Ahmad Saleem – Where Did The Qiraat come From with Qari Salman

Ahmad Saleem
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the meaning of biryani in different cultures and the importance of understanding the meaning of words and phrases. It emphasizes the importance of learning from examples and understanding the meaning of words in different cultures. The conversation also touches on the history of various art works and their significance to culture. The speakers stress the importance of learning from examples and finding ways to improve one's understanding of words and phrases.
AI: Transcript ©
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by So, before we get into that I wanted to be able to explain

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the concept from our DC culture first. So, if we understand it from a DC culture, then we will be able to understand it in a much appropriate manner that how could it happen? So, give me a word that is found in all of our let's, let's look at the word biryani. Okay, it's pronounced the same. You forgot the lectures today? I told him on the phone the Saturday be ready. 630 You thought it the next Saturday?

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I think the Rosa is hitting you the fastest. He sets it to you. We'll do one we'll do the demonstration Inshallah, you'll you'll be needed for that. So the word Vianney. Okay. It means different things to different cultures. Right? What biryani is, I mean, the name is the same, but the items and the way it is prepared are different. Okay. So similarly, we may have the word. So we may have the item same, but we'll have different words for it.

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So the item will be the same item will be parotta. Right? But then it will be called in South Florida. Right? And it'll be called miroir. Whereas MANOVA Woman Oh, where is he? He's gone. He's not here. Oh, there he is his father MANOVA. Right, it'll be called mullewa in Somalia will be called the item is the same.

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But we have different names. And if we look at the same subculture, for example, they see culture will have the same item and it will have different announced the creation for that same name.

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Okay. And similarly, within the Arabs, they had multiple tribes. And at that time, multiple ledger existed, but not every ledger made it to the Quran.

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Okay, so for example, in the city of neuron,

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and these areas, you have these hijabs, you have these accents, where they call it a thumb tamani

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ledger, Tom Damania, right. The people in the Yemen at the bottom of neutron you know, there are areas so, what they do is, whenever there is any flam, they don't pronounce the LE flam, they pronounce it and so instead of saying Al Kitab, they'll say M Kitab, Al bait and bait tiltedly.

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This Damania existed even at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, it's not something new. This existed from the time of Prophet Salah Salem, but it was not entered into the Quran. So there were certain deviances that were entered, you know, dialects, and certain they were completely rejected and not allowed to be entered into the Quran. Now, these differences, if you were to

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categorize if you were to categorize these things into if you were to categorize it into simple terms, you will have three different types of characteristics that you will have to focus on. So one is going to be that the item is the same, but the word has different pronunciations. Okay, for example, the word

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Well in Arabic language, okay, the word, the word in Arabic language. Today that word beer is pronounced multiple different ways in the Arab countries. Some people call it veal. Some people call it

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some boat. Some people call it bill. So there's different dialects, they're all referring to the same thing give you a much easier example. Now water. You have some people that call it what do you guys call water? Maya? What do you guys call the water?

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Boy, what do you guys call the water?

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Ma, and you Egypt

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all referring to water.

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Those dialects exist even today. So water is water but there are different dialects different ways it's pronounced. So that's one which is that the word and the item is the same, it's pronounciation in the Quran is different. That's category one, the category to the second category.

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And this is this is where the word is the same, but it means two different things.

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In different cultures, such as the biryani word or the you know the Brioni what means or plow what plough is in the Indian people as a vegetable vegetable cassava will be Pocky which is but if you ask the Muslims of India or the Pakistani it's something that's cooked with meat and stuff and the stew and the broth of the meat that broth is used to cook the that same thing. So item that so you what you have is you have one word, but it means two different things in different

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dialects are different.

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In tribes, so at the time of holiday, Ben Walid he entered a tribe but also to Allah salAllahu alayhi wasallam went and asked him, he said, Go and ask them, ie the people if they How was their religion? Are they on faith or not? Because there was a lot of smaller tribes, they were defecting, because the Quraysh was putting pressure on them, right. And again, this this, this issue has been around forever, wherever you have an you know, a power or somebody different or someone different comes, they always have these factions where you will have the establishment or you will have somebody there try to force and coerce a narrative on somebody else, and then those tribes they

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would leave Islam. So there was this this Rasool rasa serum understood that and he said, Why don't we go and check on these tribes? So he had sent Khalid bin Walid Radi Allahu Allah when Halliburton when he goes there

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he says Han Qaeda Islamic home how is your Islam?

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They all said Savarna

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now Silvana in in the Quran, she language means that we are the worshipers of stars and sons. We worship stars and Sons savasana. Okay, in the quarter, she hardly even really understands this as man, you guys have left the dean. Okay.

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In their language, Saba, now that we have left our ways of forefather and accepted Islam.

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So how did everybody attack to them?

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Because of this misunderstanding, and then when he came back, they all said we accept Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, he rose raised his hands and he said, in the very own mimma, Allah harlot, Oh Allah, I'm absolved myself or whatever harlot did I mean, that's mistake. It's not part of my own. Like it's a mistake of Hadith. I never told him to do that. Okay. So that's a prime example of one word. It has different meanings in Arabic cultures, different meanings completely. For example,

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the MaHA riba

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if you say, if they say culturally, the article Afia what does that mean? What does that mean? Now? Let me explain. Yeah, so you can if your means May Allah subhanaw taala give you good health. Okay, you know what it means in the Muslim? What it means. Okay, so in Yemen, what does it mean? Yeah, Allah give you a good health and life article Afia. What does it mean in your culture?

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You don't say it because it means Allah give you death.

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And their culture Afia means any if you love what it means colors Yanni, you're done, you'll have no problems in life, you go in medieval Allah subhanaw taala. So that same dua, even today has one meaning in one culture and one meaning in a different culture. So that's the second category. These are differences. The third category of difference. The third category of differences is the difference where the word doesn't even exist in the other culture, some same language. So they will be words that are Yeah, that in Yemen, they will use they will not be found at all in any other cultures, Arab cultures, similarly, there were words that the tribe one tribe used in a particular

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area, they used one, they would use that one tribe, the one word, that word was foreign to the rest of the tribes, completely foreign. There don't even use that. An example of that Abdullah bin ambassador, the Allahu and he says, are the Allahu Anhu ummah. He says, what he says that

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I did never understood the meaning of the word Alhamdulillah Hilah the foul played is somewhat,

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you know, Praise be to the one who is the originator of the somewhat of the heavens and the earth, or who is the the crack opener, somebody who opened something. And he said, I never understood this word thought that this was a foreign word to our policy language. It was not there for us, until I saw somebody from another tribe, in their language. Also, Quran was revealed in their dialect was affirmed as a variant dialect of Quran and it was revealed and I heard casado they fought, there was a fight between them, and they came to me what the * come lay. The arbitrator, they made me an arbitrator and either that or it was the arbitrator was irmo the Allah who won me I don't remember

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exactly, but at that moment what happened?

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He said, I know if I go too hard, this well is mine. I am the one that cracked it open.

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That word for thought to ha little

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Abdullayev in our boss had never heard it used in that context. This was a word that was completely foreign to. Okay, so likewise, there were many words in the Quran that were revealed and they were affirmed, but those words were known to one

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and tried but foreign to the others. And the example of those are a lot okay. So that is a basically for us to be able to understand the grand scheme of things of how these dialects came into existence. So one word for example, hater luck. Now you can you can do all the variants Do you want to grab a mic from top

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bring it down take it down, take it down, wrap it around

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it just popped it out

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alright, you can sit Okay, so for example

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one of the words is

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a teller

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we're using like

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the red Twister

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spiller so this word hater there's three different ways or four different ways to say it

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for the nephew, Imam knafeh, Spira and it's not just because they say heater, right heater, they put a camera before the right the

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so this is how they say whoa, let he tell like Can you recite it for us because we want to listen to Okay, recitation to inshallah. So, this is Imam nonferrous we're going to read in when recite in Kowloon, right? Kowloon is a coded wire of what

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we're all with Ruby learn him in a che you pour on your Raji whether or whether to let the Wi Fi BDFC Well, one legati will work on a T TeleTech on the law in Warabi CNMs ya notice how I did a part time earlier buffer Yeah, little buffer is basically the the possessive yet when you say key Tabby that is yet buffer right? So this camera. Now if you're in a cathedral, they do every time there's a yellow buffer. This year they put a town in Robbia Aksana mathway. us what do we say in house?

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We do sack with a spoon in who Robbie axonometric right in who? You FLIR who Wally moon. So this is and what we're all about here. Katella we'll call it he teleca call me log in via SMS we're

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in now who you FLIR to Wally moon. Right so Walsh he has a specific change every time there's handwritten on and there's a there's Hamza wherever it comes in the Quran and then soon before it he does young cool young cool Hamza Mina allowed is a big example what do we say menial? We do tactic he does not mean allowed. Another example is meaner for him. What do we say? Mean FYE we do topic right? So this is one of these are ideas and one of these rules of this this citation wash every time and the brother was Moroccan I know he's familiar with this you'll be able to tell you this mean I allowed right so and then we have even a cathedral right? Even a cathedral

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he does Bama on the

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right he does hate to like hate to like

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right we're all it hate to like call me the law right it is Obama

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What do we say

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the cool for you so there's a there's another thing I need this this is a very long like I get this i If I were to explain it like the people are gonna be confused because there's so much background just do the variances the four variances of height right and then know that they understand that we have hater we have hater as well hater we reason that out some you guys know hater, right? We all read in hater that's a normal crowd. The Koofi Yun read in hater. There's three because there are cool for you. There is awesome. There is Hamza and there is Kisatchie. And there's also holofil. I should write the coup for Yun and Elijah. In the city of Kufa, they will pronounce hey Ted.

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Hey, Ted.

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Right, well poutine bow

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Other we're all at hate and all the law.

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We're all love it everywhere. Well, we'll call it Hey Taylor, all the law, that is Hamza Hamza is also from cufon. Right?

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And then there's another variation here that there's a Hamza, there's a Hamza, before the turn, right here.

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Right? And that is what's called the Corolla of Ibni. The Quinn Well, Paulette, he telehealth

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we're all at HC teleca call and the law.

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Right? So we have these four main variations, right? And there's changes that are even more difficult there is, for example, the iron Analytica, Furusawa and I lay him in the auto unattended home, there's 12 ways to read it. The word Shaula cat,

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even even Subhan Allah the Quran has been preserved so well, that even words that are not pronounced words that you cannot see are still recited in right. It's called Fishman. What is Hmm?

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Well lit the Bible is what each man who shall guide them and basically each man is basically when you, you, what's it called? Reset you you pronounce you recite in a letter without nobody hearing it. For example, shirt or cow.

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There's a schmo. Nobody will hear it. Nobody can even see it, but you still do it. Why? Because that's the hub's they wrote the shortcut, the word shortcut. If you anybody open the GitHub, and you go to the page, I'm Abdullah Padre, you go to the last idea. You will see the word shortcut. How would you how would you guys write the word short Okay, in Arabic with any freight at the end. They wrote it with the elephant a while after it. Does the hubs and this IG because when that's the hubs, and they're writing the Quran, this man even thought about the law and when he was compiling the Quran, he made sure that the Sahaba they wrote the Quran in a way that encompasses all get it.

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Back in those days, there was no such thing as the dots that we see in the Quran, the sheen use indistinguishable from a scene that that was indistinguishable from a Third. Third, certain words for the Tibetan for Tibetan were indistinguishable. How could you tell apart for Tibet, you're known for the third battle when there is no talk about there is no top there is no, there's no set you can't really tell. But the bottom is understood this. The items that come out of there understood this because each man during that time was called Austell he had. He had an Arabic basically means what's it called striving? Anybody back in those days if he was good in Arabic language, he

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understood the Arabic language based on what did which which ledger that he's from, he will choose the Quran. Understand. So for example, I'm from the Quran Sheila hija. There was Al Quran Allah Allah subhana wa Salatu was Salam said the Quran got sent in seven out of what is the seven arrow some, some scholars, they say that is a roof where the Quran at some say no, these are the languages and some some even go as far as saying no these are the is the SUTA Fatiha, even though that's a very weak minority opinion. But the best opinion and opinion my issue was that these roof are the legit Baba in an arrow. And there are seven main ledges of the Cabal Otto, one of them and the

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upside a minimum. Well they have to order.

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The Prophet SAW Selim is a ledger from Orange and that consisted at the cities of thought if a city is a Mecca, and the city of Yathrib at that time was known as known as yesterday, but now it's known as Madina, Munawwara Medina Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam those were those three cities are known as borage, the Quraishi dialect and what was the oroshi dialect known for the prophesied Selim? If you were to listen to perhaps I sent him how the Prophet saw some sound? What was his dialect like the Prophet saw some dialect was can do you didn't Hamza and him? Is that a process that we did not used to recite and hems us? You will not see me know when you say move me? No, no. Moving on. That's

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the ledger the Polish, you mean? What is also another part of this ledger is similar to Al mill Jamal.

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Mill Jim basically in Arabic language is the plural meme. And a whom Allah you him, la him

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Kitab Kitab of whom this meme is me mana, plural meme, their book, their cars, Siadatan Kitab

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their books? The process mo will you do to the meme? You posted on it? As I was reciting last night i Li mu Kitab mu mu fi Kumu. So if you're to hear the prompts, or send them if you go back 15 centuries, and you're to hear the profit, this is Salam, salam, this is how he would sound he would do sylars And the meme and tumu you say unto me, you will not say unto him as well.

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People believe right?

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And to also the as also said, the seller and me will also call the event and I'll hammer that movie known.

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For example, heater heater like is it just a quarter sheet dialect? It's not from the prophet of hate Allah. Right? We read hate Allah rasool Allah used to read the heat Allah knows his the oroshi dialect and the what is the Quran she dialect? The Quran of Nasir in the Quran Abu Jaffa in the Quran, the Quran communicated, those three clauses are the Quran says that the Prophet Salah Salem and his people were most accustomed to the Quran of NAFTA and what and it makes sense because now if it was Medina was from Medina, Nasser al Madani NAFTA and Medini that was his famous name born in the year 70 Hijiri. He was some one of the students have, she had the Dean Zuhdi she had the Dina

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Zuhdi Rahim Allah Hamilton was one of the greatest giants and FIQ one of the greatest scholars of all of history. He was a student of what's called a somatic offene Lila was a student of many sahab He took money from Minister Hubbs Abdullah bin spoot Right and his must have was not preserved is lasted for 800 years. 750 years Yep, after that there must have disappeared it just died away also.

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There was books people followed like today we follow the format hubs. They were people who followed the Zoetry madhhab.

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One, Nuff said this type of changes are from category one. Write the same word different yes not no. I had Yes. Yes. So the Prophet SAW Salem here's some Quraysh so this is how you would speak also another aspect of the oroshi dialect guy who said he wouldn't have mazet Every hammer every home that they will notice he learned what is this he'll be mana

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Sen to make something easy soft. For example, is Steve ham Hamilton St. Pam and to and to Russia to call upon Me summer. What do the coalfields say we say and to write what would they say and to they will say and to and to and to or they will say and tune? Or they will say and to and that is from the power of the people of aura ish. They would like to make the items are very good at 10 So they would like to make stuff easy balancing their love to make stuff easy. And the brushes they're known for that they're infamous for that they'd love to make stuff their language easy, very easy moving on and to write this the so the pastor Selim, that's how his pattern would be his speech pattern.

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This is how you typically speak right? And that is known Nafa does this wash does naff and this girl has balloon and wash it nicotine and these two rewires albizia and qubole Abuja and the storywise epner water then it ignition mess, they do this as well. They do test he'll tell him that

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he is going to do like a passage where he will recite a passage with all the different variations inshallah you know,

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shortly, shortly, very Sushil Yeah, inshallah. Now I will have a yeah, if you have a question. Let's get this cleared first. Yeah, so go ahead

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just remember biryani like that? There's Vianney, there's parotta but it could mean different things. That's how you got it. That's why I give you the examples of like an average like you know, so we can understand that that water can be multiple things, right? And then pronounciation may differ but the meaning is the same.

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Beautiful, okay. Okay. Sure.

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So I think we have to go back and understand this right. So, so basically,

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I didn't want to open the topic of githaba because that's a lecture on its own, how Quran was compiled and stuff, but here's a Coles Notes version of it. So, Al Kitab of the Quran. Basically, when Allah subhanaw taala decided to reveal the Quran, right? Allah subhanaw taala talks about that Allah safeguarded the skies. Forget to have like

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Forget the Earth. Even the skies they were safeguarded so that nobody could come and alter from this divine message. Imagine if there's like a letter that is being sent by like somebody very important like Biden to Trudeau. It doesn't travel on regular mail. Like there's like secure mail delivery. With with mechanisms in place. Right? Allah subhana wa Tada talks about that that way before even Allah subhanaw taala decided to send prophets that allow to send them into the earth for the purpose of the message of the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala closed all the portals and gates of the sky. So no Shavon can go in here and come and alter the message. Then Rasul allah sallallahu do you send them

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comes down the night when the Quran was revealed at that night, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada sends down and he be jam packed. The entire sky was packed with security forces to make sure that this message delivers bright to the right person. Then Gibreel Ali Salam comes to Prophet sallallahu sallam, how do you think Rasul Allah got the way did he hear the message to hear God and I saw him talk. What do you guys imagine? How does that happen?

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Like what do you guys think of like when you hear Djibouti rally salaam the story or Gibreel Ali Salam was with you know, Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, how's the conversation that you know if you were to see him and Rasul Allah was there, right? And he when he was coming down, how would you like describe to me what would you see?

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Okay, most of the time, he would not come in any forms, there'll be no form.

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Rarely he would come in forms. But But how would the conversation be if somebody's observing Rasul Allah while though here's what would happen

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you would see him conversing like what would you guys imagine?

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I mean, there's no right or wrong answer. I'm asking you guys to imagine let's do it

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Sure, those are all signs but observers somebody sitting at the back if you're looking at him and what he is being revealed. What would you see? You would see a person what describe to me what would you see?

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He was talking to himself right? You would feel like somebody's talking to himself and stuff like that? Is that what you would imagine anybody else any other imaginations?

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He will be focused Okay.

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All right. So

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the question that comes in related shouldn't to this and also the different era art is was Ebro Jibreel Ali salaam, coming and telling prophets and salam ala him Ali hemo. And all of this was this happening?

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We know none of this was happening because it was being revealed onto the heart of NaVi Salah Salem.

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And as Allah be he Ruhul Amin Ruhul, Amin, Allah, Allah.

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So this revelation was inspiration are directly into the heart of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam

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and then he would just enunciate what he would he would receive. That is the reason why if you think about it, I shall the Allahu anha she would say that when the sort of lie had my head on fucking on my lap, I felt that when the what he was revealed, while he was lying down though he was coming on to him, my leg would crush and break out of the weight of the head of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. So it was being revealed on to the existence of Rasul Allah, His rule and his called was actually feeling it and then that those would be embedded as no coach not in memory it would be like as part of the fifth of the year in that a child has when the circle and they get out and they don't need to

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nobody has to do them training this how you need to hold this how you need to latch they know it. Similarly for rasool Allah Azza wa sallam that knowledge became like that. Then I was what allah sallallahu Sallam would make sure that when Quran was revealed, Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam had the 12 scribes of 12 people that were the scribes of Prophets, Allah Salam, the Khalifa in Aruba are obviously the four plus two from the ashram over Shiraz aid Abdullah bin Abbas Abdullah bin Rama, there were 12 scribes, not a single moment would leave except these 12 scribes would never leave Rasul Allah aside. One of them would always be with them. They will be waiting outside the door as

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well he would come, they would be there documenting.

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Then Zaid, which was the Hobby Lobby Allah Who and he was tasked with this whole task of compilation of the Quran in the lifetime of Rasulullah Salah Salem Rasulillah Salam test Zaid and he said go and gather all the small pieces and parchment and stuff that people have read

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Didn't on bone on leather on this, gather all of that

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and read to me what was written. And then kinda in Bharani, it mentions that they didn't Zaid says that I would read to Rasulullah what I had written for Can I also Hooni? He would correct me, who would say no, this is not this is not like this, whoever wrote this was wrong, because somebody would hear the iron some, some Sahabas also knew how to write, so they would write it on a piece of bone or something like that. So, all of those were compiled during the life of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and then when he passed away salAllahu alayhi wasallam Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah was there.

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Now zayde had parched different parchments. Also other Sahaba has had the other 12 scribes also had their versions, they had written down those ayat, but the only version was the version of z that was verified by rasool Allah in kitab. Asked for memory everybody knew it.

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Right? We're not questioning the memory Quran was an oral tradition, it was passed down to the Sahaba orally

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for for a long period of time was in order. The concept of most have didn't exist and still does not exist till today in Mauritania.

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If you go to Mona Danielle, those kids that are memorizing Quran don't have a must have.

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They have a shape that comes there that day. Today Saba is so far half page, they write that on till today they write that on low heart, they sit there all day memorizing next day they wipe it, they have to memorize it, like we had a more Italian chef, he said, we would we would repeat one idea 80 to 85 times the entire subject so each add five times and then the entire sub 85 times in a day.

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And then we would go and by that time the Quran gets embedded into our rule. This is somebody living in our times. Okay, so Mauritania till this day of Quran is an oral tradition. This is a very foreign concept for them that you have must haves must have is like wow, there's almost half that's like somebody reaches a level and they have money they can afford a must have. For the rest of them. It's oral tradition. So let's not confuse the fact that the written and oral was always there. Right written Rasul Allah Azza centum could not know did not know how to read and write. All he wanted was to Zaid to read the written to him to verify that that key taba was equal to what Rasul Allah had in

00:32:38 --> 00:33:22

his heart in terms of the hearing of it. Now, the question that how would you know, there's a wow or there's this those basically was the Kira like that word? It would be Yes, sir. But to Tessa to write both words, the word is written the same way. There was no dots nothing. The Arabs just knew when they would look at that forum that this could be only a third battle, or some tribes will say this is that as a battle, that same word would be two different words. Okay. So these heroes that he's talking about the Sabra that's a greater conversation or maybe we can do like a detailed TWO THREE HOURS seminars so that we understand this right these are, these are just to give you a flavor

00:33:22 --> 00:33:27

of this knowledge that exists. Then after the Abu Bakr, Radi Allahu ion,

00:33:28 --> 00:33:35

some Sahabas went to him and he said, Yeah, Abu Bakr, look, there's a lot of variances happening people are memorizing there's different data.

00:33:37 --> 00:34:20

Now what is happening is you have the Quran sub, but then people start forgetting human beings, right? People start forgetting, so nine, no, it one doesn't. Okay, one had a different era. Or this one. There was one who would adapt, for example, he went to the sham area, he did not get the news of this compilation and everything. So when he was there in Abuja, and the people in Kufa had a different era and the Sahaba as they left already, they don't know this compilation is taking place. They don't know these these compilation things. So those two people come and in hedge time, those different people come in, there's a story that has mentioned that, you know, they came and they

00:34:20 --> 00:34:55

were, you know, they were reciting verses of the Quran, you know, and then it they started having variances, right? They started having variances at that time. aboubaker is like okay, this is this is a problem because in Medina we know what Quran is. There's nobody doubting Medina and Mecca, we know what the Quran is. But these tribes when they're coming from her judge, it seems like there there's a starting of a variance there. So the people in Makkah and Medina could correct them right away that no and they had around more than five to 6000 people at that time in Medina and over 70,000 people in Macau.

00:34:56 --> 00:35:00

So it's not a small number. So they knew that

00:35:00 --> 00:35:05

All right, so what happens next is people tell Abu Bakr Why don't you compile the Quran?

00:35:06 --> 00:35:13

He's like kafer of Annalen love Allah behemoth for Allah beginner SallAllahu sallam, how can I do something with resources and didn't do?

00:35:15 --> 00:35:19

They kept asking him asking him asking him until that hedge incident happened.

00:35:20 --> 00:36:03

When the hedge incident happened, there was almost like a vote about to be a fight on that issue. You're reading Quran wrong. No, you're right. I'm right, you're wrong. Okay. So obviously, that tribe doesn't know that the seven variances exist. To get it. This tribe only got a Buddha and he told him his dialect. Like we all got shocked when the first night this happened. We're like, what, how did we do it? Where's all this? It's a shock for them too. So then Abu Bakr RadiAllahu. And he said, Why not we turn this entire thing around and get Zaid to come and write the entire Quran. And the rule was, aside from the fact that it had to be verified from the Havas, that if this ayah

00:36:03 --> 00:36:06

exist, if we're going to write the IR

00:36:08 --> 00:36:42

that AI has to be written in front of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam IE, sons a hobby he heard it. He was a garden. And at that time, you know one of the research that was done, they found that there was only 37 or 38 people who could write in Medina at that time total out of those 12 were with Rasul Allah. So whoever wrote it, the the thing was, if you have a parchment and an IR, it was written in front of Rasulullah. Yes, it was written in front of Rasul Allah, Who's your witness? Who else saw you write the IR

00:36:44 --> 00:36:49

so all of those if they were compiled one IRA at a time,

00:36:50 --> 00:37:07

one at a time, with every IRA, you needed two witnesses, one who wrote it and somebody else who saw this person writing it in the presence of Rasulullah not I wrote it at home, I heard it. I wrote it when he was there, and I read it back to him because Rasulullah could not read and write.

00:37:08 --> 00:37:14

Right so he wrote it, and he's like, yeah, so I wrote this he's like, God, this is good. Go

00:37:15 --> 00:37:18

there were two ideas they could not find.

00:37:19 --> 00:37:22

They could not find two witnesses.

00:37:23 --> 00:37:26

Okay, the two is they could not find to do remember those ways.

00:37:28 --> 00:37:29


00:37:33 --> 00:37:36

So I don't remember what they were there. What was that? So hobbies name?

00:37:39 --> 00:37:44

The one mentioned he then oh, Jose, ma Jose. Marathi. Hola, Juan. Yeah. So Jose, Marathi Hola, Juan.

00:37:46 --> 00:37:57

There's an incident his story happens. So he comes and he says these are the two ideas I wrote them in the presence of Rasulullah Zee says How was your witness? He said, Well, mine the I don't have any witness.

00:37:59 --> 00:38:21

That's a problem. Everybody has memorized the cya. we all we all know that if this is in the oral tradition, it's an idea we know it. But now if we're gonna write a copy of the Quran, we can write it unless it also the law had heard this person read from this idea in his in the presence of Rasul Allah problem. So one of those hobbies he remembered,

00:38:22 --> 00:39:02

and he said, you remember the incident of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam with Hoceima, the surah Allah says, and I went to the market in Medina, and he bought a horse, they start off at us and when he bought the horse Rasul, Allah used to walk fast. This person used to walk slow, the person who sold the horse, the soda lines, like walk with me, I'm gonna go home, get you the money and buy the horse. So as Rasulullah walks, the distance kind of like increased between the two of them. This person in the market realized, too by talking to other people also realized ahead, he started like side trading and he's like, Oh, I sold the horse for less price to profit. This is a lot more

00:39:02 --> 00:39:23

valuable. So by the time he catches up to Prophet sallallahu Sallam Tama Raju, this person became you know, greedy. And he comes to us with Allah and he says, It's studying menial pharaohs. Are you going to buy this horse for me? So Rasulillah is the clicker the story is I already bought the horse from you I just want to get the money. Set Wallah you master it. You did not buy.

00:39:25 --> 00:39:43

So it was a commotion the Sahaba has gathered. Now the problem was all the Sahaba they were there. And rasool Allah is like, did any one of you witnessed this? That I bought the horse Sahaba they don't want to do a false testimony. They know that our bodies are very severe about lying and false testimony.

00:39:45 --> 00:39:51

Then there's sort of lies like anybody saw so Jose model the Allahu Anhu says, yeah, now I'm Jana salt Allah. I know ash had an occasion right.

00:39:53 --> 00:39:59

So this person he kind of like, confessed. He's like, Yeah, I was like trying to play a double double deal with the prophets and Salaam. Yeah, sorry.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:05

There's the original price thank you by the horse walked away. Then Rasul Allah turned so who is a man of the Allahu Allah and he says IG

00:40:07 --> 00:40:16

okay fascia, hetero undermanned. Canta moto then how did you testify and you were not there in that incident? He said Ya rasool Allah,

00:40:17 --> 00:40:40

amin obika. Anello here Jens elimina sama. I testify that where he is coming from Allah to you, what will get the Boo kobika There hum and I will I will lie belie you for few hundreds of dollars. Like I believe in a lot greater things. Then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam give him a stamp of testimony. He said

00:40:41 --> 00:40:45

mon J della Hoceima for Haspel.

00:40:46 --> 00:41:00

If, if the testimony of Oklahoma is there, you don't need a second witness. So they remember that story and everybody remembered that story. And then those two verses were entered into the written copy of the Quran. Now comes the issue of

00:41:02 --> 00:41:27

what happens to the all existing copies of the Quran. What happens to them so that Quran copy remained with us with with Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah for two and a half, two years, two and a half years Abubakar the Allah one passed away it got transferred to Marathi Allahu Allah and it remained with Amara the Allahu Allah for nine years and four and five months for four to five months. And then it moved on to have started the Allahu anha

00:41:28 --> 00:41:34

she had the copy of that original copy that copy was called the

00:41:35 --> 00:42:18

nose ha Al Imam. So Imam is somebody you lead right Imam is somebody who leads us Allah and you follow. So that was called the copy which is the Imam copy of the Quran. Okay, keep in mind everybody has it memorized. It's not out it's still memorized. But in written there was an imam copy. Now what happened during the time of course man or the Allahu and when he came he was too shy of a person he felt man like I'm the Khalifa I should have the Imam copy of the Quran. But then he's like, you know, have set up the Allahu, and she's also Omaha meaning and she's a daughter of Omar, I feel so shy to go and tell him give me my coffee man like I'm, I'm the Fed Eva. So he led it with

00:42:18 --> 00:42:59

her until some dance took place some issues took place where people started having variant copies. So because they did not have the muscle to refer to people use started copying this person was not a half as he came in, he copied you were not a half as another person copied. So people started copying and then you memorized from not the apostle, but a copy of a copy which was never verified. So Smadar the Allahu Allah and he realized this through during his Khilafah that people are having unverified copies, and there is no source copy where a majority of Muslims are gathered.

00:43:00 --> 00:43:46

Okay, there's no source copy there. So what do we do? How do we prevent this because this is an issue. Keep in mind hevs Madonna's the oral tradition was still Arrive alive. They were trying to protect the written tradition that is oral as well as it is written. So then let's monitor the Allahu Anhu he called Zaid, one more time this is the third time first time was Rasul Allah second time was Abubaker. Third time was the founder of the Allah one. He tasks him saying that you are going to have your Emile you're going to be the leader. There were a group of people between the unsought and Quraysh in Medina that were gathered they all got together and their primary job was

00:43:46 --> 00:43:51

primary job was to make seven copies of these Quran means

00:43:53 --> 00:44:25

seven copies and then those seven copies were sent to these um SARS. Um, SAR is from the root word of missile. Right. The reason they call the country missile is because the gym or nurse people gathered around there. So there were seven SROs there were seven metropolitans in our English language today where peep Muslims had gathered. And these copies were sent over there, Medina Maka, Kufa Baghdad

00:44:26 --> 00:44:34

in Sham, I forgot the one in Sham and Yemen. So these were the seven places they were, what was the place in the jam?

00:44:36 --> 00:44:50

I forgot the place in Sham. It's a small town. I think ties. So those seven cities were seven metropolitans or hubs of Muslims where were these? Messiah Hadith Al Imam.

00:44:51 --> 00:45:00

So this is the Imam of all the must haves and he must have any copy is going to be written. If there is going to be a dispute. You will

00:45:00 --> 00:45:11

We go to the Khalifa of that area and he will preserve that copy of an imam. Those seven copies including the one that Zaid collected is still preserved today.

00:45:13 --> 00:46:04

One of those copies in Medina was kept with us man, or the Allah one. That copy of mine in which he has the blood when he was killed, the blood was spilled on that that copy is still preserved in Turkey. So if you go to the Topkapi museum, you will be able to actually see the copy of that same must have because it was then passed down to his generation to generation until the Osmani Khilafah came and they said these things are going to get lost these heirlooms of Prophets, Allah Salam and the Sahaba and they were the first ones to come and start creating a curation mechanism that curated the entire process of saving these artifacts of Rasul Allah and the Sahaba including them number one

00:46:04 --> 00:46:05

was the most half

00:46:06 --> 00:46:58

and there are other copies also available in other parts of the world, but that's one copy is verified. Okay, so that's how the Kitab was preserved now in that one key taba, it had allowances of all these Kira art. Now, coming back to your question that you know, the Fatah Dhamaka Surah our most half is not written as a standard of all seven is written the most half that we have it is written for half analysing only one of the variations but because of the dominance of this, and it got primarily became famous within the Arab world as the main dominant Tierra because of this dominance, this became the dominant dialect in the Muslim world. The second to that is the one that

00:46:58 --> 00:47:00

is found in Maghrib, which is cologne.

00:47:01 --> 00:47:33

Right Africa was yeah, what is it worse my bed wash, so which is wash, so you have the Tierra of wash, which is another big dialect, which is found most of the parts of Africa Somalia in those countries, you will see them residing in those two major ones. Those are the two main ones that you're actually going to find most hubs in having said that, every single most have that is today has also allowances of somebody who knows the rules of this karate can testify for that you he can pick it up and he will be able to know

00:47:34 --> 00:47:47

the Kira allowance was already in the Kitab already when they wrote it at that time. And it was preserved to that Does that answer your question? The long answer to your short question. And you know

00:47:48 --> 00:47:55

if I had mentioned some names and stuff it's all off my memory. So anyhow like I did not prepare for Kitab I prepared for the camera yes

00:48:00 --> 00:48:07

yeah, not his he had his predominant draw, but he would go to a tribe and he would recite in there that

00:48:08 --> 00:48:27

just make it easier for them sometimes even when the question would be asked not necessarily. Kira if the question if that tribe was using the Kira of them Tama Ania which is like switching all if lambs into um, then he SallAllahu Sallam would respond to them in that

00:48:28 --> 00:48:39

Okay, and again Rasul rasool Allah was there to make ease the interesting story about the arrow that he mentioned about a hoof and then I leave to leave for him to do the the demonstration Do you have a passage ready?

00:48:40 --> 00:48:42

Okay, so a passage

00:48:52 --> 00:48:53

does your work so

00:48:55 --> 00:49:02

it did tell after you've shot that you can go after after the thickening Shala after opening you get he'll open it start with you here.

00:49:04 --> 00:49:04

Where is he?

00:49:06 --> 00:49:11

Okay, so So do the thing first. Do a few minutes well how far does he live

00:49:15 --> 00:49:27

you don't know okay. So is it okay if he does the Euro I think he has made a commitment Hollis go and honor honor honor that commitment Go ahead. Go with that inshallah honor the commitment and I think he's gone right brother

00:49:32 --> 00:49:37

let him go no, no, I'm gonna hold them while you can go bro. I'm holding on to

00:49:39 --> 00:49:41

requested I'll do the show channel.

00:49:43 --> 00:49:44

So I'll give you an example.

00:49:45 --> 00:49:51

I'll reset when i in the 10 grommet

00:49:54 --> 00:49:59

error will be learned immunoassay you poor numerology. This is Paulo

00:50:01 --> 00:50:04

In leadin and CAFOs

00:50:06 --> 00:50:08

gnarly him

00:50:09 --> 00:50:17

the hotel room MLM tune the home law you may know to tune

00:50:18 --> 00:50:22

in a lady named CAFO Sal

00:50:24 --> 00:50:26

nada he Moo

00:50:28 --> 00:50:35

Moo and Milam to the room all you may know tune

00:50:36 --> 00:50:39

in leadin

00:50:42 --> 00:50:46

Oneida e mu oh

00:50:48 --> 00:51:06

oh M LEM to the homeless you meet em LEM to the room hola you may know that as Paulo and all these ojo the different ways to resign cologne. Now this is Walsh

00:51:07 --> 00:51:10

in levena kefalos

00:51:13 --> 00:51:16

or na gnarly whoa

00:51:19 --> 00:51:25

whoa MLM to the room. Learn to

00:51:28 --> 00:51:31

you me you don't sell well.

00:51:34 --> 00:51:38

Gnarly mu oh

00:51:42 --> 00:51:46

oh M LEM

00:51:47 --> 00:52:02

the roomlala you may know the wash now we're gonna move on to ethnic a thieves resuscitation and as this took us to the ways albizia humble in a lady named kefalos

00:52:04 --> 00:52:05

own gnarly him who?

00:52:07 --> 00:52:09

The otaku who am LEM to

00:52:10 --> 00:52:29

whom hola you may know to that is they both agreed in this ayah there is no fluff between them at best in Copan. Now moving on to Abu amorous Kira, who has Suzy has duty in Soucy. In leadin kefalos.

00:52:31 --> 00:52:32

Nada he him

00:52:34 --> 00:52:57

to whom? To the room? You may know on this duty Obama Susi law you mean no phone? And are we on to Hashem and ignore the crowd? Sham pull recited on domestically This is the cloud in Syria

00:52:58 --> 00:53:02

in lady Nika photos kefalos

00:53:03 --> 00:53:05

own gnarly him

00:53:07 --> 00:53:22

term whom to deal with whom you may know on his own a crowd that does have this Witch of Endor tactic might Hall and Hamza and Hamza deletes the firm and ignore the coin agrees with him.

00:53:24 --> 00:53:30

To whom MLM tune the home letter you may know

00:53:31 --> 00:53:36

that is enamel now helps also give them Shabbat also good with him.

00:53:37 --> 00:53:41

He said he also agreed with him holophone I should also be with him. That leaves us with

00:53:43 --> 00:53:46

the craw of Hamza and the craw of Yaqoob and how gourami

00:53:48 --> 00:53:54

Hamza al kofi. This is a citation in a lady not careful so

00:53:56 --> 00:53:58

nada you whom

00:54:00 --> 00:54:10

will tell whom M LEM to the moolah you mean who don't get a set every time there's a handwritten

00:54:11 --> 00:54:11


00:54:13 --> 00:54:27

and there's a there's a letter second before so mean and footsy him so he does the opposite of what what does what does Napoli he does sect so they completely collapse each other meaningful seem main emphasis him

00:54:29 --> 00:54:35

right. And we have Yakuts citation in leadin careful rules.

00:54:36 --> 00:54:38

Own nada you whom

00:54:39 --> 00:55:00

the router whom, to whom law you mean who don't have that, and this is one of the easier is in terms of the tenkara ad. There's ones that are worse, there are 23 times you will go back and change it because every all the way which has a change, every crime has a change. So this is not that difficult. It's just the introduction. It is

00:55:00 --> 00:55:13

is the first one okay. Yeah and just one of the first earliest is that you get hit with in Quran because normally you start from SUTA Fatiha then you do it for me the first half, then you start in Liverpool so on Ali, and that's the first I most students get, right?

00:55:14 --> 00:55:20

Yeah, Monica Luffy Baraka la Fick Zakka La Jolla. That's Baraka logic now you can go

00:55:22 --> 00:55:23

it hub

00:55:24 --> 00:55:24

in the hub

00:55:28 --> 00:55:34

if there's like a lucky man Baraka Luffy, may Allah bless you, Miracle Masha Allah, thank you, Santa Monica.

00:55:36 --> 00:56:21

Okay, so that allowed us to, to understand a little like, I hope that you guys get a entire, I mean, it's this is like a proper like, three, four hour seminar. You take notes, because this is our Quran. I mean, if we don't have appreciation of this, and all the effort that went in rectifying these things, we're not going to be able to appreciate Quran and these are literally like historical things. And today, there's a there's an entire movement that has been struck, especially our kids when they're going to these universities and they're going to these, you know, tech, Georgia Tech are these they have these orientalists there right that are there are planting seeds. Oh, Quran was,

00:56:21 --> 00:56:36

you know, there was it was never compiled during the life of Prophet. How do you know if this is the right Quran? The answer to that is very easy. It's not a difficult answer. The Quran is an oral tradition, it was preserved orally.

00:56:38 --> 00:57:01

But the problem is, today, that question will be raised and as soon as that person is going to hear your student, somebody, they're going to hear that something's wrong with the Quran, Allahu Akbar, and then those doubts start creeping in and stuff. MashAllah that table has agenda as I will pray on it today Inshallah, after salata, Lucia will do the janazah on the table and sharper.

00:57:04 --> 00:57:13

First it fell and this time it is my day I moved to Malta and for Who am I you done? For here are you to tower Latin for murdered?

00:57:15 --> 00:57:18

Murdered at boiler Masha? Allah is for Allah

00:57:20 --> 00:58:00

Jalla Baraka la vie, Allah subhanaw taala bless you all, thank you so much for coming out on Saturday. And in sha Allah, we hope to do a lot more of these sessions so that we can appreciate the Quran the last few moments from now until, I think nine minutes. General tradition of the sulfa sila is that they would be quiet and they would make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala because this is Saturday, st Jabba the food is going nowhere. So if you wait and make dua even if you want to go and sit next to the food wherever it is, feel free but do not talk to people. These are moments of worship, where Allah subhanaw taala accepts otherwise inshallah so you don't feel free about a

00:58:00 --> 00:58:05

coffee comes from Santa Coloma, Hamdi, bushido, Laila, Highlander Stouffer, aquatic Santa Monica, Omar, Abdullah and Ricardo

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