Abu Bakr Zoud – What the Prophet ﷺ did in times of difficulty

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a distressed person rushing off solid land and causing damage to their clothing and clothing clothing. The distressed person believes that everything is in the hands of Allah and if he wants something to happen, they will act as it. The transcript describes a serious situation and the potential consequences of actions like rushing off solid land.
AI: Transcript ©
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The recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam when he was affected by anything in life, you know what he do? can either hazard

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any distress he would feel any difficulty he would feel he would rushed or solid Allahu Akbar.

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You know, this Hadith, and W sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not narrate it. Or Sahaba told us that's what he did. In other words, they've seen it enough from him to say this is how he was. It wasn't his words. It was him being described. Danny, this is serious. Any issue that would happen he'd rushed off solid land No, he knew that everything is in the hands of Allah and if Allah wants something to happen, all he says gunfire cool nuts it almost all of a sudden the problem is disappeared.

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To Him belongs all things turn to Allah in times of struggle and difficulty.

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