Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – What to do if prayer for Tawaf is due during Makrooh time

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The customer is being advised by the agent to delay doing something until they are tired and can come back to the site. The agent suggests doing the target afterwards or in between the event of off, and the customer is given the option to do both.
AI: Transcript ©
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Let's just say that you did go off and is mcru time after us. So you

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can't do the off, the Toora cards fell off, that's fine. You could

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actually go and do another two off if you want to do or you can do

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say, then do the target afterwards after the say, or in between the

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save you into his world in say, you could, in fact, you don't even

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have to do it after the off. You could delay you could do it off

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and if you're very tired, I'm not saying you should do this. You can

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go and rest and come back to the site. I'm just saying that just in

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case best to do it after. Yes, well

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