Abdur-Raheem McCarthy – 9 Surahs the Prophet used to read at night

Abdur-Raheem McCarthy
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the history of the suns, including the first time a man named Alayhi Salatu read the Surah Al namely and the difficulty of implementing the suns after the night. The importance of reading during the night to avoid wasting time and the need for immediate action to implement certain points. The speakers also mention the use of "naught" in relation to "naught" and the importance of reading "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "naught" in relation to "na
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah nine sutras that our beloved prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam used to read during the night. And many of these sores, perhaps we know it's from his sunnah. But other ones, it's going to be the first time that many of us are going to hear about these sorrows. It's a forgotten suna that many of us don't practice. And these sorters we're going to divide them into two main categories. The first category of disorders that you can read anytime during the night. And the second category are disorders that he would read at specific times, or with specific acts of worship during the night. The first category, there's six sources,

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six sources and the first category that you read anytime during the night, and they are sorted as Sajida and salt and monk and salt, Zoomer and salt, Ellis assorted Illustra and Surah Al cafiero and Surah teleclass. These are six soldiers that he would read during the night Ali Salatu was Salam and the last to number five and six sort of El Cap the rune and surah Allah class, these are also going to fall as you're gonna see into the second category as well. In the gem Evie mama Tirmidhi from the hadith of Jabba, Roby Allahu Allah and he said that the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam would not sleep at night until he read surah as such the in Surah Mulk another Hadith also in the Jami I

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remember Timothy, the hadith of Aisha Radi Allahu anha, the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam wouldn't sleep at night until he read surah

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Azumah and salatu salam, and this hadith these two sorrows perhaps many of us have never heard of them before sola mancha think it's more famous, but this is a sunnah which has become a forgotten sunnah, reading sort of Zoomer and Surah Al Assad and the fifth Hadith or the fifth Sunnah or the fifth Surah it was Surah Al Cathey rule. And this came in and the Sunnah abidos that the Prophet alayhi salat wa salam, he told the Sahaba to read surah Al Kaffee rune and to make sure he will, he will go to sleep after reading it. And he said it frees you from a shipwreck. It frees you from polytheism and he said la salatu salam and the other Hadith was sort of tele class, this is the

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sixth Surah or the sixth sunnah, that he said? Is it something that you are incapable of he's asking us to have the sending with the Sahaba or the Allahu Anhu. He said is one of you incapable of reading through the Quran? Reading a third of the Quran in the night and imagine that we're looking at the Quran now, you know, here 600 Plus pages, is it possible for us to read in the entire or third of a third of the Quran in the night? It's very difficult. That's why the Sahaba said who can do that? And he said, Ali salat wa salam Pulu, Allahu Ahad that it equals Yeah, the loo that it equals or is equivalent to a third of the Quran. And that's why the scholars said that if you were

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to read surah teleclass, three times, you'll get the ADGER as you read the entire Quran and the night. Now the question that we have to ask ourselves before we go to the second category,

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is this something that's difficult or not?

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If you look, for example, at salt that is raw and salt.

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Zoomer Yes, this might be a bit more difficult because they're longer. So salt is raw is 111 verses, and it's 11 and a half pages, sort of a Zoomer is 75 verses, and it's nine pages. So 11 plus nine, that's 20 pages, that means about one Jutsu. So one Julius that's going to take us some time, that's that's rather long. But if you look at the other ones, Solothurn molk 30, versus it's a little over two pages about two and a quarter. And if you look at sort of a search there, it's also 30 verses and three pages. So those two sources are only going to take us a couple of minutes to read. If you look at sort of the Cathy rule, and I went before I came when I said let me just time it here on the

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iPhone and check out how long it takes. And I found that sort of recap you wrote it, it took me 20 Or more properties citation Tila Anna factorization to me about 20 seconds to read, sort of teleclass for me to read it three times it took me 30 seconds. So there's no excuse not to implement these Sooners they're very easy to implement when it comes to the last four sorrows. The other two the longer ones are designed and thought that it might be difficult to implement it every night. But at least we should implement this sooner sometimes. And Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah said there was no sooner that I learned from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam except that implemented Elise one

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time to put into action. So it's something we should do every now and then to revive the Sunnah and to get this agile inshallah autonom. Three quick points to point out when it comes to the the fifth of resetting the sorrows. First of all, in five of them the first five we mentioned, other than snoring tele class, all of them were mentioned before sleeping so yes, it's it's better to do it before sleeping, but it can be done anytime.

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During the night from Afro Salatin Asia onwards, even if you say after southern mogul Destiny officially when the night starts, you could read those sores anytime then and you'll get the reward and Chautala of following the Sunnah and other rewards mentioned, for example, when you read the foreword to the book, if you read it during this time in shallow Tana, so that's the first thing. The second thing is any as we said you can, the better time is during the night. The second thing is that, but you can read it anytime during that. So these are the first two things. The third thing is that if you were to have read it, for example, in South Asia, or you put it into your night prayer,

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also it's going to count as being read during the night. But it's important to point out here on this third point is that you shouldn't make this for example, every night in Salado, Asia, I'm gonna resort to certain certain mode because it'll fall into the Sunnah. Here, you're going to if you do all of the time, you're going to fall into Buddha into innovation. So you need to refrain from that. But every now and then let's say for example, if I lead the prayer tonight, and I read through it, and then philos, it's already counted. I've already done it, I would have to come and read it again. So that's what's meant by the third point, when it comes to the second category.

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The soldiers that he read at certain times or with certain acts of worship, there are five sorrows and they are sorted till Allah Alkaff Iran Surah teleclass or you can say the three calls Surah teleclass. Surah. Al Philip uncertainness. These are the five sources that he would read at certain times or certain acts of worship, so we know from his sunnah Ali salat wa salam insalata Witter, that he would read in the first record was sort of the Lala and the second record, he would read that a salatu salam was sort of the Kaffee rune and in the third record he would read was sort of teleclass. So these three words are done in salata, Witter, when it comes to the and more with that,

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or the three schools, as we say, this has to be done before we go to sleep at night. This is specific times you can't say anytime during the night for these three No, because an obviously sort of teleclass reading it three times, as you mentioned other Hadith that you can do that anytime. But here, the Sunnah of reading the three fools together is that you put your hands together as it came in the Hadith. And he would blow not really that spitting.

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Like blowing into the hands. And then he would read the three calls la salatu, salam, and kulula, who helped call out the verbal Philip and Koolau, the verbenas he reads those threes, and then he would wipe his body as it came in the Hadith, he would wipe his body when he could from his body. So we started with the face and the head, and then whatever his hands can reach, that doesn't mean you have to go down and get down to your feet and things like that. Now, wherever your hands can reach from the from the top and from is easy to reach from your body. This is the sooner we do that three times, we wipe the body, then we do it again at one time, then we read all three of them once and

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then we do it again. So we're gonna go through it three times. This is the Sunnah before we sleep, there's also something I want to point out. And these are nine sources. I also want to add to that as a benefit. Different verses that he used to read is the lead to a Salam and a hadith which is also narrated, but it's not authentic with different sources that he used to read Ali salatu salam, when it comes to the eye that he used to read it aloud to Islam during the night, there are three and you can put them into two categories. And he before he slept and others when he would wake up during the during the night or when you wake up from his sleep. So the first are sort of AYATUL

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kursi and the last two verses from Surah Baqarah. So these are done before you sleep. Let's assume that you do these before you sleep. And the other sunnah is the last 10 verses from Surah. Ali Imran so you start from verse 191, to verse 200. These are the last 10 verses from sort of Ali Imran it's been confirmed that he read these Ali Salatu was Salam. When he woke up. There's another Hadith about solar that he would read during the night La Silla was salam. And it's also narrated in the German of the amount of Timothy, where he would read and Musa Behat. And what are the most of Behat? I'll tell you in a minute and shout out what did the Hadith say first of all, that he will read

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Anamosa Behat before he slept Ali salatu salam. And he said that in these sorrows, there's a verse and I which is of Dolman LPI which is better than 1000 verses. However, this hadith, it is not authentic, and the Musa Behat they are sort of tell Hadid swallowtail hasher sort of soft, solitary Juma and Surah Tovar Boone is what's meant by the sorrows but this hadith as we mentioned, are not authentic. But the other Hadith mentioned the beginning about these nine sorrows and the verses as well. These are from the Sunnah is that we need to revive and try to read during the night. The shorter ones make sure it's every night and shelter if you can, and the longer ones, like we said,

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do it every now and then to revive this sunnah. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us all from those who strive to implement the sunnah of our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and increasing our reward for acting upon his sunnah Allah Salatu was Salam Bara

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multicam Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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