Zakir Naik – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Fits the Description Jesus Gave of the Prophet to Come

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses various prophecies and rulings related to the use of the word "by their fruits" in the Bible. They explain that the word is used to describe the praiseworthy of a person or situation, and that it is not a holy spirit. The speaker also discusses various examples of Jesus Christ's use of the word "by their fruits" to describe his actions and accomplishments.
AI: Transcript ©
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The word that they translate

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to comforter

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in the Greek and Aramaic,

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they say it is paraklutos.

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actually means an advocate or friend. But irrespective

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whether they translate as comforter or advocate or

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friend, all of these

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But if you go to the original manuscript,

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it is not periklitus, it is periklitus.

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And periklutos

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the praiseworthy.

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One who praises.

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Translated into Arabic,

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it means Ahmed, Which was another name from

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The original word is periclitus,

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which if you translate means the praiseworthy.

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The one who praises. The one who praises

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in Arabic, if you translate, means Ahmed, which

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was another name of Prophet Muhammad As is

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mentioned in the Quran, in Surasaf, chapter number

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61, verse number 6. Jesus Christ, peace be

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upon him, said, Job in Israel, oh children

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of Israel, I've been sent as a messenger

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to you, confirming the law that came before

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me, and giving glad tidings of a messenger

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to come whose name shall be Ahmed.

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So original word is which

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means Ahmed. But irrespective,

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whether it is

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or Whether it is

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the one who praises or advocate or friend,

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or comforter.

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All these meanings perfect perfectly the last and

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final messenger, prophet Muhammad

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Further if you go, it's mentioned in the

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gospel of John, chapter number 16, verse number

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12 to 14. Jesus

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I have many things to send to you,

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but he cannot bear them now. For he,

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when the spirit of truth shall come, he

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shall guide on to all truth. He shall

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not speak of himself. All that is here,

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shall he speak.

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He shall show you things to come. He

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shall glorify me.

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I repeat, Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,

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said in the gospel of John, chapter number

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16, verse number 12 to 14, Jesus Christ,

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peace be upon him, says, I have many

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things to say unto you, but he cannot

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bear them now, for he, when the spirit

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of truth shall come, he shall guide you

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onto all truth. He shall not speak of

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himself. All that hears shall speak. He shall

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glorify me. He, he, he, he, he.

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5, 6, he. Telling it's not the holy

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He shall show you things to come, he

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shall glorify me. The only messenger of God,

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the only human being who claimed to be

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messenger of God, after Jesus Christ peace be

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upon him, and glorified Jesus Christ peace be

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upon him, it is prophet Muhammad sallallahu sallam.

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He's even mentioned in the last revelation of

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Almighty God, the glorious Quran.

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Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam repeated the last

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revelation of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, this is

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the glorious Quran and he's mentioned by name

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no less than 25 times in the Quran.

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Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, testified and

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glorified Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, in

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the Quran by name no less than 25

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Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, is telling

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I have many things to say unto you,

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but he cannot bear them now. For he,

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when the spirit of truth shall come, he

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shall guide you unto all truth. He shall

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not speak of himself, all that hear shall

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He shall show you things to come. He

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shall glorify me. This prophecy refers to no

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one but the last and final messenger,

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Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

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There are several other prophecies

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mentioned in the Old Testament, as well as

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the New Testament about Prophet Muhammad

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The criteria given by Jesus, peace be upon

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about knowing a true prophet,

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is mentioned in the gospel of Matthew, chapter

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number 7, verse number 16 to 20. Jesus

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Christ, peace be upon him, says, by their

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fruits, he shall know them.

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Do men

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gather grapes

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from thorns

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figs from thistles?

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Every good tree

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shall bear good fruits.

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Every evil tree shall bear evil

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By their fruits,

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ye shall know them. Jesus Christ, peace be

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upon him, put a criteria. I would like

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to end my talk

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by analyzing the criteria Jesus Christ, peace be

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upon him, put for a true prophet. Gospel

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of Matthew, chapter number 7, verse number 16

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to 20. By their fruits, he shall know

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Do men gather

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grapes from thorns

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or figs from thistles?

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Every good tree shall bear good fruits, and

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every evil tree shall bear evil fruits. By

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their fruits, he shall know them.

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And we have several testimonies

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of non Muslims

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regarding the greatness of Prophet Muhammad

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you can give a lecture, you can talk

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for days together

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regarding the testimony, not of Muslims,

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of non Muslims.

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Regarding the last and final messenger, Prophet Muhammad,

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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