Ahmed Hamed – The Pleasure of Allah

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of achieving the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala, which is the greatest achievement in his life. They stress the need to be mindful of what kind of actions can actually please Allah and to make sure that all actions can lead to success for everyone. The speaker also mentions the importance of helping people to achieve their goals by making sure they do things that can bring pleasure to their life.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Hill Kareem while earlier he was have he a Jemaine all praises belong to Allah subhanho wa taala. We praise Him, we seek His help his assistance in all matters. And we send peace and blessings upon the last of the prophets, the leader of all the messengers, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, my brothers and sisters, welcome to Joomla huzzah summary, the topic of this Juma huzzah in Dubai is the approval of Allah subhanaw taala the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the greatest thing. Indeed, my brothers and sisters, for a believer, the pleasure of Allah is the top most thing in his life. And that is

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reason Allah Allah, Allah Azza he says, What is one mean Allahu Akbar, czar Lika who will for those who love Him, the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala is the greatest thing. And this is

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definitely the great attainment, amazing achievement for a believer, my brothers and sisters, we need to be conscious and careful about our words and actions, because our words and our actions can either

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Please Allah, Allah Riza or displeased Allah subhanahu wa taala. So we need to be mindful of what kind of actions we do, and will hamdulillah Allah Allah Riza has blessed us with the Glorious Quran and blessed us with an example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Quran. And in the example of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, we find ways by which we can actually gain the pleasure of Allah Allah is my brothers and sisters, the people of the past the pious people of the past, they were so keen in terms of making sure that they should please Allah subhanaw taala and they were always cautious about the things that can actually displease Allah, Allah Riza as a

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believer, our mindset should be such that we should go towards directions go towards ways, do things that can actually please Allah subhanaw taala And among the things that can actually please Allah subhanaw taala is having Torkel in Olara beleza, having Taqwa of Allah subhanaw taala gaining that purity that is last in our words and actions, making sure that we become among those who are always going back to Allah subhanaw taala by doing Toba and it's the quad by making sure that we do our Ibadat in a way that has khushu of Allah that has the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala having that humility for Allah having that sincerity for Allah subhanaw taala indeed, gain the pleasure of Allah

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subhanaw taala being with the book of Allah, having strong belief in Allah, in His messengers, in his books, in his other in his angels in his, you know, decisions actually help us gain the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala so my brothers and sisters, we need to look, the ways that we can actually draw Pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala with and we need to ensure that we perform those actions that can help us gain the pleasure of Allah. As I said, the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala for a believer is the greatest achievement in his life that can actually give him success of this world and success of the Hereafter getting generated for those inshallah we ask Allah subhanaw taala to

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help us utter the words that can please Allah, we ask Allah subhanaw taala that can help us to to make us among those who do actions that can please Allah subhanaw taala We ask Allah Almighty to bless His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan the president of the UAE likewise, we ask Allah Almighty to bless all the rulers of the Emirates We ask Allah Almighty to protect this beautiful nation, the UAE from all kinds of evils and humps. Likewise, we ask Allah Almighty to bless all the Muslim lands, we ask Allah Almighty to help us all. Gain is peace and Paradise by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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