Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Aspects of the Days of Ignorance #02 – Masa-il-ul-Jahiliyyah

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary ©
The importance of knowing the Prophet's words and avoiding double-standing is emphasized in Islam, where people should not say they are not from the religion. They should avoid saying they are not from the religion and avoid shaming people for their actions. The need for acceptance of the culture of the people and avoiding confusion and fear is emphasized, along with the importance of deification and avoiding confusion in one's religion. The need for unity and avoiding confusion and fear is emphasized, as well as avoiding false accusations and shaming people for their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi wa Kapha was Salawat to lie he was set on moving while and been given Mustafa Masha Allah ilaha illallah wa the hula surely cannot what I shall do now Mohammed Anna do who was Sulu Salawat Allah He was sent me who I need swimming cathedra Amma Baba come to the second dose. Going to deal with shallot as we gel with two points that the chef brought concerning the affairs of Ajay Leah that the Prophet came SallAllahu it was setting them in opposition to and to change it and make

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it haram for the Muslim in Al Islam, to support it, or to be on these things that he mentioned. So we come to the beginning of the book, we won't go through every single line and everything every sentence, but some of it is repetitive, repetitive. And we can get the gist of the chapter without always going deep into the book. So the book is on the internet, you can get it don't cost you any money. But the book needs some explanation because the translation, if you would have read it and

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you didn't have any background knowledge, you may not understand what's being said due to the translation, may Allah reward the people who tried to translate the book, the Imam Rahmatullahi to Allah He mentioned honey that these are the aspects that the people have a J V that people have a J havia. Meaning the arrow key tab, as we mentioned last week, Jews and Christians as well as the polytheist, the Missouri kin of Quraysh. And other than that, these are the ways that they were upon

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the ways in which the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was opposed to they are from the matters that every Muslim is required to possess knowledge of. And this is since with understanding one side of the opposite. The goodness of the other side of the opposite can be made apparent, like that sentence will be hard to understand. Someone just picked up that book and read that point. It's not clear what he's saying. He said that this is sense with understanding one side

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of the opposite. The goodness of the other side of the opposite can be made apparent. What he's talking about here is the concept in Al Islam, that things are known by the opposite if you know something, you'll know the opposite of that particular thing as shall be did the tour of

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Mr Radi Allahu Anhu. To prove this point. He said that the religion of Allah Islam is going to disappear. The Ottawa of Al Islam, the institutions of Al Islam, those things that make the religion of Islam what it is Salah, Xikar, song, Hajj, and Umrah, the beard, the Yvan, the member, those things that identify the Muslim, the circumcision, all of it. He said that the Ottawa of Al Islam are going to be lost one by one, when the Muslims become a group of people who don't know Jackie

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Leah. So if they know and they knew about Jackie Leah, they'll have a greater appreciation for Ellis lab. That's what is being meant here. So the chef is saying, by bringing these issues that the people love a jay Haley and we're upon once you know that they were upon that, then you know that you have to avoid that thing and you have an appreciation for the opposite of that particular thing. The Companion of the Prophet sallallahu it was setting them for the feminine Yeah, man. He said that

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the other companions candle. Yes, Aluna rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and

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will come to us Allahu Allahu Anusha MacArthur telling you directly. Abu Bakar mountrath Man Ali Bilal who Kashia Zaid, Radi Allahu Anhu they used to ask the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam about the good things. He said, I used to ask him about the evil because I was afraid for the evil hating me. That's the meaning of the statement of Sheikh Al Islam, that things are known by the opposite. So are they for what Acts the Prophet sallallahu wasallam about the times of fitna, he would ask the

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NABI SallAllahu wasallam, about the time of fighting and how much you would ask the Prophet sallallahu Sallam about the time when Al Islam is going to be weak. What should I do with that time? Yeah, rasool Allah when the Muslims are divided and things like that. So in asking him about the evil, he'll have knowledge and appreciation for the good. The chef he mentioned that

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these are the matters that every Muslim is

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required to possess knowledge of. And he didn't say that, because he's the one who's making that claim because he wrote this book, and every Muslim has to have knowledge about what he said and what he's bringing to the table. And the amendment, Barbra Hardy does something similar to that. And he was criticized by people unjustly, Mahmoud berbahasa said, Amy, one who rejects what's in this book. His book shark has sunnah. Anyone who rejects what's in this book that is not from people of the

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Sunnah and so forth is one way he didn't mean the weak Hadith that he brought in that book. He didn't mean the issues of each Jihad that he brought in that book. He meant those things that are clear those things that the scholars are in agreement upon. So that's what the Imam has mentioned in here, that every Muslim should be aware of those things that go against your religion.

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Because we live in a time right now, where people don't want to be in woodshed, they do want to be rough and tough. But in trying not to be rough and tough. We allow things to come into the religion that's not from the religion, for example, in trying to be politically correct, people won't say it's not permissible for Muslims, to celebrate any celebration of non Muslims, whatever, celebrate you can think of Christmas, New Year's, all of that, not permissible. You can't do that Diwali, you

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can't do any of that. You can't receive gifts, you can't give gifts. You can't say the word. So in trying to be politically correct, not be rough and tough. A person can't and he doesn't want to say that. And then as a result of that, you find people doing things that are diametrically opposed to the religion of Ellis lamp Ladson, that people come to know what Islam is, if you know that by default, you know what Islam is not. You come to know what Islam is not by default. We know what

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Islam is. So that's the meaning of the statement of the sheikh Rahmatullahi Tana Ali. He went on to mention that the most important of these aspects of what the people of Jamia were upon the most severe in terms of the danger was the absence that they had of an E man. They didn't believe in Allah. And they didn't have Eman on their tongues. They didn't have it in their hearts. Nor did they have Eman and what the Prophet brought SallAllahu it he went on it was settled them. And if approval

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for what the people of the basal ganglia whereupon is further added to this absence of faith in the total ruin is achieved. Again, I think that's a sentence kind of difficult to understand what he was saying using the word is still a sign. But now Muslims, when the Prophet came to the law while he was sending people in jail, Haiti, they weren't upon email, they didn't accept an email and be like, Why am I like it getting all caught up? What are sorry? What do they believe in the cover?

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So he's saying, If added to that a person now a person now he has a son and he says, yeah, what those people have J who were doing and this thing of that thing when it goes against the religion, then that's okay. They should have said to must be Asara, then the total destruction has been complete. And he bought the item the Quran to prove that statement of Allah who SubhanaHu wa livina animal build bottle. Those people who disbelieve in the bottle, or they believe in the bottle

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catheter will be like Hula, hula Farsi rune, whoever believes in falsehood, and he disbelieves in Allah, and those people, they are the ones who are the losers. He went on to mention, and then we'll explain it from here and not read any more in sha Allah. So the first thing that they didn't do is they didn't have a man. They didn't believe in Allah azza wa jal. And then he said that they used to perform worship, and they used to make schicke they used to worship Allah and the righteous people.

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And they're, don't be a supplication. And they used to do this believing that Allah loves that and allow wanted that and also the people who they may want to they thought and believe that they wanted that. So from what the chef began his book with clearly as the most important issue, most important issue is those things that conflict and oppose a Tawheed. Listen, when he right now,

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the most important superlative and characteristic that the Muslim has to have, he should be patient, he shot courage, he should be truthful, he should be upright. The Muslim should be an individual who, what he says he follows through many things he should pray to fast. There's nothing more important than the characteristic of a Tawheed. Now the Prophet told his companions some of them love while he was selling them around the Allah on him as well for my raffle, I may call him

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a RIA or theory, why should I ask her? The thing that I'm most fearful for you?

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You companions is the small ship. They said what is the small ship yet also law, he says, showing off doing things so that people can see that you did those particular things. If the Nabil Salallahu it was sending them was afraid of that force companions, then you can rest assured during our time where the culture that we live in is a culture of showing off. Look at what I did is on the Facebook is on what people are taking pictures of themselves, the way the culture is, if you get something, I

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want to get something similar to what a better, we show off. And we have that mentality of doing things that it can be said, he paid this, he did that and so forth, and so on. So as it relates to the issue of his shift, there are quite a few people, they take positions out of fear of what the people are going to say, who's going to be upset with him, who's going to be happy with him. So based upon what people think about him or her, they'll take the position. They don't take the

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position because they believe this position is the hack. And Allah loves it. I'm going to take this position, let the chips fall where they may like it, who like it, hate it, hate it. And that's common. People take positions in order to please people, people will take positions, not because they believe in it, because they don't want any drama on themselves. So they don't like this brother, I have to say and make it appear that I don't like this brother as well, although I don't

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agree with what they're saying. And if they're not around me, I'll give him sedans and I'll be nice to him. No, that's a problem with the issue of making shit with Allah. I'm not saying the person's and we shouldn't. I'm saying that at home. People should be afraid of Allah and Allah alone. What is Allah's outlook in view on that thing that you're going to do what you're going to say, and this is something that is ramped, picked with the people. So never allow yourself to think that we have

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escaped making shift from what the people have the terms of a Jahangir used to do us, they used to worship Allah, but in worshipping Allah, they also used to believe in other than Allah, and they thought that there were partners along with Allah to please Allah and to please those other things. The Imam brought some Ayat like the statement of Allahu Taala we are doing him in dunya Allah He might Mala you do room when I am found home where your cool Luna ha Allah issue for Allah and Allah,

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they worship along with Allah, those things that can't hurt them and it can't harm them.

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And they say these are our Schufa are intercessors along with Allah. So when you take a position

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for someone or against someone, because of what people were saying, when you take that position, you have to understand the people you're trying to please they can't hurt you. They can't harm you.

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It's only with Allah azza wa jal. So that was a statement from those kuffaar Courage. another ayat that he brought in the Quran was a statement of Allahu taala. When living in a tackle room in Dooney, he only

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those people who worship other than alarming take Olia along with Allah and they say, Man, I bought the home in LA you carry Boonah in Allah, He Zilpha. They said, We worship Allah, we worship Allah alone. But we make dua to these other things, these idols and whatever we make worship to Him make dua, because they get us closer to Allah, similar by the law of Aqaba of the poor body in the people worship the Cabal from the Muslims, is go to Africa, Egypt, go to Africa, West Africa, go to the

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Muslim world, people are worshipping dead people in the grave. If you said to them, Hey, don't worship the dead man in the grave. He can't hurt you can't help you. That person says, I'm not worshiping the dead chef. I'm worshiping Allah, but I'm going through the shit so that the ship can go through Allah because he was religious because he knew Allah because he was a Willie from the ollie Avila and it's something that's not permissible. So someone comes and says, it's no benefit

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and learn in this book. No Allah, he and the Muslim world especially these types of issues are the best hoto the best Cottbus that you can delete relate to our community. People make dua to it, and they say yeah, Ali and Medic, Medic. Ali helped me help me. Yeah, Chef, Abdulkadir, J. Lani, and method, the method and he's buried all the way in Baghdad, and the person is right here in Birmingham.

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So this is with people at J Lea were upon and they thought that Allah was pleased with this. And they also thought that the dead people were pleased with this as well. The righteous people from the dead

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people but in reality you're gonna piano those righteous people are going to free themselves from the people who made this blind people made this shift. And the Quran, the ayat, many I come with the word at Tavo totowa read for me yet for a bit Tagu we've been lucky that that the stem circle with lemon feel sama Allah, anybody who disbelieves in the toggled and believes in Allah, He has grabbed the handhold that never breaks never. So this word toggle toggle, and Imam Malik said the toggle is

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called LU che in Yoruba mean Dooney land, everything that is worship, other than Allah is a target. But you got to be careful got to be careful. That's talking about the things that are worshipped along with Allah and they want to be worshipped along with Allah. People like for our own people, like some of these preachers, people like these Shayateen who insist that the people worship them. They are the Tiwari as for ECW Merriam Salawat the light he was saying I'm wanting no he's not a

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toggled because I heard with my own ears. Someone gave the definition by what an Imam Malik said, Pa vote everything that is worship along with alive a question to people worship isa along with Allah.

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I love women. Now they worship in civil Medea. They worship Jose. We'll call it Talia hold Rosae ribbon Allah. They say that Rosetta is the son of Allah. But those only Prophets and Messengers Salawat Allah He was sent him Why didn't Jemaine they were not pleased with that. They didn't ask people to do that. The sun is worshipped along with Allah the moon, but we don't say the sun is a taboo. The sun is a word of worship from the worshipers of Allah. The toggle is the one who he wants

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to be worship. So yo mo pm Allah will say for an example to those people will worship when he says to the sibling and Medea, and to curtail in Nassetta he loony will Mia la Haman do Neela Lisa, did you tell the people take you me and my mother's two guys along with Allah beings is gonna say so Paula. I never said that. Was wasn't for me to say that. I never said what you told me not to say. And if I said it, you know what's in myself. I don't know what's in you. I don't know what's in

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yourself. Yeah, Allah.

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So the question would be put to those people who are worship, especially from the old yet so that they can free themselves from what those people were doing, and that we have it consistent. And the book of Allah Carlos Suba, Hanukkah, and totally gulaman Dooney hem Bell can we be doing a gin? At Thoreau whom be him? I mean, on the righteous Anbiya Russell, they're going to say when they asked that question, that you tell the people to call on you to worship you raise you to the station,

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those prophets and messengers gonna say salawat Allah, he was salam wanting him edge man, glory unto you.

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Instead, they used to worship that gem when they were doing that shaytaan told them to do that they used to worship the jinn. Most of them believe in the jinn. So those righteous people will be free from that issue. There is a practice that those people had. So the Quran is replete with those if I'm loving them Shoraka shadow Buddha, who made a dean Malim yet then be Hilah to the people of coloration Other than that, Andrew keytab do they have partners with Allah who have legislated for

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them in their religion? Those things which Allah azza wa jal never gave them any right for so they shared he brought some canal about that, but that's basically the issue that people have generally whenever they fell into shitcan villa, but that shook that to shake brought first was the shape the shape of raising people above the station and the earrings. Big problem. Stay balanced. Don't be one of those people who you go overboard with Adams children, no human being. Don't be overboard with

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yourself. Don't be overboard with rich people. Don't be overboard with people who are popular and famous. Our TVs should always be allies the greatest no matter what we see people doing and accomplishing, we should connect our hearts with Allah. And we're proud to see people accomplish things and we also respect people like aroma rub the Alon Omar was a man of respect even the Prophet have respect for him. SallAllahu wasallam I might have told the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa

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sallam. I had a dream last night yeah rasool Allah or the Prophet told him I'll rub the Allah I know ya remark.

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I had a dream last night, and I saw my dream a castle when I came close to the castle

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When I asked the people that Jana who's guys who was that they said it was Irma even though

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he said on the side of the castle there was a lady from your horror or in in Jana she was making will do and her parts of her body where you can we have to make will do was uncovered. He said when I saw that I rushed away I got away and I walked away very quickly. I'm I wanted to know more about what was in the Janna his castle, we say Otto Sula. Why did you walk off? Why did you leave my castle I wanted to know more. He said I remembered your jealousy or not.

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I remember your jealousy that you have for your women. So I walked away. He say I'd also love prefer that you would have stayed and told me everything about what happened in the castle. Pulling is the NABI SallAllahu wasallam have respect for the man's jealousy because of his personality who he was. So we look at people powerful, we respect that.

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But don't be afraid of people. And don't go overboard with people, especially especially religious people. This Stalin that scholar that read a marvelous land and rats when we respect them, by not the way we are finding it being done today.

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The very thing that has set a fee and makes incar against the very thing that the Sunnah is against people have a lulu in personalities, we fall into that stuff. We fall into that stuff, so stay balanced, stay balanced. They remind me when I'm to mention Rahmatullahi to Eileen for information, sharing Islam, I'm gonna have another number of books, he almost always never seems to fail to put this point in his books. How people have a blue and righteous people the solid theme because of

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something prevalent during his time. And it's something natural with Benny Adam,

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with Benny Adams, just natural people go overboard and his book then collide an Autobot. He brought same thing Cotabato he tremendous chapter about how we should introduce to Benny Adam, how did Adams children make sure the owning send that Allah doesn't forgive his ship. Any other thing you can think of, as long as a person doesn't make a state law that says hello, whatever thing you can think of a person is doing those major sins, and he's doing a lot of them to the point where his sins

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reached all the way up to the heavens. But he comes to Allah azza wa jal is not making sheep, Allah to Allah is going to forgive him sooner or later, he may go to the hellfire and burn and then come to the Jannah or Allah may forgive him. But the one sin that Allah won't forgive is a shift from beleid, not the minor or the major. He said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that Allah said in the hadith of Bootsy min, Amina Ahmed and Ashaninka fie Maya, they need to we should call anyone who

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does an action, and he does that action for me, but he puts someone else in the action, I'm going to reject what he did, I'm going to reject the one who he did it for, and we're going to reject his action. So how many people come to my piano after given the hotbar after given the lesson, after leaving the salon, after doing whatever he or she is doing, and then that thing is going to be thrown at him because it wasn't for a lot. It was so that people can look and people can point and

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people will look and people will point. So if it should asker it's going to be rejected and he's going to reject it. And if you should kill Akbar person and go on to the agenda. So now the question is the question is,

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if Shrek is the only sin that Allah won't forgive man killed 100 people and Allah forgave him.

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The lady was a prostitute, a chroma Kamala and she gave some water to a dog and Allah forgave her.

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Allah will forgive anything other than ship.

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So the thing that opened up the door for sure, and Benny Adam was people went overboard and the religious people and the righteous people, so respect righteous people have a good opinion about them because they have a position in our religion, but don't go overboard. Second point is Chef brings when he villa. He said from the times of Ajay via that the people they performed worship by mixing righteous people into the supplication the worship of Allah. And they only did this desiring

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that these righteous people act as intercessors for them, before Allah azza wa jal based upon the notion that Allah Tala love this and that these righteous people also loved it. And Allah to Allah mentioned the ayah that we mentioned, and then the second ayah that we mentioned, and he closed off the chapter by

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saying it was impermissible. They divided into sects within their religion. So that's the second point.

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People have a J Leah.

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They were

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six schisms and she isms. And the famous Hadith I think everybody knows. He said that the Jews broke off into 71 sects and the Christians into 72 sects, this OMA is going to break up into 73 sects. So those people during the time of Quraysh, when the Prophet came to them SallAllahu wasallam they believed in a lot of stuff and as a result of their different beliefs, they were divided. Some of them believed in

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the idols, different idols, almost one idol for every day of the year at the Kaaba. So they are divided. You're worshiping the idol that's made out of Ned iJoy dates, he's worshipping the one that's made out of copper, he's worshipping another one as made out of gold and on and on and on. So they were divided. Some of the people worship the sun, some worship the moon, some worship this star, someone worship a cluster of stars, like Pegasus and stuff like that.

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Like the Big Dipper, they were worshipping clusters of stars, some of them worship rocks, some of them worship trees, some of them worship them alive.

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Some of them worship the jinn, some of them worship the prophets and the messengers Salawat Allah He was sent me wily Jemaine, and some of them they worshipped the religious people. So that situation the reality kept them divided.

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And then the Imam brought all of those I had like the statement of Allah who Tada describing them. Kulu has been the malady him free own, every group is happy with what it has. That's how it was. Whatever your guy was, you go and you take care of your guy, you clean them, you wash him, you do your thing, what you do. And when the Arabs used to come from other parts of the Arabian Peninsula, they made sure that they showed the outsiders a this is how beloved and well positioned. Our

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particular idol happens to be, and they couldn't come together because of that state of worship. Same thing with the Muslims. It's not possible for a person of a Tawheed to be united with a person who is making shit with Allah. When he prays he's praying to other than Allah when he's making the Salah, when he's making dua, he's making dua, and you know, he's making dua to other than Allah, how is the person going to worship and pray with individual persons that companions that man who was

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killed recently, may get from Allah when he deserves the Messiah in the J Helia. That man was responsible for killing more Muslims than the yo hold kill Palace Palestinians since we've been born right here,

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right here.

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So when a person understands Islam, he understands the opposite of Al Islam. But when he doesn't understand Islam, everything is haisa baisa We don't know how to develop positions and opinions. So that was the condition. Allow time to mentor the number of ICT of the Quran again, the man he brought those are yet like the statement of Allah Allah subhanahu wa taala

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Schutter Allah commanded Deen Ma was saw b He know him well, Lady Oh, hey na, na. When I was saying that be Ibrahim Oh Musa Isa, and a chemo dean will add to the federal goofy. Allah has made an obligation upon all of the prophets and all of the messages we went before he gave them the command gave them the overseer gave them the the action item that he set it to know. And it was revealed to you yeah, Muhammad. And it was also said to Abraham Musa ISA and that is you should establish the

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deen and not have any photos. Don't divide yourselves in the day. So this is not a new concept. This is the concept of Islam from the time of Adam, all the way to the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam to the day that Allah inherits the earth and what is on the earth and that is the Omar Al Islam, those people who are Muslims, they have a religious obligation to be united and the truth. If they're all over the place, it's impossible for them to be united. The one thing that will unite

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them is again, the Quran, the Sunnah, the Tawheed of Allah azza wa jal, this is a lot that we make the Hajj gorumara All of these things are unification we get up to mix a lot. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam would not just say oh,

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Akbar, he was sitting down one side of the line below down the other side. And they made sure that the people got straightened. He said, If you don't straighten up your lines, your hearts are going to be divided. It's not permissible for Muslims to come and make it his intention, his goal and his objective that vide himself from people who it's not permissible for them to be divided from, like, your relatives right here in this audience. I don't know. From my experience in this audience right

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now, I have a lot of people in hamdulillah right here in this audience, there are people not connected to their family members.

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They're not connected and not because of religion is because of personalities. Maybe a mother is difficult. Maybe it is difficult. You know, it's personality issues, not the religion and we're not connected. know in our deen. We're supposed to be connected to our family members and we're supposed to be connected as an ummah. We're not just unity for the sake of unity is just a Kelowna Allahu Taala mentioned in the Quran from those if that the chef brought in a living in a federal coup Dino

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who McConnell Shia, let's demonym fishy. One Muhammad Allah, those people split up their religion and their different sects and groups, you have nothing to do with them. Even if those people are screaming, I'm on the Sunni and the Sunnis with me. I'm Salafi and a Salafi and I love Rasul Allah, if you are an individual that is unnecessarily dividing your religion, your religion, you're not that person. So it's not so much the claim 20 It is the essence of what's being said. So as we

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mentioned a number of times, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they came, they got united, because they followed and they submit it to the Kitab, in the Sunnah, and they showed us a blueprint of how this can be done.

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Now, I think I will speak just for myself. But if it wasn't for the religion for the deen, most of us would not find things in common with the people sitting here. It's the religion that makes it so that we have a lot in common to the degree where we say to each other, I love you, for the sake of Allah. And you say that and may Allah loves you love you for who Satan love me for, to the degree that we were sensitive to homosexuality and stuff like that. Muslim sees his Muslim brother, and he

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hugs him.

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Because the Dean made it that way than Dean made it that way. This is what we found. That's the affection of our deen.

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Allah mentioned in the Quran to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well, a number of is that the chef brought, in addition to that, where Allah made a prohibition, a prohibition, the first ayat that we mentioned, they clearly says that Allah made every religion every prophet that came, he told them stablished the demon DON'T BE DIFFERENT amongst yourselves don't have at the federal connect the last number two from those Abdillah is that Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned in the Quran, yah,

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Mohammed, you have nothing to do with those people who split themselves up. So Hanafi, Maliki humbly Shafi. All of that is from our religion, someone wants to get Fick and learn his religion in a systematic way of jurisprudence, no problem. But if the Hanafi doesn't like the shattering the Shafi doesn't like the 100 feet, more than FIP like cream and weak Hadith, there is a man who is more harmful on this ummah, then a bliss and Wehrli. His name is Mohammed 73 A Shafi Mohammed bin three's

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a Shafi Mohammed Idris Shafi Hanafi is made that up against Al Imam Shafi and then the Sheffield's will make stuff up against lmm Abu Hanifa.

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So the way some of the ignorant people practice these Madatha Hey, Rasul Allah has nothing to do with that religion. That's not his religion. And then we have those sets of eyes that that make it a prohibition of not being like them people like the statement your hammock Allah that Allahu Taala mentioned. And the chef brought this already buddy brought the end of it well after Kulu Kulu Latta co luminal machinery Cayman Lavina federal budino McConnell she told her he's been be malady him for

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the home. Don't be from the polytheists people of Jackie via those people who break up their religion they divide themselves, each group is happy with what it has. And then another is when I took Kunal Kalevi letter for Roku, telephone and by the merger. Beginner Don't be like those people who have the knowledge came to them. They divided themselves and they broke off and there are a number of ions. So those are the two issues and points that the Imam mentioned today. Two points

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recap very quickly. That clear danger and hoorah

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of making shipped with Allah, whether it is shipped about a shirt and a scarf and making ship with Allah where people are raising up their Imams, I heard and I don't mean this because a lot of people are doing stuff like this, but I'm saying people of the Sunnis should be the last people like that. I heard that everybody is naked, everybody is naked, except the one who shaved for a be clothes. Everybody else is naked. There is a Hadith and kotse that Allah subhanaw taala is say, Yeah, blue

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Adam, Oh, son of Adam, all of you in Netcut except the one that I throw them so acts for me and I clothe you. But the person goes overboard and he says everybody's naked except the woodshed for the beast. He does, he puts clothes on him. That's willow, willow. And it's not okay for people of the sunnah to say stuff like that. And that's just an example. That's just an example. The example of people don't have any knowledge is even worse than that. It's even more than that. More amazing than

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that. But if people assume that say things like that, then clearly, people have innovation. People don't have knowledge. They even go even more than that. Don't make it the life with people unnecessarily. There is a natural fit life that happens as a result of people thinking differently. So shifting the slender woman who Tamia came, he wrote a book in which he explained to the community, why is it that some of the scholars have left the law and people not blameworthy because

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of those reasons. But if the life that's being referred to here is if the life of the people of Jamia had when the if the life was not my time and it wasn't okay to do it. And when they laugh was in the origins of the religion, those people are making shifts and that's from the assault of the religion. So there's going to be the left. Okay brothers. If you brothers have any questions about these first two points are about last week because we didn't take any questions last week. You could

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put your questions forward now. I need to come shape

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have a was Allah Allahu wa salam Mubarak and then the beginner was early. He was hobby of mine Samadhi come

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