Abdullah Hakim Quick – Copying the Prophetic Disposition

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary ©
The importance of consciousness and the need for people to be patient with their actions are highlighted in shaping human perception and behavior. The negative consequences of actions lead to deception and inaccuracy, including false forecasts and inaccurate information. The segment also touches on deception and lies, such as the belief that everything is possible and people are used to believing that everything is possible. The importance of being patient with Islam, including one's behavior and personality, is emphasized, along with the need for individuals to be humble and considerate. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of finding one's own way and not just being around people who are doing things.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen well Aki botulinum toxin while our good one dolly mean

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Why should one La ilaha illallah wa la sharika wa shadow Ana Mohammed Abdullah Zulu. So Allah Allahu La, WA the alley he was happy woman da vida what he was 10 be so naughty. Isla Yomi Dean

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was tell them tell Sleeman Kathira

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Ahmedabad for Sequim when FCB Takala Azerbaijan are some evil Tonga we are cool hawks Aparna who the bIllahi min ash shaytani regime? Yeah Are you Hala Deena on a taco la haka toccata while our TA Mouton Allah, wa and to Muslim, all praise the due to Allah Lord of the Worlds.

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Surely the best reward ultimately is for those who have Taqwa. Surely there is no animosity, no ill feeling except for the oppressor. And I bear witness that Allah is one and has no partners. And that Mohammed the son of Abdullah, is his servant is less messenger. May Allah always constantly send peace and blessings to Mohammed to his family, his companions and all those who call to his way and establish his sunnah to the day of judgment as to what follows I begin by reminding myself and you

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have the overriding importance of Taqwa Allah, that is the consciousness of Allah. It is an element that cannot be spoken about enough. It is that understanding that feeling that consciousness of the Creator of the heavens in the earth,

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and that separates human beings from animals. Animals are only dealing with their existence, only dealing with eating and drinking and procreating. But those who are connected to the Creator those who realize that there is one above all created things,

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they are in a different category.

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And Allah has informed us that we should fear him in the way that he should be feared. And We should not die, except

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in submission

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to the Creator of the heavens in the earth.

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And Allah subhanho wa taala.

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In revealing the importance of taqwa, and those qualities surrounding Taqwa

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use the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him and his companions, to set an example for us to set an example for people to the end of time.

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And after the Prophet SAW Salem had migrated from Mecca to Medina,

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The Times became difficult.

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The Muslims found themselves under attack,

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the Battle of better bad love or hate.

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The Trench, they found themselves under severe pressure also arose a new category of people in Medina, the most dangerous category, and that is Elmo Inafune, the hypocrites, those who appear like a Muslim, but in their hearts. They are trying to destroy Islam.

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And so they lived under pressure,

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physical pressure,

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psychological pressure,

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and Alavi revealed in Surah Ali Imran verse 186 or other bIllahi min ash shaytaan the regime

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la tabla one Nephi umhlali como unphysical What are tests my own Domina Latina oltl kitab Berman? publikum women are Lavina Ashra CU, l then cathedra. Well in Tasbeeh ru what's a taco in a valley come in husband, Omar.

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Allah revealed to the believers at that time and indirectly was also speaking to us today.

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You shall certainly be tried and tested in your wealth and yourselves

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And you shall certainly hear much that will grieve you, from those who received the book before you and from those who associate partners with Allah.

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But if you are patient,

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if you have the consciousness of Allah, that will be the most decisive action that you can do.

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This divine formula was not revealed by chance, the words every word in this divine form of Arabic has meaning to it.

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And Allah tells us through the prophet so seldom

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that you will be tested, your wealth will be tested, your lives will be tested,

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but you will hear other

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you will hear that which will harm you. And normally when we speak about other it is something which physically harm us, but also other means damage, injury,

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something that hurts you.

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Something that troubles you annoys you, something that irritates you,

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something that causes pain to you.

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And so Allah said, you will hear this

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from the people of the book.

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And you will hear this from the Mushrikeen.

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Oh, you who believe.

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Today, as the summer is rolling to an end, but the heat

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is intensifying.

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We go through a change in the northern countries,

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we start to feel a chill in the air. We change our pattern from a summer vacation to a work fall.

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And we think we reflect

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and when we look at the world today, we recognize

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that one of the clearest qualities happening in front of us in terms of information and media is deception.

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Human beings are capable of making what is true, appear to be false.

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And to make what is false,

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appear to be true.

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Truth is the first casualty of deception and lies.

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And in the times that we are living in today,

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a strange phenomenon is repeating itself again.

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And it seems with the summer coming to a close it's even intensifying itself that those who ridicule religion.

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Those who insult to prophets,

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especially those who tried to belittle the last prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they are given high positions, as though they are heroes, as they are acclaimed authors.

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It is a strange phenomenon.

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But it is part of the deception. Because the deception takes falsehood and puts it on the top.

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People are crying over the Ukraine,

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the death in the Ukraine and it is a terrible situation. It is a tragic situation, no doubt.

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But not speaking about what is happening in Asia and Africa. What is happening in other parts of the world

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as though it doesn't exist. It is reported now that over 90% of the population in Afghanistan

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have food insecurity. They are near starvation. In some places they are boiling grass to survive. Think about that. Think about it. The Ukrainians were boiling grass to survive.

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But deception hides it and makes it appear as though it is not a reality.

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And the suffering of people is being used for politics. Use for ego use for building racist movements. Where is the outcry?

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Where is the outcry for the poor and the innocent?

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What would the Prophet Muhammad Allah He saw to Islam say what would he have said about a tie?

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above deception like this.

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It is reported by NSA ibn Malik radiola one that the Prophet SAW Salem has told us

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in amama Dudjom see Nina, Kedah you can't double fie her sodic when you start depo 300 CAD when you call no fee * I mean where your terminal fee haha and while you're at Keller Murphy Haraway Bidda Pilla were marae Buddha caller Alpha way sick.

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Yeah to kill them fee Umrah, llama,

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Roja, we must admit, famous Nadi.

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The Prophet SAW Selim and this hadith

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as informed us,

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verily preceding the false messiah.

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This is an important statement, or Dudjom.

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That is the great liar. That will be the greatest fitna that humanity has ever faced before.

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preceding his time, as the Prophet SAW seldom said, will be years of deception, in which the truthful are considered liars. The liars are believed

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the trustworthy are discredited, and the treacherous will be trusted, and the disgraceful will speak it was said, O Messenger of Allah, who was disgraceful. And the Prophet SAW Selim said, Little wicked men, who speak out on the affairs of the masses of the people. This is powerful Arabic.

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Who is this disgraceful person? He didn't say fossick.

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I fasted sick, is the one who is committing wrongs the center. He used it is small task area. He said for ways that

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it's a little wicked person.

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And not just little in physical height,

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but little in his character, little in his impact in the world.

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And little in his relevance.

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And Allah subhanaw taala gave us a formula.

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He gave it to us based on the profit sell seldom what interests Bureau what taco, for inner Valley come in as mill Omaha. That if you have Subak

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if you have Taqwa

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that will be the most decisive thing that you can do. Not Bombs,

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not insults.

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If you have sabar,

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and if you have taqwa,

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we need to consider these terms as we are transitioning out of the summer into the fall and sabar. Interestingly, we translated in English patients is not the only meaning of saba.

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and endurance like a marathon runner, endurance, forbearance, steadfastness.

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You are steadfast.

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You are forbearing

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you endure, the insults will come, we continue on.

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The attacks come we will continue to worship Allah subhanaw taala.

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Allah is the One who has power over all things. And there are many forms of Sabha that it takes. It's such an important concept. It's mentioned all over the Quran. There is a Saba Allah more.

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Sabah al Mahathir

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was Saba Alain marcador.

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There is patience on what Allah has commanded. And so we are patient with Salaat we continue to make it we are patient in Ramadan, even though it's in the summer.

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We are patient with giving a cat even though we need our money,

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but Allah commanded this that is a sabia.

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But we are also patient with that which Allah has prohibited.

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Those things that Allah has said stay away from

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we are patient

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and we are also patient with L MK door. And that is called Allah Ma sha Allah, that we are patient with that which Allah has wilt because there's a reason for everything that is happening in front of us.

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And we see in the history of Islam

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that after the darkness after the time when it seems so terrible, Islam rose back up

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after the Mongols destroyed Baghdad

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and it seemed according to the historians, it was yarmulke Yama.

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They thought that the Mongols were using my Jewish

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they thought it was over.

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But after that, Allah rose up strong Muslims out of the ashes, and the Muslim world rose. And some of the greatest scholars

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in our history rose up during the period

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after the time of the Salahuddin Allah UB

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after the time of those who stood up against the Mongols, and so, after the darkness was light,

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but another form of patience, which is an interesting one also, and that is a Saba Allah mafia,

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and that is patients in good times. And we may consider ourselves to be in a state of Apphia, although we are suffering in our own way, but compared to other parts of the world, so people say well, I feel so sorry for other people. In other parts of the world. You are under a test I am under a test,

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which may be worse than the other people. And the companions of the Prophet SAW Salem used to say that when Rasul Allah so Salem was here, it was difficult, but as our faith was strong,

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but when he left and the gold started coming in, now we are weak.

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And so patience in good times, means that if Allah has given you and me something we need to give back. Continue to give back. To recognize that a good portion of our wealth doesn't belong to us.

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It should be given to people who are suffering, especially the Muslims.

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The other great quality given to us through the prophets on seldom suffering was taqwa

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and Taqwa itself, the consciousness of Allah, you fear Allah you hope and Allah We hear this all the time. But how do you increase your taqwa?

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What can we do you and I simple Muslims, what can we do? To increase our Taqwa?

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The great orlimar have shown us

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simple clear activities that we can do.

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We can make sincere intentions, that when we intend to do something, make sincere intentions.

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Try to be as sincere with Allah as possible. Increase forms of worship,

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any form of worship that you can do even giving sadaqa whatever it is, increase it. Observe the Sunnah. Don't just do your ferret. Or don't just have sunnah in some parts in the masjid, sunnah in your lifestyle. So now at your job, so now with your family. So now with everything that you and I are doing. Next, recite the Quran with meaning.

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Not just tilava but Tada, but

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think about it.

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And then it becomes real. Busy yourself with good deeds. We need to busy yourself. People want to busy themselves with a video game. They want to busy themselves with making money.

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If we want to raise our Taqwa busy ourself with good deeds, be humble.

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Have good manners o'clock. Watch your manners. It's not sometimes who you are, but what you do.

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What is our character next, seek knowledge of Islam.

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Not just the scholars every person should you be seeking some form of knowledge of Islam even if it means reading a little bit of Hadith.

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reading something from Sierra.

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Next, to increase Taqwa. Try to be around people who remind you of Allah.

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When you are around them, it will increase the taqwa.

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Number 10. Try to be as pirate as pious and seek

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grit as you are an open when you make your enough Allah pray at home is that the same as when you're in the masjid? When somebody is looking at you that will raise your taqwa.

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Next, be alert, be aware of what will divert you from the path. Whatever weakness I have, I need to be aware of that weakness.

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Next to everything to please Allah, everything.

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Number 13 focus on the main purpose of life, and that is to worship the Creator and everything that we do.

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And number 14 Remember death. Remember death often, because we will be making that transition soon. And 15 keep our eyes on the price. And that is Genda keep our eyes on the price and not the lottery.

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But the real price is called Idina fee ha Abaddon, living in paradise forever.

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We also need some common sense. And I want to end this today with some common sense from one of our Muslim leaders of North America.

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very apt words for what we are going through today. This was Alhaji Malik Shabazz, known as Malcolm X. Rahim Allah, he was reported to have said, if you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppression.

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He also said, There is nothing better than adversity, every defeat

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every heartbreak, every loss contains its own seed.

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Its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.

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So if something goes against you, there's a seed of victory in that.

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And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to give our community and the Muslims around the world to give them patience and sober. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to feed and protect our children in Afghanistan and in Philistine and in East Africa.

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Rohingya children are Kashmiri children, the children and the families throughout the Muslim world. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to raise up leadership in the Muslim world

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balanced leadership to take us from darkness into light. I leave you with these thoughts. And I ask Allah to have mercy on me and you are co Lokali howdah was stuck for Lolly welcome. What he saw Ely Muslim medium and Coulee Dam been Istanbul Pharaoh in the who who have affordable

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