometimes, silence is wisdom, but who among us actually practices it? Right. So this is one of the hiqnet that is attributed to look man.

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I know when this came to the Arabs at the time of the Prophet salesianum This came in Mecca. Obviously, the Arabs had an idea or rough idea of hoolahan was they had an idea that look man was a wise man.

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And they according to the CLR, some integration in the CRV movies ha they used to

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talk about the wisdom of Look, man, share the wisdom of look man with each other. So according to that narration in Sierra, the prophets always send them keen to talk to a person about Islam. And he said, I have wisdom with me it is what is this wisdom, he says, the wisdom of luck man, and he read some of that to the prophets of the law you send them and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, this is good, and what I have is better.

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Why is it that the prophets Allah, Sanam has is better? Because it's complete? And the latest thing that had come from a loss of Hannah, what's Ana? So the Arabs understood that Look, man was Weiss. But the important thing here is not where lookman comes from. Because a lot is Protestantism. Don't tell us not When did he live? How old was he? What his station was? What language is for really all of these things are not fundamental. What is fundamental is what Allah subhanaw taala talks about in the Quran, which is that look man existed, and he was was wise person. So what is his wisdom? And where did it come from?

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Anything else is secondary? And what do we discover later that he lived in this century with this person or that does not bring us closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala tickets further away from him? That's extra information, but it's not the most pivotal information,

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clear inshallah. So the same thing, same thing, I take that as a rule, wherever you are reading the Koran, especially, let's say when you're reading the sort of gap, Allah subhanaw taala talks about the number of the people of the cave.

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Now, does it matter actually, how many there were? It doesn't really matter? Does it matter where they lived?

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Does it matter when they lived? No, it doesn't. So extra information, the most important is what they did and why they did it. And that's what Allah focuses on within the Quran. Otherwise, if it was important, alone, put it but as if Allah is saying here, there's a lot of information in history. Not important, not important, not fundamental here, what is brought what I'm bringing you is what you should focus on. So this is what you should focus on. So when Allah starts mentioning, Look, man, he says,

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Look, man and hikma and indeed, definitely, certainly we have given lachemann and hikma.

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Notice he says we have given it to him.

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So where's the source of local non secular?

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What's the source? What is it come from a loss of turnover to Allah. This

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is important to understand, because Allah is the source of all hikma whether it is given to you through a loss revelation. Or Allah gives you the mind and the ability to observe the world around you and deduce hikma from it or gives you an experience that you're able to learn from. All of it comes from a loss of Hanover data. So I say you want to understand how look man became wise. Do you want to understand how you can self can be can become wise? Well, we have given it to him.

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That's how you can get it a loss Hamilton says in another part of the eutectic method to to get here. This is the one who is given hikma had been given a plenty of good, not just a little bit. A plenty of good because when you have hikma you know how to understand what Allah says in the Quran, how to convey you know how to understand you understand how to maintain your relationship, how to have a successful marriage, how to have successful children how to have how to

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Talk to your parents how to be successful at everything that you do. That's because the Heckman our last panel that I'd given you, you'll understand how to come closer to Allah how to enter agenda how to avoid hellfire. If you're given hikma given everything that you need. That's wisdom.

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Do remember what we said about Heckman, its definition.

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You remember what we said about hikma?

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It's wisdom. But more than that, right? It's to say and do the right thing. And avoid foolishness. We said that hikma comes from hacker metaphors, hacker man to the photos, a horse would have a hack. And as he said, we'll put a wood or metal in its mouth.

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And when you want to hold it back, you pull on the rope, right?

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Right. If you're riding a horse, and you want to hold the horse back, you pull back on the road and the horse stops. This is hekima. So Heckman is for you to have that intelligence, that wisdom to stop when you need to stop. Do not be foolish, when foolishness is a possibility to do the right thing that Allah wants from you. This is hekla

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This is Hickman. So in a lot gives you Hickman, he had given you plenty of good. And this connects to the first or the second area when we talked about last time did carry Africa travel hacking. Why did Allah mentioned and say that the book is a book of hekima Book of Wisdom, there's a connection between it and would look man is going to be telling us that this book is a book of wisdom.

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And by the way, Allah subhanho wa Taala he cradles the story of Luqman and he puts it in the middle between what Allah said before and Allah said after because what Allah says before it, and what Allah says after it is related to it,

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it supports it, explains it, interprets it, etc, etc. inshallah, when we finish it, we'll come back and see the connection between what had been said before and what has been said after to the story of Look, man.

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Right. So Allah says well documented hijk mo given lookman and hikma so it comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala

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any score Linda?

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In what Cara anish kuruvilla in what in another Corolla. No score, no score. So the known is a new score, Linda.

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Two ways that you can understand this. underscore Lila or anish coralina the first one. We have given look man and hikma so thank Allah for it. This is what we told him.

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I would given him hikma so Oh look, man, because Allah has given you so much of his favors. Thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for it. So thank Allah, that's one.

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The other way to understand it will explain both inshallah but the other way they understand it, and that is very important is that we have given Look, man and hikma, which is, thank Allah.

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There's a difference between the two. So the first one is we're given you hikma, thank Allah for this one we've given you hikma and this technique is taking a lot.

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So it's as if to say

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that the foundation of hikma the substance of H hekman. Is to thank Allah subhanho wa Taala and everything else comes after this.

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If you think Allah, you have hikma and if you don't thank him, what is it?

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You don't have it. Even if you wise in other areas of life.

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Even if you find financially wise, right you can be financially an expert. invest your money here, don't do this or you say consult Pamela this person is wise when it comes to money. Or another person when it comes to dealing with your spouse or children can have wisdom that comes from reading experience and all of this. But this person likes the foundation of Hickman which is taking a loss of Hannah Montana it would count as if he does not really have Hickman because the essence of his has taken its foundation the fountain is taking a loss of Hannah with data.

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And we will see in Sharla when we reach whenever we reach the end of last man's advice, how all of them relate to thinking a lot.

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Then a loss of Hannah without us is only useful for information cool enough see.

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The one who thinks only thinks for himself for his own benefit.

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While on camera. That's the opposite. That's the opposite to America for the one who rejects.

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Now, what is the meaning of sugar in Arabic? Where does it come from?

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visual images are always good and enough we talked about this before they visual images are always good. They say that if you feed an animal, Give it here. You give it food and it becomes fat.

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And it gives you milk.

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They say that this is debitum shampoo.

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This is an animal that is shampoo. Why is it shampoo? Because you give it and then

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gives back. It gives back. Right? There's evidence right that you've given it some number there is evidence that that NEMA have been used has been found had been appreciated. And then you get something that this is a quote from among humans is the same thing. A lot gives him NEMA. And he thanks a lot for it. There's something coming back from him to Allah subhana wa. Now unless somebody thinks a lot needs it in any way, Allah says, You're thinking a lot for your own sake and for your own benefit does Alani do so now when he asks you to pray? Absolutely not. does Allah need your fasting when he asks you to fast when asks you for? Absolutely not. And it's good to remember this

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is sometimes right when we're standing in or when we're not going to go and pray and we don't feel like praying sometimes, and we want to make Vicodin. We don't feel like it. Sometimes it feels like or I'm doing a lot of favor by doing this. And the ally asks me and he Allah here, I'm giving it to you.

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I'm giving it to you. So here it is. I don't feel it. But he Allah here, take it from me. That's a different attitude. Right? Then a person who when he's standing up to praise, saying, I'm praying for myself here, I want to save myself a lot does not receive anything from this. I'm saving my own self when I'm doing this.

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Like Subhanallah the attitude could be the same with humans when they ask you for money. Let's suppose a poor person comes and asks you for money, you can have two types of attitudes.

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One attitude is that you take it and leave me right? You've asked for money and here's this money I'm doing you a favor Don't ask me for anything else after this. I'm doing you a favor. Whereas there is another attitude and this other attitude is I'm giving this money but who is the one who gaining the most by giving this money? Who's the one who's giving a gaining the most you or me? I am getting the most not you because you're getting what you're getting dollars. Right? Getting 1050 100 1000 getting that I'm getting what in return if my intention is good, what am I getting in return

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has learned from Allah subhana wa tada and his forgiveness and rashanna. So in fact, you need a lot more than this person needs your money.

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So here or when you go to perform a birder towards Allah subhanho wa Taala the attitude is not undoing it, right. And Allah should be happy with it because I'm doing it, you'll be doing it and you're hoping that Allah will accept it because it's to save your own self. And that is a different attitude when you're standing to pray. When you're making dua, you're saving yourself from Hellfire Will my usual goodness say when you're thinking a lot about the food for the food that Allah has given you, it's not a burden that a lot put on you. No, you're actually you're elevating yourself and bring yourself closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala aren't you?

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It's for my own self, you're benefiting your own self. Right.

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So if you think about it this way, first of all, he exonerate and elevate a lot beyond any need. Allah did not need anything when He created us it all was out of a sense of generosity. But the other thing is also very important is that your relationship will allow will be different. I'm doing this for that and handy another lies enabling me to do it. I'm doing this thicker Alhamdulillah This is for my sake, not a burden.

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Woman kuthodaw This is the opposite woman Qatada in the law, honey and have been the character does the opposite of the thankful that is the opposite of thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala

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what is the opposite of the fact that the thank you thanking Allah

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is what

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disobeying Allah but in what sense Allah gives you but you hide this is Nicola and you don't think a lot for if you don't recognize him. And this is also the meaning of Cooper in general linguistically, the Cooper is what the Cooper is to cover a lot.

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So the farmer the Arabic the Arabic language, the farmer is called catheter, okay. In what sense that he plants the seed and covers the covers that was soil. This is

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not this belief linguistically. This is why covering up so the cafard is what he covers up allows Nana Allah has given him all of these things, but does not recognize that Allah has given that to him. Does not thank Allah for it. Thanks other than Allah pelo to Allah for it, so he has not returned the favor innocence.

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So he's not here, his cafe rejects me rejects that is reality. Somebody else gave it to me It came from my own power, my own intelligence. So this person is responsible that person is responsible this idle that tree whatever they're worshiping other than a lot they think other than a lot but not a lot. So they hide the loss. So we understand from that a last name it should push you to be closer to Allah would in a new way you don't use it that way. You rejecting Allah's Name and that's an attitude of forgetting a lot.

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If he rejects a lot, if he disobeys a live he turns away from Allah in the love and he and Hamid

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left us alone he didn't

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find a lot of honey This is what the meaning of honey, Allah self sufficient, rich, independent, that doesn't take anything away from Allah. That's why this name is put there for in the law, honey

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and also Hamid

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Hani Dima Anna Mahmoud Hamid is praised. So Allah is rich, and Allah is praised, meaning a few do not praise Him or so and so he is praised. Others praise Him He is deserving of praise. Whatever you do, does not affect Allah subhanho wa Taala like a person looks at the sun and it says I don't see anything does not mean that the sun is not shining. does not mean that it has no light does not mean that it does not exist or it's not bright. It does not affect the sun will take anything away from its majesty. Right from its power. So more so Allah subhanho wa Taala says whoever rejects Allah subhana wa Tada. It doesn't take away from Allah's majesty and power and Subhana Allah that is

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elevation is high heat how high he is. So for in the law, honey, you'd have need so you understand from this, that a lot did not need the creation for anything.

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The does not need their praise when they praise Him. They praise him for their own sake. There's a law receive again does not receive any benefit from that praise. linnaean Allah La Habra como hawala deema over when you sacrifice as the law says in the Quran will use you when you sacrifice an animal. does Allah get the meat of that animal? Does it look at the blood of that animal? Does he get anything from that animal? It doesn't get anything you get to eat from it. other humans get to eat from it. What does Allah get from this action? He only wants your tequila when lacking in an income he only wants your stuff while your devotion that's the only thing he wants. Otherwise

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nothing material that you do, you don't do affects a loss of panel data.

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The next

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and you'll begin here to listen to the wisdom of LACMA with Karla Luqman who live in Hilo, Hawaii. Yeah, Buddha luxury villa.

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Will nocona said to his son,

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well, who are you?

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And he's giving him more even

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his advice,

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person advice that is attached to what would soften your heart by either mentioning a loss rewards or less punishment. So it's not just mere advice. It can give advice, right? You know, study hard, do this. Don't do that. When you attach your advice to its consequences, especially significant consequences, that they really matter. That can be called an IRA law, and especially when it relates to the hereafter heaven or *, that is no either. So my advice with

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with punishment or rewards for loss of penalty, that's what No.

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And you begin to see the wisdom of Luqman in this ayah, before we even continue, that he spoke to his son, and that he gave him advice, and how we spoke to his son.

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So first that he spoke,

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communicated with his son, what he said, and how he said it.

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How many people you think how many people take the time to talk to their children,

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about matters as significant as these?

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He's telling him about ship in a loss of Hanover data, how many people sit with their children, and actually communicate with them on such a deep level? And we can assume, I hope, safely, that his son was young when he was talking to him.

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Right? He wasn't talking to an adult. He was talking to a young boy, how many of us actually direct their attention to their children speak significantly, meaningfully to them about matters like that. That is wisdom. That from a young age, he spoke to his son about something that is very significant what he should build

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Leave, how should he how he should esteem Allah subhanho wa Taala how he should worship Allah subhanho wa Taala how we should behave? How we should be very significant, not LA, he's just a child, let him play let him have fun. Just talk to him about what happened at school today. All you did good. What do you do your homework? Did you eat? And that is it. These are significant concepts of meaningful conversation with the child. That's part of the wisdom of Look, man, to plan this at an early age. What is it that you believe? How should you believe it? By? What's the reason behind it? So panela you will see and look, man that he gives him a reason. Right? It gives him a reason

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why to believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala what is the majesty of Allah subhanaw taala why you should behave this way he gives them reasons. And that's why also part of giving more either sometimes is to give the reason the consequence, the heck man behind the act. Right. Sometimes the person doesn't need the hikma. Go and pray, okay, I'll go and pray. Right? Especially if you're living among a large Muslim population, or Muslim countries, and everybody's doing it, sometimes you don't really need the heck my fast to just be fasting. For some people, even in Muslim countries, you need to give them the Hikmah of why this has to happen. Why? Because their email requires it. their

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personality requires it in an inner place, in a country in a city where the majority are non Muslims in it supply even more of that because their action is constantly being questioned. And they will start to question it because it's not the norm around them that everybody's fasting, everybody's fraying everybody's putting the hijab on. So you supply the commendable loss of Hanover to Allah but also what is behind it? What's the wisdom whenever that is a possibility? supply the wisdom so at what is accepted, right, it sinks deep inside, emotionally and mentally. And you both use both of them mentally and emotionally. And you'll see that he uses both. McMahon uses both. So the fact that

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he talked to his son, that's one sign of his wisdom. What he said, we will go through it in sha Allah is another sign

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giving him more

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advice. Heaven and *

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a sign. Yeah. Boo nia.

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Yeah, buena, cinco de diminutive. My young boy.

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This a this reflects love, adoration. And he's using soft language to talk to him.

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So he's able to connect with this child at this level, and to bring him closer to him using soft lovable words. And that's how you affect people. Right? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says McHenry foofy Shay in a lesbian who was I mean, she in in China who he says being gentle, right? being soft, wherever you put it in something it beautifies it. And if you take it away from something, it makes it ugly. whatever that thing is, and the I can say the same thing that a man is saying, for instance, to my son, you can say it to your son and you can yell at them. It will be effective.

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yell at them go and pray. Right? It may not be effective. Yeah, sometimes you need to yell I understand. But I'm saying that as as a norm as a way that you want to really instill these values in the person that you're talking to children or adults, if you're soft, is stronger in the law.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala gives when you being soft when he does not give when you're being violent and harsh. This for profit. So the law is in him is saying that. So when you want to give advice, the best way to give advice the West pay to pay the way for the acceptance of your advices for you to be soft.

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Exceptional for exceptional times, yes, you can be rough, sometimes may be needed. It'd be hard. Sometimes it may be needed, but saved as a normal practice as a common practice for you to be soft. You want somebody to accept your advice as an adult, there's nothing better than to be soft with them. And they're likely to accept what your advice more than if you're harsh. So here when he's speaking to his son, and he he is the father and he has the power, and he can command him without using this language. But that's his wisdom. yagoona Yeah, this is coming from your father, my beloved Son, here's what I want to tell you. And the first thing that he tells him and again,

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another sign of his wisdom, what's the first advice that he gives him before anything else? Not to Shrek villa

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in the shitcan of a movie.

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Do not associate partners with the last panel don't worship anyone with a lot. For indeed this is a great sin.

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This is a great sin.

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That's the first advice.

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Because if you win this, you're likely to win. Every other battle that will come after us. And every other piece of wisdom in Sharla can be gained.

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Right? But if you lose this, what's the benefits of any other wisdom that will come after? If you only meet Allah subhanho wa Taala would be considered a loser. So the foundation of wisdom is this. If you don't recognize the most fundamental truth in this universe, which is Allah subhana wa, tada, how you can recognize any other truth that will follow if you will commit the greatest injustice. Greatest injustice?

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Is this if you're going to commit the greatest injustice? What benefit is for you to be just afterwards with other things that are minor and inferior to it? Why was this vote would have been a great injustice? What is injustice? Okay, what is injustice?

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Although she feels like the most, some of the scholars say, well, they'll shave you when you put something and it's inappropriate place that is injustice, right? If I go and take your money,

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I'm not supposed to I take your money, I put your money in an unlawful, inappropriate place injustice. And there are two people, someone is righteous and someone who's not. I dishonor the one who's righteous and honor the one who is wicked, that is

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injustice and putting the things in their inappropriate place. Now, when you give your a badger and devotion to someone other than Allah subhanho wa Taala, you put it in the right or in the wrong place, in the wrong place? Why was it then the most or the severest of injustice? Why should this viewers injustice, and for us humans today, this is our standards.

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Humans, even some Muslims.

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Committing ship is not as serious as killing someone. Right?

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For a lot of humans, including Muslims. I'm not saying that killing a person unjustly, is not sinful is a great sin, but I'm talking about degrees. Committing shirk is not as serious as killing someone right? For all of humans. That's the most you know incredible sin that you can do even among Muslims.

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Whereas in the sight of Allah subhana wa tada which is the one that he will never forget.

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You can kill someone and not even repent from it. And you can meet Allah Subhana Allah Dianna Lockwood if you still a Muslim Allah could put you in * five but then take you out. If a person commits ship hasn't killed anybody commits ship and he has no excuse me, Allah subhana wa tada he puts them in Hellfire doesn't take him out. So what is more serious? Should can Allah subhanho wa Taala That's why lookman starts with this. Before you take care of anything else. Take care of this. Before you know about anything else you know about this, before you fulfill anything else, you fulfill this. Because if you fulfill this, Allah will be happy with you. And you're more likely to

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take care of other things that Allah loves. If you fail this, what has remained of your email, of the purpose of your existence on this earth, what has remained, why are you here to begin with.

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So all the numbers that you have received and I have received come to you from whom

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your existence is from

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every love that you receive this from the food that you get, the breath that you take, the drink that you take, everything that you have in your life constantly is coming from Allah, and then you turn away from Allah and you think someone else

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that is the

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that's complete, right disloyalty, absolute disloyalty. And then the existence of Allah subhanho wa Taala, by the way, is manifest is clear in our hearts and our minds, as the existence of the sun, as the existence of our own selves.

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Any I know today there are people who argue and this is because their fifth law, their nature has deviated. Right and they need we need to talk to them and we need to correct but those who deny Allah subhanho wa Taala, atheists or agnostics, we don't believe that anyone was behind any of this.

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But throughout the history of humanity, even till today, they remain in the minority. Right? At least in history. Right? They've always been a small, very small minority of people who did not believe that there is a God and creed and even till today,

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and the fifth of every human his mind, his heart tells him from my early age, that there's always if there's an act or an action, there's always something behind it

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and no one accepts

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In their brain, that it came from nowhere. And in some of the scholars of Islam, he says when Tamia, he says, From a young age a boy doesn't matter how young he is. If someone from behind hits him, he turns back, why does he turn back?

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Somebody hit him, right? He says, He will say, who hits me?

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If someone tells him no one does he believe you

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are playing with him. He says, in the footer of this child, he knows from a very young age that every action has a cause behind it. So only later that that gets corrupted no one lives their life, even as an adult. They as they want to deny a loss of Hanover data. And we think sometimes we're sophisticated, really, intellectually, and that we'll be able to reach this, but in their life as they live everyday life. Everyday Life is based based on consequences, you do something and there's a consequence to it. There's an ad, they look for the cause behind it. This is how science works. Cause you look for that thing behind it. They don't look at a phenomenon and say it happened from

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nowhere. They look for what came before it and what caused it. This is how you discover bacteria and viruses and diseases and this how you get to treat it. This is how you discover what's in this universe. So Allah subhana wa tada is completely and utterly manifest and clear that he is there. So when you deny this absolute ultimate reality, and thank Allah subhanaw taala is saying that this is the greatest injustice.

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And this is the idea that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used when the Sahaba came to him famously and they asked

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Alina manual Amir bees to email a homely room in order

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to do those who have a man and they did not mix he their inner with injustice. They are the people who will have security and are guided. So they came to the prophets of Allah, how do you send them and they say, oh prophet of Allah, Who among us did not mix his email with injustice. Because this ayah they understood from it, it's too hard on us in this means, the way that they understood this is that none of us will have security, and none of us will be completely guided because all of us mixed our email within justice, right? It just as is said, Every citizen justice. So Who among us is sinless?

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So the Prophet sallallahu cinemas said to him, that's not what diames alumnus Morocco look man I live in he in the shitcan alumina alene that he didn't you hear Look man, saying this child in the shitcan alumina Aleem, indeed ship is a great injustice. So Allah is talking in that area about as the injustice that will deprive you of security and guidance. So here the prophets always send him use this idea to explain another area and this is the AI that he used. Right. So the wisdom of lokman

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is that he given this advice and was was the first advice

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and he will come back to it later and describe the power of Allah subhana wa dalin is 16 but before we reach is 1614 and 15 are an interjection introjection meaning this is not from the words of LACMA, but it says Allah subhanho wa Taala speaking here, right so it's not a woman speaking, but Allah subhana wa tada speaking it's not part of man's advice. But Allah reminding the believers of the duty that they have responsibility towards their parents.

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And this is common in the Quran, that you find that whenever a loss of Hello without or sometimes when Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds people of the duty that they have towards him, he follows that up with the duty that they have towards their parents. So take care of what you owe to Allah and His creation, Allah and His creation. And among this creation, the first is

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your parents. So take care of Allah subhana wa Tada, you don't violate His commands, and especially the most important one should can last

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in all of its types, not second rule we are believing that anyone has created other than Allah, or the one anyone sustains or provides other than Allah or you give worship to anyone that Allah or you believe in the names and attributes that anyone is like Allah and His names and attributes. You don't believe any of this, you avoid all of that ship.

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After you do this, also remember that you have responsibilities towards creation and the first Are your parents.

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And that is where Allah subhanho wa Taala says we'll assign an incentive B YT D.

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We have given

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humans right enjoined upon them to take care of their parents.

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So we'll see here is not simply a covenant

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Or see as an obligation command from Allah getting on you, but we'll see is a little bit extra

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is someone before they die? What do they write?

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We'll see, right? We'll We'll see. Why is it called We'll see. emphasized, you have to take care of this.

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It's not just take care of it, you have to take care of it, you have to pay attention to it.

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So what Selena means take care of this command of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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So this is a special command from Allah.

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And, in fact, emphatic command from Allah, coming to tell us take care of your parents, or assign an incentive be worthy of both of your parents.

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But then Allah moves from both of your parents to speak about the mother

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to speak about the mother. How many

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of you saw the roofie I mean, his mother carried him. Well, another one.

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What is weakness, hardship?

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When another one means hardship after hardship, weakness after weakness, that is she's moving from weakness, to weakness, or on top of one weakness, she receives another weakness. She carries him in pregnancy, right. And as she progresses in this fight for pregnancy, it becomes harder and harder on her eye. So she goes through difficulty, and then the difficulty of labor.

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And then he says, Hello, what's the other one? You saw the goofy. I mean, he gets weaned. And futami gets weaned in two years. So she breastfeed him for a period of two years. So we saw separation. And he separates from her in a period of two years. So the facade is when he stops drinking milk.

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So he says, she goes through all of this.

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She is a partner with the Father and that both of them are parents.

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Both of them are parents. What the mother has extra sheds, she carries him right, and breastfeed him.

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So there's some element deduce from that. And why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when someone came to him and said, Man, I happen to be somebody who's the one who deserves my companionship, my good companionship, he says your mother. And then he said, then he said, your mother. And then he said then and he said, your mother. And then the last one, he said, your father says, Why did he do this? Some of the automatic juice he says, because of these, because she's a parents, parent. She carried him nine months, breastfed him, right? So 123 and then comes the Father. Right? 123 and then the father comes at the forefront. And that typically, she's weaker than

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the Father.

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And the sun may respect the afraid of astronomer, right, if he does something out of line, smacks him right. So it could be afraid a little bit but the mother self taught it. So he may talk back to her more likely than his father, he may abuse more likely than father. So that's why he says you take care, that's why Allah Allah Subhana, Allah emphasizes the right of the mother more. And you will find that in the Quran. When a person is weaker, like Elijah team, the Misaki, Allah takes care of them in the Quran, one in the people who are stronger in take care of themselves.

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reminding me of a like a joke. I don't know if I've shared that with you before somebody was making.

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Like in the books, you know, you read that in books somebody was making do after his mother and he was loved. So we can do after his mother to make a draft for his mother making doctor, his mother, somebody who was next to him. And he was listening to him. And he says, How about your father? He said, My father is a tough guy who can take care of himself.

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And he's strong enough, he doesn't need my job. And my mother is weak for her right? So I need me to make more for her. So of course, that's not right. But that idea behind it is that she is more in need. So Allah subhanaw taala takes care of her right in the Quran. So he says, I've given you this emphasized command take care of your parents.

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So of all the other all the people that you know, around you, right, the people who have the greatest pride upon you, or your parents, and this is what allows Hannah Montana mentions in the Quran. And that's one of the use of Panama one of the commands that are neglected, that really take care of the parents and their rights and their comfort. And even

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while we continue we'll come back to the next area. So Allah says initially, what do you worry they Kaley animasi.

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Thank me, send your thanks to me and to your parents.

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And the return should be to me

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Subhan Allah Allah He joined thanking him to thanking the parents.

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See in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said, Man, the Minish karela Mini screener. So lineage karela. The one who doesn't thank people doesn't take a loss of Hannah. Without it, there's a link between the if you're thankful to ally, your thank your parents.

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Why? Because the same principle, they're not the same magnitude the same principle is in play. Why are you thinking our last panel data? One of the reasons why are you thinking a lot? For what? For all that?

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That's one of the reasons all the numbers that he had given you, every year he'd given you on your life, which includes your parents, by the way.

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Why are you thinking your parents

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because of all the things that have given you?

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If you're unfaithful to your parents, you're more likely to be unthankful when it comes to other human beings, by the way.

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Because if you don't recognize the right that they have, despite all of their sacrifice, how can you recognize anybody else's sacrifice?

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And similarly, if you don't recognize the right that Allah has upon you, despite everything that he had given you, how can you recognize any other right after that?

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So this is the Muslim right? This is the Muslim consistent now that I will be good to Allah but not good to my parents that I'd be good to where my parents were not good with Allah, you're consistent. The same principle applies everywhere. So Allah says, thank me.

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And thank you parents. And by the way, a sugar right? A sugar isn't with all your body.

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A sugar comes with your heart, with your tongue and with your body. So when Allah says thank me,

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right, it doesn't mean that hamdulillah only know you thank Allah with your heart by recognizing that he's not alone. by thanking him inside by being happy with him, not upset, right? with anything that he has done, grateful for everything that he has given you, grateful for the things that he didn't give you. The same way.

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So with your heart and also your tongue constantly thanking Allah, praising Allah and with your body, worshiping Allah subhana wa tada doing what Allah loves, this is shook. So it says And also, thank you parents, meaning inside with tongue and with body, you're thinking you're repaying them, you're being grateful to everything that they have done for you.

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And what will help you do all of this

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in a lawsuit, you're going to come back to me Why does the last panel data by the way, say it again we'll see.

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In a mercy, why.

00:47:46 --> 00:48:00

Because Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to remind you that whatever hardship you are going through right now, and feelings that I don't want to do this, remember your end and remember why you're doing all of this.

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Because sometimes you don't feel like you want to be good, be good to your parents. It's hard.

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Sometimes you don't feel like you really want to stand up and pray. It's hard. Sometimes you don't feel like you want to worship I lost parent data. It's hard. What is the thing that will help you overcome

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that impediment? That weakness that whisper from the shoe Thanos the thing that is going to help you

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was I say it again sorry. Then result is that he almost heading towards a loss of Hana with the ANA. So this is not through the here and now. This is for later. This is an investment for something that is absolutely going to happen.

00:48:45 --> 00:48:53

You know if you are saving for something who's saving for a new car or a bigger house or to get married or whatever who's saving right?

00:48:54 --> 00:49:03

Why is it that you save you say okay, by the by the way people don't save as good as they used to I think I hear and so you need to save more anyway.

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Why? If you feel like I want to eat outside

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but it's going to cost me 2030 $50 if I go outside and eat better I eat out inside and save this money for later what what makes you stay home and not go outside?

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What are you waiting for?

00:49:25 --> 00:49:59

Go there's something better in the law to follow. So the sweetness the anticipation the Accept expectance of something better later makes what is difficult now bearable? And even enjoyable. Even enjoyable. Not even on the only bearable because you'll have you put this $50 I don't know what if you're not in the you know, the home bank or whatever you put it there. I wanted to say the piggy bank but I said hold back and it's always say so so then you'll feel safe and that that thing comes back

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becomes more of a reality, more of a reality, the promise of Allah subhanho wa Taala then becomes sweeter.

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There's a nice example I heard from one of the, they'll share with you, he says, suppose someone

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let's say he's four, and he has a relative that is rich, he went, he wanted to borrow money from that rich relative, but he did would not give him anything, right. And this whole person has kids and has debts and has a lot of things we look for, and that rich relatives, that would not give him anything that rich relative passes away, dies, he has no one to inherit them, except this poor relative. But the save, of course, you know, you know, till, you know, take care of the will and take care of you know, whatever rights here and there and the court and whatever, right? I'll take a processing time about few months, six months a year. But after that all of that money will be belong

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to this poor person. He says now in that intermediate period between this time till the time that he inherited, you'll find him happy or sad.

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He's going to inherit all that money, he's gonna inherit all that money, why would you be sad? He'll be happy, right? He'll be he'll wake up the next day. And it's like it held the law, right? All the pain is gone. The debt is still the debt, he's still in the same miserable house is still the same old clothes. But why is he happy?

00:51:29 --> 00:51:58

Exactly what he's expecting to come in a year's time. That expectation makes me extremely happy now, though he has nothing now. But he's anticipating. So the same thing with a believer, right? If he's anticipating all this, from our last panel data is nothing compared to what that person is going to inherit from his rich relative, whatever it may be. Allies promise you and you in general, you'll be like the King of kings. So when you think about it over there, it'll say whatever is happening here is nothing.

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So we'll wake up and you're poor, and your car is not working, and your wife is shouting at you and the kids are giving you a headache, whatever it is, you're going through in this life, and this person wants to fire you, whatever it is, the promise of Allah is there. And because it's there, you're happy now. Right? Because you expecting it to come. It's a reality for you. The more of a reality it is, the happier you will be.

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Consider that. If it's truly a reality, wake up happy, go to sleep happy. Or somebody you'd have just gotten this and gotten it dealt with didn't maybe it wouldn't matter to you, is your expectation, your goal, your gaze is right there at where our last panel was.

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You know, we'll give you whatever you want on the Day of Judgment. So el Masri means pay attention to that end, to the Day of Judgment, pay attention that yes, you may not get everything here, but you're doing it for over there. It may be difficult here, but do it for Allah sake. Be good to your parents for Allah sake. Not because they are necessarily good to you, but Allah sake be good to your relatives, for Allah sake, not because necessarily they are good to you.

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Lisa will also be McAfee, you know, signal to him. You know, the person who does sit up for him is not the person who repays similar to him. But the one who when they disconnect, he connects.

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And either

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because why? If I say if you call me, I'll call you. If you visit me, I'll visit you is not ideally similar to Ryan. I'm just doing what you're doing.

00:53:46 --> 00:54:11

The more that you do, the more that I'll do the less the less. Right? So this is I'm paying for something and buying it less. That's how it is it like a transaction says this is not suited to him. So that means that when they disconnect, you connect, when they disconnect, you connect, when they insult, you forgive and you go back, that is sort of divine. But if you walk into the prophets in law, you still have an era still alive when they don't deserve it.

00:54:12 --> 00:54:16

They don't deserve it with you, they don't deserve it. But are you doing it for that?

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for them?

00:54:21 --> 00:55:00

Not doing it for them? Maybe if you do it for them, I'll never talk to you again. But for a loss of handler to Allah, no. I'll do it. Despite what I feel, despite my anger destroy my frustration for a lot so just because I want what you see when I meet our last panel data and say your ally was good. And you've seen it and it was for you not for another human being sake for reforming me. And I thank them for you. Even though I didn't feel like it at times, but I did it for you and it was I took care of them for your sake even if he did not feel like it at times. We'll do one more area inshallah and then we will go We'll continue

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With the rest of the look man's advice in sha Allah next week here we're in Jakarta and to Sri Kadima, Lisa naka de la petite Houma Anya 15 masahito Macedonia model, despite

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despite how much Allah subhana wa Taala wants you to honor and respect and take care of your parents, there's a limit to it. And limit here last panel data talks about what India had DACA and to gkv they strive neither word that allow us is jaha Dhaka jihad.

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Their maximum effort they put their maximum effort, right, not just you know, you should disbelieve in Allah another nondescript visit, continuously talking to you about it, don't even doing all that they can, threatening you right depriving you of inheritance or whatever it is, trying to push you as much as they can especially possibly can to commit shitcan Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right. Mally Seneca v infinity karma, don't obey them. When it comes to that you don't obey them. When they asked you to just obey me you don't obey even though they have greatest rights upon you for money, the creation, you don't obey them.

00:56:20 --> 00:56:30

And he says about here and to speak at the Madison Academy and that you this associate are associated with me. What do you have no knowledge of what is the what is the law say what you have no knowledge of?

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Because anything

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that is sure.

00:56:36 --> 00:56:44

There is no basis of knowledge behind it. There is no foundation of knowledge behind it as if our last panel data is saying that any claim of Schick is baseless.

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There is no end behind it. So Shere Khan without any meaning there is no Shere Khan at

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all shirk is based on ignorance.

00:56:55 --> 00:56:59

They have no knowledge of it. And that's why if we had known as they wouldn't say it, they wouldn't speak it.

00:57:01 --> 00:57:05

As Allah says, malham became an enemy in one area him Kabbalah kelemen Surah

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malham became in one or the other when they want to disbelieve in Allah and reporters to him, they have no knowledge of it, and their parents have no knowledge of it. So no one who's speaking and advocating and arguing for shift has real knowledge behind it. So he's saying they're asking you to do something out of ignorance.

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And so you do not obey them.

00:57:30 --> 00:57:43

Right? And see how Subhana Allah gentle Allah is see the people of the city says he didn't say faster Hema, this obey them. He says do not obey them. And in Arabic,

00:57:44 --> 00:57:51

it makes a difference local law to the gentler than cnse faster him so Hema is strong.

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Lakota is softer.

00:57:55 --> 00:58:14

So this is for Lakota Hola. So the law and calling a person to commit to for the last panel data and allies still telling you to be with saw, but not to tell. Because what comes after a psychometric dounia alpha, be a good companion for them in this dunya.

00:58:15 --> 00:58:55

This is difficult, not easy. cibona for dounia alpha, she wants you to feed her feed her, she wants you to go and buy her grocery do that, by she needs help physically do that. You take care of her when she's elderly, you do that we take care of run, you bury her and you make sure that she's taken care of and her will is fulfilling all of that you do that you didn't raise your voice when she's arguing with you, you do that? By etcetera, etcetera, whatever their need is as long as right? You don't do something that Allah hates. That is the line. You don't cross that. But anything else? Sahiba do you beat your good companion?

00:58:56 --> 00:59:12

Right? You will be the person that they can depend on that they can trust. This is our last panel data wants you to be and again for Allah sake. It could be times very difficult to do this with them. But for Allah sake, what the best would be lemon and Eli

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and follow the path of those who returned to me.

00:59:19 --> 00:59:22

So it's not necessarily the bat path of your parents.

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Some of the time or what your parents teach you is what Allah loves. Sometimes it's not well, sometimes we've inherited something. They think it's Islam, they teach it to you. But it's not what Allah loves. It's not what His Prophet sallallahu Sallam loves. So Allah says, when you want to follow a path, he said, 11 and follow the path of those who have returned to me. repented, came back to Allah walking on the streets,

00:59:52 --> 00:59:59

which include Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and all the prophets of Allah. He was a noble Sahaba and so on. That has this

01:00:00 --> 01:00:17

Clear right? And you have guides and you have models and you have leaders on that path, find that path and you follow it because they have come back to Allah and you fall follow that path you beyond the path take into taking you to Allah subhana wa Tada. So, let us see differentiating between reverence or

01:00:18 --> 01:00:39

respect that you would give to your parents, and the same time following the path of truth which they may not be the same. The path of truth could be different than the path that your parents have outlined. But still, that is not give us cause to disobey. And to insult and to neglect our parents even if they are too far. Now how about if they are Muslim?

01:00:40 --> 01:00:43

However, they are Muslim who believe in Allah Subhana Allah to Allah.

01:00:44 --> 01:00:56

So you really, really need to do that. And there it is to say, okay, they passed away. That doesn't stop does it? Like righteousness, the good thing that you can do to your friend doesn't stop if they pass away? What can you do?

01:00:58 --> 01:01:36

Right, you can constantly make dua for them constantly make dua for them, that is part of the good that you owe them after their death, and honoring their friends, being good to their friends and their relatives and the people that they love. That's another topic, but this is part of the honor that you can give to them. The last thing here, some lady Mr. Jenkins on a bill can be welcome to terminal and then all of you because all of you will go back to me in a Mr. Jericho, righteous or not sons, daughter, parents, all of you disbelievers not all of you are going to come back to me phone bill can be my quantum terminal, I will tell you about the things that he used to do, nothing

01:01:36 --> 01:01:37

is going to be hidden.

01:01:39 --> 01:01:45

Nothing is going to be I will escape a loss of Hello data. So the small thing that you do anything, no one is noticing.

01:01:47 --> 01:01:48

And sometimes it's a good thing that you're doing, but

01:01:50 --> 01:01:51

does it matter?

01:01:52 --> 01:02:24

You're the only one who knows about it. Yeah, it matters, who side doesn't matter. Less than a lot of bring it the next day inshallah for next time, we'll see an example of that. But all it matters in the sight of Allah, Allah to Allah, even if it's very, very, very small. Or if it's very, very small, and it's bad. You say it doesn't matter. This is nothing, it doesn't matter. Because Allah knows about it. And he will tell you about it when you meet him. So you don't want to meet a law and the conversation be between you and Allah the first conversation you have between you and your Creator. all the bad things that you've done.

01:02:26 --> 01:02:26


01:02:28 --> 01:02:58

you meet a lot and you've been waiting to meet a lot and the conversation will be you've done this sin and you've done this sin and you've done this is you want that to be the conversation with Allah Subhana Allah and what are you going to do with it except you know, lower your head and you see what die out of shame. There Shayla is talking to me about all the bad things I've done. Do you want it to be this way? Well, let's telling you why you've done this good thing and this good thing and I've forgiven you. And you've guided these many people and you made this throughout which conversation do you want? What book do you want?

01:03:00 --> 01:03:03

So in a more general course you always pay attention to that end.

01:03:04 --> 01:03:44

And we'll see inshallah, when we come to it next week, then as you continue with the advice of local man, how he teaches his child to anticipate meaning a loss of China with Allah and while he's in this life, how he connects him emotionally to Allah subhanaw taala and intellectually, that's what you need to do with yourself or with anyone that you're talking to about the state of Allah subhanho wa Taala so inshallah I think I should stop here. So the advice of lokman continues and is 16 and 1718 and 19 the vanilla so that will be the isn't enough for next week. Is that law highlight that I'll give you a few minutes in Sharla for questions if you have any.

01:03:54 --> 01:03:55

was the last part you said I'm sorry.

01:03:58 --> 01:04:42

Insurance. Now what actions and what things are included um, there are a lot of actions and things that are included in should basically should is for you to create or to have a partner with Allah. So a Shetty in our apartment showcase to have someone to be partnering with Allah subhanho wa Taala. That should could be something that is major, or something that is minor. Something that is major, if it's a major shift is something that takes a person outside of Islam makes a person non Muslim, giving a burden to someone other than Allah Subhana Allah is an example of ship praying to someone other than Allah. fasting for someone other than Allah, making and requesting things from someone

01:04:42 --> 01:04:55

other than Allah subhanho wa Taala slaughtering for someone than other than Allah subhana wa tada believing that someone created as Allah has created or was responsible for this creation, or takes care of sustenance provisions of the earth right at

01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

the rain our souls other than a loss

01:05:00 --> 01:05:05

Without these are all examples of shitcan Allah, that someone is all hearing all knowing

01:05:07 --> 01:05:08

someone is in

01:05:09 --> 01:05:52

all hearing all knowing, all powerful. All these are examples of schicken, Allah soprano that oh you can have minor ship, a minor sure does, it takes someone from out of the fold of Islam stone is still Muslim, but it committed still a serious crime. And it is taking part of that a better given to Allah that someone other than Allah were attributing something to other than Allah, but it's not as serious as the major should. An example is showing off. So person is praying, and is showing off. So he's praying for the sake of people noticing him, this is minor shift, believing in omens, right and believing open superstitions, for instance, believing that a black cat or black pearl are a sign

01:05:52 --> 01:05:54

of bad luck. That's a minor shift in the last panel.

01:05:57 --> 01:06:30

Depending too much on the ASVAB on the means, and not being aware that Allah Subhana Allah is the one who controls everything. So you think the medicine that I've taken is the only thing right? You just your heart is attached to it, that medicine, the thing that is curing me, this person is the one who gives me my salary, and not noticing that Allah is the one who's giving you all of this and Allah is the one who's killing you could be an example of a minor shift, and so on and so on. So it's giving a burden to someone other than Allah subhana wa Tada, we're giving an ability to someone other than Allah subhanaw taala. That could be major online

01:06:31 --> 01:06:34

shop. But it's it's a long topic.

01:06:44 --> 01:06:44


01:06:49 --> 01:07:12

Now, a person could be right a person could be following his desire and he could follow his desire to the extent that he will treating it as if it is a God, as if it's a god. So if he so it's as if, if whenever the nurse tells him to do something, he knows that and he disobeys Allah subhana wa Tada. Eventually, yeah, eventually, it'd be worshiping his own desire. Yeah, he'd be worshiping his own desire. So

01:07:13 --> 01:07:39

it could take him to the major one, it's a minor one, but it could take him to a major one where a person just you know, it doesn't pray doesn't give us a car doesn't believe in anything, because he's worshiping his desire, whatever he wants, it's gonna take him to the major ones. So depends on what he does with it. So at first it could be doing it in minor things. And anybody who disagrees a lot does it because he is favoring his desire over what Allah wants. Or it could be go to the major part, and that will take him out of Islam if he disobeyed along like that.

01:07:41 --> 01:07:41


01:07:44 --> 01:07:47

Today, Sally said, I'm drink like water.

01:07:51 --> 01:07:54

We drink Drink. Drink alcohol?

01:07:56 --> 01:08:03

No, yes. Yeah, no, no, he didn't drink alcohol. No, it didn't

01:08:08 --> 01:08:15

put things in the correct place in time. Yeah, definition of injustice is to put things in incorrectly.

01:08:19 --> 01:08:55

injustice and wisdom that they are opposite of each other. I haven't seen any other men talking about it as opposite of each other. But the connection that you make is interesting, because you won't be wise if you're committing injustice, say. So. I would say that they could have the similar or close definition, right of justice being putting face things in the right place, and heck, am I doing the right thing at the right time in the right way? So it appears to me that hekla is a step higher that justice, right? Well, law needs contemplation?

01:09:14 --> 01:09:53

No, no, say Yanni. When Allah subhana wa hypomorphic, dounia, modify and keep their good companionship in the dunya. This is for the non believing parents. So this is the right that we owe them as parents, right? And if they are Muslims, we owe them a greater right because they are Muslims. So in addition to them being parents, they're also Muslim. So there's double that right. And their only parents are non Muslims, or at least we owe them the rights of the parents. So the right is more emphasized when they are Muslim parents. Just like the neighbor, your neighbor, right? He, you owe him rights, because he's your neighbor, if he's your neighbor, and he's Muslim,

01:09:55 --> 01:09:56

because he's also Muslim.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:02

Not like, for example, a parent

01:10:04 --> 01:10:07

child is Muslim. So my prayer passes away with that child.

01:10:11 --> 01:10:11

Good question.

01:10:14 --> 01:10:53

Someone said that he does not inherit, that he doesn't inherit from them. But then some of the other other method that he does, and they have like a long argument for him, that if he's Muslim, and the parents are not Muslim, and they leave some wealth behind that he does inherit from them. And they said, Any one of the justifications in Islam, we are your ally, that he's supposed to receive from them, but they don't receive from him etc, etc. So, blah, and then if somebody Converse, and his parents pass away, according to that second opinion, which is that they do inherit, I would say that he does inherit from them, but if he studies and he finds that the other opinion is stronger, he has

01:10:53 --> 01:10:56

to follow that opinion. So there are two opinions on this matter or

01:11:00 --> 01:11:19

vice versa, vice versa, it's clear that they don't inherit so if a person Yeah, the person is Muslim, and the project is non Muslim, it's clear that they don't inherit from them that they don't take any money from them but if it's the other way, so there are two sayings and the one that I saw I see is stronger for too low lm is that he does inherit from that

01:11:20 --> 01:11:21

Yeah, yeah.

01:11:29 --> 01:12:06

No, you don't make do out for them. No, I mean if the if you know that they passed away and they have not accepted Islam you don't make do out for them. And the you know, this is a story of Rahim Ali Salaam in the in the Quran, about asking forgiveness for his father is very clear that you know, he wanted to be the last panel with Allah told him that he cannot. And the problem was panel to Allah said that, you know, that you had a good example. And Ibrahim accepting this accepting this thing, which he had promised to make his default to his fantasies in this one. You don't follow him in it. So, you know, you don't make as default for them for them if you know that they have done a

01:12:06 --> 01:12:08

diet as non Muslims yet.

01:12:10 --> 01:12:12

Let's say no, like, we're Muslims.

01:12:15 --> 01:12:15

non Muslims.

01:12:22 --> 01:12:22


01:12:25 --> 01:12:25


01:12:31 --> 01:12:32


01:12:33 --> 01:12:37

Right. Yeah. No, I Oh, so what's the question? You have a question?

01:12:51 --> 01:12:54

Well, I mean, it depends. Yeah. And he

01:12:56 --> 01:13:32

would, they should have received the message of Islam. permissive Islam should have been conveyed to them, and conveyed to them in the proper way. So if that was the case, right, and they rejected, then they have no excuse with our last panel data when they meet Allah, but they have not received it or they received it in a deformed way. When if the old was heard about the prophet SAW the cinema, all the bad things about Muslim the bad things that they did not really receive the proper message, that will not count them as if they have received the message of Islam. And if you did not receive a message from Allah, they don't get a pass. They get tested on the Day of Judgment. So

01:13:32 --> 01:14:02

anyone who is in this gray area with a non Muslim, I mean, they are not so they didn't accept Islam, but they also did not receive the message. Clearly, exactly. So when they are with the last panel that Allah has tested on that day, there's a hadith about that a little test them on that day, and they are exactly exactly the hereafter when they are all everybody's resurrected. And we stand before a lot. test them and if they pass that test, they'll go to gender and they don't pass that test. They go to *. Yeah.

01:14:04 --> 01:14:04


01:14:15 --> 01:14:15


01:14:17 --> 01:14:17


01:14:27 --> 01:14:30

or committed crimes.

01:14:35 --> 01:14:46

What do you think? So if you pray, and you're committing bad things, do you still go to Jenna? So you think no, we think Allah maybe can forgive some of these things.

01:14:47 --> 01:14:59

Yeah, so you can unlock and forgive some of these things, but you just shouldn't count on that. I'll do all these bad things in a lover forgive it because you don't know. So you could do a lot of bad things and alone he sees you and they've done me say you've been very bad.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:06

You're going to have to have a couple of dips and Hellfire, right? Which is not very good, you're going to be burned for burning for a long time. So you don't want to do that.

01:15:12 --> 01:15:15

Yes, that's true. That's true. Very good.

01:15:16 --> 01:15:18

To answer your question, okay.

01:15:19 --> 01:15:25

So if it's like, for example, Catholic, Catholic, Catholic parents,

01:15:26 --> 01:15:39

and you have to start a family of your own, would you have to like sort of disconnect yourself from your Catholic parents, so they will be. So your children.

01:15:43 --> 01:16:18

I don't see that you have to disconnect yourself from your non Muslim parents, if you're starting your own family depends on the influence. I think you can have a conversation with them about how you want to raise your family and what influences you would like to see or not to see in your family. And you will make your own judgment, right. Maybe you don't have you don't have to disconnect completely from them. But maybe on some occasions, where they decide to do something and you feel it's inappropriate, you will disconnect from that. But then later, it will take your children to their grandparents and that could be also a form of dour, right or even if it's not

01:16:18 --> 01:16:36

dour, just basic kindness, right basically, that they are close to their grandparents and the grandparents are close to the grandchildren. And as long as they're not harming anyone, right and you're able to control that then there's nothing wrong with it. I think there's a way around it, so that there's no complete disconnect, hopefully.

01:16:37 --> 01:16:41

Okay, inshallah, one more question if there's no okay.

01:16:58 --> 01:16:59

I think this

01:17:02 --> 01:17:04

cycle I heard that from you to

01:17:07 --> 01:17:12

get here. Okay. So I want the kitchen away before he left just in case so significant to him.

01:17:14 --> 01:17:16

Okay, can you shorten

01:17:25 --> 01:17:26


Explanation of ayahs 12-15 from Surat Luqman.

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