Adnan Rashid – Lost Islamic History

Adnan Rashid
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of history and peace in achieving peace in other nations, as well as the challenges of remote work and the impact on working from home. They recommend books like "The Arabic role" and "Art of the Arabic role" as good examples of notable achievements and accomplishments, and emphasize the need for employees to be aware of privacy laws and ensure safe and secure employment practices. The pandemic may affect employees' ability to work and work from home, but protecting personal and work information and working equipment is crucial.
AI: Transcript ©
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The relationship on jeem Mr. lohana Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While early he was suffering from Allah verily operators due to a loss of Allah and maybe some peace and blessings when his final messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So aleikum wa rahmatullah. He would occur to everyone just like one level suit and for attending our first speaker Event of the Year for Charity Week 2020 titled last Islamic history with our esteemed guest today of course, startup man Rashid.

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And before proceeding with today's event and an intro, we will of course begin with the most perfect and powerful of words, that it's a speech of Allah subhanaw taala so I wouldn't be inviting for the most interest so for us in sha Allah

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known for the piece of citation.

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Okay to proceed with an intro to the speaker.

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Of course we'll start nanosheet is a welding very famous in the UK scene especially. He's a historian with a speciality in the history of Islamic civilization compressive with the chin and Horan and hottie sciences, he also has a keen interest in Islamic numismatics, ancient manuscripts and antiquities, is debated many high profile figures in the field of politics history and Muslim Christian theologies.

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style also holds both a Bachelor's and Master's in history from the University of London. He has lectured in many prestigious international universities including University of Warsaw, American University of Beirut, Trinity College, Dublin, Oxford University and LMS in Lahore.

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Also that Nan has represented Islam and Muslims appearing on a number of radio and TV platforms including the BBC, Asian network Press TV, eco TV, Islam channel, etc. as well as delivering plenty of content online on platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Sapiens Institute.

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So fitting with our theme for Charity Week this year 2020 Charity Week. Today's event is titled last Islamic history. We aim to uncover some gems of history that the average Muslim might not know about. And we also hope this event will foster an interest in history for all of us. As plenty of men plenty of lessons and benefits we can derive from studying those who came before us. Before 100 to a start, I believe we have a Soto q&a here on the screen right now. So if you have any questions,

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please send them into the slider. It's got a slight a slight SLI do type in the code and then put your questions there inshallah. So with that, I'll hand over to Steve.

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Thank you very much. Bismillah Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa salatu wa salam ala rasulillah about Allah will lay some illumination on the regime. It's one layer manga Rahim. Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah Allah amin, spectra brothers and sisters Islam. I'm honored to be talking to you today about a very

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Very important topic, which is the last Islamic history, it is a general topic, and I will be addressing it in general terms with some specific points. And I wish to achieve a number of goals by this lecture today. One of those goals is to encourage Muslim students around the world, in general and at UCL in particular, to look into the history of Islam in order to better appreciate the Muslim civilization. Okay, one of the greatest achievements of Islam and Muslims was, and is the great, the magnificent, the brilliant, the incredible Muslim civilization, it is a broad term. And to summarize

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some of the characteristics of this civilization, I would like to mention the achievements of our predecessors in this regard, for example, in philosophy, in science, and literature, in poetry, in intellectual pursuits, and producing works of

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gigantic scale, whereby the world at large, immensely, immensely benefited from the works. So the Muslim civilization actually starts from the birth of the Prophet of Islam himself, okay. And it ends with us. It is with us today, it still lives on, within our communities, within our culture, within our languages within our achievements, that that still continued to this day. The topic is very interesting. And it is very intriguing as well, at the same time, the last Islamic history, or the last Muslim history, there is a book written by for us, Al Khatib, who has done an excellent job

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in writing on this topic, he is an amazing author, Mashallah May Allah bless him. I've never met with him. But his book, Allah has blessed it with a lot of popularity, you can see the book, even in Pakistan, on certain bookshelves, where people are selling books on the street, you see this book, The Last Islamic history,

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I am not going to necessarily talk about that particular book. And I don't plan to

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repeat that content in this lecture using that topic. And that title, which is very, very interesting, I will be raising some other questions for the audience. But I definitely very, very strongly recommend that book, The Last Islamic history by Eros alpha t, it is a very powerful, a very interesting book, you must you must get your hands on it, so that you can get an introduction into what the Muslim civilization is and what it had done for humanity at large. So brothers and sisters,

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I want to very quickly address a couple of points, in my view, something that wasn't, you know, necessarily covered by other authors? What is really hidden, what is really lost when it comes to Islamic history? Okay. In my view, much of the Islamic history unfortunately, is lost.

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lost because we have lost it ourselves. We haven't put enough attention towards it. We haven't really put an effort into

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learning our own history,

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as it should have been learned. There are many historians out there people are writing books, right? I am talking about Muslims in particular, Muslims in general, and I'm not talking about exceptions. I'm talking about the general masses. You know, if we were to travel from Morocco to Bangladesh, and I have traveled in many of the Muslim countries around the world,

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one of the subjects Muslims are most ignorant on is history

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is history in general. And the history of Islam in particular, if you were to ask basic questions about even the life of the Prophet salaallah Islam, which every Muslim must know, in order to love someone, you have to know the person. You can't claim to love someone and not know the person. Right? It is a condition of demand. It is a condition of faith for believers for Muslims, to believe in the prophet of Islam and not only believe in Him, love him more than anyone else.

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So you must understand that in order for you to complete your faith,

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to have true faith, you must love the prophet of Islam Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, it is a condition of demand for us. The Prophet himself some Allahu alayhi salam stated in an authentic report.

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sorry, the prophet said sallallahu Sallam

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law you may know hadoken Hata akuna habla la he, meanwhile he were one of the he were nasiha chameleon,

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that you will not truly believe. You will not truly believe until I become more beloved to you

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more than your parents, your children and mankind put together. So you cannot possibly love anyone else other than the Prophet sallallahu sallam,

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or more than him.

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And that's when you become true believers. That's when you become true believers. Not when you claim it, you know, not by tongue service, or lip service as to say or move by moving your tongue or just saying words, that's not going to make you love the process unless you truly love the person you know. And you want to know,

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how do I know that? Today, people love footballers, people love music artists, people love movie stars. People love sports men, for example, sports women, right? How do we know that because when you walk into someone's room, who is truly

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an admirer of someone, you will see the poster on the wall, you will see books on that person on the shelf. And this person will spend a lot of time reading about this person, either online or offline. Okay, people who love for example, Ronaldo, will read about him, you know, they want to follow the gossip about him. They want to know what woman is he dating? Or who did he get married to? And how many children does he have and how much is he worth? Likewise, people love these,

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you know, movie stars, you know,

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for example, people who admire Daniel Craig for his

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acting in this James Bond series, they will follow him diligently. They will know what kind of clothes he wants to wear and what he wears, they will follow his hairstyle. They will they will want to talk like him, they would want to walk like him. And it is but natural. When you love someone you want to know them. And if the Muslims truly love the Prophet sallallahu Sallam they would want to know him.

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They would read about him. They would know how he smiles, how he talks, how he walks, how he ate, how he dealt with people with his wives, how he dealt with his children, how he dealt with his friends, how he dealt with the enemy, for example. All these things will be known because you love him. And it is a condition of faith to love him. And if you don't know him, if you don't study him, you don't know about him, then you don't truly love him. And if you don't truly love him, you cannot be truly a believer. You cannot be a believer. So

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we have lost our history in general. And I don't want to put people down because there is a good news following as well. There is a good news coming after, after some criticism, the beginning. So we the Muslims in general, we don't really study the life of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam we don't do justice to it. We don't even look into the man's life.

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Lest we might love him. Okay, so that's the first point I wanted to make.

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So history is generally lost to us. Okay, we have lost our history, because we don't study it in the past, it was thoroughly studied, you know,

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a couple of centuries ago,

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before the colonial period, when the Muslim civilization was the dominance of realisation in the world through to an extent where people were learning the Arabic language and the Persian language, and later on some other languages to, to communicate with the Muslims, because Muslims are so influential economically, militarily, politically, educationally, intellectually, scientifically, okay. Muslims are the top most people in the world for over 1000 years. And it is that particular dominance in all these good fields, we call that particular achievement or that period, we call it loosely, the Muslim civilization, which stretched for millennia rose from Spain, to all the way to

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China, right? And all of this land, or all of the civilization was carved by, of course, the teachings of Islam.

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So the last Islamic history, in my opinion, is the history in general we have lost because of not studying it. And there are specific aspects of that history that that have been lost even more so than history in general. So not only that, we don't study our history in general, starting with the life of the Prophet and his followers and their followers, and later on all the Muslim diners

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sts for example, the oma years that have acids, the Ottomans, the Mongols, the U beads, the Delhi Sultanate, for example, okay, the cell jokes for example, okay, all the major and minor dynasties that have gone through,

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you know, a lot of experiments and experiences in the past.

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with not only that not only that we don't study them. We don't study what gave rise to the Muslim civilization. Okay, point number one. What gave rise to the Muslim civilization? Why did the Muslim civilization come about come about in the first place, that particular idea, that particular aspect of our history is truly lost? We don't know why the Muslim civilization became so prominent, so dominant in the world for over 1000 years. The Muslims are the most powerful people in the world, I repeat, and I'm not exaggerating,

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okay. And you can find references and many books I will be quoting later on, I mean, I will be giving reference to you, I will be doing some book recommendations, so that you can go and study and check these facts for over 1000 years. The Muslims are the most dominant people in the world,

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in education, in science, in philosophy and literature and in intellectual activities, in pursuit of knowledge and arts, in politics,

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and in military expansions, you name it, Muslims are very, very influential. And one of the reasons why this Muslim civilization succeeded is because

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because the way this civilization was carved in the first place, so that's one point I will be addressing very quickly in this lecture in sha Allah, the point that has been lost, right. As I said, we have generally, unfortunately, lost our history because we don't study it and Malcolm X once upon a time, he said, that if you want to abuse use and misuse of people, or subdue people, for that matter, take the history away from them.

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And there are many ways to take the history away from them, you get them busy in things that will continue to keep them more busy, right? And when they are busy, making money running after careers, where they are just workers, their workers, they are the, as they put it, cannon fodder, okay? They are simply being used in the grand scheme of things. And they don't wake up to the purpose of life. They don't know who they are, where they came from, where they're going, all these questions are very important, what we call the existential question. Okay, or existential questions for that matter? What is the purpose of life? Why will we create it? Where are we going? What are we supposed

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to do? So when people become career hungry, when they start to look down upon people who study humanities, when they start to look down upon people who are pursuing intellectual subjects, like philosophy, history, sociology, or anthropology,

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then it is a decline. So in the Muslim world, if you traveled from Morocco, and traveled to Morocco, from Bangla from Morocco, to Bangladesh, and if you speak to people, most people, what do they want to do when they study? Firstly, why are they studying? they're studying because they want to fill their stomachs. Okay, they want to be good, they want to become some something or someone and why do they want to become something and someone because they want to earn money? Mostly, I'm not saying all people are like that, of course, there are exceptions. And there are great people out there. I'm not criticizing everyone I'm saying most people from Morocco to Bangladesh, this this large stretch

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of land, which still contains contains, you know, much of the Muslim civilization, what ever remains of it. When you speak to people here. People want to become doctors. Okay? Why? Because they want to become doctors to have a career in life. They want to become lawyers. They want to become engineers. They want to become, for example, you know, possibly pilots, they want to go into fields that they can make money with, right? Hardly anyone you will find, wants to study humanity's just to understand life. Just to learn from our past experiences just to learn from past civilizations. What did the Romans do? What did the Greeks do? What did the Muslims do? What did the Christians do?

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Okay, what did the Babylonians do? What happened to the Assyrians? What happened to the communities? Right? What happened to all these civilizations, the Egyptian civilization the massive Mesopotamian civilization, what happened to all these people? Most people are not interested in that because it's

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thing that doesn't bring in money that doesn't fill your stomach.

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And consequently, most people have become money driven when they study, the purpose of the education is to eventually make some money and make a life out of that money and die and die at the end of it. But that's not what we are, we will make for we, at least the Muslims, in particular, we were given a responsibility and that is to make this world a better place. You don't make this world a better place by just making money and having an earning. Rather, you make it a better place by learning about your past and repeating the virtues. And you can only do that when you know about the past. So the first point

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that we have lost in our history is how we came to realize the Muslim civilization. How was it born? The second point is

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we have made we have been made to think that the golden age or the greatest achievement of the Muslim civilization was just advancement in science. progress in science, because Muslims produce scientists like Qasim Ravi yBnL, Haytham

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Ibn Sina, okay, no doubt, let me quickly give you a glimpse into that achievement very quickly.

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In case people are not aware of it, because I'm talking primarily primarily to UCL students. And later on this lecture will be put on for a larger audience in Sharla. So that people elsewhere can listen to this talk

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for you, let me quickly give you a glimpse into the achievements of the Muslim civilization which many people focus on and this is the second point I will be addressing very quickly in this lecture in this short lecture. Okay, the first point is what gave rise to the Muslim civilization. If you were to ask this question, most people wouldn't know the answer right. And once it had risen, okay, what was the greatest achievement This is the second point, what was the greatest achievement

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both of these points have been lost. This is where we are lost, I believe truly lost and until and unless we know

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these two points, we will not be able to repeat them, we will not be able to

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even resuscitate whatever remains of the Muslim civilization.

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So this is why it's very important for us to understand this inshallah. So, these two points I want to address very quickly, brothers and sisters, how did the Muslim civilization came to prominence and came to

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I mean, why how is it How was it realized? And the second point is, or what was the best aspect of it? What what what was so special about it? Okay.

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So the, so the, the glimpse I was going to discuss was, is the fact that most people think the greatest achievement of the Muslim civilization was scientific advancement. Okay.

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For example, what happened in Islamic Spain or London was the Golden Age, the Golden Age is usually narrowed down to some scientists, and their works. The invention of astrolabe and great achievements no doubt, I'm not belittling these achievements, definitely great achievements, beautiful achievements, achievements that we are proud of. And much has been written on these achievements. There are so many books, one book in particular, I will recommend strongly and brothers and sisters as I go along, I will be recommending books, so please take notes, inshallah. And you can google the titles and you will get the details of the book, hidden debt to Islamic civilization. There is one

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book in particular I strongly recommend for everyone, okay. Hidden debt to Islamic civilization, apart from velasca, thieves, philosopher thieves, the last Islamic history. This is another work I would strongly recommend for Muslim students to see what actually lies hidden under shelves, or under bookshelves. Okay, in books, you will be fascinated, you'll be blown away, you'll be completely lost for words, when you go through this book, when you realize the achievement of Islam and Muslims in the form of the Western civilization. And in this book, the author, Saladino, desirae, he collects a lot of information, a lot of information on some of the greatest

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achievements. And there you go, there's a link in the comment section, you can see the link and you can look at the book I'm talking about, okay, the hidden debt to Islamic civilization. In this book, the author addresses a lot of the stuff that has

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has been deliberately hidden. No doubt a lot of this achievement of the Muslims in the past $4 million to China has been hidden for a very long time systematically. It's been it's being suppressed. Okay? It has been systematically systematically suppressed. And many authors for all the way from the 19th century to the current day have highlighted this point. And I'm not talking about Muslim imams or Muslim traditional scholars, I'm talking about Western academics who have realized that there is something wrong when it comes to studying the achievements of the Muslim civilization. Okay, for example, john William Draper, john William Draper, in his book, A History of the

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intellectual development of Europe, okay, which he published in the 19th century in the mid 19th century. In this book, he highlights as to how

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some Western institutions and scholars had deliberately systematically hidden

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the debt we owe to the Muslim civilization, the western civilization in particular, okay. And there are many scholars who have highlighted in a similar way, this particular suppression of facts. And this particular suppression of facts has also been highlighted by a modern scholar. Her name is Maria Rosa, medical, Maria Rosa medical.

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And the book is titled if I'm not mistaken, and the book is titled,

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The Arabic role in medieval European, medieval literature, something like that. The Arabic role in European, medieval medieval literature, I hope someone can find the book and post a link here. The author is Maria, Rosa, medical, medical is m e, n o CL. Right. And this book is titled The Arabic role or the Islamic role, and medieval literature, something like that. And in this book, she acknowledges the fact that the Westerners are they there we go. Okay. Arabic roll medieval, literally literary history. I mean, the link is there, you can see the link online. In the comments section. Thank you for posting that comment. I really appreciate this admin work being done. In the

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background. May Allah bless whoever is doing it. There you go, the Arabic role in medieval literary history of forgotten heritage, by Maria Rosa medical, and this book was published in 2006. If I'm not mistaken, in this book, she acknowledges that the Europeans find it difficult to acknowledge any debt towards the Muslim civilization.

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And believe me, brothers and sisters, the details are far too many for me to go through in one short lecture, right? And there is a reason why I'm talking about this stuff. Although I don't believe these achievements, I am addressing right now are the greatest achievements, the greatest achievements of the Muslim civilization lie elsewhere. But I am simply mentioning these things so that you, you are aware of these achievements, so that you can actually go and look into these books, and read about these achievements if you are not already aware of them. But many people when they talk about the achievements of the Muslim civilization, they always focus on when they do talk

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about it. They always focus on points like scientific advancement, the Muslims made right Muslim observatories, for example, Muslim works in astronomy. The first Science at the University of Oxford that was taught was the science of astronomy, taken directly from London, from Islamic Spain, right? works on astral a, for example, an instrument used to measure lens width, distances and even navigate through

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seas. Right. astrolabe was an amazing instrument pioneered in Muslim Spain, and then later on subsequently, consequently, introduced into mainland Europe. Okay. Then there are other achievements in in

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other fields, for example, literature, you know, Muslim,

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Muslims Subhanallah, they produce some absolutely fascinating literature. And I'm not I'm not talking or I'm not talking about Rumi only, you know, Rumi was one of the points, who, of course, is one of the figures in the Muslim history, who is very much hyped in the west for secular reasons. Even overhang has been secularized by Western authors when they're translated works, they focus mainly on

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some of the,

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you know, secular or pleasure giving hedonistic aspects of his poetry rather than focusing on the spiritual aspects of the poetry of Rumi and an Omaha I am. Okay, I'm talking about people like him No. hasm from a Londolozi. You know, who wrote a poem

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Along point one love the concept of love and it is called the necklace of the de tocqueville hamama for example, okay, literature producing mobile India literature produced during the Delhi Sultanate period like I mean hospital, a Persian poet who created amazing demands you know collections of poetry and the Arabic poet Alan Watanabe, for example. Okay, there are so there are so many achievements in literature,

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in science, in book collecting the largest library in the world, brothers and sisters.

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Were in Spain, in Damascus in Baghdad. Okay. And please bear in mind, keep in mind that I haven't yet come to those two points I want to address. I'm simply mentioning these things passingly so that you are aware of this achievement. A lot of people think that I'm going to talk about all these things, scientific advancement and all the other achievements Muslims have,

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you know, enjoyed and made in the past, but I'm going to talk about two different aspects of the history we have lost.

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And that history has been lost purely because we have deliberately ignored that history. We haven't really looked into these two questions. The first question to repeat it, again, to remind those who joined us later. The first question is what gave rise to the Muslim civilization? The second question is, what was the greatest, greatest greatest achievement of the Muslim civilization? Okay, but for now, I'm still introducing what the Muslim civilization did. Okay, some of the greatest libraries in the world. Were in London.

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Okay. And in Baghdad, in Damascus in other places,

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okay. So,

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am I going to talk about all that as the hidden or the last Islamic history? Now?

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Let me surprise you No, okay. And I have recommended some sources for you to go and look into these aspects of the Muslim civilization, which are very often talked about by many scholars, even though even these things are hidden. Even these things are pretty much you know, unfortunately, lost from the Muslims because partly because we don't want to study these fields, we don't want to know how the Muslims influenced the world for the last 1000 years, if not more, and

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we where can we find these find these books, right? We really need to look into these things, once we have understood the true extent of the Muslim role in the making of the modern world. Okay. Then,

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the most important questions are what gave rise to these achievements in the first place? And what was the best achievement

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having introduced very briefly some of the aspects of the Muslim civilization, which most people talk about when they talk about last Islamic history, I want to go on to these two important points and having addressed them I will then take your questions inshallah,

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point number one what gave rise to the Muslim civilization one of the most important questions hardly anyone who dresses and I will tell you what gave rise to this great civilization I have a golden chain of events, I call it to simplify things, the golden chain of events, okay. This golden chain of events will answer both these questions what gave rise to the civilization and what was the greatest achievement of this civilization? Okay, I repeat these two questions these two points I want to address as the as the main points of the last Islamic history, these are the two main points in my opinion that had been lost from the Muslims right. Point number one is what gave rise to the

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Muslim civilization point number two is what was the greatest achievement. So the golden chain of events will give answers to both these questions. Okay, what is this golden chain of events, there are four points, four points in this golden chain of events, okay, or four events, we can call them for events in this golden chain of events, okay. And all of these four events are interlinked. One gave rise to the other. Okay, and you will see how point number one event number one is the Quran, the revelation of the Quran, the advent of the Quran, in the seventh century, in the Arabian desert. event number one, the Quran came, the Quran emerged. The Quran was revealed. It was sent down point

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number one, event number two, justice, the concept of justice that came from the Quran.

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Remember that point

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Brothers and sisters remember these four points I'm going to address and mentioned because this is where you will find answers to the reasons of success of the Muslim civilization and whatever it achieved later on. So justice that came from the Quran, the Quran was revealed or the Quran came, okay. And it gave a peculiar sense of justice, which was very specific to Muslims. Okay, from that justice came peace, from that justice came peace. And from this peace came progress, progress. So to go backwards,

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they can be no progress without peace. They can be no peace without justice. And when it comes to the Muslim civilization, stretching from Al Andalus to China for over 1000 years, there could be no justice without the Quran, because the Justice we are talking about from a londorossi to northern China, okay, was brought by the Quran. So this golden chain of events gives the answer. The Quran came, and it taught a concept of justice to the early believers. The Koran told the believers were Marsala Kyla Matala, el amin, O Muhammad we sent you not accept as a mercy for the world. So you are to deliver mercy to the world. Okay. And then Quran in chapter four, verse 135. And then chapter

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five, verse number eight. A Quran specifically addresses the concept of justice all who you believe, be just even if it goes against you do justice and do not do injustice just because you like someone, sorry, just or you dislike someone. Okay? If you dislike someone do not avoid justice. rather do justice because God, Allah loves the just so the Quran put maximum emphasis on justice, which was achieved by the Muslims in the early age of Islam during the early Islamic conquest, okay. Now to address that point, I recommend a book. Okay, you must get this book. It is titled,

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the preaching of Islam by Professor Thomas Walker, Arnold. And if you are listening, brothers and sisters, if someone is still listening, please post a link in the comment section again so that people can follow it.

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There you go. You have it there preaching of Islam. Professor Thomas Walker honored this particular book will tell you practically.

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this book will demonstrate to you through evidence from history that, indeed the Muslims did justice, which was point number two, point number two in the golden chain of events after Islam emerged in the seventh century. So the Muslims emerged because they followed the Quran they believed in the Quran, and then they went out conquering. Why did they conquer all that land? Of course, the Islamic theory is because the Muslims, they wanted to take the justice of Islam to other nations. And they did. And did they deliver that justice to other nations is a very good question. Okay. So preaching of Islam, by Thomas Walker Arnold.

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The second edition in particular, not the first edition, which was published in 1896. I'm talking about the second edition, the 1913 edition, it is information packed, it is an encyclopedia of information on early Islamic conquests and what occurred as a result. It's an amazing book. So you will see evidence with regards to the Justice Muslims delivered to other nations when they took the land in Egypt, in Syria, in Spain, and in much of central Asia. Okay, so that point will be addressed in that. The next point is peace that resulted from that justice because when there is justice, there will be peace, there will be peace, there will be harmony, and Muslims enabled that

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harmony. Okay. Muslims enabled that harmony.

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Okay. Because when Muslims deliver justice, to the Jews and the Christians, and to the Rastafarians, and even to the Buddhists and Hindus in India, okay, people were able to live in peace together. And I'm not claiming a utopia, brothers and sisters. I'm not claiming that it was a perfect world carved by the Muslims because humans are imperfect. The system was great. The system that was revealed upon them was absolutely magnificent. When it was followed, it produced amazing results. It brought people together, the Jews and the Christians and the Muslims lived side by side not only in a London lose, but all the way up to China. Okay, Maria Rosa Monaco again.

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is an amazing author. And she paid a lavish tribute to

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the convivencia the coexistence Muslims at achieved in London, in Islamic Spain in particular. Okay. And the book she authored is titled,

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the ornament of the world. In this book, the ornament of the world, Mashallah brother or sister whoever you are working on posting these links May Allah bless you, you're doing an amazing job. The ornament of the world by Maria Rosa Manor call is a lavish tribute to that great coexistence between the Muslims, Jews and Christians whereby they work together for the common good of humanity. This is where the Jews and the Christians could walk into the mosque and sit in lectures delivered by Muslim scholars, okay, these lectures are not only on theology, for example, sciences like Hades and Tafseer and Arabic literature, or Arabic grammar or poetry, rather, these lectures in the quarter

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in particular, and in other mosques in London, in general, ranged from lectures on for example, astronomy, lectures on medicine, lectures on

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hydraulics, lectures on mathematics, and many, many more fields. Okay. A lot of this Arabic literature was produced in a London last by Jews, by Christians and by Muslims, they were together as brothers in humanity producing this literature in the Arabic language. And then this knowledge was later on, translated for the Europeans into the Latin language, and through Latin, the Europeans. When I say the Europeans, I mean you Western Europeans, for example, in places like Germany, France and Britain in particular, they received all this Arabic knowledge from Spain, translated in to the Latin language, and this is how we got the 12th century Renaissance. And later

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on the 14th and 15th century, not not 14th or 15th and 16th century Renaissance, okay, in Italy and elsewhere. So a lot of this can be looked into a book, authored by George Saliba, George Saliba. His surname is spelled sa Li ba George Saliba has written a book The the Arabic role in

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the European Renaissance. Again, I might be mistaken in the title, but if you find it, please post it. The Arabic role in the European Renaissance by George Saliba published by the Columbia University Press, he talks about how the Arabic knowledge on a fields like astronomy influenced the European Renaissance. Okay, so all of this progress came about by that coexistence. Thank you for posting that link. Okay, that is sorry, Islamic science in the making of the European Renaissance. That's the title, Islamic science and the making of the European Renaissance by George Saliba. Okay. Please study it is published by the Columbia University Press. Ok. So all of this was achieved, of

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course, by that coexistence, that coexistence was the greatest achievement of the Muslim civilization. Okay, how it was achieved brothers and sisters, I've already talked about it the Quran you cannot separate the the tree from the fruit or the seed from the tree, okay, you cannot ignore the seed and look at the tree or the fruit that comes from that tree. The fruit of the Muslim civilization is absolutely amazing. It is absolutely magnificent, which I briefly touched upon and if you want to know more of this fruit, then you go to that book, the hidden debt to Islamic civilization which have which has been mentioned already. Okay, that fruit

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which is described in that particular book and other books I have mentioned, cannot be separated from the seat. There is no Islam without the Quran. And there is no Muslim civilization without Islam period, full stop, okay. You cannot possibly jump to some extremist groups and the actions today and link them to the Prophet.

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This is a very important point you have to remember brothers and sisters, you cannot you cannot if you are adjust if you are a fair person, if you are a fair, objective researcher, you cannot jump from the actions of an extremist groups a group produced by geopolitical occurrences in a particular region and attribute those barbaric and uncivilized actions that possibly were

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I'm most probably influenced by Hollywood movies to the prophet of Islam. You cannot attribute to the prophet of Islam.

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You cannot attribute actions potentially possibly influenced by Hollywood, in the Middle East, done by a bunch of nutters to the prophet of Islam, you can't just make this bow, okay, this bow, okay, and ignore whatever falls in between 1400 years, all our libraries, all our scholars, all our, you know, influential

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leaders, generals, thinkers, poets, authors, scientists,

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you can't ignore all of them. You can't jump from the seventh century into the 21st century in Iraq, or Syria, for example, and link some barbaric actions to one of the greatest men in history who produced whatever fell between his time and what is happening today.

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Even though he doesn't have any link with what what is happening today.

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Some haters out there deliberately, according to a well planned Islamophobic strategy, link these things to the prophet and ignore all the achievements of the Muslim civilization that came directly from the book he brought from Allah and His teachings.

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So remember, the Quran is the seed, and the tree and the fruit is the Muslim civilization. So it was the Quran that gave rise to the Muslim civilization.

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That aspect is completely forgotten and lost, unfortunately. So this is how we need to link the Quran to whatever happened throughout the Muslim civilization and the way you link that, or the way you connect that chain is that golden chain of events with four events, the Quran, the concept of justice that came from the Quran, and peace that came from that justice, and then progress that came from that peace.

00:47:14 --> 00:47:41

Okay? So that coexistence that tolerance, that chance to live, which Muslims enabled, or which Muslims provided and realized for the Jewish people in particular, and others in general, is one of the greatest achievements throughout the Muslim history. You know, the Jewish people are facing extinction at the hands of other civilizations.

00:47:42 --> 00:47:54

The Muslims came to power from Allen Dulles to China. And lo and behold, the survival of the Jewish people, the golden age of the Jewish people,

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the golden age of the Jewish people, to this day, Jewish scholars paid that that tribute to the Muslim even hostile scholars like Bernard Lewis, who was a scholar, indeed, no doubt he was a scholar, but he was a hostile scholar. He was quite hostile to the Muslim civilization. Even he had to acknowledge that Muslims did great protecting the Jewish people. Okay.

00:48:20 --> 00:48:27

And there are many other Jewish scholars who have talked about how the Muslims protected the Jewish people from extinction.

00:48:29 --> 00:49:11

Okay. The Golden Age of the house of Israel was in London rose from 900 to 1200. This is what Zions are states in his book a history of the mystery and Sephardic Jewry, Zion zahar. Okay, Zed Oh Ha ha. Our designs are in his book, a history of Sephardic and Mitsui jewelry, published by the New York University Press. I think that's what the book is titled. Okay. In his book, he clearly highlights the fact that the golden age of the house of Israel was in a London rose from 900 to 1200. For nearly three centuries, though, the Jewish people flourished like never before.

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And same goes for the Christians living throughout the Muslim civilization. This was one of the greatest thank you for posting the link again. This was one of the greatest achievements of the Muslim civilization, that coexistence convivencia which Maria Rosa manacle describes in her book, titled ornament of the world, which was posted earlier. Another book I very strongly recommend for you to realize the importance of Muslim Spain is Muslim Spain. It is a two volumes work. It is a work that consists of two volumes Muslim Spain, and it has been edited by Salma, Hydra jayyousi Salma Raja, you see, this book is published by the rootlets press and all the books

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I mentioned brothers and sisters today. Most of them are academic works published by academic institutions. Okay, so Sal Malhotra jayyousi has edited this work. Okay, it is titled The Muslim Spain.

00:50:14 --> 00:50:22

So cut the long story short. Yeah the legacy of Muslim Spain thank you very much for reminding me the legacy of Muslim Spain.

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And there is the link, the legacy of Muslim Spain, edited edited edited by Salma Hydra jayyousi of very, very powerful work

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authored by a number of different scholars edited by Salma contra jayyousi, thank you so much for posting the links again, that makes my life very, very easy. So

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the Quran gave rise to the Muslim civilization and the greatest achievement was that peace, which was achieved by Justice of Islam and Muslims, and that justice came directly from the Quran and the outcome was the progress, which most people talk about, which I addressed partly, very briefly, earlier, I arrested I talked about it and I gave you the references to go back and so, if you want to talk about the progress and see the last event that happened in the golden chain of events, then hidden debt to Islamic civilization is your point of consultation inshallah. So, brothers sisters, I hope you enjoyed this short lecture today. Okay, it was a very short introductory lecture to this

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topic, the last Islamic history. Again, I strongly recommend for a general outlook, the book authored by furries sorry, Eros alpha t, for us, alpha T has authored this book, The Last Islamic history. And of course, I hope you took note of other sources I have mentioned and if you want to listen to my detailed lectures on this topic, detailed lecture, lectures, a series I am conducting right now, I mean, as we speak is going on I'm recording a series of lectures, it is titled unveiling the Muslim civilization, you can find that particular series on my YouTube channel, if you go to my YouTube channel, type of non Rashid in YouTube and you will come across my channel, you

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will see the series on my channel unveiling the Muslim civilization. And I address all of these four points in a lot more detail in the series. I strongly recommend that particular series for you to understand in a bit more detail as to

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the achievements of Islam and Muslims and the Muslim civilization, brothers and sisters. Okay, and the history we have lost. So I hope we can go back and contemplate a bit more about our history and consult the sources I have mentioned, start with these sources, and you will be blown away Subhanallah you'll be completely blown away intellectually and you will come to realize the true extent if not all of it, maybe some of it you will come to realize how the Muslims came to achieve this particular civilization and what was the greatest achievement? Thank you so much for listening. May Allah bless you I hope you enjoyed this brief talk. And now we will open for questions and

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answers inshallah I am I'm

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over to you my brothers and sisters from UCL.

00:53:34 --> 00:53:35

Okay, we'll talk about myself

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of course there's just a high level overview of the topic but martial law I think me personally I think I speak for the other brothers here as well and sisters here that I learned a lot.

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The Golden Chain especially we sometimes give it lip service to the fact that Oh, the ones who came before us had had success in the world because of Islam. But the golden chain, I think especially explains it and solidifies that concept for us. So the Islam, justice, peace and progress concepts one. Okay, so we've had plenty of questions coming in. So we'll try and get through most of them inshallah. One.

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Given that the current history syllabuses in almost all schools are very Eurocentric, how can we teach Islamic history thoroughly to children and teenagers? Okay, I don't want you to make your history Islam or centric for the rest of the world, but at least make it Islam or centric for yourselves, right? Because you can't blame the European institutions for teaching you European history because this is what they're like. This is what they admire. This is what they look up to, and it is up to them to teach this history. The question is, where are the Muslim students and scholars teaching their Islamic version right? And there is no virgin history history is basically

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of objectivity. History, through history is is written

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Objectively without biases. At the same time, I would like to mention that no one is 100% unbiased, every single scholar, anyone who says that I am unbiased, even that statement itself is biased. Okay? So there is no such thing as unbiased history. We all have biases, we all have biases, whether we know or not, we have biases, right? At the same time, we need to master our history and start teaching it, make it Islamic centric. Okay. produce your own intellectuals and thinkers who can actually explain the history of the world in the light of Islamic philosophy, Islamic literature, in the light of philosophy taken from the Quran and the Sunnah, okay, make it as long as entry. Use the

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Islamic lens to study the history of humanity study Greek history study Romans study Babylonia study, for example, the Egyptian history through learning hieroglyphs and Egyptology study all that, okay, you can study with the Islamic lens, there's nothing wrong with that if Europeans can use the secular, liberal, capitalist or even for some reason, there are Marxist historians as well. Why can't we have Islamic historians? Okay, what's wrong with that? Why do we feel so reluctant to become Islamic historians? Okay, not Islamist historians, because the term Islam is, has become somewhat very controversial nowadays. I say Islamic historians, write the master Islamic history and

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use your Islamic lens to study the history of humanity. What's wrong with that? others are doing it, why can't you do it? That's the answer to your question. And I will try to, I'll try to keep my answers as brief as possible so that I can take a lot more enjoyment. Go ahead. Next question.

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Question number two, what would you say to those that don't think it's too important to read and study books in your own time, a big part of the Muslim community is consumed by what's in front of the screens.

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And that is one of the greatest

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difficulties of our times where we think that reading posts on Facebook

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are reading or even watching documentaries will teach us anything. Nope. That is not even scratching the surface. Until we become the most bookly people we cannot possibly revive. The Muslim civilization is true colors. We were powerful. We were dominant in education in all, the magnificent and,

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you know, great fields, because we were the most bookly people. We were the most bookly people in the world for over 1000 years. Our libraries are so huge, that we still have no count of what we lost in a London lose. For example, we don't know what was burnt. After the conquest of Granada in 1492 when Ferdinand and Isabella

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a coalition of Castile and Aragon attacked Granada and took the law last stronghold from the Muslims in 1492. And over a million books are burnt. We don't know what we lost there. When the Mongols sacked Baghdad in 1258. And when they

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chucked all the books into the river. tigress, the river tickets became black because of ink. Okay, we don't know why we have no idea what was lost there. Okay.

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And why were the Mongols and the Catholics in two different places at two different times destroying books. Why were they destroying books? Because then you this is what makes these people strong. This is what makes them who they are. Unless we returned to books and book collecting bookkeeping bookbinding book making book writing book reading, we will not revive our great Muslim civilization. So we really need to get into books brothers and sisters, right? Get off your Facebook and your Instagram and your tech talk and your you know, your Snapchat and your your you know, of course I mean if you want to use it for good purpose, of course Go ahead. It has good use, but spend more

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time in books and you will see that you will see the outcome in Sharla you will see the outcome in yourselves. Charla next question please. barbagallo pika number three, what would you say has been the most devastating consequence as a result of us having forgotten our history?

00:59:28 --> 00:59:59

We have lost our reserve, we have lost our sense of dignity, sense of honor. Most importantly, we have lost our influence in the world. We were the most politically, educationally intellectually, scientifically dominant force in the world from from Morocco to to China for over 1000 years. We were the greatest civilization, mankind mankind had ever seen. Right? And we only lost it because we lost appreciation of it. We lost touch

01:00:00 --> 01:00:01

We have lost

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any sense of appreciation, appreciation, because we haven't learned about it. So it is now time to go back and take it seriously. Teach your children about them, and teach them about your history, get them to become new as mit numismatist get them to collect coins from the Muslim civilization, get them to play books, manuscripts, you know, get them to read about all the great things people have written in the past get them to read the poetry of half is for example half is a Shirazi Okay, or Alma Tanabe, or even Marisol even older, okay.

01:00:35 --> 01:00:39

So you will see, you will see the outcome. So we need to really go back into

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learning about all the things that were achieved in the past and, and we don't need to necessarily live in the past. We need to learn from it, and learn our virtues and repeat them inshallah. That's what I have to say on that

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01:00:59 --> 01:01:08

Now, for what part of history would you advise someone to read into if they don't know much about history, not including the Sierra and the life of the life of the Saba.

01:01:10 --> 01:01:20

Okay, of course, I would say the most important history is the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his companions. And after that, I would strongly recommend that you start with basic

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overview of the Muslim history, start reading Basic Books, that give you a brief history of the Muslim history, for example, or read about my ears and the ambassadors in the Ottomans and the moguls, and, and the dynasties in London loose and in North Africa and the Middle East. And you can have easily you can have some introduction to these fields, in a very short span of time. You know, one of the books I would again, strongly recommend is the last Islamic history by colossal hottie that's a good, that's a good start in sha Allah. Okay. And there are some other books, and the dilemma is that we don't have any good introduction to Islamic history that still needs to be done.

01:02:03 --> 01:02:47

And, you know, there are many books of course, but specifically, one book, I simply cannot think of one book that summarizes all these things I'm talking about in one particular volume again, last Islamic history by ferocity it was a good start inshallah, so, read about all these things, and then choose specific questions and master them, we need people who are experts in the these fields you cannot possibly master all the D aspects and the all the great achievements of Islam and Muslims. What you can do however, having had a general outlook, or maybe a general introduction to the history of Islam, you can then focus on one particular field or one particular region, one

01:02:47 --> 01:02:53

particular period, one particular dynasty or a person and then inshallah you can serve the online that way inshallah.

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knockaloe faecal.

01:02:59 --> 01:03:12

Number five, do you think there is a direct link between the loss of Islamic history and the modern demonization of Islam and Muslims? 100%? Absolutely, there is a direct link between Islamophobia and

01:03:13 --> 01:03:20

the loss of our history. If we the Muslims, were truly aware of our history, we would never be able to.

01:03:21 --> 01:04:02

We would never accept Islamophobia. We would never, you know, some of us are confused. Actually, most of us are confused because of Islamophobia. Because we have no idea about our history, rG islamophobes are Islamophobic. Because they don't know history. And because the reason they don't know our history is because we're not teaching it to them. We ourselves don't know our history. We don't know the true achievements. We don't know what to do to make the links, how to connect the dots as they say, right. And the golden chain of events, I gave you the Quran justice, peace in progress, these four points, they give, they give you a map, they give you a structure, right? And

01:04:02 --> 01:04:04

you need to really connect the dots,

01:04:05 --> 01:04:52

connect the links of the chain, okay, all of these points are interlinked, as I stated earlier, so unless you know about these things you cannot teach others. So islamophobes mostly, are islamophobes because they don't know our history. They don't know about our civilization, they're completely ignorant. Okay, there are two types of Islamophobia if not more ones, though. The one unit one type is the ones who are who are absolutely ignorant. The other type is money driven. The other type is being paid. The other type is being funded by some unknown entities to spread hatred around the world against Muslims in particular, in the Western countries, right. And the reason why this is

01:04:52 --> 01:05:00

happening is because we are unable for some reason to represent our civilization. We are we are failing to do

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defended as it should be defended, defended, and the reason for that is because we are simply unaware of what our achievements are in the past you know, so, our precedent is hidden from us, you know, when you go to a court court of law and you have to fight your case, you have to always present your good history right you have to say in front of the judge that we have a good history, we have done this this this this right. Therefore, consider consider our case more favorably, right? And just because the lawyer is crap, okay, the lawyer is failing to represent properly because the lawyer is completely ignorant of the profile.

01:05:40 --> 01:05:57

Okay, we are seriously lacking in, in representing our civilization properly. And once we start to do that, inshallah Islamophobia will be no more eventually, right. So there is definitely a link before Islamophobia.

01:05:58 --> 01:06:02

A Link Between Islamophobia, and ignorance of our history

01:06:06 --> 01:06:13

about a lot of people, that is all we have time for in terms of questions. So before we finish for this evening,

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obviously, we're doing this event as part of Charity Week 2020.

01:06:18 --> 01:06:41

So we'd like you, inshallah, we have this event for free tonight. But inshallah we will, we'd like for you to donate to the everyday hero page on the screen right now. If you scan the QR code, the stylish QR code there on the left, and Sharla we asked for, if you're able to and permitting given your circumstances, three pounds, if you can, inshallah,

01:06:43 --> 01:06:51

as Muslims, we know that charity as much as we hope it benefits those who we give to really and truly is to benefit and purify us.

01:06:53 --> 01:06:56

So with that, I think we'll wrap up for the evening, talking last night and

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my my blessing all the work that you do, and

01:07:02 --> 01:07:32

it's my honor, thank you so much. To all you brothers and sisters at UCL ISOC. for making this possible and May Allah bless you with more a lot more. In the future inshallah and we will continue to help each other down well better. taqwa what our bonadonna Allah listening well on one Allah Allah, Allah steady sending the Quran that help each other in good and do not help each other in singing and bad. So we ask a lot except for Miss. Thank you so much, everyone. Thank you.

01:07:33 --> 01:07:35

So are they coming up the line

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