Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Simplified Zakat Guidance Mortgages and Long Term Loans

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the benefits of paying off a loan and losing money, including the risk of losing money if paying it off in advance. They also mention a colleague who had a loan and was charged for it, but was later able to pay it off and receive a large advance payment. The speaker suggests paying off the loan in advance and for the next twelve months to receive a salary of 50% of their salary. They explain that paying off the loan in advance means they will only pay for one year in advance and for the next twelve months, and deducting their entire capital amount will give them a salary of 50% of their salary. The speaker suggests that paying off the loan in advance and for the next twelve months will help them be successful in their life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, zakat on mortgages. Now the mortgage I'm

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talking about here are

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those which carry an interest which are obviously haram to begin

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with. But let's just say some people are involved in that they

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still want to pay zakat, which is a good thing. How would you pay

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zakat because the idea is that let's just say you've borrowed

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just for argument's sake, 100,000 pounds $100,000 to be paid over 10

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years. So now you have money. And because you have to remember, this

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is a loan that they're not going to rush you to pay off, if they

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they've agreed with you, the bank has agreed, the lending

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institution has agreed that you will repay this over the course of

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10 years. In fact, some of them actually penalize you for paying

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earlier. The reason is that they actually benefit from the long

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term interest payments, because the longer you keep it, the more

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interest you will pay, and initially always starts off with

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more interest, a lot of interest, and then that gets decreased as

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your capital decreases, right. So they don't want you to pay early.

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What that does is that it gives a false sense of security to

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individuals. And what they do is because they know how much they

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have to pay that I have to maybe pay 200 pounds every week or 500

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pounds every week, or whatever the case is, their salary is more than

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that. So then they use the rest of their money, you know, for buying

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good cars. And you know, mashallah they have a good lifestyle,

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despite the fact that they're technically in debt. So a person

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who was in debt maybe 100 200 300 years ago is very different to a

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person who's in debt today, right? In those days, if you were in

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debt, you could probably see that you are in debt, people would not

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be you know, taking people would not be living a life lavish

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lifestyle and taking huge amounts of debt that they were risking

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that was just too dangerous. But because now you have, you know,

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many laws that like safety net laws, like bankruptcy and all the

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rest of it, people take a lot more risks. Right. And it's most of it

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is haram. Right? Most of it's haram and we're gonna make that

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very clear. But anyway, let's just say somebody has a loan, for

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whatever reason, justify an unjustified, you know, whatever

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the case is.

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So now, let's just say that I've got saved up a person has saved up

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10,000 pounds, and he's still got 60,000 pounds still to pay from

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his original loan, he's paid off 40,000 of the 100,000 pound loan,

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but he's got mashallah 10,000 bonds sitting, he doesn't want to

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pay the bank because he'll be penalized or whatever, right? And

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he's thinking, there's no need, I'll use this money, I'll invest

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it, I'll do something else with it. So if he's got 10,000 pounds

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as his own money, but then he owes 60,000. Can he did ducked 60 from

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the 10, which means that he he'd be zero, he'd be minus 50. That

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means he doesn't have to pay in his a cut. So that means what we

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have, essentially, if we're going to go by that we have a lot of

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people who seem to be living wealthy lifestyles, right?

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indulgent lifestyles, comfortable lifestyles, driving some very good

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things more than poor people, but they don't paint a cut. In fact,

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to a certain degree, maybe you could even say, if they're using

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every asset of theirs, Megan say that they could even take the cart

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in some cases. Right? And that sounds very unfair. Right? So now

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because this is a new situation where people have started taking

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these long term loans, we do have a concept of long term loans in

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Islam, like the loan of the dowry is considered like a long term

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very weak kind of loan. Right. So now based on several examples like

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that, the other might have said this, and this is, the alumni have

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said that you should only deduct one years of payments that are

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going to be due to you. So your next year of payments for the next

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12 months or so, how much you need to pay off the bank. That's the

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only part that you can actually deduct, right, you can't deduct

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your entire loan, if it's a long term loan like that, which the

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bank is not pushing you to pay early, because it's in their best

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interest that you get paid late. So you should not detox 60,000 But

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if your payments on this year is going to be 5000 or 10,000 That's

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all you deduct. That's the only part you deduct from your assets.

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And of course then if you have any assets left, then you pay zakat,

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otherwise you don't.

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My take on this thing is that if you have a loan and you're feeling

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guilty and you want to pay it off, I had a friend like that he had

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taken a bank loan, then he felt guilty one Ramadan and he just

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wants you to pay it off. Right so every extra bit of income is

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trying to pay it off, in fact to such a degree that he made a lot

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of dua to Allah and then he basically asked his boss the

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companies to work for a software company that can you actually

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give me an advance payment for an entire year? You know, a

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trustworthy I know this isn't gonna happen for everybody, but it

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must surely worked for him. He basically asked that. He sent an

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email, he made a lot of dollars, remember the Ramadan and he made a

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lot of darling sent a message to his boss and he said, Can you give

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me one year's advance payments, advance salary, which boss is

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going to do that? And then he said I'll work for the next 12 months

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for free. Because I really want to pay off my loan. You know, the

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Interest usury aspected gotten to,

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and you won't believe it. The next day when he walked into work, he

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wasn't expecting minus thing, the guy is gonna think I'm gonna he

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knows I'm a, he was a bit of a bowl kind of guy anyway, he

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thought he will just pass it off as a joke or whatever.

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The boss was waiting for him at the door. And he said to him,

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is a term Najim. He says, gone, look at the go today, is it the

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human resources or the finance department, they've got something

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for you. And I look at the deal that he got, he got there. And he

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was thinking we don't he doesn't know when he got there.

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Basically, they told him that if we give you your your yearly

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payment in advance, you're going to have nothing for the next 12

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months. So that's not going to be good, because then you're going to

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be struggling, what we're going to do is we'll pay you your one year

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in advance, then for the next 12 months, we'll give you 50% of

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salary for the next year in advance. So literally by the

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giving them what he's giving him one year of advance salary, before

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he's even worked for the 12 months, then for every month of

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those 12 months giving him 50% of next year's salary per month.

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SubhanAllah. And this is something I'm telling you directly from the

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person, right. So the idea is that, let's get back to our

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discussion. If you are like him trying to pay your loan back every

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extra bit of money, you're doing a you're not buying luxury, you're

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not buying a new TV set, you're not buying a new sofa, a new car,

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you're just running your old car, and you just want to get out of

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this, then I think you can deduct the whole amount.

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Right, then you can deduct the whole amount, because you are

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really trying to pay it off, then it's no longer a long term loan

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for you're willing to pay the fees, you know, the penalties,

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early penalties, and you just want to get out because you just want

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to get out of this curse. Right. But again, whenever you're going

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to whenever you have an interest based loan, if if you are trying

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to pay it off student loan, whatever you're trying to pay it

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off actively every penny you have, then the only part you can

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actually deduct is your original capital amount, not the interest

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payment that they're going to want from you as well. So in the case

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where you got 60,000 Left or 100,000 left, you can only have

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your own capital that you borrowed, right original, that is

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the only amount you will be able to deduct even though the bank

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would expect more from you. Right on 100,000 loan, they're probably

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you'll end up paying 140,000 You can't deduct, you can't do that

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calculation that by the NLP. 140 So let me deduct 140. And it's

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just let's just say you've got 200,000 sitting there, you've got

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an inheritance, but you had a loan of 100,000. And you do the

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calculation, you think, by the end of 10 years, I'm going to pay

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140,000 So I should be able to deduce sorry, deduct 140 from my

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200,000 assets, I should only be paying zakat on 60,000 of my

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assets. No, you should only deduct your capital amount, because that

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interest is haram that should not give you the luxury of deducting,

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because that's you shouldn't even be paying that. So you should only

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minus 1000 Or sorry. 100,000. From your 100 from your 200,000 Yeah,

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so you should pay zakat on 200,000. That is only if you are

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actively trying to pay back, which you were I mean, you've got the

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money, why don't you pay it back? Right? So if you're in the long

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term, the long term loan, right then in that case, don't deduct

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your entire capital owed, but rather only one year's payments

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that you're going to make, you're only allowed to deduct, it should

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only deduct that much. So hopefully that clarifies the whole

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case of long term loans that are based on these kinds of things. So

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may Allah subhanaw taala, just like for our brother, he allowed

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him to come out of this May Allah allow that but for that you need a

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lot of doors and a will in sha Allah and Allah can help you as

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well. Or if you read that when I need him to rely on me

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