Abdul Nasir Jangda – Bayyinah Institute Talk To Allah P2 2

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of learning from the names and attributes of Islam, being honest, praise, and glorifying, and being aware of one's actions. They stress the importance of being aware of one's actions and avoiding false assumptions, and provide examples of how to make one be sincere and open. The importance of practicality and experiences in bringing out one's spirituality is also emphasized. The speaker also discusses the importance of affirming spirituality and being present in a call, and offers an example of a woman who used to say "one two three" to describe her experiences. The class will run from March 15th to March 27th, and participants are requested to mark the date and be a source of good for others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Cross. So he said that you go back to your people, you go back to those, and you share with them what I've taught you what you've learned here.

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So he says he comes back to those now this is where the story is kind of interesting. It's a little more side detail. You we learned this man's aim is to fail to fail minnamurra dosi. To Fe, we learn a little bit about his personality, because he was an intellectual. You know, a lot of times like academics and intellectuals, sometimes aren't the most like people savvy. You know, like, they're not, like, friendly or the most, like, you know, brightest of personalities. You know, it's just, it's just a reality not to criticize anyone. All right? Not everybody can be as cool as you all okay? So, so is some people are a little more introverted, or a little bit more like just kind of

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like, you know, a little more direct, don't have as much like tact or whatever it may be social etiquette or whatever. So, to failure, the last one was just like that. He was an intellectual, very direct, he was like a professor and academic. You just kind of gave it and that was it. So he goes back to his people.

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And his, he talks to his father. And Father says, How was your trip? What's going on? And he goes, listen, I can't talk to you.

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These directories I can't talk to you. He said, What do you mean, son? I'm your dad.

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And he goes, Yeah, but you and me are very different people now.

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See, I found Islam I found the truth. And unless until you get on board with this, I got nothing to do with you, which is obviously not the Islamic etiquette. But that's the all these kids are like, yes, right? No. Right. So the story continues. So his father, of course, being a blessing man, his father says, I ought to tell me the message and he shares the song with him. And he says, I believe, too. So as father accepts the song, then he goes home meets his wife, brothers, don't try this at home. So he meets his wife, and he tells his wife, he goes, You and me. That's it is the end of the road.

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And his wife's like, you're sleeping outside? No, but his wife, his wife basically says what's wrong? And again, he tells her the same situation goes, look, I've changed.

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And she's just telling me, and he tells her and she says, I believe I accept this. This makes sense. So now his father and his wife have accepted Islam. So then he gathers the people together. Remember, he's somewhat of a, he's a notable person. He's somewhat of a celebrity. A high profile person in his community gathers his community together. And he basically says, Listen, I cannot interact or deal with any of you. Until unless you accept this message. Here's Islam, this is this, what you got to believe in, take it or leave it. And they're like, you know what, you hold on to your Islam.

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And they leave.

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So he says, Well, I guess that's that. So he tells his dad tells his wife, pack your bags, we're going to Makkah.

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So all three of them pack their bags and they come back to Makkah. Or he comes back to Morocco with his dad and his, his wife

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comes to the prophet to lollies and the prophets, Allah Islam says, What are you doing here?

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What's going on?

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And he says, a messenger of Allah, I brought my father and my wife, they've accepted the message. But I went to my people, and I told them and they didn't listen.

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And the narrations are very interesting. There's a couple of different versions. One of them he says, In the dosa acid.

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They're just sinful people. They're bad people. And one version of he says, Hola, hola, Hola, como, Xena one hammer.

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They're obsessed with alcohol and fornication. Sound familiar?

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they're obsessed with alcohol and fornication. So then as a result of that, he says, Oh, don't lie to him. Make drama destroys these people.

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That's it finished helaas I told them I said Islam. They said no destruction.

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So the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam again, years do Ah,

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the prophet of Allah salatu salam raises his hands to make dua the Sahaba who were there they said when we saw him raise his hand to make dua we were like, oh snap.

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Because those is gone.

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And the prophets a lot of them said the words Allah Maddy dosen

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or like give guidance to the people of those who love bless the people of those with guidance.

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And then another element of the story is then of course he told to fail. He goes by the way,

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diary of the year. That's not how you do things.

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Right. That's not how you give power.

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And then he told him, he said,

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Go back to your people.

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odo homie La La what fuck be him.

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He says go back and invite your people to align being gentle and soft and kind with them. invest into them, look at what I'm doing, you're

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not wasting my time.

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And he went back and employed the strategy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The narration tells us that they did not see to fail again for another decade, another 10 years,

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until until to fail finally came to Medina. And they were actually at the place of labor of the Battle of labor I just ended, this is almost the seventh year of of his run now that this is the seventh year of digital, that's an Zandi sought to fail, or the Allahu anhu. And he arrived there. But this time when he arrived there, they said that he had a bunch of people with him. And he said, I have brought the tribe of dos with me, all of them to accept Islam. And the narration says there were 80 plus families that came up to favor

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80 plus families. And by the way, these are ancient Arabian families.

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Y'all got a lot of Somalis here, you know what I'm talking about, right? These are big families, okay? These are big families, is like, you know, 10 like, like today in America, I think the average like three people per family, or whatever the average may be, is like 13 people per family. So 80 families means there's probably at the very least, with a more conservative estimate, there's like five 600 people. Can you imagine five 600 people at the very least,

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who are walking into Medina with him into haber with him, and he says they are all here to accept Islam.

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And not only that, but there was one man in those five 600 people there was one man that after these people accepted Islam, and they spent a few days in Medina and learned how to pray in the relevant again, details and things they needed to know. They went back to their home, they went back to those one man, he decided to stay.

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He said, Look, the prophets Alon sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is 60 years old.

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I don't know how much time he has left. I don't know how much time I have left. This is an amazing opportunity. Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Messenger of God Himself is here.

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I need to make the most of this opportunity. I need to do everything that I can.

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And so he decides to stay in Medina now when you decide make a split second decision like that. Now, where are you going to work? Where do you Where are you going to live? How are you going to pay rent? How are you going to pay the bills? How are you going to set up a business, etc, etc? He said no, no, no, no, I want to spend every waking moment learning about and from the prophets of Allah, Allah husana.

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So narration says he was literally homeless, used to sleep in the courtyard of the masjid. The sky was his ceiling.

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He would go days and days without food.

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Some days, you'd be so hungry, he would literally start to spasm and pass out from hunger.

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He would get so hungry, he would sit outside the masjid at night after after the prayer saying Salaam to everybody who went who was leaving, hoping somebody would invite him home to eat until finally the profits a lot of the time would come out. And he would see him standing there. And he would smile and he said you're hungry, aren't you? And he was so hungry, he hadn't eaten for days, he would literally look at the profits a lot of human he said yes I am.

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And the profits, a lot of him would tell him Come with me. And then he would share whatever little bit of food, the profits allottee somehow he would share with him.

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And this man spent only two and a half years in the company of the profits allottee some shadowing the profits a lot. He's learning every little detail about the profits a lot. He's memorizing every word out of the mouth of the profits a lot of the time and in two and a half years, this man became the most prolific narrator of hobbies. And a huge amount of the resource that we have about the profits, a lot of wisdom is from this man. This is none other than a Buddha.

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Who was the outcome and the result of the other Prophet salallahu alaihe salam had the prophets a lot of them had made a decade ago, when he was presented with the opportunity to pray for the destruction of a people he said, Oh Allah guide and bless these people, a decade later the outcome of that da was then other than a Buddha rhodiola one.

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This is the law. This is the power of law. This is the role of law.

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So my purpose of explaining and laying out these two stories was to illustrate the fact that why something very real, very practical, it is a means to talk and communicate to Allah and reach out to and call upon Allah in whatever it is a situation that we're dealing with.

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So now real briefly, let's have a little bit of a

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conversation about some of the

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how tos the do's and the don'ts of

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how to have our do is to summarize it, how can we? How can we try our best? What can we do on our part

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to ensure that our devices are accepted by Allah.

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And I'm going to split this conversation into three main areas of focus.

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And I'm going to try not to overburden you with like, here are the 38 points of this. I'm not I'm not gonna burden you. I'm gonna give you a couple of basic points, but three main areas of focus three key topics and things.

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Number one is what are the do's?

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What are some? What are some of the things that are from the etiquette of making dua? What are some things that we should implement in our dwad that facilitates

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and make sir Do is accepted by Allah subhanaw taala.

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So I'm going to give you four basic points. Again, there are a lot of very specific things, but I'm going to summarize them into four points.

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Number one,

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what in the Arabic language what is referred to as if last

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sincerity. But again, that's one of those things that sounds very intimidating. So let me make try to make it more practical. When you make dua to Allah. Just be honest,

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be sincere, be real.

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The best way that I can make this as you know,

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as as a human as possible, pour your heart out to Allah when you make dua for your heart out, make do it from your heart.

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Make dua from your heart. This is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that Allah subhanaw taala accepts to do i

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mean Calvin Howard,

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Allah accepted to act from a heart that is attentive, that is open, that is turning to Allah.

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And then on the other hand, he says that Allah does not accept liability to arm in helping whorfin Allah does not accept the door, a door that comes from a heart that is disconnected, that is empty and disconnected.

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So it's very, very important to first and foremost thing be sincere, be open, be honest, pour your heart out to Allah, talk to a love from your heart.

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that's point number one.

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Point number two

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is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam teaches us in a Hadith, either, either Radha hadoken,

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folio medela

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then first and foremost when any one of you wants to macdrive the first thing they should do his praise glorify and thank Allah

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show some appreciation show some gratitude to Allah praise and thank Allah

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and just start with something basic. You know, a lot of times again, we get very intimidated we think I gotta memorize one of those fancy Arabic beginning things that he mom always says in the hotbar in the drama and that's how you properly know start with something basic. Let's take a look around you

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owe a lot thank you for giving me the ability to see

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what would I do oh life you hadn't given me eyesight.

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Your child, you see him your child running around you. So Allah, thank you for blessing me with this beautiful baby, this beautiful child.

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To start with something basic and simple. Allah thank you for putting food on the table, or what I do without them, I would die from starvation from hunger.

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Just think a lot praise Allah glorify Allah. And one powerful means of doing that is using the names and the attributes of Allah while allowing a smart listener further obeah for Allah alone are the Most Excellent and Beautiful Names. So call out to Him using those names Alliance trucks as he teaches us. But again, we turned it into something very intimidating. Like I gotta sit there and recite all the names of Allah. No, no, no, no. Take out a few minutes a few moments to learn some of the names and the attributes of a lion what they mean to us.

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the one whose mercy has no limitation,

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Rahim, the one that is constantly merciful. Love food, the one that constantly forgives love far, the one who can forgive anything and everything. He has no limitation to his forgiveness. What do the one who loves unconditionally.

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We can take out a few minutes to learn a few basic names and attributes of a law

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Today, unfortunately, especially our generation of people, we have the most useless amounts of information stored in our head sometimes.

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How many yards did Adrian Peterson rush for last year?

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Don't answer

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all right, nobody cares. Okay. All right, Vikings fans, but it

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you know that like, and that's your sports and the reason why I gave a sports example was because that's my own personal poison, right. But whether it be politics, or be stocks, or it be finances, or it be whatever else, right?

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We have so much useless information.

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We can learn a few names and attributes of Allah.

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So using the names and the attributes of a lot of praise them and glorifying that's step number two, etiquette number two,

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editing etiquette number three, the profits a lot of times teaches us funny when suddenly Alan Nabil, and then we send peace and blessings upon the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, which is very, very important. You know, in gratitude is a disease of the heart.

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In gratitude, being ungrateful, is a disease of the heart. And it spreads. That's why the prophets, a lot of them said, like Ashkelon man is goodness, that person will not be grateful to Allah, He who is not grateful towards people.

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So it's very, very important

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to show some appreciation for what the prophets a lot of them did. That's why we started today's session, by discussion by talking about that story of the prophets, a lot of them look how much he sacrifice. And at the end of it, he made more to offer us after sacrificing so much. So he's asked a lot to shower his peace and blessings upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Then he said somebody other than that person should ask for whatever they want. So number one, point number one, just be honest, be real, be sincere, pour your heart out to a lot of talk from your heart. Point number two, praise and glorify and thank Allah. Point number three, send peace and blessings salutations upon the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, and I'll give you a fourth and a final point here.

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And that is I have no doubt. be fully convinced of the fact that Allah will not just can, but he will accept your da, He will answer your prayers. Have no doubt about that fact. The prophets a lot some targets Allah want to move into inability Jabba,

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make dua to Allah call out to a lot, talk to Allah.

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And you have absolutely no doubts. You're fully convinced of the fact that he will answer your drawers, He will answer your prayers.

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So those are four basic points to remember when making dua.

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At the same time, on the flip side,

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there are some things that can prevent a DA from being accepted as well.

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Things that are obstacles, things that we do. There's no deficiency with a law when it hasn't been done. We think that we can do to disqualify our own doors.

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Some things we got to be careful about.

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And again,

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I can basically summarize them in about four points.

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Number one, the profits a lot a sum tells us don't become impatient, which is another word in Arabic for also being skeptical or cynical.

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Because when you're cynical and skeptical about something, then you just impatient with the process. But yeah, whatever.

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He said, Don't become like that. Don't do that. And the prophets, Allah tells us, you said zappone I had a gene

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that whenever any one of you makes while he says your dwis answered, as long as you don't become impatient, become skeptical or cynical.

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yaku doubt.

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He says, I'm a draw. Look, it's up he answered.

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In another narration, he explains it. He says lie Your leg is under use the javelin Abdi.

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Now he says Yoku, Luca TAO to cut down to he says, I may do I may do I may draw for them.

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I don't see my dogs being answered. The prophets a lot of them said you have to understand what happens. You don't you don't affect a lot. When you do that, phase, stassi, Dorinda donica that person himself will defeat himself.

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That person will lose hope him or herself way at the end, eventually that person will stop making that person will lose the motivation to make do so he said Don't do that to yourself. Don't disqualify your own boy.

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Don't remove yourself from your own life by being too impatient and cynical and skeptical. Don't do that. So that's the first thing.

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The second point and this is given to us in a Hadith of the prophets, a lot of them some of this might sound somewhat logical to y'all, but still bear with me. He said like as Andrew uses apple in MLM yada beastman

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as long as a slave of a low

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regardless of male or female, young or old, as long as a slave of Allah calls out to Allah, his or her prayers are answered the prophets a lot of sums are said they are always answered.

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As long as number one, that person is not making dua for a sin like is not is not asking a lot to help him commit a sin.

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As an example, somebody sits down to MiG tau and says yeah, Allah I want to go rob the bank tomorrow. Yeah, Allah. Please. Yeah, love put hate in my endeavor tomorrow. Allow me to be successful in my robbing of the bank tomorrow.

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Right? I'm really making inshallah, no, no banks get hit tomorrow, otherwise, you're gonna come looking for me. It was the guy that was like praying about this stuff yesterday. Right. But it just an example. And I didn't want to give the example of any other you know, you know, a lot of times there could be sins, you know, that are more personal or intimidating nature. Just trying to give you a basic example like but like I said before, this might seem like common sense. You might be sitting there saying like, yeah, okay, come on guy who's gonna do that. But nevertheless, the prophets a lot, he was clarifying it for us. But at a more subtle level, I of course gave you a very

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extreme example, which sounds ridiculous.

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But even at a more subtle level,

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you have to be very careful about that. So we're not asking Allah to help us disobey Allah, because that'll make no sense. Yes, that was a double negative. All right. But that doesn't make any sense. Number that was number two. Number three, he says opa de ID Rahim. Allah continues to answer the Do I have a slave

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as long as he or she is not asking allies not making a duel that results in that involves the severing of family relationships, the harming of a family member or the damaging of family relationships. Because that is unacceptable.

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That is unacceptable. that contradicts the core message of Islam. Psalm is about love. It's a religion of love. It's a religion that emphasizes family.

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So if somebody do AI is aimed at severing and cutting family relationships, damaging family relationships, either your own or somebody else's, then no, because now you're contradicting the purpose of the law in and of itself.

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And the fourth And the final thing,

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and this one gets a little touchy.

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So but at the same time, the profits a lot of him selling this is very clearly there's no reason for, for anyone to apologize. But I'm personally letting you know that this is not me.

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Like, you know, imposing a personal viewpoints upon anyone, but this is coming from the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, because it is get a little touchy because it touches on something very personal. And unfortunately, today very common.

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That the Prophet of Allah Azza wa sallam basically teaches us the fourth fourth point by telling us give pit, basically giving us a visual. He provides a visual for us.

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He says Dr. Rajan, you three to suffer.

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He mentioned a man who's been on a very long journey, a very long journey. Why a long journey, because on a long journey, because when you're traveling drives are accepted. Right? That's why when somebody leaves on a on a journey, we tell them to be glad for us.

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So that person's on our journey. And on a long journey. You go through hardship, and you go through sacrifice and you lose your cash and you your wallet gets stolen, and then you end up getting sick, like multiple factors come together that makes your do I like a superpower.

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Right? It's like it's like it's like a super duper.

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It's a dog with a cape on. It's amazing. Right? And so that's what happens when you're on a very long journey. So the prophets a lot he suddenly he mentioned a man who's on a very long journey.

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But then on top of that, he described him to us he says a shot of His hair is off the shelf. Poor guy hasn't gotten a shower for a couple of days.

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But he's covered in dust. He's tired and fatigued and dirty and just just exhausted just beaten up by by by the road, traveling

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A day he last summer. And in that condition now get the visual of that man. If anyone's drive is going to be accepted as that poor guy right there. Is that portal right there.

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So the prophets a lot he says your movie last summer, he stretches his arms out his hands out to the sky. And he says yeah, Robbie. Yeah, Robbie yapi My Lord, my master, my caretaker, Yama, please.

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But the prophets a lot he sent him says

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On a side note.

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He says mapa Mahara. Which is very interesting. The prophets, a lot of them didn't say Babu Hara. He didn't say his food is impermissible. He didn't say he's eating like a pork sandwich. The prophets A lot has been said matomo. Who,

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even where his food comes from, how it's being arranged for his being arranged for in a way that Allah has told him not to do.

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Not only what he drinks, but the container he's drinking from was bought with the money that was earned in a way

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that Allah told him not to do. What was wrong.

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The clothes that he's wearing again, it's not like he's wearing like a pig skin suit.

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That's not what he's talking about. But the money

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that he earned, in order to go and buy the clothes that he's wearing,

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came from a source in a means in a way that Allah and His Messenger sallallahu wasallam said, Listen, don't do this. Don't do that. It ain't right.

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He says, the prophets a lot of them says well who the * haraam and he's been living his life in this manner in such a way that his entire existence is sustained now by these impermissible means.

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And the prophets, a lot of them finally says, and you can feel the pain in the voice of the prophets are in the words of the prophets, Allah dcnm, he says, and I use a Jabu Lu

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w donec.

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He says, How will this person how will this poor souls do are ever going to be accepted? How is it ever going to be accepted? How?

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And that's why the process of user word and now like expressing regret and remorse like Poor guy.

00:27:31 --> 00:27:33

How will is do I ever, ever be accepted?

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So the fourth and the final point that I'll mention here, that we ourselves do sometimes to disqualify our own why's is when we knowingly intentionally are engaging in an activity, particularly in a means of earning a living. That is something that a line is messenger told us not to do.

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And again,

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this is not being said, from the perspective of us to start kind of surveying the room, and like placing judgment on other people like oh, that dudes draw,

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right? No, that's for me to take a really hard, long honest look at myself in the mirror.

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For me to go back and check myself.

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Do I try to earn a quick buck however I can, whenever I can, wherever I can. And if that's the case, I need to check myself.

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Because I am, I'm causing myself I'm harming myself.

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And so these are the four things to remember. Number one, don't become impatient. Don't be cynical, cynical or skeptical. Number two,

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not making the offer the facilitation of a sin. Number three, that ones do I should not involve the severing of family relationships in general mind or anybody else's. And number four, I got to take a look at how I live my life. Especially how I earn how I how I put food on the table, I gotta go back, go back and take a look at that. Because that sometimes can become a huge source of fitna and problem for an individual. And this becomes an obstacle in the acceptance of our doors. And this leads me to my third and final main point that I wanted to make here.

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What is the outcome of a door that we make?

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What What is the outcome of the hours that we make? Like what is the outcome the result of it?

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam, let me Allah says in the Quran, you're only a city block can you make it to me I will answer your doors I will answer your prayers. The prophets a lot of them tells us in another narration

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Marlin are the main Rajan in Muslim and yet Allah azza wa jal be the origin

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that whenever a Muslim makes a draw to Allah, any Muslim on the face of deserts, when they make dua to Allah, their do is answered by Allah.

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It is answered by Allah.

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But then he tells us, he explains to us that it's answered in one of three ways, one of three forms. Number one, Allahu

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Allah gives to that person, whatever that person was requesting, whatever that person was asking for Allah gives it to that person. That's number one.

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Which makes sense to us. It's logical, it's usually the one we're most interested in.

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Number two, the prophets a lot, he seldom says, or that

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is forwarded, the credit for that is forwarded to the hereafter.

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In an era, to the life of the hereafter.

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And another narration, it explains that when a person will get to paradise, and that person will see what they received, in credit for the fraud that they made in this world that was not answered, let's say I asked Allah for a huge house, a mansion in this dunya. And that was not given to me because it wasn't the best thing for me, I really didn't need it here.

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But the credit of that was forwarded for me in the hereafter in the era, when I get to paradise. And I see the Palace of Paradise that is being given to me in exchange of my being entered here in this world.

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At that time, the narration tells us that person will wish none of us would have been given to him in this dunya all of his desires would have been forwarded to the hero. Because you know what, maybe I was asking for a 5000 square foot home

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with with six bedrooms, maybe that's what I was asking for.

00:31:58 --> 00:32:08

When I get to paradise, and I see my house in Paradise, Palace in Paradise, the profits a lot Nizam tells us Lebanon to Memphis, Latino, Latina, two men that have been Latino have misc.

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The structure of the home the construction of the home, there'll be a brick of gold and a brick of silver in the cement in between will be musk. One house one palace, while 1000s of rooms. And at the door of every room, there will be 1000s of angels standing there welcoming and greeting me into that room in Sharla.

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And so that person will actually wish like I wish all of my daughters would have been forwarded here.

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Because this is amazing.

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And the third outcome of the do I the way that I like to do I have a person of the Muslim

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is that the prophets a lot of them says oh gufa and Lumina Sui Mithra.

00:32:51 --> 00:32:57

That instead of that, maybe I'm asking for something that is not good for me not here nor there.

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Allah subhanaw taala in exchange for that removes some harm away from me. He removed some harm away from me that I could have been afflicted with, in exchange of my daughter because he knows what's best for me. He knows what's better for me, is again, very simple and easy to understand. It's not very difficult to grasp. If you've got kids, you know this very well. So I got a three year old.

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Ayesha, very curious. Oh, he's doing stuff. So if she comes to me and asks me for a knife, like in the kitchen, she goes, Oh, can I have that knife? And if I say, Oh, of course little baby, I love you so much. You can have anything you want. Here you go, here's a knife. Here's another one as well. Right? I I'm not doing her any favors. I'm not I'm not I'm not looking out for her.

00:33:50 --> 00:33:58

That that that I just potentially harmed my own child. If I say no knife for you, I will not hand you this knife.

00:33:59 --> 00:34:07

Right? She might be a little bit upset initially, because she wants the knife. So she might throw a little bit of a tantrum.

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But at the end of the day, I did what's best for her. And I understand that whether she does or not.

00:34:14 --> 00:34:16

So let's head over time is always looking out for us.

00:34:18 --> 00:34:29

So sometimes we'll make do and it's not good for us. He just removes harm from us in exchange of the accepting of that law. But at the end of the day, the bottom line is the profits allottee some saying all do ours are accepted.

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Now to close out the conversation,

00:34:35 --> 00:34:59

I want to share something from an eye of the Quran with you that is very centrally like it is a very central idea when it comes to the topic of do arts and pseudo tillbaka Allah subhanho wa Taala says very well known I would like everybody omniva in the curry. What's very interesting about this is that the word EDA is used the word is that doesn't only mean the

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If it also implies that something that should be done

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something that should be done and should be done with quite a bit of frequency.

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Secondly, there are other places in the Quran where Allah tells the prophets, a lot of them Yes, I lunak they will ask you about the sacred months, they will ask you about this, they will ask you about that.

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He constantly tells the prophets, a lot of him, and he uses a different word, the present slash future tense, yes, lunak.

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It's very possible. It could happen, that they might ask you about this. If they asked you about this, then he says cool.

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Then if they end up do asking you about this, then this is how you respond.

00:35:47 --> 00:36:28

But in this ayah, Allah used a different construction. He said what either Celica use the past tense, to imply that this is not a little technical issue that may be the last maybe they won't ask a blessing, they need to be asking this, they should be asking this. They will be asking this and they need to be asking this question. And what is that question either Salah carry by the unmee if my slaves and my slaves should be asking you about me. But that's why here, because this is a fundamental question and issue. A lot did not tell the prophets a lot. He said that if and when they do ask you, then this is how you respond. Rather the Prophet sallallahu Sallam directly responded

00:36:28 --> 00:36:31

himself. He said for me, Kareem, I am close.

00:36:32 --> 00:36:54

He didn't tell the process. And now you tell them, he himself responded because this is so important. This is the foundation of our spirituality. They should be asking you about me. And when they do come and ask you about me. I myself am directly telling them Allah says For me, Kareem, I am close. And the word Kareem is a noun. I'm always close.

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Which is like an Arabic way of saying I'm always accessible. I'm always available. I'm always there.

00:37:02 --> 00:37:08

And then he explains, you know, when somebody tells you look, I'm always accessible. I'm only a phone call away.

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You know, you say that somebody? Look, I'm always there for you. I'm only a phone call away. A legend saw this in your career. I'm always there for you. But he explains, he says ouji boo Tao with a diary either Danny.

00:37:25 --> 00:37:26

I'm only an hour away.

00:37:28 --> 00:37:33

I'm always there for you. I'm only an hour away. And something beautiful in the ayah

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listen to this, Allah says oh gee boo. I always answer.

00:37:39 --> 00:37:51

Dawa a diary. Eva, Danny. I'm gonna literally translate that I always answer that. Do I have the one making dua when he makes

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the call of the caller when he or she calls out to me?

00:37:59 --> 00:38:42

You hear the redundancy? The repetition? Interesting, right? The beauty of the Quran is it says a lot in very little. It would have sufficed for a lot to say I answer whenever someone calls out to me. But he didn't say that. Listen to the even the Arabic Wu Ji boo Tao. A diary, either Donnie, you hear the word three times? Why is the law repeating himself a lot never repeats himself unnecessarily? Why is he repeating himself because he's emphasizing a point I answer that you are the one making the law when he or she makes the law. Meaning what? Please make dua he said the word while three times trying to pound it into our heads. Make do I make do I make do I realizing that

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Allah has now put the ball in our court? He says I'm always available. I'm always accessible, and I will always answer.

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Now it's our job. Now the balls in my court.

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When will I make dua that's all on me.

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I was always answering two hours, he's always will always enter two hours. How much I made two hours when I made to offer what I make, do I that's on me.

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That's all on me.

00:39:14 --> 00:39:20

And so Allah subhanaw taala puts the ball in our court says it's on you, you may draw.

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So this is a little bit of a discussion about the the importance, the etiquette, the role of diner lives.

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One of the very interesting things and I'll end on this point 60 seconds. One of the very interesting things about this

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is that there are two hours in the Quran and there are two hours that the prophets allottee Santana's that are the most beautiful and powerful of us. Because these are the words of Allah, or the words of Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I mean they doesn't get better than that.

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And the prophets, a lot of them, you know a big issue we have today

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A lot of times people have this idea or assumption. Spirituality is very misunderstood today. Spirituality today to us is very abstract, very theological. It's like dislike feel good vibes. It's like colors you can smell. Right?

00:40:20 --> 00:40:48

Right, he understand what I'm trying to say their colors you can smell. It's like bizarre. It's like an out of this world. It's like an out of body experience spirituality. And, and for that reason, either it's intimidating or just too bizarre for people to grasp and spirituality feels impossible. But we have to understand if we go back to the spirituality, the prophets, a lot of things on us, he taught us something very important. And these are the two words I want you to remember. Practical spirituality,

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practical spirituality.

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This is exactly why my last visit out here to your beautiful community was for meaningful prayer was for Salah that's practical spirituality, addressed in a practical manner.

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This is why the next trip out here I'm out here for the purpose of doing

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practical spirituality in a practical manner.

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The prophets a lot of sometimes little, little supplications

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that don't make us depart from our everyday lives.

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It's integrated into the course of daily events waking up in the morning.

00:41:29 --> 00:41:35

Like when you set up in your in your bed, there's a little law that takes about five seconds, eight seconds to read.

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Before you walk into the restroom, there's a dry that takes three seconds to say.

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When you get out of the restroom, there's a dryer that literally takes one second to say two seconds

00:41:49 --> 00:41:54

before you eat takes two seconds, when you get done eating 10 seconds.

00:41:55 --> 00:42:24

Practical spirituality. But what makes it very practical is when we know those two hours. Number two, we understand what those two hours mean. And number three, we're able to connect and reflect on those to us to our spirituality, we're able to spiritually reflect on what that law is reminding us of and teaching us and how it's connecting us to Allah. And I wanted to share with you all at the end here, an example of one of these to us. That is the shortest example possible.

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And so I'm going to be picking something that might seem kind of like

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out of nowhere, but it said to offer exiting the restroom.

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Right going to the bathroom. It's something everybody does, hopefully. All right. Otherwise, you're wearing diapers. Alright, so

00:42:43 --> 00:42:49

going to the bathroom and something everybody does. When we leave the bathroom when we exit the restroom.

00:42:50 --> 00:42:57

The profits a lot he taught us to draw. In Arabic it is two words in English you will literally be seen as one word.

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Like it looks like one word from an English perspective. In Arabic. It's two words. It's three syllables.

00:43:04 --> 00:43:10

Both raw neck I want everybody say with me whoa fror neck.

00:43:11 --> 00:43:12

That's it.

00:43:13 --> 00:43:48

That's it. Little kids like wait a second. This is confusing, right? Like his body starts like telling him other messages. Right? But love fraud that That's it? That's how easy it is. What does it mean to words in Arabic? Well, fraud comes from Africa for a means to cover up to cover something up. And it's basically the expression in Arabic for forgiveness, total forgiveness, where not only you are forgiven, you will not be held accountable. But at the same time your sin is covered up so nobody can ever even see that there was ever a sin there to begin with this that's gone * Don't worry about it. Like it never even happened.

00:43:49 --> 00:43:52

Look for on like the word score on rush man.

00:43:54 --> 00:44:06

Are the the particular derivative of construction a pattern in the Arabic language that implies abundance? A lot of something, it means a lot of forgiveness.

00:44:07 --> 00:44:19

And QA is a pronoun for the second person it means you or your and it's second person we're talking directly to Allah. That's what's beautiful. You're we're talking directly to Allah. And what are we saying hello from

00:44:21 --> 00:44:23

your abundant forgiveness.

00:44:24 --> 00:44:42

That's it. Now that sounds like an incomplete sentence, doesn't it? Your abundant forgiveness like what about what about your abandoned forgiveness? When you're in an emergency? When you're in an emergency, what do you say? I would greatly appreciate someone's assistance at this very moment. Is that what you say?

00:44:43 --> 00:44:57

If you do say that I'm not going to help you. Because it's obviously not a serious enough emergency. You just constructed a very eloquent sentence. If it's a real serious emergency, what do you say? How, and I know exactly what's going on and I will help you

00:44:58 --> 00:45:00

look for on it. You're up

00:45:00 --> 00:45:09

unforgiveness since like it's an expression in Arabic That means a lot. I need it now. It's an emergency. I need it immediately. ASAP. I need it now.

00:45:11 --> 00:45:16

Begging for it all I needed desperately now for all of your abundant forgiveness I needed now Allah.

00:45:18 --> 00:45:38

Now let's so now you know the duar, the Arabic word franak, you know the Arabic, the English translation, your abundant forgiveness and what that means in context. Now, what's the reflection? What does that remind me of? What does that make me think of? What does that teach me? That's very interesting, right? We're asking a lot for forgiveness when leaving,

00:45:39 --> 00:45:40

leaving the restroom.

00:45:43 --> 00:45:45

Like, what's the connection there?

00:45:46 --> 00:46:03

When we go to the restroom, what do we effectively do? What have we done when you go to the restroom? We've removed filth, waste from our body, right physically, from our physical body. We have removed filth and waste that is a byproduct of our own body.

00:46:04 --> 00:46:09

But it's filth, it's wasted. If it's left or kept inside of the body, what will it do?

00:46:10 --> 00:46:12

It will harm the person.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:31

So when I leave the restroom having removed that filth in that waste from my body, not only am I thanking and appreciating a lot for allowing me to remove that filth and waste from my body. But now I'm also reflecting on the fact that our law Yes, thank you very much for allowing me to remove this filth from my body.

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Because I wouldn't have survived without disability.

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But at the same time a lot. There's something that is a lot more harmful than this filth and waste.

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And those are my sins.

00:46:45 --> 00:46:47

My my transgressions,

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my disobedience, my violation of your blessings in your trust Oh Allah that I've committed.

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And Allah cleansing my body and the relief I feel after cleansing my body

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reminds me Oh Allah, to remove from my body something even more harmful and ugly than that and disgusting than that filth that I just removed from my body and those are my sins from my heart. Or like cleanse my heart. Cut, forgive my sins, cover up my sins

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so that I can feel spiritual relief. Like I am now experiencing physical relief.

00:47:29 --> 00:47:40

Imagine every single time we go to the restroom, however many times a day we do imagine every single time we went to the restroom and walked out the restroom, we just said these three syllables will for our neck.

00:47:41 --> 00:47:47

We just said that. And we thought about that for a second. Oh Allah. Thank you so much

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for letting me cleanse myself but Allah.

00:47:51 --> 00:47:53

This is more important.

00:47:54 --> 00:47:56

I need this cleansed. Oh Allah, please.

00:47:57 --> 00:48:04

That what how long did that take 1520 seconds. But think about how connected you get to a law.

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And to be that connected to a law to be that conscious of your spiritual condition.

00:48:11 --> 00:48:22

Every single time you exit the restaurant, think about how your spiritual condition your perspective in life would change. That's the role practical role of DHA in our everyday lives.

00:48:24 --> 00:48:25

So in sha Allah,

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because we have to break for salata acid as well. But again, just in case, inshallah, if somebody has to get going, I just wanted to share the announcement with which, maybe some of y'all have the flyers or have seen the flyers.

00:48:44 --> 00:49:03

For this exact purpose, one thing I've been wanting to do for a very long time, you know, meaningful prayer kept me busy for a very long time, until I got to come here and visit y'all with meaningful prayer as well. It's It's a neat, it's a spiritual need of every person. But at the same time, I realized that this is that very practical realization of spirituality in our everyday practical life.

00:49:04 --> 00:49:16

And so I've been wanting to be able to have, you know, a class, where we go through the daily do ours, taught to us by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from morning till evening.

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For all type of emotional experiences, special occasions, the little little grace, they taught us, but that spiritually focused us and for us to be able to understand them and realize their practical benefit in our everyday lives, to enhance our spirituality, to realize practical spirituality.

00:49:36 --> 00:49:41

So in sha Allah, there's a class that I've been able to put together it's called accepted supplication.

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It's an explanation and

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an analysis and reflections on the daily to us.

00:49:51 --> 00:50:00

So in shall on March the 15th, which is a Friday, it's less than two weeks away now, but basically two weekends from today, Marcia

00:50:00 --> 00:50:41

15th Friday, inshallah 7pm at the university we'll be having the class inshallah. So I want to request everyone to inshallah, come out and join us for the class and mark that date, you know, set a reminder, mark it on your calendar, and also be a source of good and save for other people as well. Spread the word to other people, invite a couple of more people and bring them more couple of more people with you. And inshallah hopefully, you know, we what we hope and pray and ask Allah subhanaw taala is that on that day, you know, were able to come together and really learn to implement to our within our lives in a very practical yet extremely beneficial manner, inshallah and

00:50:41 --> 00:51:05

realized practical spirituality in our lives, does not allow hate on everybody. So Saturday afternoon, y'all got a lot of, you know, better things you could be doing. There's a lot of work and family obligations that people have. But I really appreciate everybody coming out, being extremely patient with me listening to me ramble for an hour and a half. Really appreciate it. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that was said and heard.

00:51:07 --> 00:51:19

Visit your with meaningful prayers. Well, it's it's a neat, it's a spiritual need of every person. But at the same time, I realized that this is that very practical realization of spirituality in our everyday practical life.

00:51:20 --> 00:51:32

And so I've been wanting to be able to have, you know, a class where we go through the daily do hours, taught to us by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from morning till evening.

00:51:33 --> 00:51:51

For all type of emotional experiences, special occasions, the little little grace, they taught us, but that spiritually focused us and for us to be able to understand them and realize their practical benefit in our everyday lives, to enhance our spirituality, to realize practical spirituality.

00:51:52 --> 00:51:58

So in sha Allah, there's a class that I've been able to put together it's called accepted supplication.

00:51:59 --> 00:52:01

It's an explanation and

00:52:02 --> 00:52:06

an analysis and reflections on the daily to us.

00:52:07 --> 00:52:49

So in shall on March the 15th, which is a Friday, it's less than two weeks away now, but basically two weekends from today, March the 15th. Friday, inshallah 7pm at the university, we'll be having the class inshallah. So I want to request everyone to inshallah, come out and join us for the class and mark that day, you know, set a reminder mark it on your calendar, and also be a source of good and paid for other people as well. Spread the word to other people invite a couple of more people and bring them more couple of more people with you. And inshallah hopefully, you know, we what we hope and pray and ask Allah subhanaw taala is that on that day, you know, were able to come together

00:52:49 --> 00:53:22

and really learn to implement to our within our lives in a very practical yet extremely beneficial manner, inshallah and realized practical spirituality in our lives, does not allow hate on everybody. It's a Saturday afternoon. Y'all got a lot of, you know, better things you could be doing. There's a lot of work and family obligations that people have, but I really appreciate everybody coming out. being extremely patient with me listening to me ramble for an hour and a half. Really appreciate it. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that was said and heard.

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