Zakir Naik – Muslims are now Weak in Faith, Strength and Knowledge. How can the Muslims get their Heritage Back?

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The importance of faith and knowledge in regaining the past through Honi's teachings, learning Arabic, and the use of Glorious titles is emphasized. The rise of Islam in Europe, the success of the Islamist movement, and the importance of unity and the d union between Muslims and Christian groups are also discussed. The need to hold strong in the Quran is emphasized, and the importance of not being divided is emphasized. The three main factors for achieving success in the future are emphasized, and the importance of striving for the best in the world is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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This question from abroad or from Kashmir, Peace and mercy be upon you. There is no doubt that Almighty Allah has taken great work from you.

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May Allah make your bounty more common. Dr. Sahib, the way we see today is that there is a lot of effort to defame Muslims. And the Muslims themselves are going astray, day by day, and the Muslims are now weak in every way, in terms of faith, in terms of strength, in terms of knowledge, the condition of Muslims now would hardly have happened in any error. My question is, how do Muslims get the heritage back? What do we need to do to regain a position?

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The brother has rightly said

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that Muslims today are weak.

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When it comes to the condition of faith, where it is regarding strength, where it is regarding knowledge, we have,

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what should be done to regain our past glory, there are various things to be done, so that the Muslims can get back the path theory.

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The full speech again, given that time will not permit me to speak in detail, but I can give you three important points that the Muslims should lay stress on to solve this problem. Number one,

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the Muslims should go back to Quran and authentic hadith of the Beloved Prophet Musa.

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If you look in the past, at the time of Mosul Salaam, at the time of the Sabbath, at the time of qualification in

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the Muslims are powerful.

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The Muslims were Top of the World, so much so that during the reign of Omar mela up the tip, the second Caliph of Islam,

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the Islamic empire, it expanded and Alhamdulillah we were one of the most powerful people in the world. But today we find that we are looked down upon, we are criticized, we are pointed fingers that we are laughed upon. And I do agree with the question. The reason is, we have gone away from the Quran and Sunnah.

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If we go back to Quran and Sunnah, if you follow the guidance mentioned the Glorious Quran, and the authentic hadith of the Beloved Prophet, inshallah, we will be torchbearers in the world again. If you

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read the history of Europe, it faith from the eighth to the 12th century, it was the Dark Ages, that form that for the Europeans, not for the world.

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The amount of advancement that the Muslim Arabs made from the eighth to the 12th century is phenomenal. If you go back to history, and you read that, in terms of science and technology, from the eighth redressing to the Muslim on top of the world, the father of chemistry was, they say, geber, it is Jabir Ibn Hajar not give her the rest of the name is Jacqueline hayyan. In mathematics, in astronomy, in physics, the Muslims on top of the world, so much so that if you wanted to excel in science, it was compulsory, you learn Arabic language. Today, you have learned English language, because English is the international language. At that time, Arabic was the most sought after

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language. If you wanted to excel in science and technology, and in literature, you had to learn Arabic, which is not the case today was that time the Muslims were close to the Quran and Sunnah we were on top of the world.

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Number two, Allah says in the Quran in Surah Al Quran Chapter number three was the 103 while at the same will be humbly like a meal without the whole strongly to the rope of L nine minute divided the rope of Allah is the Glorious Quran and authentically, number one, number two, we have to be united and we should not be divided. So this was on the Quran gives the two most important solutions for the advancement of the Muslims work the same will be Hubli Lai, Jamil holds strongly to the rope of Allah without the frog, and we're not divided. So you have to hold strong

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Quran and Sunnah. Go back to the Quran. Sunnah. Number two, we should be united and we should not be divided. Unfortunately today, most of the Muslims are divided in most parts of the world. They're divided into different schools of thought in different sects in different ideologies. They are divided in two different groups,

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different organizations, you may have different organizations, no problem you may have different schools of thought, no problem but we should be united we should meet as one oma.

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Today the non Muslims are taking advantage of us because we are divided.

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If you're united, this will never happen. And the third is that today, the Muslims are carry more for dunya than the Hara.

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Allah says in the Quran, that if

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you strive for the dunya, Allah will give you dunya but will not give you

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but if you stay for the akhira Allah will give accurate as well as

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all of us No,

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one of the most important was that we make very often is Tom sereebutra. Chapter number two was number 201 Rabbana atina fifth donia has not offered accurate or has not have not given that Oh Lord, give us the best in this world and the hereafter and save us from the tournament

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of the Hellfire robina atina fifth dunia has not offered aka has not have another winner. We know this. But do you know the worst that comes before this? And majority the Muslim No, no. There was before this dua faith that those who strive for this dunya Allah give me the dunya does not give you

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then the outcomes even in this dua if you analyze the first one to do is talking about the dunya robina Athena Finn dunya or Lord give me the good in this world.

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Robin Athena feduni hasna doe fulfill after the webinar and give me the good in the hereafter and save me from the torment of hellfire. So 1/3 of the device Give me the best in this world. Number two, if Give me the best in the Acura

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and the third is save me from the torment of hellfire. So, first 1/3 is talking about donia the next to third is talking about Acura the best in that era and save me from the torment of the hellfire. That means even in this duel 1/3 is only for this dunya 230 for the Hara. Unfortunately today, most of the Muslims majority they are running after dunya so much that they have forgotten their Hara.

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If you stay for that Hera insha Allah Allah you the dunya natural

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if you do for the dunya okay let it be maximum month or not more than that. Today we find the Muslims, whether they be in any field, whether the business, whether they be at the professional, whether they be at the politician, they are striving for this dunya than the ACA

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if you strive for our Hara Allah will you actually in this dunya also. So these three criteria are in brief, that if we pay attention on these three things that are the most important three factors, and there are other factors also for upliftment of the oma but this, according to me are the three major factors that if we go back to foreign Asana, and we follow the guidance of Allah in the Quran, and in the authentic hadith of the Beloved Prophet number one, number two, the Muslims should be united and should not be divided. And number three, that we should strive more for the Ashura stay for the Hera Allah will give you the dunya Also, if you stay for dunya it should not be more than

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1/3 if you stay for Accra inshallah, Allah you the best in our Cara as well as dunya. hope this answered this question.

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