Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Common Mistake in Tarawih Du’a

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a mistake made by someone in a video and suggests checking if it is their job to fix it. They also mention a problem with bones and suggest sending an email to address it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Also if you do see and it's not your job necessarily but a lot of

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the messages that have this Subhanallah they molecule and

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whatever they have a major mistake in there that you have to check

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that you're not doing Subhana video is it will allow Almighty

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Allah Almighty which means the possessor of Grandeur and Majesty

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and mate. They usually have it written as Illuminati with a spoon

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out of metal means a bone. So the one of bones is a major mistake.

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Lots of places have they've got they've got the traditional setup,

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right? So that needs to be corrected, but again that you can

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leave that to the email. Otherwise you can read anything during that

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