Ahmed Hamed – Reflections on 99 Names of Allah Almighty – Part 4

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The importance of memorizing the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala, which is the manifest truth, and the need to reflect on its power in creation of one's own success and happiness is emphasized. The "ever living one" label used by individuals in Islam is also discussed, along with the importance of shaping one's life to reflect and live by his most powerful attribute. The segment emphasizes the importance of rewarding individuals for their accomplishments and shaping one's life to reflect and live by his most powerful attribute.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim. While early he was happy he married my brothers and sisters Welcome again to our another session of the reflections on the 99 Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When hamdulillah we tank Allah subhanaw taala again and again for guiding us to be able to learn the names and attributes of Allah azza wa jal in order that we may draw ourselves closer to him and be successful for dunya We are here in this world and the Hereafter, let us continue our journey of the reflections on the 99 Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Today inshallah, we should begin with

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another beautiful and powerful name of a lot of binaries a quality that is, indeed belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala is and that is unhappy. Unhappy is the truth. Allah subhana wa Taala is indeed

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the truth. And Allah mentions this in Surah, two had surah number 22 ayah. Number six, that he is the Huck he is the truth. And Subhana Allah again, we need to ensure that we memorize this name again. Again and again, reaffirming this fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the reality, the truth and understand that there is no better one who is more truth than Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that is the reality. Indeed, that cannot be denied. reflect upon the name of Allah subhanaw taala and how reflecting upon it ensures our belief in Allah subhanaw taala enriches our minds, and fills our hearts with the energy, the spirit of faith, the spirit of a man in our hearts and minds. And that's

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how we actually live by this name and how, and that's how we need to also call out to help the truth. Indeed, all the other diabetes all the other ones besides a law whom people try to adore and worship are

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indeed, not compatible and not similar and not like Allah subhanho wa Taala He alone is the one who is

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the truth.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is also an mubin Alma bein is the one who is the manifest truth Subhana Allah, a lot of Blair is a he is an Huck as well as he is an MOU between Allah mentions this name in Surah a new surah number 24 ayah number 25. In which Allah uses his name, l mu b he is the manifest truth. And again, we need to ensure that we memorize this name l mu bien. Bien, muy bien, memorize this name. My brothers and sisters, understand that he is the manifest truth. He is someone who is so clear, so real, that can never be denied, that can never be disobeyed, that can never be, you know, that should not be disobeyed, and that should not be disbelieved any logical mind, any mind

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who has wisdom, logic, you know, rational in his life, will never, ever deny Allah subhanho wa Taala it is either the lack of knowledge of Allah, it is either the pride or the arrogance that prevents a person to actually see the truth and recognize and realize and believe in the one who is allowed to be in the manifest truth. And that's how we actually live by this name, he is the manifest truth and his, you know, manifestation is is reflected around the globe. SubhanAllah whenever we see ourselves and other creations, the different, you know, parts of the creation, we we again and again remind ourselves that he is alemu been the manifest truth and that's how we also need to call out to Allah.

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Who is been

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is also an

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alpha v is the one who is all powerful. Allah mentions this name in Surah to hood surah number 11 ayah number 66 that he is the old straw

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If we, again, memorize this name, alchemy, alchemy, I'll tell you and understand that Allah alone is all powerful. You see, every one of us have some kind of strength, some kind of power. But then when it comes to Allah, He is alcovy. He is all powerful. There is no power besides Allah subhanho wa Taala, who can compare with a lot of but there is a we, this is how we actually need to reflect upon the name of Allah and

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the old, powerful and subpanel love. And again, whenever we see ourselves and the creation, we we admire, we, you know, really

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are moved by the power, that a lot of Blair is a has in terms of creating, you know, the creation of Allah subhanahu wa, Thailand. That's how again, we need to live by this name by ensuring ourselves that we go back and call out to none other than alcovy, who has all power, and obviously for a creator, to be in the Creator, for God to be God for the one who deserves to be worshipped for the one who deserves all kinds of praises. He must be all powerful. He must be alchemy, and that is what a lot of Blair is, he is a kawi.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is also an Mateen Alma teen is the one who is the most strong, and Allah mentions this in Surah Surah number 51 ayah number 58. When Allah mentions that he is Mateen, the most stronger, again, my brothers and sisters, we need to mention and memorize this name again and again Alma to the one who is firm, the one who is strong, the one who has all powers and strength Subhan Allah, this is how we understand Allah subhanho wa Taala there is a need for us to reflect on this name, as well as Martine Who is the most strong, the most firm Subhana Allah, He is so firm that he does not need anyone.

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anyone besides you know himself and he is all by himself. He is someone who is

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who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He is someone who does not need anyone to support him, to supplement him to partner with him in terms of running the entire creation. And that's how we actually live by this name of Allah subhanho wa Taala and Martine al Mateen. We call out to you your rub your l Mateen. yar Allah, the Most strong to help us with the strength of Eman with the strength of Allah subhanho wa Taala we ask you to grant a strength to be firm on your faith to be firm on this Deen to be firm on the matters of goodness and to be firm in terms of preventing and protecting ourselves from all kinds of, of evil deeds.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is and how you the ever living one. So para la indeed the one who created us the one who is the creator, he cannot die. This is logic This is simple. Understanding the one who dies can never be the creator can never be God can never be the one who deserves all kinds of worship and praises. And a lot of Isaiah he named himself as a lie. And he mentioned in many places one of them is in Surah Al Furqan surah number 25 iron number 58 where he mentions his name and height the ever living one. Again we need to memorize this name my brothers and sisters and how you and how you and how you we need to memorize this name and understand that it is absolutely and

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exclusively only a law who is d ever living one. There is none and there is nothing that will remain for

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Ever except a loss of Hannah who or Tyler. So obviously it it makes a lot of sense for us to go back to him reflect upon this beautiful and powerful attribute of Allah subhanho wa Taala and reflect upon the one who is ever living one, when there was nothing Allah existed when there is everything Allah is existing, when there is nothing Allah will remain to exist inshallah, right? So this is something which we have to live by Subhana Allah, we need to understand that a lot of blazer is our Creator who is unhappy the ever living. So let's call out to one who is a hate the ever living one. It is, it doesn't make any sense to call out to someone who is dead, or who has a lack of power, or

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who has lack of knowledge, or who has lack of strength, and you know, superiorities to panela. So, we keep this exclusivity only to Allah subhanho wa Taala, who is and how you the ever living one, the one who will never die, the one who always remained and who will always remain forever. A lot of Blair is a he is a hate, and that is again, again my brothers and sisters, this is the quality that should be of God and that is the quality of Allah alone. Who is the ever living? I'll tell you

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a lot of Isaiah, he is also a you, I'll tell you is the one who is the dominating the Sustainer. It has got both meanings in it, and mentioned

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in Surah Surah number 20 and number 111, in which Allah uses his name, are you the one who sustains and protects all that exists? Again, my brothers and sisters, we need to memorize this name I'll tell you the dominating one, the Sustainer, the one who protects and all that exists to handle law and we need to understand that it is only a law who is a human, there is none who can have this quality of Allah subhana wa tada except Allah, the One who is the dominating, you see, he is the one and that's how we actually need to reflect. He is the only one who dominates things, being a creator, being the one who is the Lord of the words, Lord of the creations, he has the power, the

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ability to make everything, you know, under him panela everything is submissive to Allah subhanho wa Taala and he is the one who continue to sustain all that exists upon Allah, He is the one who dominates and sustains the entire creation. So, what better way for us would be better than the way than to turn to one who is up to you, the dominating man, the Sustainer you know, many times we feel weak, we feel sad, we feel you know dejected and we feel depressed. We have to call out to you the one who is the dominating the Sustainer he will remove the problems from your life, he will remove the issues from life, your life, he will ensure that peace and happiness and peace, prosperity and

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success will come to you in sha Allah, why not? So just call out to a you call out to Him and and have this this conscious mindset in terms of calling out to Allah You're the one who is the dominating and the Sustainer He is the one who nourishes and protects all that exist.

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Allah Subhana Allah is also li li li li is the one who is the Most High,

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the sublime, and Allah mentions in Surah Surah Surah. Number 42 is number four, that He is the Most High, the Most High, the most sublime again, we need to memorize this name as well again my brothers and sisters that he is li li li li understand that it is only Allah Who is the most high, the most sublime, everything is under him and he is above everyone and everything. Nothing is you know superior

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ally, Li Li, nothing is over and above a law, Li Li, everything is under a lot of beleza, who is an ally. And this is how we need to reflect upon this name as well. The most high sapan Allah we don't worship, you know the stones or something or the other. We worship someone who is the Most High. We worship someone who is the sublime. We worship someone who is Li Li, and that is the attribute of Allah azza wa jal and that's how we live by it. And Subhan Allah, he being the creator of the entire creation, you see, many times, even those who do not believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala, in Allah the Most High, even they have this innate nature, the nature that is inclined towards submission to

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Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is the reason whenever there is any good that happens or whenever there is anything bad happens immediately, the people, you know, they look at the sky, they look at the sky, the heavens Subhanallah because there is a nature that demands them to look at a you know, the sky who and actually they are, they are trying to, you know, indicate to God Almighty, they're trying to think about Allah, they're trying to think about the Creator who stays all above us, and actually the most high and that is Allah Subhana who were tied up a little bit, there is a is also an hour dream, and they are the is the most great. And Allah mentions this name in Surah Al hasakah

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surah number 65 ayah number 33. Allah mentions this name, Allah XIM, the most great, a lot of Blaser is indeed allow him to memorize his name allows him understand that there is no one who is greater in terms of his respect, lordship worship, names, attributes, qualities, actions, decisions, better than Allah subhanaw taala greater than Allah subhanaw taala there is none, reflect upon it again and again. So that you have to give that kind of honor and respect to Allah subhanaw taala and that kind of that level of respect, should not be given to anyone, anyone and that's how we live our lives by it, we need to live in the light of this attribute of a lot of Bonanza who is allows him the Most

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High, the most great, there is the greatness of Allah cannot be measured Subhana Allah so we call out to the one who is extremely honorable, who is extremely great, who is the most great Subhan Allah has given a lot of Bonanza Glory be to Him, He is absolutely great. He is the Most Great and we need to ensure that we you know, bring all kinds of respect, honor, dignity, worship, you know to Allah azza wa jal and that should not have any similar similitude with anyone. So the one who deserves highest kind of honor and respect is Allah, Allah Aleem.

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Allah subhanahu attallah is also a Shaku. Shaku is the one who is the appreciative Allahu Akbar. Allah mentions this in Surah Al factor surah number 35 ayah number 30. Allah is a Shaku meaning he is most ready to appreciate good deeds and to recompense to his slaves, Allahu Akbar. How beautiful our Creator Allah is. memorize this name my brothers and sisters, a Shaku Shaku The one who is absolutely appreciative, understand that he is always ready to appreciate your goodness, you do one small deed he will reward you immensely if that is done out of sincerity. Subhana Allah He always gives and appreciates his slaves again and again. And he's continuously appreciating us every single

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time when we do a good deed. SubhanAllah whenever we performed righteous deeds, Allah is always ready to appreciate it and and he recompense you know, those good deeds with the rewards that is unsurpassable Subhanallah we do a small good deed being

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It even removing the harm from the street if you remove that he appreciates it. If you have if you carry a smile on your face and bring the smile on others, it is appreciated by Allah subhanaw taala you help someone who is in dire need a lot appreciates that deed. You serve your parents with the guy with the kindness and goodness, Allah appreciate your, your your rewards. Subhan Allah, Allah is always appreciative. He is most ready to appreciate good deeds and to recompense it with that which is in general in sha Allah. This is how we actually reflect and live by it. So we call out to ushiku to help us perform deeds so that he can, you know, appreciate our good deeds. My brothers and

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sisters, the most important being the most important one in our lives is Allah Shaku impress him and he will appreciate us and please Him and He will grant us help you know yourselves in terms of doing good deeds, so that you know Allah appreciate our efforts in sha Allah Bismillah he to Allah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is also an haleem and haleem is the one who is the most forbearing Allah mentions this name in Surah Baqarah surah number two Ayah number 225. Allah mentioned that he is an haleem, the most forbearing Allahu Akbar, again, my brothers and sisters, let's memorize this name, he is an Elohim understand that it means the most forbearing You see, the reflection is ignited when we actually put our thoughts on on this name and Helene the most forbearing You know, when we actually think about Allah or Buddha, who is an Helene, the most favorite forbearing when we actually look at our own lives, we commit sins every day, we disobey Allah every day, we forget to

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please Allah every day, we have so many shortcomings, you know, years pass by, you know, we have been committing sins and you know, mistakes and disobedience of Allah. But you know what Allah is Allah haleem the most forbearing he still gives us he still forgives us, he still you know, care for us. Subhana Allah, that is a law that is an haleem the most forbearing so called out to Allah, the Most forbearing you know, people they do fit in on the face of the earth. They do so many wrong, evil and immoral and in decent deeds. Still, Allah forgives when they come for repentance, still Allah, you know, overcome their their shortcomings when they repent to Allah subhanaw taala because

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he is an alien, the most forbearing Allah or Buddha is, is indeed an haleem the one who is the most forbearing

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Allah subhanahu attallah is an overseer and law Sarah is the one who is all sufficient, the vast a lot of Isaiah mentioned this name in Surah Baqarah surah number two iron number 115 where Allah mentions his name, Allah Sarah, Anwar, sir is the one who is all sufficient for his creatures needs. He is the vast and again my brothers and sisters memorize this name. And was there understand that He alone is sufficient for his creatures needs? He is the most asked again, reflect on the vastness of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. There is nothing that is not comprehended by Alva, Sara aalverson is the one who is the vast You know, a lot of blazer is indeed sufficient for his creatures needs. Live by

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this name. My brothers and sisters call out to Allah. I was there for the one, four He is the one who is all sufficient. He is the one who is always fulfilling the needs and the desires of his creatures. You see Subhanallah billions of people they've been asking ALLAH and allies keep granting them when many times we don't even ask, but Allah gives. Why because he is the one who is all sufficient. The one who is vast Subhan Allah

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That is a lot of but it is. So let's call out to our sir the one, Allah is the one who is all sufficient for his creatures needs indeed my brothers and sisters, every single time when we know about the name and the attribute of Allah subhanaw taala it definitely, definitely increases and improves our faith in Allah Subhana Allah, it helps us to be reminded that Indeed, Allah alone is the one who deserves all kinds of worship. It reminds us again, that Allah alone is the one who is the only one who is worthy of worship and praises Subhana Allah we ask a lot of binaries to help us all to a to grant us wisdom to grant us knowledge open our hearts and minds to understand these

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Beautiful Names of Allah subhanaw taala these perfect and powerful attributes of Allah subhanaw taala so that we may fall in love with Allah subhanho wa Taala was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Reflections on 99 Names of Allah Almighty – Part 4

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