Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Dealing Mistakes

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses their past mistakes and the potential for mistakes to happen in the future. They express a desire to avoid mistakes and avoid spoiling the next part of the reading.
AI: Transcript ©
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Making a mistake is okay. I know it's a good thing to, to have an

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ambition to have no mistakes I understand that. But if you do end

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up making the don't be bothered about once you can free yourself

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of the bother I made a mistake what are people going to say? Then

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it won't affect the next part of your reading otherwise you're like

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I made a mistake. Oh no, it's all messed up now forget it. So you're

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gonna make a multiple more mistakes. I remember with me

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that's what I used to always like, I don't need to, you know, I want

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to make sure I don't make any mistakes. And then I realized

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that, you know, I wish my Quran was better, but it's not. So why

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am I overly stressing about it? I make mistakes a human beings I

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make mistakes, okay? I don't want to make 10 mistakes, but I might

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make three mistakes. And that's okay. Let me carry on. I don't

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want to spoil the next part because I made a mistake in the

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first part. That's what I'm trying to say. Don't let your mistakes be

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debilitating for you.

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