Adnan Rajeh – Post Isha Khaterah – Who we are not #1

Adnan Rajeh
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The speaker discusses the use of Hadiths in the past to describe individuals as "among us" and "there's no way you can say that" and show respect for individuals who have a certain status. They stress the importance of showing empathy and compassion for individuals who have a certain status and encourage people to show respect for them.
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So lucidly Mubarak and Alina Mohammed while early he was talking to him as well but he will be an imam or modal themeless Nedi he was sent at the Oslo Haitian and Ebihara Allah Tala, the Allahu Anhu called call and the use of Allah HollyWell. You sent him tonight, he's in the collection of Imam Muhammad with an authentic generation rate was Baba Herrera.

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The theme for the next maybe two weeks or so

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is going to be different. I'm not going to talk about like a topic, I'm actually going to I'm going to relate right to the collection of a Hadith of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam used the term lace Amina is not amongst us or it's not in keeping with our teachings. And she has you know, been talking about this in the past. And I have like a bunch of stuff that I've done when I University where I put all these Hadith that are similar have like a similar term that the Prophet alayhi salam used, that puts it in, and then you just kind of put them together and you end up with a really interesting perspective or, or understanding of a certain, certain way of looking at things. And in

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this hadith, this hadith, he says, he says, I mean, it's not, it doesn't mean he's saying that the person is not amongst us as this person is not Muslim anymore. No, it's not in keeping with who we are. It's not in keeping with our core values, it's not in keeping with our principles and the way we are as Muslims when you do one or two things. So it's like whom we are not, that's kind of the the the name, the title of the theme kind of in the next couple of for next two weeks or so. And there's like a dozen Hadith that have this term in it. I chose the most out of the 10 that are authentic and I'm gonna narrate them to you inshallah over the next couple of nights. So the first

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one goes like this is this is on his Okada lace I mean, well, I'm Eugene cabbie. Rana Wareham saw the Rana Well, yeah, Nina haka. Not in keeping with our values, those who do not respect our elders, and do not show compassion and empathy to those who are younger than them are weaker than them, or more naive than them.

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And those who do not show respect to scholarship or those are not show respect to scholars know the notice status and the respect that you should show someone who is in life Island, someone who is a scholar, or a teacher, and this hadith, it really does, it's a very famous one. So most people here have heard it multiple times before, but every night, the actual the, the Hadith, gonna say something different, very different, not gonna be the same, it's just the same term will be will be there. And in this one, he just points out a basic core value or ethic for us as Muslims, is not in keeping with our Islamic values for you, to disrespect someone who's older than you to be harsh, to

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be cruel towards someone who is weaker than you. And not to know the status of people. And not to know how to treat people who have knowledge and in the in the appropriate way. And this is important because I didn't get sought to somebody who lived his life is not beat me. Sometimes you may think, oh, I should treat people based on faith. No, no, it's not based on your ethics with people's not only based on their faith, no, that doesn't matter. It's a based on these three points, if they're older than you must, must show respect. And if they're younger, you must show empathy and compassion and tenderness. And if they have status, you must make sure that that status is held on to it mean

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it is preserved the property is sold to somebody in other How do you say that? How do you know NASA, after the recording, once Illumina Zilla who make sure the person who comes to you, you speak to them in a way they can understand you, and treat them based on the status that they carry. If the leader of a tribe comes to you, you don't treat them like that. No, you have to treat them as a leader of a tribe, you have to show them respect, because that's the, that's the status that people have chosen for this individual and the work. And that, that that that dub, this these manners are just beautiful, is what the prophit is also miss teaching in this hadith, it's now in keeping with

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us, for someone to go around and raise their voice some people who are older than them, because they don't agree or the person is being obnoxious for example, or the there's always going to be an old I'm always going to come and say, Sir, you have no idea how many times a week, I am compelled to

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hold on was will have something to say that's fine. You have to respect them. You have it's not it's not in keeping with these values, the core values of the dean to to treat them in a way that does not keep that does not reflect their age and reflect their status. No. And then someone who's younger than you, who is weaker than you comes to you. It's easy to brush them off because they have nothing to offer you and they're not you know, they're not significant to you show them empathy and show them kindness because the potential is there you never know what you know which one of them is going to be the next day on you. So I had dinner the next

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the next Savior you don't know which one of them is going to do something that will fix it fix the problem that the world needs directly to be fixed. And then make sure you and you see people you and especially scholars see are almost starting to suffer because people are saying things like they're they're allowing themselves to speak about their scholars in a way that is not respectful because they disagree with them on point A or point B your point C No. No. Have you ever heard a speak negatively about

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As color here and we never will I will die before that happens never no matter how much I disagree with him no matter how many things he said that makes my top flip I will not speak negatively because I'm not of their status and why would I put myself at No it's just not there's no there's no there's no right there's no logic and doing that you show respect even if you disagree that's fine that's fine you can disagree with the with the intellectual product you can disagree with the opinions and argue the opinion don't argue the person don't argue the person.

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Nope, that was my theory Lima Mohammed a famous study he said and I'd be horrible to read the Allahu Anhu called call and never use Allah Allah Allah you early he will sell them. There is an in middle name Eugene kabhi Aruna, Wareham, sorry Rana via li Nina haka, sort of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, so it's 100 and Allah Allah learn to stop people to be like most of Allah who was telling them about like Allah, you know, Muhammad Allah, he's talking about

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