Zakir Naik – Without Fulfilling Tawheedul Ibaadah, all Other Things are of No Use

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The speaker discusses the use of the word Islam in the Bible and how it relates to worship. They explain that when the pagans ask who controls everything, they say Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ gives the example in chapter 10, verse number 31, that when the pagans ask who controls everything, they say Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ gives the example in chapter 10, verse number 31, that most people worship without associating partners with him.
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He only deserves worship and no one else,
and the Quran gives this example.
And so you know chapter number 10, verse
number 31, that when you ask the pagans,
who is the
one who controls everything from heaven and the
Who is the one that controls the hearing
and the sight? Who is the one who
gives life to the dead and dead to
the life? Who is the one who controls
all the efforts?
They will say the mushi will reply, Allah.
Then why are you
deluded from the truth?
Allah give the message in surah Zukr of
chapter number 43,
verse number 87. When you ask them, ask
the mushriks, the pagans,
who is your creator? They say Allah.
Then why
do you worship somebody else? So here, Allah
is giving the example in the Quran that
the mushriks, they believed in.
They believed
in but they worshiped other gods besides Allah.
Therefore, Allah says in Suri Yusuf chapter number
12, verse 100 and 6,
Most of the people worship not Allah without
associating partners with him.
That means,
most of the human beings,
they worship Allah, but
along with associating
partners with Allah. So you find
that even the non Muslim believe in God,
believe in Allah, but
they associate partner with him.