Yousef Bakeer – Quranic Dua For Difficult Times

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes Missy and her husband's "acquisition" with their "acquisition" and their "acquisition" with various people. The segment also touches on the loss of Salama and her journey to a new "interrupted" and "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "interrupted" "inter
AI: Transcript ©
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was salam ala Rasulillah. While early he was so happy he won my

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Wallah. It's a pleasure and joy to welcome you all tonight for the

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DUA at night. And this time is going to be a little bit different

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be the light to Allah, it's going to be more conversational in

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nature. And on that note, I want to ask our dear beloved shift use

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of Bucky, if you could tell us a little bit of a background of this

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week's Hadith and what makes it so special and so unique

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sokola he'd rather Temen Allah subhanaw taala bless you. And I'm

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glad that I get to be here in this conversation with you and

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Hamdulillah. So this

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is, as I mentioned, and stated in Surah Baqarah, Allah subhanaw

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taala says, in Allah, we're in that era as your own. And the

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translation of this

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indeed, we belong to Allah subhanaw taala. And we should

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return back to him.

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And Subhan Allah, I thought of this die because a convert came up

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to me after a Janaza prayer. And he asked me this question, I hear

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the Imam saying, in Allah when Allah has your own, by don't

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really understand why the Imam keeps repeating over and over. And

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then people, you know, saying to each other, the same exact verse.

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And I'm wondering, what does that even mean?

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My answer to him was

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a man called to be said that this is Mel J. Linda will Messiah.

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So this is for those who are going through calamities and hard times.

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And so it's Melcher. myalgia, is a very powerful and beautiful words

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in Arabic language. And I can translate it into a comfort. So

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those who are going through hard times, the may find comfort,

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reciting, in that Allah I told them in Allah, it means that

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we belong to Allah. We're living in his kingdom. And we are His

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servants. So He does what He wills. And then we're in LA here

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as your own. So the first part is actually what Islam is all about

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submission to Allah subhanaw taala surrender to Allah subhanaw taala.

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And then the second part, in that we're in that you lay here as your

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own, we are refreshing our faith. We're saying that in one day, we

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will go and meet Allah subhanaw taala. And this is crucial,

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because in the times of calamities, some people questioned

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the existence of Allah and say, why this is happening to me. So

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Allah is reminding us here, we should, we should say we should

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actually bring this clean and certainty that in one day, we will

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go back to Allah subhanaw taala. So it's sort of refreshing our

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And this is Subhanallah what what Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam

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taught our mother on Musallam when she was going through kind of the

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same hardships and hard times, he actually told her this.

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Actually, if you could just tell us a little bit more about the

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about our mother home sell him out of the Aloha Aloha, and the

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circumstances under which the Navy slice and I'm Tada This beautiful

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Yeah, so Subhanallah almost cinema was the one of the first woman who

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actually reverted to Islam in the early early age of Islam. And

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almost selama got to migrate to a few of your first and then she

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came back to Makkah, and then she did their second migration to El

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Medina. But before

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leaving Mecca, that tribe of her husband figured out that almost

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Salama and Abu selama both of them are leaving to Almudena. So they

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actually decided to take their son selama away from both of them.

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And, And subhanAllah that was that was heart breaking to to almost

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Salama and Abu Salam, and the forced Abu Salama to leave Mecca.

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So at this point, almost Halima was all alone. She away from her

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own son and away from her own husband.

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And subhanAllah you know, like when we go to a mall and some and

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you know, we don't see our kids around, you know, we panicked we

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actually you know, our hearts you know, beats very fast and it the

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fact that you imagine that your son is away or your daughter is

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away from you, is actually very tough. So, almost I'm I couldn't

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handle this. So in a daily basis, she used to go to the same spot,

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same spots, where the took her her son and cries and weeps

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and tell

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After one year, after one year of this, they decided finally, to

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give to give her her some back. When that happened, she left

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smackAh to El Medina, and then another calamity hits where her

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husband got injured in the Battle of birth.

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And just, you know, think about what's in her mind at this time,

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at this point, you know, this is a hobby, I went through a lot. And,

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and and on that, and, you know, on the deathbed, she told her

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husband, you know, if one of us dies, I promise you, that I will

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never remarry again. I will never remarry again. And then her

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husband told her in sha Allah, Allah would replace you with

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someone better than me. And then he passed away.

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Now, almost selama are the Allah Allah, Allah, she, you know, she

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started her new now, new journey of hardships being a widow, in

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that society was not easy at all. Being in this society, a divorced

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woman, or I'm sorry, a widow, who her husband is gone, and no system

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support around her and she has to figure it out things on her own is

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very tough. And then Subhanallah Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem, came

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up to her and told her this

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he told her say in Allah we're in Elijah Raj room and then there is

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actually the second part of this die is from the Sunnah it's it's

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it's as beautiful as this as this part. Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem

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told her say Allah who met journey fie Musa Betty was listening Hi,

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Ramona, Oh Allah, reward me, reward me for my calamity, and

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replace me with something better. And subhanAllah. After this Abu

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Bakr Siddiq proposed to her and she rejects. And then amagno,

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Hatha proposed her and she rejects and then the Prophet himself

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam proposed her, and she accepted and

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she, she, she became omal Momineen, almost, not the Allah,

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Allah, Allah on our Da, what a beautiful ending to a story that's

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filled with so much sadness, initially, so much grief, and so

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much loss. What's an important lesson that you think we can

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derive from from her powerful journey?

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So Hala, this is one of my favorite daughters Wallahi

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I think one lesson that we can unpack from the life of

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our mother or masala

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is the fact that we, we tend to have the psychology of

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deprivation, like we blame ourselves too much. When we go

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through calamity. We beat our beat up ourselves and we say, you know,

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I could do better. Why this is you know, like, I would never get

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something better than this. I we blame ourselves a lot. We feel

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guilty about so many things that we have done in the past. And

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sometimes we go to the extent that we think that this is a punishment

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from Allah subhanaw taala. A calamity could be a punishment

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from Allah. And we actually apply this as this is Allah is punishing

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But this dua, Allah subhanaw taala, wants to wants us to flip

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the script, Allah here is telling us say, oh, Allah reward me for my

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calamity, and replace me with something better. So now you're

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shifting the psychology of the provision to a psychology of

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abundance. You're now asking Allah subhanaw taala to replace you with

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something better and to reward you. So this is this is very

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powerful, that almost salamati Allah on her, she applied it and

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Allah has given her this award Subhan Allah

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subhanaw taala before we we get I know, we have to get to what

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everybody's been waiting for the prizes. I'll just ask you one last

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question. Shekinah you mentioned that this is your favorite dua.

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What why?

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This is my favorite. Because Subhanallah since very young age.

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One time I I was, you know, asking my parents to to give me a cat,

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right to buy a cat for me. And finally, after so many times

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asking over and over and over my pet my father gave me that cat And

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subhanAllah after a few days

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My cat died.

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And I was very, very sad I was very sad about this. And I

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actually started you know, crying the entire day. Then my mother

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came up to me and said,

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say in Allah, what is your own and then say along my journey, few

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musi batini Allah reward me for my calamity, while lifting the higher

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omega and replace me for something better.

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15 years later,

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my mother passed away. And, and my mother Subhanallah she, she was, I

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was very, very close to her, she, she used to review with me the

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Quran, she used to be my teacher, and she used to be, you know,

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Quran in the masjid, she she used to be very active in the in that

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community Subhanallah and then she was fighting cancer and, and the

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day that she passed away, was very devastating for the entire

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subhanAllah you know, if these thoughts start to come to mind,

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like we could have done better, we could have changed the doctor, we

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could have moved her to a different hospital hospital. And

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Allahu Allah, He shifts him in what healed my heart because it

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was hard. It was I was heartbroke what healed my heart was the words

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that she told me in that Allah were in LA here's your own

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Allahumma journey he musi. But he was listening Hi Ramona, that came

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to mind over and over saying, We belong to Allah, it's his kingdom.

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And we shall return back to him. And may Allah word me

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Oh Allah, the word me for what I've lost, and replace me with

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something better. And subhanAllah you know, the one thing that she

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used to teach me is that leave a legacy. Oh, it was she was always

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telling me leave a legacy And subhanAllah every time you will

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notice that most of my talks are about leave a legacy. And every

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time I talk about this, I can imagine that this reward that word

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of those who are listening to these talks are following her

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Subhan Allah Tala every time I recite the Quran every time I

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pray, every time people hear the words of Allah subhanaw taala this

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word is actually following her. So may Allah subhanaw taala have

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mercy on all of our mothers and our parents. I mean Alibrandi

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Lahoma I mean you're up and may Allah Subhana Allah have mercy

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upon your mother who taught you and therefore you're teaching us

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and May he accept this from her as a southern Nigeria may have so

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much mercy upon her subhanho wa Taala that he entrusts her into

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genital for those be Lady He said without any taking into account

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and unite you with her and your whole family and all of your loved

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ones yada but I mean just like them, okay, and and botica Lo Fi

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calm and now we're gonna move on to the prizes.

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This Mila so there is a question for the young

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young men and women in the room and then there is a question for

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the others because they got mad at me last time. So I have to

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accommodate everybody. So I'll start with a question for the

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adults don't like to say elders because you know, you still use

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So what is the real name of OMO selama body Allah Juana the real

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name of OMO Salama or the Allah on

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and you cannot say shut up

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yes brother

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No, Xena Binta hush is the wife of a salsa salaam right but her name

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is hint though, but what's her last name?

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I mean, you will get praised Don't worry.

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Her Her name is hint bint or my year hand been to omega you get

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your price and shallow towel.

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Now now the question for you. I'll answer you this after after the

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question Salah My question for you guys. Now

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what was the date

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of last Saturday?

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Last Saturday we didn't even have a class so I was trying to trick

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you. I mean, the last one it was two weeks ago. So what was the DA

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and the translation? Yes brother.

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Okay, he already knows the Arabic version Mashallah.

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Wow 400.

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Phone sort of now, come here.

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Hello Coleman, Catherine Takbeer I want you to say it in the

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microphone Mashallah. Because everybody has to hear Sundar

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Benalla to

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be waffle on our field on our Hannah.

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Genoa fall for now I look okay, we'll get you in but be

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sure come here

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Baraka Luffy calm chef and Al Habib, Chef Yusuf. Before we end I

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want to remind everybody or inform you rather that next week we're

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not going to be having a duel at night but we'll have one in two

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weeks on March 12. Saturday, March 12. That's going to be the last

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day and the 10th Day before we take a break for Ramadan via the

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light hits Allah so hope you can all join us there Subhanak alone

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behind the curtain a shadow Allah Allah Allah and minister Fuuka

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went to Lake wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Hurtado barakato

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