Aarij Anwer – A Juz A Day (1st)- Commitment without Compromise

Aarij Anwer
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the title of the Quran in the United States, focusing on the importance of the Surah Baq opinion and the importance of commitment, devotion, and the desire to achieve the perfect title. The importance of the title is emphasized, along with the use of "will" and "will" to describe spiritual teachings. The segment also touches on the misunderstandings of Islam and the importance of acceptance in bringing people into the church. The segment concludes with a mention of a film about Jews and a mention of a new episode of the show.
AI: Transcript ©
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salatu salam ala rasulillah he or Allah Allah he was having Allah publish he said recently a very popular Dr. Missoni you have Coco Lee Ravana Arjuna adonia hacer la fille Ursula de Hazara. joaquina Davina Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu please type yes or no if you can hear me

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even though I've been speaking for a little while

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Alhamdulillah welcome to you all, to a juice a day. This is a study of the Quran in sha Allah that we will be embarking upon daily during the month of Ramadan in sha Allah Tada. And in this study, the goal of this study for us is going to be to get an overview of the Quran and its meaning

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the Quran is meant to be understood. This is what a lot papaw says. When he when he speaks about the Quran Kitab on ans Allahu la cama Baraka, this is a blessed book that we have sent to you or prophet so solemn, Leah de baru iottie. Why, so that people can understand the ayat and not just understand that deeply ponder the meaning of the word, what do you have to let go above and then after that deep pondering and

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thought has finished has reached this conclusion, then they could

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take heed, meaning their actions are modified after having pondered what the Quran is saying, that is the purpose of the Quran. And, and

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the last part was very explicit about it. And the Sahaba were very clear about it, too, when someone would ask them, is it better for someone to read a lot of Quran? And, you know, not focus so much on understanding? Or is it better for someone to focus more on the understanding and the pondering and less on

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less on the quantity, and the overwhelming response from the Sahaba like a beloved, our bus of delivering this route? And many more was a focus on the quality focus on the pondering focus on the meaning and thinking about the meaning. Now, how far removed are we? Where our conversation about reading the Koran is actually, sometimes not even so much? So about understanding it while reading it? A lot of times, we're just reading it just to get rewards and blessings.

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good and important.

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All right. Sorry. Can you hear me? Right? All right. hamdulillah.

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Is the other London Muslim mosque is that

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is that users are

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just making sure no one's mapping us.

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Okay, I'm gonna, I'm assuming is one of us.

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Sorry, I was saying

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the Sahaba were, were focused on the point of the Quran is to understand it and ponder its meanings. Not so much. So to read a lot of it. That was the overwhelming

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approach of them. There's some like a man of the law, one who, who would read a lot of Quran and Abdullah, who read a lot of flack. But the overwhelming majority of the Sahaba wanted to read less focus more on the meaning. And that's the purpose, I don't think we should be focused. So much. So on.

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On the

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so much so on the

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so I'm reading the Quran a lot in its content, but our focus should be on pondering and understanding. Okay.

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I would actually request people to turn off their videos, and yada, yada. Thank you very much.

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All right.

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With that said,

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let's get cracking towards understanding the Koran. And its, its meaning one of the books that I'm using as reference, I'm using a couple of books of the fear, the fear of shape a Sadie who is a contemporary scholar from Saudi Arabia, very well known in

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In the kingdom and the students who've studied from there, and his theory is something that focuses largely on the bigger picture, the objectives. And I'm going to be using that not entirely as like the main.

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It's not a reading of that to see, but I'll be taking snippets of what he has to say. All right. Number two, is a book by a very dear friend, very, a mentor, someone I look up to Chef yahia, Ibrahim, who wrote a book called a juice a day.

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he summarizes the topics in that book. And I have like an early manuscript of it, I'm very blessed that he shared it with me, and is all low heroin, and May Allah reward him immensely for this work. And I encourage everybody to purchase this book when it does come out in North America. And it's fantastic book, I'll be using his work as well, to have those as like main sources. I mean, the lecture is going to be one hour approximately today we'll go a little over because so part a lot of the trouble and start and I will post it online for sure as well, even if it's not going on a facebook live right now. All right, thank you very much. Get that said let's get started. The first

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verse of the Quran is at the very beginning, at the very first part of the Quran is the very greatest chapter of the Quran. And that is the surah. That is the, the crux of the whole and the crux in, in essence of Islam. This is sort of

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what the surah that Allah, Allah calls, Moodle keytab came the mother of the book I eat the crux of the message of the Quran is in this in this chapter. For the huddle Gita means something that opens the book. So it has the the the, the virtue of being at the very front of the Quran. It's also according to the scholars of the Syrian history, the first were revealed in its entirety. So total surah Allah was the first one revealed. The first is it obviously Arabic Allah The Halak. But the first its entirety was sort of unfair to her

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sort of have had to have a lot smarter calls it subliminal masani, the seven oft repeated versus it is something that the prophet SAW them was honored by some a surah. That was unlike anything given to any other prophet before. So the fact that we take it so so lightly when we read it, but really, it is something to marvel at Imam Azhar McSherry when he wrote his tafsir he has about his tafsir comes in about 30 volumes, you would imagine that 30 volumes there would be like a juice per volume, but the first volume is sort of fat, and everything else is the other 29 volumes. So it is an immense amount. The surah has an incredible amount of depth in it. One of my teachers examiner's are

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both happy the whole law wrote, recorded an incredible lecture, or SoTL Fatiha, that's what 30 hours. Okay. And even after listening to that, you would be

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at a stage where you're like, you know what, I think he did a good job, but there's a lot more to be explored a lot more to be thought about. That's what sort of 30 he represents. And that's at the very beginning of this juice. So we'll spend a little bit more time today was sort of a fat sofa to her I'll share my screen with you is comprising of, it's basically one page of the Quran. It's one part of the Quran,

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or one page of the Quran. And the Quran itself is about 604 pages. So in terms of its volume, it's not so much but in terms of its power and gravity, it is immense. In the surah Allah subhanaw taala and the very beginning he praises himself magnifies himself. And then in the second half, he speaks about our need to develop sincerity and our need to worship Allah alone. Our need to depend on him alone. Subhanahu wa Donna, okay.

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In the very beginning of this surah Allah, Allah says

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it says Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim In the name of Allah, in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen All praise is due to Allah all praises due to God the Lord

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Word of the universe, or Rahman Rahim, the magnificent, the Merciful, Maliki oma Dean, Lord of the Day of Judgment, he cannot or will do what he can to stay in you alone you worship and you alone we turn for help he the minister autonomous stop him, Guide us to the straight path sunalta Latina and anti lay him The path of those that you have blessed, why you will not do we are lay him while a born lean, the path not the path of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone straight. This is sort of art had the translation of sort of authority. So to Fatiha as you can see, in the very beginning, the first ayah is considered by many to be Bismillah. But then after that,

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the second eye al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen, the third man or him the fourth Maliki and within this first part of it comprises of the praise of a los pantalla. This first part actually tells us about who our Lord is. And it's fitting that this is the introduction to Allah when you open the Quran. This is the first thing you will read about. Allah Spano, tala, these are the first four. The first four things he tells us about himself. He tells us that he is a biller. I mean, him being the Lord him being the one who is in control, someone who takes something from inception and brings it to fruition. That is one of the definitions of a rub someone who loves and cares. That is a rub. And

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not just for the Muslims, not just for those who are devoted to him. This is the one who is Rob biller, I mean for everything that exists. Allah Allah Ameen, actually the better translation would be the cosmos, all that exists in the world.

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And all that exists in the universe that is aligned I mean, it is a very beautiful description of a less popular He is the Lord rub. It describes to us that Allah has perfect names. You know he has a vanilla and a smile Prusiner for the room will be here. He has the most perfect names and has the most perfect attributes. Here. Two of the most amazing ones are mentioned in this ayah r Rahmani r Rahim, the magnificent, the Merciful and in reality rather than sisters. Words cannot contain the immense nature of what Allah is describing here. What Allah is describing here is the two words actually are from the same linguistic origin there have the same etymology rahem, which is the Rahim

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which is the womb of the mother, Raja Jai Rama which is to show mercy to somebody. But the words when they are these two when they're brought together in this particular grammatical format, or rush man on this format, or Rahim in this format, it shows or it implies that the mercy of Allah, the love of Allah is so immense, that it cannot actually be contained in words like Words cannot express how much love and mercy Allah has towards his creation, but to handle love, as much as Allah is loving and merciful to his creation. Alas, Papa also is Maliki omitting the Lord of the Day of Judgment. Malik also as a translation of it is Owner of the Day of Judgment, meaning everything that

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happens on that day is in complete control and ownership of Allah subhanho wa Taala last month was in complete control of the world as well, but he has given us a choice. All of us choose to do good or choose to do evil or choose to stay silent. Those are choices that we make and we live with the consequences of our choices. On the day of judgment. There is no choice. You do as you're told, and that is what a law means Mandy Chioma de owns that day every single thing that happens in it happens by his will and his command. Think about this run sisters, this is the perfect balance between love. Unbelievable, unimaginable love and mercy or Rahmani Raheem and also the perfect power someone who

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has the ability to execute the perfect justice. That is the last part that of Maliki young within. Yo muddy in fact comes from Donna Dino, the house would say Kamata, Dean to done you are going to be treated like you treat others IE

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It's like a second payback. Another word from this etymology is getting a loan. So this is the day when people get paid back. This is the day when all debts are cleared. This is the day when every one who need or who was wronged in this world will get there justice Manichaean within a loss popular is the one who was able to execute the perfect justice. This introduction to a last model tells us he is our Lord rubia. It tells us he has the perfect names and attributes are Rahmani Raheem, Maliki omitting, it tells us that Allah spatola is the only one he cannot go do what he can assign only one we are to worship you alone, we worship and You alone we ask or return for help.

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These are the three main components of us.

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Learning about Allah This is the three main components of us knowing our Lord is power and grant your as our master as our Lord is perfect names and attributes and then our commitment our devotion to him subhana wa tada

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Yeah, can I will do a year can Stein is a is a present tense fair, it's a present tense verb. Some of you are from Arabic classes this would make you happy to hear that

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it's a present tense

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verb in Arabic a present tense vermin Arabic actually, as to implications, it's something for the present. And it is also at the same time concurrently for the future. Ear cannot will do what kind of stain is presently a declaration from the one who says it, you alone Allah we worship you alone, we seek seek help from and it's second layer, the meaning of the

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the future, we are promising that we're going to worship you alone. And we're going to seek help from you alone and nobody else okay. So, this is where in this surah Allah, Allah

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speaks about our commitment, our declaration to him. And our

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Surah Fatiha also has in this ear canal Buddha can assign something very interesting. You might notice the translation says you alone we worship Him, and you alone, we ask a return for help to you alone return for help. It's talking about us in plural, even if I am speaking or if I am praying by myself. I am actually saying to Allah, Allah, we all of us, worship You, and you alone, and all of us turn to you, and only you for help. This is a beautiful idea. Because it tells us that our religion is meant to be a religion, where we all work together to collaborate together. We're not like lone wolves are people who can just live in isolation. Even though right now we are in some

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sort of an isolation, but in the sense of like, religious and spiritual isolation. If not, we're supposed to be together. And last point about sort of head to head and then we move on, is Look how Allah, Allah then describes, in a certain theme, he speaks about misguidance. in two ways, he speaks about

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misguidance Firstly, as

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the story describes guidance in two ways and misguidance in two ways, guidance in the way that first he describes the path as a set up almost appeal the straight path, then he describes the path as the path of those who you have blessed and describes misguidance as not the path of those who have earned your wrath lay them out globally, and also not the path of those who have lost, who've gone astray. While appalling.

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There are those who angered him refer to those who have knowledge but don't practice they will not obey Him. And then there are those who have misguided have been misguided and have left been left upon the path of demons referring to those who practice and have good intentions, but do not have knowledge and that is generally referred to by a ball in the misguidedly these misguided do not follow the spirit of the revelation. These are the two warnings at the end of certain

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Fatiha, where we ask a lot to protect us from those who anchor him in reference to those who have no knowledge, who have knowledge and no practice and also those who have been less left astray, the ones who try to do what is right, but do not have the knowledge and do not reach where they should be with Allah subhanho wa Taala this door that we make at the very end of circle Fatiha is that is all our leaders the power of guidance that avoids angering you and being led astray. It is as if confirmed in the opening of the next surah Okay, this da that we just said either a Serato must have him Serato Latina Anthony him later mobile VR Lima Berlin, a very beautiful door the most important

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to our that you will ever make. This Dora it's like it's confirmed in the opening of the next surah which is Alif Lam Meem Valley, Calcutta kita Bula re Buffy. In it is in this book that has no doubt in it that it will kita boo la de Buffy who the limit caffeine it is a guide for the people who are righteous.

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The next era that comes up that the first I have the tour I'm still waiting actually for the to load on my screens panela but I think momentarily it will load that surah is slow to Bukhara. It is the longest surah of the Quran.

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This surah SoTL buffer is named after an incident that

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is described by Allah Spano tala, that took place with Bani Israel, the children of Israel and Bani Israel are very important characters in this story. In the narrative narrative of the Quran, they're extremely critical. And their history is held up as a mirror to the believers. They're good and their bad is held up as a as a reflection piece for us as believers.

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their mistakes are to be learned from not that somehow their mistakes that are being critiqued are a critique of the people in and of itself. And somehow is meant to incite hatred of people absolutely not. It is actually to the contrary, a critique that as we will see is very, very just and it is also in a in a way, it admits and it gives credit where credit is due and it gives blame at least blame where blame is, is due. So, it is a very just way of talking about something. Now, the surah baqarah at the incident of the cow is where the surah gets his name which we will get to inshallah, in a few moments.

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This is the chapter of the Prophet Some said there's many beautiful things he said about this chapter. He says that the one who masters this sutra, and

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and, and practices the surah. Okay, the Quran will speak on behalf of this person, on the day of judgment. The Quran will come and say this is a person who used to practice this surah who used to live by the surah It is a great virtue. Circle Baccarat, the Sahaba used to consider

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Oh sorry, what

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the Sahaba used to consider before the entire Quran was revealed the one who had memorized through to Basra they will consider that man to be like a half gram. That's the honor that they gave. So to Bukhara there was a great poet in the time of the porcelain we accept Islam. And he was you know, like a poet he was very outspoken man very charismatic individual. But after he became Muslim became very subdued. So once Omar met him in the streets of Medina and this was when Omar was a Calif

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are on the line Who was he said, Hey, you, you know you're you're a great poet used to be a great poet. Can you share some of your poetry with us? And this man started to recite Surah Baqarah

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as I remember, the honor stopped him is that I didn't ask you to read Quran I wanted to hear some of your poetry is that after suku Bukhara I have no poetry left to say. There is just I can say anything that can top it. So that is to panela how the Sahaba viewed through to Bukhara. The problem also said the one who reads it, and in the house read little buckler is read shale teens stay away from the house. That's an amazing virtue in total bottom

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The greatest idea of the Quran is also found in it which is ayatul kursi, the ayah that describes the glory of Allah tala.

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This verse adequacy is read as a protection spiritually as an assistance as a way, excuse me, we're seeking a loss pontoise help. The surah also contains, again virtues of this amazing surah right at the very beginning of the Quran.

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It contains the greatest two verses that can ever be said, for seeking help and protection from any type of fear. And these are the last two Ayat of Surah Baqarah. We will get to this actually in a couple of days, because that's in the third juice, by the way, okay.

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But I'm just giving you an overview of circle Bukhara, just how amazing this surah is. The prophets have said about the last two ayah Surah Baqarah, that the one who reads this guy, Fatah who these two ions are enough to take care of this person, meaning take care of any fears that they have any anxiety that they might be feeling, any turbulence that they might be experiencing, particularly before they go to sleep. This these two IOD are is the way to seek a last Papa's help to overcome all these difficulties and trials that we face. And some scholars even comment that the one who reads these two ad doesn't have to get a proper MLA, I mean amazing it just to add, and that are

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about half a page. And all you need to do is read them and hamdulillah now you're done. You're, you're basically your night worship is done.

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So it is a treasure from the throne of Allah, Allah as described by the prophet, Allah, all of these great ideas and great virtues are in total batara now What is he talking about though? It begins with a Lost Planet, Allah speaking, begins with this ayah begins with this ayah Yahweh the look, are you there?

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Yeah, I saw here. Alright. underlays later.

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Thank you, Brother, you you your lifesaver to the handler shell from you as well. I mean, Jimmy and Barack Luffy could you read the first if for me there?

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I mean, read it with the dream man Come on.

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I was a bit let

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me let

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me look at it. So this ayah as a read by a doctor with a law there is read as disjointed letters. And if

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me like that, and this is a feature of quite a few sutras in Quran, generally, when a lot begins a surah with disjointed lead letters like this, He will speak about the glory of the book that he has revealed, as if to imply here are the words or here are the letters of Arabic. Here are the letters of the language that the people of that time, the people that place, spoke, and had mastered. Here are your letters produce something as coherent, as masterful, as miraculous as the Quran. That is a amazing style of opening surah of the Quran and Surah Baqarah is one of those sutras that Allah opens in that style.

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The overarching theme,

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the overarching theme of this surah is

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it's about devotion, and submission to Allah message. That's the number one overarching theme of this sort of devotion and submission to the message of Allah, that is, that is received through revelation without compromising.

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And examples are provided from history of how when people receive the message they compromise

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and how they made their mistakes while they were compromising and how people received the message. And they didn't compromise in any way, committed fully 100%

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the people who compromise it, as described in this surah as we will see, our bunny Sara Lee. They were given one of the greatest profits of all time. muthana Sonam, who came with nine

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Incredible miracles, for people to see everywhere. And of one of the greatest things that he did is he led these people out of their slavery and into freedom, freed them from being perpetually enslaved to the Pharaoh, who would not just like enslave them and put them to work, but would kill their kids. And these people were so powerless, and so defenseless, that he couldn't do anything musallam save them from the Pharaoh. And yet, when Musab al Islam time and time again, would ask money Israel to do something, the as commanded by Allah, there would be a compromise, there wouldn't be a full commitment, there would be a compromise, there will be a negotiation, there will be some

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way to cut corners. And that is a problematic attitude. That's a problematic attitude in life when someone is trying to do something and do something that's like,

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valuable, nobody likes a person who cuts corners and doesn't do a good job. It's always trying to, you know, like, just mail it in. And it's even more problematic when it comes to our spirituality and our religion.

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And then the example is presented then of the perfect manifestation of devotion, the one who would not compromise, the one who would sacrifice everything, even that if he had to sacrifice his own family, he would do it in devotion to Allah. And that is not Abraham, unless I'm our father, Ibrahim. In this juice. Both of those examples are presented as what is the perfect best case scenario of devotion, with no compromise. And what is like a bad case of devotion, that compromise and cutting corners and slacking and negotiating, trying to talk their way out of commitments. Both examples are presented, the first one the example of money, so the easiest way for us to learn, so

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we don't make those mistakes. The second example is Ibrahima. Sam is first aspire to, we're not going to get to the sub level, no one's getting there only the problem was at that level. But it's something for us to aspire to something for us to like, look at me like that's, you know, that's what we should be aiming for. All right, that is the beautiful way the Quran presents its message in Surah Baqarah, particularly in the first choice.

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theme of the surah is about devotion

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and submission to a large message without compromise. This is even when it goes against some of the base desires, some of the, you know, instincts and urges a person that has the spirit behind the revelation is to make a person the most complete human being there is this is a beautiful thing about the revelation that it is trying to make us the best versions that a human being can be the best of humanity.

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In fact, that's a it's a phrase the Quran uses later on to describe the Sahaba contemplado method was rejected. Now, we've achieved peak human humanity level.

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From the things that have come from there, after having studied this, from there, we can observe that those who strayed away from the path of the truth and from devotion to Allah, they are highlighted in the Quran for it. Like for those mistakes for their choices, they're highlighted for that. Okay, so here we have let's go to the story of, of Adam as an example. Okay, so the story of Adam and Islam.

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Allah tells Adam and Eve malayalam This is the first story sequentially in the Quran.

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A last part that tells him that wala dakara had his shahdara but akuna Minal volley mean Oh Adam, live with your wife in Paradise and eat freely from it anywhere you may wish yet do not approach this tree lest you become one of the wrongdoers. Okay, this is an instruction It doesn't matter what the tree is, it doesn't matter whether it is lawful or not. The instruction is clear here not to come near the tree.

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This is you know, again the idea the Quran is giving us this, these clear instructions in the story of the Bukhara Okay, this is the story that the surah gets his name from

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the bunny, bunny, eel is asked to sacrifice a, a Baccarat let me get to you. Let me show you the passage here.

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Call Amazon he told me he told me what it was called a Musashi homie he in the La Jolla, moto componentes bajo Baqarah all una huzefa Allah, Allah he and akuna Minal Jia Helene. When Moses set his people God commands you sacrifice a Hebrew is a baby cow, okay? a calf. They said, I thought, Luna who's the one? Are you making a mockery of us? He answered, God forbid that I should be so ignorant. Okay.

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They kept as musala salam says to them do this. They're like well asked your to make it clear to us what sort of a keeper she should be.

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All in the huya cooler in the harbor to love

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wallaby crona Quantum dynamic. God says that he should neither be too old or too young, but in between, so do as you are commanded.

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He says Do what you have been asked what you've been commanded to do. But bunnies are ill kept asking question follow the golden era Baka you regular Nam Aloha. So call on your Lord to show us what color she should be. Then they said, follow the rule. And Rebecca, you by Ilana here in Albuquerque Shahar Lena asked you Lord to make it clear to us. Because all cows look alike to us.

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You know, questioning, not to understand but questioning to kinda like procrastinate and get out of the task? What color is it? Where can they find it? How much is it worth and on and on. Instead of just slaughtering the cow that Allah had instructed, or any Cardinal as Allah has instructed, the more they increased in their questioning of Allah. As a result, Allah made their tasks more and more stringent upon them. So now juxtapose these two stories, the story of Adam, and he is told, don't get near the tree.

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He doesn't ask the question. You know why, why not just don't get any other tree and the story of the, the cow

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we juxtapose this with the story of a police who was given instructions by Allah he was told by Allah was you don't need only add them make a you know bow down prostrate towards Adam. He replied by saying Anna hi Roman, who I am better than he is.

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I am not going to follow the revelation I won't be following the instructions that you've given me I'm going to do what I think rather than than what Allah has commanded. These elements in this first juice are essentially what makes up you know, the first 20 pages of this chapter so local Baccarat

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This is a very important theme in the sort of how when a lord commands how that command is received, it's not always actually that someone does or doesn't do something other Muslim received the command. He made a mistake. He actually ate from the tree, but the way he received the command he was fully committed to it when he received it all right, and that is fine. That is actually what our religion teaches us we accept the commands of Allah fully, but then if you make a mistake, it's fine. We're not going to be perfect. Okay, bunnies that are in

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they continue to try to negotiate their way out of the command of Allah now with like, some person was a random scholar. No, they were trying to negotiate with musala Salah

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at the end actually, they did it further who How about Canada for alone? Very interesting. Allah says they actually at the end did it. But their attitude ruin their action, their whole like, negotiations at the end. Like it's almost as if they just might as well didn't do it. It was so in such poor taste compared that with a police who was told to bow down to Adam or bow down towards Adam and he said absolutely not. I am better or LA you made a wrong decision here. Okay. The way the command is taken by the person tells you about their level of devotion and commitment are the Melissa lamb was like, Okay hamdulillah but he made a mistake. When Israel were really not okay but

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kept pushing themselves in a corner because of their, their incessant questioning beliefs. The attitude of the devil was like, no way. I know better than God. God made a mistake.

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That arrogant attitude that narcissistic attitude. That was

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the the the story of of these. So Soto Bukhara at the first job this is one overarching theme devotion to the commands of Allah? And how is it that we receive those commands? Even if after receiving those commands, we make a mistake? Do we receive the commands of Allah wholeheartedly? Or do we receive them with compromised attitudes? Tried to, like, you know, talk our way out of it procrastinate, are we out of it, find loopholes out of it? Or do we receive these commands thinking that this is not anything and we are much better than this? That is, like the three examples in this juice, and something for us to wonder, and something for us to consider. Okay.

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sudo Docker also highlights that

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there are three categories of people, okay. Not that there is no in between, you can think of it like a large spectrum. Okay, a large spectrum, where you have believers on

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on one end believers who are in a way, like the best case scenario of the believers, let me go to that, at the very beginning of the surah. Okay. believers who are at at the very

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beginning of this, of the surah are in a way they are the best case scenario of the believers, they believe in the unseen, they establish their prayer that gives the gods they believe in the revelation that is sent by a lot of the Prophet Salam and the revelation sent beforehand. They are who Allah says, a firm in knowing about the next life I've been asked not to up known, they are upon guidance from their Lord, and they shall be successful. This is like the bar that a believer needs to get to and it's not we always are there. We're trying to reach that that level. We're always trying to improve our prayer. We're always trying to have more certainty. And we're always trying to

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have this attitude where we understand good and bad is from Allah, Allah that's comes from certainty in the Hara.

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The next part, describes the worst type of those who reject a last part Allah in the Medina Guevara Savonarola, him under the

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moon hotma, Allahu Allah, Allah became more or less I marry him, where Allah Abbasali him who shower, the ones who it is the same, makes no difference to them, whether you want them or not, they won't believe Allah has sealed over their hearts, a seal their hearts, the ears, and over their eyes, there is a covering. This is not the description of a person who doesn't know Islam who hasn't fully processed the possibility of accepting stamp. This is not the case of someone who has had a cursory introduction to Islam. This is the situation of somebody who completely has rejected the possibility that they will ever consider Islam. Okay, that there was people

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Sorry about that. My apologies people I

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I have issues with my internet here.

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But let's get let's continue to all let's finish off our session in Sharla.

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The last part of the first joke about Abraham and Sam will save for the next time inshallah. The last one that describes the

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believers, firstly, as the ones who have reached this excellent level of faith that he describes the disbelievers not the ones who are casually

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have have had a cursory look at Islam and then said no, for having made up their mind yet or haven't received the message yet. Or we're just born in a Muslim non Muslim family without exposure to without exposure to

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the message. Right? It's not talking about them. It's talking about the one who has received the message and has rejected the message in the living a photo sour on either him or under the home.

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It's talking about specifically that individual. There are people who fought the process of them like abusive, young like highly, highly, they've been bullied like us, but they were

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hearts were not sealed. They eventually ended up accepting Islam. But there were others like Abu john, like Abu lahab.

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Who, at the first instance of the revelation said No way, no how we're ever accepting Islam. Okay, so that last part that describes the believers describes the ones who are completely have rejected the possibility of faith and also describes those who pretend to be faithful, okay?

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The hypocrites, these are the ones who would come to the pub Sallam using their Islam as a ruse, but really couldn't care less about Islam.

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In the midst of that a lot smarter gives warnings to nations, peoples and tribes, collectively and spiritually. In the middle of this conversation, he talks about how this is a dangerous situation to say one thing and to live another

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to live another way.

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He describes a lot patata that

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that these people's hearts became a hardened

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by the

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because they developed the rancor towards the spirit of the revenue of the revelation came. This is all of those themes that we find the beginning of this chapter at the conclusion of this first part where a lot of describes how the believers are in like that there's like this, this

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spectrum of belief and disbelief. He addresses mankind. Yeah, are you and us all people worship your Lord? Oh, boy, Dora buckle. Alavi holla How come one levina macabre comme la la cantata who this is perhaps and address to those who are on the fence, who are neither in that camp have committed devoted believers that neither in the camp of the ones who have completely rejected faith, and it doesn't matter what you say to them, it wouldn't make any difference. They're neither those who are just using their Islam as a as a facade to you know, you know, just gained some political coverage or to gain some political protection. These are just the majority of people in the world. People who

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haven't made up their minds people who haven't thought so much about Islam yet. People who are maybe their their hearts are still pure, but maybe you know, their lives, they made mistakes. So Allah addresses them reaches out to them and that's the first sequential address in the Quran. Going from the first part of the Quran to the end. The first time he addresses people is this Yeah, even unanswerable Dora Bakula the hola como la Vina men who are local own people worship your Lord, okay? He's your Lord. He's not just the lord of this individual. He's not just a Lord of the Meccans or Medina's. He is a Lord of everybody. And he's your Lord. He brought you into existence from nothing.

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Alinea, Lacan, he brought your ancestors into existence from nothing. Okay, what are the venum uncommonly comme la la quinta de Haan? Hey, that is so that you become better La La Quinta, taco new become righteous, good people. The best of you can be attained in this world and the best you can attain in the next world. Allah gives reasons why we should worship him Allah ijarah lacunae, Allah thirassia Allah has made the bet the earth a stable place for you. Even though the earth we know is spinning on his accessor are rotating around the sun. But for us it's stable, right fit mesh. It's a steady place with summer abena It's a protection the sky. Well Enza lemonis, summer EMA and has sent

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water from the sky and caused all the crops to grow from water the water cycle is kickstarted by the rain. That's where we get a you know when there is a drought, everything is dying when there is no rain, so panela So unless father points out all the things that he has built as the system of life, for us to thrive, for us to enjoy for us to be who we are, right filata Gerardo de la he and dad and we're on to Dynamo so now you know this, to not set up rivals with a last panel with a very beautiful way of reaching out to the people who are, you know, neither at the camp of the perfectly committed believers in, you know, who Allah describes as who then came, neither rejecting the fate

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completely there.

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In the middle there, just you know people and alas paavola is addressing them in a beautiful way and trying to convince them to join the camp of the believers. So, the first use I have, if I can take a couple of minutes, it after that introduction speaks about the story of Adam, you already mentioned briefly how the mistakes of Adam and Islam even though he made a mistake, he was someone who received the, the message of Allah with, with with with full submission with full devotion without compromise, and that for us is fine to be able to

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make a mistake is totally fine. Like Allah says patala other mommy Rebecca Martin fatale.

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Adam received some words from his Lord, and except this is repentance. He is the one who's Forgiving and Merciful. After the story of Adam and Eve Salaam. Allah mentions the story of Bernice writing a long passage around 15 pages of this for an hour about 13 pages of the Quran.

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Talking about Bani Israel, addressing Bani Israel because Israel used to live in the neighborhood of the Prophet Salaam, addressing them hoping that they will also maybe see the mistakes they have made and join the ranks. And then as a mirror to the believer, this is the mistakes that they made. This is probably the mistakes that you will also make Okay, mentioning to them that

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the member the favors I have done this is a beautiful Quranic command. remember Allah favors whenever we feel ungrateful remember Allah favors upon you, when he saw you had more favors and blessings and anybody else and alert reminded them you got more profits, you got more privilege than anybody else was in a need for low tokuma Allah Allah Al amin

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and another part of the Quran Allah says I chose you to be better than I suppose you're all the world, okay. So, he

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explained he reminds them of this favor. And as a principle whenever we are trying to whenever we feel ungrateful, we should remind ourselves of the favors of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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After as part of

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the story of money sign a little reminds them and us of their history, how they were being tortured by the pharaoh in a manner that's almost unspeakable. You you've up before novena como esta Yun? Anissa, accom. They were not just killing your children. Okay, not just even slaughtering your children. No, no, that baja is in Arabic, like a MOBA Allah like a powerful slaughtering. Like this was a forceful, brutal slaughter.

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That's what they were doing. And you were so powerless, so defenseless, you couldn't do anything. But Allah subhanaw taala saved you from that, and divided the sea for you, and drown the Pharaoh. What anthem tonzura and you saw your Nemesis drown you saw the killer of your babies drown in front of your eyes. And that's meant to be like a suit, like a soothing relief for your heart. That's what does reminding when Israel of the favors a lost mother reminds them of how

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when Musa alayhis salam went to get the Torah from Allah directly he would speak to Allah and he got the Torah directly from Allah subhanaw taala. The Quran was not revealed this way. The Quran was revealed over time, largely through gibreel Allah Salah, the Torah directly from Allah on the tablets and musar lesson brought it all in one shot. Man masala Salam came back he found them to be worshiping and a calf made out of gold. And he was angered by that. Okay. So last month reminds them you were with Moosa after seeing the pharaoh drown, and he's just spoken to God and you decide to worship a calf. How does that make any sense?

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pointing out

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that the mistake of of a person or a group of people who have been privileged so that they can realize it and we can learn from it.

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mentioning how they got miraculous food from the sky man, our Salwa, Nana and quills, Guru antibody Morocco eat from the good things we have provided for you. But that often wasn't good enough.

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They're taking care of their food and water, taking care of everything. But that wasn't good enough. The last part that says that

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They wanted food that they were used to. Supposed to be a masala Nosferatu I mean why don't you give me a couple of minutes maybe like 710 will end if you don't mind cuz today 10 minutes we're lost in the whole you know turbulence I'm so sorry

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musallam this said we cannot bear to eat only one kind of food

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London us para la commune wide further una narrow Baka uma Ilana ma further narrow burger you can deny me Moto Metal aluminum mercury II have a full

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hour bus Alia so tell your Lord to bring forth from for us from the earth produce herbs and cucumbers, garlic foom or tone as my Lebanese family says

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lentils dal. That's what the bug is like Indian people eat

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onions. They wanted food that they were used to Allah was giving them manna was solid from the sky. And they're like no, we actually want the garlic lentils, the cucumbers, onions, another one with eating garlic and cucumbers and lentils and onions. But the problem is with the attitude. The problem is with the attitude. You can't even change your eating habits for the sake of Allah.

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And it's not like you're getting anything worse. Medina was Sal was actually an upgrade to your food.

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But you can even change the way you eat. That's why Moses has attested to the Luna Levy, who

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would you take a lesser thing in exchange for what is better? Like you really want to change, exchange heavenly food for what grows anywhere on Earth, like just like any other people in widow muslin go to any town, but in the local Mazel Tov, and then you will find all that you demand. Right? So hon Allah the attitude of how do you receive a loss commands, that's what's highlighted here. Even the command of here is now your meal for the next. While even that was a problem. Even that was a problem and it shows a lack of devotion without compromise. And that is what bunnies are in Panama

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speaks to By the way, this also the attitude of a colonized nation. They were colonized or enslaved. They wanted to go back to their own ways that they're comfortable and didn't want to leave their comfort food or their ways that they were used to for a different lifestyle. They didn't want that. This is actually how usually colonized nations and slave people are that they don't they would rather live in the shadows of oppression then break out from it musasa was trying to break them out from it. And he says if we do Misra go to any town, but he uses the word missile for a town which is a reference in wordly. to Egypt where they just left you want to go back to you're always being

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oppressed go back to miss that is a you know like this is one of the powerful tendons the Quran makes that as a people for us to rise, we have to let go of the shackles that have shackled bodies that are evil that shackled when he saw that continue to shackle us today, right this mindset of mediocrity, this mindset of

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compromise in faith, this mindset of not understanding

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that our feet is meant to uplift us. So how to look.

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The Ayah that's in here 62 this ayah people misquote and they say hey look, the Quran says everybody goes to gender. Right? My answer to that would be a very simple answer. Look at Ayah number 61. And number 61 says, with cold tomia Moosa talking about when he saw his Ayah number 63 says why the hot namita or children of Israel we made a covenant with you. Right? Is 61 before talks about Bani Israel is 63 after talks about Bani Israel yes or no people.

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So is he still in the middle is going to talk about who everybody are bunnies, right?

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is going to talk about bernisa you what Alice Patil is implying here is not everybody from Bani Israel was bad. Right? They were good people there they were one I'm gonna be learning he will Yeoman Asad waarmee la sala they repeat people who believed and did good deeds. They were people who support it. Whoo silence alone. They're not going to be among the losers. They will be among the righteous

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They will be among the righteous and all bunny says history those who were had meaning they classified themselves as Jews or nesara they classified themselves as Christians

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in Bani, Israel's history specifically okay.

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They were good people as well. That is what this is referring to, if not somehow completely taken out of context and applied to everything the IRS speaks about we spoke about this the story of the the the cow right forever who have a Macedonia for a loan. This was them repeatedly trying to negotiate their way out of commands of Allah subhanaw taala and this problematic attitude Allah highlighted and this is perhaps one of the reasons why the same get the surah gets his name at the very end of the passage of money instead of Allah. Allah

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makes one final beautiful plea to them. Okay, if I can get to that page inshallah, which is Yeah, benissa escallonia Mattila de la

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unevolved to Kumar Allah Allah me that all children of Israel remember the favors that I have done to you and I elevated you above the rest of the world What the Who Yeoman law that is enough soon enough sun shade and remember the day fear the day that

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no soul language is enough soon enough sin shy or no soul will be able to protect another soul and no one will be able to bail out another person well are you follow Manhattan wallet and Pharaoh Harsha Farah no one can come and speak on your behalf to unlock while at home sorrow no one is there to give any help fear that day if you're not going to if a person is going to be stubborn when he said that he probably didn't want to accept Islam because they couldn't stand the fact that they would have to lower themselves to an era profit. Okay. It was racism in large part that held them back today. racism in large part old many people back

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but the see the reminder the thing that trumps everything is remembered the Day of Judgment what duck who Yeoman.

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That that is enough, soon enough, since the day where none of these things will matter. No one's going to come to our aid. No one can help. No one can speak on our behalf. No one can bail us out members that day. And that should be the guide. So halala that was the brief summary of what the first just looks like we're actually going to pick up from the passage of Ibrahim Al Assad tomorrow because I don't want to not do justice to it. And today's hiccups kind of threw us off a little bit and frankly I was a little bit thrown off by the old situation a little bit too. So tomorrow I will be better prepared. And inshallah in Milan tomorrow we will be covering the second Jews in the light

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Allah the story of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and the story of the prophets of Salaam which is the second use is up no hurry. Thank you everybody for coming out. I appreciate your your your presence.

01:03:26 --> 01:03:37

Oh yeah, come tomorrow, same time, same place in Charlotte. So panagia lahoma will be hamburger Michel de la ilaha illa Anta start for today. I'll see you all Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

01:03:38 --> 01:03:39


01:03:49 --> 01:03:56

I will send her I will post the recording on the on the whatsapp group in Sharla.

A Juz A Day (1st): Commitment without Compromise

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