Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Maximising the 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The success of Hajj in the UK is highlighted, along with the importance of rewarding individuals for their ten-day work days. The importance of fasting on the ninth day of the month is emphasized, as it is a way to receive forgiveness and help from God. The speaker provides guidance on cutting and removing animals, cutting nails and hair in emulation of the knew, and avoiding cutting animals. They encourage individuals to read books and take on a subject of Islam, especially the basic level, and to learn about the subjects at the beginning of the day.
AI: Transcript ©
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our deen is amazing. Of course Allah knows that we can all go out

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of the three or so three to 4 million people that will go in

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hajj, UK only had a quota of three and a half 1000 people before

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25,000 People go for Hajj every year, there was the quota was

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huge. They limited that quota. So only three and a half 1000 In the

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first round got got that got their bookings. Then they opened it up

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again. And I think they may be around 7000 700,000 or so now this

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year going

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out of the 4 million or so Muslims that live in England wasted three,

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4 million, 1 million just in London alone. Only about 7000

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people are going for Hajj. That means the rest of us and around

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the world. Out of the 2 billion Muslims only three 4 million get

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there. That's a that's a just a small percentage. That's why Allah

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subhanaw taala knows that this is the case every year right? Only a

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minority will get to Hajj. So Allah incentivizes because Allah

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just wants us to do whatever we can to get closer to him and to

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get that same

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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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wa salatu salam or Anil mobile Ruthie Ramadan Lila Alameen wa an

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early he was so happy he or Baraka was seldom at the Sleeman Kathira

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on a laomi Dean a mother

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called Allah with the Allah for the Quran in Nigeria will for

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Colonial Hamid while 31 early national

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call when he left he had a nasty head drill bait Minister la he

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sebelah. So the brothers and the sisters, were going to be speaking

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about two things today and then we'll follow it up with a question

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answer session. So feel free to ask about any question that you

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want, then Inshallah,

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we're going to first be discussing how to the over the overarching

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activities that are in these 10 days that we have already entered

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into these 10 days of villager. And then inshallah we're going to

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be discussing

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for those of us who are not going for Hajj, what is mentioned by the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how you can get a free

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Hydra reward at least sitting at home. So you can if you do these

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things, you will pick up Hydra rewards. So in sha Allah, that's

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the two things we'll be discussing today. So let's start off with the

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10 days, these 10 days, they hold a huge amount of virtue. And a lot

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of merits a lot of Felisa a lot of rewards have been promised for

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these 10 days, so I'm going to go through a few of them, so that

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inshallah I can just list them at least and we can understand what

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they are inshallah.

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So firstly

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Allahumma Salli, ala Sayyidina Muhammad when these 10 days come

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in, there's just so much virtue that have been mentioned for these

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days, that they've been set to even be superior to the sum of the

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days of Ramadan, the last 10 days of Ramadan in some cases.

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For example,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that on No day is the worship of Allah more beloved to him than in

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the first 10 days of the ledger.

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The first of each of these days is equal to the first of a whole year

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in reward or voc and the worship of each of these nights is equal

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to the worship of Lila to recover so you have these Hadees that

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speak about it like that. So you can see there's a lot of

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encouragement but people just don't know the significance of

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these as much as they know of Ramadan is in Ramadan is the

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environment of fasting, special tarawih prayers and you know,

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community everybody, the shaytaan is locked away. These are days

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when cheetah is not locked up. So there is a difference in the days,

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but there's a huge amount of reward during this time. I have

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Saturday Allahu anha, the wife of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam

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and Omar the Allahu anhu, whose daughter used to fast the first

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nine days of the ledger as mentioned in a hadith of Budo than

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the sign Imam Muhammad. Abdullah Omar Ali Allahu another Sahabi he

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says that Rasul allah sallallahu sallam said that no day are no

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days no set of days are as weighty with Allah and so liked by him for

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good deeds than the first 10 days of the ledger. So on these days,

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there's a special dua or at the speed that's been mentioned that

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we should read, which is Subhanallah

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Well, La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar, well hamdulillah since

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since we are in those days now, let us all read it together Subhan

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wa la ilaha IL Allah

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Allahu Akbar, while hamdulillah if it's easier, you can read the more

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well known version of it which is Subhan Allah will hamdulillah La

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ilaha illa

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Law, what Allahu Akbar, it's the same thing. It's just that well,

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hamdulillah is at the end in this one. So if you can do it that way,

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it's great. Otherwise, it's otherwise the other one is fine.

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So just keep doing this. And this is actually Subhanallah

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Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar La ilaha IL Allah, these are the most

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powerful remembrances there are of Allah subhanaw taala includes

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everything. So that's in general over these days, if you can fast,

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all of these days great Hamdulillah. If you can't foster

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the days, the most important of these days is

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the RFID. The RFID essentially very simple to understand is the

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day before eat. So whenever your eat is when whichever day you're

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celebrating your eat, right, for example, Sunday, then Saturday

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will be your offer your offer day, you don't have to necessarily look

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at what the hajis are doing there. They could have a different date.

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So don't get confused with that. Whatever your ninth of the ledger

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is the day before eat, they eat a lot. Ah, that's the day that is

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now what's so special about this day, this what's special about

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this day is that there's a fasting that is recommended. So out of

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these nine days of fasting, the most virtuous one is the ninth

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day. There's something specific mentioned about that where the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that the first of the Day of Arafah I hope from Allah subhanho

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wa taala, for the expiation for the forgiveness of one year sins

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due to that. So if I'm going too fast on next Saturday, for

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example, if his young Arafah

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my previous years sins are forgiven, that means minus sins.

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They're forgiven, they're wiped out. And of course if I have

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repentance in my heart, and I'm feeling bad for all the major sins

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and I make Toba they will get wiped out as well okay so that's

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fine that's understand stood but it's an additional perky

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additional bonus added here. The prophets Allah some also said

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and a future years since winning the next year sins are forgiven as

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That means from then for the whole next year, that doesn't mean that

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mashallah, this is the way to do since for next year is that you

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just fast on this day and mashallah, then it's okay. You can

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do what you want. God will look the other way. And you can enjoy

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yourself. No, that's not what he means. It's an encouragement, they

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inshallah they will be forgiven. And if you do fast on this day,

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the idea is that anybody who undertakes to fast and this day is

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going to be careful, inshallah. It just shows that spiritually, I

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think you will benefit that not everybody fast on people fast in

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Ramadan, but not everybody fast. On the ninth of the hedger of

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Arafah, the dedicated people do and if you're dedicated enough to

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fast there, the assumption is inshallah you will stay away from

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as many sins as possible, at least major sins. And then if there are

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any minor sins, that slip that's on the side, Allah will forgive

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them. There's another interesting anecdote mentioned about this as

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well. Right?

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Very interesting anecdote since the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam has actually said that your one year, next year sins will be

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forgiven as well. Then the assumption is that you would

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probably stay alive then for that to happen.

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Right? Because otherwise, how would your next year sin be

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forgiven if you're not alive? Which means that inshallah you

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stay alive. I'm not guaranteeing you don't come Don't chase me for

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that. But that's the idea. Now, what I'm going to support that by

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is interestingly, from the life of the prophet Sallallahu sallam, he

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pretty much fasted this day, every year.

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On the ninth of villager, Arafa day in Madina, Munawwara he will

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be fasting

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and he was alive every year. Interestingly, the last villager

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that he spent was

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when he did his Hajj, and that was just a few months before he passed

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He didn't fast this last hit his last day of RFI he did not pass

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because he was in Hajj. And in Hajj people usually don't fast for

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this day because there's a lot of work you have to do on that out of

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a day where you stand up and you make dua to Allah subhanho wa

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Taala he drank milk on the day he was one of his wives are the

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Allahu anha offered him some milk and he drank that milk. He didn't

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fast on that day. And then he did pass away that year, not because

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they did not because he drank milk and not because he didn't fast but

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you know, it's just an interesting anecdote.

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I tried to fast that day, if I can, right, unless I go to Hajj

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then then it's a difficult it's a difficult one. So just

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encouragement to fast in sha Allah on that day, because there's a

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huge amount of reward for that and it kind of mashallah gives us that

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forgiveness, which we need anyway. Then, of course, it will be the

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day of Eid. Now all of these nights as well. They are good

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nights to do some of the some model worshipping.

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And then the night of Eid is likewise do a bit of worship

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there. Wake up at least before Fajr do some time

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then as well, and then comes the day of Eid. Now this

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interestingly, this particular Eid, Eid Al Adha. Most people

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treat the other eight as the biggie because it's after 30 days

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of fasting usually. And this one just seems to just come again

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within like two and a half months, and people don't take it as

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seriously sometimes. This is actually the bigger EAD. This is

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the one there's so many more actions surrounding. For example,

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for this Eid, the day before from Arafa, everybody will be reading

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Takbeer, glorifying Allah. This is the eat of special glorification,

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very dedicated glorification of Allah subhanho wa taala. That's

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why we're told that after every prayer, Allahu Akbar, Allahu

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Akbar, La Ilaha, il Allah Who Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Warilla

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Hill Hamed from the Fajr of the day before it after every prayer

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men and women will do that. We'll do that at least once after each

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prayer on the day of Eid, and then for three days afterwards until

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the parser of the 13th.

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So that's what like five days, nearly five days nearly five days

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that you will do this for after every Salah you will do the query,

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then Allah subhanaw taala on the day of eat itself, has said that

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you go and do salad we're told actually not to eat any is

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preferable. I mean, it's allowed but it's preferable not to eat

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anything before you go to perform the eight prayer in the morning.

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Why? In Ramadan, we were actually encouraged to eat something sweet

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in the morning before we go for prayer. You fasted 30 days. Allah

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says this is a day when I'm going to host you on that day for eating

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and being with the family. This is also a host but it's to do with

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meat this eat has a lot to do with meat. Sorry for all the

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vegetarians out there. Because in Islam, there's no vegetarianism.

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There may be semi vegetarianism, but not vegetarianism. What I mean

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by that is the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when he got meat, he

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enjoyed his meat and he ate it well. And when it when he didn't

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get it, and that was many days, he didn't get meat, meat, because it

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was somebody that they would cook and if nothing else, they would

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actually just survive on dates and water for numerous days. Sometimes

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there's times when a whole month would go by and they would

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actually the fire would not be kindled in the house to cook

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anything for fire is not Kindle, you just need some dates. If

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somebody sent a bit of meat or something, they would eat it. But

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when the meat came for some reason, somebody gifted in the

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qurbani mashallah they would enjoy that meat. That's why some other

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MMA their practice on this day, which unfortunately were deprived

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of right, they would only eat meat on that day.

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So they would make the meat they would prepare the meat and only

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meat not even rice, and not even bread to go with it. Sorry, no

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rice on that day.

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Okay, and that's a tough one for some people, no rice, or no carbs,

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just meat purely just to partake in the hospitality of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala from the qurbani meat, you roasted barbecue, do

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what you want with it. Unfortunately, for many of us, in

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the West, we really can't do it locally in your gardens and so on,

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like have your own animal because the whole purpose of Quran is to

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rare your own animal and then sacrifice that in emulation of the

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way Ibrahim Ali salaam did it with his son or tried to do it. And

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then he was given around.

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We usually have to order our meat and many people are actually just

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thinking it's some charity now, where they just sending it to

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other countries for the poor to eat, which is fine, you can do

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that. But I would suggest that you do at least one here and then show

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our children at least the next generation, because it's getting

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lost. People just think it's some sadaqa you do every year. So you

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were supposed to get that meat and then share it out with our

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neighbors relatives and the poor and then eat and enjoy it

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ourselves. Right. So I really went out when we have when somebody

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gives us a we have our own qurbani meat, we really value it a lot. I

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mean it might look the same as any other meat or evaluate this is

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qurbani meat. So the aim is right and as a broker to that because

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it's what Allah subhanaw taala tells us to do at that time. So we

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can do that in sha Allah and then we complete the tech beer out of

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those days. In a nutshell, this is essentially what to do during this

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time. If you are going to do qurbani right whether you're going

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to do it yourself or have somebody else do it for you on the on the

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10th of Dhul Hijjah on the day of Eid, then it's also recommended

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that from when the month begins and the month has begun is that

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you avoid cutting nails and hair in emulation of the hajis as well

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who is in a haram when they're in a haram they don't cut the hair

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and so on. So until your animal is cut until your animal is cut, and

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then after that you can do that.

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Now if somebody has to cut they forgot to cut beforehand and it

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becomes their very long than you can actually just cut them because

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it would be just a light dislike to not

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Cut them off or rather to cut them it'd be a light dislike, but of

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course if they're getting too long, and that way, it's better

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that you just cut them but otherwise try to observe that to

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the best of your ability. So that essentially is are these days in a

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nutshell, may Allah subhanaw taala accept them from us, allow us to

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fast and benefit us through this fast and those of us who can who

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are going for Hajj May Allah subhanho wa Taala facilitate that

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mashallah a lot of people have already gone and there's a few

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flights left a few days left I think maybe Tuesday or so will be

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some of the last flight or their their jewelry with a chrome

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Allahumma HeyYou yaka young erotic and astellia Hannah yum and Isla

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inlet and the Subhanak in good nominal it mean just Allah one

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Muhammad and Maha he has I thought he said, Yeah, Hatfield. Yes.

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Yeah. Latif Yeah, they'll generally with the Quran. Yeah.

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Allah have mercy on us. Have mercy on us and our families of Allah we

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struggle Yeah, Allah, we try to do that which is good. And we we

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start the morning with good intention and we fail by the

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evening. We resolve in the evening and we fail by the morning Yeah,

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Allah, how long is this going to continue for your Allah? Oh Allah

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give us the facility of Allah give us the ability. Give us the

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enthusiasm, the fortitude, the strength, to do that which is

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correct. To do that which is right make us efficient, productive

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individuals, for your sake of Allah, Allah, everything is in

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your hands of Allah. O Allah make it easy for us, protect us,

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protect our children now families, not just our immediate children.

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Yeah, Allah we ask You for protection for everybody that's

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going to come from us all our descendants and generations Yeah,

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Allah, that we see them in a wonderful way on the day of

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judgment that cools our eyes of Allah. Oh Allah make us guided and

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make us of the guides of Allah especially of the guided ones.

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Yeah, Allah, Allah, Allah assist us and relieve our brothers and

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sisters from their persecution and their oppression, give them back

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so much more than what they've lost. grant them their fortitude,

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Allah, Allah bless us during these wonderful days. These amazing 10

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days here Allah give us the best of these days, then the light of

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these days, the blessings of these days, those who are going for

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hydro Allah, accept their Hajj, facilitate, allow them to come

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back with a hijab rule just like the day their mother gave them

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birth. And those who are unable to go who have not been our law,

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allow them to go, make make their way easier Allah, Oh Allah

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facilitate their path and protect your heart, Armenia, Allah and

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protect the whole Almighty Allah and bring back in sunny Earth and

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humanity to the human being of Allah bless all of those who have

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made this happen today this, this event take place today allow it to

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be beneficial, allow it to be an accepted event, and allow many

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many other events to take place. And Oh Allah, all of those who

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have assisted one of those who have helped, oh Allah reward them

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reward their families and Allah allow this community to have its

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Masjid allow the hearts to be united and allow it to have a

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thriving place and a beneficial a place of huge benefit for

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everybody Oh ALLAH remove the obstacles from our path and all of

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our other projects that we have here Allah, Allah accept from all

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of us and grant us our permissible needs Yeah, Allah and protect us

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and our children from all the problems in social media and

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everywhere else. Yeah, like except Oh Allah except Oh Allah except

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Subhan Allah bigger problems if you are my OC Fonasa, Lebanon

00:18:27 --> 00:18:28

Muslim Hamdulillah.

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The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get

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further an inspiration, and encouragement, persuasion. The

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next step is to actually start learning seriously, to read books

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to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of

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Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware

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of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan

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courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand

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whenever you have free time, especially for example, the

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Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials

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certificate which you take 20 Short modules, and at the end of

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that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the

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most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.

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You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to be, you

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know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more

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sustained study as well as aka la harem salaam aleikum wa

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rahmatullah wa barakato.

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