Yasir Qadhi – My Child is Begging Me To Get A Pet Dogwhat do I do! Q&A

Yasir Qadhi

AI: Summary ©

The speakers discuss the history of dog training and hunting, including the use of hunting dogs for socialization and coaching, the three main opinions of Islam, and the importance of dog breeds and privacy. They emphasize the importance of having a strong relationship with the dog and being mindful of behavior. The speakers also touch on the use of dog breeds for hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Muhammad Ali he will be as mine.

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Today is a regular q&a at hamdulillah we're back in our hall is real world hamdulillah and I choose questions that I think are more relevant for our entire community. For those that are watching online, remember that our email address is ask why Q at Epic messages dot O our or RG ask why Q at Epic Mr dot orgy? Today's question is one that I have given a brief answer to almost two years ago, but today I'm gonna go into more detail. And brother Ahmed from our own community asks, and he came to me personally. So this is a question I'm not doing from email this from our own community. He says that of late, more and more Muslim families are beginning to acquire dogs as pets. And they say

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that it is allowed in some schools of law. So is this true? And is there any concession? And he says that how do we answer when our children say why would the Shediac prohibit owning a cute little puppy? Okay, so what do we say to our children in this regard? So no doubt. This is a very interesting question. It has been discussed in our books since the beginning of

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scholarship. And it also shows us the differences of cultures because I speak for most of us above the age of I think 3035 where we are accustomed to culturally look down upon dogs. I have never in my life wanted to touch a dog I have never went to to pet a dog. Every time I see a dog I turn around and go the other way. I have no desire to interact with dogs. And I think most of us from that generation and older are of the same way even thought was born here. But still, I'm kind of sort of caught the old vibe if you like. But our own children are saying they're the cutest creatures. I don't think they're cute, but our kids do. Our children are saying why can't we have

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puppies? Why can't we have dogs, right? It's a cultural difference that we need to take into consideration. Now there is no doubt that culture sometimes plays a role. There is one of the Maxim's of Fick film on Earth from haccombe that earth or culture plays a role, but culture only plays a role where the Shediac is silent. When the Shetty eye has explicit matters then culture is put aside right. So the Shetty obviously the Quran and Sunnah where it is explicit then we do not so yeah, nice sometimes culturally speaking certain cultures might think certain animals to be beautiful other animals to be ugly. That's not a problem no problem. But if the Shetty comes and

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says certain animal is haram, certain animal is not just that changes the entire paradigm. So does the Shetty say explicitly these types of issues? And what is this controversy? What exactly do our roadmap say? So this will be a fairly any detail but still, I always have to make the disclaimer is still intermediate level, but it's not advanced level. But it will be a fairly detailed lecture about this issue. By the way, just out of Jonnie, FYI, you know your own curiosity. A number of books were written by our tradition about dogs. One of them has been translated to English and it is a very interesting book. It was written by one of the judges of ancient Isfahan Abdul Rahman Ibn Ali

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ibn moto Zubaan. And it is entitled guitar boo FOB Lil killaby, Allah cathedra Melissa Thea guitar boo Fidel killaby, Allah cathedra mement la visa a theory up who's going to translate the superiority of dogs, over many of those who wear clothes. This is Edmund moto Zubaan, he wrote a book, okay, the superiority of dogs over many who wear clothes. And the story of this book is actually very funny. I'll just summarize it that him and his friend were lamenting, this is 300 Digital 1000 or two years ago, how society has become corrupted SubhanAllah 1000 years ago, they're saying the good old days are gone. Can you imagine how they live to our times? And there's no such

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thing as a good person and loyal friends and what not? And even most women remarked, he will Allah he will Allah He, I think some dogs are better than some men. And his friend is started up he found this problematic, because no, I'll prove it to you. And he wrote a book. And in this book, he proved in according to him, that so what he's talking about here is that dogs are loyal. Dogs are happy with very little, you know, even if you're angry with the dog, he'll forgive you, you know, like all of these types of things, and he has all of the shit out of me. He has a thought of the Sahaba he has a hadith as well. I'm just quoting from this book. I definitely said that. If you want to have

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your own, if your dog wags his tail at you, then you can be sure that his tail wagging is genuine, but do not trust the tail wagging of people. Many of those who take

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Hello I got you are in fact treacherous in their hearts. Okay. Okay interesting point. A shabby says, a shabby is the great scholar 103 Hijra. The dog's best characteristic is that he is never hypocritical when he shows love. When he loves you He's real, unlike people of men or women. Even Abbas said, a trustworthy dog is better than a deceitful man. And he goes on and on in this manner that I'm trying to prove to you he is saying that some dogs are better than some a word that's even Maroubra. And I'm not saying this, I'm merely quoting. Another famous book that was written about dogs in our tradition is by one of the great icons of the hamburger school. Even Abdulhadi, who was

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also one of the students of the students have been teaming up. He's also known as YBNL Mubarak, he died 902 Hijra. And Abraham did he wrote a 300 page book called A little raffia camel Keylab or the interesting rulings about dogs 300 pages. There's a whole volume of focus printed on Arabic obviously. And I just quoted and tweeted today, rule number 72. Who saw rule number 72? Online? Anybody who saw Roman 72 What is wrong there? So why don't you tell us rule number 72?

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Rule number 72 in even Abdulhadi his book on dogs 100 rules. If a person's dog defecate on the path, the owner of the dog is obliged to pick it up. So poop bags or shutter if

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we can prove this remember Abdulhadi anyway, FYI, so I'm serious note now what does the Quran mentioned about dogs? The Quran mentions dogs in three places. One of them is relatively neutral, factual, neutral, factual, one of them is somewhat praiseworthy. One of them is somewhat disparaging of the places the Quran mentions the dog is of course us how we'll have factual okay, that the people of the cave had a dog were called bomba so tender I haven was sweet. So the guard dog is sitting outside of the cave and Allah azza wa jal seal that cave, and we are coordinator thelotter Robert roncal. Boom, who have certainly heard this from Carl boom, right. So this is a factual

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statement that the people of the cave have a dog. It was what if somebody were to say, Aha, Allah mentioned the dog of the people of the cave. This shows that having a dog is halal response, the people of the cave are nonprofits number one. Number two, they are people in a previous generation. And the shutdown of the previous generation is not something that our shedding is necessarily for or against, it's neutral until we find evidence in our Shediac. But it does show that dogs were domesticated by people for many, many millennia. And this is well known by the way, archaeologists and biologists know that dogs are of the earliest domesticated animals, okay, there's only how many

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domesticated animals 10, there's only like literally 10 or 15 domesticated animals in this world, the majority of animals are not domesticated. And they were all domesticated by humans eventually, over time. And the first domesticated animal was that of a dog or the dog species, and we have remains of civilizations with dogs that go back 15,000 years. So dogs and humans they are, they have been together since the beginning of even recorded history. And the US habit kind of proves this that people have lived around dogs for very, very many millennia. So this is one time in the Quran. As for the somewhat negative connotation, it is of course, the parable of the Dog in the Quran. And

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the one who rejects the truth is compared to Metha Luca Mithali. Al Kelby, his example is like that of the Dog in time and Allah He L has out a true coil has whether you shoo him away, or whether you don't, in both cases, his tongue is going to be hanging out and he's going to be panting. In other words, what Allah is saying is, the dog has no sense, whether you're angry or whether you're not is going to be panting and looking at you. Right? So Allah is comparing the Quraysh to this time and it's not a very positive connotation, right? So this is one the second time the third time in the Quran where Allah mentions dogs is where which is somewhat positive.

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The third time was where

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Allah says the Quran yes Aluna karma that are held in a home they ask you what is halal for them? What is permissible for them in food so within my either pull or Halal achimota You but all good food is permitted for you. One I love to middle Jawad he more kuleana to alumina Hoonah Mima hola como la, for coulomb second, Alia Komatsu smell La Jolla, LA. And it is also allowed for you to eat all that your beasts of hunting Jawara are all beasts that hunt such as dogs, and Falcons. And

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what else hunts? What else hunts cheetahs?

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No we don't we can't train lines in some some cases we have trained cheetahs. So certain animals are able to hunt very rarely we can do other animals as well. These are Joe adda. Okay these are Jody now. Mocha Lena Ibn Abbas said trained dogs mocha only been this is one interpretation the other interpretation mocha livina means that which you have sent out to catch your prey to Allah Munna Hoonah mimma Allameh Kamala, you have trained these animals, these dogs, from the knowledge Allah has given you. So the fact that we are able to train dogs, Allah is saying, this is a knowledge you have, it's a blessing you have that you are able to take these beasts and then train them to be your

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servants in this manner. They're gonna hunt on your behalf. That's a blessing you have been given. And Ibaka yum also mentions that look at how knowledge even raises the status of a dog to Allah Munna who naman Malema Kamala, the train dog has different rulings than the untrained dog. Right? So this is the third time that dogs are mentioned in the Quran. These are the three places that dogs are mentioned in the Quran, from the Quran, all that we can extract is that it is halal to have hunting dogs. That's it. That's the Quran. It is halal to haven't exalt the Quran does not tell us anything else. By and large, we can use hunting dogs and if we're allowed to own hunting dogs, and

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Allah is praising the fact that we have taught them from the knowledge Allah has given us. This shows us it is halal to ourselves trained dogs and training dogs takes years by the way, it's not something that is overnight. Dog Training is a speciality. And Allah has allowed it explicitly in the Quran and praised it think about this to eliminate Hoonah Malema Kamala, you are teaching these animals from what Allah has given you knowledge of so the Quran explicitly allows and the dog trainer I want you to think about this maybe even watching educational video, the dog trainer has to be extremely friendly with the dog earned the trust of the dog physically interact with the dog. And

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this is clearly that much is explicitly allowed by the Quran. Okay, and then when you train the dog then the owner has to have a strong relationship because dogs are very loyal to their owners, and they especially guard dogs, they must know who is the family, they must know who is not the family. So the Quran is allowing one category explicitly. As for the Hadith, the Hadith bring up the more detailed issues and there are multiple aspects because of time will only mention the two main ones that we should be aware of number one, then the Jessa of the dog. And number two, this the opinion of the roadmap about owning a dog and the two are not the same. Okay, something had been noticed,

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but you can still have it or see it or own it. So the Jassa is one thing and owning is another thing as for the jossa of the dog. Note that we're not talking in this lecture about the urine or the stool of the dog. I'll buy how he says and I know we caught some on this Jamal Muslim on other Nigel city Bodell kalbi Walker radical law so there is Iijima according to obey healthy that the urine and the stool of the dog is not just a footnote, there's a small dissenting voice in the muddy school. But basically the bulk of the OMA says it is notice we're not talking about the stool or the urine. We're talking about the animal we're talking about physically, the touching of the animal, or the

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hair, the fur of the dog, or the spit, or this the saliva of the dog. That's what we're talking about. Okay, with regards to the nadat and the jossa of the dog. There are from the beginning of Islam, three very famous opinions. There are three primary opinions that our mazahub have adopted. The first opinion all of these opinions by the way, center around and deal with the famous Hadith in Bukhari and Muslims and will testify the Hadith that Abu Hurayrah said that if a dog will hurt you said the Prophet system said if a dog slurps water in one of your canisters, then you must wash that canister seven times the first time with sand. Okay, so you must wash that canister. You must watch

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that Potter bowl seven times all on Hoonah but to rob the first of them with sand by the way our scholars say the meaning of seven and to Rob is extra washing in our times of use soap when you put it in the washing machine. It does the job the point is an extra washing needs to be done. That is more than just to rinse and put some water on you need to scrub to rob here the purpose of throb is the scrubbing you need to scrub it and then use the pot or the pan so if the dog licks a pot eats from a bowl you cannot use that bowl. You have to wash it an extra washing and severe washing before it is pure to us this is the Hadith Motavalli Okay, from this hadith three opinions. The first

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opinion is

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The Shafi school and the the majority or the default or the mature of the humbly school, two out of the four schools, they said, if the saliva of the dog is not just by this hadith, then clearly the entire dog has a special ruling. And it has niches. So the dog and the body of the dog and the fur of the dog and the saliva of the dog. All of it is nudges. So if a dog brushes against your pant, you are not allowed to pray in that pant, until you give it to severe wash, change your clothes before you pray. Okay, this is the Shafi opinion. And the default or the mature of the humbly school Shaeffer is and humbleness by the way, generally speaking, humble isn't Shaffir is are generally

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overlap in many of these issues. The second opinion is the opinion of the Hanafi school of OnePlus X posted on this point. And it is also the position of shareholder some Ibn Taymiyyah and Ashoka, Annie and other scholars of the that strand. And they say that, what is nudges is the saliva of the dog and only the saliva. As for the fur and the body, it is not notice. So if a dog brushes against you, you don't have to do anything. You can pray in that cloth. But if the dog licks you, or your pant, then you cannot pray until if it's your hand you have to wash. If it's your pants, you have to change or wash. Okay, so this is the second opinion. And this is the opinion that they've been

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telling me as we said, and the and the Hanafi position had been tambien, much more than fatawa, volume 21 page 530. He says that. The third opinion is that the fear of the dog is pure. And it's saliva is nudgers. And this is the meta of Abu Hanifa. It is one of the opinions of Imam Muhammad, and it is the most correct opinion. So if a person's thobe touches the body of the dog, even if it is moist with with sweat, it doesn't become nebulous and quote of Ibn Taymiyyah. So even Taymiyah says that even the sweat of the dog is not notice. So a wet dog is not notice. But the saliva of the dog is not just is that clear? That's position number two, obviously what is left the third opinion,

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which might have his left the Maliki school and the Maliki school said nothing of the dog is notice the dog is not notice. And it's for is not not just and it's saliva is not notice nothing is not just about the dog. Okay, Imam Malik, great Maliki scholars, what do you say about this hadith that

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seven times has to be washed or whatnot, the Maliki say they respond to this in a number of manners. And by the way, there's a famous scholar in Morocco, she'll say that I'll come only He can come well, you can. Everybody out of his knows him. He's very world famous. He has a number of good videos about this issue. You can listen to him. And he's also beloved by the authority school as well, because he's a very erudite scholar of that tradition. And so he brings evidences that are very in that genre. So she cites as I'm taking from his video, actually, that, in his opinion, the correct opinion is that this is again his opinion that there is nothing that just about the dog. And

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he goes, what about this hadith? How do we respond? He goes for responses, and this is from earlier Maliki school. Number one, he says that washing does not necessarily necessarily mean that it has to be nudges. We should wash that which we might find disgusting, but it is not nudges. So for example, mucus, it is not not just by unanimous consensus of the Ulama. But it is something if we find that we're going to wash it. So he said just because we have to wash doesn't mean it is not us. That is the first point. Secondly, he says, By explicit Quranic testimony, the train dog is allowed to hunt. And how does it hunt with what does it hunt the mouth, and its mouth is going to have saliva, and

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the saliva is going to be right on the animal and the Shetty I did not problematize that. And we don't have any text in the Shetty eye that says that, oh, make sure that you wash seven times the body of the evento yaki none, there's going to be saliva on that animal and by text of the Quran, that animal is halal. If you say Bismillah when you send the dog by the way you talk to them Bismillah, right. It's very explicit in the Hadith. Okay, for the Kuru Smola. Here, it is very clear. So the Tamiya is mandatory. Okay, so behind meat and whatnot. So, this is point number two, and that is that the fact that the train dog is allowed to

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hunt and the saliva is going to be mixed up. And the Shetty I did not problematize that indicates, according to the Maliki school, that the saliva is not nurturers. Point number three, he said

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Bukhari and Muslim have a hadith of Ibn Omar Abdullah one that kind of tell Caleb that the dogs would come in and out of the masjid that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and no one would do anything about that. Now, this might shock many of us here we have to understand rural Medina, very different society. It's not like closed doors and air condition and five doors to get in and out is just very primitive. And dogs were everywhere. And even Omar is telling us that dogs would come in and out of this authentic Bukhari Muslim well known dogs would come in and out of the masjid and nobody stopped them put a barrier there would be seen regularly inside the masjid of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And if they were not just they would not be allowed or they would at least just like when the Bedouin urinated, what did they do? They cleaned it, right. Even Batal said that the fact that the dogs are coming even battaglia is a great author of Hadith scholar Hadith died. Don't call me 300 Something even Batal says the fact that the dogs would come and go to the masjid necessitates that they're going to be touching their nose because they sniff everywhere. And they're going to be drinking water and eating leftover foods because the masjid was a sleeping place for strangers and delegations, and they would eat in the masjid. And they would live in the masjid

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and the sofa had an entire section of the Masjid. If the dogs were impure, they would have been prevented from entering the messages because Muslims unanimously agree you cannot allow a nurse to enter the masjid knowingly, right? And the fact that they would come and go, as it been Omar says indicates the repetitive nature of dogs entering and nobody forbidding them which means that they were not nudges, align nervously that tea and quote Okay, so this is another great scholar of early Islam, saying this hadith shows that they didn't problematize dogs as being nurturers. And fourthly,

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sharks or it says that the fact that the Prophet system is saying wash it seven times the first with sand clearly indicates this is not because of Natasa because which one is more net just and disgusting. human excrement? menstrual blood versus saliva dog which is more disgusting. It is the first. But we don't have to do that with the first do we? We don't have to wash a vessel seven times the first of them were to rob for something which is unanimously more nefarious. Even if you said that saliva is not just what is more, not just than that is, you know, you know what I'm saying? Yet we don't. We're not commanded to do that. Hence, he says, And he caused a big rush, the famous event

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rushed and even rushed his amalickiah units the famous philosopher had always been rushed. He wrote one of the greatest books of Philippi Dighton which the hit the beginning of them which to hit this book if you master it, you you're ready to do he had this book is without in which that evolution was what the great Maliki scholars have undos he was the judge of unnoticed as well under than what you're doing the more the more heads and even rushed. No sorry, not under them. He would there was he was persecuted by them. It'd been rushed, wrote this book. And in it he says that the fact that we have to wash it seven times indicates it's not because it is nudges. There must be some medical

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And she excite says this is because of bacteria, that the only way to eliminate the bacteria is because of this. So it's not not just it is disgusting, and not every disgusting thing is nurturers there is a difference between the two. Okay? Something can be disgusting to us, but it's not nudges. And he is saying or the Maliki school says that's dog saliva. It's not not just in and of itself. So these are the three opinions first opinion, everything is not just of the dog second opinion, only the saliva is not just a third opinion is the Maliki the dog is not not just in the first place. Okay? Nothing to do. Now, as you know, my position about the methods is best to follow your own

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method. Otherwise, if we open this door, it gets very confusing or you follow the chef whom you trust in this regard. The second issue becomes what is the fifth or the photo of owning a dog because it's one thing about nudges. It's another thing about owning a dog. When it comes to owning a dog there are two ahaadeeth that are used to discuss this issue. The first of them is whoever takes a dog, and except for one of three shall diminish the good deeds of his day. The amount of clear art what is a k-rod is like a large quantity. Whoever takes the dog except if it is a dog of agriculture, or a dog

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Give hunting or a dog of protection

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shall have his good deeds diminished by a certain amount every day. So this is the first Hadith that if you take a dog without one of these three reasons, if you own a dog, if you possess a dog, then your good deeds of the day will be diminished. However many you've done, you're not going to get the full amount there's going to be a deduction. Okay? There's going to be a penalty attacks for owning that dog. The second Hadith in Sahih Muslim that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was waiting for Djibouti to come one day he didn't come and he became

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perturbed Why didn't you but he'll come he went outside and God was waiting for him outside he said, why you said you're gonna come Why didn't you come Gibreel said there is a dog in your house. And we do not enter houses that have dogs in them and the processing came in and they found a puppy under the bed. So they got rid of the they put that outside and so this shows us that according to this angels do not enter the house where there is a dog Okay, so these are the two Hadith that are used now, from this a number of things first and foremost, by unanimous consensus, even the scholars that say it is not just they allowed these three types of dogs, okay? Meaning the dog that is used for a

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purpose that is muscular how clearly beneficial, okay, you need a dog to control the perimeters. Make sure you ward off any types of you know, beasts from your land, okay, you need a dog for hunting. You need a dog to protect your house, a guard dog. Even the shofar is Hanafis every the Quran allows it, nobody can deny it, the Quran allows mocha Levine. By the way, a hunting dog can also be for pleasure. Doesn't mean you're dying if you don't hunt, right? Most people who have hunting dogs might do it for pleasure. And Allah azza wa jal allows hunting dogs think about this point here. Okay, so they said that if you're doing it for these reasons, none of the scholars said

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you have to be dying of hunger then you're allowed to own a hunting dog that's ridiculous. It takes years to train a dog. Generally speaking, you know the people who do this are already upper middle class anyway, okay. Or there are people living in the body and these take years to train the dog point being by unanimous consensus pretty much it is allowed to own a dog that is benefiting your land or acquiring food for you. So that much is allowed. What then do we do about other than these three, the vast majority of scholars said that anything that is reasonable pay us upon these three should also be allowed Imam and no we said scholars have differed, can we move beyond this three?

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And the correct opinion is, if there is a need or a another need. Messiah has not a need if there is a benefit to having a dog that is other than these three that we made pay us that there's some benefit coming back to you that that benefit is not Allura it is a hydra Hydra means it makes life easier. Okay, though Dora means you cannot live without it. Hi, Joe means it makes life easier. So Emma Minogue said any dog that is needed for a Hajra it is allowed and no we is SHA fairy and SHA fairies were the strictest when it comes to dogs. Still, they said any dog that is for a Hydra and this is pretty much all of the other muda him as well. So from this we can extrapolate to that

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without a question without a doubt. A seeing dog is hella to have a dog that is used by these days we're discovering there are those that are mentally or emotionally impaired and having sometimes an animal it makes them normal mentally more balance to brings about certain you know, they may they feel more stable or whatnot. Some people they panic and when they have their dog with them there I met somebody like I had no idea I had no clue a few years ago, I met one of our

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converts and and he had PTSD from battle. He had a converted and whatnot long story. And he had a dog with him. And it was a special dog marked on he could see normally I'm like what is this dog for? So is that is my emotional comfort dog. Like what's that? And he explained to me that because of PTSD sometimes I hyperventilate, sometimes I panic, sometimes I something you know, he loses control, and the dog senses the panic, and the dog comforts the owner Subhanallah I have no idea. No idea of this, you know, so, therapeutic type of dog. Yeah, so without a doubt this is a Hajer without a doubt, write that if you're allowed to have a dog to go hunting, you know, luxury items

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like you know, rabbits or something like this nature. Clearly you can have a dog when you're hyperventilating or emotionally or

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What Not that there are people that are mentally emotionally there they need, you know these types of creatures that brings about comfort, this must be completely permissible as well. Now

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generally speaking, the default of the Hanafi SHA fairy and humbly schools is that a dog is only allowed for hija Hi jammies, as I said something you need it, but not life and death need, it's something that you can sense is going to bring a lot of ease to your life. In the Maliki school once again, they are a little bit more open in this regard. And they lowered the bar more than the other schools and of their great giants is even Abdullah bar. Ibn Abdullah bar writes in his term heat that

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when he mentioned this hadith about the three, he goes that this implies that it is allowed to own a dog little mana fear equally ha for all types of benefits, whatever is going to be of benefit, you may then own the dog, if a person wishes to do so. And that if there is no benefit, then it is mcru According to them not haram mcru to own the dog, and if there is benefit, then there is no Cara whatsoever. Okay, so this is the Maliki position. And he branches a very interesting point. I'm just going to quote this too. This is even Abdullah ibn Abdullah Bara died in the euro for 36. Ah, so 1000 years ago, and he's one of the giants every scholar knows him and every Maliki loves him. He's

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one of the great giants of the Maliki school. And he wrote the most voluminous commentary of Imam Malik small place in like 25 volumes, okay, he actually wrote two commentaries of the multi mimetic and he writes in here that

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purchasing not purchasing owning a dog for benefit, I do not think there is the slightest Corolla for my Ubuntu che and medallic camera crew there is nothing mcru about owning a dog for benefit, because people have been owning dogs generation after generation in every single land and in every single region as far as we know. And throughout these lands and regions scholars have seen this and they did not prevent them from doing this nor did they go to the sole pawns and stop them even though they had the power to do so. However, he says, I do not like that a person own a dog, except for a legitimate reason do not like me as I think it is my crew. Okay, so even Abdullah Burroughs

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position, which is fairly standard in the Maliki school is that it is Makrooh to own a dog for no reason. And for any reason for a month Ah, not a Hajah which is lower than Hajah for any benefit. Owning a dog would then become Jonnie la bas or not. mcru This is even Abdullah now okay, even Abdullah but what do you say about the Hadith the angels do not come inside. That's also there. The angels are come inside here. We don't just have a bin Abdullah. We have quite a number of Halima even before even Abdullah bar. We have even headband who's even headband is one of the original scholars of Hadith who narrated the Hadith they've been headband is basically of the giants of

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Hadith. He is not a scholar of film of the fifth 10th century of inhibin is the compiler of the sahaba. Like there are four Sahara books by the way. Sahih Bukhari Sahih Muslim, so Hebrew Hosea, as I had been a headband user for Zoho books had been had been is one of the sites had been headband has the chapter heading about this hadith. And so he has the original Hadith he's not like commenting, he actually has the Hadith with his it's not and he then has the chapter heading that I'm just summarizing that you can look this up that this hadith is specific to the house of the Prophet where why he comes down.

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This is about Gibreel

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because it is impossible that the angels do not enter any house in which there is a dog. The two of them have Caramon cat TV and he goes are with them.

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The cattlemen cattlemen are always with the people, even if they're the dogs they're so this hadith is not unconditional.

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And he brings about the another Hadith that the Prophet system said, Any caravan that has dogs or bells will not have angels with it had been hybond says

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this is the caravan that the Prophet system is in the angels will not be in such a caravan because it is impossible that the caravan of her judge and more timid in which always has dogs or these types of things in it that the angels will not come around them because Allah has said these are my delegations. What the law

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So even Habana is saying this is Gibreel who has the highest standard and the Prophet says it's not shady for the rest of us that's his position from this ibn Abdullah but also and others of that they also brought first here is that even Abdullah comments as for the Hadith that the angels do not enter the house where there is a dog, he says, this Allah knows best is why the Prophet sallallahu either he was send them himself did not like having a dog in his house. And some have said, this is cost for juban eel and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Ibn Abdullah both says and some have said it applies to all others. So the point being that this hadith has not been interpreted unanimously in the same manner. Other scholars have added some other points about this hadith that from this hadith, the max that one can derive that the angels do not come to such a house if we were to apply it to to all houses which is an if not everybody applies to some say only God then the prophets ism is that the angels do not like this animal. However, you cannot extract a Hareem from it because what the angels do not like does not make it haram. For example, the angels do not like any strong odor such as garlic, strong garlic, the angels do not

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like it is it haram.

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So a number of Roma have pointed out the wording of the Hadith does not indicate to him the marks that you can take, which was even Abdullah versus Cara, that is best to avoid these things. Now, this is even Abdullah bar and a prominent anti strand of Medicare Sunni Islam. But to be factual it is a minority opinion. The majority of the OMA have said that these are Hadith mean that it is sinful to have a dog without a hijab. And according to the majority opinion, to play with an animal is not a hedgehog, you understand this point. So I'm being factual when I say the majority of the OMA would not allow a dog as a pet just to play with, but a strand of the Maliki school would not

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find it problematic. Some might say it is macro and mcru does not imply sin it's best to avoid. And this is why some cultures are Muslim world have permitted this and others have shut the door. Me personally, I think it is definitely best to avoid simply because there's a number of a hadith that are quite clear in this regard. Before we conclude one final point, that there are two a hadith that also we need to very quickly mentioned that there is a Hadith of the Prophet system at one point in his life, commanded dogs to be killed wherever they are found. And then later on, he said, Let them be. And even Abdullah interprets this that this is because Jubilee refused to come into the house.

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So the Prophet system on his own accord wanted to get rid of them. Then Allah subhanaw taala told them no, you shouldn't do that, because the Hadith says that dogs are one of the unmas of all of the homeless, so I'm not going to commend them to be killed Lola Anna Kyla OMA to minimum that the fact that the dogs are one of the OMAS, then I cannot kill all of them. So this hadith indicates that he was not allowed to do so. And the final Hadith which we conclude on, just because the majority opinion is that dog saliva is not just and because of that, even if we have a dog for Hajah, we should be careful about our prayers. So even if you have a dog for Hajah, a dog is guarding the

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house, okay, a dog is hunting a dog is any type of Hajra you must make sure, by the way that you have an area in your house that the dogs do not enter, so that you can pray there, and that if the dog licks you, because in my opinion, dog saliva is not just if the dog licks you, then you cannot pray until you change your clothes or you wash your hand whatever it has licked. So there should always be that place here. But just because the dog saliva is nudges. This does not mean that the Sharia has told us to be harsh or mean to dogs. On the contrary, people have entered Jana by being kind to the dog and will conclude on this famous Hadith and cyber hottie that we're all know that

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Allah subhanho wa Taala forgave a prostitute for her kindness to a dog. This is in the Hadith, that she was walking in a land and she became very thirsty. And she saw a well so she went into the well and drank from the water. She came out and she found a dog that was so thirsty, it was looking outside of the world to get some water. She felt pity on the dog. She went down she said to herself, that this dog has felt just as thirsty as I was. So she went into the weld and she filled her shoe and she had nothing else

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So she put her shoe in her mouth and climbed out to feed that dog. This one imagine so by the way, the hadith is very profound. Not just the dog, but what the lady does, and her career and her shoe in her mouth think about all of these like, the type of things she's doing to help just to beast unknown nobody sees this Allah is watching. And

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Elijah the prophet ism said for Shaka Allahu La Radek for Hoffer, Allah, Allah thanked her for that one deed and forgave her. One of them said Ya rasool Allah, will we get a jewel for being kind to animals? And the prophets of Saddam said, yes, in every living beast, there is a Jew. So this hadith shows us that we are not commanded to be nasty or mean or cruel to dogs. And it is completely permissible to if we see a stray dog feed it or you know, whatever. And if you ask me personally, even if you pet it, not that I'm encouraging, I personally don't put them just my culture or whatever I'm not but if you want to do it, I don't think it is not just at all what is not just is

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what is the saliva and if we are kind and merciful, Allah azza wa jal will be kind and merciful to us. With that inshallah hope that we have answered this question in somewhat detail, and until inshallah next Tuesday, we'll continue with Natalia Docomo head said I'm Ali from rahmatullahi wa barakato shareholder on Melbourne and the

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Z Luffy Lupo.

00:41:36 --> 00:41:43

NASCI Whoa. Bellina Meenal Houda wonderful on

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Femi Shahida

00:41:47 --> 00:41:49

Gomez Shahar fellow else.

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Woman Ghana Maddie one Eduarda sephats

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you read on libido moto you saw wanna you read do before Moon last Serravalle took me last night that I wanted to belong

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