Akhi Ayman – Why Are We Embarrassed Of Islam
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The speaker expresses frustration with people who are contacting them for bootay and believes in La ilaha. They question their religious beliefs and believe that they have been killed by their parents' actions. The speaker questions how many people have died due to their parents' actions.
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luck is become wild we ashamed of our religion that Allah has
blessed us with those people that are contacting my soul for bootay
me and other people that's out there that have got this platform
and they're struggling with who they can't even pray at home. You
know why? Because they reverse Baba comes to me from an Indian
background says actually if I were to tell my family that I am a
Muslim they will kill me because I believe in La ilaha illAllah
Muhammad Rasool Allah, they will kill me. They will find a way and
it's happened before how many people have died because they
believe in these words die heavy on the skill how many