Yasir Qadhi – Special Q&A – Masjid al-Aqsa – Meaning, Blessings, Names and Haram Status – Ask Shaykh YQ EP 196

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The upcoming q hungra session will focus on the history of luck, meaning "word" in English, the origin of the name "arep" in Arabic, and the history of the city of Jerusalem. There will be discussions on various topics such as the history of the city of Jerusalem, the holy row, praying in the holy area, blessings of Islam, and the definition of har swing in Islamic law. The speakers will also discuss the construction of a temple in Jerusalem and the importance of protecting animals and wildfire. There will also be a special draw for q thoughts and returning to regular questions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sarah Juana Kumara betula. Here what a casual hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah who either it was a busy woman while I have my back. Welcome back after a hiatus for the month of Ramadan, we have not had our regular q&a for quite a while. And for those who are going to be watching inshallah many years or many months from down the line. Also, we have just witnessed and seen very severe tragedy that took place in offices and goods. And so today we have a special q&a session that is going to be dedicated to some of the academic points about Mr. Luxor, and I chose an email that was sent to me a sister a Nisa email, she has written a few paragraphs of questions that I've chosen

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some of them for today's q&a, and a part of those questions. Or she asks, Can you tell us some of the blessings of masculine officer? And what does the name imply and mean? And what is the reward of praying in this Masjid? And then she says that she was told that it is not correct to call Mr. Officer, the third, how long in Islam, even though she grew up hearing that Alexa is the third, how long? So can I explain some of these issues. So that will be our entire q&a for today. Now, before I begin, I'd like to obviously point out for those of you that are watching this live or in the current timeframe, you are well aware that I have given at least half a dozen talks and hold up and

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the rules and emotional if you like,

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hotter as after the solder in the last two weeks regarding the recent bombardment of an officer. And for those that are watching later on, we're talking about what happened in May of 2021. And so, obviously, I'm not going to go over all of that again, today. This is our q&a session. So we're gonna do some of the more academic side some of the things that I want people to be aware of. Also, today's q&a is not going to be about the history of love. So I myself have given a number of lectures, and you will find plenty of material online about the history of luck. So we're going to be concentrating on some of the more knowledge based questions and answers regarding much of the

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Luxor and I've chosen some of them for today. And we begin by our sister asking, What does Miss judul alcocer mean, and what are some of the names of masjidul outsource? So an axon means the furthest most UK sought means that which is the furthest and masjidul Oxo is called Miss to the UK saw because it was the furthest Masjid from Makkah at the time frame that when the religion of Islam when the Quran was revealed, the furthest place from Mecca that was we can call it a messenger that Allah azza wa jal called it to be a place of worship is Miss juden alcocer and it is the furthest Masjid that is visited from Mecca and from Medina as well but can be the you know, relatively closer

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together. upside is the furthest from them. And one can also say alcohol could imply sanctity and holiness. It is the furthest removed from filth and from being sacrilege. So an axon means the exalted one can also say so these are the meanings of Western oxide. Now, there are other names for us to the oxide as well. And the Quran uses a number of these names. And the Hadith also mentions these names. And of the names one of the most common names especially in the Hadith is baitul mark this way to mark this, the house that is sanctified and house here means house of Allah, like we call the Kaaba beta law. So the house of Allah so Aqsa has been called the bay to unlock the

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spiritual walk this the house that is pure the house that is sanctified the house that is holy, it is also called Bay to L mocha desk, baitul mocha desk, so it is spelt the same muck of this and mocha does, but there is a slight difference in meaning here. What this means that which is purified that which has been made holy. So that is a Masjid that has been made holy, sanctified, blesses. Anybody who prays there also becomes blessing. So this is another title beta.

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Of course, in in Hebrew, it is called Purushottam in ancient Hebrew, and this means the city of peace or so the beta Salaam we'll call it an Arabic that the city of peace, Shalom, shalom in Hebrew and say

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Lamb in Arabic, so it is called the the abawd, or the Land of Peace. Now, when the Romans conquered baytril doctors when they conquered the oxheart, they wanted to destroy its Jewish heritage. And so they latinized it, and they gave it a Latin or Roman name. And they called it Ilia capital capitolina aelia capitolina. This is the name that was given to it, by the Romans by the Byzantine. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was preaching in Makkah, it was controlled by the Romans by the Byzantine Empire. And this was the name that was that it was called by, and they for simplicity's sake, they would call it aelia. And so in the Hadith in Sahih, Bukhari and other

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Hadith, we find the name eally Ilia, for Jerusalem. So this is a name that it was commonly known as, because of the Byzantine Empire because of the Roman Roman Empire, and elior or aliah, capitolina Ilia, goes back to the family name of the Emperor, Hadrian. And so the Emperor's family it is the elior family. And so they named it after the Emperor, and capitolina. It was something that was for one of their gods, I believe, Jupiter or something. And so the Romans obviously, they put that name, after the collapse of the Byzantine Empire, this name is completely gone. But if you read books of history, especially books that talk about this time frame, and even our own books, as we said, So

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hey, Bahati is a Muslim. And although the books of Hadith, you find beta, knock this beta mapa, this, and you also find the Le Ilia. And this is because it was known by that during the time of the Sahaba. And during the time of the conquest, it was called aelia. So these are all names that have been used, and there are more than these, but these were the primary names. When was it built? I said, I'm not going to go to history, but we have to just mention a hadith about the history. We're not going to go into the detailed history. But when was it built? Well, the Hadith mentions a very interesting fact that later commentators have discussed in a lot of detail the Hadith is inside body

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without refinery as the profits of a la vida, he was sending them the Messenger of Allah, which mosque was built the first that was the first mosque built built on Earth. So our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responded as to how long which is the material the Kaaba masjidul held on. So then he said which one was next? So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said as best you will also hear the term Mr. ofsaa is used. It is also the Quranic term, so handed the Asahi AB de la la mineral Masjid Harare, Elon Musk, Cheadle Kasab so this is a Quranic term as well, without as if I did then said what was the timeframe between building the Kaaba and building my studio outside? So our Prophet

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salallahu it he was setting them said 14 years out about una setup. Now, this hadith reported about how the Muslim it has caused a lot of commentators to go into various opinions because some people said that how do we understand this 40 years when the Kava was built by the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam, and the temple in Jerusalem was built by Solomon and so they man and the the timeframe between Ibrahim and saw a man is more than 1000 years so a man at his Salaam is coming after one of the descendants of Prophet Ibrahim it is set up by many, many centuries at least 1000 if not 2000 years between Ibrahim Ali Salim and Sulaiman. So how do we understand the process although said I'm

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saying 40 years, this has led to a number of discussion. One opinion is that we are talking about the original building of the car, but there is a

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apocryphal story. It's not authentic, it's not something that is ascertained, but might be true, that the mother his Salam was the first to worship in this location. It's not that he built a structure, but that he was there and he sanctified the structure. So he sanctified the location. And so one theory goes and this is what has been hijacked and others also support that the 40 years gap is between Adam alayhis salam in Makkah, and maybe one of the sons of other maybe sheath they said or others, Seth, they say they sent English or sheath in Arabic, that he might have been in must you do Oxo and it is not as if they built a structure but rather that they prayed there and they

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sanctified and they were the ones who were the first to bless that land. So this is one opinion. Another opinion is that and this is even Tamia seems to lean towards this. Even taymiyah says that Ibrahim alayhis salam built the Kava with his smile at his salon, and then later on in his life later on in his life. He also then laid the foundations or he prayed or he sanctified the area that is now

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Let's do the rock song. And so it is Ibrahim alayhis. Salam and his student even al Karim. he championed yet a third theory, which is I think the one that makes quite a lot of sense to me. And Alonzo is best we do not know it's all we were not there. But even I'll tell you him says, No, it wasn't Ibrahim. It was rather his grandson, Yahoo. It was Yahoo, but the son of his half and this makes actually a lot more sense. That's

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the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam built the Kaaba, and then Yahoo. And we know for a fact that Yahoo was the one living in that land. In fact, it is called after him Bernie is right, it is called after him that area in that region. So yeah, Israel is his title yaku was living in that land and in that region, and we can assume that he would have built at least if not physically built, he would have had a piece of land in which they worshiped Allah, right? We would call it a Masjid, they would call it something else back then. But it is the concept that there is a plot of land there is a holy area where he and his descendants and the believers with him would worship Allah subhanho wa Taala not

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that he built a magnificent temple, maybe there was nothing there. Maybe it was just an empty plot. Maybe it was just a few bricks but the point is that something was there that identified that area and that is now called Miss to do an arc for and to me, this opinion makes the most sense. And Allah subhana wa tada knows best that the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam was the one who built the Kaaba, an actual structure, and then his grandson iacobelli his Salaam around 40 years later, built or consecrated that area that is called Miss Chu Al Aqsa. Now, our sister also asks that

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what are some of the blessings of masjidul oxa how many times Salah do we get extra when we pray in Masjid Al Aqsa now, the blessings of oxa are very, very many overall the blessings are very, very many. And the fact of the matter is that in fact I have given longer lectures and others have given many lectures of the blessed about the blessings of Allah. In fact, many are the scholars that have even written entire treatises and entire books of Hadith in which they have compiled the blessings of Luxor and especially those quarters that used to live in Oxford and they were called an especial there is a great family makdessi family in Makkah DC because they lived in the mocha this land so of

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the names of oxide is an order mocha does the Holy Land. This is in the Quran and audibel mocha does is the Holy Land. And there was a group of scholars that live there have a great family many centuries, there's at least half a dozen, the luck of the Cecil McCarthy sir. And to this day their descendants are there. In fact, one famous monk of the sea, he actually wrote one of the most famous books and compilations of Hadith about the blessings of Miss chu allavsoft. So there is many, many blessings of Masjid ox up. And of course, the greatest blessing for us is that it is the land of the prophets and the land of the first Qibla in the area that our Prophet sallallahu ala he was sending

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would face for 1415 years of his life the entire MK and Sierra the phase of the Macan timeframe that the Tabler was basically mock this messed us up so and then the first few months of migrating to Medina. It was also meant to the officer and then the professor some turned to face, maca. And the fact that he traveled there and prayed so he physically sallallahu alayhi wa sallam visited an axon. And it is the only place on earth that all the prophets simultaneously gathered and pray to Raka as we learn in the books of Sierra, the only place on earth no other place has been chosen by a lot that all the prophets gathered over there. And Allah zildjian mentions that it is blasted and the

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land around it is blasted and that it is a blessing for all of mankind without Liberty Barack novia had it I mean, the verse in the Koran says, this is a land that we have blessed for all nations. And to this day, Muslims, Christians and Jews and they are the majority of mankind these three religions put together or more than 50% of mankind, that all of the groups of mankind they consider Jerusalem to be holy, no other land is considered to be holy, by so many people, no other land on earth is considered to be blessing and holy, by so many people then absorb and the the concept or the question of how many prayers more is it bless it? How many prayers more is it bless it? This is

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something that many scholars have differed over, because what we have actually is that a number of opinions exist about how many times blessing it is, and we do you have a number of ideas that bless Alexa, generically. For example, there is a hadith in sunon unnecessary, in which our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when Suleiman

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And would finish the building the bait will knock this, he asked Allah subhana wa tada for three blessings. Number one, that

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his verdict would be correct and that the verdict that should a man chooses or the judgment that Solomon chooses would be the judgment of Allah subhana wa Tada. So whenever he gave a judgement whenever he did a decree, it would be the correct decree. And number two, a kingdom, the likes of which no one after and whatever have and number three, that no one comes to this Masjid, wanting to pray in it, except that all of his sins shall be forgiven when he comes and prays and must you do Oxo and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, for sure he was given the first two. And I'm hopeful, I'm optimistic that he was given the last one as well. This is a hadith in the sunon of an

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Imam and nessa so our Prophet system said that three things he asked the last one being that whoever prays in Mr. oxa shall have all of his sins forgiven. And we also have a number of traditions, any of imagine others and some of these have been disputed in their trade chains. But the concept is there that even if you cannot pray investor, that officer at least give some oil too much to the officer to land the lanterns to give some light to most of the officer. So the point is that we should try our best to serve as my student officer. So if we are told to give some oil so that the lights can be given the lanterns can have some oil, that what do you think about defending that area

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in which the lights are so if we're told to even light the place up, how much more so to defend the area with all that we have? So we have a number of traditions that praise bestial oxa. With regards to this specific question of our sister, how many more Salawat is it counted because we're all aware that when we pray in the harem in Mecca, we get 100,000 times reward and when we pray in the masjid of Medina, we get 1000 times reward extra what is the blessings for praying in mesu arcsoft What is the blessings for praying in this location? So, there are a number of traditions in this regard. And unfortunately all of them they have you know, disputes about how authentic they are. So we have one

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group of traditions for example, have come even come narrated which is reported in the Muslim Ummah, and other books of Hadith that are prophets of Allah while he was setting them said that the Salah in Makkah is better than 1000 prayers, compared to by to buck this, okay, the Salah in Makkah is better than 1000 prayers, that is compared to Beethoven, Bach, this, so 1000 times 1000 gives you 100,000. So, according to this understanding, according to this understanding, praying in Beethoven, Bach, this would be around 1000 times that is one opinion that has been derived that has been derived. Another opinion is that the Salah in the the masjid or oxer is worth one, what is worth 500

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of the prayers outside of Mr. oxa and that is mentioned in a hadith in the Musa level bazaar and others that whoever prays a Salah in the masjid of an officer it will be hum see me at Salatin, it is going to be equal to 500 prayers. So we have the ratio of one to 500. So most of the upside becomes 500. And then we have one tradition which is in the midst of that awkward hacking and the tsunami of a data only from a wizard fit that are prophets of Allah Almighty Who was said them said that the prayer in my Masjid is better than four prayers in Miss chu baytril marketers and less sugar Oxford and better marketers. So, this gives us the ratio of one to 250 okay 250 times, now, we

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have therefore three numbers 1502 50. Now, by the way, there is a tradition that is considered fabricated or rejected, in which it says that one Salah is equal to 50,000 Salawat and that is something that is considered to be not an authentic Absolutely. However, these three are Hadith 1502 50 they are all similar in terms of you no credibility, and this has led to a lot of discussion. Some people say that, firstly the Profit System set to 50 then he upgraded it to 500 then he upgraded it to 1000. So according to this opinion, the prayer investor, the officer and the prayer in Medina is the same that is one opinion and perhaps shall bind in others they kind of lean

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towards that position towards the end of their lives. Other groups of scholars say that it depends

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On the issue of the person praying that if it's low, who sure it's 250 if it's high, who sure is going to be 500 or 1000. This is another opinion and ignore him, famously remarked that the strongest Hadith is the 501. So he said that the masjid Al Aqsa is worth praying 500 Salawat compared to anywhere else, in the end of the day, dear sister and all of us that are watching in the end of the day, the technicalities of how many more is really not the important point. The point is that it is a blessing place and it is a place that we should travel to. And of course, the most authentic hadith about the blessings of mercy that also is the famous hadith of Abu huraira the

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Allah one reported in body and in Muslim that our prophets of Allah whitey who was sent him said LA to shudder rehab that the camel is not made ready and prepared to travel except to one of three locations must you do how long and my mustard here in Medina and MSG do accept the meaning of this hadith is very clear, and that is that there is no region on earth that is considered to be extra blessing to worship Allah in other than these three regions, okay. You should not make what we call an English a pilgrimage. When I say pilgrimage. I don't mean the Hajj. pilgrimage is a holy journey. A pilgrimage is a journey that you go to get blessings. Now, we may travel for sightseeing we may

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travel for business, we may travel for knowledge when we traveled to get married when we travel for a billion reasons on Earth. But to travel, thinking that the destination you're going to is holier than you are at there's only three places there's only three places on earth that are inherently bless it. And that's what our profit system is saying. So whoever isn't you know, I live in currently in Dallas, Texas, okay. There is no mosque anywhere in the earth. That is worthy for me to travel to just for the sake of praying there. I can travel to meet a friend I can travel to give a lecture but to think that Oh, there is a messenger, you know, in let's say Cincinnati, or in

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Timbuktu, whatever it is. And that Masjid is worthy for me to spend my time and money and to go there to travel. There is no such place on Earth. There are only three holy lands, three blessitt places that inherently to go there simply for the sake of making up and making extra liquor and reading the Koran and giving charity and praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala, only three places are extra holy. And these are obviously Makkah, and Medina and Jerusalem. So this is what this hadith means that there are three inherently holy places on earth. Now, another point that is relevant is what exactly constitutes the masjid. And we can I wish we can, I forgot to log on or I forgot to

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show you a picture but you can log on to any picture on the internet. And you can find the map of the entire area. There's a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to defining the actual precise location of su to absorb because masjidul oxa there is a complex in Jerusalem that is massive, there's over 30 acres of land, okay, a large piece of land to walk from one side to the other will take you maybe 10 minutes to walk the entire perimeter 20 minutes or so actually more than this to walk the entire perimeter and it is shared by multiple faith traditions. So you have the Muslims have the largest space over there. And then there is the Wailing Wall on another side of it. That is

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the Jewish

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people go there to say their prayers as well. There's a massive complex and within the complex you have iconic structures. The most iconic structure is the famous Dome of the Rock. This is the Dome of the Rock with this is the dome that is golden and turquoise blue in color and it was built by Abdul Malik ibn Marwan in the first century of the hedgehog. Around 60 years after the hedger of the Prophet sallallahu. It was in him 70 years after the hit of the Prophet system have the medic Eben Marwan he built this magnificent structure that was considered to be the most beautiful Masjid of its time. And he brought the greatest architects to build it. And he built it on top of a mini hill

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or a small mountain that used to be the center of the complex so there was a mountain it's still there obviously. And he built this the the Dome of the Rock that's what's called the Dome of the Rock. He built the dome on top of this rock, and this rock is

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alleged to be a legend. It's not authentic, but it's stories that are told the place where our profits and went up to a restaurant one mineralogy went up to the heavens from the rock. Now this is just a tale that is told it is not found in the actual books. So the Sierra we

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We do not know where our profits are some stood when he began the ascent, we do not know that maybe he stood on the rock, maybe he didn't we don't know. Nonetheless, the legends later on, they love to make all of the details and fill in the gaps. And so common folklore and the legends of the people to this day is that the the rock was where he was taken up to the heavens from, in reality, the rock is not considered to be any extra holy or not, the whole region is holy. It's not just that rock. Now, there's a lot of talk that I don't want to go into too much detail that there are

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there are accusations, let us say that Abdul Malik even bought one. He built this magnificent Dome of the Rock in order to bring people to visit Mr. Officer. And so he wanted to build a structure, basically, we would say for tourism, and for a political goal as well, because at the timeframe, Makkah and Medina were not in his control. They were under the control of Abdullah bin Zubaydah. Now, I don't want to go into a lot of detail. But to be very simple about this, we don't care what his intentions were, the land is holy, really, it doesn't matter if he hired the best architects because he went to tourism because he wanted people to come because he wanted to be making make

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himself more prestigious and whatnot. That is between him and Allah xojo. We don't care what his intentions were, in the end of the day. It is a blessed London area. And he did build a magnificent structure and we can marvel at the architecture. But we should be aware that the Dome of the Rock is not exclusively masjidul axon, and a lot of people when they think of Masuda offshore, they think of the Dome of the Rock, we say nothing wrong, you can think of the Dome of the Rock but realize the Dome of the Rock is in the center and it is much much larger than this. Now other people get very irritated and they say How dare you show the Dome of the Rock and then the title says to the Oxford

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This is wrong, they say and they say the mess to the officer is the masjid that is in front of the dome and not the dome. So they say it is wrong to show the picture of the Dome of the Rock and call it Mr Oxo. And we say to this you are incorrect to say that this is incorrect because the dome is a part of Masjid Oxo. And the masjid you're referring to is also a part of Mr. Oxo. So there's nothing wrong with showing a picture of the Dome of the Rock but we educate the people that the Dome of the Rock is a part of the masjid In fact, as even taymiyah says that a Masjid officer is moon Li Jamie is Masjid lady by now who saw a man that the master of the SOP is the term or the title given to the

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entire complex that Sulaiman alayhis salam built, it's not just one small spot, it is a massive area. And he said some people later on restricted Masjid Oxo to be the mosque and the front of the complex and it is not to be restricted. In other words, it is a mistake of all sides to consider must to the officer to be one part of the complex. On the contrary, even the complex as it currently stands, this is average it sorry, not average, I mean estimation, it is an estimation, even the complex as it currently stands, it is that we are estimating roughly we do not know neither us nor the Jewish people know exactly the foundations of the temple where they were. And that is because

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the Temple of Solomon was built 1000s of years ago, and it was destroyed completely multiple times. Now I know if you go to outsource, some of the guys will point to some of the rocks and stones and say this is the original, you know, Temple of Solomon. And the fact of the matter once again, this is folklore. This is legend, in all likelihood, what they are showing you is Roman reconstructions in the time of the Romans, I should say, and that is King Herod, he Rody King Herod also is pronounced King Herod was actually a Jewish King, believe it or not, it was a very interesting story, that the Roman Empire allowed him to be a mini king of the city of Jerusalem. And so he

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wanted to rebuild the Temple of Solomon, in the time of Jesus Christ. This is not so the man this is not no this is very late. And this is right during the time of the childhood of the profits are when the Profit System is basically you know, growing up in Makkah, you have the king, the Jewish king in Jerusalem, he rebuilt the temple. So this is a building that is Roman in nature, and it is built by Roman architects and it style is Roman, but he built it King Herod, he wanted to estimate and so he guessed that this would be the location or the exactly what we know of course, the generic location, the center of Jerusalem, but the exact demarcation we do not

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No. So the king built this temple, and that too was destroyed 40 years after

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Jesus Christ, sorry, my mistake and a king here I'd built the temple not before the coming of the process. And before the coming of Jesus, I meant sorry, scrub that point. It was the timeframe before Jesus, not the coming of the prophets are so so King here I rebuilt the temple before the coming of Jesus when Jesus was when Moriarty has said I was growing up. That was when King here I built the temple, Jesus saw the temple of Herod, he saw that temple he interacted with that temple, then after Jesus Christ, that temple was completely destroyed when our Prophet system visited it, by the way, technically, the city did not have any temple whatsoever, they had converted into a dump

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for the trash because they did not respect the Jewish sanctity of that region. Nonetheless, the point is that we do not know exactly the demarcations of the temple. So as a guesstimate, as an estimation, the area that we now call the complex is what has been considered to be the original. However, in all likelihood, it is slightly larger than this, and maybe even the entire city, the blessings apply. So the point being, we should not be so technical, that when we step outside of that complex, the blessings finish, on the contrary, that entire region, and frankly, the entire city of Jerusalem, and especially the Old City of Jerusalem, that that can be considered to be all

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of it can be considered to be sacred and holy, but for us, which we call the complex and even beyond the complex, it can constitute a mess to do an officer. So that entire area, if we were to pray to Dhaka or do Vicar, or Koran or charity, what not that it is extra rewarded in that entire complex. Now, the final point that our sister asks, and this is actually a very interesting point. And I'm gonna have to summarize it because it is a little bit technical, that our sister says that she was corrected once that she called it the third house. And somebody said that it is not a harem. So this confused her. So in order to answer this question, we have to go into a little bit of a tangent,

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what is a harem? And what is, witch? How long do we have? So the word How long? The word How long? It comes from the same root as how long and how long means you don't do something, you're not allowed to do something. And the Islamic law, there are places on earth that are called how long because certain things that are held outside of this area become how long inside the area. So the term how long means extra holy or extra sacred, because that which might be permissible outside it becomes hot on inside. So that's why a Haram is called how long now? I'm not going to go into too much technicalities. For the purposes of this lecture on q&a. Let me say the vast majority of

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scholars say that there are two hot items in Islam. Pause your footnote with the oma has agreed that maca is a harem there's this one of the men has one of the format's has one of them says that Medina is blessing and holy, but it's not to have them. But this is an incorrect opinion. The other three med hubs and the majority of the aroma and the perception that the people have Medina is also a home. So we're going to just go with this so continue. There are two homes without a doubt mcca and Medina and this means certain things are prohibited inside Makkah and Medina that are allowed outside of Mecca and Medina. Also by unanimous consensus of all the scholars of Islam, the harem of

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Makkah has more laws, and it is more stringent than the harem of Medina. So the harem of Mecca, there's a long list of things you cannot do inside the harem of Mecca. in Medina, the list is shorter, and the penalties are less. So Medina is also a helm. But it is not to the level in terms of how long in terms of that laws. I'm not talking about blessings. That's a key point here. When we say how long it's a legal technical definition, what it means certain things are not allowed in the harem that are allowed outside the house. And let me give you some examples. By the way, Allah mentions himself in the Koran, our mirror under Jana, how Rahman amin didn't did they see that we

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made the harem a safe place and Allah himself says in the Quran, so handily the astrology of the later middle masjidul halloumi Elon Musk, the UK saw the masjidul how long he calls mcca most you do and how long and all of his mess to that how long By the way, it's not just the Kava, maca is mystical how long just like we said masjidul oxide isn't just that one temple or one rock or whatnot. It is the entire region. So what is not allowed inside of Mecca that is allowed outside of Mecca? Well, first and foremost, according to many scholars, and this is an opinion there's a controversy as well in this

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That you must enter the harem in the state of Iran. And again, the same concept they had on your called what had him or Iran, because certain things are not allowed in the state of Iran that are allowed outside, for example, trimming your nails and your hair and whatnot, also, of the things that is not allowed in the harem is to harm or to capture anybody, even if they deserve to be captured. So anybody who commits a crime, you are allowed to call the police, the police can go and arrest this criminal and take him to jail. As for the harm of mcca, even criminals, when they come to the cab from outside they have committed the crime, only the criminals inside markup right? So if

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if a criminal if a murderer commits a murder anywhere in the world, and then he flees and runs to Makkah, in Makkah you cannot touch him. in Makkah, he is free. Because Allah says in the Quran, woman, the healer who can Amina, whoever enters muck shall be considered safe. So technically, in Islamic law, no matter what crime a person has done outside of Makkah, if they come inside Makkah, then they are protected. Now, the only exception? If they have done the crime inside Makkah, then they have lost the sanctity of America, criminals of mcca are punished in Macau, yes, but criminals outside of Macau if they turn to mcca. And by the way, why would they come come to Makkah to repent

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to Allah to come closer to Allah so in that case, we cannot touch them, we leave the affair to Allah subhana wa Tada. Also in Makkah, we cannot touch any natural vegetation, and we cannot hunt any animals. So once upon a time, there were gazelles and deers in the desert. You know, there were these antelopes and whatnot in Morocco. By the way, this is the case not not anymore. in Arabia, all of these gazelles and wildlife is basically gone. But once upon a time, there were deers. In fact, there were even by the way, believe it or not zebras in the Arabian Peninsula, they were actual zebras, that would be in the Arabian Peninsula, and the time of the Prophet so they sell them. And

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so these animals would be hunted. And obviously, hunting these animals is what you do to to live in to eat. in Makkah, you could not hunt, if the animal the gazelle was wandering, you cannot hunt it, no one is allowed to hunt animals in Makkah, even natural vegetation, plants that are coming, you are not allowed to just pluck that plant, if it's natural, if it is a farmer who who harvested it. And he wants to take the the the fruits that is permissible, but somebody that is seeing a natural plant a tree that is growing there, you cannot touch it as an outsider as a visitor. Now, the scholars say that the municipality, if they need to build a road or whatnot, that's something

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separate, but you cannot, for no reason, touch an animal, or even a tree, all wildlife, and all animals are protected inside of the home. Unless, of course it is something that will harm you. So there is a scorpion, you're going to kill the scorpion or a dangerous snake. Otherwise, you do not touch any animal over there. Also, of the interesting points of the home of maca is that if a person sees a lost item, he sees something that doesn't belong to him, that he is not allowed to touch it. So you see somebody's wallet, you cannot touch that while that you leave it there. Some arola have said if there is a Lost and Found you give it to them, and others have said no, you just leave it

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there and you leave it for the Lost and Found stuff to find you cannot touch a lost item over there. So you have a lot of different rulings as well. In fact, believe it or not, by the way, another ruling, you cannot carry weapons outside of the house. Now again, this is for non security, the average person cannot carry weapons in the house. And also, of course, anybody who intends harm in the harem, the penalty has been made more for him. By the interesting point here, the majority of early scholars said now this is an opinion that has been abandoned and even an earliest Now there were one method that allows it the majority of early scholars said that one cannot rent any land or

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any property and even cannot be sold because it is an endowment to walk from Allah Subhana what to Allah? And if we follow this opinion, then life would be very difficult for people because then how would they live and whatnot. So because of this, the reality is that a minority position has become the majority and that's how people live because how are you going to you're going to not rent a room you're not going to rent somebody you know apartment or hotel to live in when you go there. But there was an opinion in early Islam which was actually the majority opinion that mcca is so holy, there should not be buying and selling of the property or of the land or even renting of the land

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but that is a position that we cannot follow. And as we said the madhhab one of them at times allowed it of the past and that has become the standard. Now this is the heart of Mecca. As for the heart of Medina, as we said, it is also sacred but to a lesser degree and you know when there's no time to

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Getting the technicalities of why or how that is the case that we're not really interested in. In that issue. I mean, for example, there's no penalty for hunting animals in Medina, but there is a penalty for hunting animals in Mecca. Also the vegetation in Medina is not sacred compared to the vegetation of Makkah that you can pluck the vegetation with the net other things as well. You don't enter Medina in the state of Iran, do you have a number of different

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differences between Beth and Medina, but still, Medina is a harem, and it is considered to be a sanctuary and it is safe, and that the judge will not enter either Mecca or Medina. So all of this is there and valid. Now.

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How about Jerusalem? How about Jerusalem, technically speaking, and please listen to me entirely. Jerusalem is not a harem, in the legal sense. What this means is that there is nothing that is forbidden in Jerusalem, that is allowed outside of Jerusalem, you can hunt the animals, you can pluck the trees, other things are allowed. So Jerusalem does not have the harem technical definition that Makkah and Medina do. Now this has nothing to do with the sanctity or the blessedness or the Baraka of Jerusalem. That's the key point here. Baraka is not the same as haram status. And Baraka is broader than how long every harem is blessed. There are blessing areas that are not held as

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simple as that. And Jerusalem is mobarak. But it is not technically a harem. And that is because as we said, there are no special laws in Jerusalem that allow things or prohibit things that are not allowed outside. And therefore we say that the common phrase that mystical officer is 30 through 100. I mean it is the third of the two harems.

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If they mean by this, that it is a blessing land then they are right. And Jerusalem is the blesseth land. And if they mean that Jerusalem is a technical legal harem, then we say actually that is not the case. Even taymiyah writes in as reported image more than fatawa there is no how on earth except for the two homes of Mecca and Medina. And this includes Jerusalem and other lands, they are not homes. Nothing else is called a Harlem besides Mecca and Medina, and then he says, even if an ignorant person says, hold on, man, we'll cut this and hold on metal Holly at the heart of Ibrahim, he said these lands are not held on by the Juma of all the scholars of Islam, the only harem in

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which there is a Juma is mcca. And as for Medina, a majority say it is how long a minority will say it is that as I said, there's a difference of opinion. But it is a hold on because of a number of Hadith about this point and quote to the point being that we differentiate between the term how long in a technical or legal sense and between the how long in a spiritual sense. And if somebody were to say that Alexa is starting to have domain and they mean by it sanctified and bless it insha Allah that is not a problem. But if they mean that it is technically and legally a Haram, then we should correct this and say actually, it is not quite that that definition, but it is a blessing and the

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Holy Land. Now, this answers the question of our sister. And the fact of the matter is that much more can be said and I have said much more about the the the political issues going on these days and what we should do and our rights. But all of this is I was wanting to answer this issue so that we understand that an offshore mess to the UK saw is a part of our theology, it is a part of our communal heritage. It is not just a political issue. Yes, there's an element of politics. But for us, let's chill offshore is also a part of our Deen, that is a part of our theology. It is a blessing land, and it has multiple names in the Koran, and it has been praised many different ways

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in the Koran and in the sooner and to travel there and to pray there and to make dua there and to do his mother. All of this is things that we are required to do. And that is why all of these are Hadith about baytril Methodists and mestu oxer. Our Prophet sallallahu Sallam said them and mestu the Oxo was not even in the hands of the Muslims. To me, this is a very significant point. Our Prophet system is talking about the blessings of beta democritus and beta will knock this is under Roman control. And he's talking about traveling tbaytel Mater this and it is under

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control of the Byzantine Empire. What does this demonstrate that the land and the area is holy for us? And it is our heritage even if politically others might control it, it is our territory and our profits of the law. Why do you sit and praised it and the people around it in so many different narrations with this insha Allah Tada, we come to the conclusion of today's q&a, which is a special episode about an Oxo inshallah next week, we will resume our regular q&a going back to our regular multiple questions, and we conclude by making a special draw to Allah subhanho wa Taala. To protect an officer and the people of officer and to return that officer to its rightful owners mean to Zack

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Milan, was said on Monday What was your product

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he can

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