Ali Albarghouthi – Heart Therapy 35 – The Heart & The Grave

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the teaching on finding your heart to purify and reformify life, emphasizing the importance of physical strength and not being dependent on others. They stress the importance of visiting w denies and burial sites to recall what to do and bring tears to the eyes. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of finding the right place for your heart and finding the right time to visit the cemetery. They stress the importance of not being in the wrong place and not being in the present moment, and emphasize the importance of trusting oneself and not letting anyone in the message.
AI: Transcript ©
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was Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah

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sahbihi wa sallam.

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So inshallah tonight we're doing Hadith number 35.

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And in today's number 35, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam commands and advises us to do something,

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right. So part of the means to purify, reformed, soften, bring life back to the heart is what the prophet sallallahu Sallam is talking about in this hadith. So you will see how a location and what this is one of the major lessons from this heavy how a location has an effect on your heart, which is intuitive, by the way, I mean, if somebody tells you if you are in this place versus that place, what do you have to be changed? What will be affected? And of course, depending on the places you are likely very likely to say yes, very likely to say yes. So with this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is teaching and one of the things that he's teaching is that wherever you will

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find your heart is your heart is going to absorb the lessons of the environment around it, the context around it, and that those lessons are going to shape it. So let's first read the Hadith of the messengers of the law to send them Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa cinema

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come tonight to command zero till provari Allah has Roja in tourist, cul de

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sac erode siracha

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This is Ramadan hacking. So the prophets of Allah He will send them said we're

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going to come I forbade you before night to come now use the for bit container Hi, Tuco. I forbade you

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and zero to four I forbid you to visit the graves.

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Either if a zoo Ha.

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But go ahead and visit them

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alakazoo Rouhani now visit them so I forbade you for born before the visit the graves now go ahead and visit them. Why? For in tourists because it softens the heart

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to recall

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what to do, and brings tears to the eyes

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and reminds of the hereafter

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what are the Buddha who draw and don't say things that upset Allah subhanho wa Taala who draw the words widget is any obscene or any obscene phrase. So you can take it to mean any sinful saying don't say anything that is sinful, but it upsets a lot of panel data when you are there. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam basically saying in this Hadith, before I had forbidden you and asked you not to visit the graves, but now go ahead and visit them. Because they do three things. One, they soften the heart, they bring tears to the eyes, and they remind you of the next slide. And don't say anything that upsets a lot of panel data when you visit.

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this headaches of hand alone, if you want to sit and really think about it. The first thing that is reminded reminds you are brings to your your attention and my attention is the great

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the great being the last station on this earth, in our life,

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in our existence on this earth. That's the last station

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and it is the first station have them hereafter.

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So it's like an in between station the last of this life and the beginning of the next life. So that's why they say it has properties of this life and properties of the next.

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And this human lifespan of love and we all go through goes through these stages. You get born, you go into infancy childhood, you keep growing you reach adulthood, you're strong you reach old age and then after old age This is typical right after old age a person passes away and rejects.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks in the Quran about the stages and these transitions.

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There's a reason why our last panel dimensions you know, these transitions. So Allah says in Surah a rooms at 54 Allahu alayhi halaqa comienza.

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So my job I mean bad luck in poor morale among the poor in Boston.

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So Allah Subhana Allah says, Allah Who created you in a

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State of the State of weakness.

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And then he made or have had you pass from this state of weakness into a state of strength I mean Bobby laughing who after weakness come strength.

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And then after strength comes weakness and gray hair or shade.

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So what is the first stage of weakness of the last panel that is talking about?

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No, the first stage looks fine, it looks fine, that's true, you've been created from something weak. But as you are born, right, a child, an infant, very weak, very weak, if no one takes care of you, you don't

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die. So you're extremely dependent you're physically weak, mentally, right, the mind hasn't developed yet financially weak on all aspects are weak and if nobody takes care of you, you pass away you die. So, this is absolute complete dependence on your caretakers, whether they are your parents or not. But it doesn't stay like this. And you notice it and you see it especially if you have children right. You they move on from strength slowly into from weakness slowly into strength. So, they acquire what physical strength and comes with that mental strength and in time also financial money, they will have money they have financial strength. So strength is a weakness

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doesn't last strength comes and replaces it.

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But also strength does not last. So as we have gained, what happens, we lose everything that you gained everything that you gained, except with few exceptions, but with some humans everything everything that you gained, you come to lose. So the physical strength right that you gained.

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Koshiba right you slide as you go through decline, until some Hanalei person may reach a stage like childhood where they cannot do things for themselves, they are dependent on someone else, financial independence or financial strength. Similarly, right, you go into weakness, strength, and it starts dipping down towards the end, except for some people, and even for some mentally, intellectually, right. And if a person's vanilla, we asked a lot to protect us all if you reach an age of senility, right where you don't understand or comprehend anymore, that person is like a child

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in their mind, the same thing in their comprehension, and the reasoning there like a child. So So panela, why does a loss of Hannah what to Allah? do this? And what are the benefits that are in it? these transitions enable not just born completely strong, we don't find ourselves, we wouldn't we first exist having everything. No, we go from weakness into strength. And then we don't continue with this strength. Now we go from strength into weakness, what is the benefit of all of this the panel when you see it, you recognize that none of the things that you have lasts.

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Otherwise, if you were born in strength, and you died with strength, you may think that this thing will always be with me, I'll always be strong and always be healthy, and always be rich. But when you see it in yourself, and you see it in others, that they are losing these things, as others are acquiring them and these people who have newly acquired that strength also are going to lose it you start believing that nothing on the face of this earth

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will last.

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And that prevents you if you notice, it

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prevents you from what arrogance

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prevents you from killing.

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Because Subhana Allah, predominantly, humans, when they acquire strength, they rebelled against Allah subhanho wa Taala and they rebel against Allah. Because at that moment we and then everybody is blind to the fact that you're going to lose this thing.

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I'm not going to lose it, I will always be healthy.

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I'm not going to lose it I'll always be strong and I will always be powerful. The tyrants on this earth but not even the tyrants even us. When we behave tyrannically

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Yanni May Allah subhana wa Taala you know, save us if Allah were to test us and give us real power on this earth, like president so and so or King so and so what I'm your so and so, Allahu Allah if we will behave better or not, because that tyranny that blindness meets can't make them up, and we will behave the same way. So, so that we are not blinded by all of this Allah subhana wa

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Data shows us these transitions. And that is one of the benefits of visiting the graves as we will see as what the prophets a lot he was sending them had prescribed. Why do you visit because you need to remember,

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because you forget, and you're tempted, and you are I are deceived by what we have by the strength that we have. I have $100 I have $1,000 I have 100 I have a million

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that goes into your heart. I'm healthy, I'm never sick that goes into your heart that distances you from a loss of Hannah what data until a reminder comes, you lose your money, or you become sick, or you lose a loved one. And all of a sudden you wake up to the fact that yes, these things are not mine to keep. I just borrowed them but they are not mine to keep.

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That's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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had said x erotica had the mean that that.

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He said, Remember often the destroyer of joys and pleasures, meaning death, meaning death

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is not just remember it once in a while.

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Plenty of time keep remembering that, okay? Why if you go to a doctor, and he tells you after he looks at your condition, right? You go through the checkup and your blood test says you need to exercise daily.

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Why is he saying that you need to exercise daily.

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To be healthy, because your condition whatever your condition is, requires that exercise and if you leave it, you will suffer as a consequence.

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You will feel it, your health will start deteriorating and going down because you haven't exercised. So in the profits a lot of your sentences at zero means that the human condition by nature is forgetful.

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You and I by nature are forgetful every day, you know, we need reminders every day. It doesn't mean necessarily that you have to remember that every single day. Right? He doesn't say so a lot of you said them every single day, maybe for some you need that. But often enough often enough because we need reminders every day. In fact, every couple of hours, we need to be reminded. So this is our nature. So why does one Why is death the destroyer of joy and pleasures.

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Because you only be able to enjoy something fully when you think that you're not going to leave it and it's not going to leave you. But when something is borrowed your happiness with it is limited.

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And just think about it. I give you a car versus I lend you a car. What makes you happiest?

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Taking it, although lending it, I mean, borrowing that we will hear it's nice, I can go here and there. But you always remember I have to return.

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And it'll say I'm going to work or have to go back to taking the bus or driving my piece of whatever, right?

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So I want to drive this so that the fact that it's going to leave you makes you very unhappy. Rather than if you actually own something that is that's full happiness. That's why the Jenna okay will make us the happiest because Allah gives. And that is yours for how many years forever, how long it doesn't leave anymore, which is the real happiness Finally I own a home that I really own it.

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I really own it right now no one is gonna come and take it from me. That is guaranteed by Allah subhana wa Tada. That's the full happiness. That's the full security.

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But whatever a person is going to remind you know, you're going to lose this thing.

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I was okay, your joy is going to diminish. If not stop completely.

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Right. A person for instance, is happy with his family's happy with his money he's happy with his position is happy with how much money he has, once you remind them of death. So power law, it restores your sanity to you.

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Your religious sanity,

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know what I'm talking about religious sanity, it returns that to you. You're not now intoxicated by the dounia anymore. Oh, don't take and take and I'll keep giving you and giving you and there is no end and there is no end and death comes and it says wake up, it's lying to you. So okay. It is lying to me. There is not possible for me to be getting and getting and getting. It's not possible for me to keep acquiring strength forever. It's going to stop and it's going to decline. So, when this happens when you remember it, it will shift you from the dunia to the

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because you'll have to think about it and

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it will tell you you can

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hoped to live forever as an impossibility. And you can attach yourself to the dunya all the time, because you will suffer because of it, you will be sad because of it. So as I said, you will have to shift and it will have to take you to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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one of the lessons of the headache

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is around we said in the beginning, right? The place where you find yourself, affects your heart, wherever you place yourself has an influence on your heart. How do we find that from the heady? When the prophet SAW it's obvious and shallow, but when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says go there, go to this place because it has an effect on your heart. He's teaching us a greater lesson.

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The greater lesson is that when you go to particular places, they will affect your heart in some way, in one way or another.

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And other places will have the opposite effect. So knows

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where you're going, and what and how that is going to influence your heart.

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That's the greater lesson. So it's not just about what it's not just about the grave. There's a greater lesson here, which is where you choose to go, your heart is going to follow and your heart is going to change and your heart is going to be affected and influenced by it. So this is a place that Allah subhanho wa Taala loves or wants you to go your heart to be and feel better. And if it's a place that Allah hates, your heart will be worse. So one of the Hadees that distinguishes and tells us that not every location and not all spots on the face of this earth are equal in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala have mobility Illallah Hema said you do have the most beloved spots on

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this earth to our last panel with the Allah. Allah mosques. Mr. dua, Mr.

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De La Jolla and the one then the spots that the last panel della hates the most are what

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a swamp right? The marketplaces. So here the prophets A lot of you sell and tells you right in terms of your city or whatever city you're in whatever city you're going to visit, you'll be able to tell the spot that Allah loves the most and this father Allah hates the most. The spot that Allah loves the most is what messages

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and one that hates the most is their market. So why the mystery?

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Why the mystery?

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Because that's where a lot of panel data is being worshipped.

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That's where you will find the best of creation, supposedly,

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the best of creation in terms of the angels of Allah subhana wa tada gathering the houses of Allah, that's where you will find the greatest number of angels and the best of the people in the city we assume they are the people who come to the masjid and frequent the masjid.

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And the best of teachings that you will hear and you will get the best of words and phrases that you will hear. They will be in the masjid.

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And then your heart because of that, obviously if it's in the masjid, it will be better supposedly, right? Of course, you know, sometimes it doesn't happen. Are we talking on average compared to the outside your house, your heart will be better when it's in the masjid

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because it is the place of the hero.

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The houses of Allah subhana wa tada the closest spot to the earth here on this earth

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is the mystery. And if you're if you're going on the face of this earth and you want to find an asset or the hereafter Where can I find the hereafter the spot that will bring me closest to you go to the masjid and that will be the spot that will bring you closest to the hereafter meaning closest to gender and closest to the last panel data. What is there in the market in the soup in the malls? What is there

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that's the opposite

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as the dounia over there, that's where people go for the dunya

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for some to run away from Allah subhanaw taala not everybody but for some to run away from Allah Subhana Allah, that's the spot where the dunya is concentrated till today. That's the spot where the dunya is concentrated. So if you see Subhan Allah in the marketplace

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you know, if you read in the older books, they will tell you that this is the place where people are likely to lie and cheat because they're selling

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to swear falsely by Allah subhanho wa Taala where they're likely to be mixing maybe between men and women.

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So and then too much focus on the dounia and not fear of a loss of power.

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Know what Allah Subhana Allah, if they were to look at our markets and our moles today, I mean, the Subhana Allah the harm, the sin is compounded is compounded, because now some kind of other dunya is concentrated. And if the heart lies and cheating now, they have sophisticated lies and cheating nowadays, in terms of PR and how they promote their products and how they pull you to buy it. Right. And if they were talking about the mixing between the sexes, so Pamela, now they are selling that they're selling *, right? So just advertise and bring and attract attention.

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So when you go, you'll find that it is actually as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right said, that is the place where the shavon has posted. His liwan His banner, meaning this is his territory.

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That's his spot. That's his control. This is where He sends his soldiers and he temps people.

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So the profits of the law you send them here is telling you in this particular headache, right, the spots are not the same. So you cannot imagine, you cannot anticipate that if you spent time or more time in the mystery that you're tied to your heart is going to be like, if you spend the same time in the mall, it's not going to be the same right? It cannot, it cannot.

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of course to get the full benefit of being in the masjid.

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What do you need to do is that you need to be ready for it. You need to open your heart for it. We take that from that mean Hadith in the chapter.

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Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said what I had previously forbidden, you will talk about that I had previously forbidden you to visit the graves. That is at one point in time you were not ready to get the benefit from that visit. The spot is the same. graveyard is the same, the cemetery is the same, it hasn't changed right? sustain.

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But you were not ready to receive the benefit from that visit. So I did not allow you to visit I forbade you to visit it later, you are ready. So I allowed you.

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I'll tell you what, what the difference was for them.

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But later, I love you and you were ready. So the same spot

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could give you benefit? Or could you give you harm based on how you come to it? What type of heart you bring to it?

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Are you ready to receive the benefits? Or are you actually participating or introducing harm in that place? So let's take the example of the misdeed and the mall or the marketplace. Not everybody who comes to the masjid comes to the masjid with an open heart.

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Or they come to the ministry to really worship Allah subhanho wa Taala and be close to him. Some people will come to the masjid. Right, and you come and you backbite so and so and so and so you only only come to talk to so and so that's the main motivation. So as a paddler, you can have a person who comes to them as out of habit, the heart is closed, and they're introducing more harm in domestic than benefit and they're getting more harm than benefit. It doesn't mean that they should stop it means that they should change themselves. But I want to tell you that they are in the masjid but they're not getting the benefit of the mystery. Is that the fault of the message necessarily?

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symptoms sometimes people but anyway, we make it hard sometimes on ourselves and others, you know, when we kind of go by what we do, but most of the time there is a lot going on the Koran is there, so you're not ready to receive that benefit.

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versus someone else apparently who could go to the mall, go to the marketplace, but they're going there to do something.

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And they're doing what Allah loves and they're staying away from what Allah hates, and they only stay there for as long as they need to and then they leave a lot rewards them for that visit

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alone rewards them for that visit.

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Even that they went to a place that Allah subhanaw taala hates the most but it's not haram to go there. It's not haram to go there. Unless you know, you know you're going to be doing haram over there. But if you need to buy something from there and you know you go it's not how long to go there. But your visit is an Islamic visit. To the more Islamic visit to that shop, you go in, you're doing Hello, staying away from what are you doing, you're reading the dugout before you enter a suit

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and you're spending, you're not hurting anyone when you leave a las panatela rewards you for. So this depends really on

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your heart and what it what it can take

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When it's not ready to take, right? So if you go to the grave, let's go back to the example of the grief. We said the grave is the same.

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But the people at one point we're not ready to go to that grave.

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And that's why the Prophet sallallahu wasallam forbade them to go what is it that stopped them

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from receiving the benefits?

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Exactly, all the sins, all the sins, people were still fresh, closely connected to their genitalia

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just embraced Islam just accepted Islam.

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And by the way, a lot of the sins a lot of sins ingegneria are committed by people who are connected to the graves or who visit the graves or frequent the graves.

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So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knew

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understood from their level of emotion and their level of understanding a level of knowledge that no The time is not ready. And I fear that if I allow them to go there, they will commit some sense that a loss of power data hates and raw and then their Eman will suffer and the knowledge will suffer. So no, don't stop, don't go. Some of the sins associated with the grave is that some people have handled it till today, even though they you know, they subscribe to Islam, they go to the grave, and they worship the person who's dead over there. worship Him in terms of what right they give a better to this person.

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They don't necessarily believe that he is a loss of Hanover data. That's not the issue. I don't hardly I hardly think that there's anyone that goes to great thinking that this is a loss of Hannah with data, that's not the case. But they give a better to this person they give out to this person.

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So dude, okay, so here we go. So Pamela eyewitness that

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50s and 60s, I hope I hope that they had stopped the 100 that's our one point, people would go to the grave and mix to do

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so so Pamela, you know, how, what is a stronger signal of a burden may constitute

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just complete humiliation and humility before the object of this worship. And people ask them and make for them to then make to them that no cure so and so help so and so I have the I need this job. I you know, I'm not I don't have children give me children. Subhan Allah, this is a burden. So this is an important, right, an important sin that has been committed when we visit the graves. And as the brother said, also wailing and cursing and accusing a loss of Hannah with data, losing your composure and uttering, you know, things that express discontent to the loss decree, especially if the dead person is close to you, and the wound is still fresh, hasn't healed yet.

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So there are a lot of sins that be committed. You know, just connect it to the graves. You know, some some, some people will have specific to add that you have to go and read they're not available in the system, a specific job that somebody gave them. Some people think that they have to visit the dead person on particular days.

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A dry

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night morning. Yeah, good morning, right, you go pray, and you have to go to the cemetery.

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I don't know why you're going to cemetery you go to the cemetery, maybe you feel that they feel your presence, you're saying Salaam to them, you make it out to them, and then you leave and you find it's pantalon Muslim cemetery is even here. Even here, right? After eight because I noticed that after eight, I was passing by a cemetery, a lot of Muslims were coming out of the cemetery. Right? So So okay, that's the routine. So people don't know that this is not, it's not a sin not to visit the graves on that particular day. And when you do it like that, it becomes a bit so this is a bit this is innovation, connected to the griefs.

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So the profits from

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that too, that's another another time Thursday evening after us. So So that's another specific time where they say go on that day. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not specify a day or did not specify a time here in this heady Zoo visit. They didn't say on any particular because no particular time has a virtue to it. That says this time, not that time, this time better than that time that doesn't have any specific virtue to it. So because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right notice this, he forbade it. But now when they're a man increased, and there is distance now emotional, intellectual

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timewise distance between them and the Jay Haley the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Now visited,

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now visited and this had it by the way is a unique study in terms of lists the previous ruling and the new ruling in the same heading. So this is an example of Nestle anyone

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One good example if you if you have come across in the Quran and the Sunnah, abrogation of the call cancelling, and all the ruling, replacing it with another ruling. So if you want an example of this hadith is a very good example because in that particular in the same Hadith, he said, This isn't the way it was. Now it's different. So this is a clear example of Nestle. And that Nestle in fact, is there in the cotton industry. So

00:30:31 --> 00:30:35

it's not making clear it appears that everybody

00:30:38 --> 00:30:40

now everybody can go that's what it's saying.

00:30:45 --> 00:31:10

Let's go. So, the outline of course, disagree as whether the this Heidi is it open. General that includes both men and women, or should be excluded based on another Hadith, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says down Allahu zawada tinku. So May Allah subhanho wa Taala curse

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the female visitors, but the female visitors have frequent visitors of the grave.

00:31:20 --> 00:31:23

So here you have to Hades

00:31:24 --> 00:31:27

right, so before Latin America before everybody was forbidden.

00:31:29 --> 00:32:11

Now we have a hadith that generally allows everybody to go and visit but there's another Hadith that says, you know, curse we upon those female visitors of the grave, but its uses the forms of war, I mean, and exaggerated visits, they visit a lot. So then the other man will have to reconcile all of this. So some of you might have said, No, the prohibition was before for everybody. And now everybody is allowed to go and visit. And in terms of that Hadith, it's really specifically talking about those women who visit the grave too much and commit what Allah subhanho wa Taala hates there. So they say that's the exception.

00:32:12 --> 00:32:31

So if a woman for instance, does not visit the grave too often and does not cry, because likely to be more emotional than men, she doesn't cry, lose her composure, lose her subhana wa. Eman and stop saying things that Allah hates. If she doesn't do this, then as a male she's allowed to go and visit other say no.

00:32:33 --> 00:32:36

That provision right allows that and that

00:32:38 --> 00:32:50

allows them to go and visit but we have a hadith still another Hadith that prohibits the woman because of this, we will stick on to the original prohibition and say, woman cannot visit the grave all the time. Is that

00:32:51 --> 00:33:04

so that's the reason. So you have some of the other men who say, woman cannot Okay, no matter what the woman cannot visit the grave and others have said if they're not going to do it and do anything Haram, they're allowed, like men to visit the grave.

00:33:05 --> 00:33:11

So inshallah you can research this some more and you know, follow your own math.

00:33:13 --> 00:33:14


00:33:18 --> 00:33:20

Any, anytime I

00:33:26 --> 00:33:26

go where?

00:33:37 --> 00:33:38


00:33:41 --> 00:33:58

No, no, if so, the question is, are Roman allowed to go only during janazah? Or it's open? Right? So the Aloma who said as far as I know, the other man who said that she can go the she they said she can go anytime. Even like this heady zoodle. Right, just for

00:33:59 --> 00:34:10

benefit, right? Not just because somebody had passed away, but to get the benefit of the reminder, so that they can go and visit as well, just like minute, so it's not limited to the time where somebody just has passed?

00:34:12 --> 00:34:13


00:34:16 --> 00:34:16

Oh, yes.

00:34:23 --> 00:34:43

It depends, like what is the opinion that you're following? What is the opinion that you're following? If you're following the opinion that says that she should not go to the grave that she does not follow the janessa and does not enter the cemetery. If you follow the other opinion, if it makes more sense to you based on the evidence, right, that she can go she can follow the janazah as long as there is no mixing.

00:34:45 --> 00:34:46

So she can go do that.

00:34:51 --> 00:34:59

I don't know about the majority of the audience, or any what's the majority of them that have say I just know that there is this opinion and that opinion, but I don't recall exactly.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:07

Which mishap says it and how? What is the majority opinion what you do more I can find out inshallah, for you if you're interested.

00:35:09 --> 00:35:25

That's difficult, right? Because you have some of the other modes of Malacca. They say No, she doesn't go. I think if I'm not mistaken, like ship invest for the homeowner, they mean they say that she doesn't visit the grave. They have somebody else three older scholars, and she'll

00:35:26 --> 00:35:35

say that she can go. So it's hard. That's why I don't know when I tell you this is strongest or that because you can find evidence right to

00:35:36 --> 00:35:37

support the other one.

00:35:41 --> 00:35:42


00:35:45 --> 00:35:48

Yeah. Okay. Go ahead. Let's go.

00:35:59 --> 00:36:00

You can visit him.

00:36:13 --> 00:36:29

Or you can of course, you can visit it. Of course, you can visit it now, but it's typically right. It's in a cemetery and a graveyard. Typically it's there. Right? So you're visiting, right? Everybody at the same time? So if you do it with the right, so you're visiting everybody at the same time?

00:36:30 --> 00:36:31

Okay, exactly.

00:36:32 --> 00:36:41

Insha Allah will continue with the lesson. And then if you have more questions, I like seeing people are interested in further questions for some reason, right? So, okay, see you like, Okay,

00:36:43 --> 00:36:51

so now it's just a panel life. If a person goes to the grave, and he commits some of these sins and all of these sins that we talked about, it damages their heart.

00:36:52 --> 00:37:21

It's a sin of shame. It's a sin of Buddha, it's a sin of disobedience to Allah subhana wa Tada. So it does leave a mark on their heart. But as they go, and the heart ready, as we said, The you go to the mystery, right? You go to the masjid and you're ready, your heart is open, and you want to receive these benefits. Allah Subhana Allah, Allah will give you these benefits. If you go with the wrong heart, you're not going to get the benefits of being in the mystic, right? So it's the same thing with going to the group.

00:37:22 --> 00:37:42

And Subhana Allah is something I wrote here, that was nice about the mistake. And I'll come back to the grave, which is they say that the best thing you know, says they say that there are people who are in domestic but their hearts are not in domestic. Like they're physically in domestic, but the heart is somewhere else.

00:37:43 --> 00:37:48

And there are people who will be in the market, but their hearts are in the mystery.

00:37:51 --> 00:38:20

As to handle I mean, when I read that, I stopped and paused a little bit, because it's true. Maybe we've noticed that in ourselves, sometimes you'll be in domestic, but your heart wants to be somewhere else. You're thinking about something else. I'd rather be home eating whatever I want to be there I'd rather be to with so and so talking to them. I'd rather be in Tim Hortons, drinking coffee and talking about whatever, whatever it is. So the physically you're in the mystery, but the heart is not in the mystery.

00:38:21 --> 00:38:24

So not everybody in the middle who is in the message is who is in fact in the midst of

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all of them. And there are some people who have to work they're doing this they're doing that they're not in the message at the moment but they wish that they are in domestic their heart is thinking about domestic

00:38:37 --> 00:39:11

they say the best thing of course, is for you to both be physically and heart wise be in domestic. So this is what we want to ensure a lot think about because it was it was really any there's Bella and there's eloquence in it right? There's a lesson in it that Yeah, I'm in the masjid right now visiting between Africa and Asia sitting between us have another immuno. But is my heart also with me in the masjid? Or is it somewhere else? So, to receive the benefit of the mister Do you have to bring your heart like, kidnap it from wherever it is bring it back to the masjid and allow it to be in the minister to receive the benefit there.

00:39:13 --> 00:39:19

So what is it doing? visiting the graveyard? The prophet SAW a lot he was sending them he said three things today.

00:39:20 --> 00:39:22

softens the heart.

00:39:23 --> 00:39:28

What did you mean it brings tears to the eyes? What do that curiosity reminds you of the hereafter?

00:39:31 --> 00:39:44

serve a person who's busy with the dounia as we said, you think you will live forever and you will have these things forever. And you will feel the effect of that on your heart because the heart is not responsive.

00:39:45 --> 00:39:58

is not responsive. You know, Allah's name is mentioned it doesn't move on. As mentioned it doesn't move you come to the message it doesn't move. So the hardest distance from our last panel with that and that's because the dounia had overwhelmed it

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had taken it captive.

00:40:03 --> 00:40:06

But when you go to the grave, you will start noticing, right.

00:40:07 --> 00:40:29

And by the way, you can visit the graves of the kuffaar as well it doesn't have to be only graves of Muslims, you can visit any grave, but you go to the cemetery and you start noticing so and so on for the kuffaar, right, they have these plaques on mute, they have like, birth death and, and you can sort of read their some of their life story there. And this is a person who had lived just as I lived.

00:40:31 --> 00:40:49

I mean, they were born into a family they had loving parents, you know, as far as we can tell, most people are, they have loving parents, they grew up, they had dreams, they went into childhood, adolescence, adulthood, they thought that they're going to live forever. And they went into decline, disease and death. And now they are buried underground.

00:40:50 --> 00:41:00

An entire person's story standing right there in front of you. And this person who is walking on top of this earth now he's only places under this earth.

00:41:02 --> 00:41:09

And by the way, so panela we're going to spend, which is amazing to think about, we're going to spend more time underground and above ground.

00:41:11 --> 00:41:13

Right? Under above ground

00:41:14 --> 00:41:15


00:41:17 --> 00:41:24

years, right? at 100. Right, 100 is an exception, you'll be featured in the newspaper, right?

00:41:25 --> 00:41:30

But then afterwards, right underground, hundreds of years, maybe 1000s of views.

00:41:31 --> 00:41:40

So if you think about it in terms of your home right now versus the grave, the grave is actual home for this body, not anything else.

00:41:41 --> 00:41:49

So a person when you go and you see one example after the other one example after the other, you notice that the dunya really is very insignificant.

00:41:50 --> 00:41:58

And it keeps deceiving you and me every day when it keeps giving and it's keeps telling you, you will you will keep receiving from it.

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But in order to keep receiving sacrifice, sacrifice your religion, sacrifice your life, sacrifice your family, don't pay attention to your sauna and to the Quran. Don't pay attention to the promise of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, because that's the only way I'll be keep giving you

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and you're trusting the shaitaan in trusting the dunya. But right there, when you are in the grave, everything is revealed. The dunya can't lie to you anymore. That's the reality of the dunya everything that these people were given was taken away from them.

00:42:30 --> 00:42:32

My right, everything.

00:42:33 --> 00:42:45

Everything you can go to your closet today, especially for the sisters, if you have a lot of nice things go to the closet today by and notice all the nice and expensive things you may have. These are not yours.

00:42:46 --> 00:42:58

Let's go and look at something that you really value, a new car that you have, by the electronics, right the iPad and you know, on the tablet, and whatever the new phone, all of these things are.

00:42:59 --> 00:43:13

All of these things aren't going to be taken from you. You look at yourself in the mirror and you that you admire how beautiful enhanced them you are, that too is going to be taken away from me. Nothing that you have is going to stay. So that's what the grave announces to you

00:43:14 --> 00:43:15

very clearly

00:43:17 --> 00:43:18

and declares to you that there

00:43:19 --> 00:43:24

is a deceiver and the shaitaan is a deceiver. So when that happens to that

00:43:25 --> 00:43:35

reminds you of the hereafter. Also Panama you say to yourself, what type of life are they do they living underground right now? What type of life

00:43:38 --> 00:43:54

so Panama for some of the venues that are you know, they saw what they did, we did not see some of them Suppan Allah, Allah allowed some people to rise from the grave, and speak to the living and some of the things you want to say one of them that he told them, he said, I've spent

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spent around 100 years or so. Now I only found rest.

00:44:02 --> 00:44:15

And he came back to the grief is grief. 100 years or so. Their time is not like our time. So this person was underground right now what type of life are they living? Are they being punished? Are they being blessed?

00:44:17 --> 00:44:20

And then you think to yourself, and I eventually will be right there.

00:44:22 --> 00:44:26

And then what type of life do I want? So all of this dunya will appear as if it's a mirage.

00:44:28 --> 00:44:31

Unreal, and the only reality is the hereafter.

00:44:32 --> 00:44:37

And when you say that, and when you feel that that's what will bring the softness of the heart rate.

00:44:39 --> 00:44:41

Because what is the thing, the thing that hardens the heart?

00:44:44 --> 00:44:53

But you forget, you forget a lot. You forget your own reality you forget your own weakness. That's the thing that makes you that makes the hard part.

00:44:55 --> 00:44:59

So when you start remembering a lot on your own weakness and the eventual departure

00:45:00 --> 00:45:06

From this dunya the heart feels weak and dependent and afraid.

00:45:07 --> 00:45:25

She'll hear what is gonna happen to me what is gonna happen to my family? What is my destiny? I can't trust the dunya anymore Who can I trust? That's when you go back to Allah subhana wa tada and put your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala more than anyone else.

00:45:27 --> 00:45:29

And that's what brings you back to Allah

00:45:32 --> 00:45:41

and brings tears to the eyes, brings us to tears to the eyes for a lot of reasons brings tears to the eyes because you feel mercy Rama for the people that passed away.

00:45:42 --> 00:46:08

And also you are afraid for your own destiny, your own end and what is going to happen to you. You feel the punishment in the grave. Right, that may propel us have had a lot going to know more about the grave. What are the types of punishment in the grave? And they say to yourself, Am I going to be this person was being punished in the grave that will bring fear into your life, the fear of Allah the fear of that punishment, the fear of the punishment in the hereafter.

00:46:10 --> 00:46:20

So Subhan Allah the Prophet sallallahu Sallam highlighted that spot as the spot that will wake you up from your slumber and my slumber

00:46:21 --> 00:46:25

and will overcome right, the lies of the dunya

00:46:26 --> 00:46:40

Subhana Allah, you know, the grave is our physical the beginning of our physical return to Allah subhanho wa Taala physically right, that's how we come back to our last panel with that, Mina, Helena Kumasi Henry took a moment and

00:46:41 --> 00:46:50

recreated you from this earth we will send you back to this earth you'll be resurrected from this earth so you return back to Allah subhana wa tada starts with the green

00:46:51 --> 00:47:08

but the grave can return us spiritually to Allah subhanho wa Taala before your physical demise, spiritually Can you return it to Allah subhana wa tada when you go and visit it and your heart finds a loss of Hannah what Allah through it, and you come back to Allah subhana wa tada

00:47:09 --> 00:47:10

on the inside,

00:47:11 --> 00:47:24

right? It brings life on the inside. So this is the Hadith of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so the project for you is what Guess what, what's the project for this week?

00:47:25 --> 00:47:38

Ah, that's what it is to visit the grave and to make it inshallah not just a once in a lifetime but whenever you find that your heart needs it, you go and visit

00:47:39 --> 00:47:50

and when you are that's appropriate for you to take your children in when they are at an age of they can understand you decide you take also you take them to visit and you teach them about what they're seeing there.

00:47:51 --> 00:48:11

And you hope for Allah subhana wa tada that a lot brings life to your heart. It's not sometimes it's not just a couple of minutes sometimes you need to spend time walk around keep walking around, read write, read the information over there move from one spot to the other spot until you feel that your heart has changed.

00:48:13 --> 00:48:18

And if those of you who are interested in an experiment between you know, the mall and the

00:48:19 --> 00:48:25

cemetery do this if you like to experience extremes, visit this then immediately go and visit that

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and see how you feel and see how different very different they are

00:48:30 --> 00:48:38

people where they are laughing and happy and they have just bought this I'm just gonna buy this and eating aggregate they're having the time of their life

00:48:39 --> 00:49:04

and there's that you know, lack of realization, right that death is new. Whereas when you go over there Subhanallah that cover is lifted. When you go to the grave cemetery that cover is lifted and you see things as they are to Panama so this is your project inshallah remember take a day and go and spend 15 minutes 20 minutes go around and see what you feel.

00:49:06 --> 00:49:09

So this is in sha Allah explanation for today.

00:49:10 --> 00:49:14

Oh, yeah comes Aquila Hara, so let me know if he has questions we will answer them right now.

00:49:18 --> 00:49:24

udraw so he said houjicha is in the Arabic language, obscene words.

00:49:27 --> 00:49:59

So anything that upsets Allah subhana wa tada is Pooja. So visit the graves. But with the condition What is this condition we also have a loss A lot of you said and what is this condition, don't say anything there that will upset a loss of panel data. Of course by extension also don't do anything that will upset the last panel with that. So as long as you stay away from the harm in speech and action go and visit the graves because there's benefits in that desert. That's why the office a lot isn't allowed it and by the way that tells you that the profits a lot he would send them when he allowed and forbade considered benefits and harms

00:50:01 --> 00:50:20

Right considered benefits and harms. So when there's greater harm than benefit in visiting the grave, he said, No. And when he knew that there is more benefit than harm, he said, go and visit. Right. So this is you can analyze here. Yeah, all of Sharia is built on benefits and harms.

00:50:35 --> 00:50:38

Analysts, they sleep. Okay.

00:50:40 --> 00:51:22

Now, okay, so the brother is saying that there should be a time limit, and he's noticed something that I did not know there's a should be a time limit because there are some people who go and sit there, like for a long time, right? And they even sleep they're believing that they will get some benefit from that state. Know the benefit that you will receive is what the prophets of Allah He was in them is saying you don't get blessed by visiting the graves like Baraka or this is a grave of a supposedly good person, you don't get blessings from simply being there, right. So that that person is dead, and they cannot give you any benefit they cannot benefit you. It is in fact you who can

00:51:22 --> 00:51:56

benefit them and how can you benefit them when you enter the grave and say that you are that is in the sooner you are bringing benefit to them, you're bringing it off to them you bring him back, if that's what you're asking for them and not feel for them. You are helping them you're benefiting them they cannot benefit you. Right they are in a different world right? They cannot benefit you. So Zack ally for saying this right? You can go and just sleep overnight over there or think that I'm going to you know lie down next to this grave and be blessed because of it or Subhanallah that's why there's a lot of bit I take a little bit of that soil and that thing is going to bless me what all

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of these things are not from Islam and not from the Sunnah of the Prophet Salamis. There was something else.

00:52:04 --> 00:52:06

Okay, I thought I heard somebody to ask a question

00:52:07 --> 00:52:15

anymore. Insha Allah, no more questions. Like does that unlock a satanic alarm, Shadow stuff

Explanation of the 35th hadith in the Heart Therapy Series:

The Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam said: (I forbade you to visit the graveyards, so [now] visit them, for they soften the heart and bring tears to the eye; and don’t say something wrong.)

Reported by Ahmad (13487) and al-Hakim (1393). Al-Albani graded it as a Sahih (Sahih al-Jamia 4584), and so did Shuayb al-Arnaut.

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