Aarij Anwer – Allahu Akbar – What Does it Actually Mean

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The speaker discusses the importance of knowing the words in our prayer and trying to find meaning and purpose through them. They also discuss the use of words like"light," "monestically," and "imally" in Arabic writing, as examples of words that are used to signal a powerful message. The speaker emphasizes the importance of remembering to pray to Allah for our health and connection to him.
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The statements that we say in Salah do we know them and understand them? If not, we must know them and understand them. That's not an optional thing. You must know what you're saying in your prayer.
Just like you learn the words to say them, you must know what the words mean. That's number one. And number two, once you know what they mean, do you try to find meaning and purpose through those words? To those words that were taught by the Messenger of Allah do they make us think
and reflect? Because that's what the point of the salah is the vicar of the masala totally Vickery.
Here, you look at Allahu Akbar, Allah is the Greatest. That is the meaning that is a that is the best and closest translation. But that's a
very basic understanding. If you look at the Arabic this word Aqaba
in grammatical terms, is on a on a pattern. It's called a sealer in Arabic, of of a lot of deal, a cover a slur, this is a common pattern in Arabic for comparison sake. And this comparison seek this pattern is used often with the word min min in Arabic usually means from, but in this context, it means them. So for example, if I say a Kubo min Phoolan, I am bigger than Falon.
It's used that way. And in fact, I'm required to use another word called tummies to say, How am I bigger, and a room in full and sin and I'm bigger than this person in age. That's how the sentence is used in a very classic. First, however, but now also enforced how you have what's called Bulaga rhetoric, you can remove parts of the sentence. And then those parts that are removed, make a powerful implication, they imply something very powerful. And when you do that, the Quran does that all the time. The old, the Kodama, the old Arabs will do that all the time, they would see a sentence with have with parts that are omitted on purpose to convey a powerful message to add more
force to their message here and Allahu Akbar, the min is dropped, is omitted, the semies is dropped, it's omitted. And then the question is, why is it omitted and what's the powerful message being conveyed? We look at the scholars of lower we look at SIBO for example, the greatest scholar of Arabic grammar, who by the way, was not an Arab Sierra was SIBO. He was Persian and SIBO. We wrote the most important book of Nahu in our history, Al Kitab. It's called Al Kitab. The book and SIBO is Al Kitab is so like it's like at the highest level of the of learning Arabic grammar. It's the reference and interestingly when Seba was learning Hadith, he made a mistake in Arabic grammar and
his teacher corrected him and that's when he said I will learn Arabic grammar. And he became not just a scholar, he became the master the Grand Master of Arabic grammar and his book today serves as you know the the source SIBO way, Rahim Allah says
there's a
hammer Allahu Acebo way Allah I'll have a cameraman Cooley Shea. He SIBO explains that Allahu Akbar means Allah is bigger than more important than greater than everything. hitless Imam and Samia says, A kaboom in Cooley Kabir.
He is more important, more significant than any other thing that is important and significant in your life. So when the statement comes just as Allahu Akbar with these omissions in intentional omissions, that powerful message is that's supposed to be conveyed is Allah is more important, more significant than anything in your life. It he is a higher priority. In fact, he is the highest priority over all other priorities. So when you are praying,
instead of thinking about what you must be doing afterwards, instead of thinking about what I will do once I finished my Salla, Allahu Akbar means you stop all of that. You stop thinking about all those things. And you think only about Allah subhanaw taala and how to pray to Him and how to connect to him. That's what Allahu Akbar means left. You forgot in the beginning, no problem. Allahu Akbar RUCO you'll be reminded and you forgot at RUCO Allah what Bernie Cohen says that you will be reminded again, so many opportunities to be reminded. The Salah is full of it because it's
Is Akima salata Lee Vickery it is meant to be a reminder a way for us to connect to Allah