Abdul Wahab Saleem – The 10 Commandments – EP07

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of "harvest" in the Bible and how it is used to indicate wealth and power. They emphasize the need to stay far away from "harvest" and not go close to it, as it is considered a permanent behavior. The success of the recent hip hop trial and the importance of listening to parents' rights and responsibilities is also highlighted.
AI: Transcript ©
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It whatsoever hedge mine along Alabama in federal law and found that the man was Idina alemania carrying the 10 commandments. This is your brother Abdul Wahab Salim and we're doing the number six sixth commandment. Allah Subhana. Allah says, while atakora boo Mallya teamie illa, the lady here and now we are in verse number 152. From salted Anam Allah says what are the caribou and do not go close. Do not go close. Right when you hear this word well ah boo you suddenly remember the previous

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example in which Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the same word as well. There's another commandment we looked at while at the Colorado River wash. Do not go close to shameless acts. While at Aqaba, Xena don't go close to Xena. Now Allah Subhana Allah is telling you do not go close to where Milan deity team the wealth of the orphan. Why? Why use this same term that Allah subhana wa tada normally uses in the Koran for shameless deeds normally uses in the Quran for Xena because this is how harsh the you know outcome This is how harsh the forbidden is from Allah subhana wa Tada. This is how harsh the commandment and hard the commandment severe that commandment is from Allah subhanho wa Taala for

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a person to avoid going close to the wealth of the person that is 18 also because you see when Allah subhana wa tada talks about dealings of human beings with one another. Allah subhana wa tada says in the Quran, Allah Taku do not eat a mala comb your wealth beynac in between you will badly without any justifiable means don't eat the wealth of one another. Don't steal from one another. Don't take the wealth of one another unjustifiably This is what Allah subhana wa tada saying, but he uses the word eat Why? And he uses over here la takanobu don't go close. There's a difference. Why? Because you see when you go close to the wealth of a full grown human being, the problem will actually occur

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when you actually get your hands on the wealth and eat it. Or you do something with it. You spend it in some way, right? That's when the problem will actually occur. You take the money, you spend it somewhere, that's when it will occur Otherwise,

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the person will be there to fight back, you'll say no, this is my money. You can't take this. However, if it's a team, child, and orphan child, no parents, no fathers, no uncles, no one to take care of him, then who's going to take care of him, the person that is the Guardian, and the Guardian will be the one that will have access to as well he can do whatever you want. And this this young child, you can't tell them anything. And that's what Allah subhanaw taala says, don't even go there.

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I know it's really really, you know, tempting, there is no guardians for this person except yourself. There is no one to save this person's wealth, except yourself. Don't even go close to it. So you don't get tempted. Just as the Lord tells you don't go close to shamelessness, so you don't get tempted, and you actually fall into Xena. So over here don't go close to this wealth because wealth and also,

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you know, the human need towards sexuality. Those two things are too intriguing to a man, they just add a woman like we just cannot, you know, prevent it from occurring if we go close to it. So Allah recognizes our psychology tells us stay far, far away from it, while atakora boo Mallya to do not go close to the wealth of a child, that is an orphan inability here is and but what you can do is that you can do something good to take the money. This year teen child orphan child, you you know, he was a child of very rich family from a very rich family. So they left them behind a fortune, you can take this money invested for him, you can put it in halaal investments, and then when the child

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grows up, he can accrue the benefit of those investments, that's perfectly fine. And that is what Allah subhanaw taala is telling you here in bility, he hasn't had,

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I should, this is also a very important point over here until he reaches the should, until he reaches the point where now he can handle himself. Sometimes, it's very, very difficult for you to give up a power that you have and you've had for a very, very long time. And that's why at times when children grow up, it's harder for parents to give in to the fact that now they have their own lives. right because the whole time the parent had the responsibility of the child and also had the liberty to do whatever he wants with the child command them this way. Tell him not to do this. Tell him to do this. Tell her not to do tell her to do. This is the liberty that people have but it's a

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responsibility. Allah subhana wa tada says when they get past a point where no longer do you have to take care of their wealth, then move away. Let them do their own job. Let them do the orphan.

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You can't hurt as well, if it's not yours as soon as he gets to an age, where he's able to do, he's able to transact in a proper, proper manner or she's able to transact in a proper manner. You walk away from the wealth and you say, Here you go, you can give him some guidance. That's why Allah subhanaw taala says, what it is to mean homeless then fed federal election, Mr. The home, when you end up seeing that they're rightly guided are either able to transact properly at that time you take the wealth and give it back to them. ie the point when you give the wealth back is when you see that they're able to transact. And even at that time, you can still give them guidance, because you still

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have in one way or another, some guardianship upon them. So the point to take home over here is take care of the orphan. Why do I say this? Allah subhanaw taala is talking about a very specific matter, because this specific matter was a phenomenon that was widespread within the pagan society, but he wants you to realize that just as I told you to take care of my own rights by not associating partners with me, the parents rights by you know, being very kind and gentle to them by the children's right, by avoiding all forms of you know, tire any and all forms of transgression against the children, by the rights of all of the other rights that I've mentioned. Similarly, I'm not

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forgetting that member of society that has no parents to take care of him, right. This child may say, Well, you know what? Allah subhanho wa Taala is talking about the rights of the parents and the children. I'm in an equation where there are no parents. A law remembers his rights as well. So go from today, and remember the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and if you don't have it yet me Kathy and I and the person who takes care of the team are like these two fingers and Jenna, you will be close to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Jeddah. If you take care of the team, it's very easy and it's not very expensive as well, but it is very very fruitful on the

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Day of Judgment. It is a lucrative opportunity for you to invest Jazakallah Heron for listening was all Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajmeri

Episode 7 : Right of an Orphan

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