Abdal Hakim Murad – Sacred Nature of the Islamic Calendar

Abdal Hakim Murad
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the RV world and how it is impossible to predict the future. They mention that January, February, and March are the main months, but they are all negative and have nothing to do with the spiritual experience. The speaker concludes that the RV world is richer than the spiritual experience.
AI: Transcript ©
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Again the good fortune of the believer that the months means

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If you don't have these months you just have January February, March,

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April and none of them mean anything at all.

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Originally they did for a different OMA January was named

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after the god of Janus, the gates beginning of the new year.

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February was named after the god of undertakings March named after

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Mars. So the Romans like to fight wars and Julius Caesar killed on

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the Ides of Mars, which was thought to be an auspicious event,

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time for an assassination attempt, and so on. But that's all my tone

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color. To us. That means nothing at all. It's just January,

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February, March, April, it means nothing. It's flat.

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But when you move into a sacred calendar, the world feels

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different. There are peaks and there are lows. There is an

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experience of time which is richer than the experience of time.

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