Yasir Qadhi – The Branches of Faith – 04 – The Parable of ‘The Verse of Light’

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The title " farm" in the Koran is discussed, including its significance in relation to the concept of the "hasn't been seen" or "hasn't been seen" in the Bible. The "hasn't been seen" or "hasn't been seen" is used to describe the shadow of a man, and the "hasn't been seen" or "hasn't been seen" is used to describe the image of the believer. The "good glass" and "good light" are discussed as symbolizing the believer, and the "good news" that comes from the "good guy" and "good person" in the image is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He will be here woman wala hammerberg continuing on the message of the metaphors of the Koran when it comes to me man, one of the most beautiful and profound symbols or symbolic verses in the Quran. One of the most beautiful parables that Allah has given is the verse which is called Alia to nor, which is verse number 35. of sutra to note, and the commentary of this verse is way beyond what we can give justice to in 1015 minutes. Suffice to point out that out of the 6000 verses of the Quran, this one 6000 plus this one verse has been commented on more than all of the other verses, this one verse Iota note Allah Who knows what you want out of,

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there has been more commentary on this one verse and more books and more treatises have been written about this one verse than all of the other verses in the Quran. It is the most oft commented verse in the whole or on and therefore what can I do in 1015 minutes that will explain to you the profundity of this verse, however, just to introduce to you because it does relate to our theme of the reality of Eman the idea to note I will be taking a standard interpretation obviously, there are hundreds of interpretations of them or mainstream of them or esoteric of them or mystical and sophistic, I will be taking a mainstream interpretation, I will go over it very, very quickly.

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Allahu nuru semi watty will, Allah is the light of the heavens and earth, Allah subhanho wa Taala is the light of the heavens and earth meaning number one, that he is the one who has created light and light comes from him. Number two, the light of guidance comes from him. So the light here also refers to a man and he Daya because throughout the Koran light is used as a metaphor for guidance. So Allah calls the Koran light ones and they they come neuron bobina. And Allah calls the profits of the lowest light and he calls the message of Islam light. So when Allah says he is the knower, so he is the source of that guidance. And then number three, Allahu nulu, sumati will out that we believe

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have the names of Allah is notice and it will own and we understand that Allah Himself is known, and we do not think how our mind does not go to how but Allah Himself is new. And we know this from the Hadith, in Sahih, Muslim that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah says hey, job is nor a job or nor a follower to lift his day job, then the new that comes from the face of a law, the rays of light that come from the face of a law would destroy all that Allah can see. So Allah Himself is nor how we don't think our mind does not go there. But Allah is nor and he himself is nor and allows he job is nor so Allah has a job which is nor is covering a loss nor and if Allah has a

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job where to be lifted, then the Nur of Allah would not be able to be withstood by any of the creation. And when Moosa said to see a lot of lessons, you cannot see me you don't have the power to see me. And when Allah revealed a part of his new to the to the mountain, the mountain destroyed and collapse so Allah Himself is nor and Allah creates the node that we know around us. And Allah is the one who is the guide as well. All of these three meanings are Allahu lucema what he went out method uno de the example of his light. Even Abbas said, the example of his light is his light of Ilan, that he blesses in the heart in the eyes of the movement. So the whole metaphor that we will be

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taking in our quick lecture, and there are hundreds of other interpretations. But the most orthodox the most who need the most mainstream from urban Airbus's mouth is the one I'm about to tell you. Overall, this was his his interpretation, and that is I A to nor is a metaphor for the man in the heart of the believer. Are you to know is a metaphor for the man in the color of the movement. So Martha UI, the example of a laws light which is is a man which he places in the hearts of the believer is now let's go on camera, 30 Misha cotton fee, hummus bar, and mishpat ofis ijazah three things number one, the example of his light is like that of a mascot what is a mascot? mascot is a

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crevice in a wall. A mascot is an internal thing in a wall where the lantern is placed once upon a time when they build them.

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masajid when they built a large house, they would have a crevice a niche and they would place the lanterns there. The purpose of the crevice or the niche is twofold number one to protect the candle number two to project the candles light outward to focus the light and make it all shine outward. So the first thing is the mascot and the mascot. According to most commentators, it refers to the chest of the believer the chest, Mutharika mascot and Fie hummus by inside that mascot is a miss by that candle. The lantern the lantern represents a man light is a man where is the lantern and Mr. McAfee Zoo Georgia, it is inside a crystal, a glass and the crystal and the glass is the bulb. So the bulb

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is inside the chest inside the bulb is what the man is that clear? Is that clear? Everybody needs simple interpretation right? The musket is the chest and the purpose of the chest is what to project the man outward to manifest the man in the body to show just like the the niche projects the light outward so that the niche takes the light and throws it back out everybody can see the light so the purpose of the chest is to protect the heart and the mind and then to manifest a man to show emotion in your actions in your routine in your hands in your feet and your tongue so the chest will manifest it here the body the body will manifest a man and the man will be seen the light of a man

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will be demonstrated through the actions of the body. That's the musket inside the musket is a misfire the misfire is what we said the man that a lot places the candle the lantern that is Allah's candle, that is a loss of light. That light is the light of a man. Where is that lighthouse fees do Georgia does who Georgia what is the zoo Georgia? Georgia means crystal Zoo Georgia means lantern Zoo Georgia means glass and what is that crystal than that glass? The job of the movement. And what a beautiful metaphor because the old is like glass. Just like glass is fragile. Some glass is very fragile, very soft. So to some people's hearts are soft, some glass it is harder than steel. It's

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very harsh. So to some people's hearts are hard. Some glasses see through what they say they believe and other glass it is dark and murky like that of a hypocrite. What they say is not what they believe. So Allah compares the old to the glass because glass is such a beautiful metaphor, because glass has so many different variations. And the good glass the pure glass is what see through that's the best glass. So the heart of the believer, he's not a monastic, he's not covering the light, the light is shining out, but the color of the moon, how will that be that will not be clear, that will be murky, that will be dark that will be different. The outside and the inside are two separate

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things. So Allah calls the zoo ga and that is the glass that is the lantern that is the crystal and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually said that Allah subhana wa tada has vessels in this world. And the vessels of a law are the URL of his believers, the vessels he pours things into are the other of his believers. So in one heads, our profit system actually compared the of the movement to the vessels of Allah. And in this ayah we learned that these widjaja is in fact according to one interpretation, the heart of the believer, so Allah subhana wa either mentions that the candle is inside of a zoo jaja the heart and soul the heart inside of it is a man and the heart is protected

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by the Mischka which is the body and this light this Lantern, where does it get its oil from you? Or do you mean shujaa? The every lantern every candle, it has to have oil without it, it's not going to light. So where does this light of the candle sorry, where does the oil of the candle come from? You call Doom in Sharjah, Timo Baraka now This lecture will link in perfectly with two lectures ago. What is the shadow Baraka Who can tell me

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the shadow of a man we talked about the two days ago, Allah gives the metaphor of the shadow of a man, the tree of a man in this ayah Allah says, the lanterns oil is coming from a blessing tree. And some of the Sahaba said this is the tree of a man we talked about the tree of human two lectures ago. Now we're using it again in another metaphor that Allah says the oil that is used to light the heart and the candle, that oil is coming from the tree of a man, you do mention your atom mubaraka and the best tree that oil comes from is a tuna. It is an olive tree, Lashkar th and voila, cobia It's neither East nor West. It's not a tree of this world. It is a tree of the archaea. It is the

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tree of a law. It is the tree of a man. It's not a tree, you're gonna find you can't go hunting for it in China.

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in Timbuktu, it's not a fear or phobia. It's neither East nor West. It is not of this world. It is the shadow of a man. It is beyond this world and the date or the the oil that comes from it. You will call The Manchurian Candidate to lash out yet and voila via yaka to say to her you will be the light or sorry the oil that comes from this tree is so pure, it is so bright. It is as if it is emanating light without any match touching it just the oil from the tree your car do you say to her you will do well I will attempt to now eat even before any flame touches the soil, the soil itself is emanating light. So the tree of Iman is giving you an oil that oil is being used to light your

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heart the heart then has the man inside of the sorry the heart has the the candle which is a man inside of it and then the body is manifesting that a man the body is then projecting that a man and acting upon that a man neuron Allah nor light upon light. The first light is the light of a law, the light of the Quran. The second light is the light that is in the heart of the believer so nor on other nor the Koran and the amount of the believer both of them come hand in hand together. We have a man the Quran has known and our Eman is * and the Quran is nor neuron Allah nor the Quran will give the new to our Eman. Our Eman will get its newer from the Koran neuron Allah knows so both of

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these nodes are from Allah subhana wa Taala the one of them is the Quran and the other is in our neuron other node both of these put together light upon light yeah de la julio de Manya, sha Allah guys to his light whomever He wills because all light comes from Allah because Allah is new semi watty will out. So Allah is the one who gives us the oil and he gives us the lamp and he's the one who lights that lamp in our hearts. And he's the one who blesses our heart to be pure and he protects our chest to project that Eman. So Allah is the one who gives that new to whomever he pleases. Yeah de la hora de nuit de Manisha. Well, yo, boo, boo LaHood, emphatic NAS, and Allah

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gives parables to mankind will la who be cliche in a name for Indeed Allah is aware of all things. This is a very short and a very basic commentary and a shallow without it is also the most orthodox and mainstream commentary. This verse has also been misinterpreted, very mystical and bizarre interpretations are also there. And I personally don't don't sympathize too much with those types of interpretations. This is the mainstream interpretation that you will find interseeded poverty, it even cathedra and the main scholars of Islam and it is one that is a very sensible and a very comprehensible one to summarize, Ayah to nor is a beautiful parable of the light of a man in the

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hearts of the believer that Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us the lantern and he gives us the oil to light the lantern. And that lantern is in our hub. The oil is from the Koran and the ledger of Eman so neuron other news both put together is what makes a believer a believer May Allah subhana wa to Allah grant us both of those news we will allow to continue tomorrow was set on watching Mohamed Salah who bought a couch

In this mesmerizing lecture, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi enlightens us on the most often read verse of the Noble Qur’an – Ayat An-Noor, Surah An-Noor (24:35) that says: 

Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things.

Shedding light on this powerful verse, we are made to understand the meaning of every word which has immense depth and beauty attached to it! 


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