Abdul Wahab Saleem – Tafseer Of Surah Taha 08

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The segment discusses various narratives and arguments against magicians, including Danny A repeat, Moosa Elisa Lam, and John F. The idea of "bringing something" and the potential consequences of doing so are discussed. The magicians in Iran are saying that they will bring the woman from her land and bring her into her life, and the " handyman" in Musasaam is a temporary appearance, not a complete guarantee on future success. The " handyman" is not a complete guarantee on future success, but temporary.
AI: Transcript ©
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Although he may not show up on your big

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fatahna Zoo

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zoo in USA Iran UT Danny

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Lee Kuan Yew de Danny a any creature boom in the can be safely Hema

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potty potty Kumara Musleh for me, okay they're going to suffer. What are the F la Harley a woman and his toddler on

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for either

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Lt. Murphy Yemeni capital personnel for now oh in one hour

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in while I live with you Haley through

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sunart hamdulillah salatu salam ala rasulillah hamdu lillahi

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wa salatu wa ala Sayidina Muhammad in WA Allah Allah He also be a German alumna alumna in Fredonia when I left tener Was it an animal yeah kidding. So did he was psyllium melissani fo od or visit any ailment or disease or obesity Allah? Allah Allah Allah Allah Masha Allah who Salah has an either shoot Salah Welcome everyone to another episode of The secret of Baja, we are we were discussing the story of Musa because most of sort of Baja actually happens to be the story of Musa and it's also known as a sort of Messiah It's also known as selective Kelly McCallum Allah is origin Allah subhana wa tada set but then as a amerihome, and we left off at where Musa alayhis salam. He told the

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magician's when you look on lat after voila, he can see by advise them told them not to lie, don't fabricate upon Allah as origin and he lies for 10 hours or amerihome. So they ended up disputing they ended up getting into arguments. Being home between them they started to arguing about different things. Well, several najwa and they now are speaking to one another in secrecy. Okay, after Moosa Elisa Lam gives it his advice. Now they're basically gathering together that leaders have missed them or gathering together to discuss what should we say, what should we do? What should we not, perhaps the advice of musasa I'm really hit home run with them. And for that reason, they

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were shook. And they wanted to discuss now how they should treat this situation, because they already we're pretty well aware that Musashi Salaam is in fact, not a magician, he happens to be something else. So some of them said, Okay, so if he's able to win us, or win against us, we know that we simply have the sleight of hand, we have this particular stick, we're going to throw it we play something in it, so it will shake, you know that the seal books pretty much have it, that in the in the staffs of the magicians, they simply placed something already, right, that would make this staff shake, as if it is like a snake. So it would appear to people as if it's a snake,

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especially from a distance. And perhaps who knows they dressed it like snakes, we don't know anyways, the idea is they through the staff, they started shaking with the mechanism that they'd already placed within it. However, if a real snake comes, it won't be able to outdo the it will definitely be able to overcome these other fake sort of sticks, right? So they were not afraid. They said, Now, if this person is able to bring something else other than what we think to be magic, right, other than what we can do simply make a stick appear like a snake even though it's not a snake, right. If he's able to do something else, then let's believe in him. This is the discussion

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that they had missed them and some scholars, they say they had other discussions and anyways, we don't exactly know what the discussion was, but from

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What happens next? Perhaps this particular opinion that I mentioned to you is a good opinion on in her danila, Iran

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in Hazara Sahara. Now in some of the narrations of this verse, And what I mean by narrations of this versus some of them that are out of this verse, right? So we have the clear art, which are the seven or the 10 foot wall, and each body has somebody, why not some narrations for from each body, ie, a sub body if you so please, right. And so for example, acid, we recite the pillar of acid and I'm doing the Tafseer of the Quran, based primarily on the Bureau of awesome, but through the narration or through the recording of house, and he also has short about as well. So most of the poorer a number of karate read in Danny la lesser on indeed. These two happen to be magicians now of course,

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who's speaking over here.

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They said some of them said that these must have been the magicians themselves. Okay. kalu they said in Danny, Lhasa Huron over here in Heflin awesome in agony. Lhasa Heron, right?

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They said this must have been the magician's. And perhaps that's the case because right before that, the

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the pronoun Wow. In the previous verse right in the beginning for the naza amerihome, they started to dispute upon their matter disagree upon their matter is referring to the Sahara, it's referring to the magician's. So perhaps this was a Mr. Things that they said. In private, they decided that if he's able to overcome us, we will, we will definitely believe in him. in public, and especially in front of the Pharaoh, they ended up saying, these two people are in fact, magicians and we will be able to overcome them. You read on a ubiquity document or the condition

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for a particular Muslim. Now, of course, there's another understanding that Iran was the one saying all of this, that indeed, these two happen to be magicians, they only wish for them to lead you out of your land. Remember that I was concerned so much about his land, even in an earlier episode, we discussed this. So he's telling them as well, they just want to take your Dominion out of this land. They are magicians, and people come to you for help, or magicians. So now after their magic prevails, if it does, they will start going to musala ceram to start going to heroin and a syrup. So you have to make sure you correct yourself on this ahead of time before something goes wrong. Right?

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This is perhaps what you're only seeing. And it could be that the

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middle magicians are saying this in either case, this conversation this idea is prevalent within them, Pharaoh knows about it. Also the magicians knows about it, if they win today Musa and Harun the dominion of the soothsayers, the magicians in your own on top of all of them is going to fall because people will say, these people are stronger than you and you people have to be weaker, right? And already the Israelites have had it because of all the oppression that they went through from the Coptic. So then now they just want to, they want out the Israelites themselves. In harganya Sahara you read on a document or the comb, viscera, Hema, well, yeah, da da da da potty como Musleh Musleh.

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And they also wanted take away your very, very exemplary path. Your exemplary lifestyle and style right. Now, whenever someone brings something new to our society, one of the people people are concerned about is their lifestyle. People are not willing to make changes changes to their lifestyle because of the will of God, right? Except those people who happen to truly be believers and those people who happen to submit themselves to the belief that they have been bestowed with Allah subhanaw taala has granted them with right, except those people, nobody else is really willing to submit themselves to the will of God and change, make instrumental changes within their own

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lifestyle for the sake of this new guidance that they received. This is exactly what's happening over here. Either the mission magicians are saying this or thrown himself is saying this, that we have a fabulous idea but the common Muslim, they will get rid of and they will drive away and they will pretty much bring to an end your exemplary path and your exemplary style or what this means is and if this is a fairly speaking, that they will get rid of your dominion, people come to you or magicians, people come to you for help. And they come to you for major decisions in life and they come to you when they when things go south in their lives. Now they're going to start going to Moosa

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and heroin so you better make sure you win this one, otherwise you're going to be in a big problem.

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Now I've explained this verse in both ways, whether this was a statement of Iran or it was a statement of

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or it was a statement of the magician.

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It appears to me that this is in fact, the statement of the magicians because of the plural bottle, they said. But there's something important to mention over here. And that is in Daniella, Sahara, the word in her doneita Sahara. Indeed, these two happen to be magicians This is very important to mention. And that is that some orientalists and some propaganda stuffy So please, that have some knowledge of basic grammar and so on and so forth. They'll say this happens to be a mistake in the put on. Okay, right here, you guys say the language of the Quran is the epitome of all language and so on and so forth. But here it is, I found you a mistake. Right.

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In doneita, Sahara. The norm is when you have the word in now, this is the recitation of how sandhausen in how danila Sahara, you go to the other recitations, many of them which say in nada de la Sahara. Indeed, these two happen to be magicians, right? Moosa and hava. Now the norm is when you have the word in, not after it, whatever. And when they get a little bit grammatical, if you don't understand, don't worry about it, but whoever can understand it, Hamdulillah, right, because I have to get a little bit technical in order for me to ward off this particular accusation that's made around the hole on or about the Koran. So you'll say look in some of the recitations of the Quran,

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Allah had revealed in NA Nila slash Sahara and we know that the word in now it's a darkness, it is a an instrument which ends up making whatever is after it have a have forgotten and on top of it, or it makes it go through the state called the state of nuts, right, there's three different states and syntax start off and job. So it places it into the state of nos. That means there should be either for today No, there should be a yard there should be different things that can represent that state of loss, right. So over here, it should have been in now they need us a hearing. But over here it says in Naha doneita Sahara, even though it should have been based on basic grammar, if you studied

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the Medina books, even you know this, it should be in navini, right. But the thing is, the Quran doesn't always come with basic grammar, that's the issue. Your basic mind may understand one thing, but the Quran may come with something that's a little bit different, because you have to understand Allah had revealed the Koran, so that every single person on this the Arabs in that society will be able to recite, some things are very difficult for certain tribes to say and other things are very, very difficult for other other types of say, Now, when I used to hear this answer before, some things are very difficult for some tribes to say, and other things are very difficult, very, very

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difficult for other tribes to say perhaps that other thing is easy for the first tribe, and vice versa, right?

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When I used to hear this before, I would say Well, you know what, I can say in the head on, and I can say in nothing. I can say that. It's not difficult for me to say either one. Until in the final year of my bachelor's degree, when I was in a job. I, the teacher in our third read class made me a TA. Okay, I've talked on for many, many years of the lessons I was perhaps 15 years old, or even before that taught, hold onto people. And I've been reciting on since I knew life, basically hamdu lillahi, Rabbil aalameen.

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So the teacher ended up making me a TA This was maybe several years ago. And I was teaching now to a person who is a Bedouin, literally, okay, my own classmates because there's three of us. And there was a lot of different students. So the teacher took three students who he thought could become TAs and, and he made me and two other students teas. And we were teaching basically, we were taking the class dividing it into four pieces, one portion for the teacher and the other portion for the other students. Right. So now I have these students, some of whom come from city lives. Others are literally Bedouin, okay, what I mean by literally veteran I mean, literally veteran, literally some

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of them are driving an hour from an hour away, okay, or hour or two away outside of the hour coming for the class. Okay, so they live literally in villages. They were raised, raised in village culture. And they of course, speak Arabic as a native language. They're all studies. And one of the students I started teaching him and a number of others as well. I realized that if I teach him to say any word, he actually cannot say the word in any other way, except the way he grew up saying it. It's like when I speak English and I speak with a Canadian accent, I cannot suddenly switch myself into a into a, an Australian or a British person and so on and so on.

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Fourth, perhaps someone that is learning the language as a new language altogether, he has to learn every single intricacy of the language they can, they can learn, practice different voices for certain words, but I cannot do that, right? It's very difficult than some people that are skilled, they're able to manage that as well. Even though that is a little bit different, okay, Arabic is a little bit more systematical in that regard. Okay, but this person is literally and I mean, literally, I'm saying it's la he, he cannot say La he has to say Allahu, because all of his life he's been saying, Allahu Allahu Allah in the Quran, there's a couple of places where Allah who does

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come as well. And that's also a dialect within the amongst the dialects of the errors. But I realized at that point, it was one of those light bulb moments, I realized that the hikma of Allah revealing the Quran in these slightly different ways, so that people from each tribe are actually able to pronounce this person is not able to, and I'm trying, he's a student, his fourth year student in a shittier program, or Islamic Studies program, he is not able to say anything, but what has been raised up saying, I Li, la, la, la, la, because that's how he says it at home. That's how he was raised up and he's not able to pronounce anything else. Not that he doesn't have good

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muhaddith she's Arab, he's able to say, I am hiding and all the other mahato as well, but this particular word, it just didn't work for him. Okay, and then I noticed in some of the other students as well. So my point again over here is these people are not people who the Quran is coming down to nomadic people, okay, they're not people who learn what a Fatah is, what a llama is, what a customer is, what a, you know, this or that they just learned the language as a natural phenomenon, or a natural sort of process of learning as they grew up a mother tongue. So it's going to be very difficult for them as speakers to suddenly switch to, to another to something different that they're

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not used to. Right.

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So there was a, there's an incident like this, a teacher was trying to teach a student that bethia that abena have you with them? Right? destruction beat of the hands of Abu lahab, whatever. So every time you would teach wanted to teach the student in intervals, and not the whole if it was a young child, so you would say that back to the right, he's reciting the bet here the you would stop there. Now he's hoping for the student to recite, and the student said that but you're done. Because you can't stop like that. You can't stop like that in Arabic. Okay. If you want to drop the known then you have to say the bet yada Amina Have you have to say the whole thing. I'm getting to a very

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important point, when you are raised up with a language, it's hard for you to suddenly make a change to it. Okay. So now let's get back to the ayah. In Aha, Danny is actually a dialect from amongst the dialects of the Arabs in some of the dialects of the Arab Arabs, including Serbia, including Hassan including Cantina including Ben unhealth, right. They used to actually say, inna had Danny Okay, they would say they would say jazzy Danny,

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morale to be zany or a to as Murat to be, say, Danny, or a to say, Danny, so in all three syntax forms, they would actually leave the lF. Okay, that was the way they would speak. So for Hassan 14, Nana, for a number of other tribes, it would have been difficult for him, it would have been difficult for them to recite in the evening. Okay, so Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed it in this way upon their ledger upon their dialect, so it's easier for people to recite, and this is found in Arabic poetry as well. I'm saying all this because some people will say, Oh, no, there's some scholars who even Muslim scholars who said this is wrong. You know what, I'm not going to hide

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something from you because you're going to hear something from me. And then they'll say, well, the Shaykh was saying this, but this particular orientalist has another proof. It's not that I don't know, I'll tell you directly. There are some Muslim scholars who've also said something like this, but ignorance is cure through knowledge. If they didn't realize that there's other dialects available within the Arabic language, then that is their problem. They just didn't know. And we have a principle which says it must be tomoka de mon Allah nafi. The one who affirms is always given preference, you give preference to the person who affirms over the one who negates so someone

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negating the the, the fact that there happens to be another dialect within the classical dialects of the Arabs. He's going to be sidelined. If someone comes in establishes that, especially with a proof, and I'll give you the proof. There's a line of poetry and there's many lines of poetry. And normally when we talk about proofs in establishing a dialect, we go back to the classic Arabic poetry, a poet says in Nevada, whatever.

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But the better off in Majidi waiata.

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So over here, if you notice the poet is saying in Nevada

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That's fine, whatever

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it should have been What about a D Ha. But the better off we'll measure the higher da it should have been via theta. So he kept the Alice in, in all of the states in the different states right in the

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Baja peninsula often makes the lighter and there's many examples of this. So the point is in some dialects the Elif stays through all the different states whether that be monsoon or module or also metaphor and this is basically one answer the six different answers to this so before you hear someone says you know, there's mistakes and no no no no, there's a lot Arabic language is a very very vast language. The second answer and this is what I should have said is that and of course others mentioned as well he actually said this is the strong answer. Is that the word in not it actually means yes. Okay. There's a mark among the usages of the word in NA is is to simply mean

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yes. So when Allah subhana wa tada says carlu in they said in NA Yes, however, danila saturon definitely over shorty these people happen to be these two people happen to be magicians. So in simply Yes, just as you say nom, there is another way of saying or just as you say again, which is another way of saying yes, in Arabic. There's another way of saying yes, which is enough.

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That is not again the famous meaning but again, Arabic language is so vast that not everybody knows the the all the different meanings. So you have to be a proper lexicographer in order for you to know these different dialects or different meanings and so on and so forth. Borrow in her Danita Sahara, you read on a ukri Jackman only conditionality Hema? Well yes

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indeed, these two happen to be sat head on they happen to be two magicians UD Danny de Giacomo, they wish to drive you out of your land with their with their magic, we yet have Abdullah the aquatic human. And also they wish to renew of your exemplary path and exemplary style or exemplary lifestyle. For me, Katie the consumer to so far, so now four ounces to them. So get yourselves together for me who can literally get yourself together, get your plots together, get your, you know, weapons together and their weapons or simply their stuffs right, get them together some metal sofa and then go before him soften, go before him in rows. Okay? Historically, and in modern day,

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people who wish to simply deceive other people, one of the means that they use is presentation, okay? Evil sometimes today is presented in the best of ways were good as presented in the worst of ways I asked him not to get rentas autofit to present good, and also the best of ways, right? So they're now looking into presentations. So they're like, Okay, now we're gonna stand in rows. Remember, we said there are a lot of people, some estimates, low estimates have 7080 people, high estimates go all the way up to 900,000 people. Now it could be that 900,000 was inclusive of also the attendees. We don't know. But anyways, what we know is it was the oma Xena, it was the day of

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beauty and this was a very, very attended event. So if Ron told them now gather, go ahead and stand one line after another line after another line after another line. So it looks like you're literally like an army of magicians and there's just two people on the other end. What but the moment is that Allah And whoever is able to prevail today, that person is going to be the winner. That person is going to definitely succeed.

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They said Yakuza OSA ima and to try an akuna Avila monopod they said, OSA either you throw the staff you throw it or we

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we become the first ones who throw the stuff as well. Okay. So now they're telling Moosa almost either you take your stuff and you chuck it. So you start the competition or the challenger, so on and so forth, or we will start the challenge, and we will start the competition, right, or the challenge rather, on our level musala Sallam said rather, rather, you should go ahead and start this particular show, you should be starting the championship challenge, I will wait until you're done because there's a lot of them. So they go ahead and throw their a bow they throw their ropes and they throw their they throw their you know, their staffs and sticks and so on and so forth. And when

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they started throwing their ropes and their staffs and Allah subhanaw taala said, you know, he made 70

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from the magic from the sleight of hand that they did from there, whatever they had done, right, whatever form of magic it was, what happened is, this particular all of these stuffs and all of these all of these

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robes, they started moving in a way that it looked as if they are actually snakes. So Allah subhanho wa Taala said it appeared, you have a yellow earring. So it wasn't real magic Allah saying you have a yellow really, it appeared that way, it appeared as if they are actually moving and nahata saw that they're actually moving forward and going around, and so on and so forth. But it was simply an appearance, it was simply sleight of hand, it wasn't real transformation of a stick, because that happens by the leave of a lot. But it was

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a lot continuous and explains now the state of musala. Sam, when he sees these sticks and ropes suddenly transforming apparently, apparently into snakes, and it appears to the rest of the crowd as well that they've now turned into snakes. Remember, if we go earlier, and we read for our own simply said felon at the end of the session with me, we will bring to you a Sir, we will bring to you a magic that happens to be the same as as yours as well, right? So if there's snakes appear to the people, if they're their staffs, and their ropes appear to the people as if they're snakes, and they appear, like they're moving as well, just as this, the staff of musasa ramudu. Right, then

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obviously, for our own has fulfilled whatever he said he was going to do, right? Because he was able to fulfill the challenge that was will bring the same sort of magic as yourself, right.

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And you think that that magic is a reason for us to believe in you but the answer, but the reality is, it's not enough of a reason for us to believe because we can do the same thing. Right, even though as I said it's simply appeared that way. So because of this disappearance, Musa alayhis salam became a little bit of fear, afraid internally, not externally. And that's a very important factor that will just has, he felt in himself, Allah subhanho wa Taala said, he started feeling inside of himself enough. See, internally, not externally. Sometimes when you're in this situation, you might feel a little bit weak, a little bit one rebel, but you have to not allow the fear to be apparent to

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people as well. Right? You may feel internally a little bit fearful. Now Musashi Salaam is not afraid of throne because this is a messenger messengers are not afraid of doing anything for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. He's not afraid of any of that what he's afraid of. And I'll show you the proof for this as well. What is afraid of is he's afraid that the people who see the appearance magic that these magicians are doing a game in front of in the challenge in front of musala ceram their snakes are turning also into their staffs are also turning into snakes and their ropes are also turning into snakes. So it may appear to them that Musashi said aravinda magicians are

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equivalent. So that's what he's afraid of. And what's the result of that? What what's the consequence of that? What's the consequence of that the consequence of that is that people will then not believe in Musashi Sarah, and they will not believe in how to not listen. And they'll say, you guys are the same as the magician, right? So that's where he's afraid.

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And not that fair. I will do something to him or that foot, I will overcome him or that that is not what's what's occupying the mind of musasa ROM thief button. He had a state of fear, okay. He felt is a state of fear, or the Marvin Gaye jelsa with fear Latin. I think Elsa, Fear Allah, anything that comes on the word on the form of the word fear, it is to show the state so he had an internal state of fear of FIFA, hula. Now, we said, latter half, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid to unlock and notice that even if he doesn't let it be external, remember, it's internal because I would just say journal CFC, he is also internal right inside of himself and not externally. So Allah subhanaw

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taala saw the internal feel fear as well, even though he didn't let it become apparent until now, we said, lots of inika Allah, don't be afraid, because you will prevail and they will not prevail, you will be above them, you will be prevalent, and they will not be prevalent. So you can see that he's simply afraid of them revealing in the challenge, which was that will bring a magic similar to your magic. And then if they did that they would simply prevail in the challenge, right? Because he was using that map that appeared magic would appear to be magic. It was a miracle from a laws origin. He was using that as a proof for his prophethood and his message, but now they're bringing the same

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thing. So how can he be truthful in the claim that he's making? So Allah subhanho wa Taala said, Don't worry, you will definitely prevail. I asked Allah Subhana Allah Allah to allow us to take lesson from the guidances within the book of Allah Buddha is that he was jealous and I asked Allah subhana wa Taala to allow us to have a heart which is not afraid of the people, but he's it's afraid for the people because the fear that was really set on had was for the people and not afraid of the people.

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Not afraid of Turtle Island he is not afraid that the magician's are going to do something to him. He wasn't afraid that the crowds are going to start going into uproar. He was afraid for the people that if things go south, then all these people who I thought could believe they're not going to believe, right? So I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant this fear only of him and if there's fear that we have in our interactions with people happens to be for their sake and not from them. I mean, there'll be other majors icon below him for listening or something Allahu Allah CD now Muhammad Ali, he was like big money.

Episode 8 of the series Tafseer of Surah Taha – Ramadan 2017.


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