Abdurraheem Green – Major Sins – Part 2

Abdurraheem Green
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the use of the book "The Supernatural" as a reference to major sins and its impact on people's actions. They emphasize the importance of understanding the wisdom behind certain-secondaries of the Prophet and the potential for educating oneself about it. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of avoiding sin and understanding one's actions and deeds to avoid negative behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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We begin by praising Allah, we praise Him we seek His helping me ask for his forgiveness and we take refuge with Allah from the evil of ourselves and from the evil consequence of our evil actions. Whomsoever Allah guides, no one can misguide. And whosoever Allah leaves to go astray, no one can guide. And I testify that a lot alone is worthy of worship, and that Mohammed, may Allah peace and blessings be upon him, is the servant of Allah and His final messenger. My dear brothers and sisters may last but not Allah have mercy upon you. Thank you for joining me for the second part of our series on the major sins. Now, in this particular program, I would like to discuss a little bit

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about the methodology that I'm going to be following, or the system or the way that I'm going to be using to discuss this very, very important topic of the major sins. And basically, what I'm going to be doing is going through a book, the book is called the major sins. It's called El kabara. And it's by Mohammed bin Othman of the hubby. It's been translated into English. And on Hamdulillah, there are several additions and several translations of this book, which will handle that you can actually download quite easily from the internet. So you might actually want to download and even print out or perhaps buy a copy of this book in sha Allah. And as we're going through it, you might also like

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to refer to it as I'm going through it. Now, in this book, let me first of all tell you a little bit about the chef himself of the hubby Alhamdulillah. He was born in Damascus.

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And he was a great scholar Alhamdulillah. And he studied under many, many, many different scholars. And he wrote, Mashallah many, many different works. And this particular book that he wrote called Kabbalah, which has become a very popular book, on this topic of the major sins, he wrote, mostly for the students of the Quran. He was essentially based in Damascus throughout his life. And this is the book that we're going to be going through. Now he listed about 70 major sins in his work. However, having gone through the book, I discovered, there are some things that certainly even by his own criterion, that would be considered to be major sins that he himself didn't include in the

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work. And also,

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according to my understanding,

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the logic of the way that he ordered the major sins, I thought could have been improved upon a little bit. So it's not necessarily that he has grouped the major sins together in his book in the way that is always logically consistent, or necessarily, that he has started with the most major sins and systematically gone through to those that are less major. So what I'm going to try to do, I'm going to use the book as the basis of the lectures. But I may be moving some of the sins that he has put later on in the book to earlier on in the book, and vice versa. And I will be introducing a few topics, though not many, but a few topics that he didn't actually mention a tool in the book, or

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at least he didn't dedicate a specific chapter, or a specific section to that topic of the major sense. So that's what I'm going to be doing, I'm going to be going through the book. And my idea is to start with those sins that are the most serious ones first. But in addition to that, I'm going to try and group the sins that are similar together in the same series of lectures. So for example, many of the sins of the tongue, like lying and slandering and backbiting and carrying tails, they are very, very similar, not only in terms of the reality of those sins, but also in terms of the things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentioned about them, and of course, the verses

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of the Quran concerning them, they may be actually interchangeable, so it'd be useful to mention them as a group. Now.

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Also, what I intend to do throughout the series of lectures, is to follow a simple methodology that is based upon something Allah subhanaw taala he said,

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Do Ls abelia Rebecca will Hekmati will now add that in hacer una was the ideal home builder he here

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actually this verse of the Quran is very important in understanding the methodology or the system that we should use when we are giving dour and when we are inviting people to Islam. This verse means call to the way of your Lord or do he or civilian Rebecca, call to the way of your Lord bill Hekmati with wisdom. And as some of the Mufasa rune, the people who explained the court and mentioned that Hekmati here means the hikma or the wisdom here means the Quran and the Sunnah, meaning the revelation. So we will start by mentioning the verses of the Quran, and the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the same of the scholars and respect to this particular

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sin that we are going to be dealing with on that particular day. So that's what we will start with Quran and Sunnah and the saying of the pious people, and then

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more either till has no more a little Hashanah means a good admonition. And really, it is just reminding us about the consequences of our actions on the Day of Judgment,

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in fact, not only on the Day of Judgment, but in this life as well. So we will be talking about what are the consequences of these sins? What are the punishments in store for the people who commit those sins, on the day of judgment? And do these sins have a specific punishment in the Hellfire, that's what we're going to be discussing. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, what your Delhomme bility here, which means, and argue with them, or debate, or discuss with them, in the ways that are best. And in that section, what we will be trying to do is to understand the wisdom. And I know this is something that is very, very popular. And people really like to hear that these days, they like

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to understand not only Yes, Allah has said, this is haram and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, this is haram. And yes, this is the punishment for it on the Day of Judgment, but a lot of people they want to know why, why, but why? What's the wisdom behind it? And of course, there is a lot of benefits in understanding the wisdom behind Allah subhanaw taala, prohibiting certain things. So if we can understand the wisdom behind it, well, that helps us in many different ways. From one angle, I suppose. It helps us. And it gives us a type of certainty because many people these days, that is the way they think they like to have a reasoned explanation for things. And

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that's what we're going to try and do, we're going to try and give a reasoned explanation. Alhamdulillah. And also, also, by the way, from the point of view, from the point of view of understanding the religion, it's also very important to understand well, what is the wisdom behind this being prohibited, and that being prohibited? Because it is possible that under certain exceptional circumstances, one may be allowed, in some instances, to transgress those sins, and it would not be something that you are taken to account for. And I'll give you an example that we're all quite familiar with. And the example is, if for example, you are starving, and you don't have

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anything to eat, and the only thing that you have to eat is pork, then not only are you allowed to eat it, actually you have to eat it. It's haram for you, not to keep yourself alive. And if all you have to eat is pork, and there's nothing else. That's all you have to eat to keep yourself alive, you actually have to eat it. Why? Because preserving yourself and preserving your life is more important than keeping away from that prohibition or following that prohibition of not eating pork. And another aspect of this Jardin home ability as in which we would like to explore is also what do other religions and other philosophies say about this particular sin? Not only of course, is this a

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very interesting subject, but it's very important for us as Muslims living in the world the way it is today, as we call it, the global village with so much exposure to people

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With different ideas and different ways of thinking that we should really try to comprehend and understand, well, why do they think like that? Do we share similar ideas, and it could be very useful for us. Also in explaining to people about the beauty of this religion that Allah Spano, tala has given to us. So we will be introducing some of those aspects. And also, inshallah, we'll be looking at some of the statistics and some of the reality that we find existing when people are doing certain particular sins. So there are statistics, for example, concerning alcohol abuse, drug abuse, fornication, adultery, and many, many different types of sins, taking interest, for example,

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there are very interesting avenues to explore in regard to that. So if we have time, we have the ability and Allah smart Allah gives us the strength, we'll be looking into some of those things as well. So inshallah, we do hope that this is going to be a very, very interesting, as well, of course, as a very and highly important series, for you to be able to tune in and to educate yourself about my dear brothers and sisters, because I emphasize this is a highly highly important topic. So that's inshallah our methodology that we're going to be using inshallah.

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Another thing that we want to explore, of course, and this is something that image of the hubby talks about in his book, so it might as well get the book now we'll start looking through the book. First of all, what does he talk about? In the beginning, he actually talks about this topic of what is a major sin. Now, before we actually start delving into the text of the book, I think it's very important to mention brothers and sisters, that every sin is serious.

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Sin altogether, is not an insignificant topic. And so when we talk about major sins, we shouldn't imagine we should not imagine my dear brothers and sisters do not think that because some sins are considered or termed as major, and some sins are termed as minor. That means that you can just do the minor sins and it doesn't really matter. No, that would be a very big mistake. Because it's only that some sins are major, when compared to other sins. That's what it means. So if you compare this sin to that sin, yes, this one is major. And this one is not as serious as that one. In fact, the scholars warned us about thinking like that, and having that mentality. Indeed, they stated in many

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different ways, that

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there is no such thing as a small sin, when it is done often and thoughtlessly. Because if you do

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any sin, often enough,

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and you do it not thinking about it, you're thoughtless, you're heedless,

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then in reality, those small sins together equal a big sin. As they gave the example, Have you not seen the mountain is not the mountain made of small bits of stone. So if you have enough small bits of stone together, you have a mountain and if you have enough small sins, together, it makes something that is like a big sin. And they also said that there is no big sin with repentance. So even a sin that is big, even a sin that is huge, if you repent to Allah subhanaw taala, then that repentance eliminates that sin. So this is something to bear in mind. My dear brothers and sisters, may Allah have mercy upon you that every sin however big, however severe, however terrible it is,

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the doors of forgiveness are always open. Allah subhanaw taala is always ready to forgive those who are sincere, who repent, who feel remorse, and who feel regret for the evil that they have done. And they turn to him and they beg him and they plead with him for forgiveness, and they do their best not to commit that sin again. So for those people, most certainly, and most definitely, Allah subhanaw taala is the most compassionate, the Most Merciful, the most forgiving, and the one who truly accepts repentance. So you should never, ever

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Imagine that there is a sin, however great it is, that Allah will not forgive it. No, a person who thinks that does not understand it does not comprehend how vast and how great and how enormous is the forgiveness and the mercy in the boundary of our last panel.

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So, let's remind ourselves of that, again, many small sins, done, heedlessly without thinking about it, not thinking this, you know, significant day together can equal a big sin and a big sin. If you truly repent and you ask Allah Subhana Allah for forgiveness, then Allah certainly is the most forgiving, and that repentance wipes away those sins. So that is very important. In fact, some scholars they even disputed the idea of there being major and minor sin, some scholars said, there's no such thing as a small since all sins are major. And they said, and they have a saying about that, that don't think about how big the sin is, don't think whether the sin is big or small. But what you

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should think about how great is the one whom you are sinning against? How great is the one who disobey? If you think about a last panel to Allah, if you think that the wise, the lawmaker, that just the merciful, a law has told us to do something, and we don't do it. And he has warned us about something, yet we still fall into it in reality.

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What does that say about our belief in Allah?

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What does that say about our understanding of

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you, I'm sure any one of you, my dear brothers and sisters, may Allah have mercy upon you, any one of you who's a parent,

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any one of us a parent, you don't like it that your children

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will consider anything you say insignificant. If you give them an order, even if it's a relatively insignificant one, it doesn't please you,

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they would disobey you. So how much more how infinitely more we don't compare our last volatility, his creation. But how much more is Allah subhanaw taala. deserving of our obedience? Since we are human beings, we make mistakes. We could even order our children to do something wrong, unknowingly, or maybe even knowingly, but Allah subhanaw taala he is free from all defects. He is free from all errors. If Allah has ordered us to do something, it is from his perfect and complete knowledge and wisdom. So don't think about is this a big sin? Is this a small sin? No. Remember, this is a lot telling you don't do this. It is Allah ordering you do this. And think about Allah think about the

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one who is ordering you and prohibiting you. This is something that you need to bear in mind. However, in this issue, my dear brothers and sisters, is there such thing as a big sin or not? Well, what we need to do is we need to go back to the revelation of Allah subhanaw taala he says, Oh you who believe obey Allah and obey the messenger and those who have been given authority amongst you. And if you differ in anything, if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day, and that is from salata, Nisa, which is the fourth surah in the 59th ayah. So this is what we do. We have a disagreement about anything we

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always will refer to a loss of Hinata Allah and His Messenger, what does the Quran say? What does the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, and if we go and we look to the Quran, we will find and we go back to the book here by Imam of the Hubby, the major sins if we go back to the book will find very clearly he gives some proof from the Quran. In Touch Tony bukoba era, it means very early if you leave or if you avoid the major sins, Martin Horner that you have been prohibited. So it is very clear that Allah subhanaw taala is telling us in locker n if you avoid the major part of what you have been forbidden to do.

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We will cancel your other evil deeds Subhan Allah.

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If you avoid the major sins the major part of what you have been prohibited from then we will cancel out your other evil deeds and we will admit you to paradise with a noble entry would call us Karima noble entry. And this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned in Surah Nisa, in the 31st buyer. And also we find in the Quran Allah subhanaw taala. He mentioned also one of the Tony Boone acaba era, again, those who leave and abandon the big sins and the greatest sins were far he shot and the in decencies. And they forgive when they are angry. Allah subhanaw taala mentions that that's in salt assura in the 42nd surah, in the 37th ayah. And again, Allah subhanaw taala mentions in Surah

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najem, which is the 53rd surah in the 32nd ayah those who avoid the greatest sins and in decencies, except for oversights, they will find that surely your Lord is ample in forgiveness. So from those verses of the Quran, it is very, very clear that there are those sins that are the big sins, the Kaaba, and that if we avoid those major sins if we avoid the major part of what Allah subhanaw taala has prohibited us from then those minor things, those lessons and minor only in the sense that they're not as great as the major sins, Allah subhanaw taala will overlook them for us. So it shows and establishes that there is with a las panatela a gradation of sins, and also the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, the five daily prayers Friday to Friday and Ramadan to Ramadan make atonement for what has happened since the previous one, when major sins have been avoided, and this is what the Hadith mentions also, when the major sins have been avoided. So therefore, also it is clear that between the five daily prayers and in another Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he mentioned he gave the example of a man who passes through a river, if on his way to his house every day, five times a day he goes through a river, will he not be clean and clean from all dirt? They said, Yes, on messenger of Allah. I said, that's the five prayers, the five prayers,

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wipe out the sins like that, as long as the major sins have been avoided. So you can see my brothers and sisters, why it is so important for us to understand and to know, what are the major sins? So what are the major sins and how do we know what the major sins are? What distinguishes a major from a minor sin, that's what we're going to explore in our next session. So please make sure you join us for that. Until then, Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Based upon the book (Major sins) written by Imam Dhahabi

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