Abdul Nasir Jangda – Speaking the Truth

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the history of the Quran and its implications for people's conversations with the truth. It emphasizes the importance of individual obligations and deeper study of the Quran and religion to determine if individuals are required to practice their religion. The importance of guidance and mindful counseling is also emphasized. The segment also touches on various narratives and their meaning, including a woman named Aisha who claims to have been born in a tree and a man named Jesus who believes in the gods. The current situation is also discussed, which is affecting brother and sister's well-being.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah here Allegan Dottie Ali Mustafa T Samia schemata BT tion gelila la cadena raffia victory matar al Emilija legal berghahn for him in a similar Celia in me was in Hasan me cathedral of fraud. Jamila Sana Zilla Otto in image GV dua Amelia Sam, serene his savvy shahidul FRB li Mila either via Aziza soul * when a shadow Allah ilaha illallah Hua who la sharika Phil Holika will amor when a shadow Ana Mohammed Abu rasuluh Almagro to email us for the villa. alumina rotary shutter he said they were afraid Vic was sallallahu alayhi wa ala Ali he was happy. Allah Xena whom hola SatoLA Arabella roba will hadal holla at Burdell MBR a mother I don't forget you

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Hannah governess Wahidullah for inner toe Hydra. SUTA art what's Aquila thing that's a kolomela Cool hasard we're Aleikum be sunnah. Fein, the sunnah to daddy Lolita, Amina to Allah rasool Allah who forgot the Russia what what Young will be the final be the otter daddy Elon, Marcia. Well May Allah Allah rasool Allah Who fucka Delta la vaca wha wha La Cumbre Sun Fang Allahu hibel Mercy Nene with the Ufa in whom we G with their aim was sofiero Whom did the Combi I'm waffling wobbling or the bIllahi min ash shaytani R Rajim yah, you Hill Latina Amanu manga altered them in coma and Dini he for Sofia Tila who be comin you hippo Whom are you? Hey buena who are the Latina? Me Nina? Tina

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Alkaff eating you Jackie doing a visa vie Lila. Well I have Hoon Allahumma Tala in the early conferred Lula who you Tiki mania Shah who Allah who was Jana Aleem will be sorry, didn't look who did he Radi Allahu Anhu and in the VE sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I call la yamna

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Maha for the nurse and yet Allah lemma Weehawken either Halima, who, oh, come up Allah Alayhi salaatu wa Salaam.

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What we are seeing and dealing with and experiencing

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all around us at this particular moment in juncture

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is something that has been

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the playbook, something that has been the strategy of Alpin.

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Since the very beginning of time.

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We see this in the Stories of the Prophets, Anakin was salam that are laid out in the Quran, when you go through Surah Hood, and Allah subhanaw taala tells us about all the different prophets who dealt with opposition and difficulty and adversity and dealt with challenges from the people throughout time. When we look at the life of Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, we see that there is a particular strategy that is employed, and that is that when there is something that is clearly wrong, Bothan incorrect.

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Either it is a crime against the hack of Allah, like shitcan, Cofer.

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And then on top of that, there are crimes against humanity and people like volume and oppression.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala

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before up till the time of the prophets Allah, Allah would send someone will equally Amata Rasool will equally Amin heard Omar Ursula

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mean Kubelik Amira, suelen Illa new he under hula ilaha illa Anna Ferragudo Allah Woodson prophets and messengers to speak out against what is wrong, what is incorrect, what is false, both in terms of crimes against Allah, the HAC of Allah, and also the hook of the people, the rights of the people.

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And after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who is hotter Munna begin, he's the CEO of prophethood, learn the bigger, badder who know prophets after him. Then the prophets Allah exam spoke about this himself. That lie is Allah that has eluded him for two min Almighty though he Reena al Huck that there will always remain people within myoma this Muslim Ummah, who will always remain very clearly upon the truth

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Lose and they will always speak the truth, especially when it is needed most when falsehood is predominant.

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And whenever that happens whenever that occurs, there are certain patterns that we have seen throughout history. And this is why so much of the Quran right the scholars they explained that the Quran can be generally the bulk of the Quran can be categorized into three categories there are a aka

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welcome there are what Allah is instructing us to believe and to do.

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Number two, we have what's called the unthinkable there are parables and logical examples and things that challenge our thinking. And number three, this has

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a curse us that there are stories of the people of the past history is being taught to us in the Quran. And there's a very important reason for that. Because there are patterns that we have to know that we have to observe and we have to see and we have to learn from so that we know what's coming we know what to expect, and we are prepared to deal with it when it does come.

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And one of the strategies and one of the things that we see is initially when that falsehood is spoken out against

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and then it is consistent. Initially when the falsehood is spoken out against, it seems very might seem like it's falling on deaf ears. But if they remain committed, they remain consistent, no matter how small their number may be, but they eventually because the truth is so powerful, but not to the for another Baluch THE FU Bill happy Albertalli forget the Magoo for either was

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Allah tells us that we unleash the truth upon falsehood. And truth obliterates the falsehood. it annihilates it Jarl Haku was Alberta in Alberta, Canada hookah when the truth comes, it dismantles falsehood, and falsehood was flimsy to begin with. Allah says. So, if they remain consistent, the people speaking the truth,

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then it becomes now deafening.

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It becomes unavoidable, it can't be ignored anymore. Because it's so powerful and it's so clearly superior to the falsehood.

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And when that happens, then the falsehood now feels threatened.

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So what comes next? What comes next is intimidation and threats. We saw this in McCurtain mukaiyama. With the Prophet sallallahu. Allah He was

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a tokoto, Luna radula, and Yahoo Larabee hola waka Jacksonville Bay United mirabito. You want to try to kill this man? Because he speaks the truth. So then comes intimidation and threats.

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And that is what we need to understand here today.

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There are in our deen and our Shetty.

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Also otherwise, there are individual obligations. And there are collective communal obligations. And it's very important to recognize about this is part of the nuance of our religion, individual and collective. Like we say there needs to be, you know, deeper study of the Quran and the religion and we need knowledge in there in.

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That's not an individual obligation every individual needs to know enough to be able to practice their religion, basically. But that's not an individual obligation that is a more collective

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commitment, that there will be knowledgeable people in the community, and the community will overall support the endeavor of knowledge. Because that obligation is not going to be put on every single person. It's not reasonable. It's not reasonable to expect every single person to become a scholar. That's not a reasonable expectation. So that's where the nuances a lot of people right now are curious. Okay, we have to speak out. We have to speak the truth in defense of our brothers and sisters, particularly in Gaza right now, against the occupation against the killing.

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But at some level, where is the individual obligation?

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And so understand, individually, not every person is obligated to be representing the entire cause in and of themselves.

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I'm not saying they shouldn't. But that is not an individual obligation that is a collective obligation. We as a community collectively have to be standing up for what's right. Let Desilu talk for two minutes at the hearing. I'll have the prophets allotting some set that expectation. He said, there needs to be a group of people dedicated to only speaking out the truth will check coming from OMA, you're the owner lol Haiti. We have Morona Wilma Adolphe way in Hona and in Makati. That Allah tells us in the Quran, the group of people need to be dedicated to doing the right thing all the time.

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But I overall wanted to so if somebody ultimately feels that their situation is maybe compromised, are they excused to maybe say less or more? That's a personal decision. They have to evaluate that they have to make that what I want to talk about here is if the only thing

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affecting your ability to speak the truth right now, and to see what's right, is that feeling of intimidation? And is that fear that is being incepted to you right now? By the forces of boppin of falsehood, then, that is something we need to understand what guidance is the Quran and the prophets? Allah doesn't provide to us the Quran and the Sunnah. What guidance does it provide for me to be able to overcome this feeling this internal feeling of trepidation hesitation, a little bit of even intimidation and fear that the forces of bottler asserting and incepting into the minds of the community right now, Allah subhanaw taala I started with the verse of the Quran in surah, two mighty

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that Allah says, Oh, you who believe whoever amongst you turns away from the religion turns their back on the religion, a very severe thing.

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But then it's still saying that when we turn away from our responsibility, for so forget to love will be home and Allah will just bring other people.

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Right, one of the biggest issues and problems in the tarbiyah

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the spiritual and personal development of people today, in our community is no exception to this is somewhere somehow someone gave us the idea that we are indispensable. That we are so precious, that we I am needed for something

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this religion, this truth, this deem doesn't need me in the least bit.

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If I'm too cowardly, if I'm too scared, if I'm too weak, to do what this religion requires of me, for Sophia, the love will be at home and Allah will just replace me with somebody else.

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And what would the characteristic of that person be? You hit the one where you hit buena who Allah will love that person and that person will love Allah. And those people are the Latina Halal meaning they will be very humble and gentle with the believers

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lol caffeine. And they will be very firm and strong against the enemies who would encroach upon the rights and the dignity of the believers.

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You Jackie doing that feasibility law, they will be willing to strive and sacrifice for the sake of Allah for what is right when a halfling Allah Matala him, and they won't fear the criticism of the person who does nothing but criticize. This is a very interesting verbiage Allah uses in the Quran, Loma Tala, amen. It's got repetition in it. What Allah is saying is that people who intimidate people who criticize people who just hurl things verbally at other people, that's all they're good for. That's all they know how to do.

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Right? It's all bark and no bite.

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So they're not intimidated by the barking of this animal that knows that doesn't know how to do anything but bark. They're not intimidated by that. But they understand that Lika Fabula eudaemonia Shah, this is the benevolence of Allah to be able to be committed to the right thing, no matter what the circumstances are. You see him in a shed and Allah grants to this ability to whomsoever He wills will luck who is you and it Allah is vast and all knowing,

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put your faith and trust in Allah in a hadith of Musa Hamid Abu Salah even Quadri you know the Allahu Taala on who narrates and the prophets Allah He so like him now.

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None of you should ever be prevented.

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Muhammad than

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OS RM intimidation and fear of other people other creation you should not let the creation intimidate you to the point. And you can never be hatin either Halima who, that you would not speak the truth, when you know it to be the truth.

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Never, ever let the creation intimidate you, or you wouldn't say what is right. When you know that it's right. Allah tells us in so to zap, that a characteristic again, of the prophets, the great prophets of Allah, who we follow for Buddhahood Mahkota de, we've been commanded to follow in the footsteps of these prophets, Alladhina ueber Lee Hornady, Salah Tila, they would always deliver the message of God, they would always speak the truth, we are shown the who, and they would only and solely fear Allah, what I have shown a hidden Illa Allah, and they would never fear anyone other than Allah will confer be lucky Hazaribagh because they knew that ultimately, at the end of the day,

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we have to answer to Allah subhanaw taala.

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Now, there's one very difficult. There's one issue involved in this discussion. That is in the back of many in the back of the head of many people, many people have this somewhere in their consciousness.

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And I can't speak for somebody else, whether it's a big problem or a little problem, that's everyone has to figure out their own circumstance.

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But I know that there are and it's easier said than done. And I understand I'm speaking from a place of where maybe I don't have to worry about that. So I want to be mindful of that.

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But the truth is still the truth. The guidance is there. There's a concern that some people are also dealing with, that this could threaten maybe their livelihood,

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this could affect their prospects.

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And I am in no position to talk down to anybody in regards to that.

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Because I'm not dealing with the circumstances many of you are dealing with, in places of work in places of business.

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But let's all of us, put me aside.

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Let's all of us go to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa,

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and see what the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam tells us.

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Under 70 Malik and the Allahu Taala and who I need to be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam makan in Allah what colorful Rahimi Malaccan

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when each and every single one of us was in the womb of our mothers, when we were in the wounds of our mothers, Allah appointed an angel to come and visit us in the wombs of our mother's

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fair pool, Yara beneath Fatone.

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Yara Biala cartoon. Yeah, Robbie Masato.

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And then Allah told that angel to stay with us in the wombs of our mothers, and to keep a watch over us. And then that angel of course, Allah knows everything, but this is to show us and share with us what is going on. The angel would provide reports

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to Allah subhanaw taala

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see, Oh, my Lord, it is right now.

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Some fluid,

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my Lord right now he or she is a clot of blood.

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My Lord now he or she is forming into this fetus

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for either or other and young Luca.

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And then when Allah subhanaw taala intended to now give this human being

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that is about to be born its full kind of physical form

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collega rugby the angel then says My Lord, as the karoun Um yeah, Robbie on

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that should this be a male or a female?

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And then Allah subhanaw taala assigned the gender to that child, male or female.

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And then said, Yeah, Robin Chaka Unum, sir Eden.

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Will this be a wretched human

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or a good blessitt, human?

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And then the angel says, from a risk from an agile

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and then the angel had to follow up questions, my lord, what is the sustenance assigned to this person?

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What is the sustenance assigned to this person? What is the risk

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To put into simple terms, what are all the money or food or resources that this human being will receive in his or her entire lifetime? What is that, Oh Allah.

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And also, how long will this human being live from Elijah,

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for you to Buka liquor fee buttoning on me. And then Allah tells the angel, this is all of the food, and all of the money, and all of the resources that this person will receive in their entire lifetime. And then it is written down. While that while you and I are entire risk, all the money we will ever earn all the food we will ever consume.

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All the assets and the resources we will ever possess was already written down. While we were still inside the wounds of our mothers.

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Nobody can control that. Nobody can change that nobody can affect that. Now I know it doesn't feel like that all the time. But that's the truth.

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Nobody gets to change that. It was written down by Allah. Before we were even born from Elijah Liu.

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How much time we have was already written down before we were even born.

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And so, to summarize,

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I believe that it was in fatty Radi Allahu Taala and who narrates from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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who lil Hakka Willow kind of moron

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it's a hadith of burn. It's an authentic narration that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says, that speak the truth even when it is bitter. And a very interesting nokta a very interesting thought either a point of benefit that the scholars extract from this narration is speak the truth even when it is bitter. How do you know that something is bitter because you taste it? Not you don't know what what it feels like to somebody else. This is speaking about speak the truth even when it is bitter for you.

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We've always understood it speak the truth, even if it's, you know, tough on the other person. Even if it's rough on the other person. No, no. The prophets allowed him to saying speak the truth even when it's tough for you.

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And these are the situations that provide that kind of gut check.

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And lastly, and finally

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there's a very powerful, beautiful narration from Ayesha Siddiqa Radi Allahu Taala Anna, our mother Aisha Radi Allahu taala.

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In the book of Timothy

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cuts up on more Alia Illa me Nina Radi Allahu Allah and Nick to be eladia kitab and to see if he he when I took CD Alagiah more i We are at the Allahu Taala and who a companion of the Prophet SAW Salem, a trusted companion of the prophet who would write why he would write the verses of the Quran, when they would be revealed to the Prophet sallallahu sallam. He was a very intelligent man.

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He wrote a letter to our mother, the Mother of the Believers, I just had declared the Allahu Taala and her asking her, please advise me when I took city Alia, but make it brief and concise meaning something I can learn. I can remember I can hold two, I can practice immediately.

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For cateva I each have to read the Allahu Allah ma.

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So she wrote him a letter and she said in the letter, salaam Luna Alec

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she gave him Greetings. I'm not but I do as for what follows, for any Samira to rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala Poole, I heard the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, my name is Tamas de la Allah, He besotted NASCI Kufa Hulagu Morton atta Nasi. Whoever seeks out the pleasure of Allah, even if it costs them the fury, the wrath, the anger, the displeasure of the people. Whoever seeks the pleasure of Allah, even if it brings on them The Wrath and the anger of the people. Allah will take care of the people for him.

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Allah will take care of that person against the people.

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However, woman woman in Tama Saudi law, a nasty besotted lucky, but if somebody seeks out the pleasure of people, they're trying to please the creation by angering the Creator by angering Allah by doing what's displeasing to Allah. Work Allahu Allahu alienness. Allah will feed the poor

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Listen to the wolves.

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Allah will leave that person to the people and let the people have their way with that person.

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And then she concluded the letter was sent on moronic. That's the entirety of my advice to you. BarakAllahu Luna welcome fellow Khurana labin. Whenever anyone can be like he was the krill, Hakim, a suck for Allah. Hi, Lea welcome Melissa Elin. Muslimeen for sofiero in the whole of

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Al hamdu Lillahi wa wa Salatu was Salam ala Mala ba bada Mr. Bowden.

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I wanted to conclude with a note on a dua

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about the current circumstances situation to suffering the atrocities being committed against our brothers and sisters in because

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it's a very beautiful Do I have the profit to lobby some that's mentioned in the book of a Buddha would the prophets a lot he some tortoises do odd to be recited in times of distress in times where

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it seems like

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a lot of the forces are turned against us against the believers. Allah Mara Metallica, Raju,

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Oh Allah, I put all of my hope and my faith in your mercy for Allah to kidney Elan FC turffontein Oh Allah do not leave me to the evil of my own slower self even for the blink of an eye.

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Well, us literally shut me good luck. And Oh Allah, correct and rectify, fix all of my affairs, La Ilaha. Illa, Anta for indeed there's no one worthy of worship except for you. So we make this dua

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remembering that Allah told us in Surah Al Baqarah

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Ouji Buddha were to die that Danny, I always answered the dua of the one who makes dua, whenever he or she makes dua.

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Like Allah is repeating it. I answered the call of the caller whenever they call. Allah is telling us so call, make dua call out to me.

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And we remember that Allah subhanaw taala is telling us you're only a study of Allah come,

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call out to me make dua to me, I will answer you. The prophets Allah at some told us Allah Hawa into McAleenan Jabba, call Allah to Allah wa fully believing that Allah will enter your prayers. So we call out to Allah subhanaw taala asking for his help, and his aid and His mercy and His kindness and his generosity and his benevolence. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to provide justice and to provide mercy to provide dignity and to provide safety and security. I mean, you know beyond I mean, Allah let someone see me alone so real Islam well Muslimeen Allah Medina What do you mean our job unless of of an imminent to the Allahumma I know Allah the critical issue critical mercenary about the tick

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Allah Masha Allah,

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Allah, Allah ma 15 antimatter hippo Tada, well SallAllahu Taala Allah and they began carrying call Allah Who to Allah in Allah He got Marula dealing with shunning what eater either way and how an infection you will carry will bug your ADA Camilla Allah come to the Quran. Allah has curriculum with erhu usage of Allah come well as equal Allahu Akbar, Allahu Allah, Allah Mamata sound Aki masala

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