Abdal Hakim Murad – The Night of Power Ramadan Moments Special

Abdal Hakim Murad
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a surprising and mysterious night in the Middle East, where the creator of the Bible is expected to have a holy hour. The night is said to be the night of the Chinese New Year, and the creator is asked to grant a good luck for the upcoming month. The segment also describes the importance of the Bible in shaping the world and the potential for achieving success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Allah Allahu terracota Allah in an

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Zelienople V Laylatul Qadr sada kala al Azim

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Allah Subhan Allah to Allah has revealed for Quran in this night

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which is the night of destiny or the Night of Decree or the Night

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of Power. Even the name seems to be for translators, a mystery and

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the essence of the thing a deeper mystery still, and this is as it

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should be, because the deeper things the soul, the Quran, the

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divine nature are all mysteries, wrapped in mysteries and we are

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incapable of grasping them to dig a hole absorb or who you'd recall

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up sore or who are not evil hubby

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in this night, which is the combination of the fasting month,

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assuming tonight, to be the Leila Takada and Halima differ as to

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exactly when the little coloring might be, but most of the elements

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seem to converge on the idea that it's one of the odd numbered

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nights of the last 10 days of Ramadan Malik is say it could be

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theoretically any night of the year but let's assume that this is

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the night where the hearts of the Ummah are most focused. We need to

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make dua and we need to experience the delight of the Quran. We need

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to understand the Quran as the better Allah, Allah has banquet,

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something on which we can feast is extraordinary second, if Tod after

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the Asia when we hear Quran and Quran and Quran and even if these

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days we can't get out to the mosque, still, we should be

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listening. They should be a time of the Quran because it's the

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shadow Quran, the month of the Quran and the Quran, like the

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month like the author of the Quran is a mystery.

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I had to help him in a rock many more data to Kadima tones if at

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all no, Sophie will play Danny. Verses of truth from the all

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compassionate, renewed and yet uncreated. Their quality is as the

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quality of he who has no beginning.

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According to us on the doctrine the Quran is Colombo, Lionel

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Kadeem, Allah has uncreated speech, in some amazing sense of

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always. It has always been there.

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And so when we hear the Quran, and when we recite the Quran, when we

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exhale the Quran, when we experience the beauty of it when

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we try and make our voices beautiful with the Quran, jemalloc

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or an OB or Swati can beautify the Quran with your voices. We are

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experiencing something that is not of this world, but is of the world

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of the Beyond transcendent. The place that is placed in this

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placeless, the believer does not just follow the meaning of the

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words of the text. The believer is connected through his or her heart

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to the author of the words of the text. This is part of the miracle

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of the Quran, that it is the divine speech. So the greatest

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opening that we can have on the Laila top other and in Ramadan,

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generally and all other times of the year. Because these blessings

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can come at any time is to be aware of the majesty of the Divine

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speaker, and to have a sense of the infinity and the eternity of

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the Divine Word, so that the presence of the Infinite is with

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us in this finite world, spreading a fragrance, opening our hearts

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shining an extraordinary supernal light upon the little things that

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we do and making them noble. So we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah

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to grant a good destiny for this ummah, to open the hearts of this

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ummah to the spirit of brotherhood, unity and

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forgiveness, to make us truly people of the Quran, and to help

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us to taste something of the paradisal eternity, that is

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present in the mystery of his uncreated speech. May Allah grant

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us this great gift and give us peace and blessings and success

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and cabal in sha Allah the last few hours and days of this Besut

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month, Tocopilla Laurasia Macomb whereas either Ocata como if Tara

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calm. wa salam o aleikum wa rahmatullah Allah wa barakato.

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