Abdul Nasir Jangda – Stories of the Prophets #11 Self-Control

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of understanding the meaning of "naught" in modern English, including its meaning in relation to "naught" and "naught" in modern French. They also emphasize the use of "naive" in relation to "naught" and the importance of learning the "naught" concept in the context of "naught" and "naught" in modern French. The segment also touches on the loss of a child in a family and the need for comfort and support in facing difficult situations. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning self control and finding a way to hold oneself and allow others to succeed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah you will hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Allah Ali he was a big Mairena Salam or Aleikum, wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

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Inshallah continuing with the stories of the prophets in the Quran

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be are going to be talking today about the lessons that we can extract from the story of Yaqoob either his salaam,

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the prophet Jacoba Alayhis Salam is of course, the great Prophet of Allah, who is mentioned multiple places throughout the Quran, and about whom the prophets Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, amongst others, and carry movement will carry moving to carry movement carrying, that there is this lineage and chain of succession between prophets, where you have Yusuf alayhi salam, who is the son of Yahoo Valley, his salah, who is the son of his Hawk Alehissalaam, who is the son of Ibrahim alayhis salam. So Jakob Ali Salam belongs to this beautiful chain of succession and lineage of prophethood.

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Similarly, something very interesting. We know and we hear this reference in the Quran repeatedly. Yeah, Bani Israel,

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that Allah subhanaw taala speaks about the Israelites went to Israel.

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And that reference of Bani Israel in the children of Israel eel, that goes back to the Prophet yaku Alayhis Salam, because he had another name. That second name of his was Israel Edie, okay, which basically translates in their language, Aramaic or ancient language as the servant of God.

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And so, the prophet Jacobo allihies Salam is who we're talking about here today. And the Prophet Jacoba, you said, um, has a phrase that is very well known. It's like conch. It's something that people are very familiar with. And oftentimes, when we say the name Iacob that phrase probably immediately pops into one's mind. And it's found in the hadith of Makati

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as well, when our mother I just said, Dear God, or the Allahu Taala Anna,

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when she was slandered

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at that time is called Hadith if, or walked out till if the slander of our mother Aki shows to decode or the Allahu Allah

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that she invokes that phrase at that time as well. That I will say, a call Luca makalah. Abu Yusuf, in one narration, she says that I will say, as the father of use of it, his Salam said, and then she comments later on, she says, I couldn't even think of the name yaku because I was so just, I was so frustrated with the situation, that I was being falsely accused and slandered.

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And then she quotes that iconic phrase, and that phrase occurs twice in the sutra that we've just started into. So that's use of the 12th chapter of the Quran. And that phrase is for sub Arun gem Ilan

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for sub Arun jam Ilan. Now, if we translate that very plainly, simply, it would translate as beautiful patience.

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And the father is for conclusion, so he's basically saying

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in that case, as a response to what is going on, I resort to beautiful patients. However, the lesson I would like for us to learn here from the story of Jaco Bazzara interestingly, I would not title it as patience.

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And I'll explain exactly why. Patience the word server.

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The word patience in English does identify a part of what is server.

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It identifies what the outcome of server looks like patients, but it does not even begin to capture the full scope of the word server.

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Server has so much meaning packed into it.

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And there's a narration as well, in which the prophets Allah, Allah Rasool Isola the cinema and only he for southern Jamil the prophets Allah the same was asked about the statement of Yaqoob in the Quran for southern Jamila and the prophets Allah they seldom said sub Arun la Sheikh Rafi, it is a server in which there is no crying or complaining to anyone.

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Anyone else

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and I wanted to explain

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just one very interesting aspect of patience, there is another great prophet of Allah in the Quran that we are going to be talking about Inshallah, on another day, who is also identified with that lesson of patience. And that is, of course, the Prophet, Ayoub Alehissalaam job, right? So the question kind of occurs, it can be the same exact trading quality, why not all the prophets possessed all these admirable qualities, but the Quran is so nuanced. And it's so deep and so profound, that it's not just simply hola is repeating the same lesson over again.

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But there's a very interesting layering to this issue of Southern and that is, there are many categorizations of suburbia. But one particular categorization of somebody is that there is somebody in the face of the decree of Allah.

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There is somebody as a response to the decree of God. Think of something that we would describe as an act of God,

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a natural event,

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something that does not involve another person.

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Somebody is afflicted with a disease.

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The somebody a loved one passes away.

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A natural disaster occurs and destroys his home and property,

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things of that nature. There is someone in that scenario, where it's an act of God,

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then there is somebody

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in response to in the face of difficulty, tragedy, adversity, that is caused by other people.

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someone wrongs you sub

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someone cheats, who lies to you,

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accuses you, slanders you, physically harms you.

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Then the subject of that, does everyone understand? So there's someone with the decree of Allah, what Allah has decreed what Allah has decided, and then there is somebody when dealing with people.

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And that is the beautiful nuance here in the book of Allah in the Quran, that the story of a ubani, he said,

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is the lesson of summer with the decree of Allah.

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And, like I said, we'll talk about that separately, and specifically because it deserves attention and focus. And the story of the Prophet yah, Kobani. Saddam is somebody in the scenario when you have been wronged by other people.

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And that is the lesson we're going to talk about here today. So for the sake of this, again, this exercise of learning these lessons from the stories of the prophets in the Quran, what I will call this particular lesson is learning self restraint. Or we can also call it self control. This kind of summer, in response in reaction to other people. This is more in the realm of self control. Can I control myself in that moment? Or will I lash out

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there's an immediate follow up question someone has here. And that is well, someone wrongs me Don't I have the right to exact the same thing upon them? Absolutely. But Allah subhanaw taala says be myth Lima or Epitome?

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Well I in Sabah from LA Hua hydrolysable, from an AR Tada Anika, Allah subhanaw taala. However, in the Quran does tell us that if you are going to exact on someone what they have done to you, then you better make sure that it is exactly what they did you not even a bit more. And then Allah says it's better if you're patient, because who wants to be accountable for doing that kind of precise math and making sure that you do not cross the line? And Allah subhanaw taala says, because I've warned you, I've told you the rules. Allah says, if you do cross the line and saying like, well, I get mine An eye for an eye. If you crossed the line and doing that for a while,

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you will face a very severe punishment by Allah. So that's where the lesson of Jacoba Alayhis Salam is so remarkable, so profound, so needed, so beneficial, beneficial, self control. So, the Prophet alayhi salam, where is he saying these phrases of sovereign Jamila where he is being wronged by other people, and of all people by his own sons.

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He's being wronged by his own children, his own sons first when his sons are jealous of the younger brother use of

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And they dispose of him.

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And then they come back to the Father which will be without will become easy. What will

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someone remind me what will come easy he beat them in Kelvin, excuse me, what will come easy he beat them in the oven. They come and upon the shirt of their brother is false blood.

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And the narration describes that they slaughtered or killed some other animal and they stained it with the blood of the animal and they came in they presented it to the father is a prophet of God.

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Prophet prophets of God are the most intelligent human beings that ever walked the face of the earth you don't you don't think he can tell that this is a blatant lie.

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I've delivered Masuda the Allahu Taala and who even comments on this, saying that the shirt wasn't torn and now they're claiming that all this blood and gore is here because it got eaten and devoured and torn to shreds by a wild beast, the by a wolf. And then they bring a perfectly like Iron Shirt with just like blood splattered on it.

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And Jacobo, he said um says scalable so we'll let it unfold so Umrah you fooled yourselves into thinking that this would make sense. And you come in you like to meet your father, a prophet of God, for southern gem Ilan.

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And he reminds himself, have self control.

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practice beat control yourself in this moment, Don't lash out.

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Don't do something that you'll regret afterwards

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for southern Jamila. And then later on, in the story of use of Alexandria.

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Again, in sort of the use of once again, the sons go to go get food during a drought, a famine, and they don't realize they go to who they think is the treasurer of Egypt, ancient Egypt, and it's their brother Yusuf alayhi salam who they throw in a well and disposed of but they don't realize that and they have and he had said, if you want rations for everyone, you got to bring everyone so they brought their little brother Binyamin Benjamin, they brought Binyamin and Yusuf Ali salaam, recognizing this he arranged for Binyamin to have to stay there with him.

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And they go back to the Father and now they're reporting back to their father the second time in his life where they are reporting back

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and they are saying we lost your

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and again, he says for southern Jimmy

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as Allahu ala tianni Be him Jamia Allah will bring my children back to me.

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So again, control

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these are my own children at the end of the day. What am I what am I going to achieve by lashing out self control?

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But obviously there's another question here.

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I'm human.

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I need an outlet.

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And so the outlet is informed to us in the Quran as well. Nine number 86 Allah says Allah in nama a school Bothy were Hosni Illa, Allah.

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He said, that I present

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my grief,

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my sorrow

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before Allah, and only Allah,

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that that's the outlet. We are human, we need somewhere to pour our hearts out to

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and that is only and solely before Allah subhanaw taala. And we seek comfort in Allah. And we seek solace with Allah, and we seek strength from Allah.

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And there is no greater tragedy than the loss of a child

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is such a profound tragedy.

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And Jacoba Lee Salam is that powerful example in the Quran, that being able to hold yourself together in the face of the greatest tragedy that any human being can ever face and that is the loss of a child.

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And that's why as Allah presents these examples in the Quran, because it is such a profound tragedy, that someone who's lost a child, they find inspiration and comfort and strength through jacobellis.

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The unfathomable, somebody's lost more than one child.

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They find comfort and strength. In the example of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam, who lost six of his children in his lifetime, six of his seven children.

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And it's a bit of a side note, but it's important to note.

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That's what's been so painful

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out the last so many times

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that watching people losing their children

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and we've all seen the video footage of where someone's holding the lifeless body of their child and the invoke the spirit of Jacobian.

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And you hear them say the words for southern Jamila Allahu Akbar.

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That is the Quran being left.

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So this is the story and the lesson from the life of Yaqoob. Ali Sana, that to learn self control, and I can control myself I can hold myself and allow Allah subhanaw taala his help and mercy to come and resume. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us all Sabah, may Allah subhanaw taala teaches self control. And may we continue to draw inspiration from the book of Allah and the prophets of Allah. And may Allah subhanaw taala grant victory and his aid in his help to our brothers and sisters in cancer. I mean it will Allah mean Subhanallah who will be humbly he Subhanak along behind the shadow La ilaha illa Anta suffer corner to Bulik

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