Abdul Nasir Jangda – Shamail Muhammadiyah 11

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of learning about the Prophet's life and understanding the natural history of his life. They also touch on the concept of major sins and its negative implications, including the use of "has" to emphasize a situation or event. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding leaning on something and not leaning on something. They also discuss the benefits of using plates and the potential for privacy concerns with regard to the use of plates.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and tibia. These are just a few of the things we offer, alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at Sierra intensive, two weeks dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, their mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, go to Cedar intensive.com to register and for more information

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about hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was so happy he married

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inshallah we'll be starting from chapter number 22 Babu maija Fie took to karate Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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This is the chapter about the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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leaning on something.

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The first Hades Kala Hadassah Abbas una Mohamad adoree

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Kala Hadassah is Hakuna monsoon aneesa Isla Aunty mokuba Harbin

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on Jabba dibny samura rah the Allahu taala and who call Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam amazake and Allah Subhan Allah Yeah, sorry he

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jabber bin Salman radi Allahu taala and who relates that I saw the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam leaning on a pillow to his left

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the next generation

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Bala head does animado Masada Kala

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Kala Hadassah rady and Abdur Rahman even Abby Baqarah and Avi Kala Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allahu Akbar acaba de

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Cali Bala Rasul Allah.

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Kala Elisha Kabila he were opoku Allah dang Kala wa Jalla Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what kind of mood zakian Carla was Shahada to zoo. Oh Kala

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Kala formosana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala hoo ha ha takuna later who sackets

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Abu Bakr, radi Allahu taala on who

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he relates.

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Excuse me, Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who relates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, should I inform you of the largest of the major sins or the most egregious of the major sins? They said, of course, a messenger of God. He said that associating partners to Allah, and disobedience of the parents.

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Abu Bakar says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting, and he was leaning back. And then he said, was Shahada to Zoo false testimony, or he said false words. And then Abu Bakar says that the Messenger of Allah allowed him continued to say that over and over again to the point where we said that if only he would stop.

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So to understand a couple of the concepts here, I didn't explain the very first narration because I'll explain that after we go through the the remaining a hadith as well.

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But this particular Hadith has some extra topics pertaining to it, relating to it so I thought I could explain it here.

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Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who is a Sahabi of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his name was new fer he was called Abu Bakr Ah, because at the time at the time of the Battle of thought if Abu Bakar had

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basically climbed up onto the wall when they were trying to get into the forts. And he had put down a bucket for people to be able to climb up and get over the wall. And from that point on forward the profits a lot of them call them Abu Bakr Ah, so it was actually an endearing term, and it's something used to like going by because the Prophet system gave him distinct thing because background literally

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First two buckets Adele.

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Now the Hadith itself the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam says, that I should I inform you meaning the language is Shall I not inform you? Meaning that this is the prophets, Allah is imposing a question do you want me to tell you about the most egregious of the major sins? So of course, the companions of the prophets, a lot of them, they replied, saying, of course, we do a messenger of Allah. And the Prophet sallahu mentioned two things. In this particular narration, then I'll explain the concept of major sins in just a minute. But the two things the prophets, a lot decent mentions here is number one, associating partners to Allah subhanaw taala. And the second thing that he

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mentions, even though in just the translation for the sake of brevity, I translated it as the disobedience of the parents, the word Allah aku. In the Arabic language, it actually refers to,

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causing harm to someone, or violating someone's rights, whether it be verbally or physically. So open validation is not so much disobedience of the parents, because what that does is that cast a very wide net, and it leaves it a bit ambiguous that what are we exactly talking about, and particularly in today's day and age, in today's day and age, where parents complained about children not being very good kids, I guess you can say, children not being very respectful. What needs to be understood is that there is an equal amount, if not greater complaints about parents not being responsible. So this actually works both ways. And when we just summarily or generically translated

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as disobedience of parents, it creates a very confusing situation for a lot of people who might be in a situation where they have irresponsible or even abusive parents. And then a lot of times they have this idea that religiously, I'm obligated to do whatever my parents say, whether it be right or wrong, whether they are just they're unjust, or even if they're oppressive in their behavior. And that's deeply problematic, because that's not in line with the samick principle at all, in any way, shape or form. But rather, open validate means the disrespect of parents is probably a better way to put it, the disrespect of parents. Because if we're talking about someone's rights, someone's rights

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given to them by Allah subhanaw taala and then violating that person's rights, one thing that has been set down by Allah subhanho wa Taala very clearly and up on is that there should be a certain amount of cordial ness there should be a certain amount of dignity or respect that is extended to one's parents, somewhat so that Allah subhanaw taala. And so we draw a line. And we have to be particular and careful where we draw the line. So we draw the line that vote and we say we you know, parents have rights over their children, but not to the extent where they can oppress their children or violate the children's rights or abuse them. However, at the same time, when it comes to just

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Jones when it comes to showing and extending a certain amount of respect to one's parents. That is something that is substantiated within the Quran. When jacala and to silica be Molly silica be here Amun. Allah subhanaw taala says that what if someone's parents are forcing them to do shift

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to associate partners to God to Allah? Obviously, there's no obedience of the parents here. Right and Molly Celica be here Amen. Like this is not substantiated in any way. They are outright blatantly, completely incorrectly demanding of their child to commit chick Alice's father to their home, I do not obey them. But Allah does say we'll Sahiba them after Dyneema alpha, still engage with them still interact with them in the life of this world in a respectable fashion. So now the Quran is telling us that a certain amount of respect and courtesy should still be extended. And so

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the Ohio Valley Dane can better be translated as being disrespectful or dismissive of one's parents. So the prophets a lot of them mentioned these two major sins here. Why did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam first mentioned these two sins? And why did he mention them in this particular order? There's deep profound wisdom in the words of the prophets a lot. He said I'm we're all familiar with the hadith of Jamia or you call him the eloquence and the gift of the prophets allowed him to very comprehensively state things because the prophets a lot he seldom is basing this off of the Quran. Waka darbuka Allah tabula Yahoo, rallied in Santa that Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Quran, not one

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but multiple places, right after mentoring mentioning Allah subhanho wa Taala has sole exclusive right to be worshipped. Then Allah talks about being, you know, kind or gracious with one's parents, being a well mannered with one's parents. Right. So this is mentioned together and that's why the profits allow these inventions together. Another very deep profound wisdom about this is that one is even though they both of course

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Once a line is messenger recommend something, it has spiritual benefit to it. But generally speaking, if you look at it from the surface, one is very spiritually or theologically human related, and that is not associating partners with a law. And the other one is pertaining to human interaction or social conduct and behavior. And that first and foremost begins with the very first two human beings that a person knows and that is one's own parents.

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Then, so, the narration goes on to then mention that the prophets a lot he said, when he was saying this, he was leaning back, that's the relevance of the chapter. So, it's showing the prophets a lot of them was leaning back against a wall or something, while he said the first two things, and the reason why he differentiates it, it says, What jealousy is and what kind of mood psyche and he was sitting and he was leaning back. It's a differentiate that then the prophets, a lot of them sat up, he was leaning back and he said, Alicia, Kabila will open validate, and then the profits, a lot of these them set forward.

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And the next thing, the profits, a lot of them said, was Shahada to zoo, which means false testimony lying under oath, lying in situations where someone's rights might be tied to one's testimony or one's word. And then in another narration, or that always says, or he said, wahconah Zoo false speech in either way, it's pertaining to the same thing, and that is falsifying information, falsifying information that is particularly relevant to someone's else, someone else's rights, that that will impact or affect someone else, falsifying that type of information. He sat up and he said it and then the profits, a lot of them would emphasis continued to say, what Shahada to suit. What

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Shahada to suit? What Shahada to zoom? And the Sahabi radi Allahu Allahu seminarians actually mentioned that he said it seven times. Allah has ever and he said it seven times. In this particular narration that is a very well known narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The Sahaba says Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala. No. And this needs to be understood, because it doesn't translate over to English to well, the Sahabi says that the profits allow him continued to say this, repeat this over and over again, to the point where we said when he says we said, meaning that we thought to ourselves, we were thinking later who seconds, that meaning it literally translates as if only he

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would stop. But again, we'll have to be law. They're not basically saying as what that means in English, like we would say, I wish somebody would stop talking. That's a that's that's very disrespectful when we say that in the English language. They're not saying that in the Arabic language when you say no later who seconds later, later money, what Taraji? What tokkuri right later basically gives the meaning and the benefit of, you know, a positive meaning it has a positive connotation. All right. And so what later Later seconds refers to here is that they're saying that I wished the profits, a lot of them would relax, like he would take it easy, because they saw the

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profits a lot. He said them, and his face was getting red, and his voice was starting to quiver and Jake, and they didn't want the profits allow them to cause himself any stress. Some narrations also allude to the fact that this was towards the end of the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So he was a little bit older, his health was starting to give him a little bit of trouble now. And so his voice started to crack, and his face started to really turn red. And he's kept saying it over and over and over again. And they basically were saying that later seconds, that later who is

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that I wish he would relax, I wish he would take it easy, because we could tell that it was causing him stress. Right that it was it was starting to really physically exhaust him the way and the emphasis and the emotion with which the profits a lot of the sun was stating this. So that's what it makes reference to and that's what it refers to. Some other commentators have also said that when they say later who seconds, they're actually saying that we were so shaken up to see the profits a lot. He said, I'm every word out of his mouth is important. Every word out of the mouth of the messenger sallallahu Sallam is extremely, extremely important. But then think about what it says

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when the profits allottee some chooses to not only address something number one, but he started by addressing it with a rhetorical question like asking the question a lot who had the token? Right? He's asking a question. That means this is Tokido emphasis in speech. It's a rhetorical function. then number three, he's using a very strong adjective or description up but we'll talk about it. Write a cover will cover it. When you do a Botha of the derivative towards the very same derivative. It emphasizes the meaning right? Us were to soda. Right? The darkest of the dark, the blackest of the black. I'll be able to shave off the white

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Have the whites, right in that sense, so I could barely cover it. So that's a third degree of emphasis Now, first of all, anything he says is important. Number two, he posed a question number three, he's using very descriptive words, right?

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Number four, the prophets, a lot of them physically demonstrates the importance of it by sitting up. And number five, at sacado, Tokido. Right, the most basic and powerful form of emphasis is repetition. So now the prophets, a lot of humans repeating himself. So the Sahaba say, when he asked the question, then he used that type of verbiage, right? And first of all, the process of them is talking to or paying attention, then he asks a question, then he uses that type of language, then he sits up and then he keeps on repeating himself, we were already freaked out.

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We were freaked out, that whatever he's telling us not to do has to be the worst thing any human being could ever do. falsify information. And then when he kept saying it again, and again and again and again, it just, we felt like we were going to die from just the fear the how overwhelming it was, because thinking about every single time, and every single moment, I might have lied about something.

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And it just started to cause like a panic attack for us. So we we said we wished that he would please stop, because it was too overwhelming for us. Right? And that's basically what this language means. A little bit of side comments.

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There's, of course, a very lengthy discussion here about what are major sins. And, of course, there's different books imama, that hobby, Rama Lakota, Allah has probably the most well known book, when it comes to the topic of major sins Kitab will cover it.

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That is a very important read. for, you know, any Muslim, any believer, it's something that is very important to just be aware of overall and be cautious in regards to these types of things. The other thing about it is that what is the definition? What does Kabbalah major sin even mean? So very briefly, very similarly, that there are Sava, sahid, and Kirbys, Samhita and Kabira. Selita we often translate as minor sin. What's, what's kind of ironic about that scholars say that there is no such thing as a minor sin, meaning that the second that you think a sin is minor just became major. So thereby, there is no such thing as a minor sin. Kind of interesting. But nevertheless, it is

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affirmed. It is a form that's just in the sea. Hmm. But technically speaking, it is affirmed, in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that there are minor sins and major sins. What is the definition of them? There are tons of different definitions that different scholars give your mom will haramain a join me Rahim Allahu taala. He says that major sins are anything that there is a specific punishment that is tied to it. Another opinion says that specifically major sins are those types of sins where the prophets Allah ism uses, or Allah subhanaw. taala uses a word like hot ROM and ht knob, which means forbidden and stay away from like, darra warning. There's warning type

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language that's used for it. Some say that if there's a specific punishment that's mentioned for it, some say that it's anything that fundamentally erodes people's confidence in a person would be considered a major sin. Right, that erodes people's confidence in the trustworthiness of that particular person. And then of course, one of the very interesting thoughts that's presented to us is that even if something is particularly a minor sin, when it's done bill is Tim rod if it's done continuously, without any type of cause or caution or concern, then it basically does evolve into a major sin. And the differentiation is only all sins are Masia and disobedience of Allah subhanaw

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taala we should try to stay away from all of them and ask Allah subhana wa tada for forgiveness from all of them. The only real distinction that the prophets Allah tells us and again, this is very kind of this can be integrated or this is reconcilable, that the prophets a lot of the sudden whenever he talks about a particular act of very bad our worship, and says that erodes or erases a person's sins, then the scholar state that that refers to the minor sins that they automatically get washed away when you pray or you read sort of God for you fast, etc, etc. Right? And major sins requires specific repentance, asking Allah subhanho wa Taala for forgiveness, but that should be such a

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constant part of a person's life that that issue in question really should not come up with a hotel. So the next hand is Paula hatanaka. Table. No, sorry. Then Paula had the Santa Shelly

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I live in Kumar and Buju Haifa Paul. Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I'm Anna fala aku Mata Ki and

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this is again a very rare instance where you have a coli, a verbal Hadeeth, the words of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, in a chapter that is generally describing the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam so he describes his own conduct and his own behavior. That's Buju Haifa, the Allahu taala. And who says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, As for myself, as for myself, for oculomotor muteki and I do not eat leaning against something. All right, and I'll be explaining this in the next couple of chapters later when we talk about how the profits allow us to actually eat food. Right, so we'll get into more detail over there over here, it'll just the discussion will fall

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out of place.

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Number four

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Allah Hadassah, Mohammed Abu Bashar Paula Abdul Rahman uma de calidad de Santa Susana Olive Nila Kumar palace me abajo Haifa yaku Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa selama la kulu taki and Abu hanifa radi Allahu taala and who says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I do not eat leaning back against something.

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Hadith number five, Allah had death and I use a fork nor Isa Kala Henderson avakian Paula Hadassah Esra Ella and Seema kidney Harbin on jabby Vanessa morata radi Allahu taala Anna Paul, Ra H and obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a muteki and Allah wizarding.

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We'll call it a Sir William we have good work your honor. Allah Yes, sir de wahaca da da da da, da, da Edna. What do I get you a king? Well,

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Rafi, Allah Casa de la mirada is Hakuna mon Surah Surah E, that's just a little commentary that is mentioned in one of the

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versions of the text, above the chain of narration and some of the texts of the Hadith. So this particular narration Job had been settled out of the hotel and who says that the I saw the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam leaning on a pillow. Once again, Allah we said that in. And this is different from the first narration that we saw, where he was leaning on a pillow that was to his left, so the pillow was on his side, and he was leaning on it. So the difference would be that if he was leaning on a pillow, that could also mean that he was leaning back against a pillow, but I guess it he means that the pillow is off to the side. So he was leaning over to his side. Now to

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explain a little bit of the concept. Your mom told me the love, which I love brings this particular chapter to demonstrate the fact that the prophets a lot, he said, um, how did there's a specific chapter about how we used to sit, but he's just talking about the fact that the prophets, a lot of them would recline the prophets, a lot of them would relax at times. And so he was seeing multiple different occasions.

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And there is there are a lot of different narrations, where the profits a lot of a sudden was seen leaning on a pillow that was on his right. Leaning on a pillow that was to his left, he was leaning with his back against a wall or the member, that the profits allottee some was seen sitting in this manner in this fashion. And so he wanted with ease is demonstrating the fact that it is not a sign of arrogance in and of itself to just simply lean against something when you sit. Yes, as some of the profits along the center was such that when he would sit most of the time he would not lean against something. And as we're going to read in future narrations in upcoming chapter, and we saw

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kind of a glimpse of it here, that for instance, when the prophets a lot of a sudden would be eating food, he wouldn't lean back and eat food, because that's lazy, and also a sign of arrogance. So the prophets, a lot of them a lot of times, just generally speaking, the prophets a lot of the time a good posture. So when you would sit down he would sit straight, when he would talk to people he would be attentive. He you know, but at the same time the prophets a lot of them did relax. He did recline, he would lean over to a pillow. Towards the end of the life of the prophets. A lot of the time I've done I've been Miss rhodiola, which Allah Anu was actually called is one of his nicknames

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was sahiwal we sada sahiwal wisata, which means kind of like Mr. pillow, and what that meant was Sahaba. We said that in the vessel Allahu alayhi wa sallam, because Abdullah bin Masuda the Allahu taala, who would always have a pillow under his arm. everywhere he went to walking, he had a pillow with him. And it was also called sahiwal narrow lane, right Mr. Shoes, again, Sahib una la rasulillah his olalekan the man who takes care of her carries the shoes of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So he was oftentimes seen, we see walking his pockets, the profits, a lot of times toothbrush, right and the process and sometimes we put it without actually sometimes to get into his

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imama but

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He would have delivered Massoud would often seen with this toothbrush in his pocket. He'd have shoes in one hand, if they were indoors somewhere and he'd have a pillow under the other arm and the profits a lot of them never asked him to do this. This was as Rob did up in Masuda Li Allahu taala, who was that's just who he was. Right? So he was always serving the prophets, a lot of them and so that's why he used to carry a pillow towards the end of the prophets a lot he said was life so that whenever he sat down he put a pillow so the possum could relax a little bit, because in older age, he needed to be able to relax. So it just demonstrates the fact that the prophet SAW some would, you

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know, lean against something or relax if the situation was not necessarily formal? Or he wasn't eating food or something like that. The next chapter, chapter number 23.

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Baba ma Jaffe Tikka Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the chapter about the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam

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holding something for support, leaning on something while standing like utilizing some support. All right.

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There are two narrations in this chapter. And they demonstrate the same facts. Let's read through them. Bala Hadassah Abdullah Abdul Rahman, kala Henderson amagno awesome. Kala Hadassah, Hamada guru Salima and her maiden and a Sydney Maliki naughty Allahu taala anhu and an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mcaninch achaean for her Raja taco Allah Osama bin Laden, y la Allah, Allah sama tipnis Aiden, y la he thoburn glittery Yun katawa shahabi for Salah be him.

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And as we Malika de Allahu Jelena relates that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was ill he was not feeling well. He was physically sick. And this refers to the towards the end of the life of the Prophet, so lunch of the last week of the prophets a lot, he said his life and he says that he exited, he left his home, while leaning on holding on to sama tipnis aid. This is the son of the adopted son of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So he was kind of like a grandson to the prophets of Salaam, in the sense of what he meant to the Prophet system and how he how much he loved him and cared for him. So he was holding on to Oussama for support. And the prophets, a lot of these symbols

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wearing a Yemeni printed shawl, and he was wrapped up in it and then he led the Sahaba in prayer. This is a narration that we've seen before because of the garment of the Prophet ism that's mentioned. But nevertheless, it shows us here that the prophets Allison was seen walking while holding on to someone else. The second Hadees by the head does Anna Abdullah ignore abderrahman

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Kala Hadassah mahamadou mobarak

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Kala head death and Otto even Muslim aloha farfalla halaby Allah Hadassah Raja Farooq Khan anata roba Anil Father libnah Bass radi Allahu taala on Houma college how to Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Femara de la de to Fifi wa see here a Saba tons of raw for Salaam to La Liga fuddle pachala bkr rasulillah

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Kala who stood we had the LA Saba Tara behati, Larry sabato Rossi, Khalifa Al to through maka Jaffa aka who Allah Min keybie sama cama de Helen Phil Merci de Villa de chrisitan.

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Further albina Bass radi Allahu taala Anima This is the eldest child of

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the Prophet Abbas radi Allahu taala. Who, so Abbas radi Allahu taala knew the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. This is the father was the eldest of ibises children. We know about some other of ibises children like Abdullah bass, or the Allahu taala and Houma and others. This was the eldest of his children. He was the Sahaba he was a Muslim. And also when the profits a lot of the selling was in alpha, on the day of Hagerty without the farewell pilgrimage. Father was the one writing on the animal with him in alpha. All right, and there's a very interesting story about that as well. So fulfillment Ambassador the Allahu taala and Omar says, I entered upon the Prophet of Allah salallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, when he was in the sickness that eventually passed away in and there was a kind of like a small yellow cloth that was tied to his head, almost like a bandana. We talked about it yesterday. And so I said salam to the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said O'Fallon I said yes, O Messenger of Allah, meaning

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I'm presently Baker Sula, I am present on messenger of Allah. He said that Titan that make this wrap on my head more tight,

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restricted, meaning tighten it up on my head.

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And further says that I did so, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then he sat up. And he put his hand on my shoulder. And he used me to basically for support to be able to stand up. And then he entered into the machine.

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And then the narration says, or one of the Version says that, well, Phil hadiza Sutton, and then there's a lengthy story in the actual original Hadith itself. So a couple of things about this particular narration, this cloth that was tied to the head of the Prophet sallahu, some, some say a, Saba is synonymous with a mama. So this could be referring to that turban of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that was a little bit yellow in color. And that demonstrates the fact that there is a precedent for even the yellow term into profits a lovely some words, or this was kind of a smaller cloth, that the profits a lot of these women had tied to his head. And he had specifically tied it

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to, to bring a little bit of relief to his head, because he had a very bad headache had a splitting headache. So he told them to tighten it for him. And that's what he did. And again, it demonstrates the fact that the profits, a lot of them use fatherless support, to be able to stand up, and then he stood up and winning the machine.

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And the longer story that's mentioned, here is the profits. A lot of Tim goes into the machine and he sits on the main board. And then he speaks to the people in the addresses that people, which is another narration that we can talk about another time. But one of the very remarkable things that the prophets, a lot of them says in that particular narration, is the fact that the prophets Allah asks the Sahaba Is there anything that I owe to anyone?

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Are there any unsettled accounts?

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Is there anything that I need to give to anyone?

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And it's actually very fascinating, because the prophets a lot, he was so serious, and so sincere, right? Not like us, we say, kind of like, Oh, I'm going out of town. So if I did anything, forgive me, please. Thank you, Chuck. lockss ongoing

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conversation, I'm gonna go out to LA and then you walk out the door. So they can't say anything, actually. Right. That's it. No, I'm gone. Right. None of the profits a lot of time was so serious, and so sincere in what he was saying and how he was saying it. That one Sahabi actually raised his hand and he said, O Messenger of Allah, you actually only three did hums because we were at a plant and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that I'm not trying to argue the case. I honestly just don't remember it. I'm shocked that I don't remember he was very sick. Like this the illness in which he passed away. So he said, just whether it's because of the illness or whatever, the exhaustion, the

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fatigue, the fever, I cannot recall. He please remind me, right? Not to argue it, but I just I don't remember. It's kind of shocking. Can you remind me and he said, Yes, I'm listening to a lot. We were walking together. And a poor person a beggar asked for some assistance, some help. And you didn't have anything on you. And the promises have never what Messiah flatten hub, the process and will never turn anyone away without giving them something. So you turned to me and you said, Do you have something and I had three did hums. And so I gave it to you. And you gave it to him. And you said you would pay me back later. So you only three.

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And the prophets, a lot of them asked someone to go and get three dead homes and pay him on the process. Adams behalf. And the Mojave Desert will actually comment on this. saying that that's kind of right at first when you hear you're kind of like, okay guy, right? It was this dude's problem, right? Can't let three theorems go. No, he actually wanted that blessing from the prophets a lot. He said them, and he actually cherished, those did hums and never use them for anything and held on to them. That the prophets a lot of them gave me this. And another Sahabi raised his hand and he said O Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I actually Oh, you three did homes. And then

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similarly, the prophets, a lot of them said, I don't want it but he said, O Messenger of Allah, please accept this on my behalf and you give it in Santa. And then he gave it to the prophets a lot, he said.

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So again, this chapter demonstrates the fact that the prophets A lot of times, on certain occasions when you would walk, he would hold on to someone for support if the need was there. And this again, in no way because he mentioned specifically because earlier we've seen about the manner in the method in which the prophets a lot. He said we used to walk and he used to walk very swift. very quick, very sure footed.

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So the prophets a lot he said um when the need arose, whether it was due to injury or illness or old age, he did lean on someone for support and that is permissible.

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The next chapter very, very interesting chapter

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is Babel my geography Utley Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the chapter and some of the versions actually say Babu ma Jaffe, simpatia Utley Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, the chapter about the description of how the prophets a lot of them used to eat.

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The first narration Kala Hadassah, Mohammed Abu Bashar, Allah had the Santa

00:35:44 --> 00:36:00

Monica Maddie and Sophia answer evening Brahim and evening the cabbie Malik radi Allahu Allah, Allah radi Allahu taala on who and a B and an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ah can Ayala aku asabe Yahoo thalassa

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one of the sons of Goblin Malik radi Allahu taala nanocarbon Malika the Allahu anhu

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is the very well known Sahabi Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He was an unsavoury he was a poet. And he his name also specifically even though that is, you know, the only place where his name comes up. He was one of the people who gave the bay are amongst the unsolved the oath of allegiance amongst young solder to the prophets, a lot of them and seminar ations even mentioned that he was the first one on the night of Allah baotou la Cava Sania the second oath of allegiance, given by the unsub that he was the first one on that night to give that oath of allegiance and he was very young at that time. But his name also does come up in the incidents

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following to book

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and so Gabi and Malika the Allahu taala, and who he says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi, wa sallam, he would lick his fingers three times. Now this narration gives the idea that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would lick his fingers, three times like each. However, there's a little bit of an issue. So first, let me go ahead and explain a couple of concepts that are just automatically to be understood here. Or maybe they're meant to be explained here. First and foremost, was that the Prophet of Allah, Allah, He sent me his own habit, his own practice, was the fact that the prophets, a lot of them used to eat with his hands. The prophets, a lot of them used

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to eat, what does ends now what about something that you're not able to eat with your hands? How would he eat something like that? Would he eat cereal with his hands as well? The Prophet says he did not eat cereal.

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All right, good. Ah, no. So no, no, no, no. Right. So but the, it just wasn't a part of their culture, that the way that they would typically eat was that they the types of food that they ate was bread, it was meats, that was very common, even rice and things like that, we're actually not a very common part of their diets at all. So rice and meats were very common parts of their diets. Similarly, sometimes they would have, you know, a certain type of, we're going to read a chapter about it, maybe some type of like a DOM, what's called in the Arabic language, like some type of what we call curry or vinegar, or something to soak the bread in. But again, it was not to the point

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where like the bread was like floating around in it. First of all, the form of that curry, or the gravy or whatever, that they would have, was actually a little bit thicker. And they used to be very minimal, right, they actually wouldn't waste it, they wouldn't use a lot of it would be very minimal. And so even if bread was put in there, it would soak it up to the point where they could still pick up the bread and eat it with their hands. So that's how the profits allow. These are how we used to eat and what he used to eat. And then of course, dates, right, and some other types of fruits. So these were the common part of the diet and when they drank something was water or milk,

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but then they just drank it out of a bowl. Right. So that was what the diet of the prophets primarily consisted of. So the issue of using a utensil never really came up. And also the fact of the matter is

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Ibrahim unnecessary. Rahim Allahu taala, who is one of the Tabby own. He is a student of Abdullah bin Masuda the Allahu taala on who he actually comments

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on this particular issue and he says that

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Trying to find the exact quote from him just

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I can't seem to find it exactly. But nevertheless, it was a code from one of the seneff that basically comments specifically about the issue of eating with hands, that the Rajim the non Arabs were more in the habit of using utensils, you the using of utensils was something that was very strange to the Arabs to begin with. So it was not something that was very commonly seen amongst the Arabs to begin with, it wasn't a part of their culture at all. So number one, because of the types of food the profits a lot a salon used to eat, he would eat with his hands number two, it was not a part of the culture of the Arab. So it was not something that profits a lot. He said, um, you know,

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grew up with or was familiar with, or even comfortable with, for that matter. And then the third thing is, is that there is something to be said about the fact that the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you know, did allude to it being a sign of humility, and a very humble way for someone to be able to eat.

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And so the

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eating with the hands number one, like I said, was something that the Arabs did. Number two was the types of food that they ate. And number three, there was a certain humility that was in eating with hands. So the prophets, a lot of them used to eat with his hands. The second thing that needs to be understood here, because it's going to come up, so I might as well just explain it here. And then we can read through the narrations, because there is a lot of redundancy, that the second thing is that the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, just because he ate with his hands, he didn't just basically dig in with his hands and eat without any type of,

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you know, etiquette, Will I ever be like, that wasn't the case at all. First and foremost, could be a minute, the profitsystem would only use his right hand, right, he would not eat with his left hand, so that narrows it down. So you would eat with his hand, but he would eat with his right. And second thing, the or the third thing now is that the prophets a lot, he said, I'm used to primarily eat using three fingers used to primarily eat using three fingers, and the three fingers that are mentioned, some of the narrations were the thumb, the pointing finger in the middle finger, that the prophets lie some you see with these three fingers primarily. And again, that goes back to the types

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of food, the profits, a lot of them used to eat, because either you was eating a piece of bread, or the processor was eating some dates, right. And so the profits, a lot of them didn't like the idea of just kind of like grabbing your food like this, right? And then eating out of the palm of your hand. It's just it's inappropriate, right? It's a very, yeah, it's, it's, it's not very sophisticated. So very respectful, not to yourself, not to the food, and definitely not to the people around you. So the prophets, a lot of them didn't like eating in that way. So he said, eat with three fingers. However, however, on a couple occasions where the profits, a lot of him was

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eating something that was kind of loose, like some grain or something, the Sahaba do say that they saw the process of them eating with all five of his fingers. Because if he was eating some type of grain or something, where it couldn't really be grasped in three fingers, right, then the process of did use his hand to kind of scoop it up or to eat with his hand. But when he was eating something like dates, or a piece of bread or something, then the process of didn't like just kind of like, you know, he didn't eat like that the profits, a lot of them would eat in a very dignified fashion. And also take small bites, the profits or licensing used to choose it choose food properly, and he would

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eat, you know, in a very sophisticated manner. So this particular and then when he was done eating, that's a third thing. When the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was done eating, he would lick his fingers.

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But what needs to be understood about that is the prophets a lot of them did not lick his fingers in the middle of while eating his food. Because again, that's not a very nice habit. That again, is not very appropriate. It's not good manners, particularly because as we're going to read the profits a lot he some did not. He used to like sharing food with people.

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And so

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Then licking your fingers while you're eating your food. And then putting your hand back into the food was something the profits, a lot of them said, No, it's this tasteful. It'll make other people uncomfortable. Just as the profits, a lot of them prohibited drinking water straight from a container. You said pour it out and then drink from a bowl or a cup. Alright, so he would lick his fingers, but he would lick his fingers after he was done eating the food not in the middle. All right. Now the third. The fourth thing is that as we're going to read about the profits a lot, he said them, he used to eat sitting on the floor. He used to eat sitting on the floor. And we're going

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to read about that, that the prophets realized him didn't at that time again, eating on the floor was something that was more so again of an era practice, even though start the usage of tables and things like that was slowly starting to become common, at least in the cities. But for the most part, the Arabs, they sat on the floor and eights, but a lot of the again the gym like the Persians, they would eat on tables, the profits, the Lyceum used to prefer sitting on the floor and eating again not to make eating on the table impermissible, but again, that was what he was familiar with. That was what his custom was. Number three, it's more simplicity is lesser furniture. And number

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four, the profits allies him again talked about the humility of it, that there's a humbleness to sitting on the floor. The next thing that I mentioned is about the profits a lot, he says and how he used to eat

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was that the prophets a lot of them would not lean against anything when he ate

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he says that he would not lean against any against anything when he ate, that means three things. Number one, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not sit on the ground, like cross legged.

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He didn't sit cross legged on the ground, because he said that that makes you very like heavy and lazy. And so you're prone to eating more. So the profits a lot of him would sit like in the awkward position, or with his even kind of like squatting. He would eat in that manner. Number two, not leaning against something also means that the profits a lot he said would not eat kind of like leaning off to the side, like on a cushion, kind of like almost half laying down and eating. right because again, the image of that was like how kings would eat.

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Right and the system said aku Luca Maya Kula Abu I eat as a slave eats humbly on the ground. Number three, it also means that the Prophet says I would not lean back against something while eating because again, it's lazy and it leads to excessiveness. So the prophets Allah was not fond of that practice at all. And he did not used to practice it. The next thing is that the profits allowed him so now we know he's to eat with his hands, the profits a lot of him would eat with as little of his hand as possible, right three fingers so as to not just be messy with his food and stuff, his food, the profits, a lot of someone primarily sit on the floor and eats. And when he would sit on the

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floor of the profits, a lot of them wouldn't sit on the floor in a manner that was like leaning or laying down or being very lazy. And when the profits a lot of him would sit to eat on the floor at the same time, he wouldn't see sit just without anything yet advocate, he would go and wash his hands, he would sit down, he would welcome people to come and eat with him. And the prophets, a lot of them used to put down a mat before so you would eat straight up off the floor.

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And we'll talk a little bit about that as well. So these are just a few things to remember. Now and of course we talked about when you select his fingers, you would do that after he was done eating not in the middle of while he was eating. Now after all of that when you look at this very first narration of Gabi Malik, it gives the idea that the prophets a lot he said him would lick his fingers three times.

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However, all the other narrations that have this type of verbiage actually say, Can I get a aku a sabia who flf

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that l makes all the difference in the world.

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It changes the meaning from use to lick his fingers three times to use to lick all three of his fingers that he was eating with. He would lick all three of his fingers that he was eating with any mom, Timothy and some other scholars and commentators actually say that is the actual meaning of this narration. Not that he would lick it lick his fingers three times. Because that might be excessive and unnecessary. Especially the process of them. A lot of times they're just eating dry coarse bread. right but more so what it refers to is that he would lick all three of his fingers now going forward by the hand of Anna

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and has an Al Hassan Ali Al Hallam calahonda Santa San Paolo Hadassah, Hamada newsarama and saboteur an Annus radi Allahu Allah Allahu Kala cannon abuse a lot. He sent me a letter amen Larry so

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

We are who are thalassa

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and I saw the Allahu taala. And who says that when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would eat food, he would lick all three of his fingers. The next narration, Allah had death and Al Hussain Ali, even yazeed A Sudha E.

00:50:18 --> 00:50:37

Al Baghdadi Paula Hadassah yaku is hot. Jani, Alhaji Rami Bala head data nashoba on soufiane authority and olive oil acmar Abuja Haifa while the Allahu taala on call, Carlin Abu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Ah, Amma Anna aku Taki. And

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Abu hanifa says that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, As for myself, I do not eat while leaning. And of course we talked about the three meanings of that that England sit to comfortably like

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you know, cross legged

00:50:53 --> 00:51:01

or the prophets a lot of them would not lean over to the side like lay down and eat in that manner. Or the fact that he wouldn't lean back and eat something

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the next generation would call ahead de la mohammadu Nova Shankara Hadassah, Abdur Rahman, Maddie Kala Hadassah, Savannah la la cama wahoo similar narrations he just brings it through a different chain of narrators by the head that Anna Haruna blew his heart Allah Hamdani Bella Hadassah, Abdullah to Blue sulaimani Venetia mavenir Allah and even in the cabin American on a be here are the Allahu taala I know Carl Khanna Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam Yaqoob BIA sabia ii flf will acuna

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caban Malika the Allahu taala and who says that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would eat with his three fingers, and he would lick them after he was done. The next narration father had done

00:51:49 --> 00:52:08

lumenier calahonda Santa alpha Glu Duquesne Galahad de la Musab even Su Ling Kala semi NSE Malik radi Allahu taala Ahuja Paul ucci Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Avi tamaryn for a two who yaku Well, we're mukha in mineral jewelry

00:52:10 --> 00:52:28

and has been Malika the Allahu taala and who relates or he says, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was presented with some dates, and I saw him eating them. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was leaning forward due to how hungry he was.

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So McCain means one of two things either the fact that he was leaning forward, because of the hunger or some narration say that he was leaning back. Now the reason why and the leaning back is what most Huggies commentators say that the reason why he brings this particular narration is to demonstrate because on one side he's already said that the prophets a lot of them said la ku techie and I don't lean back. But the reason why the prophecy son was leaning back and he ate the dates was because of the hunger and the weakness. The prophets a lot he was feeling that he had eaten for so long, that basically physically he had become weak. And so he was leaning back and he had to eat the dead while

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lean back, because he physically could not sit up sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Couple of things I just wanted to mention before we go forward,

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some very interesting commentary just overall, about some of the issues pertaining to eating and some of the etiquette of eating because you mom Timothy just brings a few narrations here to create a general concept or a general image about how we would see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam eating food, but some of the other ahaadeeth and some of the other etiquette are also very important and very beneficial. The prophets, a lot of them in another narration in the Muslim Ummah, Muhammad, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also, there's a hadith in Bukhari as well, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also talks about, that once somebody has eaten food, that the Prophet of

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Allah sallallahu Sallam also mentioned, about not only licking the fingers once someone is done eating food, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also talked about cleaning up the plates, once someone is done eating food, so whatever container that someone is eating from that, again, this is not referring to like somebody would literally pick up physically the container and lick it. That's not the purpose here but the process it would use his hand to scatter whatever might have been left in the place or the container and he would gather it up so as to not waste food. There's a Hadith of the prophets a lot. He said him he says he that Akela had to come to ama who, whenever any

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one of you eats food, family, yeah, foul Yella. Yella Alec Foley Allah Allah Saba, whodunit.

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person should lick their fingers for in the hula de at hinda albaraka. Because a person does not know that in what part of the food there might be the blessing from Allah subhanaw taala right that where there might be the blessing and how much blessing of Allah subhanaw taala, there might be in some little grain of food. And that's similarly why the process I'm in another place, makes mention of the importance of even cleaning up and finishing whatever's in your plates and not just leaving kind of like food scattered, and just tossing it so as to not waste food number one, and number two, also because of profits, a lot of saying you don't know where the Baraka is. Another thing that they

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mentioned about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in terms of how we used to eat food, that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he never ate food, sitting on any type of you know, furniture that was specifically used as like dining furniture that the prophets a lot he said, he was called, he won. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was never seen doing that.

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Nor was the prophets, a lot of them ever seen eating out of like small plates. And the reason for that is, again, we talked about how the profits, a lot of them would sit on the floor needs. And that was a part of the humility of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the other thing about that is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not eat out of like small, small individual plates for two reasons. Number one, again, that was more of a sign of extravagance. Number two, it was too impersonal. It's not whether the person was eating at home, then the focus was family. And so he liked everyone to sit and eat together. And or the profits, a lot of them was

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eating with the Sahaba, then it was an opportunity for brotherhood. So again, they would sit together and they would eat. And so the prophets a lot, he said, I'm used to like to eat together. And so he didn't like eating in the small plates and dishes. And the other thing was, again, that was just more.

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That was just more, you know, items that somebody would have in their house, just more extravagance and they would have like these different different designs of small dishes and different things like that. So the profits, a lot of them never was seen eating out of something like that. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Like we said he would not sit and eats on any type of furniture, he would sit on the ground. But at the same time, it was a habit of some of the Bedouins that sometimes he would just sit on the ground and just eat on the ground itself. They wouldn't put anything down. Right The profitsystem didn't when it says he sat on the ground doesn't mean just sat on the ground

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and ate. But the profits a lot he said him would actually put down a mat and the max the profits, a lot of them used to put down was made out of leather. It was called a sofa. It was called the sofa. And the profits, a lot of them used to put the sofa down. It was specifically made out of leather, so it could be cleaned and washed. And then so the profits a lot of them would put that down and eat from there. And the reason for that was the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said he got sucked into a honeycomb for humans.

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When Yakuza

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upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if any one of you then dropped some food onto the mat, not onto the ground because then it's problematic. But if any of one of you dropped some food onto the mat, then remove anything that needs to be removed from there and then that person should go ahead and eat that food and not leave it for the shape on it's an authentic narration. The Hadith Amanda Suna Malika the Allahu taala and who in another narration the prophets a lot easier said for in acuminata deluna fee Eva amico Baraka because you don't know in what portion of your food Allah subhanaw taala put the blessing. What else is very particularly interesting

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is why they called a sofa a sofa while they would call the the mats that you put down to eat food on why it's called a sofa. comes from the same root as the word suffer traveling

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right why suffer called suffer Why is sufferer traveling called suffered why's Why is it anybody?

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Right Leah no is far and Leah flatness

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is foul also refers to the morning time

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when this when it starts to get bright outside the Prophet solavei sunset SV Ruben funzioni, Faina watermelon, a genie that praying the second half of the funder time where it starts to slightly get brighter outside because there's more reward. Right? So basically when things start to get exposed, so they used to call traveling suffered, the unknown is far only a flatness. It exposes people's character. Traveling exposes people's character, and they call the sofa sofa because it exposes people's character

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how somebody eats how they conduct themselves.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:04

On the table on the food mat tells you a lot about somebody.

01:00:05 --> 01:00:08

All right, so that's why the Arabs used to refer to it as a sofa.

01:00:10 --> 01:00:34

There's a lot of other very interesting thoughts and ideas that are mentioned by many of the different scholars. Industry, this particular issue of how the profits of ECM used to eat food and what his exact mannerisms were, Mama Casali Rama Allahu taala, in his yard, at length talks about the difference.

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You know, the different benefits of the simplicity in terms of eating food, he Imam ghazali Rahim, Allahu taala talks about how, you know eating in this manner of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually is very helpful in implementing the actual sermon of the prophets a lot, he said them, and that is to eat less and to eat minimally, to eat very, to eat healthy to eat minimally, that this actually helps and contributes to accomplishing that goal. When you start implementing the different habits of the profits allottee system in terms of how the profits a lot of them ate, in terms of the simplicity and the humility with which the profits a lot he said I'm used to eat.

01:01:22 --> 01:01:24

The last thing that's all

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mentioned here, it's kind of interesting of delivering a bus of delivering a bus. radi Allahu taala and one time

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he was sitting down to eat, and somebody brought him a spoon. So he brought him some utensil milaca somebody brought him a spoon to eat with. And I'm delivering Massaro Dora the Allahu taala. And who said welaka kolomna bunny Adam.

01:01:53 --> 01:02:02

Allah has honored and dignified the human being. This is fine. Right? This is fine. And he ate with his hands. And

01:02:03 --> 01:02:51

somebody asked him one time like that, what if somebody finds this very interesting? He says, what if somebody finds it? And the reason why I bring this up, of course, these things are mobile, these things are open. You can eat with, you know, utensil, if you'd like there's not a problem with it. But it's just the thought process because of we sometimes have our mind, so made up about something, right? We have these predispositions. We have these assumptions, we think that we know, you know, we we think that we're so correct in a lot of the different ideas that we have. And it almost creates a sense of arrogance. So somebody kind of commented saying that, well, what if it's kind of detestable

01:02:51 --> 01:02:58

or distasteful, but if it's distasteful to somebody that you're eating with your hand,

01:02:59 --> 01:03:03

that you are reaching into the dish and eating with your hand

01:03:04 --> 01:03:07

up delivering a bus or the Allahu taala and Huma says,

01:03:08 --> 01:03:18

then is wider? Isn't it distasteful to someone that when you eat with a utensil, he says, when I eat with my hand, my hand doesn't go inside my mouth.

01:03:19 --> 01:03:39

I don't like jam my hand in my mouth and then pull it back out with my saliva on it, and then stick it back in my food and jam it back in. But it goes every time you put that spoon in your mouth, and it comes back out and you got all your saliva on it. And then you dip it back into the food because isn't that nasty? Right? So just a little food for thought.

01:03:43 --> 01:03:44

And that's it.

01:03:46 --> 01:03:55

Just hit on me Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that was said and heard. So how to like be humble. He's super high Colombia from Nick Szabo, La Ilaha Illa

Chapters 22-24


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