Yasir Qadhi – Seerah – 89 Story of Ka’b b. Malik

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of avoiding promises and giving small amounts of money to avoid recognized as a Muslim. They also emphasize the success of the book "ENT" and its impact on the writing community, as well as the importance of forgiveness and standing up for oneself in a situation. They emphasize the need for a hadn't been decided approach to avoiding jail, and encourage individuals to seek out information on one's actions. They end with a discussion of the history and significance of the Hadith's actions, including his use of pictures to describe actions and confusion around the stories and one's actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad in while he was on his mind.

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So last week we were doing the story of gab, avian Malik. And we had mentioned that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanded that gab be boycotted. And gab was one of a group of three people who are honest enough to say Yato pseudo law, we simply did not obey the commandments, we simply did not obey the commandment to go for jihad, we have no excuse, other than the fact that we were lazy, we just did not obey. And so the Prophet system told them that they should be boycotted, 40 days went by. And then the command came, as we said, that they should leave their wives or their wives should leave them and go to elsewhere. And so all of the wives left other than the wife of

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Hillel, she wanted to simply service him and take care of and feed him otherwise, he would not even take care of himself and maybe even die in those 10 days, because he was so grieved as we said, gab was sorry, he loud was just sitting next to the door, crying nonstop for 40 days. So the wife said, at least let me take care of him. So the process allowed him God was told, why don't you ask for your wife? And he said, What excuse do I have? I am a young Van Halen is an old person, what excuse what I have. So he therefore did not take advantage of this concession. And he was by himself for 10 days. And he said that when I was one day, so he's narrating the Hadeeth back, we're back to where

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we left off that one day when I was in the state that Allah described to me. And it's beautiful that he's referencing the Quran without actually quoting the Quran. I was in the state that Allah described me, what is the state that Allah described him in? So Allah says in the Quran, that while the Salah has was salam, ala Nina holy Fu hatay, the Baraka Dalai Lama, Lw Morocco, but for those three who were left behind, until the whole world seemed to condense on them, even though it is so vast, like the world seems to be crashing down on them was in English, right? The world seemed to come crashing down on them. Even though the world is such a vast place, they felt as if there is no

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place out for them. And they realize well then no alarm bell German Allahu Allah, La, they realize there is no way to save yourself from Allah, except by going to Allah. You cannot save yourself from Allah, except through a lot. Well, one new allama German Allah in de la. So this is the description that Allah gave over them in the Quran, and that is that the whole world appear to collapse on them. So he said one day when I was sitting in my state, as Allah describes me completely depressed, and I had prayed fudger on my rooftop. So this shows us he was so depressed towards the end. He says in the beginning, what did you try to do in the beginning,

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go to the masjid walk in the marketplace. But then after a while, that became too difficult for him. So he began to just stay in his house. So difficult was it he didn't even want to go outside. So he just living in his house not even going to the masjid. And of course, in this case, it is allowed because he has been told you should be boycotted. So he's not even going to the masjid. He prays fudger on his own rooftop. That's how lonely if you like or difficult the situation is. And I was just sitting there, worried about myself and worried about you know, everything. When Finally I heard somebody who had gone to the top of the job, Bella sera pause you Jebel a Scylla is the

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mountain that you see, when you exit the masjid mustard. And, boy, there's a message of that there's a mountain over there. So the man went up to Gemma sit up, and he cried out with his loudest voice, yeah, cap in Malik absheron. So he's giving him from a distance that he's trying to get the message to him that after a certain pleasure, the process of them would have announced it. So it took 20 minutes for this man to go up to the mountain, and he's out yelling out from the mountaintop that Jakob Ibn Malik up should be happy. And as soon as I heard this, I fell down in such depth. Realizing there could be only one reason for happiness. Like there is no the sentence is not

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completed. I'm sure for what no need to mention. There's only one thing that ups ship. So he said I fell down in such depth, realizing that a loss help had come and then he's saying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had announced that Allah had forgiven us after Salah till fudger. And the people came

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to congratulate us, and some people reached out to my two companions, the other two, and a horseman came galloping to me in haste. And the man on the roof, the man on the mountain, his voice reached me first. But the one who came on the horse riding, he came to convey me in person. And I was so happy, I gifted him, the clothes on my back. And that's all that I had at the time. Which means in those 50 days, he has gotten rid of all of his money, basically, as much as he can. sadhaka he said at the beginning of the cursor, he said, What, that I have more wealth than I've ever had. Now, in these 4050 days, the quote, the cash or the coins you would have had, it's all gone. Of course, he

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still has his garden, he still has other things. But the coinage that he had, it's all gone. Why is it all gone? He doesn't say this, but we read in, why is it all gone? South Africa, he wants to go. So he said, I had nothing to give him in my house. Meaning of wealth, other than the clothes that I was wearing. So I took off my garment. And of course he's wearing these are underneath you know, they were the is our we call it the longest wearing that I took off my garment and gave him that as a gift. I was so happy meaning the guy came all the way rushing from the masjid galloping on his horse, only to give me the good news, right. And this shows us SubhanAllah. That's how much genuine

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love existed amongst the Sahaba that when they heard that his Toba has been accepted. Everybody goes rushing, some go to this Sahabi the hill and others go to God, others rush up the mountaintop trying to give him news. Look at the genuine love the genuine wanting good. I mean, literally galloping from the mercy of the nebby all the way to his house. What is he going to get? Just He's so happy. The good news. It's not even somebody from his own tribe is just another person as a hobby. He's just galloping there. And of course, gab is so happy that you come to give me the news. He's already heard the news, but he's ecstatic. And so he wants to give Tim said I had nothing to give him my

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house other than the soap I was wearing. So I took that off. And I gifted him. It's apparently this this shows you the poverty of the Sahaba will lie if one of us were to be gifted, somebody whose shirt or quarter ortho will be insulted.

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This is true, will be insulted. Like what do you mean, you're giving me your used shirt, right? But the Sahaba were so poor, this is the general all of the Sahaba they were so poor, that being gifted a used thobe is a big deal. As we know, most of us, I have only had one garment, even our process and typically at two garments. That's it, too. And May Allah forgive me and forgive you, our closets are bursting at the seams, at the amount of clothes that we have, right? This is the reality of all of us in our time. May Allah xojo Forgive us, the point being to be gifted a job was such a big deal. So he gifted him his job. Then he said, I did not have any other job. So I had to knock on my

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neighbor's door and borrow a soap from him. borrow the garment from him to go to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this literally shows us that in these 15 days, the house wealth in and this doesn't mean he sold everything. We're going to come to this in a while. He still has other possessions like gardens and whatnot. But his wealth of the house is completely gone depleted. He doesn't even have clothes to wear anymore. So then he went to the neighbor's house and he borrowed a garment from him. And he rushed to the masjid. And he said, the people began to receive me in batches wherever I went, they would hug me they would thank me congratulating me on a lot of xojo

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having forgiven us and saying no musharaka glad tidings Millbrook at the acceptance of Allah azza wa jal repentance. And he said when I entered the masjid of the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam. I saw the process of and all the people around him, meaning this was a festival for all of the Sahaba Well, I imagine this, what has it to do with the rest of the Sahaba that these three people there Toba was, except to think about it, right. But when you have that type of Hawa, when you have that type of love, when your brother has been saved, you feel you have been saved. So the whole community is rejoicing. They're celebrating a type of aid if you like festival, everybody's in the masjid,

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celebrating happy that these three have been forgiven. And he said that I saw the process. I'm in the middle of the mess yet all the people were around Him and follow Him and obey the law. The famous Mahajan, the Makita. innovator, he stood up to rush to greet me, and he shook hands with me and congratulating me, by Allah out of all of them. Oh Ha Joon, he was the only one who did this. And I will never forget this gesture from palha. Now somehow, this shows us that

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That's x. That's not as if the Mahajan did anything wrong. I mean, they're happy for him. But you know, they're not gonna they're not none of them stood up, but but he stood up to greet him. And of course, the Maha judon are, are, of course, more elite and more noble than the eyes of Allah. And therefore the fact that Allah has stood up, gab remembers this. And he said, I'm never gonna forget as long as I live, this one gesture that Paul had panela one act of goodwill law, he you will, you will change a person's heart for the rest of your life. One act of good, right just to smile, just a handshake, just stay a word of comfort, when people have left you and people have hurt you. Somebody

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comes in says a word of comfort will lie. And I know and you know, that, you know, at times of distress, you really see who your friends are from your enemies, at times of difficulty when the person comes in, gives you something that is positive, even if it's I mean, what is it to stand up, right? What is it such a small gesture, but look, and by the way, when is he narrating this, he's narrating this 40 years later, he's an old man, he's blind. He's remembering. And he's now thinking 40 years ago, Paul has stood up and will lie, I never forgot that as long as he lived. Can you imagine right, one gesture like this. Then he said that I greeted the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, and his face became bright with joy, like the full moon. And he said, whenever the Prophet system was happy, his face became like the full moon. Now this phrase, we find it in many a hadith is not just this hadith we have found in the hadith of job and in the hadith of cap, so many narrations that when the process was happy, beaming like, you know, we say his face became like the full moon and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, should you kept that, be happy and be given the glad tidings, the best news that you have ever heard, since the day your mother gave birth to you? This is the best day of your life. Why? Because Allah has announced you are forgiven. What

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more can you want? Allah has announced it's in the Koran, we still read it to this day, right? Allah has that now because Allah has accepted your repentance. So

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the Profit System said, Excuse me, the process and have said, that be happy and rejoice for the best day, ever since your mother gave birth to you? He didn't say why God then said, or messenger of Allah, is this from you, or from Allah?

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And the Prophet system said, No, it is from Allah. And this really shows us over and over again, that the Sahaba made a clear distinction between Rasul Allah and between Allah Jalla Jalla Lu, right. This is really what Toad hate is all about the greatest human being and cab the saying, I want to know, your forgiveness, which is great, but the real forgiveness is a loss forgiveness, right? And remember what God said, we said this last week, that Yasser Allah if I wanted to, I could have convinced you.

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But I can't convince a law, and I might have pleased you, but Allah would have.

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Allah would have exposed me later on. And if I make you angry, but I'm honest with Allah, then I hope Allah might eventually Forgive me. And this is what happened. Right? So this really demonstrates, and this is, again, a very crucial point that

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many groups in our times, as I've said over and over again, the status of the Profit System, and what do we do with him? And do we go to him for our knees? And do we ask him while he's alive, and gab is saying, is this from you or from Allah, which means gab understands that something from the process of them is great, but that's not heaven and *. That's not Heaven and *, the ultimate owner of heaven, and * is Allah subhanho wa Taala. He is the one who decides, right? So he is saying, I had the mink Aminullah, who is this from that? I wish he would be happy, and from you is good, but if it's from Allah, that's what I'm waiting for. And the process that says, No, no, this

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is from Allah, because he hasn't heard the verses yet. He's gonna hear them later on. And he said that when I sat in front of the prophets of the Los Alamos, said, Dr. rasulillah, because Allah has accepted my repentance, I will give up all of the possessions I have few sebelah. So which means he still has some left? What does he have left? his possessions that are not gold and silver, now he must have land he must have I mean, the house he's living in, let's say, so these are things you have. So he said, Because Allah has accepted my repentance. I will give up everything, feasibility law, all of it, I'll be left with nothing. What do you think our religion says about that? Our

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process that I'm said, keep some of your wealth with you. That is better for you. Don't give everything keep some of your wealth with you. That is better for you. And so gab said very well, I shall keep my share of hyper. Remember, haber was the largest fortune that the Sahaba got, other than the Battle of her name, but of course in her name, how much does the unsalted get?

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Nothing the answer, I got nothing. So the Ansel got hyper and hypo was a good amount of wealth.

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And so he said that Jada sutala I will

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Give up everything Pisa be louder than hyper and hyper was a nice, good plot of land, you're getting a good income from labor. And so this shows us that a number of benefits that don't act on raw emotion, don't just act on a spiritual high, think wisely. He's now so happy. He thinks that call us You should get everything left with nothing. And here we have the wisdom of the Prophet. So I said, I'm telling him no Calm down, keep some of your wealth for you for your family, it is better for you. Now, if somebody were to say, I want to talk about this, even today, inshallah, in the next 30 minutes, if somebody were to say, but don't we know from our tradition that some of the Sahaba such

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as Abu Bakar, they gave everything he said Allah, leaving nothing at all at home? How do we respond to this, and the response is very easy. That is why he was Abu Bakar.

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None of the other Sahaba even Omar did not do that. Right? That is really a difference that we have not reached that level. And it is foolish to give our entire money to foreign Misaki. And then make our wives and children for Cora and Misaki. This is not what our religion tells us to do. So the process of said to God, keep something for your family, give the rest feed, Sabina LA. And we also learned from this, that when a positive thing happens to us when something good happens to us, we should give charity to thank Allah. This is something that is established from our tradition. If you get a raise you graduate, you have a child. Of course, when you have a child, it is Why'd you have

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to give the head to the old here. And also to give some sort of, you know, just like 510 dollars, they say that the weight of the hair by the way, somebody asked me the other day. So how do I weigh this hair? No, you don't weigh the hair. This is an expression. In Arabic, you don't actually take the baby's hair and then put it on a word. There is no such thing like that doesn't work is just an expression. That simply means give some small amount of charity. So our tradition tells us that whenever something good happens, what should we do? Thank Allah by giving some SATA. And this Cavs incident proves that he knew this in his mind. It's already known to him that when a good thing

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happens he wants to give everything FISA vitola then cab said yeah, Rasul Allah, Allah has saved me by telling the truth. This is what why I was saved, Allah saved me by telling the truth. So as a part of my Toba, I promise never to tell any lie as long as I live.

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Now he's so happy, he realizes that Allah saved him because he was honest. So he makes a promise that as long as I live, I shall always tell the truth. Then he tells his son, because remember, this narration is being told by to his son much later on, he tells his son that will law he, I don't know, any Muslim, whom Allah tested more with, to have to tell the truth or lie than me, meaning for the rest of my life, there were so many opportunities that I felt like I should tell a lie. But I remembered my promise. And so I never said a lie. Until this day, he's telling his son, I haven't said a lot until this day, and they hope that Allah will save me until the day I die. Right? And

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this shows us, he said, I never told the lie intentionally until this day. And I hope that Allah will save me for the remaining of my days, right? And this shows us a panel, what a beautiful statement. He's already. We don't know his exact age when he's narrating this Hadees. But he died at the age of 7778. So and he's already and he became blind towards the end of his life. So we can assume this Hadeeth is like 7576 years old. So he's thinking back 3040 years, and he just has a year left. He doesn't know that somehow what's a humble humility is being shown that for 40 years, I haven't told the lie. May Allah protect me for the remainder of my life? What a beautiful humbleness

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that is shown here, right? That he's already such an old man. And there's no need for him now to lie. But still, there's always this humility. I don't know the future. May Allah protect me from the future. Also notice that he said, I never intentionally told a lie. And even in this, we see his humility. Maybe I said something that I thought was the truth turned out to be wrong, right? Maybe I said something that I was intending it to be factual, so he doesn't want to accidentally lie to his son. So he says, I never intentionally told a lie that a matter are meant to carry been called copper. I never intentionally told the lie. And even in this we sense his humility, his caution and

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not saying anything that might be an unintentional lie. And Captain goes on and he says, And Allah revealed the verse in the Quran, that Nakata below and maybe one more hygena what unslotted it's about that, that Allah has accepted the or forgiven the the Prophet and the Mahajan.

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Those who were with him and

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Allah subhana wa tada said that

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what is where was I? And

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God said that by Allah Wa Allahu Allah has never bestowed upon me a blessing greater than Islam. Other than the fact that that day I did not lie to the prophets, I send them the best blessing that I ever received after Islam was that day when I could have lied, I did not lie, because if I had lied, I would have been destroyed. Like the hypocrites were destroyed. Because Allah described the hypocrites with the worst descriptions he ever used for anybody. This is kept speaking. What does Allah say he then quotes the Quran, he recites the Quran. All of this is Surah Toba and inshallah, when we finish

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the haweswater book, as is my habit, I want to go back to the origin. You know, I've been doing this from the beginning, we go to sort of add ons to the end file, we go to a various versus fertilizer, we did this, we also went I went to go to pseudo Toba, we might we might spend an entire day just on versus some sort of a tober. And when we do that, I'll tell you to bring it on. Because Saratoga is long, it is more than a juice is the one of the longest pseudos and it's basically 90% about taboo. And there's so many side points here. So again, as a part of our routine in the Sierra, we're gonna go back to the haoran but now we just mentioned some of these verses. So Allah says in the Quran, so

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if we're gonna be la de la comida and caught up to marry him the new blonde whom they shall swear to you, who is they?

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They're hypocrites. When you when you come back, when you came back to Medina, they shall swear to you, what should they what will they swear to you that they have legitimate excuses, just so that you may turn away from them literally? Meaning so that you can move on to the next guy. Right? So Allah says, Are you blind home, turn away from them. Notice is beautiful here. The reason they want you to turn away is so that you move your attention to somebody else. And Allah says you should turn away meaning turn your mercy, you're good attention away from them turn away from they're not worth your attention, fight with them. Then Allah says in the home religious when they are filthy, they

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are filthy and knowledge soon, right? That they are filthy and will not walk home jahannam they shall be in the fire of * just be my counter. Yeah, I'm alone that as a punishment for what they do. And then Allah says in the law, the homosassa clean, Allah does not guide the fast of people. This is hula tober, verses 95 to 96 versus 9596. Notice once again, he's attributing good to a law by a law a law never gave me anything better than Islam, other than on the day he protected me from telling a lie. Notice here the difference between the Muslim and the non Muslim, the Muslim attributes all good to Allah. And the one who doesn't believe in Allah will attribute good to

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himself. Okay, so even this good he says this is from Allah subhana wa tada gab says that we the three people, the three of us that that remained behind

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were the ones whom the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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the ones who gave the excuse to the Prophet sallallahu I knew he was setting them and the rest of them one afternoon, he gave them outward forgiveness and left their affair to a law. He left their affair to Allah subhana wa Tada. As for us, he told the people to leave us and this is the reference in the Koran wireless Salah 13 ladina holy fu now pause here. What is he saying? He's basically splitting the Quran, the Quran, verse surah, Tabata, surah Toba, verse 118, surah Toba verse 118. This is the verse that is about the three wireless Salah satilla holy. This is the most explicit verse about cabin his companions cabin is doing Tafseer of the verse. He is saying the word holy foo

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is commonly interpreted as for the three who remained behind.

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And he said no, that's not what it means. Holy fool here means our verdict from the Prophet says alum was disconnected from the verdict of them when I feel when we three were told to wait. That's holy fool.

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Do you understand which I go over this? Some of you understood some of you didn't understand. Should I go over it? So wireless Salas Catalina Holy funa. If you look at even most of the Quran translations, you will find they're translated as for the three who were left behind, and when you look at the story of the book, the first thing that comes to mind, okay, the three were left behind, and the others went forward. But it says the three were left behind, not the three who remained behind. They were cut off. That's what they were

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Saying, so gab is correcting this misunderstanding from the very beginning. No, this doesn't mean we remain behind. Allah is referencing the three of us. Our verdict was suspended. We were in limbo. That's what he's saying. While the slots are delivered only four hours for the munafo, they were not in limbo. Why? Because the prophets is an outwardly accepted, and he left there in words to Allah. So they're not in limbo, right? Is that clear? So Allah Salah, telling the holy foo, the three upon whom no verdict was made, maybe you can translate it like that, the three who are in suspension. That's the reference here. And then.

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So God said that the reference here is not our remaining behind the husband are remaining behind, but rather the fact that the process of did not make a decision in our case, that's what holy for means, in contrast to those who

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don't, who who were outwardly the process of Salah to forgive them. And Allah says in the Quran after this, we'll talk about this. After this. Allah said, Don't ever ask forgiveness for them again. This was the last time ever after this. Never was he supposed to ask forgiveness for the hypocrites, but we'll get to that when we get to the issue of the hypocrites. Okay, before we move on.

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This story is really one of my favorite stories from the Sierra. It really it should be the one of the favorite stories of all of us. And it's a beautiful story. And I just wanted to very quickly, in addition to some of the benefits we derived as we went along, wanted to give at least 1520 benefits that we can derive from the story in other angles and aspects. And Gavin Malick, by the way I forgot to mention last time, he was amongst the two or three most famous poets of Medina has San Eben Sabbath, his poetry was more famous, is more famous to us, because his son specialized in a genre of poetry that were more comfortable or were more happy with and that is attacking the kurush we like

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this back and forth, right? But cabinet and medic, his poetry was not of the attacking type in Arabic is called the hijab. There's there's genres of poetry. And we all know that there's different ways of doing poetry. So there's different genres and hasanz genre was attacking or making sarcasm of the opponent. And that's why Hassan is defending the process of against the Quran. kabobs poetry is a different type. It's basically inciting the Muslims to be more brave. So it's a different type of poetry be steadfast in the battlefield, and his poetry is well known. So he is amongst the same group of elite poets as his son urban Sabbath, but because his poetry is not of that genre. Most of

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us haven't heard of his name, also, Capitan Malik, he was the one who on the day of boyhood, he substituted his armor for the armor of the Prophet. So this time, if you remember, we talked about that, that when he saw the battle getting tough, so he substituted so that people would think that he is the Prophet salallahu it he was setting them and on the day of boyhood, therefore, a lot of people have the mystery. Cohn thought he was the process from the distance. He was targeted. He was wounded 11 different times through spears and arrows. 11 different ones came to him. This is gap event magic and event capital Malik he lived a long life. He lived throughout the period of hobo

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Kodama with man, Ali, and he participated in some of the jihads and eventually he died in the reign of Mara We are the Allahu taala and who at the age of 77. And as we know from the books of Sierra, even this book, even this idea, that event he became blind in his old age. Now, this hadith is multifocal a Bosnian Muslim is reported in urban as half as or voted in poverty. It's a very famous narration of, of Sierra, and it's interesting. Imam Bahati puts this hadith in the chapter of the Battle of Luke, which is logical, but in my Muslim places it in a totally different chapter, which is also very logical. And that is the chapter of Toba and the blessings of Toba. So this hadith is

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beautiful because it makes us optimistic about Toba, that somebody who commits a major sin and it was a major sin for cap, because it was thought of dying on him to go. Direct disobeying of the process is a major sin. It was a major center is not a trivial matter. After all, he's been boycotted 50 days, no other Sahabi other than those two, were boycotted, that's a major punishment, right. So, the fact that one can be forgiven after all of this, this is really the main point. Now what are some of the benefits in addition to all that we have said, of the benefits we derived from the story of cabin magic is the desirability the permissibility of narrating the stories of the

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sinners and the repentance. There is a genre that's very popular, still popular, and that is we like to hear Oh, so and so was a great singer. And he then repented give him a copy of the Quran. Right? So and so was an actress and she repented she started wearing the hijab, okay.

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I was in Malaysia recently and there was a, you know, these models of the magazine I'm not going to mention in the future but you know, this magazine, the famous magazine that has pictures that are not appropriate. She was one of those ladies. And she repented. And she started wearing the hijab. So this is front page news in Malaysia. We're all happy, Masha, Allah that such a lady who had such fame and such whatnot, she repented and now she is now wearing the hijab. Now, the point being some of the stricter scholars, they kind of frown on these stories. And they say, why are you quoting the stories of the sinners and the repentance? Let's stick with the Quran. The stick with the Sunnah,

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and we say, the Quran and Sunnah nothing can compete with that. But the Quran and Sunnah allows us to occasionally add some stories of and why do we like these stories? Who can tell me why do we like to hear the stories of so and so who was really bad than he was guided?

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It's a lesson, it's hope. What else?

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Something to relate to. These are people that live amongst us when we hear the modern stories, right? These are people that will that live amongst us, right? So it's relatable, it gives us hope. Now, some of our stricture scholars have always been like, we should just avoid this and they bring a lot of valid points, which all can be mitigated with some simple conditions of them as you keep this choice in perspective, the stories are not the corner. Well, this is the Sierra, that's fine. But how about stories of modern repentance? That's not the Quran and Sunnah. Right? So keep it in perspective, don't base all of your hopes on these people. Because how many of these people they

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were guided, but then not fully guided, they still have some sense, for example, right? And there are human. So the point being, the permissibility, of narrating the stories of these people, in our times who are sinners, and then they have repented, there's something benefit to gain from that also, from this story, we learn the permissibility to narrate your achievements without boasting. you narrate the good that has happened to you and you have done without boasting. What is the evidence for this from the story?

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At the beginning, cabalists his CV to his son, I was at Aqaba, I gave the visa I fought every single battle except for so he's telling his son his whole CV. And there's nothing wrong with telling somebody the good that you have done, the good that Allah has blessed you, as long as your Nia is not boasting, and therefore that's something you have to monitor, nobody else can monitor it. Okay. Allah says in the Quran, what I'm burning Mattila Baker, for had it as for the blessings Allah has given you tell the people of those blessings. So you're allowed to tell somebody of a positive you have done so in order to encourage them in order to give a point. So you can say that, for example,

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that you will have the line memorized with abakada. Let's say for example, if you're doing this so that he says Masha, Allah, Allah, Allah, right, then Allah knows your Nia and your Surah Baqarah is gone. What is it? What is the point now, but if you're doing it, and let's say you're, you're older than the person you're talking to, you say, son, I memorized suta. Baccarat means if I can do it, you can do so now here, you flip the whole perspective around, right? You're saying something to encourage him, or whatever the need might be, as long as the Nia is positive, you can mention the positives about you. We see this in cap story. Also, we have to be careful to be factual and not

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exaggerate and have humility. We see this that when he said, I participated in all the battles, but he made an exception.

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But he could have let it slide. Because, you know, it's true that he participated all the battles, in better wasn't quite a battle, he could have just let it slide. But here we see his humility here, that he wants to make sure that you don't put me above the place I deserve. I did not participate in but well one of the benefits we also learn it's a little bit scary here. But no matter how noble your past, that doesn't dictate and necessarily mean your future will be Noble. If you looked at Cavs resume before terrible, who would have imagined that he would not obey the direct command of the Prophet saucer? Right, participating in Aqaba? What a noble thing of only 70 Sahaba This is the

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elite of the unsought having accepted Islam before the process of migrates right. He is the one who gives his armor to the process of what an act of bravery take seven or 11 different you know, swords and arrows and javelins in his body. What a great Sahabi who would have imagined that this might happen. And so Pamela, we have in the Dr. Ibrahim, enough of this warning Ibrahim as he's building the Kaaba. He says, Oh Allah, make sure that my children and I never worship idols. look good. What are you scared of? He's scared of not worshipping an idol. No matter what your past is. Your future? No

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But he knows should always be humble about your future. Also notice here, that of the benefits is that it is completely permissible to narrate one sins to others. If it is done with the right knee, okay? We cover up the sins of other people. As for our own sins, we have the right to narrate them.

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If there is a moral, if there is no moral, then we are bringing a law's wrath. If we narrate them to boast, we're bringing Allah's wrath are processing them said, all of my oma shall be forgiven, except those who boast of their sins, all of my oh my shall be forgiven, except those who boast of their sins, when you have such little email, and May Allah protect us but this is so common in the oma so common, they will boast I was with so and so I drank so and so I did this and that, and they think there's some cool people that have done this. And this is really complete lack of email. But suppose somebody narrates that, yes, I used to drink alcohol. Yes, I used to take cocaine, I used

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to, you know, sleep around and do this and that. But then I realized this, Allah guided me, and then he's warning the people. So in this case, he's narrating his own sending state. But the goal is to warn people away. This is john as we learn from the headache of gap that he tells people about his sin, in order that they do not fall into their these sins. We also see from this Hadith, the sacrifice of the Sahaba, the obedience that they had to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam imagine 1020 30,000 of the Sahaba obeying the call of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Harkening to the call of London's messenger, giving up cultivation and agriculture, walking in the

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July heat in the desert from Medina, all the way to tabuk. Imagine and how many people remain behind three,

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three people of the

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Sahaba, of course, the restaurant African known for their nifa, what is the what is therefore the obedience rate, if we listened to him and his house was that there's 30,000 people, three over 30,000 0.01%, basically, percent was not obeyed, and they were eventually forgiven. Those types of statistics will lie, where you see now why the oma is in the state that is in right. Those types of statistics. When the processor says go forth, the whole oma goes forth from they came from here, they came all over, they came in order to go forth and fight in trouble. And this really shows us the love and emotion that the Sahaba had. We also see from this

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incident and from the the narration. And of course, this is a constant theme of the Sierra, that our Prophet salallahu. It he was setting them took adequate precautions, that in the case of the book, because it was such a difficult journey, he did not surprise anybody. He told them exactly where they're going. He told them, they'd have to prepare. He told them to make sure that they make their matters, you know, arrange their matters for their family and their agriculture before they go. And this clearly shows us the reality of the book, the reality of the difficulty of taboo, that it took place in July and agricultural season and the reality of preparing feasibility law. It is foolish to

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go forth in any endeavor, whether it's a battle, whether it's anything without any preparation and say, Allah will take care of me. No, Allah will take care of you. When you take care of yourself and put your trust in Him. And the Sahaba took care of themselves. They had the amount they had the right they had the money that the preparation, then they put their trust in Allah. Putting your trust in Allah doesn't just mean walking on the battlefield and saying Allah will take care of me. This is foolishness. It is not typical. Also, notice over here, as our processing I'm said feeling guilty is the essence of Toba. This whole Hadith we can sense how guilty God felt.

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Even though he's narrating the heady 30 years later, well, we can sense how guilty kab felt, and especially the phrase that he says to his son, that the next day I woke up, and I said, I can make it the next day I woke up, I can make it and then I realized I would not be able to make it. Oh how I wish that I had prepared and made it with them. Now notice, he is saying this 3040 years later, still in his heart, even though he knows what does he know now? He knows that he's forgiven, right? Well, why isn't this so beautiful? He knows he's forgiven. But still, 40 years later, he is telling his son How I wish I didn't have to go through that. And I made it. And this shows us this is the

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sign of genuine Toba? genuine, we commit sins. What is the sign that we have genuinely repented? We feel guilty for those sins, no matter 1020 3040 years down the line. We look back and we feel genuine regret. Why did I do that? I wish I didn't do that. Even if we know for a fact. And we cannot know for a fact but God can even if we know for a fact Allah has forgiven us still you

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feel guilty? Why did I have to do that? I wish I didn't do that. Also realize from this story as well, and I said this last week, but very important, again the dangers of procrastination, delaying being lazy. The movement is not lazy. And every time you feel lazy and want to postpone remember the story of cat. Every time we want to postpone something for tomorrow, remember the story of cab? Because weeks went by, and he kept on saying, Yeah, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, plenty of time, until finally the process of them left. And he said, okay, call us today. I'll go do it. Then today. Also, he came back nothing. Then he said, call us tomorrow, I can catch up, and then even the second

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day, and then call us is too late after that, right? So don't delay have it done immediately. And of course of the simplest and most profound lessons in the story of gab is the importance of telling the truth. And of course, that's a whole whole topic in and of itself, but one has to remind myself in all of you, our profits of the Lord seldom said, I lay combustibility I oblige upon you, I put upon you the command of speaking the truth all the time, because speaking the truth leads to piety, Bill, and Bill leads to gender.

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I command you to speak the truth. That Hadith in Bukhari Muslim, I command you to speak the truth, because speaking the truth is piety. And piety leads to gender. And a man continues to speak the truth, consciously speak the truth, until Allah azza wa jal writes him as a severe. And so this was the highest level.

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And I warn you against lying, because lying leads to food, which is evil, and for Judah leads to Johanna.

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So notice how he linked directly truthfulness to gender, literally, the process of speaking the truth gets you to gender lying, gets you straight to Johanna. And he said, I warn you against lying, because lying is for Jews, evil and evil leads to janam. And a person continues to lie, until he is written in the eyes of a lot as a kozub as a liar.

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So, and this hadith is a very important Hadees just keep this hadith in mind, every time we open our mouths, make sure that what we speak is the truth. And of course, we learned this from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, that even when he was joking, he would speak the truth, even though he was joking with speak the truth. And that is why when he told one of the Sahaba, right, everything I say, so the Sahaba said, but sometimes you joke with us aerosol, Allah, so he held on to this tongue, and he said, octobe spirit, right? Because what I swear by the one in whose hands is my soul is my role. Nothing comes from this except the truth. Even in his jokes, I will process them will

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tell the truth. And there are plenty of jokes that he told the truth when the old lady came to him. And old lady said make drama causing me to enter agenda, and what are the processes and say,

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Oh, my God, don't you know that old ladies don't go to Jana. Right. And she began to weigh Well, well, and she's like, Oh, you know, the the whaling and then the processor smiled and said, Allah will convert you into a young lady, then you will enter gender. So what he said is true. It's not a lie. All ladies will not enter gender, Allah will turn you into a sharp bend to a young lady, then you will antigen and there are other ahaadeeth as well, where he's joking, but even the joke is the truth. So the point being that our process of them never ever set alight. Never.

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And this is something we know for a fact. I mean, from our own readings of the suit all throughout this, also of the benefits of the story of cab

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is that making excuses for good deeds is the sign of hypocrisy. What did the munafo do? The Quran mentions at least half a dozen times. Yeah, Tirana, la comida de la la come Yeah, they don't. They're just making excuses every time they make an excuse. So making excuses for performing good deeds is not a sign of Eman. It's very dangerous when you find yourself giving a million excuses to perform a good deed. This is not a good sign of the things we learned from the story of gab. Is that pleasing? Allah subhana wa Taala will eventually make a law please mankind about you and pleasing mankind at the expense of a law you will lose both mankind and Allah.

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Because God said to the prophet shall send them that Yasuda if I wanted to, I could earn your happiness. But Allah would expose both me and then you would hate me or you would only have a problem with me. And this is demonstrated in a beautiful Hadith. In Muslim imams also wanted me and others that our prophet SAW said him said

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many tema, serie de la Hebei saltiness, whoever seeks the pleasure of a law even if it means

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Getting the people angry at him, shall gain both the pleasure of Allah and the pleasure of the people.

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And whoever gains the pleasure of the people, by displeasing Allah shall never gain the pleasure of Allah, nor the pleasure of the people. So very beautiful Hadith memorize this one, because well, ah he This is such a difficult Hadith. There are times when speaking the truth, standing up alone, and telling a person what needs to be told or taking the stance that needs to be took. So very difficult thing. And it's so much easier to go with the flow, what will the people say? And here we have whoever seeks the pleasure of a law, even if it comes at the expense of the people will eventually be beloved by Allah and the people. And whoever seeks the pleasure of the people, by displeasing

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Allah will neither please Allah nor that people will be pleased with him. So here we have this in the story of gab, he became beloved to Allah and His messenger. And he became Beloved, all of us love kept to this day we love God.

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And look at them when they were despised by Allah, His Messenger, and they are despised by us today. Also we have from the benefits of the story of God.

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The importance of following righteous people at times of doubt, look to what righteous people are doing if you're confused, or do we get this from

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the other two Sahaba. Because God, when his tribesman came back to him and said, why would you embarrass us? You're the only one of our tribe who embarrassed us, why don't you just go and make an excuse? What did he say? Did anybody else say what I said? They said so and so and so and so. Further kodali Raja linezolid Haney by the DEA. They mentioned to me to righteous men who had participated in But

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notice what swayed cap

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so at times of difficulty and out, turn to the people of knowledge and and Eman and taqwa

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and see what they're doing and then follow them. Quality is more important than quantity of the benefits we learn from the story of cow is that it is the Sunnah of our Prophet system and our also our So know that no matter what it looks like, outwardly, we judge people by what they say. And we leave their inner affairs to Allah subhana wa Tada. Everybody knows these hypocrites are lying. Everybody knows it. The Sahaba know it, because what did God say? I was walking around Medina, I could only see the bunch of hypocrites. Everybody knows who they are. Because you have a resume amongst the people. Your character is well known to the people, your your friends, your community

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knows whether you are righteous man or not. Yet when these evil people came, and they made their excuse, our processing them, accepted it outwardly. And he didn't open up their hearts and find out are they telling the truth or not? If this is the case of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam How about us, we leave intentions and final judgment to a law. But the next point of benefit. Yes, it is true, we leave them to Allah. But it is not an Islamic to have a perception of a person who has a bad reputation without verbalizing that perception. Because even in these narrations, we get the clear verdict, our profit system and the Sahaba knew these people are like, you get you censored yourself

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when you read the story. But did they say that? No. So and this is actually very simple and well, I we live our lives this way. When you know somebody is a fraud, somebody is a regular liar, when you know somebody has you know cheated so many people out of money and whatnot. And then he comes in he gives you a million excuses about a particular issue. And and the person that he has stolen money from you know, whom to be trustworthy and whatnot, who Saturday going to believe the one who's the proven criminal, or the one who has proven a track record of being a good Muslim. You see here, so there's nothing wrong in your heart you have an opinion. But unless you're the court of law, in

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which case you have to say something, then you don't actually pronounce a verdict. And you leave the inner dimension to Allah subhana wa Tada. You accept somebody out the at the outer

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dimension and especially if they swear by Allah, there's a famous Hadith and most of them by Mohammed, so powerful. It is one of those few Hadith we learn about Jesus Christ in our tradition, that it is said our process of them said that a 70 million Jesus Christ, he once saw a man steal. So he said to the man, why did you steal? So the man said, what law he I didn't steal.

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So he said, I said, I will believe in Allah. And I will disbelieve in what my I saw.

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Meaning if you're going to mention a last name, let me take my

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Statement back and leave you refer to a lot. Now what is that show? I mean, he said I saw him steal. Now, of course, this is not this is not law. You cannot use this in a court of law. You understand this is this is not law. This is just being polite where somebody if he's going to mention a law's name, so, Risa radi Allahu

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alayhi salam, he said that, I will believe in Allah, if you're going to mention a last name. And I'll say my eyes were wrong. Now, as I said, this is something that we don't take it as a rule of law, but we take it as adept as etiquette, that when somebody is swearing or whatnot, Okay, hello says All right, let allow us to judge. Right. So this is what we learned, as well, from the hadith of gap. Also, from the hadith of gap, we learn that if you have something in your heart, about your fellow Brother, you should express it, frankly, and not leave it in your heart. And we learned this from the process of himself, that one cab came. Firstly, God knew he was angry, because

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he smile the smile of an angry person, then what did the process and I'm asked him?

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Then what there was something more? Didn't you have a camel?

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Didn't you have a camel? What does that show you? So the profitsystem feels in his heart? What is your excuse? And he says it? How could you have an excuse? And this shows us that when you have a trauma and accusation, right, when you have something in your heart, don't leave it in your heart, because if you leave it what happens?

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festers and you don't you you will start forming clouds and wonder, let it out. Look, man, I saw you do this, or I heard this about you. You say it. So that led the person defend himself? And how many times have we ourselves in our own lives? Right? confronting somebody with a fact only to realize the quote unquote, fact we have is only half effect or a distorted fact. And you hear the other side? In this case? Of course, the process? Of course, he was right. God didn't have the excuse. But what do we learn from this incident? confront people with what you have showed them the evidence, right, and then let them defend themselves? Because that's the only way you're going to have a good

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opinion of them after that. That either as in caps case, you'll say I'm sorry, you're right. You know, I don't have an excuse or he will explain to you the other circumstances, also of the benefits we learned from this and of course, this is a constant throughout the Sierra is that the Profit System is but to human, he is not God, he does not have any melee, he does not control Heaven and *, he does not forgive it is Allah azza wa jal, and we're lucky, anybody who reads the Sierra really cannot hold the position that the extremist movements do, it's not possible. Anybody who studies the Sierra directly from the sources, it is impossible. And that is why the notion of our

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profit center being some type of conduit or medium to get to a law, that we go through him in our, in our tawassul, the Sahaba didn't have it, because they interacted with him. Right when you interact with they did not put him on that type of semi divine pedestal that some of our extreme Sufi brethren or the military movement they do, this does not happen amongst the early generations. Why? Because they see this the the problem, they're living with him, it's not possible for them to hold these types of views. And we see this in the cab so many times is this from you or from Allah, I can convince you I cannot convince Allah, you see a clear distinction, right of La ilaha illAllah,

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Muhammad Rasulullah, also of the benefits we gained from the story of cab is that

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eloquence can be very dangerous.

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That eloquence and good speech can turn good into evil and evil into good.

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And there are so many evidences for this, not just with kab said, but our prophets are some Hadith is in Bahati, in the middle of biani. The Sahara, some speech is almost like magic. So how do you think mahadi some eloquent speech is almost like magic. What does this mean? It means just like magic can make things appear and disappear, turn things upside down. Similarly, speech can do the same thing almost. It can turn black into white and white into black.

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It can make the good appear evil, it can make the evil appear good in the middle of the Sahara, and God says this if I wanted to, I could do this. And our Prophet system himself also has that Hadith in the body as well, that

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you come to me with your arguments. You come to me with your disputes. So if two people are arguing about property, you come to me with your disputes. Well, Alibaba comm I'll help

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Mmm fearful judging him about. And perhaps some of you are more persuasive in arguing your case, then the other one is, so I find myself towards this person, but he knows that he is lying. So let that person who's lying realize that if I give the verdict to him, let him realize that what I'm giving to him is actually a piece of Jannah.

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Meaning what?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala obviously knows, but, but you might convince me, even the process of saying this, by the way, you might convince me, but you know that that land doesn't belong to let's say, and you twist and turn, and you make me think that it belongs to you.

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And therefore, I'll hand it over to you. But realize, if you're lying, what I'm handing you is actually the fire of *, right? But what does the headaches show that speech can be very persuasive. Right, and will lie, it's so true. When you look at what's happening in the world today. You know, how each group has just defined what it is doing, each group will, I'm not meaning any one group here, how the extremist amongst the Muslims, how Israel, how this country has foreign policy, and it's so easy to manipulate minds of the people, every group, that they do this, they do that they selectively quote, and you're like, if you know, if you're not knowledgeable, you start

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following that line of thought. And that's exactly what our profit system is telling us. Also, of the benefits that we learned from the story is that being harsh, is sometimes necessary.

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And again, I brought this up many times in the seat of the Prophet system, that the image that we have the process of them

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that he always forgave, this image is is good, but it's not true. And when it's not true, then it's going to be harmful in the long run. You cannot be a leader, you cannot run a civilization, you cannot have a country or a government where everything is always forgiven. There has to be

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the balance, there has to be. And anybody who says otherwise, is not in politics. And that's why as I said, the religion that preaches forgiveness has never followed it in its own history. Because you cannot you understand I've said this many times before, the religion that preaches turning the other cheek, is the last civilization to ever turn the other cheek. Okay, this is the reality because you cannot live like this. And our Prophet system demonstrated the ultimate reality, which is the general rule is kindness and forgiveness. But sometimes you have to take a stand.

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And he takes the stand here, that was very difficult for cab, and especially put yourself in his shoes. He didn't know what's going to happen. He didn't know how many days he didn't know to be yours. And that uncertainty, and then you know, everybody abandoning you, everybody. I mean, you become like a ghost in the whole city, your own wife is leaving you now your best friend and cousin doesn't even look at you in the face. And we will let you think about it, you really get emotional, if somebody were to do that to you. If one person does it to you, it hurts you imagine if all of humanity but that was their lesson and of the benefits of those lessons, every pain, every

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suffering, Allah subhana wa Taala uses it to cleanse us of our sins. And if we have the right attitude, then in sha Allah to Allah, every pain and suffering will come to our advantage on the Day of Judgment. And so every time something happens that's painful, have a positive attitude. And think of the story of god of the benefits of the story of cab as well is that it is of the etiquettes of the Quran and Sunnah and of the etiquettes of good manners.

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That we indicate activities that are better not mentioned explicitly will indicate them in implied wording. So for example, when the wives of the three Sahaba, were basically told not to come close to them. So explicit language was not used. The process of them said to the wife of Hillel, make sure he doesn't come close to you lyoko banach. Now, obviously, the meaning is not make sure he doesn't come within one foot of view. It's very clear what the meaning is. But there's no need to be explicit when the situation does not call for it. And therefore this is of the etiquette of the Muslim. And is that what you get out of the Koran? Allah says in the Quran that when one of you

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comes from the restroom, Allah doesn't say what you did in the restroom. Right? Allah says in the Quran, when you touch women, there must have been Nyssa and it's not touching women. It's understood what is the reference here? So even the Quran and Sunnah they teach us this etiquette or adapt. Now if the situation is called for then yes, you are explicit and we have cases in the Quran and Sunnah. Especially in the sooner where the process was extremely explicit, but that's when the case calls for it. Otherwise, the general rule, let him not come close to you. That's what he said. Right to him.

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And the point is given of the benefits

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that we gained from the story of cab is that the general rule of law is that victory comes at the darkest hour.

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Victory comes at the most lowest point of desperation. If you wait to that point, then inshallah victory will come. Because God himself says that it was as if as Allah describes in the Quran, 50 days have gone by now, right? And then Allah subhana wa Tada, except to the repentance, just like when you feel you cannot take it anymore. And so the movement is always patient and realizes that the victory is tomorrow it is around the corner. There are also some fifth benefits from the story of cab. Some very interesting benefits very quickly, we'll go over it of the fifth benefits from the history of cab number one, the permissibility of non Muslims entering Mecca and Medina, for a

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legitimate reason. And this is in contrast to popular opinion, most of us we believe that non Muslims can never enter Mecca and Medina, this is not true. The majority opinion and the opinion that has been acted upon for most of Islamic history, except now in the modern era. And even now in the modern era, it happens, but they don't tell this happening. When I was in Medina got accepted in 1995. They had German engineers to design the umbrellas of the atom. Because those those are brothers are feats of engineering, they have won prizes. It's amazing, really, so amazing. And I mean, sadly, we don't have the technology. So I remember seeing with my own eyes, you know, German

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engineers walking around, you know, in the harem, I just see him and they have to what are you going to do. And we have this notion that no non Muslim can ever enter Mecca and Medina, this is wrong. And we learned it from the story of cow what incident in the strip club,

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the novelty, the novelty, the nabatean if you like he was a Christian, and he's buying and selling and his the lesson that he has a letter from the last Sunday. So in the time of the prophet SAW Selim, right there is this Christian buying and selling in the city of Medina. And therefore, another benefit you can buy and sell from people of other faiths. Just common knowledge nobody ever says otherwise, you can buy and sell from people of other faiths and of the fifth benefits as well that we gained from the story of cab the permissibility of entering a semi private property as long as one is sure that the owner of this property would not mind him entering such an area and of

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course the reference here is to

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God's cousin's garden that what did he say I jumped over the wall

01:02:39 --> 01:03:20

and it is now in our current homes This is not common but many of you have homes back home you have memories of childhood and other places have their there was in many Muslim lands there still is, let's say a lawn or an opening or a front room and the door would not be locked and friends and relatives can come in any time to this front room, but they know that they don't go behind the curtain let's say right and there are timings that are well known that Okay, now you just come in and still to this day there are societies like this Sadly this this culture is dying out but there are still societies like this that they have a much less arm let's see, right and I know of some

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cultures that you know after salata rasa to McRib, It is well known that the veranda is open, let's say. And you just if you want to walk over to somebody's house, you just literally walk in, and there will be tea and there'll be people there and you don't have to announce your visit. You don't have to call beforehand. You just come and walk in, but it's understood. This is the open, I see smiles and smirks and childhood memories coming back. Right? So you can resurrect these childhood memories. If you would all come to your house, no problem, you know, just just have the biscuits and shine over although we'll come over inshallah. But my point is that this is basically that thing

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that there are areas that are semi private, and his garden is one of them. And Gabs cousin knows and allows God to come into the garden. So cob doesn't knock on the door. So somebody says How could he have done this? We say because it is understood that this is not the inner house. This is a place God is accustomed to come to his cousin knows he's gonna he comes in this matter, and his cousin is not going to mind. So this is something that we also gained from the story of gab, also of the physical benefits of the stroke cabinets of Hello, I wanted to do another two pages, but we just haven't even finished this recap of the physical benefits of the story of gab

01:04:31 --> 01:04:33

is the search that the sugar

01:04:34 --> 01:04:53

the search that the sugar, the says that the sugar is not explicitly mentioned in a verbal Hadith of the Prophet of Islam. There is no such Hadith when something good happens to you fall down in such that that type of headache doesn't exist. But the concept of such that the sugar

01:04:54 --> 01:04:56

is mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah,

01:04:57 --> 01:05:00

for Hauraki, and one up it mentioned

01:05:00 --> 01:05:13

In about Solomon ericeira are dealt with Elisa. And here we have the story of God that he is on his rooftop. As soon as he hears the good news, what does he do?

01:05:14 --> 01:05:36

falls into such depth. And therefore this shows us that it is sooner, and we say it is sooner, even though the processor didn't command, but we learned from the zero, it is sooner when something good happens to you, you fall down in center and that such the does not need will do.

01:05:37 --> 01:05:38

Because it's not Salah

01:05:39 --> 01:06:11

that such the does not need will do you fall into such de in any state that you're in, because this is this is that the shocker? Do you have to say Allahu Akbar are not minor difference of opinion, safer thing is just to say Allahu Akbar and fall into such that. And of course, you have to fall in the direction of Dr. Bala. But you don't have to have will do when you fall into this such that so we should also revive this habit. Every time a good news happens to us, we should immediately fall into such depth. And remember

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one of our teachers and one of the scholars of the house of Medina, he was doing his PhD from the University of Medina, his defense dissertation, and the audience was jam packed because he's the one of the famous shifts of the bottom. And he was awarded his PhD with the highest honor like shout out for Lula, which is like highest honor. And in front of everybody. There's 1000 people in the audience, he immediately stood up, and he fell down essentially, Allahu Akbar and he fell into such that I remember that so clearly that that was not something we were doing at the time will lie which to but so sad, but so how did he you know he he was so happy he fell into stage two in front of

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everybody over there is something that we should also revive now such that the show could have the benefits from the story of cab is that

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it is permissible to shout out good news to the whole community. Good news is not like bad news. Good news is public. Oh God, Allah has accepted your repentance. This type of good news, it is permissible we have the man screaming from the mountaintops. And of the benefits we derived from the story of gab is that it is permissible to stand up and greet somebody for a legitimate reason. As long as it is not a habitual act. And we learned this from

01:07:31 --> 01:07:31


01:07:33 --> 01:08:12

Paula, Paula, Allah He stood up to greet him. And some of our brothers are very strict in this regard because they're overly literalist and they say, I will never stand up for anybody, because our prophets of Salaam said, and the Hadith is authentic, whoever loves that people stand up for him, let him be prepared to go to the fire of *. And this shows us how dangerous a little bit of knowledge is. I say a little bit of knowledge can be a very dangerous thing. You read one Hadith and you think, you know everything. Yes, that Hadith is authentic. But so is this hadith. So is the idea of the body that the Prophet says when it was in his house when his daughter came in, and he stood

01:08:12 --> 01:08:22

up to greet her. He's coming back after a long time, he's so happy to see he stands up to go and hug her and so many other narrations that when Syed was coming after the Battle of

01:08:24 --> 01:08:47

the Battle of the middle Florida, the profitsystem said, Oh, NSA Ed can stand up to greet your leader. So we have so many references of standing up. So where are we allowed to stand the world, we're not allowed to stand up, in fact, to show kind of others have written booklets about this, you're you're not allowed to stand up when the person has made it a culture or a habit to stand up.

01:08:49 --> 01:09:09

Now in cases in our country, where you are forced to stand up by law, such as in a court of law, so we are forced to, we stand up hating it in our hearts that this is not something that our religion encourages, but it is not going to give us any sin because now we're being forced. Because if you don't, you're going to be thrown into jail for contempt. So that's

01:09:11 --> 01:09:47

as well if there's a shortage when you're taking your ceremony or something as well in this case, right? So we realized that this is a type of pressure and and and being being forced to, but it's not something that we should do voluntarily for a person who takes it a habit to be done in his presence. However, occasion, occasionally we're allowed to, so you haven't seen somebody for a long time. Now you see him, you can stand up and greet him, he's coming back from your journey, stand up and greet him. This is something that is totally valid. I will learn this from the incident of what happened obey the law. I had two more pages of moving on to the bottle of to book other instances

01:09:47 --> 01:09:59

but out of law, we have finished time it is nine o'clock. And the Battle of the book is the final battle of the process. And the fact of the matter is that there's so many incidents in here. And so as you know, it is my point to

01:10:00 --> 01:10:28

Not go at a quick pace, I want to do everything in as much detail as possible. So I don't regret we spent two entire lessons on the story of God. And inshallah we will stay with the story of at least three more weeks, maybe even four more weeks, and then we have a day of just tafsir of Saratoga just have zero sutopo. So we will be doing a book for quite a while. Any questions, inshallah, before we break for so that he is

01:10:40 --> 01:10:43

not simple, please stand up, person,

01:10:44 --> 01:10:46

reflect on the person who

01:10:49 --> 01:10:50

you love.

01:10:51 --> 01:10:53

That's the city for us.

01:10:55 --> 01:11:08

So again, there's another aspect that Dr. Bashar is bringing up and that is that the Hadith says whoever loves that people stand up for him. So the punishment goes to the one who loves the standing up.

01:11:09 --> 01:11:17

And this is a valid point. At the same time, we have to be careful not to make it a habit for a particular person. Because our profits are seldom

01:11:18 --> 01:11:58

did not like that the Sahaba stand up for him and he forbade them to do so. And so nomadic says and the Hadith is a Shabbat activity that we would never stand up when the process of entered the room because we knew that he disliked that from us. And one time the process was sitting down and all of the Sahaba were standing. And he said Why are you doing this, you're imitating the practices of the Romans and Persians they stand up in the presence of their rulers. And this is true that in those days, if their king was there sitting down, they would all be standing up. So he said Don't do this. You're about to imitate the practices of the Romans and the Persians. So you are correct that the

01:11:58 --> 01:12:08

sin is upon the one that wants and craves it. We also have to be careful, we don't make it a habit and routine for a particular individual and Allah knows best. Yes.

01:12:16 --> 01:12:17

Solo Laurie said

01:12:25 --> 01:12:29

we will get to this issue of alpha lawan callamard into the home we will get to this issue that

01:12:30 --> 01:13:10

Allah subhana wa Taala said that Allah has forgiven you, why did you allow them to go by? But in a nutshell, it is because the hypocrites had a track record and the process in this particular case, everybody knows they are lying. And so the requirement was why didn't you basically get proof for them or whatnot? But Allah says Allah one, before Allah azza wa jal, very mildly chastises. Before even he does this. Allah says you are forgiven. AF Allahu Anka Lima event alone. Right. But we'll get back to this. When we do that though. There was a sister in the back Go ahead. Yes.

01:13:17 --> 01:14:00

A person is speaking without knowledge is that line. So our Prophet says that I'm said Bill Maher you can even and your head disobey Colima Samir, it is sufficient for a person to lie. If he tattletales if he spreads every gossipy hears everything you hear you spread it on, then this is a type of lying. So you should verify, especially when you hear something about another person, and you shouldn't just move on what you heard, you should verify. And even more important, you shouldn't be talking about other people anyway, none of us should be talking about other people. That should not be the purpose of our conversation. So yes, it is possible to be considered lying if you just

01:14:00 --> 01:14:04

simply continue to narrate everything you hear, okay, yesterday.

01:14:16 --> 01:14:17

Who should a man

01:14:23 --> 01:14:29

I'm not thinking of what no incidents coming to me but maybe if you remember what incident you're talking about.

01:14:35 --> 01:14:41

I'll have to go back to the back story and see what it is the things coming to me right now. final questions were vague guess.

01:14:45 --> 01:14:58

They didn't the other two sahabas they did not narrate it in the first person. So we only know about it from this story. We do not know their inner thoughts but the same thing happened they were forgiven because Allah says why they said Assa, so all three of them were forgiven shuttler

01:15:00 --> 01:15:01

Final question. Yes, go ahead.

01:15:07 --> 01:15:09

The issue of the chaining.

01:15:12 --> 01:15:23

I was trying not to get into that now because according to some scholars, it appears that these stories are mixed up

01:15:24 --> 01:15:27

with other incidents. So for example,

01:15:28 --> 01:16:08

when the Bono kurita, were told by the Sahabi, that, what do you think the process must say? And he made a motion with his hand that he's going to execute you, right? So apparently, some there is an opinion out there, and maybe we'll talk about this in detail. now realize my sit on my shoulder. hamdullah is very academic, but I don't go to that level where I talk about narrations that are not beneficial. So what I'm trying to say is one opinion is that those stories seem to be mixed up with the other incident. And other opinion is that no, that happened twice that two people were two incidents of people chaining up and I'm still debating do we want to go down that route of going

01:16:08 --> 01:16:18

into these if that our father and Allah knows best, we'll see. Be patient inshallah. We'll see. inshallah, with this, we conclude for this seminar. inshallah. I will see you for next next week in shallow data.

Shaykh yasir Qadhi continues to shed light on Ka’b Ibn Malik and how he got his forgiveness from Allah and what transpired next.

When Ka’b Ibn Malik heard that he had been forgiven and all the Sahaba had rushed to congratulate him for the same, he rushed to meet the Prophet ﷺ where Talhah Bin Ubaidillah stood up to greet him. This was a huge moment for Ka’b and he cherished it to the most.

There are numerous benefits that one can derive from the story of this sahaba, some of which are listed below:

  • The permissibility of telling the stories of sinners and repenters.
  • The permissibility of boasting of your achievements.
  • The continuity of the nobility of your existence.
  • Narration of sins if confined to permissible limits.
  • The stature of the sacrifice done by the Sahaba in the way of Islam and as a measure of complete obedience to the Prophet ﷺ.
  • The measure of ur Tawbah is decisive on the measure of the guilt you feel.
  • The mishaps of delays and procrastination
  • The importance of commiting to always say the truth.
  • Hypocrisy is valid when excuses are made to accomplish good deeds.
  • Clear confrontation with your frank feelings when dealing with a Muslim.
  • Necessity of being a bit harsh when required.
  • Pain and suffering cleanses us of our sins.
  • Victory is eminent at our weakest moment and in the darkest time.

We also derive Fiqh benefits from this beautiful story:

  • The permissibility of non Muslims entering Mecca and Madinah albeit for a legitimate reason.
  • Buying and selling from people of other faiths.
  • Permissibility of entering the semi private property of someone when one is certain that it would not be a cause of concern or dispute.
  • Sajda e Shukr
  • Sharing of good news with the largest number of people one can.


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