Zakir Naik – First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah a Great Opportunity for Doing Good Deeds

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The speaker introduces a talk on the 1st 10 days of the Lija, divided into 4 sections. The first is the importance of the first 10 days of the Lija, which is a forgotten sun realize of the partner sallahu alaihi wa sallam. The speaker emphasizes the opportunity to make the best of it, even if you have missed minor sins. The second section is the important acts and deeds of the first 10 days of the Lija, which are the opportunity to be made of during the second ended of the Lija.
AI: Summary ©
I welcome you to a talk on the
1st 10 days of the Lija. I've divided
this talk
into 4 sections.
The first
is importance
of the first ten days of the Lija.
The second is
the important acts and deeds to be done
during the first ended of the Lijja. The
third is the virtue of Arafa,
and the 4th is
idul adha
or yawmul nahar.
First, we'll discuss
the importance
of the first 10 days of the lijjah.
is a forgotten sunnah of our beloved partner
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. You may have
sinned all year.
You may have missed
doing good deeds in the month of Ramadan.
You may have missed
the last 10 nights of Ramadan. You may
have missed
doing good deeds, doing Lele Trukadar.
This is the opportunity.
Make the best of it. The first 10
days of the rajah.
Even if you have not sinned the whole
year, maybe you did some minor sins.
Maybe you did Ibadah in the month of
Even you might have got the last 10
nights of Ramadan.
Even you might have prayed the full night
of life through Khadar, yet
you cannot afford as a Muslim
the opportunity
during the first 10 days of the lizyah.