Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 035 – Two Uncles with Different Responses Abu Talib and Abu Lahab

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting and protecting people from harm during the migration process, as it is crucial to be intelligent and wise. The Prophet sallavi Alaihe's message is to find the right person to be, pray for people who love and receive the message of peace and acceptance, not disrespecting people and highlighting one's own weaknesses. The events leading up to the Capital Cup finals, including Steve Harvey being fired from his role as host, are also discussed, with a recap of the event and statement from the host thanking attendees for their time.
AI: Transcript ©
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You're listening to Calum Institute's podcast series. See the life of the Prophet by sheer Abdul Nasir zhongda. visit us on the web at Calum Institute dot o RG or find us on [email protected] slash Gollum Institute smilla you will have the lower salatu salam ala rasulillah where Allah Allah he was he as marine

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shala continuing with our sessions on the life of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, a Sierra Nevada the prophetic biography, in the previous session, or rather, in the previous few sessions, we've been talking about the initial stages of prophethood, the beginning of the preaching of the revelation, and we specifically in the previous session address, the issue of when the Dow the message went from its first to its second stage, that it went from just Prophethood, unknowable other prophets a lot isn't just coming to terms and internalizing, basically what was being sent down to him in the instruction that was being given to him to where he switched over to actually now

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preaching the message at a more public level. And we specifically talked about when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam got the leaders of his family members together, and delivered the message to them and told them exactly who he was and what why he was doing what he was doing. And we talked about the response as well. We talked about how Abu lahab disrupted the situation broke up the party, and kept causing problem day after day after day after day.

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We finally then moved on to talking about and some books of co2 stated in the opposite order. Some of them say that the public address from the amount of sofar was first. And then the private dinner with the family members with seconds, that the private dinner with the family members was done to basically quell any concerns that they may have to kind of have a one on one some FaceTime. While some books of the Sierra say no, it was actually the gathering with the family members was first to first break the news to them so that they wouldn't be caught off guard. They just wouldn't be out of the blue to them. And then the prophets, a lot of them took it to a more public arena, where he

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stood at the mountain of Safa, and he proclaimed his message to basically all of the extended family, which would be the other tribes and other families in the Quraysh.

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Now that the prophets a lot isn't proclaimed his message publicly in the private family gathering, and in the public address of from the mountain of Safa, Abu lahab, at both places disrupted the party, he basically dispersed everyone, he came back at the profits, a lot of the seminar attacked the character of the prophets a lot. He said, let me call him a liar. He called him crazy. He reprimanded him publicly, and everybody dispersed from there. What's very interesting is that while many people did not speak up in support of the prophets a lot he said them in the public gathering, it was Eliade, Allahu anhu. And one other narration tells us that it was Abu Talib, which we'll talk

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about a little bit later today.

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In the public gathering, nobody really spoke up in defense of the Prophet sallallaahu, Selim. But at the same time, nobody else spoke up against him either.

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Which tells you a little bit about that they were hesitant to attack the Prophet sallallahu sallam, because this was somebody that they really had no grounds to attack. There was no dirt that they had on him, there was nothing to really attack about him. This was a man of the highest caliber, the highest character, the greatest nobility, total honesty, truth, trustworthiness, what was there to say about him? they really couldn't say anything about him. Abu lahab was very irrational, which we'll talk about some of the irrationality of Abu lahab in today's session, but our blog was irrational. Nobody else spoke up in defense, but nobody else attacked the profits from either not

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everybody else shook their head and said, Yeah, absolutely. Abu Dhabi, you're right. He's out of his mind. Nobody said that. Everyone just quietly walked away from there. And even that has been explained. Why was that it's very simple and easy to understand. Because what the prophets, a lot of who was presenting to them was a complete shift in ideology, in theology, in lifestyle in morals and ethics and character. The prophets. A lot of this is actually this speaks about the nobility, the sincerity, and the integrity of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you know, a lot of times, and there definitely is a fine line here. I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. But this fine line can

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be better delineated by people of knowledge and wisdom and experience leadership. But at the same time, I will say one thing, that a lot of times when we realize that there's an issue in society, and we want to go about in addressing this issue in society, we oftentimes have this discussion, this dialogue

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About how to address it. Do we tackle the issue head on? Or do we say look, this is a problem and we cannot tolerate this any longer. We got to fix this.

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But then from the other side, we also have the angle of Oh, but we have to have hikmah. We have to have wisdom, we have to be very wise. We have to be intelligent and how we're approaching this.

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And that is definitely true with your last ability of becoming Hekmati. Well, no,

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we do have to be wise we do have to be intelligent. But at the same time, we also have to understand that we can fall prey to another extreme. While we don't want to be harsh, and we don't want to reprimand people for the sake of reprimanding people we have to be careful not to fall prey to the other extreme. And the other extreme is where we basically do not stand on any type of moral grounding.

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We have no moral grounding, we have nothing that we stand for. We have nothing that we are based on we we become so wishy washy, we become so watered down about what we're doing and what we're saying and what we're trying to achieve and accomplish. We don't even remember what we set out for to begin with. These are definitely two extremes. We the prophets allottee sometimes the ultimate balance in this regard.

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Shaban Hassan Ali nadwi Rahim Allah, Allah in His analysis of the Sierra has actually in detailed laid this issue out, and he's talked about this. And he speaks about how the prophets Allah ism is the ultimate role model for anyone who aspires to community leadership for anyone who aspires to influence humanity in a positive way, wants to make a positive change in the world wants to be an agent of change in the world that they live in. That the prophets a lot ism is the ultimate role model. Because the prophets, a lot of them was very wise. He was very balanced. He was very kind, he was very generous and very considerate of people. But at the same time, the prophets Allah Islam,

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stood for what he exactly believed in.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam stood for what he believed in.

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And these convictions were unshakable, and he did stand for something. And that was without a shadow of a doubt. So the prophets a lot, he said them at the same time, he's not watering down his message. He's telling them exactly the crux of the matter, believe in one God, and there is a life of the hereafter and I am the messenger of God, I've been sent to warn you. And if you do not listen to this, you did not heed this message, you bring upon yourself suffering in this world in the next digit, you can be hated dunia will Akira, and I've come to you with all that which is good of the good of this world and the good of the life of the hereafter.

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So listen to what I'm saying.

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First of all, listen to what I'm saying.

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In fact, we're going to talk about some of the narrations.

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But now that the message was public, when the prophets A lot of you won't even go to the public places, he would go to the town square, he would go to the marketplaces, and he would want to try to talk to people about the message. You know, the line that the prophets a lot of them would open with, he would say, yeah, you Hannah's Oh people kulu La ilaha illAllah c'est la ilaha illa Allah say there is no one worthy of worship but god but Allah alone, definitely who and you will find success.

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Look at the power with which you would even open as a dress. So the prophets, a lot of them is a beautiful excellence, amazing, a perfect role model on exactly how to influence change in a society. And because of the directness, and the honesty and the integrity of the prophets allowed him delivering the message. It was something that was initially a little difficult for people to swallow.

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It was a little difficult for them to deal with.

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And so everyone dispersed from there, while they did not speak up in defense of him, but because of the character of the profitsystem they also couldn't say anything bad about him.

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Now that this was basically what had happened.

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What occurred after this point on

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what started happening after this was now that the news was out in the open, there was really no secret.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam started preaching started teaching started talking about his message. And similarly, people who opposed him first and foremost, beginning with his own uncle, Abu lahab. He also began to openly oppose him

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and criticize him and slander him and insult him and vilify him and demonize him in the eyes of the people. And there are multiple narrations which talk about this, that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he talks about his convictions and preaching the message.

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It said, it's the Monroe. Yeah, they're all in a lucky to Ana nealon when a heroin was Iran watching what he held on

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That he consistently kept calling people to Allah nights in day quietly and publicly lie your city for who Angelica sorry fun while you're the one who robbed and no one could turn them away from it to no one could stop him from doing it like so do I like a Sudoku and who saw done no one could prevent him from following through with his message yet to be on NASA Fie Andy at him warmer jamea him well, Mahaffey to him, he would go and he would meet with people

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in their public gathering places in their,

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in their business and marketplaces. In their private gatherings, you would go and you would meet with people and talk to people. Well, Phil, my wife asked him in the big like what we consider like fairs. You know, we have like the state fair of Texas or you have a carnival, or something like that. So when these special carnivals or fairs would occur, the profits a lot of them would go and there you would speak to people.

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When Milwaukee Phil had, and he would go out the season of hedge when all of Arabia would gather together for festivities for congregating business dealings, display of arts and crafts and poetry, the profits or losses, you would go there and talk to people. Yeah, The Omen luckier who he would call the people that he would meet mean hurin abdon free people and slaves whether even walk away in weak people and powerful people were Canadian for PETA and rich people and poor people.

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Jamil hollyfield, alika. And Sharon, sour on all of the creation of God was somebody that he turned his attention to. He did not give everyone anyone priority over another he met and didn't neglect any particular demographic in society. all of humanity was in arena for the profits allowed him to present his message.

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What the Sonata Allahu Allah manita woman had in us men to offer him Alessia de aqui, Anna mushy Quraysh Bill asiya tilicho, Leah t welfare Leah and basically very powerful, very powerful, wealthy people from the leaders of Piraeus who were insistent upon their ship their worship of idols. They opposed the prophets a lot. He said, um, and they basically began to oppress anyone who would dare to follow the prophets Allah dishonor, particularly the weaker people who would follow the Prophet sallallahu sallam. What kind of mean should the Nazir alayhi ambu, Abu lahab and the most severe in opposition against the prophets, a lot of feminist followers was his own uncle Abu lahab is more

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Abdullah bin Abdul muttalib. His name his actual legal name was Abdullah Rosa.

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Rosa was one of the idols of the operation they used to worship. So his actual name his given name was Abdullah Rosa, he was a son of Abdulmutallab, a direct uncle of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, his father's older brother.

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He was called Abu lahab. And it's mentioned here in the narration, but basically he was called Abu lahab. Because of his complexion, he was very light in complexion. But he was not said to have very, like his cheeks were very red.

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That was his complexion. And he was also a very intense individual. When he would speak, he would become very intense, and his face would become very red. And so lab is literally what is called a burning Ember, a red burning coal. And so he was called Abu lahab, because his face would look like it had like a fire inside of it. And he was very wealthy, and he was very rich. And he was very powerful, influential, he had focused most of his energies. He wasn't considered a leader of at some level, but he was not a civil leader like he was. He was not very, he was not a civil leader. He wasn't very active in the service of his community. likeable thought he was a Buddha was more of a

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business leader. He committed the majority of his energy to succeeding in business in the business arena. So he was a he was a leader economically of Quraysh. And that's how he was leveraging his power in his influence.

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And his wife was known as Omu Jamil, her name was Ottawa I've been to herb been omega

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to Abby, Sophia. She was a sister of Abu sufian. So you can see they were a bit of a power couple,

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Abu lahab powerful businessman had of you know, the businessman's you know, club or affiliation or Alliance inpiration maka, his wife is the sister of Abu sufian the daughter

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have been omega. So she's also a very powerful woman. I talked about this in the very early sessions of deceit off, where I gave a layout of what Moroccan society Arab society was like. And I talked about how women generally speaking did not have rights. Women were not treated very properly at that time. But this was not a general rule. There was an exception to this.

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Women who were a very high lineage, women who are from the families of the leaders, like the daughters, and the wives and the Sisters of the leaders of Pradesh, they did enjoy a very elite status. They did enjoy and elite status in Mecca and courage. And they were actually somewhat influential. They had the ear of their husbands and their brothers and their sons. And they were able and their fathers and they were able to influence policy. And so the wife of Abu lahab was no different. She was a very influential woman. She's the wife of Abdullah hub, one of the wealthiest women, the wife of one of the wealthiest men in Makkah. She's the sister of Abu Sufyan, who is a

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political leader of operation of Makkah, and therefore of Arabia, all eyes are on him. Her father was also a very influential man. So you can now imagine the level of influence this woman has.

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so both of the these individuals this couple, Abu lahab and his wife,

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Jamil, or Robin herb, they basically made it their life's mission to oppose the prophets allottee center.

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And Abu lahab, started deriving, started publicly degrading, started publicly insulting and slandering him trying to humiliate the Prophet sallallahu sallam, or why this woman the wife of Abu lahab took it upon herself to make his life difficult. She would go into she would throw her trash, it's actually said that a Buddha was the neighbor of the profits allotted to me live next door to him, she would go and she would throw trash on the doorstep of the profits allottee center

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when she would see him in public, she would pick up dirt and she would throw it on the on the clothes of the profits allow the seller to make his clothes appear dirty. So then people would look down on him.

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And she started making the life of the Prophet Salafi some very, very difficult. And she started talking bad about the profits a lot a setup. And this is basically what they committed their life to. They started opposing the profits a lot of them there are interesting narrations in which Imam Ahmed Mohammed Al Rahim Allah, Allah mentions in a narration in his Muslim

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a man reports that then this is before this man accepted Islam. Robbie, Robbie, a bad he reports and this is before he was Muslim. Later on he accepted Islam at Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi Cinema fija helia I remember seeing the profits a lot of them before I accepted Islam in the days of my Jamelia before I accepted Islam fee Suki the images. I saw him in the marketplace. Well who a fool yeah you Hannah's Ooh La ilaha illa Allah totally who the prophets a lot he said would go outside of Makati, these marketplaces. Because in Macedonia, he would not let him preach.

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The phrase would basically try to harm his followers, and anyone who would stop and listen to him. So again, trying to protect the people from harm the profits, a lot of them would actually go to these outer lying marketplaces outside of outside of Makkah, and there you would go and you would preach to the people. And he said, he says, I remember him were saying I remember seeing him say to the people, yeah, you are not so people say that. And I the law say there is no one worthy of worship but God alone, and to be who you will find success in this life in the next one not so much. damiana Ali, and the people started to gather up around him to listen to him. What wha hoo, Raja

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loon? Well, they will watch and behind him would approach a man and this man had a very bright open face.

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Had a very fair complexion.

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I will do howdy rotini.

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And this man had very bright cheeks. Again, from the description you can realize who he's talking about Yahoo in Abu Dhabi own Kathy born, and you would run up behind the profits a lot of time and he would say, This man has abandoned the religion of our forefathers, and this man is a liar. He would run up screaming this behind the profits a lot. He sort of gets back to the hub. He would follow the profits a lot. He said no matter wherever he went for Sal to Unruh for kalu I asked Who is this? What's going on here? Like I wasn't even you know, I heard the message of the profits a lot. But the behavior of the man was even more bizarre. The elder gentleman's behavior was even more

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bizarre than what this man

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was saying, so I asked Who's this old man? Why does he act this way? Heather I'm who Abu lahab and he said this is his uncle Abu lahab

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there are multiple narrations and other narration that is mentioned by emammal mehaffey Rahim Allahu taala. He from robbia to daily he says there are eight Rasulullah sallallahu aleyhi Cinema images yet to be on NASA feminazi Lamia the room in Allah, that I saw the prophets a lot. He said I'm in that same marketplace, and he would go to people and he would call people to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Well, what Rajan aquello jockey do what Janata Who? There was a man behind him

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who was very fair in complexion, and he had very bright cheeks were who were pool au anassa eurocom hada and Dini Kumar Dini Abba Eco, do not let this man deceive you do not let this man deter you and deceive you and remove you from the religion of your forefathers from your religion to religion of your forefathers pulled to one another. I said Who is this old man acting crazy? Had the Abu lahab They told me that this is a Buddha.

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There's yet another narration and he says the prophets a lot easier saying boo La Ilaha Illa totally who were either Rajan CalHFA who Yesh de la hit rob a man ran up behind the profits a lot of someone had a bunch of dirt in his hand and started to throw dirt on top of the profits a lot of them from behind him. Well either who abou Jan, and when narration says that this is Abu john another narration says that no, this is Abu lahab what either way Apulia yohannes la eurocom Heather andina calm, that do not let this man deter you from your religion, for him to migrate to Antarctica about that allottee when he wants to remove you from the worship of a Latin urza the idols that you

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And so we see and there are other narrations as well, that talk about Abu lahab literally following the prophets along the Cimarron throughout the marketplace, carrying a sack of like stones, pebbles, and as he was walking to distract the profits a lot they sell him because the processor would begin to engage in intelligent, enlightening conversation with an individual, he would stop and begin telling them explaining the neuron to them, that ability to take these pebbles and start to throw them at the back of the head of the profits allotted to them. And you can imagine how disturbing and distracting and how frustrating that would be.

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And he would start to scream and interrupt the profits. A lot of conversation with people say Don't listen to him. I know him He's my nephew.

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However, ignore it. ignore it.

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has a he an ambu? This is the son of my brother. I am his uncle. I know him better than you do.

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What What am I doing on Kathy Boone? Sir, hey, Ron, he is crazy. He is a liar. He is a magician. Don't listen to him.

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And he would literally follow the profits. A lot of them do it and follow him around doing this all day long, all day long, distracting people. And he had become such a circus act.

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That people were actually distracted by him.

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And people would become more curious Who's this crazy man who's this crazy old guy running around acting like a lunatic. He had become such a circus act. And he kept going with this. He was so persistent with this, wherever he would go in the private family gathering I told you about he disrupted the gathering in the public gathering. He's the one who disrupted the gathering near the mountain of sofa in even when the profits realized he was going around having personal conversations with people. He's the one that's disrupting these conversations. And it becomes so disruptive of a force and his wife is also continuing to escalate her opposition to the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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She comes every single day throws trash on the doorstep of the prophets, Allah Islam throws trash on the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and this couple had made it the mission and objective of their lives to do this.

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Now there's two different sequences in the narration here. I'll give you the more popularly mentioned sequence, which is mentioned in more well known books of Sierra and then I'll tell you the other sequence.

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The first sequence is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam literally went about his business.

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He kept doing what he had to do. He just kept ignoring them as you should.

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And Allah subhanaw taala revealed a surah in the Quran surah that we know as sudo to lab

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Tibet hiya da Vila. hubie mahtab.

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That may Allah be ruined.

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That Abu lahab is cursed I believe is ruined. He's

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destroyed my oven out

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there where he's his wealth and what he earns will not help him in the least bit. Sales law now run that habit

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and he prides himself on different different things. He prides himself on his wealth. He prides himself on his economic influence on the marketplace in Mecca. That's why a lot talked about as well and Womack has have that's why a lot talked about his ability to earn a living his ability to do business because he was throwing his weight around. Like, you don't want to oppose Muhammad you want to live believe in Muhammad? Well, you ain't gonna be able to do business with Mima no more.

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You sure you want to do that?

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You sure you want to make an enemy who is the most powerful businessman in Mecca? Who has the greatest influence in the public marketplace of Mecca, you sure you want to do this? So that's why I said more often than not just as well because he thought he was rich and powerful. And secondly, that's why a lot of talks about his ability to be able to earn because he was throwing their weight around, say, oh snap not on that I have and then he also prides himself on his looks. Everyone talks about his looks, who love fiery man, the man with fire inside of his cheeks in his face. So Allah said he will be burned inside of a fire that will have these burning embers or you'll be burned

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sailplan out on that and I have one more or two Oh, and we haven't forgotten about his wife throws trash on the Beloved of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, hammer little hottub. Today she carries the trash from her home to the house of the prophets Allah. On the day of judgment in the life of the Hereafter, she will carry the firewood she will carry the stones that will continue to burn the flames in the fire of *.

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Like the Quran talks about this Guru hanasi Well, he Jarrah people and stones will be the fire the fuel of the fire of *, she will carry those people and she will carry those stones on her neck on her back to continue burning the fuel to continue to provide the fuel for the fire Ville. Fiji the ha ha volumi mosaid

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and around her neck will be a rope and a shackle. Like chains like a prisoner would be chained with the shackle with the chain going for almost like a leash. She will have one like that may not have fire around her neck.

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Allah subhanaw taala came to the defense of the prophets Allah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala reprimanded these people, Allah subhanaw taala put those people in check.

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Now this is why we're saying this is one sequence. So this is what happens now. Of course is a suit of the Quran.

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The Prophet Allison recites it

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mentions it to the scribes of divine revelation to the Sahaba Radhika longquan.

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The word gets out.

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Abu lahab hears about it, his wife hears about it. They're enraged.

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They're enraged.

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At this point in time, two daughters of the prophets Allah de Sena

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muku consume

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and Rokia

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they were

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either engaged to be married

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or the the formal English term is betrothed to the two sons of Avila. Let me explain what that means. It's not quite exactly what we think of an engagement but what we basically call like the caterpillar Kitab

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then the guy without the rocks.

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Right, so the the general like basic agreement, the paperwork had been signed, the agreement had been made,

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that these two sons of Abu lahab would marry these two daughters over the profits along the salon.

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But the marriage had not been consummated, yet. They had not moved in together yet. That had not occurred yet. So call it an engagement, if you will. They have been engaged, but they weren't married.

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Abu lahab furious at this time,

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goes to his two sons and the name of the two sons were autobahn and Otaiba or it's about in Otaiba. He goes to his two sons. And he says that you right now, right here, immediately, we'll go over to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and you will break it off with his daughters.

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You will go and basically break off the engagement with his daughters. And you will humiliate him when you do it. And you will curse him out and abuse him in doing so

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Some of the more detailed narrations tell us that one of the sons came to the profits a lot. He said them, had some level of dignity, some level, and came and said, it's over. My father said, I have to come here, my mom said, I have to come here and say it's over. And that's it. And he just left

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and one generations, and the narration goes on to mention that the other son came to the profits a lot. He said them,

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grabbed him by his shirt,

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ripped his shirt, spit on him, cursed him, and said, keep your daughter at home. I'm done with her, I'm through with her.

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And humiliated a father in this way.

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And the prophets ultimately very deeply hurt by this.

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Anyone who's a parent, anyone who's a father, you know, again, this is something that I oftentimes

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speak about, I speak about this, I wanted to say I rant in I rant about this, I complain about this, but I complain to myself, I complain about myself, before anyone else. A problem that we have collectively as a community is a lot of times when we talk about the life in the seat of the prophets of Luddism, it becomes such a ritual routine thing to us, where we just read it like were we reading a Wikipedia page, we just say like I just said it, they went over there, they broke it off with the daughters of the prophets on his own. And then next, in next in next month, try to understand what that means.

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Try to understand what that means. If you're a father,

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and even then, if you have a daughter, and on top of that, if your daughters are older.

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And may God may Allah subhanaw taala protect everyone.

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May Allah subhanaw taala not inflict this type of pain on anyone. But if you god forbid have ever been in a situation

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where your daughter was,

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you know, the engagement with your daughter was broken off.

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Er May Allah subhana wa tada protect everyone. But if somebody's daughter was ever divorced,

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you know this pain.

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It's heartbreaking. It's gut wrenching.

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grown men, grown men

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who are a symbol of strength and courage and power

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for their families for their communities

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will cry themselves to sleep

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because of the pain that that situation inflicts on a person.

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If you've never experienced that, and May Allah subhanaw, taala, protect you.

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Maybe take a look at somebody who has gone through them. If you're close to someone like that, go and talk to them, ask them what it's like. Being in the position that we're in, being in the position that I'm in. I have people come and talk to me about these situations. I've had very accomplished intelligent, admirable, honorable, dignified, strong men who I look up to I call them uncle's. I admire them. They're role models to me.

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But when their daughters go through this type of a situation or go through this type of a tragedy,

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I've had those same individuals come sit down in front of me and cry tears endlessly.

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They can't speak, their voices shake and tremble.

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They feel like their world has been destroyed.

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It's a very serious thing.

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We're not even talking about the pain and the suffering of those, those daughters mukuni and rupay are the Allahu Allah May Allah be pleased with them, what they must have gone through here.

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And of course, Allah subhanaw taala gave them something better.

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They were married to Earth man men are found or their loved one.

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When the most amazing men that ever walked the face of desert, it's after the profits.

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But if we focus in on the zero, we're talking about the profits allies. Imagine what that pain is like for a parent for father.

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It can break a person

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imagine how painful that was for the profits. allottees

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See, this is when Sirat will change our lives. This will have an impact on us when we try to understand when we try to actually feel it.

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And then if this happens through a formality or this happens very respectfully, it's still traumatic and tragic. Imagine if it happens like this.

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Somebody disrespects you, dishonors you,

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somebody humiliate you

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Imagine how tough that is to deal with how tough that is to overcome. And that's what the prophets allowed him went through here.

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So this was some of the initial pain and suffering of the prophets a lot. He said

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that there was public disapproval. But before anyone else could say anything could take a position could align themselves with him or against him, because everybody was still trying to understand and figure this situation out and kind of understand what was going on. Before any of that.

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Before any of that you had the own uncle of the prophets, a lot of Abu lahab.

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Who does the profits lottery some would have hoped

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that as influential as he was, he would be a voice

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on the side of the profits allows him campaigning for the profits of lobbies and standing by the side of the profits alarmism putting an arm around and saying I got his back.

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But he was the most vocal he did not wait for a day, he lashed out, jumped at the opportunity to be able to not just say I don't agree with him, but then to curse him out in public, to humiliate him in public, to disrespect him to throw dirt at him to throw rocks at him, to curse him to slander him to launch a campaign against him. And not only that, but attack his own children.

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Imagine how challenging those first few initial days were. And that's what the prophets a lot of someone's dealing with.

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But on the other side,

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was something else that was developing at the same time.

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There was one of the other uncle's of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam,

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a very beloved uncle to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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by the name of Abu lahab.

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Now, if you are a student of the serum, the prophetic biography the life of the Prophet cism Abu lahab is no stranger to you. You know very well who abou excuse me Abu Talib is no stranger to you.

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He is no stranger to you, you know exactly what will ptolemies

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and if you've been attending these Cyril classes here, then you are very well informed about who I will call him was and what he meant to the prophets Elisa though this was a man who was close to the prophets allows him from his birth. He was actually one of the most attached people to the father of the prophets, Allah, the father of the prophets, Allah Abdullah

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he was extremely close to a Batali.

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He had many older brothers, our bass, Hamza, Hamza radi Allahu anhu, very possibly was younger than the Father. He actually was younger than the father of the process. I mean, that's why he was very close to the prophets a lot of time and age, but I bass, Abu lahab there were many different older brothers, but the one that he was the closest to was

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he was very close to him, and therefore I will talk to him about a great affinity for Mohammed Abdullah had a had a lot of had a lot of love for the only child of his brother who passed away two young

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who passed away as a young man, I will Dalek was heartbroken at the loss of his younger brother that he was so close to. And that's why he had a lot of love for his nephew.

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And then on top of that I talked about here in this either sessions, Abdulmutallab the grandfather, who had taken care of the pro who is very in love with this beautiful child who loved him like one of his own, especially when his beloved son Mohammed, when his beloved son Abdullah, the son of Mohammed, the father of Mohammed passed away. Abdulmutallab developed a lot of love for this innocent child who had lost his father Mohammed Abdullah, and he loved him.

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And especially then, when the mother of Muhammad Amina, passes away salallahu alayhi wasallam, when when the mother of the prophets Allah is passing away, then Abdulmutallab basically takes it upon himself to love and to nurture this child.

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His grandson, his beloved grandson, Mohammed Nabina.

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When Tony was passing away, and I've talked about this, when the muttalib is passing away, he tells his son, his most trusted son, the son that he has, that he has, basically

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groomed and trained to take over the leadership of Banu Hashim and the leadership of Abu Talib, a selfless, socially conscious civically engaged, responsible family man of authority. He one of the last dying requests, one of the last requests like his will see to his son Abu Talib is Please take care of my grandson Mohammed.

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I put you in charge

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Have him. He doesn't have his father. He doesn't have his mother. All he's had is me.

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I'm all that he has. And I'm dying. I'm an old man, I'm dying.

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I need you to promise me that you'll take care of him.

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And you've seen how much I care for him that you will take care of him just like I did. And Abu Talib on the deathbed of his father, Abdulmutallab holds his father's hand and promises to him.

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That Father, I will take care of my nephew Muhammad.

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I'll take care of him. He's the son of my dear dearly departed brother Abdullah, I will care for him. You can trust me. And from that day on, Abu Talib made it the mission of his life,

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to take care and to make sure that Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knew that he was loved.

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He knew that he was loved.

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And that was a relationship of Abu Talib with the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Now that the prophets Allah with him proclaims his message.

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And one of the narrations that I didn't talk about earlier I was saving it for here is that

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in one of those in some of the narration team, the third of those three gatherings where the profits a lot of them just gathered, the men of Banu Hashim together, the family private dinner, the gathering,

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Abu Talib actually spoke up in defense of the prophets a lot.

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He did put a support band and he says, I support you.

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I don't, I don't myself understand or believe in what you're presenting. But I got your back. You say what you gotta say, you do what you got to do.

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And in some of the narration say that was part of the reason why a Buddha was so infuriated. Because while he was the most influential person economically in Mecca, inpiration civically and socially the most influential person and be de facto leader of Banu Hashim, for that same reason, because one of the things that basically were the crown of the leader of Banu Hashim in operation was the caretaking of the the custodianship of the caliber of the huddle and taking care of the visitors of to the huddle to the Kaaba, the Hajaj.

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And that was being done by the Civic social leader.

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And at the end of the day, that would be more publicly visible, and that at the end of the day would be a little bit more influential.

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If not in amongst the new hashima Quraysh. Or at least not amongst the business class. The businessmen have been Ohashi operation Mecca, then especially in the rest of Arabia, because he was a public figure that they would see he was the face that they would know. And if he was going to stand here and say, I got your back, son, I got your back dear nephew, you say what you gotta say. I would have felt threatened from the very beginning.

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And that's part of the reason why he became so aggressive in his opposition to the profits a lot a sentiment his message. So we've got the back of the profits a lot he said of the narration say what Ghana? It says wahala for houfy danika Abu Talib in Abdulmutallab, however I will call him he opposed Abu lahab. He opposed Abu lahab in his response to the prophets, Allah Jim, what kind of Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi taba and the Prophet of Allah Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam may have lost Peace and blessings showered down upon him. He was the most beloved of God's creation to a butadiene of muttalib loved him more than he loved anyone else.

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for Canada, ya know, Allah He will you know, la he used to shower him with with love and affection. And he would always do right by him while you dive here on who and he would defend him were you having and he would he was very loyal to him. Were you Holly for karma houfy Danica and he would oppose the people in trying to harm the profits a lot he said I'm my I know who Allah Dini him, Allah, Allah to him, even though he himself might have still believed in the religion of the people. He's still defended and protected and supported the prophets a lot ism.

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So, it goes on to say for Ghana, it goes on to basically talk about how he kept protecting and kept defending the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he had the back of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Now, in supporting the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and publicly stating, I got your back, you do

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What you have to do, I talked about the narrations previously, that when he saw I live in a Vitaly, his own son, who was given into the care of the prophets a lot, he said them. He saw the prophets a lot. He said, I'm praying with Khadija, the wife of the Prophet salami. So, again, somebody that Abu Talib had approved of their marriage and about Olive had recommended this marriage as well. He sees them praying together and he sees his own son, I leave and I'll be tolerated, but he sees his own son, praying with the Prophet Alayhi Salaam. And in the long run, he was very nervous when his father found out, he tells us, honey Go, son, I approve. Muhammad is a good man.

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A good man. He's honest, I raised him like one of my own, and I trusted him to raise you. You listen to him, you follow Him and you try to be like him.

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I might not understand this part of it. This worshiping one God is praying in all this stuff. But what I do understand is his honesty, and his trustworthiness, and his love, and his generosity and his kindness and his respect.

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And his consideration for his family. He cares for me. I'm an old man now.

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I struggle with my responsibilities. I struggle financially, but he's always there for me. He's a man of great integrity, you follow Him, you stay with him, you listen to him, and you try to pick up some of this integrity that Mohammed does.

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And Abu Talib supported the Islam of a leader of a loved one. He supported it.

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So now that to some extent, initially, now this is still very early in Mecca. I want to remind you of this, I'm taking my time here. A lot of Sierra books that you might have read like basic summarize the era books that you might have read. By now. It's talking about the migration to Abyssinia. We're already there. Literally, we're from here to the migration job senior. The problem stands on so far preaches to people who love responds negatively. I will call it responds positively migration to Abyssinia.

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But I want to point out something here because this is exactly what I pointed out in the beginning of the sealer session. That's why we spend so much time on his birth on his childhood on his youth on his marriage on his family life. That's why we spend so much time here. It's because there's some lessons to learn here, you see that some of the lines are starting to be drawn.

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Some lines are starting to be drawn. And this is a lesson that we need to remember as the home of the profits or losses from especially us here. And I'll clarify who I'm speaking to just in case somebody listens to these recordings afterwards. I'm speaking about Muslims as a minority, particularly here in America,

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we have to keep this in mind, when we are still a fledgling small infant community. I'm not disrespecting denying that there are Muslims who have been here for 100 years, even before there was mass immigration from the Muslim world, from the Middle East, from the subcontinent, from the Far East, there was migration to this country 70s 80s and 90s. Continuing to allow, even before that there were convert communities that were present here 100 years ago, even dating back further than that. But this much is still true that those were still very, very small, isolated communities, they were a few individuals. But when we talk about us as an actual major visible community, it's a very

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recent thing. And even if we were to say we're 100 years old, that's nothing.

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That's nothing.

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mean it takes a long time to actually make a mark in a place.

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And so we're still a very small fledgling infant community, and we're finding our feet. And day by day we're becoming more and more visible.

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And people are getting to know more about us and understand exactly who we are. So we have to keep something in mind from this early period of this era. That when we go out there, and we tell the message for the very first time will be met with a lot of confused looks.

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People might not outright disrespect or disregard is

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or rather, people might not just flock to us all of a sudden, I know we're very excited and very enthralled by the by the Shahada that we receive in a hum delights a blessing that so many people convert to Islam, but at the end of the day, how many people is it?

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You know, per major metropolitan city, a dozen people a week.

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But then how many millions of people live in that city?

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So but slowly but surely we're very grateful and thankful to Allah. We're not we don't want to demoralize ourselves but we're moving forward slowly. So while the masses might not be rushing, saying yes, we love this, we support this. We believe in you we understand.

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And at the same time, there would be

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Vast overwhelming majority of people might not be rushing to burn or massage it to the ground and crucify us and, you know, hang this from the trees.

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Maybe that's not happening, either majority of the people are just trying to understand and figure out exactly what's going on. It's something new that they've heard. And they're trying to come to terms with it, trying to come to grips with it.

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And we see that from the life of the Prophet system. That's what most of Quraysh so most Americans doing, most of us are home just kind of talking about it like Hey, did you hear? Did you hear? What What do you think? What do you think? I don't know. I don't know either. That's for most of my cars doing right now.

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But there will be a few people.

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Some people are believing

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Abubakar, Osman Ali, Khadija they do no haritha

00:50:54 --> 00:50:57

Dr. Manmohan Singh Saginaw Viva pass

00:50:58 --> 00:51:00

sumiya omo Amar,

00:51:01 --> 00:51:05

some people are believing some people are are starting to line up behind him.

00:51:07 --> 00:51:09

Some people are outright

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just just completely open about their complete disdain, disapproval, and wanting to

00:51:18 --> 00:51:19

completely stop this altogether.

00:51:20 --> 00:51:23

Like Abu lahab launching a public campaign,

00:51:25 --> 00:51:31

Mohammed's crazy, he's a liar, we need to stop this now. And everyone who believes in Him is a traitor to his people.

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And then there are some people who don't believe necessarily

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a few people who don't believe but still support. Say, no.

00:51:46 --> 00:51:47

They're good people.

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He saying what he says, I might not understand I might not agree.

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But at the end of the day, that's my opinion. And he is entitled, and he has every right to his opinion. And at the end of the day, he is somebody who is good, somebody who is beneficial and somebody who does not harm his people.

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So I have to stand here and support him and support his right to be able to live his life and believe in preach what he believes in.

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And that's a bold target.

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And so we see this is the initial scene. When we look at us right here right now we'll learn a lot of lessons here.

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So what do we see? What do we have to basically understand that the people when we are in this type of a situation, the people who openly oppose us, there is no benefit. There is no benefit in flinging mud back at somebody who is flinging mud.

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There's no benefit in that. There is no benefit in stooping down to somebody's level. Somebody curses you out, somebody slandered you, somebody says something bad about you. Somebody disrespects you. There's no benefit in disrespecting them. You're stupid. Oh, yeah, you're ugly. Like there's no benefit in the law hater fee. There's no benefit in this. It's immature, childish behavior.

00:53:05 --> 00:53:47

And that actually contradicts your own message. If you preach faith, and you preach dignity and honor and nobility, well, you didn't act that way. You set it but you didn't act it. And that's a common problem we as Muslims have. Again, some people might be a little sensitive. In America right now, we do get bullied or bullied around, we do get picked on quite often. If it's not murphysboro, there's not a mustard being vandalized. If it's not some crazy guy on radio or TV talking bad about us, then it's something else or something else. And somebody making something stupid on YouTube and putting it out there somebody drawing some cartoons, publishing them in a newspaper, etc, etc. Yes,

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people are messing with us. But at the same time, we can't really control what they do. We can influence we can have some type of an impact on them. But that first begins with ourselves, rallying our own communities together, and then being able to appeal to the senses and the sensibilities of the general society that we are a part of. So first and foremost, we got to check ourselves before we check anyone else. And a lot of times we do not respond and react properly.

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We stoop to their levels.

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If somebody posts his posts, something bad says something bad about Muslims, or Islam about the Prophet system on Facebook, and you go there and you leave a comment on their Facebook post, where you leave a few four letter choice four letter words. You go there and you curse them out and you leave profanity there. You did. You just did a terrible, terrible thing. You did not put nobody in check.

00:54:47 --> 00:54:53

You did not defend Islam. You did more harm to Islam than that fool did on his Facebook.

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Because you didn't stand up. You didn't represent Islam. You are a Muslim.

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anyone else who is mildly intelligent or educated would say that that person is an ignorant an educated person who does not know Islam does not know Muslims. And that person is is reprehensible for doing that to begin with. But when you go out and you do that now somebody's gonna say but man, look at this Muslim, look how we behaved. Look how he acted.

00:55:22 --> 00:55:31

So we have to be careful of our own behavior. The Prophet ism is not stooping to the level of Abu lahab. He's not becoming like Abu lahab and responsible law, he's taking the high road

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dignify yourself, dignify your faith, your religion, your oma, your messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

00:55:41 --> 00:55:43

of otalia is supportive.

00:55:44 --> 00:55:53

And the prophets of Allah, Islam does not take his support for granted. I'm going to tell you a story right now. But the prophet system does not take the support of Abu Talib for granted.

00:55:54 --> 00:55:55

He does not.

00:55:57 --> 00:56:07

But he appreciates it. And he made sure he expresses that with his beloved Uncle, I do not wish to become a burden on you. I didn't want to make your life difficult. Please forgive me uncle.

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But I'm just doing what I have to do.

00:56:12 --> 00:56:24

And then the profits a lot is taken care of. He's nurturing he's supporting he's trying to protect those people who do believe in him from falling into harm's way from getting caught in the crossfire.

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And we basically are going to have to adopt a similar philosophy and take a lesson from this and go forward with this.

00:56:32 --> 00:56:34

What time is allotted at

00:56:35 --> 00:56:46

nine o'clock? Okay, so we have a little bit of time. So I'm going to take probably about 10 to 12 more minutes, because I'd like to tell you this one little story is a very well known story from the Sierra from the life of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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It talks about the Quraysh approaching Abu Talib,

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very famous story.

00:56:57 --> 00:57:04

Athena Vitali, who's one of the sons of Abu Talib accepted Islam later, he says

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Josh Qureshi, Ella

00:57:11 --> 00:57:13

grace came to my father.

00:57:15 --> 00:57:38

And they said in the evening, he kochava avana in Edina one Machina, that this nephew of yours, Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he's really, really caused us a lot of difficulty and he's become a real nuisance to us, you know, in our marketplaces at the haraam. He's become a real nuisance to us. Fun who are gonna tell him to stop?

00:57:39 --> 00:58:04

A Batali said yeah, intellect fettuccine bee, Muhammad. He said, he'll go and go get your cousin, Mohammed, go get my beloved nephew Muhammad. need to talk to him. fontal up to la festa. First, duck Raj to who min keeps him. Oh, Paula hephaestion yaku beighton sahelian fauja hooba he filled the Hera t fishy that in her

00:58:05 --> 00:58:30

anyways, he says basically I went to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and I basically he was in a small home using a small house at that time. And I went and I got him and brought him to my father, Libyans uncle Abu Talib. Any action actually describes the time because it plays into the scene. Again, these details are preserved because you're supposed to try to visualize what this is like. He said it was the hottest part of the day.

00:58:31 --> 00:58:34

The hottest part of the day. Imagine like two 3pm.

00:58:35 --> 00:58:51

Texas in the summertime in Texas, noon is bad, but actually to 3pm is worse. Because the heat has been building all day. It's been just, it's been pouring down. Everything's on fire at that time. So imagine to 3pm

00:58:52 --> 00:58:54

that hot, hottest time of the day.

00:58:56 --> 00:59:01

He says the profits realize him came in that time. So imagine the sun bearing down, sweating from

00:59:02 --> 00:59:19

you know, sweating all over, coming in that extreme heat and arriving to his uncle. He says in urbania I'm Mika filma utsavam pilot color in Ebony Amica Hola, zombiu naka de m phenol de Merci de

00:59:20 --> 00:59:42

Francia here another another. He says that these these cousins of mine in Ebony Amica. or, excuse me, says these cousins of yours. That was basically a way of saying these are your brothers. These are your people. These are your family members in America, your cousins.

00:59:43 --> 00:59:57

All of these people they say that you caused them a lot of harm, that you caused him a lot of difficulty, a lot of trouble and adversity. So please stop calling stop bothering them. Stop troubling them.

00:59:58 --> 00:59:59

For halakha Rasulullah he

01:00:00 --> 01:00:02

sallallahu alayhi salat wa salam ala sama

01:00:04 --> 01:00:06

one narration says the prophets a lot even looked up at the sky.

01:00:08 --> 01:00:15

For poltrona he jumps remember it's the hottest part of the day to 3pm you can see the sun right there.

01:00:16 --> 01:00:20

He says throne, he jumps. Do you see the sun

01:00:21 --> 01:00:35

or Luna on the side of course we do. The prophets Allah Islam says former abeokuta Allah and other either they come in come Allah and Desh Allah and does tertiary Lu minha charlatan.

01:00:37 --> 01:00:43

The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that I am not capable

01:00:45 --> 01:00:56

of going to this sun and bringing you back a flame from the sun. Bala Batali will lie he merkabah even got to

01:00:58 --> 01:01:22

so the Prophet of Allah ceylonese and basically what he was said it's a figure of speech in Arabic says from the UK that Allah and other italicum income, I am no more capable of stopping. I am no more capable of stopping my preaching to you spreading my message preaching my message to you, then I am any more capable of going to the sun and bringing back a flame from there.

01:01:24 --> 01:01:34

That just like I'm not capable, I just cannot go to the sun and bring a flame from there for you. I cannot stop preaching my message to you. I can't. I'm sorry. I just can't.

01:01:36 --> 01:01:57

Live responded by saying I swear by God, that this nephew of mine has never lied. Now you people go from here. This isn't a variation of Bahati. Another narration which might sound a little more familiar to you is that when the crash came and they basically said to him that look, you know your nephew is causing us so much trouble so much difficulty.

01:01:58 --> 01:02:01

So please tell him to stop

01:02:04 --> 01:02:14

when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam finally came to Abu Talib and Abu Talib said that look these people say that you cause them so much difficulty please stop bothering them.

01:02:16 --> 01:02:19

The Prophet of Allah Salaam responded to obatala by saying Yeah.

01:02:20 --> 01:02:25

Oh my dear beloved uncle, lo will the artist shun Sufi Yemeni

01:02:26 --> 01:02:31

lowood the addition Sufi meaning that if the sun was put in my right hand,

01:02:32 --> 01:02:44

while Amalfi sad, in the moon was put in my left hand matar to have an Amara Hata Allahu o Anika caffitaly.

01:02:45 --> 01:03:02

I, if the sun was putting my right hand in the moon was putting my left hand, month or two had a camera, I would not stop preaching the true message of God until either Allah had made his message apparent on the earth, or I would die in trying to do so.

01:03:03 --> 01:03:04

I just can't stop.

01:03:06 --> 01:03:09

This is my job. This is my mission. This is what I'm doing.

01:03:12 --> 01:03:17

And then it says thermostat Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

01:03:20 --> 01:03:21

and then the profits loves him teared up

01:03:24 --> 01:03:28

the profits allows him to to Fabrica.

01:03:29 --> 01:03:34

And he cried, tears streamed down his face from his eyes.

01:03:36 --> 01:03:39

And he started to turn and walk away from

01:03:43 --> 01:04:03

some of the narrations and even some of the scholars of Sierra talk about why was the prophets a lot from crying. Some have said that, because he thought that his uncle had given up his age and his support that it will Dolly will no longer have his back. And so the profits a lot he said, um, was worried or he was hurt by this.

01:04:04 --> 01:04:11

Some of the other scholars of Sierra actually say, and this is something that makes personally to me makes more sense.

01:04:12 --> 01:04:13

The prophets Allah

01:04:14 --> 01:04:19

was brought to tears by the thought that he had bothered and troubled his uncle.

01:04:21 --> 01:04:24

This man had raised him. This man had loved them

01:04:25 --> 01:04:26

to care of him.

01:04:27 --> 01:04:30

And this man had supported him so strongly.

01:04:33 --> 01:04:41

And the prophets a lot of sin was very saddened. He was doing what he had to do. He wasn't he didn't regret his choice. He didn't regret doing what he did.

01:04:43 --> 01:04:44

That wasn't the case.

01:04:45 --> 01:04:46

He didn't regret

01:04:47 --> 01:04:49

none of that he wasn't disappointed.

01:04:51 --> 01:04:57

But at the same time, the profits a lot. He said him wishes hurt by the fact that maybe his uncle was hurt.

01:04:59 --> 01:04:59

Maybe isn't

01:05:00 --> 01:05:02

trouble. He's old, he's elderly.

01:05:03 --> 01:05:09

He's in so much for me. He's made. He's been such a huge part of me being the man that I am today.

01:05:11 --> 01:05:15

And in the old part of his life, the twilight years of his life,

01:05:17 --> 01:05:50

I brought him pain and I've brought him difficulty interrupted trouble to his doorstep. He's an old man, he should just play with his grandkids and do what he has to do. And now he has all these people who are constantly harassing him and bothering him. Because of me, I wish I could have brought him more comfort and ease and not been a source of difficulty for him. And that brought the profits a lot of them to tears because he cared about him. He loved him. I wish I hadn't done this to my dear uncle. And the profits realized in turn from there, just saddened by the situation.

01:05:51 --> 01:05:53

tears streaming down his face.

01:05:55 --> 01:06:04

And when he turned from there, and Abu Talib looked up and saw the condition of the process of walking away from their saddened, he said given a fee,

01:06:05 --> 01:06:14

you have nothing Dear beloved nephew, and the Profit System turned back and looked back at a bottle of tears, red eyes tears.

01:06:15 --> 01:06:19

He said in America, you keep doing what you got to do some

01:06:20 --> 01:06:34

work for alma bapta in you do whatever it is that you want to do. For a lucky law Muslim cliche in a burden, because I will never leave your site.

01:06:36 --> 01:06:38

I will never give you up to these people.

01:06:40 --> 01:06:42

I will never stop defending you.

01:06:44 --> 01:06:46

I am always there for you.

01:06:47 --> 01:06:55

And then even his heart in his era mentions or Abu Talib then recited some couplets of poetry.

01:06:57 --> 01:07:01

He said well la he lanius he Lu la cabeza marry him.

01:07:02 --> 01:07:54

Hector was fit to Robbie dafina from daily America. Malaika Baba, Baba shield wakatobi Danica Minka Luna without any while into Anika NASA Hey, fella Casa Dr. Kentucky, Amina Baraka, Dean and cada are off to be Edna who mean Haiti at the end in Bari, Yeti, Deena low level mallamma to Oh Hey daddy Sue button. Now watch attorney some handy dandy kamaaina he says that will la healing St. Louis Lake Abuja marry him I swear to God I swear by Allah that all of them if they get together they will not be able to reach you and harm you. had that was said to Robbie dafina until and unless I am laid to rest in my grave. Until I'm putting my grave. I will not let these people reach you.

01:07:55 --> 01:08:37

funding the MD Kumar alayka Baba when you keep doing what you have to do what you believe in doing. Have a shed what Kirby danika Mingo Luna, B and B be proud of what you do, and know that you bring people happiness and comfort and tranquility. Because of what you do. Without any I know you've called me to believe in what you say. Well, I listen to Anakin se Hey, and I know that you only want what's good for me. For the purpose of doctor you have spoken the truth beloved nephew, well contacted mo Amina, and you have always been truthful and trustworthy. While Arata dienen and you have presented a way of life to me, but there have to be under whom in Haiti at the end in Berea,

01:08:37 --> 01:09:20

Tina, and I have no doubt that this is the best way of life that can be found on the face of this earth. But understanding a few my own weakness, lowland mallamma too, if I will, if it wasn't for people saying bad things about me. Oh, he that he saw button, or me being afraid of people cursing me in my old age. Now reject any Samhain bizarrely kamaaina I would have totally believed in you. And I would have joined you in your belief. But I can't do that for my own weakness and my own reasons, but no, at the same time, I'm standing right here behind you in front of you, defending you, and you keep doing what you have to do. This was the defense of Abu Talib for the Prophet

01:09:20 --> 01:09:21

sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

01:09:23 --> 01:10:00

And this only further solidified the love that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had for his beloved uncle Abu Talib. And this was that third angle that I was talking about, that the Prophet of Allah Salah him in these early stages of MCI, there were people who believed, who we will talk a little bit more about. next session. We'll talk about the first 40 believers and we'll talk about we'll get we'll go through their names and talk a little bit about them. So there were the believers, obviously, and we'll talk more about that next session. There were the people who oppose that we talked about

01:10:00 --> 01:10:39

parabola hub in detail and how the mandate of the profits Allison was not to stoop to their level of nastiness, but to rise above them, ignore them and keep doing what he had to do. And then there was a third element. The third element was that which supported the profits allowed him defended the process and maybe didn't believe, but still afford it defended him and supported him. And how did the prophet SAW Salem, engage with them? he appreciated their defense, he appreciated their support. And he actually even apologized for being a cause of difficulty and trouble to them.

01:10:40 --> 01:11:18

Which only increase them in their support and love and appreciation of who the profits a lot of them was. I pray and I hope Allah subhanaw taala gives us all the mercy gives us all the ability to practice everything we've said and heard. And may Allah subhanaw taala, allow us to emulate the qualities and the conduct of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all a better understanding of the life in the seat of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. You know, I talk I spoke about this last week as well, just real quickly, in a nutshell, this is very important. This is very important in the midst of everything else that happens. You know, terrible things are said

01:11:18 --> 01:11:56

or written or drawn about the prophet SAW something that's terrible. And then some Muslims behave very negatively to that do things that are in contradiction to the teachings in the life of the prophets, Allah Islam, but at the end of the day, it's very good that we went on Facebook, we went online, we watched a YouTube video, we clicked like on a statement, and we were aware of what happened. But at the end of the day, if we do not productively proactively do something, that remedies this issue, this will this is a cycle that will continue to repeat itself. We cannot be I was just talking to some youth yesterday at UTD at a university here in town. I remember in my

01:11:56 --> 01:11:58

lifetime, Salman Rushdie.

01:12:00 --> 01:12:18

And then a few years ago, there were the cartoons. And now there was a huge This is a cycle that will continue to repeat itself. And unfortunately, our behavior will also repeat itself. If we do not right the ship. And in order to do that make a very minimal effort. Take out 20 minutes of your week.

01:12:20 --> 01:12:20

Your week

01:12:22 --> 01:12:35

is this Texas? How much football do we watch a week here? By now if you're any level of a football fan, you spend hours reading and watching clips and talking about how bad the officiating was in Monday Night Football last night.

01:12:36 --> 01:12:54

He said he said his terrorist outfit alone. Right Stuff, brother, right? It was pretty terrible, I'll admit. But if we can spend hours and hours dedicated towards that I hate to be that guy. But we can spend hours and hours 20 minutes a week, read a little bit of Seattle.

01:12:55 --> 01:13:19

If you can't even make the time to read, download these recordings, put them on your phone. And when you drive to work and you drive home from work, just play it and listen to it. Educate yourself. When you go home today. Talk a little bit about what we talked about today, with your children, with your wife, with your family, share it with some friends with some co workers tomorrow. If we don't start this, unfortunately,

01:13:21 --> 01:13:43

maybe a couple of years down the road. The psychologists repeat itself we got to break the cycle. And that'll happen by investing ourselves into knowing and learning and then teaching humanity about who Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is near las panatela give us give us all the ability to study this, you know, does that come along later? So Hanalei Bay de semana Colombia Hongik Masha Allah Illa illa Anta sakana Willie

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