Ahsan Hanif – Actions that Lead to Paradise

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The host of a series covers the history of Islam, including the birth of Islam in the Arab population and the use of the symbol today's" in religion. They emphasize the importance of achieving a path to gender and learning and sharing in religion, as it is essential for achieving the ultimate message of Islam. The speaker also discusses the success of the Prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam's teachings and the importance of intentions in shaping behavior and rewarding actions. The importance of intentions in shaping behavior and rewarding actions is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sorry You can settle down please inshallah we'll make a start

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smilla salatu salam ala rasulillah

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salam alaikum Angela barakato.

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Brothers and sisters Welcome to the last lecture of today's series entitled The soul and its inevitable journey. This last lecture is entitled the actions that lead to paradise. And this lecture will be delivered by no other than our chef lesson. And if

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and without further ado, I'll hand it over to the share affiliate of oil myschool on euro

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Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh smilla hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah. While early he was talking to a woman Wilder ameba.

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Lima Malik Rahim, Allah tala, the Imam of Medina, Imam, Madame La Jolla,

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one of the greatest scholars ever to live one of the most well known prolific scholars of this oma one of the first scholars ever to compile a book of Hadith, which became famously known as the what bavuma Manik a scholar who lived in the early three generations of Muslims, the three generations that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam praised and he extolled the virtues in the famous Hadith haleness economy, familia de Luna home, tamila, Xena, Luna home, the best of people are my generation, then those who follow them and then those who follow them. Rima Malik Rahim Allah was from amongst the third generation, what we call that battle between the students of the tiberian

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from amongst his teachers was naffaa Rahim Allah who in turn was a student of our beloved Norma rhodiola Juan Houma. And he was a teacher Rahim Allah of the likes of an Imam Shafi, amongst many, many, many others, a giant amongst giants Rahim Allah who tada There's barely a single Muslim today across the Muslim world and the non Muslim world, except that they've heard of and they know and they're familiar with this name. Allah Malik Rahim Allah Allah. Allah Malik was a scholar and a teacher of Hadith. He spent the vast majority of his time busying himself in the mystery of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. in Medina, it must be the number we teach him Hadith. That's

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what he did. That was his job. That's what he did. That's what he spent his time busying himself with. But some of the scholars who also lived in Medina, they were contemporaries of Mr. Malik Rahim, Allah tala. They used to say to him that you spend too much time teaching too much time teaching in the masjid too much time giving lectures. If only you are Mr. Malik would spend some of the time in rabada. Make more knuffle prayers, or give more sadaqa to other types and acts of worship and spend less time teaching Salima Malik Rahim Allah tala replied and he said Kowloon Lima Haleakala, every person, it is easy for them what Allah has made easy for them. Every person, a

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large division has given them a path to gender. Certain things are easier for them than other things. The statement of this great and illustrious Imam Rahim Allah, even though it is short and precise, but like many of the statements and words of the scholars of the past is deep and profound in meaning. And in America, he mahalos acknowledging that after the big bet, everyone has to play, everyone has to give us a car and so on so on and so does a car

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And fast and so on and so forth. But after you fulfill those obligations, for each and every single person, there is a path to gender. But it doesn't mean that my path and your path have to be the same. Nor does it mean that everything that I do, you must do and everything that you do, I must do, and that everything that this brother does, we must all you know, even amongst the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this was not the case. But rather each person has a path that Allah has made easy for them. For some people it is teaching. It is knowledge, seeking knowledge, spreading knowledge, teaching, being an Imam being a hottie. But for other people, they could never

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stand in front of 10 people let alone 100 or 1000. But they have money and wealth and they can give them sada Allah has given them wealth. And they spend by day and by night in secret and open galarza, which will alone only knows how much they benefit others through their wealth. Yet there are others who don't have wealth, and they don't have knowledge. They're not speakers, they can't give lectures, but a large zildjian has made it easy for them to help others. That's what they do. They help other people. They know that there's in the community, a sister, a brother, an elderly person, someone six someone else, someone in need of assistance. And I don't mean Well, I mean

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physical assistance, they need some help those people that's what they do. That's what something which is easy for them. It's something which their hearts young towards. So they busy themselves in this other people No, never help a person will never give a lecture doesn't have any money is penniless, but they're an Abbot. They spend the time worshiping Allah, they fast Mondays, Thursdays, the three middle days of the month, they fasting, they're praying during the night and during the day making knuffle they're reciting, or on the busying themselves, and rebuildable Muslim, Hannah Montana,

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each person has a path that has been made easy for them. Once you fulfill my obligations in which there is no doubt, the basic tenets of your religion, Allah subhanho wa Taala has made things easy for you, you choose the path that is easier for you. And that doesn't mean that you neglect other paths. That's not the meaning of what I'm saying. But those paths may be more difficult for you. Though those paths will take from you more effort, more time, it will take from you more concentration, more determination, more self discipline, in order for you to embark upon them. So you try to the best of your ability. If you're an Arabic you worship a large soldier but you know

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that there's problems with your character, not a nice person to be around you work on that aspect. But if your characters amazing, but then you have some other deficiency, you have wealth, but you never like to give them sort of a you give you the car. But no way is anyone taking another penny. That's something you work upon. You give sadaqa you train yourself to give in small amounts so that you train yourself to please Allah subhanho wa Taala one of the most amazing things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did with his companions is recognize the strengths of his companions and play to those strengths. The Companions, all of them are virtuous, and all of them are amazing. And

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all of them are leaders for the long run homage Marian alaric xojo praise them in the Koran and a number of occasions are of the Allahu Murat one, Allah says that Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with him. And that's from the greatest Shahada and testimonies that Allah could give that Allah is pleased with a person or with a group of people. Yet even so, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't allow every companion to be a leader. Not everyone was a governor. Not everyone was fit to become the honey from the Muslims. Not everyone was a military general. Not everyone could do what Khalid eventually did over the last one year at the same time,

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there were companions, who excelled in knowledge about a lot of the online one, a prolific narrator of Hadith, even though he spent only two or three years in the company of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he learned and memorized and narrated more Hadith than companions were with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the beginning of Islam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if you saw the companions gathered around him during the day, he would say to them go and work. You have families, you have children, you have dependents going work. And so I'm one of the lucky one would take turns. One day he would stay with the process cinemas, you know, one day he

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would work and his friend would do vice versa. And then they would meet in the evening and discuss this. But he never said this to Abu huraira, who was from amongst the poorest companions. poorest companions had no job had no source of income, used to go hungry for days no food, no drink. Yet the prophets of Salaam never said to overlay at all. Why are you wasting your time? Why don't you go and work? Because he knows that Abu huraira he can memorize. He's going to memorize the sooner he's going to memorize 1000s of ahaadeeth rhodiola

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rhodiola one Houma.

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Young companion, by the time of the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam only came to Medina after the conquest of Mecca, in the eighth year of the hedgerow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sees in him a natural ability to learn and memorize and master the, that the fear of the Quran, so he makes draft for him in the Tafseer of the Quran. And that's what ignore basmati Allahumma becomes a great giant in becomes prolific in the FCM of the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The point being from all of this is that every single person has a path to gender, Allah has made easy for them. Just because you find one thing difficult doesn't mean that there are not other

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options open to you. Not everyone can do everything. But what Allah has made easy for you, then at least excel in what Allah has made easy for you. If Allah has made it easy for you to give charity to seek knowledge to the rabada whatever is easier for you, then at least take advantage of that. So the point that I want to mention because the topic is very broad actions that lead to gender, right looks like everything in Islam, actions that lead to gender, what I want you to focus upon is something which whichever action you choose, it is one of the most neglected aspects of any action, one of the most neglected aspects of any action that we perform. And it is also one of the most

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underestimated aspects of our actions. And that is the intention and Nia because whatever you choose to do and excel in, you can only Excel and really benefit if your intention is in its right place. And having that intention in its right place will give you two benefits. The first as we know it's a precondition for the action to be accepted. Your action won't be accepted unless you have your class. You have sincerity in your attention. It is for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala federal law harmoniously in Allah has been called upon Allah, making your religion sincerely for his sake wama amuro in Alianza de la Mola, Zina London, and they will only order to worship Allah making

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their religions and CD for his see. That's something which we know. But the second aspect of the intention that is extremely powerful, that we underestimate and often neglect is that an intention alonza, which looks at it before you action, that intention, Allah looks at it before your action. And often your reward is determined by your intention, not by your action. And that is why a person may intend something, but never achieve it. Yet, they will still have the greatest of reward, whereas a different person does many actions, but he has problems in his intention. So he receives literal reward, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, perhaps a person prays, and they only

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take from their prayer, a half, or a quarter, or a third or a sixth, and so on and so forth. And perhaps the person prays, and he doesn't take anything from it. He's praying, he's next to you on the right on the left, you're standing in the same mission in the same software behind the same email and reading the same prayer making the same actions. But this person doesn't take reward and the other one takes the form reward because of the intention, and the way the difference between the two.

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Our Prophet told us on a low value system, and what is authentically clicked by Timothy, on the authority of the companion and we'll capture that and Mary are the only one so long Hadith, but towards the end, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the madonia the Albertina, for, there are only four types of people on this earth. four types me you, people around us, our families, our children, everyone falls into these four types. The first is the one to whom Allah has given them wealth, and he has given them knowledge of the religion.

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So this person, because of the knowledge of their religion, they are sincere in their wealth. Wealth is the the the example of the dunya right this is the person has Deen and dunya. They have religion and this world, this person because of the sincerity of their actions, and because of the knowledge that they have, they know how to use that wealth to please Allah. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he takes that wealth and he spends it in the path of Allah, He fulfills the rights of Allah, and he fulfills the rights of others, and he brings his family closer together. He's a source of God. He's a person that is a person of good. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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grading him giving him a grade for what we have been Illuminati. This is the best type of person. Allah has given them blessings of the dunya but they know how to use those blessings to please a large village and the second type of person

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This is the point of this hadith. And the point that I want you to notice the second type of person, the prophet said, Son Allah while he will sell them. What?

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A man or a person. Allah gave to them knowledge of the religion, but he didn't give them off. They have knowledge, but they don't have one. But because they have managed they understand the power of intention. So what does this person do? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that this person says sincerely within himself makes a firm conviction and intention, Oh Allah, if I had wealth like that first person had wealth, I would spend it just as the splendid meaning I would give it for your sake, I would help the needy and the poor, I would bring my family closer together. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, giving this person a green, for who urbini yet he drew

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masaba, this person will be rewarded for what for their intention, and their reward is equal to the first.

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Isn't that amazing? That is the power of intention. The first person is a millionaire. He spends and he spends and he spends any spends, give sadaqa day and night open and secret. The second person doesn't have a penny. Like we say right can't rub two pennies together doesn't have anything.

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But he has sincerity. And alarm knows that this person is truthful in what they say. And if a lot did give them mouth, they would do as they say, it's not just a fake intention. It's true. And Allah knows his sincerity. So Allah we want them like He rewards the first for a guru who masala the professor them said they are equal in reward by not even spending a single penny. And that is the beauty and the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because Alonzo will judge religion is not based upon things like wow, a lot doesn't judge people based on things like this. But a person who doesn't have wealth can do so with their actions and with their intention. So when the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam left from Medina to go to the Battle of Tibet, in the ninth year of the hedgehog, and he had companions and he gathered them and he told them, we're going to fight the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Roman Empire in those times in that direction, towards modern day Syria and so on. We're going many of the companions were unable to go because of their poverty. Poor, don't have wealth for weapons, for horses, for camels, for donkeys, for weaponry for shields, we can travel. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had to leave them behind. And Allah describes them as shedding tears, those companions that they shed tears because they couldn't find anything to go

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They couldn't find money to spend in the sake of Allah azza wa jal, so they were left behind. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam traveled with his army and they're on the way to the book. And it's a month journey distance between Medina and the book is a month in those times, they're walking through valleys and through mountain passes and in the desert with the heat and so on. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to his companions, we haven't passed through a single Valley, nor a single mountain pass, except that our brothers in Medina have an equal reward and equal reward habits or homeowners. But they stayed behind for a legitimate reason. They had an

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excuse, they couldn't come out, but they have the reward of what we did. Those companions didn't take a step outside of Medina, these companions are going through the heat, and the difficulty of carrying weapons and armor, and they're traveling for a month there, they will fight and they will take a month back. But those companions in Medina, those poor companions have the same reward. Why? Because of the power of their intention. When you understand this concept, you understand this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, of the second type of person, because not all of us have been given wealth. Not all of us are rich, not all of us can give much in charity, we do

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what we can, but we don't have much wealth. But if you had an intention, then you could have a similar reward. And it's not just wealth. If you see someone giving lectures, spreading religion, busy in Dawa, but you don't have the ability, but you have that sincere intention, then Allah inshallah would give you that same reward based upon your level of sincerity. You see other people, they're busy helping others and doing it and so on. And you are unable to do so for legitimate reasons. Sincerely, right. It's not like I'm sitting at home on my couch on my sofa on IKEA. I like to start the meaning of the Hadith sincerity, with the sincere intention, then Allah subhanaw taala

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would give you the same reward

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And that is the beauty of this religion and that is why everything that we have witnessed in this religion, it is open to everyone. If you have that sincerity, you have that sincerity, then Allah subhana wa tada looks at that. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Subbu powderham, alpha delta or Sabatino alpha d. Now, one dinar overcame 1000 dinars, they said how our messenger of Allah How does one DNR equate to more than 1000 he said, because the one who gave 1000 has much one, and he gave 1000. But the one who gave one dinner only had two. So he gave one for this person, it's half their wealth. In quantity, it is much, much less, but in quality insincerity in the sight of a

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large soldier, it is far, far greater. So every action that you do, do it to the best of your ability, with the sincerest of intentions. And then that that which is beyond your ability, which you can't do, which you hope to do, but you're unable to do so, ask Allah azza wa jal to give you the reward for your intention. And that's why the Prophet told us on a low hourly, we'll send them either a hammer I've done when you have the intention in your heart, to do a good deed. If you perform that good deed, you're given 10 rewards up to 710 to 700 is your reward. But if you had that intention, and you are unable to do it for reason, you wanted to go You became ill, you are

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traveling, some other reason, Allah writes it as a symbol deed, it still counted as a good deed. Why, because of the intention, and then good deed can become greater and greater and greater. But when you plant the seed now, then inshallah you will see its reward many, many times, you will see a reward over time. So the scholars of Islam, many of them, if not all of them, it was the parents who when they were little children, would inspire them, encourage them to become scholars, to learn Islam, to learn the original large village have to study the Quran and the Sunnah. Not because my child will become a scholar, or is going to become a famous Imam, or is going to give lectures will

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become famous No, because they want them to learn their religion, but because of their sincerity, Allah subhanaw taala blessed the efforts. So they became great scholars of Islam. The scholars that today we still refer to, we still ask Allah to show his mercy upon them, their legacy survives, and it survived for over 1000 years. And the Quran, Allah xojo gives us examples amongst the Prophet, Ibrahim Malik is the family of Emraan, who even though they were not prophets, they would have children who will become prophets resolvins salaam would come from that family. But they had the intention of Allah give us righteous children, we want to plant that seed our intention, we don't

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know what's going to happen, I may not even live to see the child which I don't want. But you plant the seed. And Allah subhana wa Taala blesses your intention and your efforts. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke about these two people, one who has the ability, meaning that when you have the ability to do something you do so it's not just about what you have the ability to, to spread knowledge do so you have the ability to do more a better do so. When you combine that knowledge that you have of your religion, meaning what pleases Allah, with the action that you are able to perform. That is from the greatest levels of rebounder. But if you don't if you have the

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knowledge, but you don't have the physical means or the ability, or the financial means, then alarms that will just gives you the reward we have had coming up, right hedge, everyone's getting ready or some people are getting ready to perform hunch. And we're hearing this time 400 people are going 400 and so on. But the vast majority of people can't go for lunch. They don't have the physical or the financial means to go for lunch. But you can have the intention of a law if I had the ability, I would have made harder this year. And Allah knows that you're sincere. If you had the money, you would have been on that plane and next year and the year after. And in Ramadan. Allah if I had the

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ability, I will make ombre in Ramadan. Allah will give you the reward of that. Allah gives you the reward of that intention in every act of Islam. Those two people are the greatest of people. But then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned two other categories of people.

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And now we're going to the other side of the spectrum. The third type of person, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Rajaraman, Merlin, Amanda oropesa person to Allah gave to the mouth, but they don't have knowledge of the religion. They have the dunya they have the means, but they don't have knowledge. They don't

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Know what pleases Allah. They don't know what Allah wants. So what do they do with the wealth? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they don't please Allah, nor do they give the rights of their once to the poor and the needy. And instead of bringing their family closer together, they break them apart. And isn't that what we often see, amongst many of our families, our families fight over wealth, land, property, inheritance, they fight over this. And brothers don't talk to sisters, parents don't talk to children, because of this land, because of this property, because of the sum of money. So now these people have broken their families apart. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said concerning grading this type of person, for who will be asked that elimination. He is the worst of people. And the word hobbies in the Arabic language, as you probably know, it's also used in other languages, means filthy, impure, He's the worst of people.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned the fourth type of person. The fourth type of person is a person that doesn't have wealth and doesn't have religion, skin, they don't have anything. They don't have wealth, but they don't have knowledge of the religion. But what do they have? They still have intention. But because they don't know what pleases Allah, they don't have knowledge of their religion. Rather than intending an aspiring to be like that first category that obeyed Allah with their wealth. They want to be like the third category, because they see this person's chilling. They enjoying life, they're enjoying their wealth, they spend as they please,

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they do what they want. So they become the role model because of a lack of knowledge because of a lack of work of moving pieces a lot what displeases him. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and this person makes that intentional Allah, if I had one, I would be like this person.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, For who have been the Yeti, for wisdom, houmous Allah, Allah will judge this person also, according to their intention, and they will be equal in sin. equals and again, this person doesn't have money, never spent a penny didn't do anything, but because of the power of their intention. The equal incident works both both ways, as we know, showing off is in the heart. But if that's your intention, in nullifies your action, so works both ways. This Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shows to us the importance of the actions that we can perform, and the actions that we can perform. Both of them are judged by this

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very, very seemingly insignificant, it seems to be small and insignificant, but in actuality and reality it is extremely important. And it is extremely great in this religion, and that is the power of intention. So if you're an authority Rahim, Allah tala, one of the famous scholars of the past, few said men are alleged to see and should do early Yemenia. I never tried to work on anything that I found more difficult than my intention, never found anything more difficult than my intention. Why? Because shavon comes in, he whispers, you start your Salah, and you only have a lot of pleasure in your mind. But as soon as you say Allahu Akbar shapen comes from this side and that side, and he

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tells you so and so's then so and so's watching and this and that. And before you know it, that Salah that was only for Allah has now become a mishmash of so many different intentions that will shape pandas in every single thing that we do. So Savannah thorry, a great scholar of Islam, one of the greatest scholars of Islam, said that I found it more difficult than anything else. Every day. He said that I would fight my own intention. I would fight my desires, I would fight the whisperings of shape on every day, I would work on this issue of sincerity. It's not enough that you work on it once a year or once in your lifetime when it's something that just passes through you every so

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often. It is something that every day in fact for every action that you perform, you look at yourself and your intention. But if it is sincerely for the sake of Allah, then you can transform anything into an act of worship. If you're at work, you're at work, you're sitting on a computer desk, you're a mechanic or a plumber, whatever you may be, but your intention is Oh, well I'm doing this to please you to earn a halaal risk to feed my family to gain wealth that is hella that I can then spend in ways that pays you every single moment of your job would be rabada it would be an act of worship, you will be rewarded for it. If before you went to sleep at night, your intention is

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online sleeping so that I will wake up for fudger and I will pray you will have reward for every single moment of your sleep for food

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For drink for everything, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that if a person has marital relations with their spouse, they are given sadaqa it's rewarding Why? Because of the intention for which they did it. So lots of panelists, Darla has given us the sweet door of mercy, this great opportunity to earn reward, anything that you do, if you work on you. And it sounds easy, right? I'm saying to work on your retention, it is actually one of the most difficult things to do. Because mankind forgets shape on comes. Other things come in the way we become neglectful. Over time, we completely forget that there's even such a thing called intention. But if you can train and

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discipline yourself bit by bit, step by step on a daily basis, it is one of the greatest ways of earning the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala. in whichever actions that you do, so long as they are permissible, and so long as the appeasing to a large soldier. ask Allah subhanaw taala on this night that alarm zildjian makes us sincere in our intentions, and that Allah gives us the ability to be people of sincerity, and that allow rewards us for the actions that we perform and for those actions that we are unable to perform, but we have the intention to perform sincerely for his sake, how that will lower Ireland when it's merely a slum or salon a bit early

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just last year,

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and Zakouma her brothers and sisters for attending and listening attentively. For those of you brothers who are taking part in the trivia camp. If you could all make your way into the community toward in Sharla

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which is our common law fair to chronicle on Hamdi Casa de la la land to stouffville cover to be like

Shaykh Ahsan discusses actions that leads us to paradise

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