Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Tug of War Between Parents and Teenage

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the complicated relationship between TJ teenagers and their parents, which can lead to conflict. They suggest seeking more examples of similar experiences to build a deeper understanding of the complicated relationships.
AI: Transcript ©
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If you can't win all the battles, you do your best you pick the main

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battles, otherwise you'll just be, you'll just destroy the whole

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thing. I would say that the relationship between a TJ teenager

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and their parents in some cases is like a relationship where they're

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both tied by a thread. And it's a tug of war with a thread like a

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hair strand. If you pull too much, you're gonna break it. But you

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can't let go too much either. It's constantly back and forth, back

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and forth. You have to be clever about the things that you do and

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ask for guidance. Ask others who've done this. I don't think

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there's enough practical books about there's lots of books about

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bringing up children with just the Hadith and the Quran giving you

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the general guidances but we need more examples.

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