Ali Albarghouthi – On Loving Allah Allah is beautiful with Dr Ali al Barghouthi #3

Ali Albarghouthi

AI: Summary ©

The conversation covers Andersen's book "Silence of the Earth" which covers religion, human behavior, and the origin of Islam. The importance of finding oneself in the world to be the creator of beauty, physical and mental beauty, pride in Islam, and self expression. The speakers stress the need to be patient and avoiding wasteful behavior, while also acknowledging the importance of showing one's appearance to receive blessings in Islam. The speakers also emphasize the use of flashy colors for attracting guests and avoiding harm.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah who is early he also he was salam ala Malema may info now and finally my LinkedIn I was in iluminado Bill Alameen Allama in the Keiko Shoukry co hosts, neighbor attic

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that hamdulillah will and I mean, we are now at Hadith number two. And before we get into it insha Allah just a reminder that the book is available for sale, inshallah at the back. So please, if you are actually interested in joining this halacha it really matters if you have the book, because what we want is like a lottery or what we want, what I would recommend is that you either read and you come and listen to the lecture or you listen to it, and then you go ahead and read so that you have the best of both can share a lot of anatomy. And the book that we're doing is this is love. You have two books available heart therapy, and this is love the one that we're doing, just you know kind of

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to chase away any confusion. The book that we're doing is, this is love. Card therapy complements it insha Allah so you can buy both. The one that we're focused on here right now is this is love. And we're doing Hadith number two, and the title of the chapter is Allah is beautiful, right? So there's the one main Hadith and other narrations. The first main Hadith here is where Rasul Allah is Allah Allah audio is said in Allah to Allah, Jimmy la new hippo German when you hit Brahma and El Ohmori, Accra who's of Safa, Allah azza wa jal is beautiful, and he loves beauty. And he loves lofty matters, and he hates lowly once. And in another Hadith in the like, and even your hipbone caught on

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Java don't you hibel Java ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada is Corinne generous, and he loves those who are generous. And he is that's another type of generosity Joanne

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and he loves those who have that type of generosity, your head Guna eylea. He loves the best of character and manners, and he hates lowly once. And in another Hadith.

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Allah the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says in the lodge I need on your Hebrew, German Allah is beautiful and he loves beauty. When you hit one Yara, Sr, any Mati here and Abdi here and he loves to see the trace of the favours that he had given to His servant upon the servant, meaning for him to exhibit that, that favor and that bounty while you believe we'll lose our turbos, and Allah hates boats and turbos showcasing poverty or pretending to be poor.

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Now, these Hadith clearly tell you something really important about Allah subhanho wa taala. And from that it draws from, it's something that you're supposed to do, the way that you're supposed to act. And this is what the message of the entire book is that we want to know Allah is the origin.

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But we don't want to stop there. We want to have that be impactful, that it changes us changes in terms of how we know Allah and relate to him, how we worship Him, Subhana Allah to Allah, and how we behave according to him, according to their worship on this earth, since knowledge, but also the application of that knowledge and we don't want those to be divorced from each other. So

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why is it important to know Allah xojo? Right, this goes back to last lecture, why is it important to know Allah xuejun

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Because if you don't know him, it'd be hard for you, to love Him, to fear him, to relate to him. Just like any relationship that you have with a human being. Right? So what's the thing that you ask a person that you meet for the first time? What's your name?

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Okay, where are you from? What do you do? What's your job, your hobbies? The more that you know them, the more that you could be connected to them, right?

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And then the more commonality or find between you and them, so how are you going to love Allah or fear Allah or whole from him or call on Him if you know nothing about him? So you have to know Allah zodion In order to worship Him SubhanaHu wa Tada and to know Allah, you also have to love him. So the question is, how do we know Allah azza wa jal how do we get to know him?

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So how do you get to know human being? Do you think about it?

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First questions right, but also through observation.

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So, how he acts how she acts tells you things about them how he or she dress tells you things about them. So observation and questions and then things that they may volunteer I am this and I am that.

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So Allah azza wa jal How do we know him?

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And you may think that these questions are basic, and they are basic there but they are important because they structure your mind how you think you with me, right? How you think starts to change based on how you answer these questions. So, I need to know, Allah, God that that becomes a purpose. How do I know him that becomes the method? How do you know him? So Allah reveals Himself to you, how does Allah revealed Himself to you

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through what

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His revelation, the Quran and the Sunnah are all about telling you who Allah subhanho wa Taala is, so you got Allah's revelation, you got also the universe around you, because the universe around you,

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is created by Allah azza wa jal, the same one who had revealed the Quran and taught the sunnah to His messenger, Allah He Salatu was Salam. So when you observe the universe, it tells you a lot about the creator of the universe, right? So if you find in it, intricacy, if you find perfection, if you find beauty, what does that tell you about the creator and the maker that he has these qualities. So the universe teaches you also about Allah subhana wa Tada and reveals to you who he is. And then life events, what happens to you

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know, not all life events, light can be interpreted, right, because you need the lens of the Quran and Sunnah. But life events will teach you a lot about this life and then about a lot about its creator. So if you find that nothing lasts, it tells you a lot about the dunya. But it also tells you a lot about Allah who is the opposite of all of this. And that pushes you towards him, Subhan Allah to Allah because if nothing lasts, you need and you want the thing, or the one that lasts, that is the desire that you have in you, seeking the thing that will not leave you.

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Right, the thing that will not leave you. So your life events also teach you a lot about Allah zoodle simply for instance, I called on Allah and they made do and Allah answered it.

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That becomes your lesson. That becomes a revelation to you. That now I know that Allah azza wa jal hears Allah sees and Allah answers the DUA and Allah is all powerful. This is an own personal evidence that Allah subhanho wa Taala is there. So this is how you know Allah subhanahu wata, either Revelation, the universe, which confirms ovulation and also what is happening to you. Now.

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Allah azza wa jal, we know him through our basic needs.

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And we know him Subhana wa Taala through what takes place on this earth, and we graduate in knowledge. So we know them through our basic needs you need to eat, where does that come from? And if it stops raining, you know that there is somebody who is more powerful, who could send rain. If you become sick, you know that if you do everything in your power, to heal yourself and you cannot be healed, you know that there has to be someone with greater power who can heal you. So your need pushes you towards Allah subhanho wa taala. And that's why sometimes being sick is good.

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And sometimes loss is very beneficial. Because without it, you don't realize your need for Allah azza wa jal

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right. So

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when you realize your needs, you realize that Allah is the one who answers do

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Allah is the One who cures Allah is the One who sustains Allah is the One who provides and that is a type of knowledge of Allah xuejun And that is knowledge based on our need from him. There is one that is higher that it will pay him the quote in the book and the chapter talks about which is not refer to Allah here as aerogel and correctly generally he meaning knowing Allah xojo through his beauty, which he says, This is not common.

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Because you know Allah azza wa jal as the one who forgives, Allah is the One who provides but who thinks about him subhanho wa Taala as Allah the beautiful

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So this is another level, a higher level, where you start to see Allah as his origin as who he is not what he can give you. Which is by the way, he's still good. You need always that connection, Allah is the only one who can give.

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But now it's not you who's at the center? Allah is at the center.

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Okay? And that's significant. It's not, it's Allah azza wa jal is who he is, is my rock because if I call on Him, He answers if I'm sick, he accuse me if if if and this is

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what he can do for me.

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But now, who is he, he is the most beautiful, he is the most powerful, he is the highest, he is the

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the best of all things. So now, as Allah zoton is and that is, and that he felt a knowledge of Allah azza wa jal, that is better, and that is higher because it's unaffected by the fluctuations of light on affected by my dua was answered, or my dua was not answered. Now you are attached to Allah zoton because of him subhanho wa taala. So this is a type of crowd gradual knowledge.

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So your love begins for Allah azza wa jal because what Allah gave you something, right? So I asked Allah for children, and he gave him to me, and I'm forever grateful. I was in trouble and I cried out to Allah, Allah, so then he saved me and I'm forever grateful. So he gave you something and anyone who gives you, you will reciprocate with love. And if Allah is the one who's helping you at times of need, then you will love him more than anyone else. That's how it's supposed to work that you will love him more than anyone else. And if Allah brings you closer to him because of this, you begin to hear that Allah azza wa jal is who he is. He's perfect. He's complete. He's the highest,

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and the most intimate and closest he is without beginning in his without end. He's the one who doesn't gain anything from what you worship. And he's asking you to do all of that for your own sake. When you begin to begin to know these things about Allah azza wa jal, you discover the attribute and the name of beauty. Fennel, Jimmy, who's beautiful, so he's beautiful in what subhanho wa taala. Right.

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He is beautiful, in himself is beautiful, in his name's beautiful and his attributes beautiful in his actions throughout completely, he is the most beautiful subhanho wa taala. And this if you understand it, it begins to change the image that some have of Allah as Odin as simply the Punisher.

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Now, does Allah get angry?

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Yes. Does Allah punish? Absolutely. Does Allah azza wa jal avenge the believers? Yes. If that is the only image that you have of Allah azza wa jal, it will be an incomplete image. So I only know him Subhan Allah to Allah to be someone who punishes so how intimate how close can you be to a god

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to the creator of the only thing that you know about him is that he will smite me he will destroy me if I don't do HIS WILL

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DO Can you relate to him subhanho wa Taala through another path that complements that not a Eclipse or replace, but complements Can you relate to him Subhanallah Dinah and that is the beauty. So, you look at his actions on Earth and his actions tell you that he is the beautiful so what what are these actions on earth that tell us that he subhanho wa Taala is beautiful.

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So you look at

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sunrise and sunset, right?

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You look at the rain you look at the snow. You look at beautiful human beings, beautiful animals, beautiful sky, beautiful universe, beautiful microscopic beings, the atom, all that ordered structured, but also what? It's beautiful. So the actions of Allah azza wa jal tell you what the who is the creator, who can create this beauty and view imbue everything with that beauty. He must have beauty himself. So even when Josie Rahim Allah here in the court when he says when he talks about the engraving and

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You see, when you see an engraving, or a beautiful work of art?

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Do you admire the work?

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And ignore the artists? Or does your admiration extend really to the artist who's capable of creating that beautiful piece of work? Where did where does it stop, you just look at this book, and you say, Oh, how beautiful it is the cover, but you don't think about the designer.

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So if the cover is beautiful,

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the designer has a sense of beauty.

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And if that's the case, this act tells you something about the maker, CIO of New Jersey, he says, he says, The there are those who only look at the physical, they look at the engraving, and they only admire it. But those who can penetrate with their eyes and with their hearts, the physical and to the non physical, will see that the Creator has more beauty than what he created.

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Well, let's let that be in the question, inshallah. But I'm talking about the creation of Allah as origin, that this beauty, right must come from someone who has a sense of beauty.

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So that tells you a lot about him. subhanho wa taala. And there are those who were the observed, the physical, their eye does not penetrate beyond. So they look at the sunset, and they admire the sunset, or the sunrise, and they stop there. But as a Muslim, you're supposed to look beyond it. Deeper into Subhan, Allah, the Creator of this, yes, this is beautiful, but Subhan Allah, the One who can give this Subhan Allah the one who can mold and fashion this Subhan Allah the one who can sustain this. So that is the action of Allah azza wa jal, now from the action comes the attribute,

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and from the attribute comes the name. So you realize that Allah azza wa jal is the creator of beauty. And Allah Zota, the Sustainer of Beauty and the giver of all beauty.

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And if you have to foot call, you think about it, add one to the other. So this is beautiful, and this and this and this and so on. So all the beauty in this life in all of its forms, by the way, physical and non physical, because beauty come in both shapes. You look at someone and you can admire their physical beauty, but you also you find in them non physical beauty in terms of character, generosity, that's also another form of beauty. And which of the two is most important?

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The physical or the non physical, the non physical, because that's the thing that lasts, but the physical beauty is still attests to Allah says, perfection. So, if all the beauty 1111111 All of them in the world, from that time of Adam, Annie's sit down till the Day of Judgment, all of that had been produced by one Creator than Allah, the Creator is more beautiful than all of these things combined. So if no claim Rahim Allah and he says, if you are to actually bring every beautiful image and every beautiful face and every beautiful thing and you put them on top of each other,

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and you want to compare their beauty to the beauty of Allah Zoda, it will be like a faint candle, in comparison to the sun.

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It disappears. So Allah azza wa jal is beautiful in his actions, beautiful in His name, and beautiful in himself.

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That Allah Himself is the most beautiful that anyone can be holding imagine,

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who say well, do we have evidence to support that we say yes, in addition to everything that we have said.

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So the people in Ghana and that hadith is there, the people of Ghana,

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when Allah azza wa jal tells them do you need Do you want anything else? And they wish until they couldn't wish anymore until they will say your Allah, you've given us everything.

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food, drinks,

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all of it, all of it, clothes, whatever we could imagine or not imagine. You've given us everything. Then Allah azza wa jal reveals himself to their meaning removes the hijab and they are able to behold and see with their own eyes, the face of Allah azza wa jal

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So Allah the prophets of Allah audio was seldom said they were not given anything dear and more precious to them than beholding the face of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada

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that is the bounties the enjoyment of the people of Jana, which all of us want.

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So it depends some of us are looking for security, some of looking for peace, but we want all of it without exclusion. So it is said in that hadith that looking at Allah's face eclipses all the name in the joy agenda.

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So if someone were to ask you what is the greatest bounty and the greatest joy in Jannah? What would you say?

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It is singing Allah suffix

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seeing Allah's face,

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and it doesn't mean that well I'm not I don't care about the food in general, I don't care about the drink. No Allah mentions it praises it for you to seek it. But don't forget that looking at the last phase is better than all of this. So Allah tells you that he's the most beautiful and he's more beautiful than Janna and more beautiful than anything that can be created. And in fact, as no one can really fathom the greatness of Allah zodion except Allah.

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No one can fathom the full beauty of Allah subhanho wa Taala except Allah.

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And that is mind boggling. That is, you can understand, you can think you can look at Allah Azura. And you could behold the beauty of his face and yet you will not fully comprehend how beautiful Allah is. So you have to relate to him. Subhan Allah to Allah, in terms of that, if I were to look at him subhanaw taala I'll be mesmerized. Not like looking at supermodels or what have you here? And you say, Wow,

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no, no, no, this is real beauty. Real Beauty.

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And this is something that we're going to keep in mind. Because if you know Allah as the beautiful,

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you will seek him worship him as the beautiful, you cannot wait to meet him subhanaw taala just to think to behold that beauty

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to actually be of those who will enjoy that Nana, see, you want that. So in your a brother in your Salah. And by the way, now, we will say if you want the beautiful, then you also have to be beautiful.

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Right? You also have to be beautiful, in terms of what in terms of your own a bother in terms of how you behave. Now, you know, somebody may ask, because we said Allah is beautiful, Allah is beautiful, and all of that. And that's all true. But some people come back and retort and they say that, well, we have ugliness in the dunya.

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So how do you account for ugliness in this world, especially in terms of you're saying that Allah is beautiful, and his actions are beautiful. And they use that argument to say that well, that means that there is no creator and there is no God because that ugliness can only mean that this world is chaotic. So there are answers in the book, and I will summarize that for you. It says,

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though, you should think about it. What predominates in this world, ugliness or beauty.

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Which one,

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beauty is predominant. Even though we if we look at it at sometimes, there seems to be a lot of suffering, but think about it objectively, at any particular moment. There is more beauty, or more ugliness than you think about it. Really, the beauty is overwhelming.

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So you have to be fair and balanced when you assess and not only focus on what you consider to be ugly for the sake of advancing an argument that denies all beauty. Because if you want to say there's a lot of ugliness in the world, and that means that there is no God how you account for all the beauty then.

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How do you how do you explain that it actually is overwhelming at any particular moment. Are there more people healthy or sick? Right now? Worldwide? Are there more people healthy or sick? Healthy otherwise, right? All the hospitals will be closed. But that's not the case. at particular time are all of us are most of us hungry, or we have at least enough to sustain us.

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We have enough. So you can't look at the negative and say blow it up and say or that means that this world is ugly. Allah azza wa jal created a lot of beauty in it. So look at the beauty discovery. And don't be

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pigeon holed.

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by, you know, one, one argument or one old tendency, sometimes if you're pessimistic or gloomy. In fact, there's a lot of good that is in the world. So extract yourself from whatever you're in. And look at that beauty. Right? So that's one. Second, there is ugliness that comes as a consequence, natural consequence of Allah as the devil telling you do what you think is right. That is your freedom, freedom of choice. You could save a life or you can waste it and kill it. So if Allah azza wa jal allows you to take a life allows you to steal allows you to do all of this, he's not

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command you to commit ugliness. He's allowing it because without it, there will be no freedom of choice.

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There will be no consequences, they will be no people who will rise against that advances and say, it needs to stop. And they will sacrifice the time and life and money for the sake of Allah zodion. And because of that ascend in righteousness to levels that cannot be reached, unless they are challenged.

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So it is necessary in this whole construction that Allah as Snowden has created. And also there are some things that are ugly,

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ugly in the sense of, you know, you look at them, and you say, it's, it's hard to watch, it's hard to see whether it's physically or non physically. So why does this exist? Why is the fifth one there? Why is suffering why, why, why and all of this. And again, we say, Allah zodion has a plan for all of this. And that's why He created it.

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So I don't know if you've ever seen some of these videos where a person an artist starts to draw something.

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And in the beginning of it, he's drawing. And in the beginning, it doesn't seem like he knows what he's doing. He says, hey, look, this is I don't like this color. This looks ugly. I don't look like this pattern. And we are being just what viewers, we're not artists ourselves, we're just witnessing the creation of that thing. So in the beginning, you think, does he know what he's doing? Do these colors match? This looks like the work of an amateur. The more that he keeps going and adding color to it and adding layers and doing things that you haven't seen before. Eventually, the plan of the artist reveals itself. And the final picture, when you see it, you say, Oh, now I see why I'm

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Because that's beautiful. But the process, right, I know you've seen these videos, but in the process, you couldn't really follow. But ultimately, as it reveals itself, you could see why the artists did what he did. So Allah azza wa jal is going to reveal these things in time, especially at the end of time, but he will reveal these things in time. So maybe you're looking at one thing, and you're not able to see the final picture. But if you trust Allah Zildjian more than you trust an artist, then you will believe that the final picture will make sense. Otherwise, if you have to approve every step of an expert, you will stop the doctor before he operates on you. And you will

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say, how is it that to treat me you need to cut me?

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Right? I'm coming to you for you to save me. But now you're cutting my body. Well, if you are a doctor or you know what doctors do or surgeons do in particular, you will know that it's a process and you need to cut in order to heal.

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So here is where it's important to trust him Subhana Allah and to believe in him being the beautiful and it also shows you Allah has full ability that Allah could create this and its opposite.

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And through contrast, you realize what beauty is? So we said that Allah azza wa jal, no one can fathom His beauty except him subhanho wa taala. And we said that his beauty surpasses all the beauty in this life combined, and surpasses the beauty in Jana and also surpasses the beauty of everything that you love.

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See the example that I gave this in case the example of Jana or every other beauty in the world combined is too abstract.

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So we say that if you take everything okay, that makes you happy. So you think about it because that's a good exercise. So think about with me, they will favorite food.

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You got it. Okay, your favorite person

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that one plus two

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Your favorite activity,

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your favorite memory, that may be hard. But anyway, think of something, your favorite thing that you want to do.

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Your favorite person did mention a favorite person.

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Add them all together, and you understand how each one of them gives you joy and happiness on their own. Right? So Allah azza wa jal is better than all of that. And more beautiful than all of that, and gives more joy than all of that. This is just on a personal level, so that you could say, This child of mine, let's see how much joy he gives me, this work, this production, I'm planning to travel and can't wait for it. Where I remember when I graduated, or I got my job or when I got married at how beautiful that was. Allah subhanaw taala the beauty and the joy that he gives is better than all of this.

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But you need to do the work for that. You need to actually think about it and you need to work to gain it. So everything that will of Allah azza wa jal is beautiful. Now, we move from this knowledge into now an application of it. So if it says Allah loves beauty,

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we said that there is physical beauty and there is non physical beauty and the most important beauty that Allah loves is the beauty of iman. And the beauty of Taqwa the beauty of good character. So some people misunderstand it in a sense, when we say Allah loves beauty, meaning, any kind of thing that I consider beautiful. Any kind of form that I consider beautiful is beautiful. And so Allah loves it. We say no, that's, that's not that's not the case. You need to understand Lasota to understand what type of beauty Allah has Odin likes. So Allah has a definition. And people have definitions. And not every human definition of beauty is beautiful to Allah. Because humans will

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tell you, Oh, this is beautiful. But it may not be for Allah azza wa jal. So you need to understand what is beautiful for Allah, to know if it's right or it's wrong. So most essential beauty is what the beauty of Iman and Taqwa and the prophets of Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam said in Allah younger, you know, somebody called was Sammy. Allah does not look at your bodies and does not look at your faces. Well, I can younger, you know, could you become more American, but Allah looks at your hearts and your deeds. Meaning the primary place that Allah cares about is not how fit who you are, or how beautiful you are, or how you take care of your body and take care of your skin. And I'm

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not telling you that you shouldn't be taking care of your body and taking care of your skin. But it's telling you to Allah azza wa jal, it does not matter.

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It doesn't,

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which is good and bad for some people, for some people good because he say, Well, I'm not considered to be beautiful. So that's it, I don't really need to worry about that. People are obsessed with it, I'm free of it. And for some people, if you're living simply to look beautiful, that just takes away how you've defined your life, but for but that will be good. Because you need to find a different definition of it. So that's the most essential type of beauty. Now external beauty can be beauty for Allah azza wa jal and can be beauty for the sake of pride and conceit.

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Meaning you can beautify yourself, and there's good reason for it, and you can beautify yourself, and there could be a terrible reason behind it. So a person Who beautifies himself please save your living Armand, who lives in Atacama Colima state or you will have Iman adorn yourself when you come into the house of Allah azza wa jal. So if especially males, but females in terms of modesty, but especially males, so he says if I'm going to work,

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I dress up

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or for an interview, I dress up, if I'm coming to the masjid to meet Allah azza wa jal

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then I should do the same, why to honor the nested and to honor the Salah. So even Rama right when he had

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let me go to it here

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so with NAFTA, this is on page 2223.

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So when NAFTA

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Rahim Allah when he was ignoramus student,

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and NAFTA was praying, and he has had clothes on he has just one piece crane covering his hour.

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And then he's asking him or Omar he asked, he says, Don't you have two pieces like a two piece suit? Don't you have that like I gave that to you?

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He said yes. Is that why aren't you wearing that when you're praying? He said, If I were to send you to some of the people in Medina, to talk to them to bring something with them, would you leave the house like this?

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Right? You get what he's saying. He says, Would you leave the house like this? He says no, because it would not be fitting to leave the house like this or to talk to important people like that. He says, It's Allah as though one is more worthy of beautification than people.

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See the standards right?

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So he staying what honor the Salah by actually dressing up when you want to pray. So when we saying when you come to Juma dress nice, when you come to a dress nice, why is it just a celebration? Because this is Salah is given to Allah azza wa jal, and Allah loves beauty and he wants to see that you actually care about all of this. So there is this beautification is a good thing of unification of a spouse for her and his or his spouse, and then for his woman, or a woman for her man, to be beautiful for them. Why is that?

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Because if you're beautiful, then you're more likely to love each other be intimate, and he or she are more or less likely to commit haram outside.

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So that is what beautification that is a good thing. There is beautification for to attract the attention

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of strangers, attract attention of people simply so that you want to feel better about yourself, you want to stand out. Is that beautification good? No.

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That's just pride. That's just arrogance, destroy, wanting to stand out. And in Islam, this you're not supposed to act with such an intention. So there is good external beautification. There is bad external beautification. But what determines that is that if the inside is good, it will lead you towards what's right. If the inside is bad, then you're going to what? Do what displeases Allah azza wa jal on the outside as it is on the inside.

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So we have when we want to beautify, we have to beautify with an intention. And we have to also believe that Islamic commands, Islamic guidelines, Islamic prohibitions are beautiful.

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Okay, any there was a time was focused on metal, but there was a time when having a beard was ugly.

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Now, I don't know if you remember that or not. You remember a time when having a beard was ugly.

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There was a time right? Like if they would people would show I mean, talking about Western. And of course, if something is true in the West, it's true in most other countries in the world, but if they see it with a broad use, I suspect so it was ugly.

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And now is it still

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is fashionable now.

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See how the standards shifts of what is right and what is wrong. So you have to believe that despite what people think that Islam is beautiful, and what Allah commands is beautiful because it's coming from Oh, beautiful. So dressing the way that Allah wants you to dress walking the way that Allah wants you to walk speaking the way that Allah wants you to speak. Your prayer using your Hajj is beautiful, and you have to believe that it's beautiful, you have to have no doubt about it. And when you believe that it's beautiful, you will be filled with beauty on the inside, can you say this is the best thing that is there? I cannot be guided to a more beautiful act or immutable, beautiful

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saying unless Allah has guided me to it and Allah did.

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So you'd be proud of it, happy to have it and to propagate it. So hijab is beautiful, not just as a slogan, hijab is beautiful. Why is it beautiful? Because Allah the most beautiful wanted? The vicar of Allah is beautiful. Because without it, what would I be saying? Imagine if Allah deprived you of the Quran?

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What would occupy your tongue? Imagine if Allah did not give you the insight of saying Subhan Allah will hamdulillah Illa Allah Allahu Akbar Hola. Hola. Forward to Ellerbee la Stafford Allah, Allah masala cinnamon, if that beauty is absent, what would your tongue be doing and saying, you would lie you would cheat. Here would insult you would be vulgar, you would be obscene

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because your tongue has not been cleansed. Right?

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So Subhan Allah Allah azza wa jal has imbued all of us with beauty, the more that you take off the Sharia, the more beautiful you become in your character in how you deal with people. And that is what these habits are talking about. That you should become more beautiful

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because you have the more beautiful or the most beautiful as your Creator, and as your guide, and the one who had revealed to all of these things to you.

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By the way, a point that is actually not in the book and I was thinking about it as I was reading it. All of us have an intense desire for beauty.

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We're attracted to it internally and external beauty and internal beauty. You agree with me? We have that yearning for beauty. But you understand why we have that yearning for beauty.

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Because it's supposed to drive you towards home. Allah azza wa jal because your forever will be looking for the beautiful,

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a beautiful, let's call a beautiful food, beautiful drink. Beautiful destinations. Beautiful people.

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What is the problem with all of that beauty?

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Even the beauty in yourself when you look at value to yourself in the mirror and if you're still young, you look at you admire Masha Allah the skin mashallah the hair, masha Allah, this, then five years past 10 years past when you use past as they must, and what happens to that beauty

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seems to go away. So what's the problem with worldly beauty starts to go away. So if you're a person who judges himself only based on that beauty or only seeking that beauty can be devastated. But that beauty is supposed to lead you to Allah as to who is the old, beautiful, so you cannot wait until you see the source of all beauty.

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And that would be a beautiful time.

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It would be a beautiful and you have reached that destination. It's as if you're saying your Allah azza wa jal, I've been looking and looking and looking. And now finally I've seen you. Finally I've arrived. I don't have to look anymore.

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So that's why the people have genuine they look at Allah as though did they don't want anything else?

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So how about seeking worldly beauty? So we talked about external beautification, as something that could be good or something that could be bad, depending on the intention? What do you want to do with it? How about seeking worldly beauty without really a bad intention, or a good intention, I see something nice, and I want to buy it. He say first of all, Allah azza wa jal had given us this natural desire for beauty, you can't stop it.

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And he shouldn't stop it. He needs to be fulfilled. That's why when you want to get married, you're supposed to and it's sitting there for you to look at that potential mate of yours to see that if there is some attraction, because you won't be attracted to them as they aren't attracted to you. So that should be there. So that's Halon. But what you're supposed to do with it is regulated, not eradicated, but regulated. So regulated how, as you said, Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And that hadith is there

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could be washed out of water Sadako

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as long as there is no what is lawful or Mahila. He says, Eat and drink, and don't eat, as long as you're going to things is suave wastefulness ortholite.

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So see, for instance, a nice pair of shoes. Do I buy them? Or do I not? They're beautiful. They look nice. Do I buy them or not? He say you're allowed to buy them, as long as you avoid what?

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wastefulness, so you're not wasteful. So pile of shoes that cost $5,000. is

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wasteful, right, you're just buying a brand.

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Whereas something that could cost 200 300 500 could do the job. So wasteful and also what pride Oh, because I bought it I'm better than you because I bought is not in I'm in the room, I feel all the owl eyes looking at me. This is a be a terrible thing to buy.

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You want to give that away a terrible thing to buy because it corrupts you here.

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And what a tragedy for you tell the tick a name of Allah azza wa jal and buy something that poisons your soul. So, at the same time, as we said, it's allowed, and beauty is good. At the same time. Humbleness is nice to humbleness is nice, modesty is nice, meaning I could buy things that could cause $1,000 Or I could buy something that could cause far less than that. And we'll do the same thing. And I will do this terrazzo Anila here as part of humility to Allah Zoda because I don't want arrogance. I don't want to corrupt my heart. So I'll give up that thing for the sake of Allah zoton Here is where you will become the judge and the doctor. Because in Islam, right, Allah has zoton

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gives you leeway.

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There's a way to maneuver from here to there. It's not the Haram on this side and it's not the Haram on this this side. But in between. There will be some people who will need to buy expense

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of things not wasteful, but not being wasteful, but expensive things it fits their budget fits the ranking society. They just need to have this and they like a duty. We say as long as it's had I'll go ahead and there are people who could do without this and they can give it up for the sake of Allah azza wa jal and that fits their personality and fits their station in life. And the core language has been who are more Lea each has a destination that they will follow. Right? What works for you may not necessarily work for another person, but you avoid the extremes and you avoid the haram. So Haram is ugly, absolutely, and Hala and the commands of Allah azza wa jal are beautiful.

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So he says the humbleness is desirable,

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and showing Allah's blessings is desirable, as Allah says, maybe not a material because a hadith speak about the name of Allah as noted that he had given to you and in the Hadith that we read, which is the hadith of Luke chapter, Allah Yeah, but oh, you believe who and books are about

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showcasing reflecting poverty or pretending to be poor, meaning if Allah was really giving you

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a reflection of that be seen on your in what you wear, so that when people see you, they will say what Allah had given this person, something that's a part of gratitude.

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That's part of gratitude, because think about it, if you will, shabby clothes, the worst that you find with patches on them, people will look at you and say, What, he doesn't have anything.

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And if everybody does, that, everybody looks poor.

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And it's as if Allah azza wa jal gave nobody anything. But you are rich, and you have money, and you can wear better things. So where are these things to be grateful to Allah azza wa jal so that not everybody is complaining through what they are wearing about their Creator. This is what you find in your closet and you can't afford anything better. This this is it. This is it. Any luck with Umar? Radi Allahu anhu, they can count the patches on his clothes, right? This is what he had is not was not purposeful. He didn't have like nice suits. And he would say what I'm wearing this? No, it's not legitimate. It's not Islamic, right? To wear the worst thing that you could find. That's not it, as

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it is also not Islamic toward the best thing that you could find to boast about it. But to be were

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to move in the middle to move in the middle. He say Okay, where is the middle? Where is beauty? unconfused? Islam is your compass? Because not Muslims have their own compass. And some Muslims have a different compass. What is your compass who's going to tell you? I'm confused. Allah tells you, you're not going to be confused. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam tells you, he's not going to be confused. That's why when he saw somebody, a man, and he was dressed up very clearly. And the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. He says, Do you have money that Allah give you money? And he says, Yes, he did. He says what type of money he says all types of money I have. He says Allah azza wa jal

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wants to see the trace of what he had favored you will on you to something decent, still humble, but something decent. And one benefit of that is, those who are in need would know that you have, so they can come.

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And they can ask you, and then you could help them. But if everybody pretends to be poor, it'd be as if Allah azza wa jal blessed no one. And there are those. And that's also tough a beauty no matter what you're going through, there are those who when you ask them, how's your life, what's going on? They'll complain, and they'll start to list for you. All the things that are going wrong with them. And with the world. The prices are rising crime, this and that. And you feel your chest getting tight after listening to them, because they're not grateful.

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They only see the negative. The how is this a reflection of Allah's favours when the only thing that you have, you know, this hurts me and that hurts me. And this gets your tongue used to looking at what is good and praising Allah as a surgeon for it. It doesn't mean that if you have something, you can't complain about it from time to time, you can't seek people's advice. He could do this. But if you're the type of person who's always complaining about rising prices, about the crime about this and about that, it isn't Allah as it it also giving you good things in your life. Do you talk about this or not? Do you want this person who I just listened to you to feel also miserable about his own

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life? Or when he hears and I don't know if you experienced this or not? When somebody you ask somebody about their life and say Alhamdulillah I have this and

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Have this snap that and you immediately feel better see oh you the world is still okay.

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Where we our US the other person the world is going to end and you feel worse because of so the grateful teach you gratitude on the ungrateful also teach you a lack of gratitude. So

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showcase Allah's blessings but also within what the realm of halal and haram don't say you know, I'm going to look beautiful

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for the sisters I'm going to look beautiful I'm going to be put makeup on. I'm going to go outside why sister? This is beautiful and Allah loves beauty. Oh, you're going against Allah as ordered by doing this. You're using own logic as part of a hadith, but the prophets allottee was a No. Doesn't did not see that. So adding beauty to our lives and that's the last section in sha Allah and today's talk. So when you worship Allah Zildjian through the name, that is the beautiful, so you approach him Subhana wa Tada through that knee.

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Then you want to reflect that beauty in how you live. Just like when Allah says Allah to hit buena, I says well yeah for well yes for what Allah to have been a fear Allah Allah come. He says, love them forgive and forget. Don't you want Allah to forgive you? So you see how Allah azza wa jal says here that if you want to be forgiven, you're supposed to do what?

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To forgive. So if you know Allah as the most forgiving, you also have to be a forgiving person. If you know Allah has to be a raw him or Rahim or Brockman, the prophets Allah it was an emphasis on Rahim Allah your family.

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So those who are merciful will receive the mercy from the Most Merciful. So when you approach Allah azza wa jal imagine in your Salah, and you see Allahu Akbar,

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Muhammad hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen on Walkman and it stands out, man, you're standing in front of a rock man. What do you want from Rahman Rahim?

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crossmatch right that's what you call on him with a Rahman Al Rahim. So afterwards Salah if you want Rama, you're supposed to have Rama.

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Otherwise, how are you asking Allah for Rama and you're not even giving a little bit of Rama to those who are around you. So you have to give her so now if you worship Allah as the beautiful Subhan Allah I am in the presence of the most beautiful and he's his words are the most beautiful. And the feeling that I have with him is the most beautiful that you can imagine. Because Allah azza wa jal and it says here, Allah subhanho wa taala. Right.

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There is light from him. subhanho wa Taala that comes the weekend see, but there is divine light, there is created light,

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that there is divine light. So if you just imagine yourself and can really fully imagine but imagine yourself being immersed in the beauty of Allah, and in that Divine Light. Right? When we see Allah azza wa jal on the Day of Judgment. Imagine yourself in that presence. So the words of Allah and His presence and being close to him, that's all is beautiful. Then we're supposed also to act in beautiful manners. Jenny, don't you hate gold, Jamal, he loves you. He so loves beauty, in what terms

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loves beauty in terms of what you say

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loves beauty in terms of your worship, and loves you beauty in terms of your behavior. And also the things that we talked about how you dress, but also your character.

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So if you're going to choose a word to say, and one is ugly, and the other is beautiful, if you remember that Allah is beautiful, you pick the most beautiful one.

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We'll call that a baddie, who will let me hear SM tell my servants to say what is best. She'll say a beautiful thing. Not a thing that when you're angry will hurt the most. But will him

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and will illuminate and will inspire

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Subhanallah if Allah has zoton is giving you that beauty, you want to absorb it and when you go out in the world you want to be beautiful in the world as well. That if Allah drops you in any place, it becomes more beautiful because of you.

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Can you imagine right? It becomes more beautiful. It's like you shine light. You go into a supermarket grocery store, it becomes better because of you not worse. You come into a masjid it becomes better because of you. You come inside your house better because of you. You walk in the street. It's better because of you because you have this light of Eman, that beauty that is reflected. You find a piece of garbage you take it and you throw it away in the dumpster. You never throw it away in the streets. What because that's not beautiful. You're waiting for the traffic sign to

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Cross and the pedestrian sign did not come on yet. And there's no one left no one there. But you say what is dignified? Because Allah azza wa jal loves the idea or more nobility, and he waits what? Low things, say say you're supposed to be a noble person. You don't need to have to title of serve. To be a noble person. That's fine, you know, a noble person who I see Allah seeing me and Allah loves the best of deeds, I'll wait for that sign but no one around. No, it doesn't matter. That's the beauty that I will reflect because Allah subhanho wa Taala is watching me, when you give people sadaqa you'll be the most beautiful and giving sadaqa hiding it from them. So that evade that it's

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so that even your right hand and your left hand does not know what your right hand is spending. So beautiful in your a bad, beautiful in your speech, beautiful in your treatment of your family and your children beautiful and dealing with all other people. So the more that you know Allah azza wa jal to be the beautiful, the more that you will be beautiful yourself. So beautiful in your goals. What do you want to do? The boat voice beautiful, have goals and think big.

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And think big and think beautiful, I want to do these beautiful things for the sake of Allah xuejun It does not matter whether you reach your goal or not what matters it was a for you to have one and you work for it.

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And to live a life that is trying to fulfill that beauty that you got from Allah Zildjian. And to be what, as he says, carry when you Hebrew Karana he loves the generous. So Allah is generous, and he loves the generous. So be the person who gives, but does not demand does not take but He is the giver be the person who forgives, not the person who offense be the person who is close to Allah azza wa jal through that name, which is the beautiful. So I hope that this lecture in sha Allah had helped us kind of correct some if we didn't have the right image of Allah as to have a better image of him Subhana who were to Allah, as the most splendid as the most beautiful, and to think about

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about him in those terms, and to start approaching him in those terms, because that's startups opening our venues by which you're able to other roads by which you're able to reach Allah subhana wa Tada. So inshallah hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen. See if you have questions, let me know and again in sha Allah for anybody who happened to come late, the book is available still available for sale at the at the bank, it's probably going to be the last week when it's going to be available for sale here sha Allah so let me know if you have questions or to

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come salaam

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we have

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like how,

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I guess the states would say duty? I think

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know. So he's saying that. So I'm repeating the question. So he's saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And we know that the Quran and Sunnah define beauty, real beauty for us. But you don't have access to that knowledge if you're a non Muslim. So if you're not Muslim, you're asking how do we how do they judge?

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Nam so can they if a person is non Muslim, can they come to the conclusion or realization of what is beautiful? Only through the Quran and Sunnah. So we say that there is beauty that you could realize based on instincts based on Fifth rock based on your own perception that be common to everybody. So it's very hard to find somebody criticizing sunset and raw sunrises. Criticizing maybe green lush lands, is very hard to find that because a it's appealing to I would say everybody, or at least let's see the vast majority of them based, as we said, on intellect based on FITARA and fit the role plays a key role in the innate nature that we have. So everybody loves those who are honest, that's

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a beauty, non physical beauty. You say well, how come because Allah is instituted that as a fistula, so there is one that is let's call it stable, the mind and the heart and instincts can lead to him. And there are some that are fluctuating or more hidden. So not everybody who is going to look at a hijab is going to say that that's beautiful, or bigoted, none will say that that's beautiful. All of a sudden, I will say that that's beautiful. So these are things that unless Allah teaches you, you will not see

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it so Allah needs to remove the veil and educate and only then will you realize that it's beautiful and then we will get to go and get to know attention and particle law.

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and shall okay

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know so the question is that so far business can we spend on decorating the interior of the business to attract customers, right? So, it's business modeling and beautification. And the answer is yes, that is within the realm of the HELOC. As long as there's nothing haram in it explicitly haram, then you are allowed to do this and that's business right? So in order to attract, it needs to look beautiful. And in sometimes, you know, even if you have the proper intention behind it, and you do need to think about how you can connect this to Allah azza wa jal, any act could be an act of worship. So it's possible also to make it that but just to answer your question directly, a lot of

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them it's permissible. Yeah.

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Second question.

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So how do we beautify ourselves?

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In meeting people

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having the intention to please Allah as of

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now, so if a person that's a good question too, so if meeting people if I'm going to beautify myself, adorn myself to meet this person. So what kind of intention should I have to make this for the sake of Allah azza wa jal? So first of all, even if you just do it for the sake of meeting that person, that's permissible. Okay. Now, the question here is, how do I make it for the sake of Allah xuejun. So if you see that this person is a brother or sister in Allah, and in meeting them, I want to honor them.

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And I want to honor them for the sake of Allah as though did because you're supposed to suppose that you perceive him as a guest honoring them, is part of Islam. So I will honor them to listen to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam so that they would feel welcome, they would feel special. So why do you cook for a guest? To Well, we feel a mere make them feel welcome. So why do you dress up when you want to meet the guests to make them feel that they are welcome and special? So if you can add this to the profits a lot, it was cinnamon freezing Allah, that becomes a badass that becomes for the sake of Allah. But if it is, absent that intention, it's still permissible.

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Third question.

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wasn't a big upgrade in January, time.

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So what should they do? And how can living a life? Right? So again, the question is that if a person is afflicted with a calamity, and they are so troubled by it, that they cannot see the beauty of what is happening to them? So how can people around them give them advice? Help them see that beauty and what can they do to see that beauty? So, again, good question. And those are three good questions vertical life.

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So it may not be possible for a person who is being tested at the moment of testing, to see the beauty of their testing.

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That's not the obligation on them. So you have two things.

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You have sub and you have radar, because keep that in mind. And I like these things because again, the the structure your mind, so that whenever you're confused about something or you're lost, you go back to the basics, right? The world is what take right then left then right then you know if I've lost right, left, right, so this is thing, sub river River, remember that. So if a calamity comes, there are two things that you could do. While three you could be agitated and an impatient with basses out. We don't want that but the two things that are pleasing to Allah, patient or content.

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Patients is an obligation.

01:04:32 --> 01:04:37

Contentment is recommended. Contentment is you seeing the beauty?

01:04:38 --> 01:04:55

So if a person is in the midst of it, and you say I can't see the beauty, we say wait, that's not an obligation on you. You can get to it inshallah. But just be patient, because patients will lead you to it. So that's the first step. Somebody lost their child. How could you at that moment see the beauty in it?

01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

How could you by the way, there's a beautiful Hadith

01:05:00 --> 01:05:14

about it, but I'm not going to burn it right now I'm gonna tell you about it is going to come later. But how could you see the beauty in it. So in the beginning, what you're required to do is what Be patient. So hold back, anything bad seeing anything,

01:05:15 --> 01:05:59

or doing anything back that displeases Allah xojo. And asking Allah for support and asking Allah for guidance, and just being patient with it, and so on, and so on, and so on. And then in time, as the pain decreases, they will begin to see the light, you'll begin to see possibilities of why Allah as though did may have done this, and the benefit that you may receive from it. And then you will eventually surface and you could see beauty in the things that Allah had created. But it might be too much to ask that person at that moment, to behold the beauty of what is happening, because it's very difficult. So we can't ask everybody to do this. It's a process. Maybe some people after a lot

01:05:59 --> 01:06:14

of striving, and self purification, maybe they can see it, hypothetically, maybe as soon as it happens. But it doesn't mean that Beholding the Beauty of Allah azza wa jal, and everything does not mean that they will still be sad.

01:06:15 --> 01:06:59

Because sadness is a natural human reaction. And when the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, the loved ones were dying or about to die, he's a lot he was and then cried, he shed tears. So that's a natural human reaction. But at the same time, you could also see the other side. So for that person, we say, just simply try to be patient hold on to the ruble, Allah zodion. Remember Allah will compensate you keep asking for support, keep making dua, and the others around him keep supporting him or her in that fashion. And keep reminding them that Allah azza wa jal has the best for them in the next life, that whatever they've lost is going to be compensated. And in this life, if you are

01:06:59 --> 01:07:06

patient, Allah will also compensate it and then with time the pain will go away and you'll be able to see a clearer picture in the last

01:07:08 --> 01:07:14

so I think we're done on this side. So from inside anything else.

01:07:28 --> 01:07:29

Some sudden,

01:07:30 --> 01:07:32

nobody saw was a degree

01:07:38 --> 01:08:19

so a saying that we can see people we can see we'll see Allah as they did on the day of judgment. And we I add to your question is that no one is supposed to say Allah azza wa jal, while life on this earth, no one sees him. But he says there are some narrations where the prophet and there's actually a hadith of the prophets a lot he was said, to be I saw Allah as though did in a dream. So he says, what kind of site is that? And he did he say, Allah azza wa jal as Allah azza wa jal is right on the Day of Judgment. We see this as what this is a vision that is a Dream Vision. And we don't know what image he said he saw his Salatu was Salam. But that image is not exactly the image

01:08:19 --> 01:08:55

of Allah azza wa jal as he is on the Day of Judgment. Because in a dream dreams are symbolic. Right? So you could see something that means something else so he saw an image of a Salatu was Salam he saw an image that is Allah azza wa jal because the shaitaan cannot manipulate the dreams of prophets. So he saw an image that is hola zoom that he didn't describe it. But it does not mean that that is what that image is. What Allah is like, but that is just simply what he saw in a dream and since he did not explain we have absolutely no access to what he saw we leave it at

01:08:57 --> 01:08:59

nine o'clock there was another handier

01:09:00 --> 01:09:03

okay no promise it will be answered but go ahead

01:09:14 --> 01:09:15

although yeah

01:09:17 --> 01:09:26

I mean, I mean I'm not going to repeat your question I just the answer they give you if it's a must it's a must right then if it's the law it's the law what can you do with it

01:09:28 --> 01:09:30

I don't know how you're going to punish them with

01:09:31 --> 01:09:39

me then I'm no but I mean, this is really an outside question really. So don't get us in trouble BarakAllahu Zakka lucky

01:09:40 --> 01:09:42

anybody here on the men's side?

01:09:43 --> 01:09:45

Yep, of course of course rafter.

01:09:51 --> 01:09:52

He was unable to

01:09:54 --> 01:09:55

be patient with

01:09:57 --> 01:09:59

you. He couldn't see I guess the head

01:10:00 --> 01:10:01

But no.

01:10:03 --> 01:10:05

And in the end, like,

01:10:06 --> 01:10:09

I linked to this conversation, he had

01:10:10 --> 01:10:11

a chatter.

01:10:13 --> 01:10:14

patient with me stuff.

01:10:15 --> 01:10:17

You know, it was obvious there was

01:10:19 --> 01:10:56

no, no, no. So he the question is that he's saying that Musa alayhis salam in Surah telegraph was unable to be patient with the actions of other Rahima Saddam. And so if Musa, the high ranking prophet of Allah azza wa jal was unable to be patient, what chance do we have to be able to be patient? Right? So, of course, I'll have the right he told him in like a month or so try your software, you won't be able to be patient with me. So he told them, and he predicted that because how could you be patient for something that you don't have no knowledge of? So if any one of us would be put in mooses position and he said, we would not be able to be patient? The thing is that

01:10:56 --> 01:11:38

first, Allah azza wa jal did not put us in a situation like that of Musa because it's fully inexplicable, like what Musa saw defies any explanation. We can't really appreciate that because we know the story. So when you're reading the story, you always know what comes next. But if you take that out and you see something that looks what a contradiction, you will never be able to be patient with it, how could they do this and you react lightweight, so nobody can be patient with that because it just simply does not make sense. So Allah is not going to subject you to that test with Musa alayhis salam was subjected to, because that defies all like sense. In what see what you see,

01:11:39 --> 01:12:19

doesn't make sense. So it's not going to give you that. So that's one second Allah azza wa jal tests each person in accordance to their Iman, so not going to give you something that's going to destroy you. Your Eman is like this means if he gives it to you is within reach, is within capacity, right for you to withstand it. Another person was a man, his high will give him more. So don't be afraid that oh, we will be tested and we're not gonna be able to be patient. Allah tests you and He knows what you can take. The third also is that we are usually tested with things that we expect, we anticipate and we witnessed it around us. So we know that I could lose my business because other

01:12:19 --> 01:12:50

people did, I could lose my money. I know other people have done that. I could lose a child of mine, because I know of others who have done that. So it doesn't come as a complete and total surprise, though, if it happens when it happens. It seems like it's unexpected. But you find support in the sense of you're not the only person who's suffering and it is happening and will happen to other people and you could seek support from them. Seek it hear from someone here I lost the last like yours. And this is how I dealt with it. And that makes it easy. That's what it is.

01:12:59 --> 01:13:11

Yeah, as long as the company is hidden, I'm not again repeating your question, right. So as long as the question as the company what you're doing in it is huddle, but they choose to do these things does not affect you.

01:13:13 --> 01:13:14

There was a hand area

01:13:17 --> 01:13:18

two questions

01:13:19 --> 01:13:20


01:13:22 --> 01:13:26

Oh, please go ahead. I haven't seen any signs that we should conclude.

01:13:36 --> 01:13:36


01:13:38 --> 01:13:39

avoiding that because it's

01:13:42 --> 01:13:43


01:13:46 --> 01:13:46


01:13:48 --> 01:13:49

that you

01:13:52 --> 01:14:04

can reconcile beautifying for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, but at the same time, it could lead to a fitna so fitna, like what when you go outside or I'm not sure what type of fitna that was

01:14:08 --> 01:14:08


01:14:30 --> 01:14:59

No, no. So okay, so if you want to act in a beautiful manner, and you're mentioning here, charity giving sadaqa and sometimes when you want to give sadaqa you will stop and not give it because at times you may be afraid of people miss judging and misinterpreting why you're why you're giving it. So sometimes you just simply don't give because of that, right? So, so let's answer it to like kind of in parts. So first

01:15:00 --> 01:15:02

thing is that you don't want to make

01:15:04 --> 01:15:48

people's judgment, the thing that stops you from doing good things I'm gonna come to I mean, and kind of qualify that. But you don't want it to be the thing that stops you from doing good things because for a lot of things everybody's watching. So coming to the masjid, you can stop coming because people are watching, attending a halacha you can do this because people are doing the giving sadaqa sometimes, because the issue here sometimes with sadaqa if you don't give it then you won't give it later. So do I not give and deny myself the Agile of giving the reward of giving the sadaqa? Or do I fight with my intention? So if that deed cannot be will be missed? I think if I don't do it,

01:15:48 --> 01:15:53

now, it will be missed. It's better for you to do it and fight your nerves.

01:15:54 --> 01:16:38

Right fight tuneups. Otherwise we'll stop. So if I go and tell this person to do good or avoid harm, or they'll think this and that about me better I not say anything. So this is done will stop you from doing a lot of good things. So that's why I think it may be helpful. I'm going to be actually unruly, actually nurses here area, water cooler Family Readiness issue. So if you stop doing it just for them, it's also you're paying too much attention to them. Now, if that deed can be hidden, and when it's hidden, it's more fruitful, it's better for you and for others, but maybe for you then go ahead and hide it so South Africa is another good example. Meaning if I give it publicly it's the

01:16:38 --> 01:17:03

public side of class so I don't know about my intention I'm having to fight with it and what have you, but I can hide it and later go and give it in secret. And when I give it in secret My intention is best. So you can do that. So as long as that is not going to compromise the good that you're doing we say you can hide it but if it is going to compromise it and there's more benefit in that DDOT fight with yourself fight with your intention and do the good

01:17:07 --> 01:17:13

okay, there's just one more online question and then we'll stop Oh you have something yeah

01:17:18 --> 01:17:18


01:17:22 --> 01:17:23

see Yeah.

01:17:26 --> 01:17:37

Kind of signal is of whenever I pick up what is I heard from one shaping you give that what you see not a lot because I'm not getting the

01:17:38 --> 01:17:45

means who's good sometimes I actually need to go go for the holidays

01:17:51 --> 01:18:08

see what I'm doing. Okay. Well, in that case, I can I can say that this dish is coming from this restaurant. It is coming from that after skipping so many of the orders I will just get banned or

01:18:15 --> 01:18:24

Galva sandwiches I actually catch them because those orders be gone knowing that I didn't do that but after knowing that pain I had to do that because

01:18:26 --> 01:18:30

our submarine third question is what is it halal or haram

01:18:36 --> 01:18:36


01:18:37 --> 01:18:38

called up

01:18:41 --> 01:18:41

that's good

01:18:49 --> 01:18:52

but they will not have our hands

01:19:00 --> 01:19:12

I'm whacking at each worker in the company when he got to a restaurant. Well, they don't give us our password always. They have some video bait options. So okay, I

01:19:15 --> 01:19:17

work as a dishwasher.

01:19:18 --> 01:19:40

I mean dishwasher dishwasher. That's fine, right? I mean, you're not serving the food right? You're just cleaning the dishes. So it's fine right? Doesn't matter really what they sell and you're cleaning them right so it's the not really kind of taken on the new Jessa or whatever they are doing right? For the question that I'll answer your show privately inshallah right aligned, so you inshallah privately

01:19:41 --> 01:19:42

there was one question here

01:19:57 --> 01:19:59

so the extremes right and beautification.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:10

Right. So I think we've been women maybe will may have mentioned. So any haram that that exists at the edge, right or the sides of beautification, that is an extreme. So

01:20:11 --> 01:20:30

wearing loose clothing, you think, well, that's not really fashionable next time you will beautiful, but tie clothings are beautiful, because that's fashionable, that's going to an extreme. So even if people consider that to be beautiful in your eyes, that should be ugly, could be beautiful inside the house. But outside when you're exposing all of that to people that should be considered ugly.

01:20:31 --> 01:21:12

Wearing flashy colors, right? Something that is white, that will attract people's attention. And you look at it and you say, Wow, this is beautiful, beautiful, again, on the inside for a female right next to her husband, around maybe some of them are haram where it's appropriate to Muharram. But outside for you, you will say no Allah's definition of this, this is ugly, even though there's some beauty in it, but I can see this beauty in one place. Outside of it, it will be extreme. So everything that is haram will be considered that that's the extreme that you want to avoid. So is that the I'm sorry, is that the avoid? Sorry. So you say, tell us about the extreme and tell us

01:21:12 --> 01:21:13

about being wasteful.

01:21:22 --> 01:21:26

Okay, to neglectful I don't know what but that mean wasteful. I mean,

01:21:28 --> 01:21:29

again, wasteful, it depends on

01:21:31 --> 01:22:13

it, the custom, the convention, your money, your status, all of this. So a person who could buy something that is worth $50. For some other people, this is very wasteful, because they don't have that much money. So it depends on your rank, it does really depend on your rank, but of some things that are really clear. So as we said, for instance, a car that is going to cost 200,000. Okay, 300,000 half a million dollars, that is very clear that this is very wasteful, something that you don't need, but you're buying for the name, not the function, but they need to be seen to be noticed. That's very wasteful. Or some people for instance, when they invite other people to eat,

01:22:13 --> 01:22:47

and they have so much food that they know that a lot of it is going to be thrown away. That is being wasteful. So that's not beautification. So beautification is honored the guests, but don't waste Allah's name. So whenever you see that you're doing something that in your mind looks wasteful, but some of the consequences is that it leads into haram know that you've crossed into an extreme. So that's that's, I think a good guideline in shall claim and shall is our common law Halo, which will end here Subhanak along with the hammer digger shadow Illa Illa in the stuff with regard to boy they called hamdulillah

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