Yasir Qadhi – The Importance of a Pure Heart – Qalb Salim

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses three basic elements of the calypsonian, which is the heart full of compassion for everybody. The calypsonian means your heart is full of compassion for everybody, and you should want something in order to get it. The calypsonian means your heart is full of compassion for everybody, and you should want something in order to get it. The calypsonian means your heart is full of compassion for everybody, and you should want something in order to get it. The calypsonian means your heart is full of compassion for everybody, and you should want something in order to get it. The calypsonian means your heart is full of compassion for everybody, and you should want something in order to get it. The calypsonian means your heart is full of compassion for everybody, and you should want something in order to get it. Number one, you should want something in order to get it, and we should all want it. Number
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Salud. hamdulillah salatu salam ala ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam O

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Allah azza wa jal mentions the story of Ibrahim alayhis salaam in the Quran. And Allah says that Ibrahim made a dua to Allah.

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Allah The Ibrahim said that lots of Xena Yomi veritone Yama, Pharaoh Marlon will ever known in lemon as Allah Calvin Salim Our Lord, do not humiliate me or embarrass me on that day, that neither wealth nor children will benefit anyone, except if they come to their Lord with a pure heart. So everybody his Salaam understands that he has to have a pure heart on the Day of Judgment. Whoever comes with Calvin Selim.

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In another verse in the Quran, Allah praises Ibrahim at a later stage of his life. And Allah says, remind to them the story of Ibrahim is john araba, who has been Selim, he came to his Lord with a pure heart.

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These are the only two places in the Quran that Allah mentions ulb Selim the only two places the first of them, Ibrahim is a young boy, he has been kicked out of his father's house, and he makes the odd to Allah that Allah Allah do not humiliate me on the Day of Judgment, on that day that no one will be able to benefit themselves, except if they come in front of you with the Calvin Saleem. So as a young teenager, maybe 1415 years old, Ibrahim Ali Salim has in his in his mind, I need to have a calm, serene a pure heart. Then as an older man, Allah says Ibrahim came to us with the hub setting. What does this show us? It shows us that when you really want something, inshallah you will

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attain it. When you have that goal, when you have that desire. You will get it. If you even have the desire, how's it going to happen? You have to aim and aim high. And Ibrahim knew that he wanted one thing called serene. And Allah Himself said Ibrahim came to us with Khalid Salim now what is upselling so this is one major benefit, by the way, that if you want something, everything begins with what's in them and Mr. Lubin? neot do you want Jana? Don't tell me just Yes. Do you really want Jenna? Is it in your heart? Are you thinking about Jenna? Is it something you daydream about? Is it something you make draw about if you don't even have it in your desires in your near? How is it

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going to happen? And by the way, what type of agenda do you want? You want just the mediocre? Are you one of those because our profitsystem said when you ask Allah ask for what fill those you aim for the highest you want to have a pure heart and inshallah you will get it now what is the phone sending? Well, from the story of Ibrahim Ali his center we can see what is concerning. From the story we brought him two main things stick out that is what is the pure heart. Number one, that in your heart you have no love of any mahalo other than Allah subhana wa Tada. This is number one.

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Whether that mahalo is false idols, we know the story of Abraham and the idols. We know the story of the Nimrod telling him, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to torture you. I'm going to murder you. And it goes has to be Robbie. I need only my Lord. So there was no love of any idol. And even when the love of his son, Allah challenged that love and said Which one do you really love more? We know the story of Ibrahim Ali Salaam, fellow Muslim what tele hula jabeen when are they now Ebrahim? Gazza Dr. ruja so number one of ulb Salim is that the love of Allah azza wa jal is paramount. And anything that conflicts with that love needs to be gotten rid of, then anything that you can love

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and love Allah with through that love No problem. Love your family, love your children love your wealth, but as long as it's within the shadow of Allah subhana wa Tada. But any love of a false god not going to happen. We cannot love there is no god besides Allah. So that's number one love of Allah. What else number two that Ibrahim story demonstrates.

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Ibrahim alayhis salam was full of love of the creation.

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Love of the mahalo of Allah. He loved compassion and mercy.

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For everybody, when his own father said to him, if you don't stop, I'm going to stone you to death. The lm 10 T, the our German. What did Ibrahim alayhis salam say?

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Call the Salah Malik Salford Allah crumby his heart was full of love, even though his father wanted to kill him. When the angels came and said to Ibrahim Ali Salaam, Allah has sent sent us army loot. And Allah has sent us to get rid of communists. And Ibrahim began stood up and Allah says ugi do not feel calm. He wrote. He began arguing with us, you judge him against saving COVID Have mercy give them chance, right. Then Allah says in the Ibrahima, a wa Hoon had him. A Brian is compassionate, full always coming back. Yeah, Ibrahim argued on how they brought him Don't go there. I have already decreed you're begging and pleading is not going to change the decree. But look his heart against

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the people who did what they're doing that that cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and what is Abraham's hearts, arguing? give them another chance let them live. That cult is absurd him. Your heart is overflowing with love, no animosity, no hatred, no jealousy, nothing but pure compassion and love and mercy for everybody. This is Olofsson him. So when you have calm serene, then you will come on the Day of Judgment with calm serene. So inshallah tada brothers and sisters are this quick thing. three basic things. Number one, you better want something in order to get it and we should all want ulb Salim calypsonian pure heart number to call him Salim. It has a characteristics of them, that

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the love of Allah is paramount. Nothing should challenge that. And number three, the calypsonian means your heart is full of compassion for everybody else and you don't have animosity. You don't have hatred even those that hate you like the father of Ibrahim, you don't respond in hatred and sinners and people that are misguided you don't think yourself better than them. You don't think yourself Oh, I'm going to be saved they're going to Jehovah No, you still make the offer them May Allah guide them in love forgive them. If your heart is upon this then inshallah Tada. You will have help setting We ask Allah azza wa jal to grant all of us help Salim Xochimilco said I'm only one

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