Yasir Qadhi – Fiqh of Zakat #1 – Basics & Intro

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The concept of Zanky is meant to purify wealth, not just wealth. Gold and silver are the main categories of wealth, and business commodities like gold and silver jewelry are important. The importance of giving Zanky to those who own money is also discussed, as it is an obligation upon individuals. The system is seen as a way to avoid risk and make money, and is seen as a requirement for certain reasons. The majority of owners of zodiac signs are not familiar with the Islam culture, and giving them may result in multiple reward.
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Learn hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah who are the early he was the woman who Allah hamadryad today and tomorrow inshallah we will be doing a brief primer on the field of Zika and that is because it is essential as you know to give our sick out once a year and most of us choose to do it in Ramadan. And I get all these questions asked about Zika so there has been a demand to talk about the fear of Zika so that we give our Zika properly realize my dear brothers and sisters, as we're all aware that Zika is one of the fundamental pillars of our religion. It is mentioned in the Quran combined with Salah more than 30 times I live in a UK Munna salata where you tunas, Zeca, they

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are paired together, praying and giving charity are paired together more than 30 times. And in fact, as you all are aware, that after the death of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam groups of tribes, they decided we don't want to give Zika and Abu Bakr Siddiq declared that those groups who refuse to give Zika cannot be considered Muslims. So he considered Xikar to be a fundamental pillar, such that somebody who said I don't have to give Zika and he denies that he has to give Zika this person Abu Bakr, so they and the Sahaba, they consider to be outside the fold of Islam. And therefore Zika is the fundamental pillars as in the famous hadith of Gibreel, when he was asked

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about the five pillars, so we know that one of those pillars was in fact, the Zika. And Zika is not an income tax, but rather a savings tax. And the word Zika means to purify part of the human Zika, the one who purified the soul has been successful. And from the word purification, we understand the goal of Zika Zika is not meant to be a burden on us. Zakat is meant to purify our wealth. For us. It's as if our wealth is not good. It's unhealthy, it is going to harm us when we give Zika than our wealth becomes pure for us to consume. And also one of the meanings of Zika is to become blessing and so to grow. So when we give Zika the money has Baraka the money actually grows more and that's

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why we are told that when we give Zika our money does not go down, it actually increases and Allah azza wa jal commands the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hoodman and why they him sada cotton, Toto Hiro whom behalf what was a key him take from their money, their sadaqa take from their wealth, their charity, that charity, Allah says, Toto hero whom behalf that charity will purify them, what was the key him and it will cleanse them of their sins. So in the Quran, our Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is commanded, you have to collect their Zika and when you collect their Zika, they will become pure, and that money will become good for them, and it will purify them, as well. Of course,

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Zika makes us think of those who are less fortunate than us. Because when we give zyk up, we have to find out who is going to take that Zika so we have to go looking around who are the people that deserve that Zika and in that search, our hearts should soften when we find people who are deserving of Zika we are aware of the blessings on us. We are aware that our religion tells us to take care of those that are neglected of the widows of the orphans, so become sympathetic, and we then freely give unto others and of course Zakah not only purifies our wealth, it also purifies us from stinginess, from miserliness from greed from conceit. So when we give to others, we become better

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people. And that is why Zika is an obligation upon us, who gives Zika every single Muslim who owns more than the technical term is the nisab. And one Islamic year has gone by so every Muslim who owns more than the bare minimum that the Sharia has specified, and one year has gone by, they have to give Zeca and realize that there are three types of charities in the Quran, there is Zika and the Hadith mentions the cats will fit on number two, and then there is sadaqa. And the differences actually very straightforward. Zakat is the annual charity that we're talking about in this hospital today. The cattle fitter is the charity that is due for Ramadan only, it is obligatory and only for

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Ramadan. And I'll talk about that towards the end of this month. And it is a nominal amount seven or $10 per person, depending on how you extract the calculation from the amount of wheat so small amount once a year, the cattle filter that's in Ramadan, for our for our fasting, and then the third category is general sadaqa. Just to give charity above and beyond zecca. That's not obligatory, but the more that you give the more Allah subhanho wa Taala will give back to us. Our lecture today is about the first category which is the obligatory recap what are we required to give so

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So, what wealth is zip cuttable this was an English Arabic word that is now common, it's actually going to enter the dictionary soon Inshallah, because people are using it all the time accountable, what wealth is accountable which wealth do you calculate your zakat from, there are five categories. And we will only go into detail for the first two of them, the other three will just mention and then move on. The first category, which is the main category is gold and silver and by extension currencies. So the number one category you give zakat on gold and silver, and by extension, the modern currencies and so bank accounts, stocks, money held in retirement funds, this is category

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one, which is basically our cash and all that is derived from that number two business commodities, this will only apply if you run and operate a business. If you are a salaried employee who does not have any business, then this will not apply to you. But if you own a company, or if you own a buying and selling trades, if you own a gas station, if you own a furniture store, then this is the second category that is business Zakat, and this is basically commodities of business items that a merchant will buy and sell. And we'll go into a little bit of detail about that as well tomorrow as well. The third category, which we will not discuss, but you should be aware of is livestock if you own

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certain quantities of animals. And all of these quantities are more than a small amount. So if you own a chicken in your backyard, that's not Zika. But if you own you know, many camels, many goats, and each category of animals has a different number. So there is Xikar do on livestock. And the fourth category is a catch on agricultural produce. If you're a farmer, we're not talking about your tomatoes in your backyard. We're talking about if you own acres and acres of farmland, and you are a farmer, then there's a cat on the produce. And the fifth and final category. This is the cat on it in the Arabic word is Rica's and Ricardo is translated as treasure trove. So if you own some land

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and you come across some treasure that is buried there, or in our times, many forecasts say if you discover an oil field in the backyard, firstly, call me up and we'll be good friends Inshallah, after that, but secondly, there is an issue of zakat on natural resources in your land. This is a root cause. So category three, four, and five. Frankly, I wouldn't even know off the top of my head I memorize the charts of livestock back when I was a second year undergraduate in Medina. Since then, I've never once even looked at that chart, how much is a cat on how many camels and how many cows and sheep I have totally forgotten. But in case you own 77 sheep come to me and I'll look it up

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for you. But otherwise, there's no need to go into the livestock are the agriculture we are interested in the first two categories, and that is gold and silver and currencies. And then obviously, business commodities, the technical stuff I'll delay for tomorrow because there is some technical stuff. What is the Zakat on your own personal items by unanimous consensus of all the scholars of Islam there is no zakat on the items that you use to live your life. For example, the house that you live in, for example, the cars that you drive, for example, the clothes that you wear the food in your house, there is no Zuccotti you simply do not look at that for calculation. The

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only issue of controversy is that of gold and silver jewelry that is owned by the women. I hope the men don't own any gold jewelry, they shouldn't be owning any gold jewelry, but gold and silver. That is the only exception. And by the way, I mean gold and silver. If a lady has platinum, or diamonds or what not. There is no cat on that for her jewelry, there is no cat on that. It's only on gold and silver jewelry. This is where our classical scholars have differed. Does gold and silver jewelry constitute a currency? In which case there will be the car? Or does it constitute household items, in which case there is no Zika and we'll get to this controversy in a while in sha Allah Allah. So

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what is the bare minimum? What is the nisab amount, the Shediac came with quantities of gold and silver. And the Hadith mentions basically the equivalent of three ounces of gold or 21 ounces of silver. Now in those days, three ounces of gold and 21 ounces of silver was the equivalent that was the exchange rate. Well, 1440 years have gone by since then, these days, three ounces of gold is around $4,000.21 ounces of silver is around $400. So the thing has changed immensely the exchange rate. So the bottom line is that pretty much every person living in this land will have more than three $400 Especially if they have any type of job then essentially is the cattle is obligatory on

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any Muslim living in this land. Now the issue of zakat on gold and silver. Really we can give many many lectures I'm sure our share can give us hours of evidence was on both sides. In a nutshell, the Hanafi school of law says that Zakat is a

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regulatory on female jewelry gold and silver. If you own gold and silver, it is obligatory on them. And this is actually the position of many non Hanafi scholars of our times as well because the Hadith seemed to be very explicit here. But the other three months was the humbard is the Shaffir is and the Maliki's they say, generally speaking, the personal jewelry that is owned by women, it constitutes the same as the clothes and the garments and the household items. So it will be excluded from Zika. So if you follow one of the format hubs, I've given you the format hubs. If you ask me what my personal position is, even though I'm generally I humbly but in this issue, I think the

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texts are very explicit. And the Hadith are very explicit the process of entered upon a Muslim and she was wearing some jewelry and she asked, Did you give zakat on this or did you give yourself charity on this so Allah knows best but the position of most of my own teachers, even though they're not Hanafi most of my own teachers that actually follow the Hanafy position this regard and it is my own also household thing that we give zakat on the jewelry in the house because of the explicit nature but again, this is only the gold and silver jewelry, not the jewelry that is non gold, and silver. Who do we give zakat to? Zakat is given by explicit text of the Quran to eight categories.

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This has mentioned Surah Toba in the Masada culture will for karate will Moroccan and eight categories are mentioned. And for our purposes, the first two are the most relevant. The others are either impossible or difficult for us to do. For example, one of the eight categories is freeing slaves no longer there, one of the eight categories is that those that are in legitimate debts. And there's a long list of criteria and what constitutes a legitimate debt. One of the eight categories is the traveller who is away from his land, he doesn't have access to his wealth, he might be wealthy in his land, but by the time he reaches your land, he doesn't have wealth. Well, then our

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times because of bank accounts, credit cards again, that's very, very rare. So realistically speaking, for example, one of the eight categories, those non Muslims who we want to give zakat to that their hearts become soft towards Islam, the Arabic is more or less at equilibrium, our profit system would give zakat and by the way of the eight categories, this is the only category that you can give zakat to a non Muslim. Otherwise, the other seven categories must be Muslim, the one exception when the Islamic ruler decides that so and so we need to soften his animosity towards Islam, and that is done by money. And it is authentically known in the Sierra that after the Battle

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of taboo can her name our Prophet system gave large quantities of Zika to specific tribal chieftains who might have attacked Islam who might have armed Islam, but by giving them that wealth, essentially, the Muslims were protected. Well, that category me and you don't decide it is the ruler it is the Khalifa that does that. So for our purposes, really what we are down to is essentially a karate will Misaki and Fakir and Miskin. What is the difference between 14 and miskeen? Majority of scholars say the fakir is the one that he doesn't own anything. He's like the street beggar. And the miskeen is the one he might own stuff, he might even have more than the nisab. But it's not enough

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for him to live a life that is comfortable for the average human being of your society. And so Faqir is basically let's say, the homeless person, the street beggar has nothing. And the miskeen might have a house, he might have a car he's driving, but he's in debt, and he cannot pay the bills for his family, even though maybe he has furniture that is more than that assault, if he had to sell he would, but he doesn't have enough to live a regular life of a person of your background and culture. Like for example, in America, what is the poverty line, so, this is the miskeen and the mosquito is worthy of Zika. So, this is the main category that we will give Zika to and the cat cannot be given

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two blood relatives that depend on us for for risk, for example, the wife or the children or the or the parents, they cannot be given a cap because you must take care of them. However, they can be given to extended family. And so in most circumstances, not all in most circumstances you can give the car to let's say sisters and brothers. Definitely you can give Zika to cousins and uncles and aunts definitely you can give Zika to extended family and in fact giving Zika to extended family if they deserve it. Obviously if they're more familiar miskeen giving the car to them is more rewarded than giving Sikka elsewhere as well. Our scholars says the car should begin locally, but it is okay

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to send to other places as well. So many of our teachers taught us that we should divide the cat into three categories. This is not sure if this is just 1/3 should be local and 1/3 Maybe relatives in another land and 1/3 to causes that are Zuccotti illegible this is just a rule of thumb. It's not

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thing from the filter is just basically

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to diversify your zakat investment in the eyes of Allah that you should. But in the end of the day, if you have a distant cousin who is genuinely, let's say, she's widowed, she has children, she is in a desperate situation, She's your cousin, you may give all of your zakat to that person. And that is completely fine. But our scholars say if you're able to, then you should diversify, so that you get multiple reward as well. You do not have to tell the recipient that you are giving Zika you may say, Oh, this is a gift and in your heart, you have the need of Zika. However, for it to be Zika you must have the NIA before you give, suppose you give somebody a gift, then the next day say Oh, I actually

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Oh Zika let me make that as it got too late. It must be given the NIA has to be in your heart before you give the Zika. And according to the strongest opinion and this is hotly debated in our times, in our times, many odema are having intellectual debates over this issue. I myself am deeply involved in this. But still the majority opinion is that zakaat is given to individuals and not institutions that God has given to individuals who need it and not to institutions now. I personally follow the position that only some institutions we can give zakat to is don't just make it open to any institution. If the institution is let's say an orphanage, let's say in this case, maybe inshallah

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it is permissible to give zakat because it is an orphanage, you're building an orphan for the for the for the for the people who needed otherwise, believe it or not, the majority of scholars historically have said the cat should not be given even to building an orphanage. They said zakat has given to human beings not to institutions, in our times, many of them are debating this issue. They're looking at the world and how difficult it is to live. And they're saying institutions that serve a public good for the Muslim community, they may be given Zika my position is kind of in the middle case by case basis, we look at the institution, we see what it is doing. So for example, just

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to generic hospital, it's problematic in my opinion, to give us the car because not everybody who is treated as poor. If it's treating for free, maybe a rich person will come that's not Mr. czaka. But suppose theoretically, you could guarantee that everybody being treated was a poor person. In my humble opinion. In this case, you can give Zeca to such an institution, but the point is, this is an area of controversy. The majority of scholars say is that God has given to individuals Inshallah, this is part one. Tomorrow we'll get to the technical stuff of stocks and mutual funds and 401 ks and Inshallah, then we will go into more detail until then, Kamala Harris and I'm wearing

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rahmatullah wa barakato.

2019 edition

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