Zakir Naik – As Regards their Birth – Muhammad was like unto Moses and Fits the Biblical Prophecy

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the origins of the Bible and the Quran, highlighting that the Bible has a message of peace being upon a man, not a woman. The Bible also has a message of peace being upon a woman, not a man. The speaker concludes that the Bible is more dispatched and noble than the Bible, and that Jesus Christ is the same as Moses.
AI: Transcript ©
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Moses and Mohammed, peace be upon them, both

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were born

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Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, was born

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He was born without any male intervention.

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that is also mentioned in the Bible, as

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well as the Quran.

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The Bible says in the gospel of Matthew,

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chapter number 1, verse number 18,

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Before they came together, that is before Mary

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and Joseph,

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they came together

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by the power of the Holy Ghost.

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A similar message is given in the gospel

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of Luke, chapter number 1, verse number 3435.

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When the glad tidings was given to mother

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may Allah be pleased with her, that she

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will have a son,

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she replies,

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how shall I have a son when I

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knoweth no man?

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So the angel replies that

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the Holy Ghost

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will come upon thee, and the power of

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the most high

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will overshadow

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A similar,

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but much sublime,

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much noble message is given in the Quran

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in surya al Imran. Chapter number 3, verse

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number 45 to verse number 47.

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When mother Mary, peace be upon her, when

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she was given the message, glad tidings, that

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she will have a son, she replies, how

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shall I have a son when no man

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has touched me?

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The Bible says, how shall I have a

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son when I knoweth no man? Knowing a

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me sexually.

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in the Quran she says, how shall I

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have a son when no man has touched

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me? Touch me me sexually.

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The angel replies,

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Allah created what He wills.

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And when He decrees a matter,

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is that because of amran, Allah decrees a

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matter, he just says to it,

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be and it is.

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Comparing both the messages are similar, but the

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words of the Quran are much more sublime,

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much more noble.

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Because if you read the Bible, in the

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Bible, gospel of Luke, chapter 1, verse number

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34 says, when Mary, peace be upon her,

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says, how shall I have a son

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when I knoweth no man? So the angel

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says, the Holy Ghost will come upon thee,

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and the power of the most high shall

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overpower thee. You You know, it gives a

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mental picture, which is disturbing.

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It is not very sublime.

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But the Quranic message is more sublime and

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When Mary, peace be upon her, says, in

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surah Imran, chapter 3, verse number 45 to

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47, How shall I have a son when

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no man has touched me? So the angels

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Allah created

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what he built.

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And when he decrees a matter,

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he just says,

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Be as it is. And the more sublime.

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both the Bible and the Quran say that

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Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, was born

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without any male intervention.

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So if we analyze,

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as far as the birth of all these

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prophets are concerned, Muhammad, peace be upon him,

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is like Moses, peace be upon him. And

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Jesus, peace be upon him, is unlike Moses,

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peace be upon him.

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