Yousef Bakeer – Dua For The Childless From Prophet Zakariyya a.s Story

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The title of the Quran is a difficult one, but important titles like having a child and finding a partner help are important. The speakers discuss the struggles of those who have been struggling with a difficult situation and the importance of guidance and support. They also mention the importance of finding a partner and encourage others to do the same. The segment then explores the struggles of those who have been alone in relationships and the need for guidance and support.
AI: Transcript ©
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While early he or software he was selling to steam and cathedra they

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are a burner Alico Kellner where he Lika and Lebanon were illegal

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can receive. My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam Salam alaykum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Masha Allah, Masha Allah.

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So today Hamdulillah we continue with a series of the Quranic dua

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as the eyes that were mentioned in the Quran. And we say that we're

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about 50 The eyes about 50 to the eyes were mentioned in the Quran.

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And these guys have such an important

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Just because Allah has selected these 52 eyes, from the time of

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Prophet Adam all the way to Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu

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sallam, and until the Day of Judgment, these guys are preserved

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in the holy book of the Quran.

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So, these dyes are very important, very special, very special dyes,

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and most of them do as of profits. So today, there is another dye

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that we're going to be discussing, as you see in the screen. It is

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the DA of profit profit tool by the way, Zakariya Prophet Zekeriya

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Alayhis Salam, but before I speak about this dua

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now the question question is, what was that I that I mentioned last

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time and I would love to see new people in sha Allah come over Miss

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Yes, come over here

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welcome Rob beautiful Nemo Telesat work Rajini Maharaja sedco

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journeyman legend cleverly and nasira

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journeyman legend consult consultant and Sarah Masha Allah

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tech be staying I have to give you two more questions. You're not

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going to get the gift that easy.

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now the question is where this idea is it is stated in the Quran

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when the Prophet was being

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assaulted, that's true. What sitcom means? Truth?

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That's right, this guy got all the answers right? Mashallah. Should I

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ask him one more question? No, no? Okay, I'll ask you one more

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question. soltana means what? Authority authority mashallah this

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guy deserves the gifts inshallah tech beard

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Zakka lucky. What's your name?

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Ali Masha Allah Allah may Allah subhanaw taala bless you and make

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you among those who grow up to be beacons of light in sha Allah

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Allah Allah say Amin, masha Allah type, to make it short. This

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is a beautiful die of prophets that Korea for some reasons that

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I'm going to mention today in sha Allah. Wala he brothers and

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sisters, this dua has a magic has its magic. First we want to learn

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why Prophet Zakaria made this live from first place. Prophets that

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Korea is Salam was awkward, with was infertile, and his wife was

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infertile as well.

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They cannot have kids for so many years. Some narration say that he

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was about 90 years old, and he couldn't have kids.

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And so he decided to continue to make this tremendous dua to Allah

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subhanaw taala for Allah to give him a child. He did not get tired

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of asking Allah subhanaw taala over and over and over about

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having a child and then he said to Allah subhanaw taala and sort of

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thorium. He said rugby in the wahana love momoney Oh Allah, I'm

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getting tired. I'm getting sick.

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Wash tabula rasa Shaybah and my hair is becoming gray now. I'm

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getting very older and sick.

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While I'm at Columbia, with the IRA bisha Korea and I never got

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tired of asking you over and over to give me that child for heavily

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Mila don't call Alia who Allah give me a will li give me some

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child who can carry my name, who can actually carry my daughter who

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can actually be a prophet after me to keep this lineage the lineage

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of Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam

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So this is this is a unique a situation in the Quran because

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Prophet Zachary Allah His Salam cannot call an imam Tabari Imam

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taba. He said that his wife prophets, the courier's wife, her

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name was Isha.

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And E Shah has a sister, her sister is Hannah. So in Manitoba,

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he said that Hannah, the sister of the wife of Prophets, that Korea,

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she actually was struggling with the same thing. And then finally,

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she got a child. And that child was who

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was Maryam Alayhis Salam. So, you know, for those who cannot have

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kids, it is very painful, seeing people around your family members,

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that they actually having children

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and especially those who are struggling with the same situation

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like you. And then Allah subhanaw taala had made it easy on them and

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have a child. So Prophet Zachary Ali Salam was going through this.

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And then prophets that Korea decided to even take care of

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malaria, malaria, salam, when everybody was wanted to be, you

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know, the one who takes care of us Maria Maria Salam, Zachary, I was

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the first one who said, I want to take care of her. And then he

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continues to make dua And subhanAllah Maryam Alayhis Salam

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was actually in the situation when Allah has responded to Prophet

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Zekeriya because every time he walks in her room, he finds her

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praying to Allah subhanaw taala and he finds a lot of food for him

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food and Prophet Zechariah Islam as Maria Maria Salaam and said,

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Where did you get this food from? And then Maria Malaya Salam said,

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it is from Allah in hola hola. Yara Zuckerman Yasha Oba he said,

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he she said to him, with very, you know, she was confident. And she

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told him Allah is the One who gives the risk.

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It means that Allah can actually give you this risk in form of a

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child. And then who nearly Kedah as a courier rob the courier at

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this moment. He also made dua one more time. Oh, Allah gave me this

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child. And that was the last time that was the last do I have

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Prophet Zachary? Right after this. Who Nanika dasa Karela Bacala

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Robbie Hubballi Mila don't care to return to yoga and like a semi or

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da fan that will mela aka to who are called ammonia suddenly

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filmhub and Allahu Bashir who can be here. Right after this while He

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was praying to Allah subhanaw taala the angels called Zecharia

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and told him, Allah is giving you good news, you will have a child

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with the name of Yahia

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the importance of this, by my experience, Wally has its magic

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for everyone who is going through the same situation. Or anyone who

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is actually alone in this world. Rob Billetto journey further, this

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is the door I have today. Oh Allah. Don't make me alone.

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For anyone who is even in a relationship but feels alone. Or

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someone who's struggling with getting married, or someone who's

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struggling with having a child Wallahi this has its magic. I

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a brother in New Jersey,

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about four years ago,

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he came up to me and told me that he got married and about three

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years now. And there is there is no you know, there is no hope to

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have a child, they went to the doctor. And he was you know,

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hoping that the doctor gives them good news. And then the doctor

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finally after a lot of back and forth back and forth with the

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doctors. Finally he told his wife, there is no way you can have a

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So he told me shares I invested everything I have invested most of

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my money, because my insurance doesn't cover all of this. And all

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of my efforts and I'm just done with this. And he's even thinking

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about, you know, a divorce so he can actually get married again and

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have a child

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and he consulted some brothers and they told them actually you should

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do this. Go ahead and you know, divorce your wife get married

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again. So you have a child. And I told him no, no, no, this is not

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the right Naseeha the right Naseeha is you took care of all of

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your means you did everything possible. But you forgot about

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something very important. Robert as bad. Allah subhanaw taala you

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forgot to actually knock the door

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Have Allah subhanaw taala and ask Allah subhanaw taala to give you

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that child, you did not use this yet. So Allah Chavez was giving a

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beautiful cookbook, last Friday about this concept of terracotta.

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I highly recommend you to watch it online if you didn't attend it

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here. So he took care of all as bad, but he forgot Robert S bap.

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And I told him brother, make this dua. Rob be letter Darney.

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Further, Rob Diletta Verni further, make this work

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over and over and over again every night. You see how much effort you

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have put, going to the doctors back and forth. Put the same

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efforts on asking Allah Allah subhana wa Taala and ask Allah and

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tell him in Mecca set in Mecca send me or Dr. You are the whole

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the old hearing you're hearing me because this is the same name that

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Prophet Zakaria used when he asked Allah subhanaw taala by the way,

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we this is the etiquette of making dua. We ask Allah by His beautiful

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names and attributes. Right? So he told him in Mecca, semi or da I

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told the Brother, please make dua wala Hill are the brothers and

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sisters. After two months. They went to the doctor because his

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wife didn't feel well in one day. They went to the doctor, they went

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to the pharmacy, they got, you know, the pregnancy tests, and

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they found out that she's pregnant. And then and his wife

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didn't believe him. And he did not believe it. They went to the

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doctor and they made sure that she's actually pregnant. Now he

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has a beautiful son Mashallah. He's actually one year old now

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Masha, Allah may Allah subhanaw taala bless him and bless this

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Another situation, back in the day in Egypt, a dentist 17 years

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couldn't have child

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17 years Walhalla the him 17 years did not have a child and he gave

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And then Subhanallah my father this time, gave him a piece of

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advice. He told him Brother, you've done everything. You have

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no hope. But why don't you just make this dua rock Billa tourney

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further. Oh Allah. Don't make me alone.

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Wala Hill, Avi, by Allah. After few months, they got the news that

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his wife is pregnant. So

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the eyebrow, the reminder here, if you are already putting all of

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your efforts, all of your efforts and it's not working out. Don't

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forget about Robert speb Allah subhanaw taala and make this dua

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that I have Prophet Zekeriya alayhi salam, now,

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may Allah subhanaw taala make us among those who internalize this

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law and use it in sha Allah Allah.

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Before I wrap up this beautiful altaira I want to ask you, I

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actually got pushed back after my last quarter last week, a brother

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came up to me and told me, you promised us that you are actually

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going to give gifts for adults and you did not you know, fulfill your

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promise. So I told him don't worry, I have a question for you

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in sha Allah, if you get it right, you will get a gift and actually I

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got today

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black seed honey, I got this honey from Yemen, this is very organic

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and and great honey. So for whoever gets this answer right

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from the adults this time, he will get this this hour she will get

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inshallah to Allah this honey Bismillah.

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Now, actually had the question in mind before Salah by Subhanallah I

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forgot it, but I I will come up with with a different question

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inshallah. So I said

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in one of the sutras, Allah subhanaw taala said, describing

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Prophet Zekeriya situation. So, Zakaria Alayhis Salam was talking

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to Allah and he told him Rob be in the Y Hana love Mini was tabula

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rasa Shaybah Well, I'm echo bit why rubbish Acharya

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in which surah Allah subhanaw taala said this. Oh my god.

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I didn't know that oh, this this jelly or this community, all her

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father, Mashallah. So now another question. Yes, brother Hamid, you

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wanted to say something? So, another question.

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According to, according to Imam katabi According to Imam katabi

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who is the wife of Prophet Zechariah Ali Salam

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these guys have

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have very short memory Mashallah. Okay so last question and the

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first one who says it will get the honey and sisters please

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Last question

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he already knew the question that I

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know I was about to ask. So let's let's let's have a deal. I'm gonna

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end it here and I will think about a good question for next call

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today so hello Tyler. So

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that's honey will injure someone. May Allah subhanaw taala bless our

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children and may Allah subhanaw taala make us among those who

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internalize that the eyes of the Quran, Amin, amin Arrabal, Alameda

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Calacatta Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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